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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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About the song i think maybe associated/connection when yuri say 'saranhea' at GDA.






looking forward for next ep~~looking DAEBAK!!











hello :)











sorry to cut your post






i really loved what you said... maybe you're right. it has a connection! wub.gif






@Mountainmadman! thank you so much for your hard work! :)
















waaaa can't wait for the next ep. i hope tomorrow is saturday!!



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Dear all,


This episode really got me totally as one would say rocketed sky-high to a point that i could not but help to spazzed about it.


First of all, thanks to madmountainman for taking his time in the midst of his busy schedule to translate it for us!


Second, regarding the latest episode, everything is beautiful! Their skinship, the level of comfort they had with each other esp the song yonhwa has started to compose for seohyun.


When i was reading the translation done with the vid clips, i found out that YOng said he started to compose the song 4 to 5 months ago... that was roughly the time of the ring incident(where the ring broke in 2 during may) and the double birthday episode(during june). I was thinking to myself:"WOW! he really had her in his mind the whole time!" and that was before the birthday celeb that they had.


I remember reading a post before(please forgive me as i cant remember who is it) that during the practise room episode where CNblue sang LOVE REVOLUTION to Seohyun, it was mentioned that Yonghwa changed the lyrics and sang it to Seohyun... He wrote LOVE LIGHT( the rap for seohyun) and i think he really wants to write a song just solely for her and it gradually builds to THIS song we have listened today. His feelings for her ran really deep with each encounter with her...


I guess everyone here would love to hear the whole song and I don’t think that Yonghwa and Seohyun will disappoint us here.


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Guest BluMistLaydee




I've been terribly sick and busy with work all week so I've basically been staying in lurk mode, but this totally sweet episode is bringing me out.


They are I have to say the most heartwarming couple ever! and I do mean ever. These past 10 months watching them go from super-awkward but cute to absolutely adorable has been the best thing ever. Watching me grown as individuals and as a couple is just so much fun and so sweet that I wonder how the MC's cheeks don't burst from pure happiness.


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Hi to all Gochun Villagers;














































































































Today ep was totally BIG DAEBAK..































































so many skinship happen.. & most importantly was the song Yong created.































































This time surely... really really surely just for his wife...































































How cool is that..













































































































































































somebody has mention it (sorry, my bad, forgot who ;) ), that Hyun feeding Yong several time but in this episode just seems like only 1 time... it lapse, i think it's been edit again...































































so I just take a few screen caps that shows 2 times in the screen...














































































































1st time - totally grab her hand... hehe











































































































































































































































































































2nd time











































































































































































































































































































The original 1st;













































































































































































as usual...































































I will re-watching this ep for 5 times min...































































youtube ver... dwl vid witout trans...dwl vid wit trans...(TQ 2 madmanM).. then 2morrow, sun_sun vid, rdr subs...














































































































Thanks to all wit screen caps, trans ep, news, tweet....































































& today the mp3 cut... TQ...































































now continue watching the vid back...














































































































but, really wanna know which part has been cut-it-out just like MC Kim said in his tweet....































































any idea anyone...














































































































happy spazzing everyone...
















































































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Guest ichigo_kawai








Anyeong all my family...:wub:







Woaaa..I'm really happy today...







Thanks everyone for all the caps, gifs, link, and of course thanks for the translations (Mountainmadman thanks) :wub:







Here is I just wanna share this pict







I just remember when the first time they met....
















And now.......... :wub:  :wub:



























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Guest anne0129
























Hello!!! To MountainMadman, thank you for such a quick translation. We know you are busy but still you took the time out to translate it for us. For that we thank you. There are so many people to thank also for the links and gifs and screen caps. These is definitely one of sweet episode. How I wish someone will compose a song for me too. I want a YongHwa too. hehehe!!!
















I would like to give thanks in advance to j2dlee and sun_sun's sister for another translation and subbing of the video.
















