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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392








^ no it hasn't. Thanks for sharing it :)




Btw does anyone if it has been confirmed that tomorrow Inki will air as usual? :o




I really wonder how iHyun and Yong would react if they meet tomorrow. Heehehe maybe a bit shy? blush.gif or super comfortable :P




Also, to all soompi Gogumas who are also Baidu gogumas: did the Goguma that say had a fancam of our YongSeo bts at Inki (Hyun teaching Yong 'hoot' dance, etc) uploaded those fancams? :o



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Guest ninyaah
















































































































































































































crystal_malfoy: I read on the SNSD thread that Inkigayo will air tomorrow -- and I think it's SNSD's goodbye stage for Hoot, too.
































































































































































































































































































































































I really liked the episode today. I'll edit this post later if I'm not yet sleepy. Thanks for the translations and screencaps.

S: But really... seriously... before I got on this program, I didn't have any male friends.
Honestly, I'm quite confused with what she said here. Did she really say that she didn't have ANY male friends? Jinwoon is one of them. Maybe what she meant was male friends... who could be potential boyfriends? Haha.

I admired Seohyun's courage for thanking Yonghwa about the change in her. Everyone has been saying that maknae has changed tremendously since her WGM stint, but the fact that she thanked him means that she acknowledges him as the catalyst for the change in her character.

Y: When I'm surfing the channels, when I see your commercial, I watch it.

S: Really? I do too!
















































































































































































I spazzed. I wonder if their members are around everytime they watch out for each other's commercials. LOL. So they call each other, monitor each other, know each other's activities. Now tell me that they don't like each other for real. Hmmm.
Y: I was curious. Exactly how much... she looks me up. How much she pays attention to what I'm doing. If she really does miss me, then she can try to call mefirst.
Now I want to know if she calls him first after this episode <3 If you'd really think about it, it's not their obligation to contact each other outside WGM. So it's safe to say that no one is forcing them to contact each other on a daily basis. They do it because they want to.

The MC's reaction after Yonghwa said he's not Yong Choding was hilarious. They were all like, 'Yes, you are!' LOL. This episode may not be as exciting as the previous one, but I love it when it's just the two of them having a serious and honest talk. For me, this is probably the best episode to watch if you want to see how much Seohyun cares for Yonghwa. Seohyun doesn't talk a lot, especially about her feelings; this is actually one of her unnies' frustrations. She keeps all her feelings to herself. But she was very brave here, and it showed how much she wants to take this relationship in a much deeper and mature level. People are saying how slow her progress is, but at least she's willing to learn.
















































































































































































To the person who said that the Japan episode was a turning point in their married life, thank you for being right. I noticed the change during the second part of the episode -- when they were already back in Korea. Although that part was short, it was enough to see what I want to see. They're definitely closer and sweeter. So, it's safe to assume that we'll be witnessing more skinship from now on? *wishfulthinking* The preview was pure love. Look at how they held hands so naturally. And look at how closely they're sitting in the truck! SNSD's manager was totally ignored. Haha. But manager's expression was totally daebak; it seems as if he's a fan, too.   

















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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































Hi all!!!






























































I didn't get to watch today's broadcast live but since this thread is always up-to-date with links of the episode, I owe everyone who sent the links a big T.H.A.N.K Y.O.U!!






























































a special THANKS also to mountainmadman who gave us a very fast translation, YOU ARE JJANG!!!






























































reading all of your posts...... I agree with all of you. today's episode is certainly one of the BEST!! just like mrsjoker said earlier, "the episode has a subtle REAL vibe", which is so true. the whole conversation they had surely brought openness towards each other, as they were able to express their feelings...... especially uri HYUN...... the effect of alcohol, eh?? blush.gifblush.gifblush.gif






























































who would've thought someone like hyun finally confesses that she is finally interested in man???? I thought it wouldn't happen as I recall her personality last year.... perhaps since SNSD debut.....






























































their night in Japan has given them a chance to become a better person for each other. Their gestures, eyeship (gosh I love that term), affection, forgiveness (yongseo=forgiveness), and also memories they made together will definitely a huge step to enter a stage of relationship where everything is not because based on job for a national tv, but rather because of their feelings for each other.





























































































