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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest bezbezbez























































For YongSeo's 1st Year Anniversary on 11th February 2011
















Go! Go! Gogumas!!!































































07th December 2010: Launching & Project Briefing
















17th December 2010: Submission Deadline for the Elimination Round Goguma Idols
















18th December 2010: Announcement of Participants who made it to the Grand Finals of Goguma Idols
















03rd January 2011: Submission Deadline for the Grand Finals of Goguma Idols
















08th January 2011: Announcement of Winners for the Goguma Idols
















15th January 2011: Submission Deadline of Pictures and Videos for It’s a YongSeo World Afterall Project
















01st February 2011: Sending the project to Korea







































Part1- It’s a YongSeo World Afterall































Compilation of fan pictures and videos for YongSeo Couple's 1st year anniversary (February 11, 2010). Originally this was part of the 300-Day project, however to allow more time for submissions and compilations the deadline is now January 15, 2011 (11:59pm KST). At the end we will compile all the videos and pictures and create a Video tribute (similar in idea to the SONEs project) that showcases all the fans from all over the world and their love for the YongSeo couple. So please do send us your pictures and videos ^___^
















1. Using your own creativity, take pictures or videos and include the YongSeo International Fanbase Logo. Click here for the Hi-res logo
















2. You can either capture your solo picture or together with your YongSeo country fans. We accept all the pictures and videos as long they are clearly visible.
















3. It’s okay if you don’t want to show your face (I know some of us are shy) So, please use your creativity and imagination to take pictures or videos that show some parts of you (eg. hand, fingers, head etc etc).
















4. Pictures – Must be in JPG format & in high resolution. Send to seohwa.project@gmail.com with the title 4th Project - Picture.
















5. Videos – AVI, MP4, MOV formats accepted. Upload to any uploader hosting and send us the link for download to seohwa.project@gmail.com with the email title 4th Project – Video.
















NOTE: It is very much important that the pictures that you’ll send us are not PSed or product of some editing because we would like to show YongSeo how big our fan group is and not how great we are in terms of Photo Shop.







































Part2- Goguma Idol































The team plans to give YongSeo two original songs, one of which is a duet song and the other is a fan song. The duet song will entail the feelings of the couple towards each other while the fan song will showcase how greatly YongSeo has influenced our lives. These two songs will be sent to the couple hoping that they’d at least consider one of which for their collaboration.
















In line with that, we will launch a mini-competition for all the musically gifted gogumas out there. The competition will be called Goguma Idol. This part of the project aims to seek for the best gogumas out there who can really sing their hearts out. The winners of the said competition will get the rare opportunity to sing the duet song or the fan song for YongSeo.
















We will conduct pairs and solo audition for this competition to cater the preference of all the gogumas. Grab your partners now for the pairs audition and for those who want to go solo, better start your vocalization ^____^































What are we exactly looking for?






































1. a pair, specifically a boy and a girl, for the duet song (pairs audition)
















2. 4 singers for the fan song (solo audition)




















































































1.To those who are interested to join























Goguma Idol























, send a message to














































with a title of























4th Project- Goguma Idol























along with the following needed information.














































For Pairs Audition:













































































































Full Name:













































































































































Full Name:
















































Team Codename:














































For Solo Audition:
































































































2. Once you’re done submitting the needed information, we’ll inform you about the validity of your audition through mail. We will also send you the lyrics of the song, sample audio, and another audio for the audition proper. From there, we will let your creativity to flow. We won’t be restricting the participants to just follow the rhythm of the song given, you can play with it and make it better as long as you won’t change the lyrics. The deadline of submission for the said audition piece will be on December 17, 2010 (11:59pm KST). We’ll announce those who made it to the first cut on December 18, 2010.
















3. After the elimination round, we will send the participants who made the first cut another set of song. This time, the participants will get the chance to sing the finalized duet song for the pairs and the fan song for the soloists. Again, we will let the participants play with the arrangement of the song excluding the lyrics. The deadline for this is on January 3, 2011 (11:59pm KST).
















