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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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(backroom interview)


After the trip in Japan…


H: My hubby…thinks of me a lot…even monitors me all the time…


H: He might have felt that I don’t think of him as much as he does of me. Come to think of it, I don’t think I have been expressing my feelings that much. I’m going to try to do that, one by one.




Y: I really worried over whether I should tell her my inner thoughts or not. If I tell her how I feel, I may look like a less of a man.


Y: But then…that day…I felt that…okay, I don’t need to worry over such a thing anymore. I think the relationship is a process of adjusting to each other, changing each other. So from now on, if there’s anything needs changing, we should do it together.






Amen, Yong. :) And don't let those MC's sometimes flippant and (childish) remarks change you for even a second!





(backroom interview)


H: Whether is he interested in his wife’s life or not, whether he knows or not…Since he doesn’t express about that kind of thing and doesn’t call me often…


H: ‘Does he even know?’ I was thinking then. And even after he saw the MV, he didn’t say anything to me. It was a bit disappointing.




Y: When I google you, it’s because I’m thinking of you. But you just ‘happened’ to see me?!


H: That’s not what I’m saying! That means I was thinking of you, too.


Y: (deep sigh)…




If Hyun were more experienced, she'd understand without question why Yong never brought up the Trax MV and why he found it hard to talk about with her.




Also, the comment she made about "happening to see" Yong's name next to hers as to how she monitors him... he expressed that he was not pleased with that. This shows she veils her comments to him; out of shyness or fear, she is not ready for him to know what she might truly feel for him. She can show him, but she can't verbally express it. This explains why he questions her so much. I am happy that at the final blackroom interview re: Japan, she realized this and expressed she is going to make an effort to be honest with him more often.





Y: How did you manage to flip the biscuit crumbs to your head?


H: It’s not me. It must be you who did it, while laughing. How can I flip it to my hair?




The couple builds (?) their trust overseas…


Y: That’s how you drink beer.


H: What on earth?!


Y: Here, this earth.






I was chuckling at these remarks. This Yong is really rather funny.




Another cute and revealing episode. Also loved that he called her every minute before she got to the house; I think he did so to answer his own question "Does she have her license?" Also loved the shot of him hiding behind the wall while looking out the patio doors for her. Cuuuuute. :P




Thank you j2dlee and mountainmadman for your hard work!


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Guest monie1909
















jd2lee please say that u are just kidding..i've been lurking for more than two weeks..but what u said make me come out from lurker just to say thank you so much for your translation...and please dont say u retiring.waiting and reading ur translation become a routine to me.old habit hard to die..:)..And i love to read lot of different translation,its wider my understanding about certain part..This week episode is super sweet.agree with everyone this is one of the best episode ever..big hug and thank you so much for mountainmadman and sun_sun in advance and everyone that shared the vid links,translation,pictures..gogumas jjang









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J2dlee... Kamsa hamnida!! thank you thank you thank you our angel!!! I was spazzing all over my place (again)  while reading it.... It took me forever cause I couldn´t stop spazzing!!!
































































































































PLEASE DON´T RETIRE!!! we need you here and most important, we love you here, so please stay :wub:. And talking about angels I´m missing the screencaps queen too  ^^!!!
































































































































I´m so happy, I was all melted again that I quoted almost the whole ep in my twitter hahaha!
































































































































I have a question, does anybody know the song that is playing at the black room´s interview??? thank you!!
































































































































Thank you all gogumas for everything!!!!
































































































































CallMeDayDreamer: I think we all need a job in the WGM´s production! haha
































































































































































































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Guest CallMeDayDreamer




















I just noticed this... :huh:












Y: The last!












It’s already after midnight…












Y: Seo Hyun and Jung Yong hwa….












H: For us!












For Hyun & Yong!


































It says after midnight, during the last episode when they changed into their sweats,























they said it was 8:30 pm that time.






































When they went out to buy drinks, let's just say they walked from their hotel to 7/11 for 30 Minutes back and forth, that'd be like around 9:00 to 9:30 when they started chatting..






































Correct me if i'm wrong, but this means that they most likely had about 2-3 hours of talking...






































That's a lot of talking right there...






































