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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest carrots98






hello to everyone!!!!!!


this is my first time posting something about celebrities for i've never been a fan....until i stumble on yongseo....


YONG is a rocker and by nature he is PLAYFUL,FREE SPIRIT and MAD ABOUT MUSIC.would'nt it be annoying and burdensome to watch a GLOOMY and SERIOUS ROCKSTAR?HAVE YOU EVER SEEN ONE?????better google the word BALLADER if they want to change Rocker YONG to understand what type of music these fans wants.You don't idolize someone because you like him for yourself but because YOU APPRECIATE HIS TALENT.and what do they expect from a twenty-two yr. old kid?act as a pervert (skinship) and do some false charade to satisfy there fantasies......those emcees (excluding mc kim and seulong) always calling him a CHODING......OH LEAVE THE BOY ALONE  and let him be who he is.if you can't accept the way he is then continue being narrow minded LOSERS.......


TRUTH HURTS !!!!!!! JUNG YONG HWA IS ONLY FOR SEO JOO HYUN and vice versa........not for some random CRITIC FANS.



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Guest jitluvyongseo

hello goguma villagers...

i read all your opinion about BOICE...i think a few of BOICE were overreacting....

If they really CN Blue fan, they should support all program about CN Blue member... This will make CN Blue more famous.

When i heard about yonghwa and seohyun were part of WGM season 2..i only look for one eyes... really don't have any interest...

Because i were SNSD fan...so, i must at least try to watch it. After watched it I become like yonghwa and also all the CN Blue member...

After 1 episode..i keep watching till right now. 

Actually about things yonghwa should quit WGM....supposely not be an issue...

Be supportive if u really their fans...

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sorry about the numerous edits on my earier post! i promise i won't change it anymore but the gifts are so adorable!
















anyhow in response to the Korean Boice's concerns over Yong's image on WGM....
















i think they should be thankful that their idol is able to gain so much recognition for his true personality! How can you disapprove of a show that actually stipulates the participants must show themselves! Without WGM I doubt so many international and Korean fans would know so much about Yonghwa or CNBLUE...how many male rookie idol groups do you know that have skyrocketed to such popularity as much as CNBLUE has in 1 year? Granted much of that is because their music is just awesome, but also their tv appearances add on to their image and charm. Because of WGM, I and many viewers have gotten to know Yonghwa, if not for WGM I wouldn't have paid as much attention to a rookie band because they were rookies...(usually I'm always a step late in K-Pop trends because so many don't make it, but this time I've joined the Boice bandwagon early!)
















and my.yonghwa.baby at the CNBLUE thread explained that the concern came from the "fans" who posted on the CNBLUE freeboard. Apparently so much bashing was going on that FNC has disabled it. Keep in mind that a concept of a freeboard is that anyone can post in it, so who is to say that the bashing on the CNBLUE freeboard is not from Boices but Yongseo antifans? just because it appears on the CNBLUE freeboard doesn't mean that actual Boices have posted it, because it could be the work of anti-fans (and we all know how ridiculously neurotic antifans are right? (google Jonghyun/Sekyung dating & Tablo's college legitimacy scandal)
















anyhow I'm returning to Goguma Heaven:
















I approve of Yong's Choding:
































as well as his rocker image:

















































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Guest glennpaulo






Okay since I'm the one who started it in this thread(Choding issue), i will be the one to close it. I think some fans need to be Open minded and completely aware in their environment.


Okay, Goguma land lets all wait for the Interaction of Yongseo couple in GDA i think after a few hours. i dont know the exact time. The attendance of CNBLUE and SNSD is confirmed, right??



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Guest my.yonghwa.baby
















Okay since I'm the one who started it in this thread(Choding issue), i will be the one to close it. I think some fans need to be Open minded and completely aware in their environment.








Okay, Goguma land lets all wait for the Interaction of Yongseo couple in GDA i think after a few hours. i dont know the exact time. The attendance of CNBLUE and SNSD is confirmed, right??