4. Once all the entries are in, it’s time to show our Goguma power. We’ll conduct a 3-day online voting for all of us to choose which truly deserves the opportunity to sing the duet song and the fan song. All the gogumas will have the chance to pick who will be our Goguma Idols. The power is on our hands so remember to vote wisely! ^____^ The winners will be announced January 8,2011 through soompi and twitter. Watch out for it!
















REMINDER: To avoid bias, we will use codenames for the participants. The participants are also not allowed to reveal their identity and to campaign themselves throughout the competition. Once caught doing this, he/she/they will be automatically eliminated on the competition. We have a lot of spies on every sites and chat boxes so don’t you dare violate it ^____^







































Part3- Gogumas Give Back































This is the socially-related part of the project. As fans, we should be very much thankful that through We Got Married YongHwa and SeoHyun were able to meet. The couple played a big part in our lives for this year. Most of us can’t resist a day without searching anything about Yongseo or worse spazzing all day and night. Through this wonderful couple we were able to gain not just friends but also a family across the globe. Our love for YongSeo has crossed all the borders and all the rumors. For all those reasons, we should be thankful.
















To show our gratitude, we have decided that the team will give back to the less fortunate people through supporting the World Feeding Program. We aim to donate around $400-$500 to the said charity under the name of YongSeo. We seek for your help on this one since it’s a pretty big amount, but rest assured that our goal to GIVE BACK will be attained.







































Part4- Goguma Couple Items































It has always been a part of any of our project to give some couple items to YongSeo. The items will depend on the budget on hand. We’ll do our best to find some unique goodies to give for YongSeo. If you have any suggestions on this couple items, feel free to send us a message at seohwa.project@gmail.com with a title of 4th Project- Couple Items.






































































To all the gogumas out there, these ideas won’t be materialized if we don’t have the enough funds. We need your support on this as the team give its 100+% on all the activities involved. Please don’t let the hard work of the people behind the project team be wasted because we lack the money.We made it last 300th day Gift-giving Project so I hope that you’ll continue to support us on the 1st Year Anniversary Project.
















The SeoHwa Project has setup a PayPal account to collect donations. If you would like to contribute for purchasing gifts please send payment using PayPal to seohwafund@gmail.com. Any amount at all would be hugely appreciated. We promise we will use these donations wisely and guard it safely. More details and a donation tracker will be posted on the SeoHwa Project blog.
















If you don’t want to use PayPal, just send me a PM and let me see what I can do for you. I’ll do my best to cater to your means of donating ^___^































I hope everything’s clear for now. Since the thread is moving so fast and if you think you have miss some of the posts regarding the project, you guys can see them in the project blog soon–http://seohwaproject.blogspot.com


















































Kindly ask if there’s anything you want to know. The 4th project mainly will be handle by me, Indi (bezbezbez). However, this project is really a big one so I would need at least 3 associates. Please send me a message if you’re interested. I promise to support you all the way! Don’t forget to PM us for any future ideas or suggestion.


















































We would like to thank all YongSeo fans around the world for always giving the project team continuous support and love. We will try our best to represent our YongSeo International Fanbase especially to YongSeo couple themselves. Thank you very much! ^___^


















































Thank you! Hwaiting everyone! Lets participate together! With Love and Regards,































nazweena, genxv, bezbezbez



































REMINDERS/UPDATES: We now have about 7-8 contestants for the solo competition of Goguma Idol, but unfortunately we only have one pair contestant for the duet competition. The winning pair of the competition will play a big part on the song that was composed for YongSeo. Please apply for it!
















Next, since it's christmas season already, please don't forget to bring the YongSeo Int. logo along with you on your vacation. Please take at least 2-3 pics on that scenic location. It'll really be a big help if all of us will work together.
















Last, please help the team through your donations. we aim to donate around $400-$500 to the World Feeding Program and so far we only have $200 dollars and $141 remaining on our paypal account. We need to fund not only the charity work, but also the gifts that we'll give them. Please help us!
















Thanks everyone!!!!!
















GOGUMA SOOMPIERS, we're only two pages away from 1500 and 502 pages till we get a new thread...another milestone for us!!!!




















