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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest anne0129
























Wahhh!!! Just finished watching the subbed episode of YongSeo. WAAAHHH!!! This episode is just so cute. I love almost all the scenes and I just have to give MC Kim 120 degree bow. Thank you for spazzing with us throughout the episode. I am also noticing that MC Na Young is slowly and steadily falling for Yong even if he is choding.....she keeps telling that he is so cute with every silly thing he seems to do. Like her I wish my bf is as sweet and crazy as Yong.
















To MountainMadman, j2dlee, synkiss, sun_sun and her sis....thank you so much for always giving life to this thread through your fast and amazing translations and subs....We owe you so much but all we can give is our heartfelt gratitude. THANK YOU!!!
















To yhayhayha and JUAM, the reason you are getting (-) is due to the fact that you violated some soompi rules. yhayhayha, you are not suppose to quote images, so please edit out your post. To JUAM it is because you posted less than 20 words in your post. We have been warned numerous times already and if this continues to happen we might loose this thread. I know that you wouldn't want that to happen so please edit out your post. Thank you.





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Guest <3goesDOKIDOKI




















thanks for the super fast subs! i usually lurk here but i had to comment on this episode












i feel really sorry for my roommates because i've been screaming and spazzing throughout the whole episode.












first off, the hand holding was daebak!!! i'm surprised yong was that brave and seohyun seemed to like it too :) hehehe












next was the feeding part. too cute.












but man oh man when yong started to sing part of his banmal song... lol sorry that was SO cheesy i actually couldn't watch! lol and being an english speaker, using nonsensical english words as place holders is a strange concept for me haha. i can't wait to hear the banmal song when its finished. i love it when songs are made from WGM, they're always good!












edit: haha WOW why was i thumbed down? i didn't realize this thread was so hostile. for any hardcore hostile fans that were confused. i actually *really* enjoyed yonghwa's banmal song but just thought it was really cheesy/cute at the same time. (even yong mentioned in WGM that he said it was cheesy...)





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Guest Kerube-Chan

































EDIT2: heyyy, why i got minus? did i do wrong?
































































































































































































































































Hi! Soompi Rules: Do Not Quote Images (remove the image tag while editing your post)
































































































































































































































































@JUAM... You too. Soompi Rules: Do not post 20 characters or less. Share the love dont worry, we dont bite.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CONGRATULATIONS!!! Runs aroung hugging everyone!!!
































































































































































































































































Lets make a celebratory something, how about answering a question:
































































































































































































































































IF YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT, JUST PIC YOUR ALL TIME FAVORITE YONGSEO MOMENT... JUST ONE (To make it more interesting) Edit: And share your opinion why you choose that moment. Glennpaulo is suggestion (Thanks)
































































































































































































































































I have a million moments in mind, but if just picking one, I will pic the TALK in Japan... For me that was the moment in wich Yongseo make the turning point to the next level in their relationship... For better or worse they are not going back... For me that is very meaningful...
































































































































































































































































Happy spazzing, share the love my fellow gogumas, lets talk about happy things!!! I love you all

































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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































@andyhitman: i dont think yong not wearing his ring is that much of a problem at this moment because we can see from the fnacams that from the GDA awards, even though he wasnt wearing his ring. Him and hyun still seem to in a good relationship and that nothing seemed to have happened badly between them.
















































































































So dont stress out that yong or hyun isnt wearing the ring at any particular event
















































































































Maybe he wanted to wear a different ring?? endorsement?? there are all sorts of reasons but i think it does not have anything to do with hyun.
















































































































I am sure that even if we dont see the ring, there will always be the mutual connection between both of them
















































































































The ring is just a PLUS <3
















































































































Just watched the recent episode and ahhh this is daebak!!!
















































































































Loved the fact that hyun actually looked down at yong's hand wanting him to hold her hand back and just love how natural and comfortable they are together now.
















































































































Im so jealous !!! I wish i could find a guy liek yongg <3









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Guest toophat



Woahh~ I dont know About that..

i Newbie here.. and i didnt read the rules..


if I Pick one memories about YongSeo Moment, I will Pick Moment When SeoHyun ask About Love Light Lyrics. that moment feel like Most beautiful Moment.