About GDA, someone was asking for a link of the Hi-5 clip. I found the same video but uploaded in tudou. Here is the link...HI-5 YongSeo GDA
















Again thank you MountainMadman and goodluck on your exams.....to j2dlee and sun_sun's sister thank you in advance. We truly appreciate all you precious contribution in this thread. :wub::wub::wub:





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Hi Hi Goguma Chingoos,



I just can't let today passed without saying something here.



Missed the live stream today as I was at a family BBQ. After reading twitter's updates on the episode, the sweet potatoes that I had was just super sweet.



Thanks everyone for putting in hardwork to share your love for Yongseo with us.



I am glad that it took them so long to come to this stage cos we know that it is not acted out just for the show. They are true to themselves and totally comfortable with each.



I love you. Sarang.hae


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I'm surprised no one noticed that Seohyun was wearing the necklace he gave her again in this episode:


Sigh. This stage of comfortableness, trust and playfulness with each other... I still can't believe it came :)

And thank you mountainmadman! Good luck with your studies. I'll have to hit the books as well after I'm done spazzing lol

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Guest cindyle






@aisou415: I think all of us notice that necklace :))


The ep today is daebak. My heart is too full for words.


By the way, I have just watched a fancam of Seohuyn. You guys should check it out. Huyn's reaction of skinship At 0:18, she had felt really awkward when a man touched her elbow and she suddenly shriveled herself. Comparing with such sweet moments  in this ep today, we can see how comfortable she is beside her Yong. I also noticed that Huyn was very quiet and shy even with her unies in the other shows. But she is totally different in WGM. Really, YongSeo are so so realllllllllllllllllllllllll:wub:




C: soshijjang9's post from SNSD soompi thread



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Just wanted to mention this:


I was squealing crazy mad at the thought of an indirect kiss; more than the skinship, the playfulness of Yong and Hyun or Yong paying close attention to Hyun's appearance and the way she fixes herself. Just saying. Hyun wasn't grossed out by the thought of it, rather she wanted to feed him again LOL XD


HYUN Where have you gone?! Hahah The change in her is so evident it's undeniable. Their affections for each other is undeniable, watching them can make a lot of people jealous. Just look at the MCs, esp JinWoon. His mouth was wide open when he saw Hyun wanting to hold hands again with Yong. XD




Like redtulip, I am also glad that it took them this long to be all touchy with each other. It shows how much they've evolved from being awkward and shy to being more open and blatant with their feelings for each other, not caring what the people around them might think or what the fans reaction would be. Esp Yong, he's just starting his career as a singer and for him to display himself as bold like that with a girl is very risky yet he is willing to sacrifice a bit of his fame for that one special girl. He doesn't care what the MCs say about him being a choding, people belittling him, all that matters is that girl and his inspiration (SEOHYUN!).


I'm also proud of him for not taking WGM as a competition. I know this may sound ridiculous but I am so happy that he didn't force Hyun to do any skinship until she she mentioned it. Men are aggressive and competetive by nature so I'd understand if he wanted to rush it because of what the people are saying about their slow progress or the addition of the super extra sweet KhunToria couple, but he chose to go by Hyun's pace and let her decide where their relationship is going. Yong has fallen deep for this girl and Hyun is catching up to him. The forever chase for goguma points.



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Guest reiran18










I caught you Yong!!hehehe




credit to gogumalove from tumblr..




during the presentation of winner..




i can't help myself watching the episodes all over again..