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Guest kerobear






thankyou so much for the translations


cant wait for the next episode where they create their duet :D ^^ 


Can't wait for their performance hahahaha!




I think we should totally have an IRC channel dedicated to yongseo :D ahhahaha



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Guest eishazumi










good morning Gogumas!























I have downloaded the unsubbed version last night for my hubby. he is a yongseo fanatic or shall i say Yongseo addict like me. he is eager to watch the new episode since he missed the livestreaming yesterday.kekeke.even if  we can't understand we watch and re-watch it again last night.now, I'm downloading the English subbed version. so happy!























to all the subbers. you guys are wonderful! thank you very much!


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Annyeong my lovely gogumas family....
































How are you today???
































It's a nice sunday morning.... Waves and hug to everyone in here... biggrin.gif































































































Okay I'm a bit late, but i think it's still okay to say this. Congrats for CN Blue and SNSD in GDA. Hope they will get another award at Melon and the other award. I really love Yong~ and jinwoon interaction. it's cute, they get along well (and they hold hand LOL)































































































Stupid me, last night i'm just download the raw video, read mountainmadman translation and then sleep without watching it first. Dang..... And I woke up this morning, found j2dlee translation and start watch the raw video. And I go owwhhhh.... Omo... Omg... cute..... 
































seriously this episode is an epic episode. And I love the song, I almost cry. Hope Yong~ will put it in CN Blue's next album. (I miss them, please make comeback soon).































































































I said before I'm waiting for the holding hand and the song's story. And the outcome is really daebak...laugh.gif































































































So here we goes my fav moment and scene...wub.gif































































































when Hyun said 'you lie' and Yong said 'I'm not'































































































































when Yong running and said 'come and catch me...'































































































































'holding hand and put in the pocket' moment
































Yong offer his arm































































































































hyun grab it































































































































yong hold her hand































































































































and put it in his pocket































































































































when Yong push hyun to the beach...cute...































































































































yong dance...































































































































second time holding hand moment
































yong drop his hand































































































































hyun drop her hand































































































































yong look for her hand































































































































they hold hand again































































































































and put it in pocket.. love jinwoon reaction































































































































yong afraid of prawn, maybe he think it's like golden fish































































































































































































because he is nervous, he afraid of running dog LOL... maybe he think that's a cat































































































































MC Kim, I love your reaction and comment... thank you..































































































































Ohh... hot prawn burn his hand. cute reaction..































































































































































when Hyun feed Yong..































































































































Yong play around while feeding Hyun
































































look at his expression































































































































Hyun revenge...































































































































































because of His cute expression
































































they doing this cute moment
































































































































but the cute moment has ruined because she said that he look like an octopus































































































































when Yong want another feeding from Hyun































































































































Yong tried to feed hyun again































































































































She is cute when she said 'get lost'































































































































when Yong start talk about his new song for hyun...
































































Yong a little annoyed because she mention SNSD everytime he said 'now'































































































































when he sing for her.. saranghae...































































































































































He is so shy after that































































































































cute expression from Yong when Hyun said 'it's something weird'































































































































Another funny moment, right now.. So Nyuh Si Dae































































































































PS :
































she said she didn't like yong's hair style in oetoriya, but I really like that style































































































































And yeahhh next week episode there are CN Blue boys. Happy.. happy... And Yongseo compose their own song? another a must watch episode. Next week is CN Blue's concert. I read from someone tweet that Hyun didn't have schedule. Just hoping she will coming. And Next week is Music Bank special with CN Blue and SNSD in it. Next week will be another great week.































































































Last : for new gogumas... welcome..
































And thank you mountainmadman and j2dlee for translation
































synkiss for subbing
































and everyone for caps, gif, info, news... hug u all































































































uuppss... a really long post...































































































bye now
































































































































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I stand the feeling you like me

I stand the feeling you like me

I stand that you like me

I must be out of my mind

Ive been saving in love

the placeholder that Yonghwa sang... i could not understand the rest... blush.gif i pause and play because its too sweet... wahhhh.... love it love it love it...

