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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392
















yslovelightys: OMO I hadn't thought about it that way :o hehehe I squealed when I read the translation and the saw the Inki cut. YongSeo ♥


























yhayhayha: *waves* hiii! Welcome to Go-Chun! ^^ *throws confetti*


























chyme_31: Dear thanks soo much for subbing it! Thanks thanks thanks!! (and thanks to j2dlee and MountainMadman for translating the latest ep!). You all are Goguma angels :)


























Rouenna: It waas soo funny. Thanks for sharing those screencaps. Yong~ and SNSD Manager teasing Hyun was cute :P


























sayroo: hehehe I am also proud to say I've been a fan of them since the beginning :D Btw thanks for always sharing the ratings of lots of Korean shows! ^^








lee_ryana: Hii!! Welcome!! *throws more confetti* Actually JoKwon and YongHwa were just mentioning who they had duets with xD But I also hope they will have another duet soon... (:








linh80: I can't wait either but I am thankful because we Gogumas have been blessed this past few days with lots of Goguma news! News about their Busan filming, their little interaction at Korea-China event, Yong~ mentioning Hyun~ on Inki. :w00t:








SwEEtGoguma_7: Uri Hyun~ is so pretty and super healthy too!








exceptional.chic: I was wondering where you were :P The manager is SNSD manager, I don't think they have individual managers but I am not 100% sure.








teoki61: Hopefully someone who understands Korean will answer you :)








annann: Thanks soo much for your lovely screencaps. Such a beautiful couple ♥








Caliope, klee22: Thanks for sharing those news and explain about what is it about. hehehe maybe the writer is a Goguma ring-stalker :lol:








MountainMadman: Thanks for sharing that! :D hehehe when they got frustrated it was funny: Hyun's nostrils and Yong's accent! =P








I love you all my Goguma family ♥
















I was just rewatching the latest ep and I wanted to comment about two things: I laughed and found it super cute when Hyun~ used 'Tell me your wish' rythm to make a joke hihihi and about Yong~ cracking Hyun's knucles: I love to do that to my friends... it's a bad habit, I keep grabbing my friend's hands and crack their knucles xD :lol:





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I've been in lurker mode for a few days to let everything sink in and read everyone's comments about this episode before I want to share you mine. I'll put it in spoiler to avoid clogging anyone's page.

First off all, unlike everyone else saying how there's less stuff to spazz about - I disagree. This episode shows very clearly at which stage they are in of their relationship with each other. It's those little, subtle moments that I felt were saying a lot more about them than bigger gestures or actions... say for instance, the arm linking in Japan. It was a turning point yes, but it wasn't until the talk they had after that that I felt they were confirming each other's feelings and there for each more secure about their position in each other's lives.

The first thing that caught my attention and made me spazz wasn't the hand holding. I know, I know, please don't throw Goguma's at me! I did spazz when I saw them holding hands, but it was something else that I felt was more meaningful.


This was an instant flash-back to episode 27 their previous visit to the Goguma field where they first held hands. How's that a flash-back you ask? Remember Seohyun singing a line of Kissing You when they held hands? Let me remind you:

♪ We walk while matching our feets, holding our hands

I want to lean on your shoulder and tell you.. ♫

She has been singing these songs half her life without really knowing what they mean - what feelings and emotions are involved in these lyrics to the people who have actually loved or are loving someone. No matter how smart, talented and beautiful she is and how much she's been through, the truth is that Seohyun is really still a baby. New to these emotions that she carries within the lyrics she sings. It's a fascinating thing to her - how these songs she's been performing maybe a thousand times fit right in with what's she's experiencing at the moment. And so she points them out. First with Kissing You and now again with Tell Me Your Wish.

♫ Get in your dream car and speed off

You're sitting next to me ♪

The recognition for these things says a lot, but pointing them out is a bigger deal. I thought it was rather bold to do so. Imagine you sitting next to your crush (assuming he's aware of the kpop scene) in the car and suddenly say; 'Hey, this reminds me of Tell Me Your Wish. Get in your dream car and speed off. You're sitting next to me..'

Tell me, would that be awkward or awkward? You could tell Seohyun was embarrassed right after she said that and laughs it off, but Yonghwa grinning after hearing it. Too bad we couldn't see his full reaction as the scene got cut, but I'm sure it was anything but bad.