LOVE IS A LANGUAGE SPOKEN TO EVERYONE, BUT ONLY UNDERSTOOD BY HEART (wow i'm proud of what i'm writing now kekeke)
































































for all of you who burst into tears while reading the translation, I would like to say that it also happened to me..... we all deserve to be called GOGUMA VILLAGERS, SHIPPERS, or any other terms. As we follow them day by day, week by week, month by month, it scares me to hell when their whole journey would come to an end, and I sure you all feel the same way. however, i think to myself...
































































do I need to be scared?
































should I be worried if they keep a distance should their story in WGM end?
































































I think it's wise to give a 'NO' to those questions. they have made good memories and those memories will be cherished by them forever as a guide to go through "the arc of marriage". I make my heart believe that they will come out as a real couple in the end.........
































































welll, just that..... I don't really know how to express my feeling through words, so forgive me if there are any mistakes on my english
































































GO-VIL (goguma villagers), FIGHTING!! (haha I'm being like yong now)
































































cheers to all!

































































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Guest blueshoes
































credit 구마구마 @DCmarriedgall































@ inkigayo
















































credit avantis @baidu.com









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Guest wallpaperfood

aahhh, I'm in (sixth ^^) Go-Chun right now!

Seriously, apart from getting back my exam results, nothing else but Yongseo can make my heart do so many funky tricks to me...

This has got to be tied with ep27 for me. I still can't let go of ep27 for obvious reasons - also because that's the first time I cried watching them. However, I loved loved LOVED this episode. Must be fate. Today was the first time I could stream live without any lag/unexpected channel changes. And even though 95% was centred around their discussion, I didn't care that I didn't understand Korean. It felt like I did at the time while watching them. Must be the universal language of love or something =P.

There were so many daebak parts, but the one that stayed in my mind long after was Seohyun's reaction to the PD's question about Gogumas vs. Yong. I remember watching on SNSD's Idol World Cup when Hyun's unnies all complained about her preference for gogumas over males, Hyun actually being in that mindset back then. The expression on her face implied that men were her last priority (in fact, they didn't even seem to be on her list). Also, re:Intimate Note where she said that she would not marry at 20, because she wouldn't be able to attain her dreams, but remain a wife for the next 80 years (yes, she is planning to live for a century..^^)

To see such a strongly opinionated girl, deadset on achieving what she has in mind, go through a 180degree change just broke me down~. I'm being melodramatic, but I'm just sharing my thoughts =)

She even replied that comparing Gogumas to yong was --> ''STUPID'', and she said it immediately without any hesitation or reserve - usually she'd consider all questions coming her way.

To see that Yong has managed to make her more flexible and attuned to her surroundings in less than a year is a miracle, comared to what her unnies, whom she has been living with for 3+ years, and has known some for even 6, haven't been able to do. Doesn't that just make your heart burst and spazz? ^^

I also applaud Hyun for having the courage the openly thank Yong face-to-face for changing her, knowing that this would be broadcast around the whole nation, and to us international gogumas. I recall reading pages back that Yongseo tends to forget the cameras, and this was one of the times I thought could perhaps apply. =) .

Yong of course would be highly aware that he is the first male she has gotten close to - I think it's been on his mind ever since their first meeting when he found out on day one about her inexperience, and hence became almost a 'burden' to him. I don't mean this in a negative sense, I hope you get what I'm trying to say.

I think this could have partly contributed to why he was so embarrassed/shy when she told him that. I think it was partly a feeling of satisfaction and relief to know that all his careful hardwork had paid off, and to see the final product of that in front of him, thanking him for it, just left him nearly speechless. The guy deserves an award! He should pen a guide on how to handle awkward people, LOL.

My other favourite part was the discussion about the machine to make dried apples! When I saw the preview for this episode, I thought Yong was asking Hyun why she was so serious about the Goguma ratings - to think it was about the MACHINE to make dried apples.... as usual, Yongseo surprises us. It was nice to see that Yong remembers details like that - wasn't that in ep4/5? (sometime around there..). Months ago! My knees went weak then, and I totally went berserk seeing the reenactment of their arm-wrestling match, all the way down to the faked wound. (One of my favourite things to do is compare their more recent episodes to their early ones, see). It's like watching that early ep all over again, but with a totally different feel.

Trace their journey from that first arm-wrestle match --> time lapse of everything that happened in between --> Second arm-wrestle match ^^ <3

I've said too much so I'll stop soon, but I did want to talk about "seohyun yonghwa" coming up together in search engines, as well as how they both do monitor each other, and how they want to know what the other thinks of them. Best of all, Yong's "I was worried it wouldn't look manly if I asked it". He beat his own blood type A! :D.

