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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392
















bamz: hehehe yeah it would be cool. As long as they don't make the CNBLUE boys dance xD


























*From dcmarried, they are so close to their 300 day anniversary! :w00t: Btw, I think someone (bezbezbez?) said that according to K Gogumas they were going to film on Tuesday right (Dec 7 = 300 day anniversary)? is it a rumour or something confirmed? :o :



































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Guest Caliope

This is all a misunderstanding...

In this thread, has never said that Saturn is an anti (We have idolized her/his [saturn ^^], because if it were not for her/his, we would not know a lot about CNBLUE ^^

Moreover, if we read it, the post that says "FNC says...."

The FNC says it... no Saturn says...

I wrote yesterday..., I was referring to the fact "if it hits the news..."

[as we know, is not the first time accuses WGM...]

So, everything was nothing but a misunderstanding.... ^_^;):P


Is YongHwa.... Seohyun's present?? :P


Credits: 순수-@dcgmarried

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Guest pamparampap
































oohh ! this episode really refreshing !
















thank you for all of your post news picture and translation ..
















i really appreciate it.   :lol:
















don't tired to post anything gogumas, because there so many lurker like me who don't tired to open this thread everyday and read each post :phew:
















I love you all GOGUMAS !!
















Love Seohyun































Love Yonghwa















































and, it just my random thought,































in this episode,































Seohyun is like Gumiho who searching meat for eat, but she was searching Gogumas so crazy . ahahahaha
















I saw another seohyun in WGM, or she was just change because of Yonghwa :wub:









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Guest ichigo_kawai








Anyeong my lovely family...^_^




dreamyboo, jnj, miel, genxv, crystal, linlixeng, panGG, raindrops, DJhinata, fengz, nazweena, magdal, loveyongseo, lenovo, bee_ichigo, ayutie, windstorm34, shopiapia, and all family in here.."waves"







First Thanks to Mountainmadman & J2dlee for the translations..And also thanks to synykiss for the eng sub video....:wub:







Thanks to aneng for sharing that lovely gifs, and phokar for awesome pict...




And thanks to everyone in here for sharing the link, caps, fanart, fanfics, fanvids, and thanks for sharing your thought about yongseo couple...




Here is I wanna share my caps from my FMV....





























Yoong...do you know my heart only look at you everyday?











Hyuun...do you know my heart only look at you everyday?

























































Sorry for long post....


:sweatingbullets: thanks everyone....




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Guest Crystal392
















Caliope: Her Christmas present! :w00t: hehehe


























pamparampap: hehehe like Gumiho? Aing~~! Cute ^^


























ichigo: *waves* thanks soo much for sharing those screencaps ♥


























*More goodies from dcmarried, time really flies... ^_^ :
























































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Guest yslovelightys
































































































































































































thanks to rxp080100 for the clip (:
































































































































































translation of the part:
































































































































































sulli: [to yonghwa] now that i think of it, you and seohyun had a duet together, right?
































































































































































yonghwa: yes, yes we did. our sweet voices really matched well together, better than anyone else's.
































































































































































and he laughs and is embarrassed as he says this.































































































































































































































































































































ever since i've read what yong said in inkigayo, i'm smiling like crazy! wub.gif
































































































































































"BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE'S" --- uhmmm. Yong, do you have someone in mind when you said that? kyuhyun oppa perhaps??? hahaha.
































































































































































I really love yongseo.
































































































































































They keep me crazy and sane at the same time. tongue.gif

































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Guest yhayhayha








annyong gogumaaassss...!!! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif








i'm newbie here, so deep bow for all of you who have very kind heart after shared every links,caps,fmv,etc...











i started watch wgm with adam couple first. they're funny. 




honestly, at first i think yongseo couple is boring.. I'm sorry sad.gif (babo!)




but then i watch them again.. and again.. and find something that other couple didn't have.. yongseo is so natural. it' s not like they're filming for audience, but they filming for their real life. start with very awkward at the beginning, very slow progress... ah, i feel the same with seulong felt, It's frustrating! but and then they move step by step.. really, they really just like us, right? when we first started with our boy/girl friend, right? step by step.. so natural.




watchng them makes me feel butterfly.. haha








and then.. they slowly experience everything together, until this epi. uri yong and hyun are very changed. from the stiff person to cheerful and comfort one!








i can't believe what i see after watching the preview, its really.. really..really big movement for them! i start compare it to their first epi, so different.








then i think their slow progress from the beginning is just their unique thing that not other couple have. think of it, their progress like a pyramid,, they are in the way to the climax!!! hahahaa  rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif












ah,that's all for my first post.




i hope all of goguma chingu here can accept me well.




kamsahamnida for all of your great works!!!