Then to the hand holding~ Rather than the holding hands itself, I found the way Yonghwa playing with Seohyun's fingers way cuter. It was a Yong Choding action that kind of ruined the scene for our dear MCs but from these actions you can tell that Seohyun doesn't mind being touched by him - that's where they are right now. There's absolutely no pressure, awkwardness or hidden feelings, they are comfortable in each other's presence and actually have fun with their childish acts.


I love how she her reaction is full fascination and how she looks towards her manager oppa while I think he didn't have a clue on why she would find knuckle cracking so fascinating.


Let's quickly move on to the preview before my post gets really really really long.


Sulky Yonghwa is always fun to watch! This confirms again how they are more confident of each other and their relationship. How could we ever dream that one day Seohyun and Yonghwa will be playfully feeding each other? To be honest, I never did. These two people changed each other in a more miraculous way than anyone would have ever thought. Running on the beach, playing catch me? Raise your hand if that's what you've seen in one of you YongSeo dreams, but now has become reality.

I love how the Goguma field represents each milestone for this couple - the first confession of Love Light, rings and holding hands. And now again there's a confession and the most sweetest hand holding of all.


I'm a little bit embarrassed to say this, but there was a time when I posted up a comment about my 'dream' for YongSeo. I quickly edited it after I read it again and found it way too cheesy even for our Goguma thread :D But as I said before, I am a major WGM addict. One day I re-watched Taeyeon's episodes and there was one in which Hyungdon offered his jacket pocket in case Taeyeon's hands were cold. She carefully slid them in and he had his hands in his jeans pockets. Maybe it's just me, but isn't that one of the sweetest things to do with your boyfriend? As days goes by and I again was fully emerged in YongSeo, I thought of my own YongSeo version of keeping the hands warm and smiled to myself for hours just thinking about how sweet it'd be if they held hands and Yonghwa carefully slid their hands into his jacket pocket. And can I say it? Yes, my dream has come true :lol: I'm going to let my imagination go even wilder and wish that they'd secretly intertwine their fingers to.. you know, increase the intimacy *smirk*

That's all for today, I'm off to sleep and hoping to wake up on Saturday the 11th soon!

P.S. All the caps are done by me. And these are just my thoughts. I know we all have our own opinion about the episodes, but this is just a little request... Please do not respond to my post when you have critical things to say :P So far nothing's going great for me in life, so at least let me feel the butterflies for this couple a while longer.

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I've been in lurker mode for a few days to let everything sink in and read everyone's comments about this episode before I want to share you mine. I'll put it in spoiler to avoid clogging anyone's page.
































































































































































































































































First off all, unlike everyone else saying how there's less stuff to spazz about - I disagree. This episode shows very clearly at which stage they are in of their relationship with each other. It's those little, subtle moments that I felt were saying a lot more about them than bigger gestures or actions... say for instance, the arm linking in Japan. It was a turning point yes, but it wasn't until the talk they had after that that I felt they were confirming each other's feelings and there for each more secure about their position in each other's lives.
































































































































































































































































The first thing that caught my attention and made me spazz wasn't the hand holding. I know, I know, please don't throw Goguma's at me! I did spazz when I saw them holding hands, but it was something else that I felt was more meaningful.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This was an instant flash-back to episode 27 their previous visit to the Goguma field where they first held hands. How's that a flash-back you ask? Remember Seohyun singing a line of Kissing You when they held hands? Let me remind you:
































































































































































































































































♪ We walk while matching our feets, holding our hands































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I want to lean on your shoulder and tell you.. ♫
































































































































































































































































She has been singing these songs half her life without really knowing what they mean - what feelings and emotions are involved in these lyrics to the people who have actually loved or are loving someone. No matter how smart, talented and beautiful she is and how much she's been through, the truth is that Seohyun is really still a baby. New to these emotions that she carries within the lyrics she sings. It's a fascinating thing to her - how these songs she's been performing maybe a thousand times fit right in with what's she's experiencing at the moment. And so she points them out. First with Kissing You and now again with Tell Me Your Wish.
































































































































































































































































♫ Get in your dream car and speed off































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You're sitting next to me ♪
































































































































































































































































The recognition for these things says a lot, but pointing them out is a bigger deal. I thought it was rather bold to do so. Imagine you sitting next to your crush (assuming he's aware of the kpop scene) in the car and suddenly say; 'Hey, this reminds me of Tell Me Your Wish. Get in your dream car and speed off. You're sitting next to me..'
































































































































































































































