Dang! i wonder what else they've talked about coz we only got 15 minutes of their conversation.






































oh how i wish every WGM couple has 1 hour episode...:sweatingbullets:












































































j2dlee, sun_sun & mountainmadman, thank you so much for the translations, you guys are jjang!... ^_^




















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Guest bezbezbez
























waaa... before going to bed since it's already 4am here on our side...kekeke


















































This episode has been one of the most special episode for me because we were able to finally see the two of them open up on how they truly feel for each other. There were no more walls between them. I can feel that from this point on, we'll see them much closer.


















































I'm proud to see this two people grow towards the betterment of one another. Each of them will always be a part of the other. There will be no SeoHyun if there is no YongHwa and there would be no YongHwa if there is no SeoHyun, but most importantly there would be no YONGSEO if YongHwa and SeoHyun didn't exist.


















































For j2dlee unnie, thank you for consistently sharing the trans weekly. You've been our life saver when all the translators decided to leave or be on hiatus. You were there when needed a translator the most. I could still remember how hyped we were when you first posted your trans here, everyone were rejoicing then. So PLEASE DON'T EVER RETIRE!!! You'll always be part of our goguma saturdays...and I must admit that your trans completes my goguma week. I feel restless until I get the chance to read your trans... WE LOVE YOU JAY UNNIE!!!


















































MountainMadman, you're also an integral part of the family... you always share the latest news and even translate them. You're an angel to us most especially during the GOGUMA DROUGHT SEASON. You complete our day with the every news you share. Keep it up and please DON'T RETIRE TOO!!! BTW I PMed you...kekeke


















































sun_sun, prang you know how thankful I am that you exist...kekeke...you've been there for me every week to sub for the sweetpotatosubs. Thanks for being patient with me :) I love you dear!!! You're really a fast subber!!!


















































In the GOGUMA VILLAGE, no one's allowed to RETIRE!!!


















































that's all for now.. I'm sooo sleepy....





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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































































































































































































J2dlee THANK YOU for translating toooo, please dont retire and I do love to read all the different translations...
































































































































































































































































I read it and was spazzing like the first time... this episode is too good to be true... I am living in Go-Chun right now!!! :w00t:
































































































































































































































































Something I just noticed... SH is wearing the butterfly necklace in the harvest episode and in the blackroom interview... Woah I dont know but it makes me happy!!!
































































































































































































































































And did you notice the first time she went to plant gogumas she braided her hair and in this episode you can see in the preview that she is working in a FIELD with her hair all down... I think she is taking seriously how YH likes to see her hair!!! :D
































































































































































































































































I think she is trying to please him and look good in front of him and I am loving that... and what about YH he totally went to a salon too... hahhahaha They are totally into each other and I am loving it!!!
































































































































































































































































I really cant stop spazzing, this is tooo good.
































































































































































































































































By the way, I have been watching this preview and cant find the scene in wich they hold hand... Is there a differente preview??? Please help!!!

































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Here's the full preview for next week with all the couples as well. Our Goguma couple is second right after Khuntoria so there won't be even a second cut off!


I love the fact that she's wearing the necklace more and more. And can I say that Yonghwa looks really hot when they're about to go harvest Goguma's? :w00t:

And a HUGE thank you to everyone! Our family is growing with the day, but please don't let anyone feel neglected or sad. Each Goguma is a privilege to have in this thread.

j2dlee, you know that we appreciate even just your presence here in this thread. Saturdays won't be complete without you ^_^ let's be there in the future together as well!

Mountainmadman, it might be a bit too late for me to say this but don't ever feel that we don't need you either. Don't feel pressured to deliver translations or feel that you shouldn't because we might not thank you enough. Please stay with us for a long long time blush.gif

And everyone else out there.. a mere thank you isn't enough to express how much there is to say. I hope in the future as well, that we all gather on the Saturdays, laugh together, smile together and just let this couple help us forget everything that is worrisome, struggling or painful in each of our individual lives. Even if it's just for a mere 20 minutes. :)

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Guest MountainMadman

Hello everyone!

A BIG THANK YOU to j2dlee for her amazing translations! I think it's better to have more than one full translation, since that way we can compare and contrast what actually happened, and it's always interesting to see two people's different takes on the subject. Please don't quit! ^_^ I guess I should say sorry for stealing (?) your usual work...hahaha.

EDIT: @aisuo415: I've never felt that way on this thread, I'm very glad to be here proving translations to all of my fellow Goguma friends and trust me, I always feel overwhelmed at the amount of thanks that I receive for just a few minutes' work. So THANK YOU in return for making me feel welcome!

On another note, another episode of Love Story is now online!


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Guest lunasol


Thank you MountainMadman and j2dlee for your translations and please j2dlee, don't retire!!!  You both are integral parts in our Gochun!!!




I think this would be long because I am just going to burst with my contained excitement hahaha. I also almost cried while reading the translations of the episode!! It may not have intimate skinship, but the pure honest thoughts, feelings, emotions that they revealed is just what they needed to move forward in their relationship. They may not be real bf/gf (at least at that time in Japan) but they  literally broadcasted to each other and the world that they really yearn for each other.