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Morning guys...(In my place right now..:) )














































































































TQ J2 for the latest translation..































































I still remember...































































when we all goguma in old days (starting ep 6,7,8) where we really hard to find subbers to eng translation.































































and miss NulSaRangHae suddenly wanna stop subbing the episode since youtube always deleted her acc..































































(For those who don't know NulSaRangHae, @ that time she's the only subber for YongSeo couple beside SoshiSubs & the subs comes out as early as Sunday for part 1. She's success to subs ep 1-8. hehe)































































and we glad that RDR take the responsibility to sub all the episode afterward...































































But really thankful to Miss NulSaRangHae @ that time since she's always comes out totally really early to subs the ep for us.































































1 man job, & it's totally hard. & frustrated when all the hardwork lost just a blink of eyes....














































































































But now.. we got a very good mate here.































































MountainMadman, J2dlee, sun_sun & sis, KRDsub, RDR team.































































You guys rock.































































We really grateful for your hardwork..































































As for us who don't understand Korean, you guys a live saver.














































































































So,I remember, I think this is sun_sun account,































































for her to post a link download to .avi ep starting ep 21, in mediafire account.































































So for those wanna download this ep, I just repost the link.































































All credit goes to owner.














































































































Mediafire link - ep 21 - 32(currently)













































































































































































I found this link.































































Just wanna share with you guys.































































It's compilation to all couples.































































Credit goes to the owner of the blog.































































Happy Joy Life































































Please visit this blog guys ;)














































































































& of course; RDR subs;































































RDR page














































































































So, this is 1 of the happiest place to visit...































































& I secretly hope, someday all the respective in-laws will meet...































































can you imagine, 8 SIL & 3 BIL in 1 place.































































must be non-stop teasing and havoc environment for them...































































maybe PD should considering BBQ session for them...














































































































So I stop now...































































wanna watch the subs vid now....





























































































































































































































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Guest dreamgirl6000

Ok, so I just finished watching the subbed version of the episode w00t.gifand I just need to spazz out over how amazing it was!!!! w00t.gifAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! He wrote a song for her! and they held hands!!!! TWICE!!!! wub.gif


I'm sitting in front of my laptop grinning like crazybiggrin.gif and have no idea how I'm managing to type coherent things cause omg the episode was so amazing!!!!! biggrin.gif

Goguma forever!!!!!w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

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A super big THANKS to j2dlee & MountainMadman for the speed of lighting translation and to the subbers Kamsahinmida so grateful to have you guys in this thread.






















































This ep. is an overload of skinship & another song for Hyun what a lucky girl































Yong is soo inspired writing and composing













































































Just wanna point something on the ep. on part1 around 3.01 Yong stated per the translation































YH: Arrrgg. You're getting to me Seo Joo Hyun































what is that supposed to mean? hmmmmmmmmmmmm (Im falling for you Hyun?)























































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Guest bezbezbez
























I'm back!!!


















































Some of the Gogumas Pm-ed me about the Goguma hoodies. They were asking me if they can buy it too. Well, initially, it was only meant for uri YongSeo, but if you really want to have it then we'll sell some. The hoodies are quite price-y, they're around $30-$40 dollars each. If you are still interested to buy it, please PM me. I'll need at least 30 pre-orders before producing the hoodies.


















































For those who find the hoodies expensive, we'll try to produce YongSeo shirts too, but just like the hoodies we'll need pre-orders. For the shirt around 50 pre-orders before I'll contact the manufacturer.


















































We'll ship and order the goodies all at once since the shipment is quite expensive so we'll have to get your orders by bulk.


















































thanks everyone!!!