Tell me, would that be awkward or awkward? You could tell Seohyun was embarrassed right after she said that and laughs it off, but Yonghwa grinning after hearing it. Too bad we couldn't see his full reaction as the scene got cut, but I'm sure it was anything but bad.
































































































































































































































































Then to the hand holding~ Rather than the holding hands itself, I found the way Yonghwa playing with Seohyun's fingers way cuter. It was a Yong Choding action that kind of ruined the scene for our dear MCs but from these actions you can tell that Seohyun doesn't mind being touched by him - that's where they are right now. There's absolutely no pressure, awkwardness or hidden feelings, they are comfortable in each other's presence and actually have fun with their childish acts.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love how she her reaction is full fascination and how she looks towards her manager oppa while I think he didn't have a clue on why she would find knuckle cracking so fascinating.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Let's quickly move on to the preview before my post gets really really really long.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sulky Yonghwa is always fun to watch! This confirms again how they are more confident of each other and their relationship. How could we ever dream that one day Seohyun and Yonghwa will be playfully feeding each other? To be honest, I never did. These two people changed each other in a more miraculous way than anyone would have ever thought. Running on the beach, playing catch me? Raise your hand if that's what you've seen in one of you YongSeo dreams, but now has become reality.
































































































































































































































































I love how the Goguma field represents each milestone for this couple - the first confession of Love Light, rings and holding hands. And now again there's a confession and the most sweetest hand holding of all.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm a little bit embarrassed to say this, but there was a time when I posted up a comment about my 'dream' for YongSeo. I quickly edited it after I read it again and found it way too cheesy even for our Goguma thread :D But as I said before, I am a major WGM addict. One day I re-watched Taeyeon's episodes and there was one in which Hyungdon offered his jacket pocket in case Taeyeon's hands were cold. She carefully slid them in and he had his hands in his jeans pockets. Maybe it's just me, but isn't that one of the sweetest things to do with your boyfriend? As days goes by and I again was fully emerged in YongSeo, I thought of my own YongSeo version of keeping the hands warm and smiled to myself for hours just thinking about how sweet it'd be if they held hands and Yonghwa carefully slid their hands into his jacket pocket. And can I say it? Yes, my dream has come true :lol: I'm going to let my imagination go even wilder and wish that they'd secretly intertwine their fingers to.. you know, increase the intimacy *smirk*






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I really like your point about SeoHyun singing randomly :). I didn't think of it that way but I think she does start to relate to the lyrics and maybe think: "ah yeah, this must be the kind of situation that the song refers to" (but since it's YongSeo there's a dose of comic-ness involved too :P). I think it was jd2lee who said this but....they're becoming a bit of a comic duo (in a good way!). I think it's the yong effect hahah.
































































































































































































































































Who would have imagined Hyun 'hoeing' at the ground with rage? Lol. Them going crazy after not finding the gogumas was the highlight of the episode for me for sure!

















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Guest desirenhope
































































































I've noticed something.
















































































Seohyun has been thanking Yonghwa a lot recently for the changes he made in her life. And again this episode, even the Manager thanked him for the change he made. I think we can safely say that Seohyun and the whole SM gang has finally realized 100% just how much of a change Yonghwa has made on her. And they are all liking this change.
















































































I think for me, this is a fundamental moment. Maybe this is why if you see on other shows, all the bro & sis in law are so supportive of them and giving out subtle hints and such. And it made me extra happy that they are giving Yonghwa all the credit he deserves.
















































































And i definitely agree with aisuo415.
















































































She has been singing songs about love without experiencing love all these years. And now it has finally hit her. I think just this moment alone is something so precious to her.









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Guest yslovelightys
































































































































































































































crsytal_malfoy at first i didn't think of that too but as i keep on watching the clip and reading the translation it just suddenly occurred to me. haha. plus i've just recently watched a video of S.M The Ballad, must be the reason why i can't help but associate that certain line to kyu. laugh.gif
































































































































































All I can say about last saturday's episode is that: 
































































































































































Hyun's manager is definitely a yongseo shipper. 
































































































































































MC Kim is not only a yongseo shipper but also a seohyun fanatic. hahaha. 
































































































































































































































































































































I can't wait for saturday. biggrin.gif

































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Can't wait for next episode!! Kya.. Hyun always smiles so brightrly when they together~
















I hope everyday is saturday~ keke





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Guest ahn_annann
































thanks for the translation of News klee22 and MountainMadman.
















oh I love your comment aisuo415.. If free please comment for more Yonghwa's side also. I love when they're talking, no embarrassed anymore.
















here is fancam on 20101202 K-F song festival , do you know what yonghwa said on 4.16 m.?
















please help to resolve my doubtfulness (is it impolite?)
