How Yonghwa talk about his feeling.. and He create a Lyrics about SeoHyun.. arghhhh So Sweet.. Make Me Smile when i watch that episode. and Make Me want to watch that episode again. When Finish talk about that.. they walk and hold hand.. arghhh so sweett..


and now.. in this Episode. they Hold Hand Again.. Very meaningful memories for them. and 300 th day gift :P




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Guest glennpaulo



CONGRATULATIONS!!!  Runs aroung hugging everyone!!!

Lets make a celebratory something, how about answering a question:


I have a million moments in mind, but if just picking one, I will pic the TALK in Japan... For me that was the moment in wich Yongseo make the turning point to the next level in their relationship... For better or worse they are not going back... For me that is very meaningful...

Happy spazzing, share the love my fellow gogumas, lets talk about happy things!!!  I love you all

That's  a good idea. i will play with you. Only pick the best moment. And share your opinion why you choose that moment.

My answer is quite sentimental.

ahmmm....my best yongseo moment is when they meet the first time.

Meeting for the first time is the beginning of their adventure. And the beginning of our goguma life as well. 

If not for their first meeting we cannot meet here in this thread, and share openly about our feeling.

We cannot be happy every week when they episode is out. As for myself become open minded after watching a few episode.

and i learn a lot because of this too.




EDIT: As for the ring, if one of them still wearing the ring don't mind it. There is always  a good reason. 

Ring is not the only reason why we love them. Their chemistry and how they are interact with each other.


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Guest desirenhope
















































































































































































@andyhitman, I think around 2-3 weeks ago, Yonghwa didn't wear the ring during the first half of Inkigayo but he put on the ring towards the second half. I think he's probably endorsing rings and they might have requested him to put the endorsed ring without his wedding ring on.
















































































Rings aside, this episode made me lost my mind. I could not believe what I saw. After watching it a few times, i started to curl up with all the cheesiness. It's as good as saying I'm spying on my son/daughter while they go on their date. I am not even married. :P









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Guest yhayhayha
































































anne0129 and kerube-chan, thank u so much for the explanation.. and i'm really sorry. i'll be careful next time, 
































this is why i love our gogumas, reminding each other for good wub.gif
































































if i have to pick one moment, for me.... when hyun initiates to linking arms with yong in Japan night. she gives the signal. rolleyes.gif
































before that night, she looks "cold and stiff" (i think u know what i mean)
































even tough when their birthday, the holding hand too, but it still awkward and yong is the one who asked her to holding hand.
































so, yeah.. i choose the moment when hyun initiates to linking arms laugh.gif

































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A lot of YongSeo moments has happened these past months and they get better and better, and more and more frequent in each episode. I can't pick one but I guess the most memorable, because it was the first time, was the birthday episode where Hyun hooked her arm and Yong smoothly slide his hand to hers AT LONG LAST!!!!!!; then, they walked into the night, fading from our sight. It was like, for me, the perfect ending of a korean drama.

































































































































































































































































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This is new Starcall from SEohyun, really love her hairstyle and sweet voice:


sorry guys if i make u sad. I dont like negative things but it's only my thought. u can see from this starcall seohyun doesnt wear her rings, and today yonghwa doesnt, too. i didnt this worry when i saw Golden Disk award cause i know he was wearing during rehearsal. im reallly worry if sthing happen between them. during mildang time, they didnt wear it, too. someone please help me.


Edit: thank u so much, jnj :D



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:w00t:kerube-chan! I'll play with you, too...
































































































































































Episode 12 part 2: Tiffany, Hyoyeon and Taeyeon were sitting on the sofa and Yong sat on the little footstool. Tiffany asked him what he liked about Hyun. Yong looked so nervous and unprepared, answering hesistantly
































































































































































Y: She's very pure... very honest...
































































































































































Hyo: she's pretty... and sings well... and dances well...
































































































































































Y: You dance very well, too.
































































































































































When Hyun entered the living room, she asked if they wanted to listen to music. Yong's attention was fully on Hyun as soon as she came out of the bathroom after changing her clothes. Hyo and Tae were commenting on what kind of music Hyun listens to but Yong was so preoccupied with watching Hyun fiddle with her iPod. He haphazardly commented on what Tae said about birds chirping when Hyun turned on her iPod and the sounds of chirping birds came on. Hyun noticed everyone's attention on her and she smiled and nodded to Yong, "Please continue your conversation."
































































































































































Y: Those eyes...the bright sparkling eyes...
































































































































































Tae: Ah, you like that?
































































































































