I especially loved their vulnerable moments in the episode:




1) Their instant happiness when they learned they monitor each other!! Look at his happiness when she told him that she also monitors him!! Does this mean that by now he must have already watched his sexy wife dancing in Chocolate wink.gif. I am sure he saw her and found her irresistible. Since she told him in Japan that she has changed thanks to him, maybe while he is proud of her he has also started to feel bad for helping liberate her sexy confident side that will make more guys and fanboys ogle at her hahaha




2) His awkwardness in trying to say what he would like from her!!!




    Y:I have something to say, but I don't know how to say it.


    S:Speak comfortably.


    Y:Give me...30 seconds.




    Sub:what kind of thing is it...


    Y:45 seconds.


    (cr. MountainMadman)




3) His revelation that he wants her to call him by her own initiative. Just look at him at this moment!! He got completely serious and WAS REALLY BROADCASTING HIS FEELINGS FOR THE WORLD TO SEE IN HIS TONE, FACIAL EXPRESSION, EVERYTHING! In addition, watching him having trouble saying to her that she can call him, is truly revealing. For him it is not a simple "you can call me whenever you want as you will tell a friend". For him, a call initiated by her equates that she really was thinking/interested in him and/or that she misses him. (I will further talk about this in relation to I don't know why lyrics).




    S:What is it?


    Y:So...this is what I think. So let's say that I didn't call you first.




    Y:You could try to...call me first.


    (cr. MountainMadman)




4) His smile when he saw how many goguma she gave him. It was a pure instant happiness gesturebiggrin.gif




5) Hyun's goguma points interest. For a girl previously not really interested in guys, for a second there her face crumbled when she saw he only gave her '1' goguma. It does not seem like an uninterested girl, right? In fact, just by asking him the question of how many goguma points so she could know how much he likes her was enough to indicate we are not seeing the same Seohyun!!




6) He revealed the cause for his chodingness! wink.gif We have seen how he is very playful when he is with her, and he just said to her that he is playful and joking with her because he is happy!! So people who have thought he is not happy recording the show with her, just need to watch today's episode to see what he thinks and feels about it biggrin.gif.




7) Their blackroom interviews!! Yes the background music helped us feel more mushy and excited about what they were saying in the interviews hahaha, but the words and their expression are just simply OH, WOW!!! How can somebody say they don't REALLY like each other??!!




Now more than ever it makes sense to think that Yong wrote "I don't know why" while thinking of Hyun during their separation and/or push-pull period.






I don't know why (some parts of the lyrics)





I would like to know what you really think I wanna





I don’t know why ,I don’t know why

I love you baby

I don’t know why I don’t know how

To put it baby

I don’t know how to do





Long time no see anything new down

Your way, can you hear this

She is not fussed about my news

I don’t care, I understand

Long time no see anything new down

Your way, can you hear this

She is not fussed about my news

Would you mind look at me boo





You don’t know why you don’t know why

I bother with you

I don’t know why, I don’t know why

You wannado me

Wrong don’t tell me goodbye



Just as the song, in this episode through his words and body language he somewhat expresses that he thought she really didn't care about what he did, while he proactively searched for what she was doing. In addition, he is yearning for her to call him. Not just call because he called her or she got a missed call from him. As he said, if she called him for herself, then that means she missed him and really wanted to talk to him. So Hyun, please just call him because for him that would mean you really care about him!! wub.gif


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Guest Joh-Eun
















































































Good Morning fellow GoGuMa's (5AM here Philippines)
















































Sorry if I will be disrupting the flow...
































































































I opened your link and . . . I fell in love with your page's background song. Given that I don't understand Korean, I was VERY curious what the lyrics of this beautiful song meant so I looked it up online.
















































And Oh My Gawd!!! This is the PERFECT SONG for YONGSEO!!!
















































I hope someone can collate all the songs that have been used for YongSeo's episodes. I'm gonna donwload 'em so I can listen to it whenever wherever I go, thinking about YongSeo.
















































Not sure if this song has been used on WGM but this is just PERFECT. PLEASE MAKE A MUSIC VIDEO using all the recent scenes applicable.






























































































































































G.NA - What I Want To Do Once I Have A Lover (Feat. Rain)






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Everything feels so right, when I'm with you, my boo
















































If I have a boy friend, there'll be so many things I wanna do
















































I've always dreamt like that
















































The first, kissing him in the street
















































The second, catching the early train for Chooncheon with him  (their train ride to watch the sunrise together)































































