20101202 한중가요제 엔딩 용화직캠
















credit : sweet0829 @ YT
















thanks : crsytal_malfoy put at C.N.Blue's thread









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Guest chachann
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i do agree with aisuo415..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































nowadays seohyun always seem so random..she will says anything that come into her mind..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i've seen lots of snsd shows. the way seohyun portrayed in this episode really show that she is comfortable being with yonghwa..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































she only act like this whenever she is with her unnies..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































their trip in japan is no doubt a great turning point to their relationship...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































LOL at MCs saying Jungmo oppa, when Hyun said that she's calling an oppa Yong likes. :D Sorry if I'm being stupid for asking this question, by any means is Hyun's manager the manager of the whole SNSD as well or some of them have individual managers?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Holding hands - precious.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The next ep would be one of the bests. :)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































snsd have lots of manager... this manager is hyun individual managers.. at the same time he also help with snsd as a whole..

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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This must be a fan account from Yongseo's goguma harvesting. Kindly help us translate. Click




























credits: dc married



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How are you goguma villager???































































































Tonight is Yongseo's 300th day ... yeeee....































































































Just want to share the picture from 12th Korea China Music Festival. Found this at allkpop.































































































The interesting picture is this one. Not only us who search for couple ring. 






























































































































































































I just share the pict with Yong or Hyun in it. For the other picture, you can see it here



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit as tagged
































































































































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Guest MountainMadman

Thanks to aneng for the tip!



고구마밭에서 만난 용서커플♡

저는 아직 대학에 다니고 있는 21살 학생이랍니다..

이번에 보육실습이라고 해서 어린이집에 실습을 한달 동안 나가게 되었는데

제가 나갔던 어린이집은 일주일에 한번씩 견학을 가더라구요^^

2주차 되던 주에 고구마밭에 견학을 가게 되었어요!

버스를 타고 강화에 가서 점심을 먹고 있는데

MBC촬영차량이 들어오더라구요..

그래서 선생님들이 무슨 고구마밭에서 촬영을 한데? 이렇게 말씀하시길래

제가 순간 우결이 생각나서  " 아 예전에 엠비씨 우리결혼했어요에서 고구마밭 촬영했던데..그게 아닐까요?" 하면서 조심스럽게 이야기를 나누고 있었어요.

그러다가 점심을 다 먹고 고구마 밭에 가서 고구마를 캐고 있었어요..

그런데 윗쪽에서 무리가 내려오는거에요..

설마설마 하고 있었는데 카메라를 들고 있는 사람과 마이크를 들고 있는사람등등과 남녀 한쌍이


설마설마하면서 다가오는데 용서 커플이더라구요...

멀리서 봤을땐 둘다 머리가 살짝 커보이는 느낌이었어요...........................ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ

근데 가까이 와서 보니깐 둘다 너무 말라서 머리가 커보이는거 같았어요....

정용화님과 서현님....정말 상상이상으로...말르셨더라구요...........HAHAHAHA

아 그리고 피부는...음..............그렇게 좋지는 않으셨어요......모...

연예인들이 화장도 많이 하고 그러니깐 관리를 밭아도 좋지만은 안겠죠...

그분들이 내려오다가 제가 실습나갔던 어린이집 아이들과 만났어요..

저도 신기하고 사진도 찍고 싸인도 받고 싶었지만.....저는 그때 학생의 신분이아니라..

나름 실습선생님의 신분으로 그곳에 있었으니깐.....그럴수 없었지요..HAHA

아무튼 아이들도 몇몇 아는 아이들도 있고 저희가 신기해 하니깐 아이들도

신기해 하더라구요. 그러다가 애들이 막 정용화 손잡고 용서커플한테 고구마주고

그러고 있는데 어떤 아이가 "외톨이야다 외톨이야!! 외톨이야! 외톨이야다!!"