Contrast this heart-to-heart conversation to ep14's. Yong: Wallpaper colour vs. Call me first. He's changed too! He's learning to adapt and take relationships forward wiTHOUT mildang games :P

Aish these two, jassik~

PS - thank you so much mountainmadman, this must have been crazy to sit down and do, since all they did was practically talk =) ! Saranghae hahaha


LOL dreamyboo, I was thinking that as well when he asked if they should go to the grocery store again! He must have wanted it more, this time, more well-prepared on his side, I guess? haha. For all you know, they could have gone again..after the cameras stopped rolling XD

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Thank you Blueshoes for the pic OMG so sweeet..












Holding hands.. hhe... 












Ah! i love the MC's reaction when Yong said Cheest stuff.. hhe..












Especially MC Kim... hhe... 



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crystal, if i'm not mistaken, someone in this thread did confirm about INKI airing tomorrow... sorry forgot who -.-"

soshisoshi, i love these paragraphs of urs... :wub: DAEBAKKK!

their night in Japan has given them a chance to become a better person for each other. Their gestures, eyeship (gosh I love that term), affection, forgiveness (yongseo=forgiveness), and also memories they made together will definitely a huge step to enter a stage of relationship where everything is not because based on job for a national tv, but rather because of their feelings for each other.

I think it's wise to give a 'NO' to those questions. they have made good memories and those memories will be cherished by them forever as a guide to go through "the arc of marriage". I make my heart believe that they will come out as a real couple in the end.........

shawie... i've read ur PM~! :D will reply u in a while yah!

blueshoes~! thanks for the pics... those 1st two pics, where did u get them from? i don't see that kinda hand-holding in the preview??? :blink: oh i've dl another version that shows that hand-holding scene -.-" heh heh

oh, after watching ep33... omigoshhh!! i gotta agree with all of u gogumas about the VIBE that we're getting in there was totally REAL!!!! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :w00t: haha i get the feeling that yong didn't wanna leave hyun's room at all. just look at how long they took to just say goodnite & goodbye! LOL~! it must've taken them some time to finally fall asleep that nite... ekekek! and oh ya... i find it rather amusing of yong to wanna go to the grocery store again! LOL!!!

Y:Where should I go? Dressed like this.

S:To your room, of course.

Y:Should we go to the grocery store again?

Sub:keeps hesitating

uhhh why do u wanna go to the grocery store again, yong?? were u not satisfied with the previous skinship from hyun & wanna do a more intimate version? ekekekeke we all know ur intention yongggg kekekekeke xD

edit: oh ya about the preview... yongseo are just like gogumas glued to each other!!! there wasn't even a space spared between them! ohhoohho i like~ :w00t: can't wait to see them being more like a couple!

wallpaperfood: LOL! u may be right!!! and the part when they were saying goodnite & goodbye looked pretty much scripted. haha i bet once WGM stopped rolling the cameras... *imagination on the roll* xD


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credit 구마구마 @DCmarriedgall

Ah, I'd like to add another cap to this one :D


What was he doing with her fingers? :lol: It would be so cute if he was just playing with them.

And Hyun wore the necklace Yong gave her for her birthday in the black room:


Not to mention her announcing she got her license is way too adorable not to capture.

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Hi Guys...since WGM is starting in soon (abt 5mnts)..just would like to remind everybody again.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. do not post 1 line sentence, pls ensure it has at least 20 words or it will be considered spam. you will be getting many (-) which mean you will get warning from the MOD. on top of that, if this thread has many spammer, the thread is at risk of being closed by the MOD.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2. if you want to ask where to find english subtitle or to say thank you to certain people, pls add 1 or 2 lines abt yongseo also.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3. this is where you can find anything related to yongseo and where to watch it live http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/p/video.html
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4. you can join us at live chat at sweetpotatodays.chatango.com while watching it live or for those that cannot watch live, there is no subtitles but every now and then, there are people give live update about WGM and gv translation live































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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There is no "No One Liner" rules in this forum. All posts should have a minimum of 20 characters.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Do not confuse this forum (celeb photos) with the dramas/movies forum where we used to discourage members from making one-liner posts -- so that there can be quality discussion instead of fangirling posts gushing how hot and goodlooking the cast is, which serves little purpose.

































































































































































































































































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uhhh why do u wanna go to the grocery store again, yong?? were u not  satisfied with the previous skinship from hyun & wanna do a more  intimate version? ekekekeke we all know ur intention yongggg kekekekeke  xD
































































































































kekeke I was thinking something similar!!! :wub:
































































































































Thanks for the pictures gogumas, and I want to say that I believe that they held hands 2  times in the truck! yeaahhh... Why?, because the reflex of light is diferent ^^
































































































































I read that Inki is going to be aired Sunday and also that is the last one for SNSD :(...
































































































































And When is going to be aired the TV show where unnies and Hyun will tell why she was crying in Japan? I need to watch that one :rolleyes:

































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One-liners/questions are fine when they are relevant to the thread topic.