The third, going on a picnic with him  (their picnic after the driver's license practical exam)































































































The fourth, the piggy back ride  (the piggy back ride Hyun did for Yong after playing billiards)































































































The fifth, couple-ring is a must to our love  (they bought their couple rings at ShinDangDong and the 2nd time was when Hyun brought out their new rings at the fishing spot )































































































Boo boo boo It'll be really sweet
















































The thought of it makes my heart flutter
















































I'll try to do each thing everyday with you
















































I'm so happy to be with you
















































I'm so happy that we are together
















































You're precious to me, baby baby baby baby baby boo~
















































If I have a girlfriend, there'll be so many things I also want to do
















































I've always envied others
















































The sixth, I'll go to late night movies with you  (Yong treated Hyun to watch AVATAR at the cinema)































































































The seventh, I'll go to amusement parks with you  (they had a date at Lotte World)































































































The eighth, I'll hold a surprise event for you  (the surprise gifts they had for each other during the birthday episode, the Goguma Land gift and Hyun singing Love Light that surprised Yong )































































































Boo boo boo I'll be really happy because of you
















































The thought of it makes my heart flutter
















































I'll try to do each thing everyday with you
















































I'm so happy to be with you
















































I'm so happy that we are together
















































You're precious to me, baby baby baby baby baby boo~
















































I've been lonely on my birthdays
















































I've got nothing do on weekends
















































But now I'm eagerly looking forward to these days
















































I'm so happy to be with you, I'm so happy we both are together
















































Wherever we are, or whatever we do
















































I really want us to be the one
















































"I love you" everyday is what I really wanna tell you,
















































"I love you" are the words that I really wanna hear from you
















































Thank you for coming to my life
















































I'm so happy to be with you
















































You're a precious love to me
















































Baby baby baby baby baby boo~
















































Baby baby baby (my one and only love) baby boo~

















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Hello GO-VIL (goguma villagers) i know some of you are still spazzing out from this episode. I just want to share few of my thoughts.:phew: I really like it when hyun thank yong for her change. It must be hard for her to accept that at first but as days pass by people noticed her changed specially her fans and maybe her unnies also told her and that they like what they see and from we know about her she is a very analytical person, i mean she believes there is a reason for everything. And thinking about it she found the answer...its yong and herself without even realizing it. I mean for us girls even how many times we denies that we don't like that certain someone but since we are girls, unconsciously we try to look pretty. Much more i think for her because not only she is a celebrity but also a wife to a drop-dead-gorgeous husband which other pretty girls make him as their ideal husband.:D And as for yong...i like it when he said that relationship is adjusting to each other, changing each other. So from now on, if there’s anything needs changing, we should do it together. It means his learning.That in a relationship, for it to grow, you should grow together with your partner and as you grow together your relationship becomes stronger. And that is also very true in a married life. I wonder where did he get this wisdom-_-...(maybe some advice from his parents?):)

































































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@j2dlee: Thank you very much! You and MountainMadman are the angels in this Gochun thats for sure and please don't stop translating, either one of you. Those are two great translations.




This Gochun is blessed with many great persons, thats so awesome.




For a silent lurker who has nothing much to contribute I can only voice out my deepest thanks to everyone who keeps this thread and the Goguma love alive :D





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Guest Crystal392








j2dlee, MountainMadman: Thanks so much for translating the ep. You are awesome! Both of you. A million Gogumas to you :D












kjoyce: I also love them more and more each day ♥












monie1909: Hey I was wondering where you were :P *waves*












CallMeDayDreamer: I wish the same :)












lunasol: I loved your post ^^












arwenarya: lol Go-Vil? hehehehe :lol: I agree with you that Hyun~ thanking Yong~ for changing her for the better is something very big, I always said that I thought she had changed because of him but sometimes I thought it was probably because I am YongSeo biased :P But seeing her saying it... ♥ it made me fall more in love with them ^^












ninyah: Thanks for answering me :) Yeah, she was very brave to admit that. I am sure her unnies are super proud of her, I am (:












blueshoes: Thanks for sharing those pics ^^












wallpaperfood: Actually that's one of my fave part of the latest ep, her reaction when the PDs asked her about Yong vs Gogumas. ♥♥♥ I loved loved loved your post.