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Hi gogumas!!! I´m in Go-chun too, I think nothing can get me back to planet right now :rolleyes:!. The episode is AWESOME!! I love love love it and now I´m dying even more  to watch Busan 2 days of recording!!! hahaha!
































































































































































































































































I´m so grateful with our MC Kim, he is just not fine with the edited out XD, must be some good stuff that I hope they will be putting them in some special episode someday ¬¬....
































































































































































































































































Now the Episode, all I can say is OH MY BUTTERFLIES!!! aayyyyyggggggggooooooo and ottokeeeee! hahaha. I have no words, just feelings about it. Almost every little bit of it is worth to spazzing, you have said it very well :wub:.
































































































































































































































































I fainted with the whole beach scene, so cute, so lovey dovey, sooooooo YongSeo style :)... then I fainted again with the restaurant scene... ahhhhhhhh... sigh... those two, how lovely can they be??? I know that there is no limit to reach for their lovelyness and they prove me right every saturday :wub:.
































































































































































































































































And then the song part, I was so mad cause the light went off in my neighborhood just before this part started ¬¬, Then when came back, first thing I did was read all your post here and I was like OMG! I have to see it, and yeah... OMG!!!!! I also felt shy while watching that part, it was... I don´t have words ^^, she trying to guess, then he sang, and she was listening with that face and then kumawo? (kumawo saranghe, like SNSD´s  kissing you) ...I loved it!!!!
































































































































































































































































So thanks to all of you gogumas for sharing links, raw, translation, pics, gif, news, fanarts, everything!!! I just love it love it love it!!
































































































































































































































































Thanks mountainmadman, and to the others gogumas who translated some articles, and thanks to J2dlee and sun_sun too, even when she is busy, I feel like thanking her because every saturday until now!! :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































Annyong Gogumas!!! stay in go-chun :wub:.
































































































































































































































































EDit: aisuo415 ... your pic.. poor SeoHyun she is insolated!!! that neck is really red :o

































































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hello Gogumas... biggrin.gif





















Aigoo... I was frustrated coz I had to leave in the middle of YongSeo live streaming for family dinner. Got back, switched on my laptop, entered Go-chun and BAM!! SURPRISE!!!!










The thread was moving so fast I had to go through almost 10 pages before I'm able to write my own post. Phew!! You gogumas are just awesome!!! Thumbs up! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif





















I LOVE and agree with all your posts. There's no need for me to express myself as you gogumas had expressed them all very well. I cannot stop myself from grinning from ear to ear while watching the episode as well reading the beautiful spazzings posted here. Thank you very much for sharing your POVs and making this Go-Chun a pure Heaven for YongSeo lovers (esp ME!wink.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gif





















Thank you to MountainMadman for sharing some of your precious study time to translate for us. GOOD LUCK! biggrin.gif Thank You in advance to j2dlee & sun-sun's sister for the coming translation as well as sub videos.










Now, I'm going to watch the episode from the beginning and spazz like crazy on my own before I come back here and write another posts to spazz with you people. See you later gogumas *wave to all*














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Guest Crystal392








Thanks to everyone for the info you've shared, all your comments, translations, screencaps.







Everything! :)







Gogumas jjang! ^^












semi-fly: hihihi yeah twinkystar mentioned that scene and thought they were going to kiss 'spiderman style' xD

















~Jung Yong Hwa Seo Hyun is #1 on Nate Search~




















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Guest scatterbrain


i actually noticed it too ;) , she also wore the necklace in blackroom interview. i think neither yong nor the WGM PD tell her to wear the necklace.i believe she wears it because she wants to. and she started wearing it after the mildang incident. she wore during japan episode(i dun think she brought all her accessories to japan right? she probably would bring the ones that she likes)

after this episode and GDA fancams. my doubts are all gone.if they are not as lovey-dovey in future episodes, i will still believe in them. Couples, esp. those that've been thru a lot together, their gestures are very subtle, but people can see that their feelings for each other are real. Yongseo is portraying such a couple.

in episode 34, when yongseo held hands, they were saying that they are capable of holding hands(in my POV, they were saying that yes, they are capable, but that doesn't mean that they need the public to acknowledge it.)