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Guest gettawa




Good morning  every goguma Lover


I hope everyones will be start your life today wiht happiness Because of our YongSeo .....


thanks for Eng sup its make me happy today 55555


After I watched this ep. would be the fifth  I thought fun to do this phototoand  keep to myself at first but


I changed. my mindTo share with everyone out here better


Its sweetest photo that I used to do but I loves its 5555 :wub:


and sorry if it to large :sweatingbullets:




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let me say my thanks to mountainmadman, j2, sun_sun and rainy for being awesome

with trans and subs..THANK U VERY MUCH...hug u all!!!

some random things..

finally we see a rapper hyun emerges!!

wow! didn't know she can be so chatty and animated! :sweatingbullets:

and she did speak banmal here and there didn't she?

he can't resist to take revenge on her for calling him a squid,

so when the chance came, he called her an iguana .. :lol:

aahh...now that we see how how much sweeter they are..(

not that they weren't already)

am i the only one who is greedy for more skinship? ;):lol:

noo..just stay the way u are yongseo...SLOWLY BUT SURELY..


sharing the same goguma..



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Guest Germbaby




Hi goguma family,


I was reading all your posts when something hit me. I did a silly thing. I did what Seohyun suggested. I turned my notebook upside down to look at Yonghwa. Ha ... guess what? He really does look like an octopus like what Seohyun commented. It is really funny. Maybe, you guys can try it to find out what I mean.




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Guest blueeye
















































































woaaaah, thank you for everyone who shared translations, raw vid, subbed vid, caps, pics, gifs, comments, etc etc. Thank youuuuu!
















































may i join spazzing with you guys? :))
















































My spazzing scene:

















































Y: We’re having a bath…

   H: Ah, really! You’re getting weirder!

















































   (maybe he is getting weirder, but you like it right Hyun? ;))
















































2. Hyun's "wooooah" reaction to Yong's 'come and catch me'. LOL
















































3. Sweet potato boomerang is another LOL moment. :D
















































4. Holding hand for sure!! Daebak daebak! Even hyun said 'It's getting comfortable.' :)
















































5. when they walk in the beach and Yong ask Hyun is it comfortable to walk in the beach with heels. aww yong, so sweeeeeeet, even think about your wife's condition. <3
















































6. their 'yong dan hyun' convo is lovely, even SeulOng said 'They're just so lovey-dovey' <3
















































7. walk in sync at the beach stairs.

















































Y: If you’re going to hold my hand next time, wash it beforehand.

   H: Haha!
















































   (so, you are expecting (or preparing) many holding hands in the future, right yong? ;))
















































9. simultaneous stand-up
















































10. playing while feeding food to each other. cute romantic. <3
















































11. looking each other upside down? what is it hyun? LOL, random moment.
















































12. Hyun's 'get lost' is cutteee, even Yong also LOL-ing because of it.
















































13. telling each other their opinion, about each other hair. ha! we know it already you like it when Hyun's hair loose, Yong. Just tell her, ' you looked beautiful, Hyun'. And just tell him, 'you look handsome however your hair look like, Hyun'. Aigoo these two!
















































14. Now, SNSD moment! haha! another hyun's random moment.
















































15. this convo before Yong sing:

Y: (embarrassed) Get something spicy ready.

H: Something spicy?
















































Y: Yeah, it’s really cheesy.

















































LOL, just sing it Yong.
















































16.saranghae lyrics. awwwww sweet. :)
















































I also noticed that both of them always teasing each other or joking around whenever they will or are doing something romantic.
















































example: 1) when they are holding hands, and yong pushing hyun to the beach, 2) when they are feeding each other, 3) when Yong is about to tell her about the song and Hyun's 'now, SNSD', 4) when they tell about how they like each other's hair and Hyun talk about the 'Kim Mousse's hair', 5) when Yong tells her that he write a song about her, and she asks, 'it's something weird, isnt it? something like gogumas?' LOL.
















































maybe that is how they hide their blossoming heart (what is this term that I used, actually?) and embarrassment, keke, but i found it cute and make the moment even sweeter. :)
















































PS: may I ask, in this episode, Yong tells that he didn't get to see Haewoondae properly in Busan. Haewoondae is the beach that yongseo went in Busan, isnt it?

















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thank you MountainMadman for the fast translate
































Big thank to j2dlee for your translate as alway (hug)
































and thank you everybody for every comments make this thread alive
































this episode very sweet can't decide which scene I love the most
































did we just witness another indirect kiss?

































































look like hyun love to see her hubby upside down































































































































































and I update calendar of uri Yongseo couple
















































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Germbaby




Hi goguma family,


can someone be so kind to explain to me what is PM and how to go about PM someone? I want to PM bezbez but dont know how. I want goguma hoodie! Thanks in advance.