I second glennpaulo. I technically started this issue on the SNSD thread purely out of curiosity. The free board posts on CNBlue's wesite got to a point where FNC thought it would be best to disable it, and I wanted to know how SONES felt about Seobaby on WGM. No other reason. There was a reason why the entire thing was in a spoiler in a different thread. I'm sorry if this upset anyone. It was not what I intended at all.









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Guest Faith_memory




























LOL. maybe that thing saying about some BOICE wanting yonghwa out WGM, might be just a work of some anti who isn't a fan of yong or hyun. they might be planning on making a war between SONES and BOICES. Gogumas let's not fall for it okay.!




















let's love each other here.!! I just hope that some Sones won't say negative stuffs about Boices and vice versa.




















We love our YONGSEO here.. that article might not be that true at all.







































so let's not make it a big deal.




















and i love Yong CHoding!!! ♥





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Another issue again....
































































Calm down guys, that's just an opinion from a small crazy fans. I don't think they are a true boice. I'm sure that some boice really like yongseo (me, crystal_malfoy, my.yonghwa.baby, ahn_nan(?), caliope, etc). Even tough some of boice not a fans of Yongseo, they never said a hurting comment about Yonghwa in WGM. So, let's not upset about that and let's spazzing about this week episode. biggrin.gif
































































For this week episode, what scene do you want to see?
































For me, I want to see they are holding hand
































Want to know what are they talking about in the restaurant
































Want to know which song he talked about
































































So, how about you gogumas?































































EDIT : GDA is tomorrow?? hope we can spazz about it. 
































EDIT 2 : yhayhayha --> i don't think they will kissing in lips, (just can't imagined it w00t.gif).
































faith_memory --> we are a truly boice and yongseo loverbiggrin.gif 

































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















Yeah I agree we should end all of this, or else we would stuck in endless arguments.... Anyway thanks my.yonghwa.baby for letting out all of your curiousity...... I appreciate your effort because we need to take everything from both fans' point of view, not from just one's perspective....














By the way, golden disk awards I scheduled to broadcast tomorrow right?? Yay hope there will be interactions....... I'm sure they will discuss the 300 days celebration hahaha









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Guest Faith_memory
























For this week episode, what scene do you want to see?




















For me, I want to see they are holding hand




















Want to know what are they talking about in the restaurant




















Want to know which song he talked about











































So, how about you gogumas?


















































































omg the holding hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously, i want to see the FULL of it!! that would look cute for sure. gaaahhh, im being impatient again. im just seeing those things in kdramas and stuffs, but yongseo doing it would look seriously amazing!! i wanna hear yong's song for seohyun kekeke~! ♥ and also, the feeding tricks. hahaha!




















btw, im a boice, and i seriously LOVE yongseo ♥





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Guest glennpaulo




Yeah I agree we should end all of this, or else we would stuck in endless arguments.... Anyway thanks my.yonghwa.baby for letting out all of your curiousity...... I appreciate your effort because we need to take everything from both fans' point of view, not from just one's perspective....






By the way, golden disk awards I scheduled to broadcast tomorrow right?? Yay hope there will be interactions....... I'm sure they will discuss the 300 days celebration hahaha



waaa...is it tomorrow?, sorry for the wrong information..









I think im a little excited of YONGSEO interaction in GDA.









Goodluck to our CNBLUE and SNSD. hope they will get what thy deserved.







Base on the previous, i think we will see a playful side of seohyun and i think it will be a new sweetest episode..



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Guest yhayhayha
































































@ my.yonghwa.baby, thank u laugh.gif
































































@ rxp080100, waaww.. the gifts are amazing.. really.