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Hello villagers!!!
































































































































































































































































First of all I commend sun_sun and all goguma subbers.. subbing is such a pain and you still do it for us.. REALLY THANK YOU (BOWS 90 DEGREES)
































































































































































































































































I learned subbing since sun_sun is not here and it took me the whole day to sub a 20 minutte ep :crazy:
































































































































































































































































thanx to j2dlee for the translations blush.gif sorry if i didn't ask permission first before using your work blush.gif
































































































































































































































































I just finished uploading the first part:
































































































































































































































































ep 34.1
































































































































































































































































ep 34.2
































































































































































































































































Sorry for the poor vid quality blush.gif

































































































































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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Welcome, welcome to all the new gogumas! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The episode is quite interestingly hilarious, so just sharing these caps of the scenes that really made me totally :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ah, I wish I know how to make a gif. I want to make a gif of Hyun shrieking happily after she showed her driver's license ID to Yong. And later on, when Yong said for them to give up and just go, she moans, "Gogumaaa..." and started walking on wobbly legs looking dejected and her head swaying this way and that, hahaha, I don't know why I find it so funny.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So cute! Both Manager oppa and Yong teasing Hyun about her expression, "mmmmmm"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun checking out all her gogumas, almost shoving her face inside the sack. :lol::lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For some strange reason, I found myself spazzing more about these little skinships. :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong telling her to watch the episodes so she'll know she does the "mmmmm" sound. The hand touching gesture made me :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































He tells her only he can do the knuckle-cracking. Woo, Yong's hand brushing on her arm.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It seems, they really do feel too comfy with each other, things (like these subtle skinships) just happen naturally or unconsciously now, like the way Hyun slaps Yong (twice) for being playful.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And oh my gah, the preview! These two really make me go :crazy: in a happy way, of course. Hahhaha! :wub:

































































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Greetings to all GOGUMA lovers! I promised I wouldn't let this deep feeling for this couple show, but it's just too hard to take it in inside especially after all of these developments had finally begun. I'm dying and in deep need of another Saturday. And I'll probably start flying to Korea if ever I do hear another 'cancellation' of an episode for WGM. haha. :lol:




















Anyway, just passing by to say thank you to everyone who shares anything about the sweet couple here! I found so many new outside random things about them. Especially the latest one, in Inkigayo about that sweet one line Yong said. Seriously, I'm already in a sickness with that one line. This sweet potato couple is just really really hard to take.




















Another thing to point out, is the fact that the developments between the two has been so great already. I can still remember when our dear Hyun was still shy of approaching or making a leap further, and now! It's just awesome. I mean, if you did it like me, who watched like, I think 20 episodes in one go after being in hiatus of over it, then suddenly a great development had happened, won't you be amazed with such thing? And yes, I listened to 'Love Light' a hundred times. It's already on 133 on my iPod because of continuous repeat. haha. :lol:




















Again, thanks for the sharing and all of that! I love everything GOGUMA! :)




















EDIT: I noticed that some had less expectations of the couple because of the slow developments on the first few episodes, I felt that too, but I'm proud to say that I'm a loyal GOGUMA lover who stuck on everything and had expected this big. And wish granted! Awesome! lol.





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Guest lee_ryana

Anyonggggg goguma :D so happy finally I'm able to join Soompi and found Goguma heaven...

I'm hear that our Yongseo will have a duet today? I just watch this video


Is that true???????:w00t: OMG, I'm so happy if that's true, I just hope that Yongseo will have duet for a Christmas, it must be so sweet :lol::wub:

Anyway, I have account on Youtube, anyone please add me and show your support for our Yongseo 


Jeongmal kamsahamnida!!!

And this is my latest FMV for Yongseo, hope you like it :lol::wub:

Keep support Yongseo :wub:

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i can patient for the slow progress fof Yongseo but how can i not be patient to wait for sarturday, really 20 minute per week, that really drive me crazy. i think thats why all gogumas here some time feel frustrated, me 2. because we just can see 20 minute a week and whole week to think about all small detailed, hahah make us nervous, happy, unhappy... all mixed feeling.




just love can be like this, because i tried to watch other couple but may be my love for Yongseo so big that i can not share with other anymore, i like adam couple, Khuntoria is totally not my type. but make me crazy just Yongseo.




the whole week just dream about Yongseo, i am really crazy. still 6 days more to go. have to concentrate on my work in stead of being crazy.




To Lee-ryana: sorry i want to click plus but by accident i click minus. really sorry


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Guest SwEEtGoguma_7
























































About Inki I like the fact that Yonghwa responsed in a strong way.He could say yes we did but he added our sweet voices really matched well together, better than anyone else’s.For me that`s describe how close and how comfortable they are.It makes me really happy.I watched the short reply of Yonghwa many times the reaction of Jokwon was cute but Sulli did make a strange face.








































I found this at the Yongseo fb and want to share it with you guys ^^








































Ever heard of the term, “ant waist” before? It’s applied to women who   have tiny waists, and KARA’s Goo Hara has been deemed as the ”Queen of   the ant waists” with her recent triumph in a poll.








































599 women were surveyed to state which celebrity’s waistline they would want; 332 of the respondents (55.4%) chose Goo Hara, while 237 (39.5%) of them chose SNSD’s Seohyun.








































 Pose   Clinic’s director said, “Girl groups have talent and good bodies. They   want Hara and Seohyun’s waist lines because they could pull off nice   outfits. Those girls make those waists through intense exercise and a   strict diet plan.”








































 I found this I think its super cute








































Seohyun as comic version by HOOT promotion^^

















































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Guest exceptional.chic
















Sorry if i'll be spazzing about episode 33. I was able to watch it just today. Eff. I can't believe myself as well. But i just can't skip ep. 33 without spazzing. It is all worth it. :D








The serious talk between them is sooooo daebak. They take things slow and by that they were able to understand each other very well. There was this song, I'm not just sure about the lyrics though, it goes something like "Ohhh, you don't hurry love. No, you just have to wait". Yong's long wait for the breakage of the wall has paid off. Now, they are closer than ever. Kudos to the alcohol for it's so-called effect. LOL. But seriously, now at least they both know where they stand in each other's life. I mean they are aware and all that. The wall was at last broken.