이러니깐 다른아이가 "외톨이야좀 그만해" 라고 했는데... 정용화님은 앞에 아이가

"외톨이야다 외톨이야!!!"이런것을 못듣고...자신에게... "외톨이야 좀 그만해!" 라고 한줄알고..ㅋㅋ

당황해 하면서  "알았어..외톨이야 그만할꼐!" 이런식으로 말씀하시더라구요....ㅋㅋ

그렇게 한참을 제가 실습 나갔던 어린이집 아이들과 노시다가 산을 내려가셨어요.

그러고 나서 옷을 갈아입으러 들어갔었나??암튼 그랬는데

그곳이 시골 고구마밭 이다보니....딱히 대기실로 쓸곳도 없고 주인아주머니가

밭일하시다가 쓰시는 조그만 집이 전부였거든요...그래서 그곳에서 대기하면서 옷도 갈아입고

그랬던거 같아요.

아무튼 저희 어린이집 아이들은 계속 고구마를 캐고 있는데.

한 아이가 저에게 쉬가 마렵다는거에요...그래서 그아이 데리고 전 그 집으로 갔죠......

집에 들어가니깐 서현이 있더라구요^^ㅋㅋ 전 뻘쭘하기도 하고 그냥 들어가는데...

같이간 남자아이가...들어가자마자... "안녕하세요!" 라고 인사하면서 들어가니깐...ㅋㅋㅋ

서현이 아이에게 인사해주고 막 그랬어요....아무튼 그 남자아이가 화장실을 다녀오고

다시 고구마 밭으로 돌아갔는데..이번에는 3살짜리 여자아이가 화장실가고 싶다고 칭얼대서....

전 다시 서현이 있는 그곳으로 가게 되었어요........아이랑 다시 들어가는데.....

이번엔 서현이 아이를 보더니  "우와 귀엽다" 라고 하시면서 "몇살이야?"라고 물어봤어요....

그런데....그아이는 아직 만1세라서..................말을 잘 못해요....그냥...자기 의사표현정도??

아무튼 아이가 대답 안하니깐 저한테 "몇살이에요?" 라고 물어봐서............

제가 "세살이요~" 라고 말해주니깐 "아~ 귀엽다~" 반복 하더라구요....

(HAHAHA저 서현이랑 말해본 여자입니다!!!!!)

그것을 마지막으로...저희는......이제 어린이집으로 돌아가고 용서커플은 고구마 밭에 남고 그랬어요...

Met the YongSeo couple at the goguma field 

I'm a 21yrs old student attending university...

I had hands-on training at a kindergarten for one month

And the kindergarten I went to went on a field trip once a week ^^

My second week, we took a field trip to a goguma field!

Took the bus and ate lunch at Ganghwado 

MBC studio vans came into the parking lot..

The teachers were asking why they were filming in a goguma field

I remembered WGM and said "There was something about goguma fields some time ago on WGM...maybe it's that?" and 

talked with them about it. 

So after lunch we went to the field and harvested gogumas. 

Then above us, a group started to head down..

I was wondering about it then I saw a person holding a camera, a person holding a microphone, and a couple


who were coming down!!!!!!!

It turned out to be the YongSeo couple...

From far away it looked like their heads were a little too big...............

But when they were closer it was because they were so skinny...

Yonghwa and Seohyun...both of them were...very skinny........HAHAHAHA

And their skin...mmm....weren't that great either.....well...

Maybe it's because they put on a lot of makeup usually...

And they were coming down and met with our children..

I was curious and wanted to get their autograph...but I wasn't a student..

more like a teacher...so I couldn't do such a thing like that...HAHA

Anyways a few of the kids knew them and since we were being curious too 

the other kids were likewise curious. And the kids held onto Yonghwa's hand and gave them sweet potatoes

And some kid shouted "It's the loner! The loner! The loner!!!" 

And another kid told them "Stop saying I'm a loner" and Yonghwa thought

the kid was telling him to stop...keke

He was flustered and said "Okay, I'll stop!" keke

So they played around with the kids a lot and headed down. 

After that did they go in to change?? Anyways

Since it was the middle of a farm...there weren't any changing rooms...

So they went inside the farmhouse and changed in there

I think so.

Anyways we were continuing our field trip 

And a kid told me he needed to go to the restroom...so I headed down to the house...

Seohyun was inside ^^ keke So it was a bit awkward...

The kid yelled "Hello!" and just walked right in... kekeke

Seohyun greeted the kid and stuff like that...anyways he came back out 

And returned to the field...this time a 3 year old girl wanted to go to the restroom... 

