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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392








Stalking dcmarried I found a link to a 'gif with music' of the song: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=577065&page=1&bbs=












hehehehe awww he said 'saranghae~~' he was looking at her while singing but when he said 'Saranghae' he looked somewhere else xD xD hahahaha Yong~ was so shy after that hehehe







and if I'm not wrong at the end Hyun~ said 'Thank you' using banmal (kumoptah?)



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Guest szoku85






Hey everyone!


I've been following this thread for awhile, but I've never posted anything.


Just wanted to thank everyone for your insights on the recent events of this lovely couple.


They are super cute! Can't wait for next week. They act more like a couple now.


Maybe we'll see some more interactions during the Melon Music Awards?


I wish there will be someone there to fancam the two of them. 


Either way, I love seeing them together.



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Anybody here knows how to read korean? Can someone please translate what was written on the mission card that was on the preview so that we will know or at least have an idea why they were collaborating with each other?




I hope someone can translate it. thanks in advance...


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here's a cap from the preview of their mission card...
















is there a sweet Goguma Villager who can capture the essence of what their next mission is?

















































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Guest rockinghorse




OMG. Just when I think these two can't get any more adorable.. Kyaaaa! :w00t:




My cheeks hurt from smiling the whole 20 minutes. It's ridiculously late where I'm from and I'm doing everything I can to restrain myself from running around the house like a madwoman. Teasing each other while eating was just.. :wub::wub::wub: (gaah, flirtatious much?) and the hand-holding at the beach was just the most precious thing in the world.




Thank you for screencaps, summaries, translations, and for the preview!




Gogumas fighting!



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Guest Germbaby




Hi Goguma member,


I just finished today's ep and next week preview. What can I say? I just love this couple very very much and I also love you guys for all the posts, links and sub. Thank you very much for making my days easier and happier. I LOVE YOU GUYS!


Today's ep is very cute. Seohyun is getting used to having her hands held by Yong. Just look at her hands (Waiting for Yong) after he finished the dance on the beach. THEY SEEMS SO REAL OR MAYBE THEY ARE REAL>>>> HAHA. JUST  ANNONCE LA!!!! THEN I THINK our goguma world will go haywire. Heee.....  AND O, MY LAUGH LINE is getting DEEPER from watching this couple. Maybe, we should all do Jungshin's LAUGH LINE MASSAGE! . HA....


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thank you for the mp3 rip :)













































































































































































































thank you so much!! patiently will wait :)















































































God Bless You :)






























































































































and thank you to everyone for the summaries, screencaps, and everything.. kamsahamida :)















































































I love the moment when :















































































1. at the beach when they are holding hands (i almost dying there)















































































2. Love the mc's reaction (MC Kim DAebakkkk!! love jinwoon expression here.. hhe...)















































































3. when feeding each other.. cuttteeee :D















































































4. Off course yong singing for hyun,, kyaaa... i smile like crazy XD






























































































































cant wait for next week again :)







































































































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Guest LalaCAKES
























SH: Compose a couple song?!








Caption: The Yongseo couple receives a mission of writing and composing a song!








YH: Let's use these instruments to make it.








Caption: In order to compose the song, they go together to CN Blue's dorm which is full of instruments!








YH: Jungshin, aren't those hyung's stuff??








SH: What is this?








Caption: While showing off (?) his music making instruments, he shows us!








YH: Should I show you how this works?








YH: It's fun, huh!








SH: This is so fun!








Caption: They fall deeper and deeper into this mission!








JS: Yongseo~ Ohh this is good!








SH: But it's embarrassing!








Caption: What kind of couple song will they create?
















As for the mission card, a lot of it got cut off but the middle part says something like "Do you remember the list you made of things you wanted to do as a married couple?" The bottom part is really misleading/hard to translate because I think it got cut off at a crucial part.. It mentions the Banmal Song that Yong sang for Hyun and then jumps to "record a couple song together!" so I'm not sure if that means they will be recording the Banmal Song or if the producers just got inspired by that song and are telling our couple to recrod a couple song.









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Guest Crystal392








Thanks for the translation Lalacakes. :)












As I said before, them composing a song together has been on my wishing list for months. And also on YongSeo's whishing list. Kyaaa it's finally going to become real :D












I also wonder what kind of song they will create... and whether they record 'Banmal' song or a different song, they still have to add some lyrics that Hyun~ will sing, maybe that's why she said on the preview 'It's embarrassing'. :P












I am really curious.. cant wait until next ep



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Guest MissBarbietch_0106

hi all gogumas villager.. it's my 1st time post here..