i hope the revelation that yong wrote a song for hyun dun attract antis. just the 'LoveLight Rap' alone had caused a huge commotion,and now, it is a whole song dedicated to hyun...(i am writing this not to create another debate, just want to let out my worry out loud)

can i wish that this couple will be together for real in the future? where everyone accepts that idols are people too and have feelings, where everyone wishes for their happiness, where everyone agrees that they are destined to be together...

has this been shared

the mission card in nxt week's preview

Do you still remember the 'things to do together as a married couple' list that were made when both of you moved to the new house?

using the "banmal song" that yong husband sung in ganghwadong as the theme, please compose a couple song together

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Guest Crystal392








scatterbrain: I am sure some antis will appear. But that's why they are called antis ;) some of them can be as hardcore as some fans but... in an opposite way. Don't worry about them... it's not good for your health hihihi just focus on how much we all love our YongSeo :)

















~More screencaps of our lovely YongSeo



























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Thank you Goguma Villagers for all the videos and the traduction ^_^




This episode was soooooo sweet hihi... just a move, a smile, one eyes contact, a song,  skinship make me smile, giggle and happy like crazy. I just LOVE them :wub:




In this episode I love how Hyun looks at Yong's hand after he finished dancing because she wanted to hold his hand again. She expected him to held her hand and fortunately for Hyun and us he did it, so sweet.


The fight shrimp was so funny and  cute :D


When she imitates his Busan accent, I think she was already training for their trip to Busan lol




Yong's song sounds really great, can't wait to see the complet version.




I don't know how many times I say that but they're so cute together ^^




Next episode is in CNBLUE dorm to write a duet together, :w00t: YEAH!! Finally our wish is fulfilled, I really can't wait. I want to hear the final version NOW but I guess we need to wait until saturday unfortunately :( I really can't wait.






Yongseo <33333



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Guest anne0129
























Okay, there are just too many scenes to spazz about...From start to finish they were just too adorable and toe-curlingly sweet that I don't know where to start. Too bad I don't know how to make screen caps. The handholding scene is just to die for. Like everybody I noticed also that when Yong let Hyun's hand go to demonstrate the CF dance he did with his CN Blue bros, I also noticed that Hyun was anticipating Yong to hold her hands again after the explanation. I also love that right after that when the video cut to the backroom interview. Yong was explaining that the hand holding with both hands in the pocket was going to be a hit method of holding hands, you can actually hear the PD's doing the interview laughing at Yong's statements. They just love these 2. Anyway, this is just one of the things that I was spazzing about.
















Here is the video of the Hi5 GDA YongSeo moment the link that I provided before did not work so here it is...Hi5 Yong Seo GDA





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@aisou415: I think all of us notice that necklace :))

Oh then in that case, my bad! :sweatingbullets: no one mentioned it so I assumed no one paid attention to it lol

I think I'm going to write an essay again... Sigh. Feel free to skip, but I just want to share my thoughts on Yonghwa.

I've seen a lot of people comment on Yonghwa's behavior towards Seohyun on other threads; how he seems indifferent, sees this solely as a show or that he's not that into her as she's into him. It saddens and surprises me to see these comments as in the course of watching their WGM episodes, I've always thought that Yonghwa was more inclined to like her a lot more than vice versa (until now of course). Especially in the earlier episodes. I honestly don't see the insincerity in Yonghwa. It might be that he's not as expressive as the other husbands, but rather keeps his feelings on a low-key and subtly displays it with simple and little things.

The more obvious ones; were the Japan Guidebook which I'm sure took a lot of time and effort to even make it. A lot of dedication is needed for that and I'm positive you can't make a book like that if you're honestly not interested in or care for that person. During the airing of that episode I was making a guidebook as well, but it was about me for my best friend who's overseas and probably won't see in years. I can tell you that I care for my friend deeply and love her to the bone, but that till now I haven't even been able to finish it! The pile of papers of letters, drawings and pictures are still not yet made into what you can call a guide, but instead a few loose papers stacked on top of each other. Just a comparison which shows how dedicated Yonghwa was. I applaud him for that, but at the same time I want to hide under a rock out of shame lol