@ bee_ichigo, for me... holding haaaaaaaaands!!!! yong puts hyun's hand in his pocket,, waaww w00t.gif































oh, i'm spazzing right now. eh, i just remember when adam couple have their weddingshoot, they kissing, right?































can you guys imagine,, can our yongseo kiss each other lips too? wub.gif































 haaaaaaaaahhhhhhh , i'm going crazy just imagine it w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

































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hi gogumas..

this thread moves oh so slow after the 300th day celebrations..

here i am just waiting for some explosive news abt yongseo's new sighting :rolleyes:

like whether they film a new epi etc etc etc,

but since there is no reported news of it, i guess they did not meet.. -_-

but on a happy note, there is GDA to look forward to.

yes! there could be another yongseo interactions or at least their famous eyeship! :w00t:

can hardly wait! anyone knows which channel is it going to air and what time?

and yes, i love and salute Baidu gogumas for their project.

yongseo children! i love that!

all gogumas world wide are indeed jjang!

i can't help but to respond to the 'current' issues that is going on abt yongseo.

i'm sure i am not the only one who love yong's choding side.

to me he is a likeable & lovable guy who just wants to see his wife smile/happy


so lets move on, gogumas.

we are in yongseo GO-CHUN after all


what was the Q again, bee-ichigo?

what scene i want to see?

The hand-in pocket scene of course!!

yong might just be choding again and tickle hyun's palm!! :w00t::w00t:


i got the link to GDA already..

and its going to be broadcast right here in SG! yay!

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annyeong gogumaz!


just wanna give bezbezbez, genxv, nazweena & the rest of the Yongseo Project team a BIG THANK U for a successful execution of the project :wub: u guys are JJANG!!!


and also thanks to all the lovely gogumaz in this thread (new & old) for posting infos, links, wonderful fanmade pics, FMVs & POVs :)


whoaaaa...i guess i'm way too late to wish yongseo happy 300th day in here >.< (uhmm... not gonna do it in the 1st place anyways :P 'cause i'm not the type to do this so... :ph34r: )


i've been in the LOST WORLD for quite some time (been & am still busy like mad at work since a few days ago @_@)... gogumas, pls update me....what's GDA??? thanks in advance ^^


yahh that's all... i guess i won't post as much as i'd like to (besides, nothing much to post -.-") will be lurking daily. NINJA MODE HERE I COME!!!! :ph34r:


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here's the link, dreamy

tks for this, sophia chigu!

Golden Disk Award

but it looks like we have to dl something..

well, will try and see how it goes tomorrow.

*so u've become a lurker too, dreamy...sad*

and because i :wub::wub: this fanart too much..

tks to the gogumas who share it here


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jnj~!! aww thanks so much for the info! *hugs*


no worries... i'm just too burned out these days. my brain is... running out of RAM :crazy: but still energetic enough to watch yongseo :lol: & also to peep at ya all. wokeh... gtg grind meself up T.T


*seriously :ph34r: *


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so sad that some crazy boices commented bad about Yonghwa. I think those fans are really crazy they just think they can decide how their idol to be. why he acted fun and childish in we make artist why they didnt complain about that, i think most of them is just jealous of Seohyun. They just want their YOnghwa, but they can never get him like that. how can they ask him to stop WGM, when he can inspire to compose songs.




what kind of fan is that when they can see that Yonghwa improve alot after WGM. if there is no WGM i just know CNBlue with "i am a loner" and never try again. but when i know him from WGM, i become a real fan of CBBlue. I like him more because i can see a real side of him. and i appreciate his talents and his bandmate.




I hope someone can write Korean and write some encourage words to YOnghwa and CNBlue. I get worried because if there are so many antis the company will think about taking him out of WGM, that is really nonsense and crazy.






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Edit: This is the same shared by Crystal

V교 신도들이여...용서...우결겔들이여..!!!..크핫핫!!! .. 토요일 우결닥본사..!오늘 나영생일...미선님께서식사를 사셨습니다..!^^

Hi gogumas!!! guys! I think this is MC Kim tweets.... and un human  translation by babylon that I feel shy to share, but... is our MC  spazzing about our couple?????... kyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaa please some kind  soul would translate it???
































































































































































































































































Thank you, and for all the goodies too... waves to all :wub:

































































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Guest SophiaPia










God bless you all :) 













Thank you so so much YongSeo internationals, SeoHwa internationals, DC Gal, Baidu, Vietnam, Thailand bezbezbez, genxv, nazweena EVERY BODY, TO ALL OF US HERE for celebrating the happy 300th day of our lovely lovely couple. We just wish that this 300th days will be 1000th, 2000th, 3000th like what Jungshin chingu wish kekeke! Let's all be happy and inlove. Coz our lovely YongSeo couple are happy and i think inlove yeah baby! . Common! for sure they are, with all these love they received from us. For sure YongSeo  couple are thankful as well. Not only that people surrounding our YongSeo couple sure appreciated it all.