I've been reading you guys all post since day 1 of uri yongseo couple..

I've been so blessed to share love for this couple with you all..

seriously, what i will do if you all not here to support uri yongseo couple??

most of my weekend just spend in home and read this thread like crazy, just want to know the development of uri yongseo..

thank you is not enough to show how I've been grateful for anyone in this thread that helping to sub, making screenplays, also to supportive comment for GOGUMA COUPLE.

my heart always go dugeun-dugeun every time yong and hyun show romantic thing (eye-ship, skin-ship, romantic talk)..

i re-watch from their 1st episode to 35th episode just like addicted, can't get enough of them day and night..

so odd, that last couple of  weeks i always have a dream in my sleep for yong and hyun get wedding in real.. i feel like a teenage who fall in love again, but now i fall in love hard for uri yongseo.. GOD, please make a way for them, so they can be together forever..

i always dreaming to see uri hyun walked down the isle with her long and white wedding dress, she looked like an angel and absolutely gorgeous, where uri yong waiting in the end of the isle, looking handsome, cant wait to tied the knot with her.. while she walking, Taeyeon unnie sang her "like a star" song duet with The one.. thinking about that makes my tears falling, i don't know if this happen for real, i think i will die in happy with big smile in my face.. i will go directly to Korea from my country indonesia, just to support uri couple in their wedding day.

love you all gogumas..

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Guest cosmiclatte
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The mission is for them to make a couple song together from the Banmal song Yong nampyeon had revealed on Kanghwa island. Roughly like that because the side got cut off.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































-edit- oh someone has done the translation too, thanks.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My mouth is cracking from too much smiling right now.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When hyun was showing yong how people look weird from an upside down angle and she covered her mouth, my heart almost stopped OMG lol.

































































































































































































































































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hello.. i've been a silent lurker for a long time!






but this episode really made me post in here :)






this episode of YongSeo was really DAEBAK!!






really full of skinships! they really make me love them more! wub.gif






i'm really happy for them and i hope nxt ep will be more DAEBAK! hehe






i really love the holding hands!!! i was alone in the house and i can't help but scream!!!! i just really love them!! they're reallly sweet!!! :)






i also noticed on the second time they held hands, Seohyun was waiting for yong to hold her hands...






she was looking down and waited for yong. wub.gif






i also want to take this opportunity to thank all the GOGUMA VILLAGERS here...






for the fan accounts, fan mv's, pictures and updates! i'm always relying on this thread for the updates :)






thank you so much! :) all of you are DAEBAK!



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Guest SophiaPia












Before i go to a party let me say YEAHHHHHHHHH BABYYYYYYYYYYYY! so sweet today episode. If before i'm asking skinships now i got it all yeahhhhhhhhh thank God for Japan date coz it's all start from there. We don't know what happen behind the scenes in Japan but looks like after Japan Date everything's going smooth baby. We got loads of stuff really. So so happy. YONGSEO COUPLE REAL AND THE BEST. YE!








Looks like hubby Yong is the one who's shy now, not wifey Hyun kekeke!

















Thanks SooyoungXD for live stream. It works fine. 


























Thanks thairabbitalonejoobz for the raw videos.

















MountainMadman for translations. 

















To all thank you for the screencaps, for other translations, summary and everything. Thank you TO ALL YONGSEO LOVERS. 

















Yap i think they write it down on their list epi14 after they cooked that soup. 1 of things they want to do is compose/ write a song. So that is their mission. After the driving license mission which they pass already. What will be couple song will be. And yes! bedroom scene for YongSeo couple kekekeke! hahaha!

















Catch u all later. Cheers to all. 





















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Guest Crystal392








Just saw this on dcmarried, I think this are new pics of their trip to Busan... I havent seen them before (that's also another ep I cant wait to see ^^):


























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Guest Cjbaby12


This is one of the best episodes ever!!!!!!!! I mean just from the way they were smiling all through out to the way they looked at each other. They are so cute!