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Guest bezbezbez




















Hi goguma family,
















can someone be so kind to explain to me what is PM and how to go about PM someone? I want to PM bezbez but dont know how. I want goguma hoodie! Thanks in advance.































PM stands for Personal Message
















uhmm... you can just click the username of the person you would want to PM then, click the Send Message button. It's on the left side of the page, below Follow me! After that you can start writing yor message
































you can also look on the uppermost part of the page, you'll see _ New Messages there, click it then, you'll reach your inbox. Click compose new message on the left side of the page. From there you can start composing/ writing a message for any user at soompi.
















I hope that helps :)
















since I topped the page, REPOST!!!

I'm back!!!

Some of the Gogumas Pm-ed me about the Goguma hoodies. They were asking me if they can buy it too. Well, initially, it was only meant for uri YongSeo, but if you really want to have it then we'll sell some. The hoodies are quite price-y, they're around $30-$40 dollars each. If you are still interested to buy it, please PM me. I'll need at least 30 pre-orders before producing the hoodies.
















For those who find the hoodies expensive, we'll try to produce YongSeo shirts too, but just like the hoodies we'll need pre-orders. For the shirt around 50 pre-orders before I'll contact the manufacturer.
















We'll ship and order the goodies all at once since the shipment is quite expensive so we'll have to get your orders by bulk.
















thanks everyone!!!




































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Thanx to all translators: MountainMadman(I used your translation,i hope it's ok) and j2dlee!
































































































































































































































































And to Synkiss(did i spell it right?)keke.. wow!! your fast!! thank you for subbing!
































































































































































































































































Somebody asked for the link of ep 34 in my YT acct. unfortunately it was deleted. but i uploaded it in my blog so you can go there.
































































































































































































































































and lastly: ep 35 eng sub credits to Mountain Madman 4 d trans
































































































































































































































































now back to :ph34r:

































































































































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Guest basiCblacK-junG
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hold on..
































































































































































































































































did I wrote something wrong in my post? :unsure:
































































































































































































































































I have so much negative marks.. :(
































































































































































































































































I just trying to speak up what's in my mind..
































































































































































































































































I know everyone have their own perspective about one thing..
































































































































































































































































you can like it or you dislike it..
































































































































































































































































hmm..it's okay if you dislike my comment..
































































































































































































































































but, can you tell me what's my fault?
































































































































































































































































just like: what part in my comment that you don't like. so, I can have another perspective about something too..maybe you can change the way I'm thinking.. :)
































































































































































































































































anyway, about jinwoon, I take my words back.. ^_^
































































































































































































































































woollylamb, yes you are right..I'm too late about GDA..
































































































































































































































































I've downloaded it and saw how close they are..
































































































































































































































































yeah, now I think all the MC love Yongseo couple.. what they do or their comments in the show doesn't mean they hate our lovely couple. it's just they have another perspective about this couple..maybe a little bit different from us, but still nothing is wrong..
































































































































































































































































thanks again woollylamb for change my perspective.. :D

































































































































































































































































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Guest justbulan






























































Just wanna point something on the ep. on part1 around 3.01 Yong stated per the translation































YH: Arrrgg. You're getting to me Seo Joo Hyun































what is that supposed to mean? hmmmmmmmmmmmm (Im falling for you Hyun?)













































































i really want to know about it too.. since my english is not good... so i don't quite understand the meaning of "getting to me" :( i just dont want to have a wrong perception so i google it but didn't find the meaning yet :( can anybody explain it to me... :D.. hahah *since my english is really2 bad ^^; *









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Guest ahn_annann
































Thanks for all infos..
















j2dlee and MountainMadman : Thank you so much for translation ..
















sally7 : the calendar is more important and cute.. many thanks <3
































made by me
































































playf.th.jpg play2h.th.jpg play3w.th.jpg play4h.th.jpg









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