Rebby: Thanks so much for clarifying that (:












-Aigooo: Welcome to Goguma Planet... or Go-Chun as some Gogumas have begun to call it hehehe :lol:












*Raw Cuts from the latest ep:















Part 1 || Part 2






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Guest yongseo_fighting


Hi, j2dlee, pls don't say you want to retire!! That breaks my heart! We all know how hard is it to translate everything in one episode (so much talking and caps) and you and Mountainmadman do all this for us voluntarily. You do not know how happy that you both made us! We non-Korean feel bad in not able to help out in anyway. I totally agreed with what aurora82 says. We can blessed with both of your presence here in this thread. Sat will not be the same again. What I can see is that you both can work together in future, either each of you doing alternated week or split in part one and part two to have the subs faster so that you do't feel tired outt. Yongseo couple still have a long way to go.. (I hope..;)  ). Both your translations are equally good! Chinchia!




Hi, j2dlee, pls don't say you want to retire!! That breaks my heart! We all know how hard is it to translate everything in one episode (so much talking and caps) and you and Mountainmadman do all this for us voluntarily. You do not know how happy that you both made us! We non-Korean feel bad in not able to help out in anyway. I totally agreed with what aurora82 says. We can blessed with both of your presence here in this thread. Sat will not be the same again. What I can see is that you both can work together in future, either each of you doing alternated week or split in part one and part two to have the subs faster so that you do't feel tired outt. Yongseo couple still have a long way to go.. (I hope..;)  ). Both your translations are equally good! Chinchia!


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j2, hug u tight for your commitment to this thread.

u maybe tired of hearing this but i'll say it anw..


erm, but dear, there is no such thing as retiring in goguma heaven.. :phew::P:lol:

yup, we are not living in a village anymore, gogumas, we are in goguma heaven!

GO-CHUN! :w00t:

i still have a few pages to backread, gogumas to thank..but for now..

some things to look forward to today..


its snsd's Hoot goodbye stage today.

for the past couple of weeks, we get to see yongseo together on one stage,

standing next to each other, (tho less interactions).

even when there is no reports of new wgm filming, seeing them at Inki

makes me giddy already.. :wub:

KBS 2TV 'Nocturnal'

where hyun cried after drinking an alcoholic drink..

curious much...


i really really like this vid

next wk's prev 'Its First Love'

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Guest Crystal392








jnj: Can't wait for Inki either! :w00t:












shinhdeplol: Cute ^_^ hehehe the salty kimchi :P





























~Full of old pics and clips of our YongSeo... really sweet ♥~







(FMV) YongSeo Story Ring - By Tiffany (SNSD)




~One of my fave CNBLUE songs... YongSeo :wub:~




[FMV] CN Blue - Y, Why feat. Seo Hyun






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Guest quisty86




Hello everyone! I have finally come out of lurking mode bec. my heart's going to burst from all the goguma love (especially after the latest episode). Thank you for the caps, the gifs, the videos that you guys are sharing. 


Also, I know it has been asked already but I too am curious of the song that was used during the blackroom interviews. It sounds fitting and adds to the seriousness of the emotions shown. I've been trying to get the lyrics but haaay....fail. 


Oh I've been wanting to share this for the longest time. Do you guys know the song "Marry Me" by Train? It was playing when I was driving to work a few weeks back and I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear! It reminded me so much of YongSeo. You guys should check it out. 


Thank you! (haha first post)


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Guest FallenAnjewl




























From the picture below, i feel like when yong and hyun held hands. He wasnt looking at hyun but at her manager oppa???




















Could this be a sign from yong telling her manager that they are together and seeing his reaction when they hold hands??




















I loved the fact that they are so close now, compared to the first few episodes. I cant wait til next week and inki tomorrow and to hear more daebak yongseo news

























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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































@Joh-Eun Some amazing gogumas have made son FMV with the song form G.NA "What I want to do if I have a Lover" here are some links:
































































Cr. to the owner of the channel.
































































































































Version 1
































































Version 2














































































































































































































































































































































































































Something random... A few pages back someone posted a link to SNSD is interview in a radio show in wich Hyeyon said that she considered that SH was the one that put more effort in a performance because of the Incheon Duet with YH... Cant find the link, but what I found funny is that Hyeyon keep telling that they keep looking at each other and I was like "Did SNSD have access to the practice, that is not possible because we know that day was the first time they practiced in a long time"
































































So, I decided to watch the air performance again and it was true SH was never captured looking at the camera during the Love Light part... she was looking at him almost the hole time... So SNSD unnies are teasing SH really bad, and Yoona is expression beside SH was a telling sign, she looked at her like saying "Yeah, Right(a full of sarcasm look)" kekekeke I found it funny!!! I think they are dying to tease her but maybe the company asked them to keep a low profile regarding Relationship issues, because of what happened with the Shinee guy.
































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!! We upgraded from goguma village to goguma heaven... GO-CHUN!!! kekekeke :P I am really happy!!! This episode was the best!!!









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