There is no "No One Liner" rules in this forum. All posts should have a minimum of 20 characters.




Do not confuse this forum (celeb photos) with the dramas/movies forum where we used to discourage members from making one-liner posts -- so that there can be quality discussion instead of fangirling posts gushing how hot and goodlooking the cast is, which serves little purpose.






Hi rebby...just want to make it clear...




so what if one post something like this:




1. yongseo is the best or i love yongseo so much




2. may I know where to find the sub video?




3. then maybe someone reply smth like...' you can find at rdr website'




4. thk u very much for the link!




so all of the above is actually permitted at this thread??


because all the while i think e are under the impression that it is not allowed ( or is it only my own mis-judgement?)...i am really sorry if it is








i thought: one-liner = posting must be at least 20 words?




really appreciate your explanation



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Hello everyone...










Finally exam is over & I can sit back, relax & enjoysweet potatoes moment. 










I missed the live streaming today as I was struggling withmy final paper but YongSeo do come to mind as I was answering the questions*sigh* Just can’t  get em’ out of my head! sweatingbullets.gif










There are soo... many things to say but you gogumas had spilled them all out, and I agree with all the good spazzings. So I’ll just read all your posts & fly high with joy. After the arm linking initiated by Hyun, Yong is having more confidence in displaying his own skinship, hence the wrist grabbing, holding the back of her hand before the arm wrestling and the hand holding in the truck which I can’t wait to  see... wub.gif










Watched the videos with the translations and a million thanks to sun_sun & mountainmadman for the raw vids & the translations.










Mrs Joker, as always your post is LOVE, wub.gif thank you for sharing. You always brought out the inner thoughts to the open. I do share the same thoughts but I think you lay them out so well that I prefer reading to yours rather than putting mine in words.










Jnj, you captured two of the best moments well. Love the parts very much especially the wall breaking. Shows a great significant to their relationship.










Shinhdeplol, nice gifs, thanks for sharing.










Kerube_chan, nadihee I agree with your POVs. It was indeed a great move by Hyun confessing and thanking Yong who had contributed in her changes   (good changes of course)










Greatest appreciation to all gogumas for all the caps, comments & posts. Sorry can’t name everyone but I know you are goguma lovers just like me










BTW, salute to all the fanfic writers. Great writings & great story.  Many many thanks for taking the time to write them. Since writing a fanfic will take a longer time for me (I tend to leave the story hanging without finishing it – 1 is already being abandoned on the shelf) I decided to write a video story instead. Here is the link & enjoy   





















Look at their hands. So relaxed and so close. 



















It would be great to see them toying with each others hands while chatting freely 






























































These scenes are heartwarming. I keep on smiling looking at these scenes 




























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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































I was in lurker mode for the past week and was patiently waiting for news or updates regarding our Sweet Potato couple, as I always do while waiting for Saturday to come. after a very tiring week came Saturday and I watched the raw cuts and read Mountainmadman's translation (thank you very much).
























all I can say is that both Yonghwa and Seohyun's approach to the show We Got Married is really different. they both were eager to learn about each other and to get to know each other better. even if there are no cameras rolling in front of them, they maintain communication, and always faithful to their couple ring. both of their actions are genuine and sincere. also having arguments, making mistakes, getting disappointed and even admitting how much they have changed since meeting each other are the signs of their growth. both of them grew on each other and the memories they created with each other will remain with them for the rest of their lives.
























now both of these two needs Jungshin's smile line massage. they have been happy and smiling all the time, even in the preview. they are having fun with each other's company and they truly reveal their true selves when they are together.





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Guest -Aigooo-

hello guys~ i'm still new here! but.. i wan't to try posting. ^_^

I've watched the recent episode of goguma.. and i'm melting because of their intense eyeships. seriously.. it's so.. intense. lol XD

anyway! i just want to share this parody vid of hana yori dango.. goguma version from gogumalove.tumblr.com

thank you hehe.

