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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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There is a saying... "Keep your friends close, but keep your ENEMIES (in this case people who you think might get in the way of your budding romance...) CLOSER!!!"








I was watching that Fancam video of Yonghwa being teased by Jinwoon to go over SNSD, SH in particular and congratulate her! I noticed, CHANGMIN went over to SUJU Boys - and i thought... IF YONGHWA, paved his way to the SUJU boys... I bet, if any of the SUJU boys or SHINEE boys saw him there, they wud have pushed him in the CIRCLE so that he can get to SEOHYUN..... Awwwww.... :wub::wub:
























That would have earned him a Million GOGUMA POINTS - summing up all the votes from the SMEnt Family , oh sorry --- TOWN. SM TOWN!!! hahaha.
























Just sharin my thoughts.
























But hey, whatever He did and did not do... it's ok.
























his I'M A LONER number was DAEBAK enuf for me!!!!












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Guest quisty86












What's funny is that the unnis/brothers and even friends are the ones spazzing like mad! I can imagine myself acting like Yuri if I was there. Plus that gesture of Yuri touching Hyun's hair... it's like being happy for your sister. 




But really. I'm amused how the people around them are basically just teasing and pushing them. It's like in high school or college when your friends tease and try to hook up friends - and that happens bec. there is reason. 




I was actually laughing while watching the Jinwoon-Yonghwa cam. Is there going to be a new ship? 




I wish Jinwoon and Jonghyun had been more forceful with Yonghwa that the Suju/Shinee boys would have seen it and "helped" if they were really trying to get Yong to go to Seohyun. Heeeheee. 





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maybe not related to the couple but remember him (cameo in wgm 34 :D)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yup she not only seohyun manager but also snsd manajer as well
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































he's present and comforting taeyeon.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































maybe yonghwa did greet him too at the event.

































































































































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happy day for Sones, Boices and for goguma villagers:-) we have so many good news from our couples that the sarturday comes faster. i hope our couple will have very swet moment for their new year. but seeing their schedule it is not really easy for them. I cant just stop myself thinking that they will be celebrate christmast together, hand in hand, lips in lips hahaha :wub:




watching all the fancam, i can see our couple is really fall in love or exactly on the way fall in love. Yong is always confident but now he is shy, Hyun also shy when people teasing them. if you have nothing to hide why are you shy. :wub: love love love. everybody clap clapclap.




And Princessjulia just posted her new chapter in her blog, really sweet chapter








enjoy reading and waiting for 2morrow


tommorow will be another deabak epsiode. i dont want to expect a lot but i cant help myself to imagine. i just want more and more moment of Yongseo


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Sorry Guys, anyone can send me the link to sub last week ep. I search several pages but cuoldn't find it. Thx






you can go to RDR side, they have a link to download or here:http://www.facebook.com/pages/SNSDSeoHyunForever/346207347887#!/pages/SNSDSeoHyunForever/346207347887?v=wall




but please not post oneline and take account to the thread rules, your post must be at least 20 words and no quote image




have fun watching:-)


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Guest ixakimi



thanx to all for the fancams and observation from GDA.

i jzt watch this fancam:

smthing caught my eyes and make me smies all over.

after yuri hit seohyun when seohyun trying to spazz when her hubby win, yuri raised her hand and point to seohyun.

THEN,, she said somthing. look closely, i'm sure it's "saranghae". plis correct me if im wrong. u can read yuri's lips and we can hear the words too.. :)


yuri must say that to yong. pointing to the girl who "saranghae" yong.. :P


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Guest glennpaulo




thanx to all for the fancams and observation from GDA.


i jzt watch this fancam:



smthing caught my eyes and make me smies all over.


after yuri hit seohyun when seohyun trying to spazz when her hubby win, yuri raised her hand and point to seohyun.


THEN,, she said somthing. look closely, i'm sure it's "saranghae". plis correct me if im wrong. u can read yuri's lips and we can hear the words too.. :)



I second to you, I watch it again, and its look like saranghae... although im not a korean but from my point of view, yuri said saranghae..


hmmm....i wonder why yuri said that? maybe because of overjoy, she didn't control herself and said it without knowing.


Her Unnies is definitely has knowledge about the present relationship of the two.....


Goguma FBI is definely awesome. I see the picture you all posted and it something, wow.. 


i can't say anything, just Goguma FBI is definitely the best.



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annyeong all!! thank you to those who presented us with lovely fancams of last night. i was watching all the fancams and have to delurk to say this....Yonghwa is so cute when he is shy! during the end where Jonghyun and Jinwoon was trying to get him to go over to Seohyun to congrats and he was like resisting, so cute! yup i agree with those who said that it's the unnies' reaction that make the whole thing more sweet. woooohooo spazz spazz... can't wait for tomorrow's episode. gamsamida again!