I saw some posts some pages back that MC kim tweeted something (Credit to the gogumas who posted it) and from the translation on google it says something about 아~놔!..제1편집 which translated "Oh, No! .. 1st edit." Credit to whoever posted it. Sorry I forgot. Also another tweet 아~놔..제2편집..오늘이러다가 통편집..쩝~!.. 아담.용서커플 신도님들 죄송합니다..끝나면 카드라도올려드릴께요..아..놔! which translated,"Oh, today's gonna get put tongpyeonjip .. .. 2 .. jjeop edit! .. Adam. Nimdeul sorry .. forgive believers after a couple cards .. ah .. I'll even put up!" So does that mean they took out some stuff? Can someone please translate it?

I can't wait for them to finish this song. If this song is really made in banmal, it would really be interesting to hear Hyun singing it... :) As for Yong, I know he'll trully enjoy the experience... :)

Thank you for all who posted links, shared caps and translations that are coming! This is why Goguma village is always happy! :)



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hello to all gogumas,








this week episode is awesome








i love it when yong sang the song to hyun








here some goodies
















pic when they were i busan








cut of the song from dcinside
























think i was late. thanks to crystal malfoy





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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































YES!!!! it's confirmed already right?????




























































the preview proved everything, sooo gogumas! it's what we have been waiting for months......... I think the song should be ready by now so....














































truly that would be a great christmas present for all of us here in GO-CHUN
































hey.... I can speculate right?? please don't take my comment seriousIy just yet because once again ...... this is just my speculation and goguma-biased mind. hope the song will achieve a great success just like adam couple's duet song






























EDIT : MountainMadman....... that was the fastest translation ever!!!! *bows 120 degrees* hope you can continue with you studies peacefully...
































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I love YongSeo when they hold their hands!
















What I love even more is Hyun waiting for Yong to grab her hand like so:
















hands apart after CNPINK demonstration...
































Hyun noticing the hands...
































Hyun secretly eyeing for Yong to grab her hand...
















































































i'll be posting screencaps of awesome reactions as i watch 
















Yong's reaction to Hyun's banmal

































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Guest MountainMadman

And here you go!

bezbezbez, shoot me the PM whenever you're ready! ^_^



Starting from the 0:28 mark.

Y: Hyung, who did you go see?

MO: Well, I did some personal stuff...

MC: Didn't he play with the dog?

MO: The white dog. He pooped on my clothes.

Sub: Anyways, where are they going...?

H: Oppa, where are we going?

Y: Us? Should we go to Jeonju?

H: Ahh...stop that!

Y: We're going to Dongmak beach.

H: Liar...

Y: Really! Dongmak beach.

H: What are we doing there?

Y: To take a bath...

Sub: The Yong who cried wolf...

H: It gets weirder and weirder.

MO: You know, in a relationship...at certain times, the girl should follow the boy's lead.

Y: They say that roasted prawns are delicious.

Sub: Going to the beach to eat roast prawns~!

Y: And they're supposed to be in season.

H: Really?

MC: Oh, isn't Ganghwado pretty close to Dongmak?

H: We're here!

Y: Hyung's coming with us, right?

MO: I want to, but...

H: What is it this time?

MO: [some kind of excuse...my Korean skills lack for this one]

Sub: Sensibly pulling out again...

Y: Bye!

Sub: The couple seeing the ocean for the first time in a while

H: Bye bye~ thank you!

Y: At Busan, I didn't really get to see Haewoondae.

H: Mmmm...you didn't? [NOTE: She is following Yong's accent.]

Y: Wow...

MC: I wonder what it's like to look at the ocean at night?

MC: You can't see anything.

Sub: The night ocean that automatically brings praise

At the 2:03 mark.

Sub: Their steps getting faster

Y: Wow...

H: Whoa...

Y: Wow, it's really been forever since I've seen the ocean.

H: It's so beautiful! With the moon...

H: It's a fingernail!

Y: A fingernail, it's a fingernail.

Sub: the moon rising over the quiet and peaceful shore

Y: Seohyun, come over here.

H: Okay!

Sub: looks like they're peacefully walking...

Sub: suddenly running...?

Y: Try to catch me~!

Sub: ruining the moment...

Y: What are you doing? [NOTE: accent galore!]

H: Why are you doing this, really?

Sub: and then...

H: Ahhh! I'm really going to do it.

Y: Do it!

Sub: the couple getting excited over seeing the ocean again

H: Noo! No.

Y: Do you like it?

H: You wish.

Y: Seo Joo Hyun, you're getting to me.

H: What~??

H: Wow, really...

At the 3:03 mark.

Y: It's a goguma!!

Sub: the side effects of the goguma drought...

Y: Gogumas are supposed to come back!