Then there's Love Light. Technically, the song as a whole wasn't for her as he wrote the melody a long time ago. Until now I'm still a bit confused on whether ALL the lyrics were about Seohyun or just the rap as I saw so many different translations for that crucial part. But, he did for sure write some part of it while thinking of her and I think that speaks volumes already. No guy would be so bold to include some lyrics of his virtual wife's song in his own song that is released through out South-Korea if he's not genuine. (Male Goguma's, please correct me if I'm wrong lol)

Then the more subtle ones. One that comes to mind immediately was their 200th day anniversary date. She mentioned eating patbingsoo while wearing her school uniform months ago and he still remembered. What's more remarkable is that it wasn't something she had put emphasize on. She didn't ask him to promise her to do it some time soon or kept talking about it as to insinuate she really wants it (if it hasn't been edited out). To me, while watching that episode, it was just a passing moment. Just something she felt like doing sometime and I honestly didn't remember it at all until they replayed that scene. The preparation for the anniversary also says a lot as he didn't just get any random uniform out there, but the actual ones that she wore in high school. Thumps up.

And if that's not enough to reason my believe that he does care for her... I'm going to keep on listing lol

You can tell that Yonghwa was brought up to be a gentleman, by both his parents as he mentioned them several times. (The girl should walk on the pavement, the guy should hold the umbrella etc). There were times he got tired and frustrated by Seohyun and you could tell. But by respecting Seohyun, he gained respect from me as he never forced anything on her even if he did want it; the banmal, the skinship etc, etc. Patience is a virtue, but this guy took it to another level. Even as a girl myself, I couldn't understand how he could contain himself (lmao) and not just grab her hand and get it over with. But that would've pushed Seohyun away and I'm glad he decided to wait till the day Seohyun is comfortable enough to initiate these things herself. Which reminds me how the first time Seohyun met her brother-in-laws. They kept telling Yonghwa to feed her, but he refused, saying 'Later on, when Seohyun's comfortable.' (- and here's the result peeps!)

And with the latest episode; this new song is different from Love Light as 1) it's something he wrote purely for Seohyun, 2) can't apply to anyone else with the Banmal theme and 3) actually tells her about it when it's not even finished.

Especially the banmal theme - writing a song that says how 'beautiful, pretty, lovely and amazing' someone is, is of course very sweet and touching. But at the same time, anyone can relate to it. That person you like is of course all these things I've mentioned, but it becomes something 'just between the two' once you write something that only the two of you know what feelings, emotions and changes were involved. And the message gets more real and personal.

Though this is a show, they have been genuinely trying to get to know each other. Not necessarily on a romantic level, but it is a relationship that is built on friendship, trust and consideration towards each other. I believe that after all this, if they're not together for real, at least they've gained something priceless through this experience and will remain great friends and each other's support in the future.

I'm so sorry, this is so much longer than I thought :crazy:

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dont want to bring up about antis, but i am not really worried about this now because when i saw GDA. i beleive that FNC will not pull Yonhwa from WGM, because we can see the love from fans from SM give to Yonghwa.If they notice him then they will love him and his music if they are good. Infact Cnblue just have more recognition that way. If he lives like Seohyun's motto " the ultimate winner is the person with good hear". then the fans will love him. that the way Seohyun and her unnies do to , they had a very bad time in the past when they were so young and still overcome them with smiles. that why i really admires these young girls.


yes, ofcourse there are always antis overthere, but with the antis using bashing to artist we not count them as a fan. just enjoy our love for our couple and their groups, and ignore all the bad talking from antis then they will dispear.




the more we show love for them and their group the more they happy and we as well.




there is one scence from this eps, when Hyun answered Yong about the song and then she fixed her clothes ( because it is a little bit low), and i saw Yong had a look at that direction:-) or i think too much :wub: if someone can make a cap from that.hmm. back to Go-chun


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