I guess Yong told Hyun not to do mildang to him was totally because Hyun doesn't need to do it. Yong was reaching out to her in every way he can. :) Hyun should not worry. His feelings are certain or something like that.








Yong kept calling Hyun proves how he misses her. He even said that one minute had passed. He must me anticipating Hyun's arrival so much.
















For Ep. 34, :D I'll be back :)








LOL at MCs saying Jungmo oppa, when Hyun said that she's calling an oppa Yong likes. :D Sorry if I'm being stupid for asking this question, by any means is Hyun's manager the manager of the whole SNSD as well or some of them have individual managers?








Holding hands - precious.








The next ep would be one of the bests. :)





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Guest teoki61
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hey everyone =)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































There is something I noticed in this episode..When they were searching for gogumas Seohyun said "algettda"..I can't speak korean but is it not banmal? or is it just the basic form of the verb?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest ahn_annann
































thanks for translate - j2dlee and Mountainmadman so fun for this ep.34, anyway they would get the experience from the farm , everything are not easy like you thought.
















share my caps :
































































































soom2.th.jpg soom3.th.jpg soom4.th.jpg soom7.th.jpg
















soom8.th.jpg soom9.th.jpg soom10.th.jpg soom11.th.jpg
















soom12.th.jpg soom13.th.jpg soom14.th.jpg soom16.th.jpg









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Guest Caliope

NEWS IN NATE... (Original here: CLICK)

Korea - China Festival

[★포토]정용화-서현, '커플링 낀 채 가요제 참석'

[머니투데이 스타뉴스 홍봉진 기자]


그룹 씨엔블루의 정용화와 소녀시대의 서현이 2일 오후 서울 여의도 KBS홀서 열린 '제12회 한중가요제'에서 커플링을 낀 채 무대에 오르고 있다.

정용화와 서현은 MBC '우리 결혼했어요 시즌2'에서 부부로 출연 중이다.

I have the impression that the news doesn't say anything important... :blink:

EDIT: Thank you so much, klee22 ^^

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NEWS IN NATE... (Original here: CLICK)




Korea - China Festival




I have the impression that the news doesn't say anything important... :blink:







yeah the article isnt saying anything important.




they're just stating that yonghwa and seohyun both wore their couple rings at the asia song festival.





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rewatch ep28( after birthday epsiode) when they singing, now rethink about that, they already confessed each other by lyric. when Hyun said about love, you are just curious. but Yong said i am not just curious (about love).




By concidence the lyric fits with situation but the way they use it, and the way Yong said that i am not just cuirous, hehehe than he is serious :wub: and Hyun just angry because think Yong just curious :wub: . crazy want sarturday now :(


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Guest MountainMadman

News article about the latest episode:


지난 4일 방송된 MBC TV '우리 결혼했어요'에서 서현과 정용화는 고구마를 캐기 위해 강화도를 찾았다.

처음 도착해서 그들은 캔 고구마를 다른 이들에겟 선물 할 생각에 젖어 즐거웠다.

하지만 고구마는 보이지 않았다. 고구마라고 보기에는 부족한 얇은 뿌리들만 캐낼 뿐이었다. 결국 서현과 정용화는 분노의 호미질에 나섰다.

서현은 "고구마가 하나도 없어, 이게 말이 돼? 돌밖에 없어. 나와라 고구마, 고구마"라고 말하며 분노했다.

결국 작은 포대 2개에 나눠 담은 고구마는 매우 작은 것들뿐. 서현은 "고구마 대신 줄기무침해 먹자"면서 "고구마가 없어서 줄기를 주는 거예요"라는 고구마를 주기로 한 친구들에 대한 변명까지 만들었다.

On the latest episode of 'We Got Married', broadcasted on the 4th, Seohyun and Yonghwa traveled to Ganghwado to pick sweet potatoes.

At first, they were happy about the thought of giving out sweet potato presents to their friends and family.

But the sweet potatoes were nowhere to be found. The only sweet potatoes they found were too thin and more like roots rather than actual sweet potatoes. In the end, Seohyun and Yonghwa became angry and started hoeing with rage.

Seohyun became angry, saying "There isn't even a single sweet potato, how can this be happening? These are just rocks. Come out, sweet potato, sweet potato."

In the end, they only ended up with two small sacks of sweet potatoes. Saying that "we should just make tossed sprouts", Seohyun even made up an excuse to their friends and family, saying that they were "giving away the sprouts since they didn't have any sweet potatoes".

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