Sub: Now...send me to heaven...

Y: You like it?

H: I like it!

Sub: right then!

MC: Oh!

MC: Oh, really?

Sub: grabbing!!

MC: Yeah!

MC: That's the way to do it!

H: We can do it now!

Y: No no no, it's...like this.

MC: #$!#%!!^!!$

MC: They're really closer!

MC: It's nice and natural!

H: Wow, it's beautiful.

MC: With her hand in his pocket.

At the 3:47 mark.

Y: This winter's breakout hit skinship. Putting her hand in your pocket.

MC: Ahhhhhh~! I want to try that too!

MC: It could be misconstrued as something else...

MC: If you use the back pocket.

Y: And her hand was slightly sweating...and Seohyun was like...moving her hand around a little bit. It was cute.

Y: Are you okay with heels?

H: Yeah. These are comfortable.

H: No no no no, ahhhh~!

Sub: playing around again!

H: Don't do that!

Y: Why not?

H: Just don't! Ahhh~

Y: I did a commercial last time, and I had to dance.

Sub: He did dance, but...

MC: They let go of each other.

MC: How are they supposed to do it again?

MC: $%$!%!

Sub: a slight hiatus...

MC: It's been so long since I've had put my hands in a man's pocket.

Y: Where do you think it is? [NOTE: For the next few lines, they are joking around by putting their names at the end of every sentence.]

H: I don't know!

Y: Then just come along!

H: Okay!

MC: They're cute like that.

Y: Seo Joohyun!

H: Jung Yonghwa oppa.

Sub: Going to the prawn restaurant~!

Y: I really can't understand you.

H: I don't know why.

At the 5:14 mark.

Y: Here it is!

H: Wow.

Sub: today's menu: in-season roast prawns!

H: King prawns!

Y: Hello!

H: Hello!

Owner: Wow, we have important guests today?

Y: I'm from CN BLUE.

H: So Nyuh Shi Dae...

Y: The king shrimp roast is the prawn...?

Owner: Yes, that's right.

H: Then...yes.

Y: That.

Sub: what will their first-ever roast prawns be like?

Y: Oh, you said you didn't wash your hands?

H: Yes!

Y: Ahhhh~

H: That's a merong. [NOTE: 'merong' is a word for sticking out your tongue.] Ha!

Y: From now on, wash your hands if you want to hold mine.

Sub: You held hers first...

Y: Got it?

H: I don't know...

Sub: serving the roast prawns~!!

H: Wow!

Y: Wow!

H: This is my first time seeing it!

Y: Me too.

Sub: catching the live shrimp!

Y: Looks really good.

MC: Right next to the sea.

Y: Avatar.

Sub: bringing the tub with the live shrimp

Owner: they're alive.

Owner: And now I'm going to make them faint.

Y/H: They faint when you do that?

Y: So they're already fainted?

Owner: not all of them.

Sub: standing up at the same time

Sub: putting them raw on top of the salt

MC: That's how you're supposed to do it. And when they're red and cooked, you have to crack their backs in half...

Sub: much commentary because of the prawns!!

At the 6:33 mark.

Owner: try catching one.

H: Really?

Y: Do they bite?

Owner: no, they don't.

Sub: like that because of just one prawn...?

MC: Oh, it escaped!

H: Just catch it!

Sub: Yong afraid (?) of shrimp!

Y: Oh!

MC: Oh, he scared of a lot of stuff.

Y: Where am I supposed to hold it?

Owner: the body!

Y: Just hold it by the body?

Y: I'm really scared of things like this.

H: Why are you scared of it?

Y: Can you do it?

H: How can I...

Y: Wow, you look so scary for a small thing.

H: Hurry! Start!

Sub: can't show weakness in front of his wife...

H: Just grab it...

Y: It flutters around, doesn't it?

Y: Ohhh...what's that?

Sub: afraid of the shrimp, now afraid of the stray dog...

MC: Oh, he's cute.

Sub: finally taking care (?) of the prawn..!!

MC: Because Seohyun's looking.

Y: Put it in there? But it's flailing around?

Sub: finally sitting down!

Y: Looks good.

Y: Save me~

H: Wow, they look...

Sub: after a short while...

Sub: the prawns turning red after being cooked!

Y: Wow, they look...

MC: Wow, they look good!

Y: Do you know how to clean shrimp?

H: Uh...

MC: Peel it for her! Yonghwa, just peel it for her!