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Guest joshua27





















In the first half portion of this Fancam, Yong seem to be stealing many quick glances at his Buin (or to check whether any of her fanboys were trying to get close to her?):rolleyes:



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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































if anyone cant view the fancam between yong and jinwoon. i found a link on youtube







































































































































































































































credits: cnblueshow
















































































































@4.10 it looks like jinwoon is asking yong about the flowers.  maybe if he gave hyun any flowers?? and then jinwoon suggests this flower hence yong smells it??
















































































































Also @4.20: jinwoon is DEFINTELY telling yong to go congratulate hyun or something along those lines. But yong seems too shyy awww... =D i am so happy to see this.
















































































































Jinwoon and the CNBLUe members definetely know whats going on between yong and hyun. and i can say after these awards and from the fancams of jinwoon and hyun's unnies. I can conclude that hyun and yong are REAL!!
















































































































you can see all the smirks and smiles on jinwoon and the cnblue members when they are talking about the flowers and when SNSD wins teh awards
















































































































ahhh!!! im going crazy !! yayaya love for yongseo <3
















































































































and yaya for tomorrow's episode of WGM
















































































































i cant get enough of our yongseo couple









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next week mu bank (kchart of the year also maybe christmas special)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SNSD,Super Junior,2PM,2AM,CN Blue,KARA,Beast,SHINee ect

































































































































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more fancams!!! yes! thank u lovely gogumas..

fancams are the best!

since i can't view todou vids, i appreciate the youtube link, fallenanjewl. tks!

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Guest Crystal392





Thanks to everyone for your analysis, links, screencaps and everything :w00t: Awww there are so many fancams I want to watch but I have lots of things to do right now x_x I've read some of your posts and hehehe they were funny.








Woah some Gogumas really became detectives ^^








wildcat_: About Yong looking so serious, according to saturn@CNBLUE thread (based on fan accounts I think) it seems he was just nervous about CNBLUE's perf (his solo @ 'Im a loner' jazz version). :P Bc after that he looked more relaxed.








Also CNBLUE fancams, Yong~ focus ^^



*CNBLUE fancams by bhlee0203@YT:



[Fancam] (101209) 2010 GOLDEN DISK AWARDS CNBLUE 1 - Photo-wall










[Fancam] (101209) 2010 GOLDEN DISK AWARDS CNBLUE 2 - 디지털음원 본상 수상








[Fancam] (101209) 2010 GOLDEN DISK AWARDS CNBLUE 3 - 외톨이야(Jazz ver.) , LOVE








[Fancam] (101209) 2010 GOLDEN DISK AWARDS CNBLUE 4








[Fancam] (101209) 2010 GOLDEN DISK AWARDS CNBLUE 5








[Fancam] (101209) 2010 GOLDEN DISK AWARDS CNBLUE 6










lovebabyseo: I saw it... kyaa cute :wub: Ok maybe it's because I am YongSeo biased but imo he seemed happy with his brothers and Simon D BUT when he saw Hyun he... his smile.... he looked super happy ^_^


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Guest blueshoes






[Fancam] (101209) 2010 GOLDEN DISK AWARDS CNBLUE 6




yongseo hi-five @ 5:17...:wub:




oopps..top the page..:)






The vid has been removed I can't watch it :tears:






FANCAM CNBLUE at GDA from hicn4.blog.me









[cr hicn4] 101209 CNBLUE win BONSANG at GDA

[cr hicn4] 101209 CNBLUE at GDA 1

[cr hicn4] 101209 CNBLUE at GDA 2

[cr hicn4] 101209 CNBLUE at GDA ending

[cr hicn4] 101209 CNBLUE at GDA when other artists win

[cr hicn4] 101209 CNBLUE - 2AM at GDA [watch at 04:17 SNSD win]












I wanna share screencapture Yonghwa and Jinwoon 's reation when SNSD won Daesang ...


cap by me from

[cr hicn4] 101209 CNBLUE - 2AM at GDA [watch at 04:17 SNSD win]









































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Guest nafa_yongseo








for Uri Yong sobang n brother in law n Hyun buin n sister in law...


yongseo always DAEBAK...


when yong win hyun win too...


it's yongseo fate...


can't wait for WGM tommorow...


i'm really curious about the song...


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being a rookie, its heart warming to see the boys getting friendly

with so many established singers.

besides being the talented band that cn blue is, i think wgm also plays a part for it.

now that i've seen the friendly comaderie btwn minho, jw and yong,

i'd like to see hyun's oldest fanboy of them all...teukie too hehehe

more love for yongseo couple

crystal, can't view youtube link no.6..

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Guest lovebabyseo






























































































































































































































yongseo hi-five..i got that from the fancam that has been removed...































































screen caption only,i don't know how to post picture here..i'm sorry..

































































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