Went to see Seohyun again...was going back inside...

And Seohyun saw her and was "Wow, she's cute" and asked her "how old are you?"...

But...she was still young, so she can't speak really well...

Anyways she ended up asking me how old the girl was...

I said "Three years old" and she went "Ahh~she's cute~" over and over again...

(HAHAHAHA I talked with Seohyun!!!!!)

That was the last...we went back to the kindergarten and the couple stayed...

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Thanks Mountainmadman! Ah the PDs should give them a babysitting task. They both like kids and would probably have fun with them.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway, a fan at dc married compiled a caps in which the two were caught(?) gazing at each other. Oh you know, their famous and sweet eyeships.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Here are the links if you want to look back on the time when Yonghwa would look at Seohyun as an SNSD member, full of admiration and amazement until the moment when he looks at her as Seo Joohyun, gazes full of sincerity, longing and adoration.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Here and Here
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My most favorite look:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married

































































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Guest SophiaPia










Thanks aneng for the info and thanks MountainMadman for the translations. Behind the scenes, fan acct., are always nice to read. Because of editing we didn't see some of it. Although editing is really part of the show, movies etc... by this time we already know that even OFF cam YongSeo still lovely dovey base on all the fan acct., we read during Busan date. And in this harvest episode now we know that they played 'lil bit w/ the kids. I just hope that the Busan date editing is not so much. I hope they will give to us all of it kekeke!













Thanks also bee_ichigo for sharing the screen caps. What a lovely YongSeo couple and what a lovely couple RING :)













Anyoung to all 
















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the ratings of We Got Married Season 2 on December 4th 2010
















source: TNmS
































[CAPS] Seohyun wearing Yongseo Couple Ring in Star King on December 4th 2010 Part I




































































































































































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Guest _wildcat















Hi to all my fellow gogumas!


















I’ve been lurking around for a while, but would love to finally join the family, since it’s a bit lonely having no one to talk to about our lovely couple.


















And because I didn’t want to come empty handed, I’d like to share a little tribute video I made a while back, in honor of the epicness (sp?) that was Episode 27 – humbly dedicated to all of you, for making this thread so fun and alive. ^_^


















(Note: I tried to uploaded on YT, but alas, the site is not cooperating with me today. So, for those who care to download it, have a MF link instead: come this way~~)


















p.s. Thank you, everyone, for the links/translations/etc. Good night and happy spazzing! ^_^








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On that Student:















"She's so lucky... she met A STAR." - singing to the tune Britney's LUCKY song.















Ohh, i'm sure she didn't go ask the students as to whoever would want to go PEE-PEE after that first encounter! hahaha. surely she did not! hehe really, Up Close and Personal with Seohyun ah! Lucky You!
























I love this photo: It spells ---















Mom and Dad coming back to their country home to meet the kids after a hard week's work in the city.










credits to aneng for this photo








YONGHWA-ah! SEOHYUN LIKES the BABY!!! ahem! ahem!















No pressure... just sayin' she's liking the CUTE BABY! hahaha.















(Oh, yeah... this has PUN all over it!LOL)















hmmm....Omo, No wonder there where talks of BABY GOGUMAS in the field afterwards!















Aigooo!!! You two, you think we'll never find out??? hahaha!



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Guest masamii








i can't wait for the next episode!!!!


i think iust died after seeing yong hold hands with hyun!!!!!!




so what if i have this major exam coming next week???





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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































@Lenovo Girl I love your posts, everytime I read them I end LOLing around... I can totally relate with what you are saying... Ahemmm ... kekekeke
































































Hope the PD will get them a mission that involve babysitting.
































































On another topic, MountainMadMan a million thanks for the translation... that is a very lucky fan. And the kids gave them goguma and even recognized Yonghwa... really nice fan account. I think I would have died on the spot. kekekeke
































































That makes me think, maybe we should play another answering game. (This is my random question if someone have a better one please share, it have been a while from our last answer question sesion)
































































































































I think I will repeat over and over (after recovering from a major mental breakdown :w00t: ) that they are so lucky to be able to have that kind of friendship (read between lines romantic relationship) and they should treasure it and just keep been totally honest about their feelings!
































































And just get married FOR REAL and in some years have a bunch a kids!!! kekeke Just my wishful thinking... :wub:
































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!! As always I love you all!!!









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