MC: Just take off the head. If you fry the heads separately later, they taste really good.

Sub: The fully cooked, delicious prawns

Y: Oh, they're really hot.

H: Wow, they are really hot.

Sub: holding in the burning...

Sub: Yong peeling it carefully

Y: You want to try one?

Sub: handing it over

MC: Don't do it like that, just put it in her mouth!

H: Oh, they're good!

Y: They're good?

Sub: at that one word...

Y: Ah!

MC: They should be hot.

Sub: while they're doing that...

Sub: this time it's Hyun's turn...!

H: Here you go~

MC: Aaaahhhh...

H: How is it?

Y: Mmm, they're good.

Y: It's peeled well. Seohyun ahhh~

H: I think it's going to be hot.

Y: It's not hot.

H: Wait! Ahh...what is this?

Sub: does he want her to eat it or not

MC: Did he want that to happen?

At the 9:21 mark.

Sub: doing mildang over prawns...!!

MC: Those were the good days...

Sub: Finally success!

H: Mmmmm! It's good.

H: My turn!

H: Start! Ahhh~

Sub: the shrimp mildang starting immediately

Y: You think I'm going to fall for that?

Sub: the Busan man getting a dent on his reputation

Sub: finally grabbing her arm

H: For real this time!

Y: Mmm, tastes like kimchi.

H: I feel sorry for the shrimp, but you're so tasty.

MC: Wow, they ate a lot.

Sub: the owner bringing something

H: Thank you!

Sub: asking earlier to wrap the gogumas for them

MC: Oh, the ones they dug before.

MC: the finger gogumas.

Sub: putting the foil-wrapped gogumas on the grill...

Y: I'm waiting for the gogumas.

H: They're the ones we dug, right?

Sub: the taste of their gogumas...?

Moving on the Part 2.

Starting at the 0:14 mark.

Sub: while the gogumas are cooking...

Sub: the couple exchanging friendly (?) glances...

H: If you look at a person upside down, it's really fun.

H: No, not like that.

Sub: need to look down on them from above?!

H: So the mouth looks like it should be on the forehead...

H: I should show you how it works.

Y: Huh?

H: It's really funny!

Sub: Hyun wife getting closer?!!

MC: Wow!

MC: Look at that!

H: you need to close your mouth and look at me.

Sub: right in front of his face...

H: Hahahaha~!!

Y: What was that??

H: You look like a squid.

Sub: amid inflated (?) expectations...

Sub: the gogumas are finally ready!

Y: Let's see.

MC: roast gogumas sound nice.

H: Uhhh...these are ginseng?

MC: Hahahah!

H: These are really ginseng.

Sub: closer to ginseng and bellflower...

Sub: what will the taste be like...?

H: We should be able to eat the skin, right?

Y: It tastes like a potato.

H: Look at this.

H: Mmm...tastes like potatoes.

Sub: looks like a bellflower + originally a goguma + tastes like potatoes

H: Looks like bellflowers, but it's a goguma, and it tastes like a potato.

Y: Here, feed me.

MC: He's asking to get fed.

Sub: getting a taste for (?) getting fed

H: It looks hot.

Y: Ah, it's hot!

Y: Can't you learn how to handle chopsticks?

H: Ah, so funny.

At the 2:13 mark.

Y: Mmm!

H: Is that one good?

Y: This one's a real goguma.

H: I'll hold the chopstick.

Y: Don't, it's hot.

Sub: playing mildang in front of their babies...

H: Okay.

MC: He just wants to feed her.

Y: You look a little like an iguana.

H: Why does an iguana come out of nowhere?

Y: Okay, okay. Ahhh~

Sub: but the bigger gogumas are pretty good...!

MC: They look good.

At the 2:43 mark.

H: But still...they were gogumas that we grew ourselves. I felt proud, and kind of forgot about the hard work that we did earlier. When we ate them.

H: I guess this is what a farmer feels.

Y: I eat so much gogumas because of you. I'm good for 10 years now.

MC: 10 years?

H: No, you still have a long way to go. Right now it's goguma season!

Y: Just get rid of the lint that's in your hair.

H: Go away.

Sub: plowing the field together...

Sub: the couple getting even closer

Y: I like how you're dressed now.

H: Like how?

Y: And your hair down.

H: Really?

Sub: Also said it during their Japan vacation...

Y: I told you that before.

H: Yeah, you did.

Y: That's right.

H: I also like you like that. The hair. Not like that, but like that.