Y: Yes, it's very charismatic...
































































































































































Tae, Hyo & Tiffany: Aaaahhhhhh.... (faints on the sofa)
































































































































































:wub: That was my favorite moment because to me it seemed that Yong had finished answering Tiffany's question but, suddenly, out of the blue, it was like "THOSE EYES...THEY'RE BEAUTIFUL..." and then came the "DAMN, DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD??"
































































































































































I think sometimes when Yong looks into her eyes... he loses himself... and the world seems to stop for him at that moment... Which brings me the question, "Yonghwa, what do you see in Hyun's eyes, your future?"
































































































































































WE'VE REACHED 1500 PAGES!!! WaaaHooooo!

































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Guest yongseocouple
































































































okay so this is my first post, and maybe my first will going to upset anyone. i didnt mean to upset you guys. i just want to share my thought here. please dont bash (eventough i'm pretty sure i'll got much ( - ) after this. but please just hear what i wanna say.














































































































































































































so this is all about the ring. i agree with sachet. ok, i know i'll get bash after this. sorry guys. i really didnt mean it. sorry. i just share my thought.














































































































































































































i think the only real thing they have to prove us they are real is the ring. i'm sure you guys will said this "we can see their relationship trough the eps" i know they are really cute in the every episode. but it isnt enough for me. i hate to say this but......... the eps might be scripted. the ring is very crucial for me huuuu sorry guys i just say it
































































































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okay so this is my first post, and maybe my first will going to upset anyone. i didnt mean to upset you guys. i just want to share my thought here. please dont bash (eventough i'm pretty sure i'll got much ( - ) after this. but please just hear what i wanna say.








hey i can understand your feeling, honestly i feel sad when they dont wear ring, but think about they are idol may be their company think it is too much now, and they ask them to wear it less, to make less attention from the fans. we dont know the answer, just they know, we just have to enjoy ourself with what they broacast. i understand that you love them and thats why you get a lot of emotion for that. me too, i have also alot of negative thinking sometimes, but please think positive, thats help us. ortherwise we will put too much pressure on the couple without knowing that.




About the minus(-), i think we should talk and explaining about that more than just put minus when people not mean to bash our couple, they just confused themself and want to share their feeling. may be when we have negative/sad thinking, put in spoiler. and if you dont like dont read this.




But i hope this thread is the place to share different feeling, opinion but NO BASHING. and we try out best to think positive and dont forget our couple is normal person but have an idols life, it is different from us. please understand them, and love them. :wub:


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okay so this is my first post, and maybe my first will going to upset anyone. i didnt mean to upset you guys. i just want to share my thought here. please dont bash (eventough i'm pretty sure i'll got much ( - ) after this. but please just hear what i wanna say.






























































so this is all about the ring. i agree with sachet. ok, i know i'll get bash after this. sorry guys. i really didnt mean it. sorry. i just share my thought.






























































i think the only real thing they have to prove us they are real is the ring. i'm sure you guys will said this "we can see their relationship trough the eps" i know they are really cute in the every episode. but it isnt enough for me. i hate to say this but......... the eps might be scripted. the ring is very crucial for me huuuu sorry guys i just say it






























































thank u for agreeing with me. but i dont think this ep is scriped cause some Pd said that its difficult to edit because it's not scriped. and yesterday ep was 2 months ago, we ourself cant say what happen between them right now, may be they have some problem or may be because of antifans, who knows. all we can do now is waiting.

















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to sachet and the rest who wants to learn abt spoiler,

here u go..

[type spoiler] type your comment [/ type spoiler again]

hope this helps..

go ahead and try it.

put your comment under the spoiler and see if it works

the reasons yong & hyun are not wearing their rings are only known to them.

as for me, i just want to think happy thoughts..

since they just celebrated their 300th day ann., maybe, just maybe,

they are in the process of....getting another ring? :w00t: idk..

rmbr there's a translated article abt all the 3 husbands

preparing a christmas gifts for the wives in the upcoming wgm episode,

well this could be something abt it too.. :phew:

what else can i say.. :sweatingbullets:

i almost forgot! congratulations on reaching 1500 pages, gogumas..

to new posters...A WARM WELCOME TO GO-CHUN!


u guys should watch 'enjoy today' on MBC channel now airing

see how sporty hyun is.