About what other people think about hubby Yong or wife Seobaby, let's not concentrate to that anymore. Let's all be happy. We just admit that we cannot please anybody. Are they really love Yong or not? If they love Yong they will give their support to Yong. 













For me, i said this before and i will say this again. If not w/ WGM I WILL NOT KNOW YONGSEO COUPLE. I will not know lettuce couple in S1 So, thanks to wgm. And let's all admit WGM helping hubby Yong and wife Hyun individual work. Wife Seobaby acknowledged it in foreign press conf. She says because of wgm people call her sweet potato and she's thankful for that. She's thankful and valuing her imaginary marriage. And for sure hubby Yong is thankful as well. He got loads of work.













Instead complaining, we just look on the bright side, like wife SeoHyun attitude. She always says 'KWENCHANA' kekeke! it's because i just came to hear mass tonight that's why i don't want to get upset w/ all this HUHA! kekeke! 













Cheers to all



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Guest Caliope

They want that YongHwa leaves WGM... and we want that they to stop writing crap.

I'm so tired.... soo tired.

It's always the same...

As BOICE I am ashamed that they have these behaviors...

Don't get any call (Boice) and then make stupid comments...

I never will think like those people... and you (True Boice) will not.

We support any project that they do ^^ Yes, PROJECT (Program TV, Concert, Music, Drama, etc).

The fans should support the projects of an artist.

Who are the fans to get into your personal life?... :blink:

I know, the damage comments were in the Freeboard (Anyone can post)... and now this Freeboard is closed by FNC (It's the third time)...

FNC closed the Freeboard, because the damage comments the image of the group.

And they call themselves BOICE...

If you don't like an artist... the door is on your left. Thanks ^_^


MC KIM tweet...

If I'm not wrong ... :sweatingbullets:

Say something like that: YONGSEO FAITHFULS ... should to see episode.

Just don't know if it's the meaning, but what I'm sure is he is as amazed Yongseo this Saturday.

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wow, Mc Kim, i think he means for next week. because when we had one week canceled, they still recorded. wow that means we have at least 2 weeks deabak. i just so love this couple. i think MC Kim as well. i hope FCN of Cnblue dont take the bad comment to withdraw Yong from WGM, we really want these two support eachother, because we know how diffulct they can date with idol life. joining in this program and luckily find your half, that is the best date for them. even they can secretly date but with their business i dont think their companies let them do it.




YongSeo fighting, we our fans should support both groups. i will buy the cds of both group and will do more thing to support these two. :wub:




Edit: still feel so down, even i dont want to be like this. i know one day wgm will end but thinking if Yongseo forced to end because of fans is really hurt. when their relationship just starts blooming.




The problem is they are too young, and their career depends on their comapnies and fans more than their talents. when they want to improve their talents then companies asked them to this and that , and then fans ask them to do this and that. why dont they just think they are normal person. they loves music. and they find each other from music. They just normal person have their own flaws. they are too young and with this pressure how can they know which direction they should go. if Yong and Hyun really love each other, then what the fans want to do more with them. if they stop WGM, and they date, how more crazy fan will be.hmm, so depressed. i know we have a very daebak epsiode waiting but i still feel worried for Yogn and Hyun.




Think how difficult Yong can be now, and how hurt Hyun feel. because she will thinks maybe this is her fault to make the situation worse for Yong.




I hope they both strong and i will support them if they not try to sell them to their fan's need.


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