Y: What is that??

H: When you're hair's like this!

Sub: Doesn't like spiked hair?!

H: During I'm a Loner!

Y: Like that?

MC: Isn't that more like Kim Mousse? [NOTE: korean CF...I think. Not sure, so don't quote me.]

H: I like them both, but...

Y: I get it.

At the 3:54 mark.

Y: A long, long time ago...I started writing a song.

Sub: what is he talking about...?

Y: From then until today.

H: Mmm....

MC: Mmm?

Y: Do you know what the title is?

H: Love Light!

Y: That's not it.

H: Then?

Y: It's from a few months ago. When I had bits and pieces of time.

H: Is it out now?

Y: No, it's not out.

MC: Did he write it with her in mind?

Y: Ever since 4, 5 months ago...since then, whenever I had the time, I thought 'what would it be like if there was a song like that...'

Y: It can be a sort of a present...and also kind of a request, so...I thought that it would be a good idea. In between stuff.

H: How do I know that?

Sub: Hyun still thinking that it's a joke

Y: What do you think the title is? It's a song dedicated to you.

H: It's something weird again, isn't it?

Y: What's so weird about it??

H: Something like 'Goguma'.

Y: I don't write weird songs.

Sub: What is the title of his song to his wife?

Y: What's the title? Guess.

MC: What is it?

H: Hint.

Y: Right now...

H:...So Nyuh Shi Dae!

Sub: because of the action-reaction, shouted Girls Generation

Y: Wow, really...

H: That's all that comes to mind. Right now, it's Girls Generation!

Y: Right now...

H: So Nyuh Shi Dae!

Y: Hey!

At the 5:20 mark.

Y: Right now, you don't do it...but earlier, you used to work on it a lot.

H: Something I don't do now, but tried to before?

MC: Something she did before but doesn't now.

H: Drum?

Y: You did the drums?

H: Guitar?

Y: ...you don't play the guitar now, do you?

MC: Oh, she got caught.

Sub: Doesn't do it now, but had played guitar before?!

H: I can't do it right now...I want to, but I can't.

Y: It's not guitar.

H: Ah, what is it? Something that I did before, but not now?

Y: What can it be?

Y: Hey. Hey!

H: Something I did before but not now.

Y: Yeah.

H: Ohh! I got it!

Y: What?

MC: Banmal?

H: Banmal! Am I right?

Sub: A song that's about banmal!

H: You wrote a song about that?

Y: Yeah.

H: Something like 'you you you '?

Sub: turning on the Yong rap (?)...

H: Wait...really?

Y: Yeah, something like that.

Y: It's still completely unfinished. I finished the framework.

H: Oh, I'm curious. I'm looking forward to it.

Y: Should I show  you a little bit?

H: Yes!

Y: You better hold something spicy.

H: Something spicy?

Y: Because your insides are going to shrivel up.

MC: Because they're going to shrivel up!

Y: Drink hot pepper paste immediately after you listen to it.

H: Okay.

Sub: what is the identity of his unfinished song...?

Y: One, two three...

Y: practice your guitar!

H: Haaaaaaah!

[NOTE: Here, Yonghwa's using English words as placeholders.

MC: Is that banmal in English?

MC: They're placeholders.

MC: Oh, those aren't the lyrics?

At the 7:30 mark.

H: Ohhh~

Y: And the ending part...has lyrics, kind of.

H: Does it?

Y: "I wish we could be close enough to speak informally...even though we're still awkward and unpolished..."

MC: Oh, it's good.

Y: "Instead of saying 'thank you'...try speaking to me like a friend...we're going to be speaking banmal to each other now...really...$%!^%!$^!^$!#^%!$%!$%!@$^$^!...please accept it...I love you..."

H: Wow...

MC: He said he loved her!!

At the 8:22 mark.

H: At first I was like, "what is this?" and I thought it was a joke...but then I found out that he really was composing a song for me. I was...really surprised. He said that he was thinking of me, and was writing it for me. I was really touched.

Y: Really though, I wrote the ending lyrics really fast, but the front is still unwritten.

Sub: Yong getting wordy...

Y: I'm going to start working on it now.

Y: Wow, this kind of stuff, really, I...I really...

H: Fighting!

Y: Try speaking it. I think I'll get some inspiration.

H: Thanks.

Sub: What were the lyrics that Yong flubbed on purpose...?

Okay...bedtime. Good night, Goguma Planet! :)

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