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Guest MoonHeeTae
































goguma love really

































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Guest crystalblue






Okay to celebrate our 1500 th page, I will also pick my favorite Yongseo moment. It was episode 1. First time Yonghwa saw who his wife was going to be on the security monitor and he had a HUUUUUUUGE "OMG" smile and covered his wide opened mouth with his hand. Now that we are where we are with them, with the power of their love, the courage of their truthfulness and their awkward falling in love for the first time in front of millions watching, stalking for answers, praying for true love, hoping for the future... I look back on their (almost a year) time together and I now know that the MOST compelling important moment was the moment they met. The rest, I do believe with every ounce of my fainting heart (thanks to all the aaaahhhsss and AHHHH!!! from watching them), that this is fate. They are meant to be with each other for however long they are willing to put their love first in their lives. In life, timing is so important for two people to be able to meet and for love to prevail and if all the stars are aligned and the moon and the sun to be in their proper places, things tend to be magical and powerful. This is why we are so addicted to watching them. It is rare and beautiful and powerful and heart pounding and breath taking and palm sweating and toes curling and tears perching to believe in love- a love like theirs I pray will last. I know the day will come when we won't be able to watch them any more. I try and try not to think about it. I cried my heart out when Kim Hyun Joong and Hwangbo ended their WGM. I am WAAAAAYYYY more invested in uri goguma couple than even lettuce couple so I am not looking forward to it and deny it to myself the moment the thought seeps out. SHOO SHOO Go Away!!!


When Yonghwa said in the truck last episode that he watched all the WGM episodes and noticed Hyun makes these "EEEUUUUUKKKK..." sounds.. it dawned on me that if they have these crazy love spell on us, then HE MUST INDEED recognized it also when he watched and Hyun and her unnies must see it too! So does MC Kim and Jinwoon. Everyone who watches them is under their spell. Yonghwa and Seohyun MUST know by now, the magnitude and importance of their relationship and what it does for others. Right??? I get goose bumps thinking about how the magical energy is!!?? and so? ... the most magical moment was Yonghwa's LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT for Seohyun. Even when she placed the pink blanky on his shoulder, she was spell bounded by her prophecy. "Yes, I AM your husband" he said. The rest as they say... is history.


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Guest yongseo_fighting


Hmm... I hope I don't get bashed up for this post. Well, I do personally think the chemistry between them in WGM is REAL and they do not need to wear the ring anywhere they go. They are celebrities right? There are things that are not up to them to decide. But I hope that Seohyun does not think otherwise. I recalled there is a talk show with SNSD. I can't recall the name of teh talk show, I believe it was way before WGM. They were asked on who is their ideal man. Well, for Seohyun, it's Johnny Depp, of course... I remembered Taeyeon asked her how did she know that he is a great guy and Seohyun explained that Johnny Depp always wears the bracelet that his daughter gave. Hmm... Seohyun concluded Johnny Depp is a family man and ideal guy for her because of the bracelet... Anyway...




Btw, got to thank zealous for sharing teh download video link. LOVE ya...


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Guest glennpaulo




I just want to test it, hehe.. i honestly don't know how to put an spoiler.

As for the ring issue....

i just want to say in my part, i'm not alarm if they wearing it or not, but some of us share their opinion about this incident.

So i will  respect your opinion. for this ring incident let's just observe for 3-4 days more or week maybe. if they will wear the ring.

and after that we will jump to conclusion on what happen and share each of our opinion regarding to the ring.


As for know. Let us celebrate the 1500 page we got, in love for our Goguma couple.


Share you're Best moment (only one) and Explained why.


EDIT: I know that there's  so many best moment of yongseo and it is hard to pick just one, but don't create a new/troll account just to say your other best moment, because right now that's what i'm thinking. but i will restrain myself not to create. even though my hand is itching to type all best moment i know.


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Guest Faith_memory















































Happy 1500 pages to us Gogumas!!! congratulations!!




















ekekeke~ party party!! ♥













































































let us all continue our love and support for YongSeo! ♥







































and more posts/memories in the future!! yey!! ♥







































im so happy at our performance.. let us all celebrate!! ♥







































im glad to be part of the GOGUMA FAMILY.!




















let us all witness more DAEBAK moments in the near future!!



























































and omg, impossible to pick only one DAEBAK moment!!




















hmmmm... gosh... my favorite?? hmm... can't pick yet...




















maybe later... hahaha! i need to think carefully!





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