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Thank you MountainMadman for awesome translation! You’re brilliant!












Ah~ I feel like my retirement is getting nearer…so many good translators. huhuhu…












Well, I translated today’s episode anyway, so there you are ;)












#1: So many caps in every scene! Stop doing that WGM PDs! I translated them for our beloved subbers and just in case you’re wondering what it says on the screen, but in most case they’re totally unnecessary. Main caps are in italics and those little black callouts are in bracket.












#2: Yong, you should’ve kissed her while she’s closing her eyes instead of throwing a packet of biscuit!












#3: I know, MC Kim, I was as excited as you were when Yong grabbed her hand, and so disappointed that both Yong and Hyun didn’t have enough courage to pursue it(what?) further.












By the way, translated from the link posted by zealous (thank you!).












(skip the preview…)












Yong teacher givers her the lesson of the non-alcohol beverage












Y: Do you know what flavor this is?












H: Does it even have a flavour?












Y: Of course it does.












H: Orange? Lemon?












Y: No!












H: Then what?












Y: Non-alcohol!












H: Hmm….












(opening a can for her)












Y & H: Woah!!












(left arm is fixed but right one…. swing~swing~)












SO: He wouldn’t even have noticed he’s swinging the cans while walking arm in arm with her.












MC Kim: Since it’s a carbonated drink…












Drinking novice, Hyun buin












H: Hmm… so that’s it.












Y: Kkkkk….












H:What flavour is it, really?












Yong teacher proposes a toast….












H: We should, should shout something before the toast!












Y: For SNSD’s success in Japan…!












H: And CNBlue, too…!












The married couple’s first toast












(Yong: a big gulp like a man, H: comely)












H: Euuuah~!












H: Sweet potatoes~












Y: Here, have this.












(a piece of Goguma pie)












H: Thank you.












MC Kim: Everything is Goguma there.












H: Hmm~












Y: Oh, your nostril’s just flared!












H: That’s the signal that I’m concentrating.












Y: (observing closely)












H: Heheheh…..












What are you guys doing….












H: To be honest, really, before this marriage…












Y: Yes.












H: I didn’t have any male friends.












MCs: Wow~












H: So I felt really awkward around men…












Y: Hmm…












(Hyun buin became serious after drinking non-alcohol beer)












H: But, thanks to all your effort, I’ve changed a lot.












I’ve changed a lot….












MC Park: True, she’s come a long way.












H: Thank you, really. I’m always grateful for that.












Y: So, you’re grateful for that?












H: Yes, I am!












Y (being cheeky) What about other stuff?












H: What other stuff?












Y: (you said) 'I’m grateful for THAT.'












H: I’ve just said thank you.












Y: Never mind…












NY: That’s how you come to know about men.












JW: That’s how you(NY)’ve become a master.












Y: No need to thank me…












H: Anyway, I really meant it.












I really meant it!












Y: Yes, me too.












MC Kim: They talk heart to heart…












SO: Yes, who would’ve thought that she would link her arms with a man?












Hyun reveals her inner thoughts under the influence of liquor(?)












This night everyone becomes honest…












Y: Do it!












H: Hmm~












Y: Just say it all!












H: Say what?












Y: Things you’ve bottled inside, one by one.












H: What….one by one….?












Y: Just things you have in your mind, even if it’s really, re~~~ally trivial. Even if it’s as small as these (pointing at the crumbs of biscuits).












Yong wants to hear more about what’s in his wife’s mind












H: Ah….how….?!












Even if it’s just crumbs….












MC Park: Hahaha, he’s comparing it to the bread crumbs…












After much hesitation












H: Hmm…Ah!












H: That I did a shoot with Trax for their MV….did you see it?












Y: Yes.












H: Hmm….












This morning…












H: This is while making a MV with Trax.












Y: Ah~ Yes, yes, I know, I saw it.












H: With Jay, and Jung Mo.












Hyun tried to figure out his thoughts












H: Well, this is just a trifle….












Y: Hmm.












H: You don’t call often…












Y: Hmm.












H: I felt that, that… that way.(I found it’s cute that she didn’t say she felt neglected or pissed, instead ‘(felt) that way’, wishing Yong would get a hint)












The couple couldn’t keep in touch all the time due to their busy schedules












MC Park: Hmm~ since they’re so busy they appear to be not always in touch.












(backroom interview)












H: Whether is he interested in his wife’s life or not, whether he knows or not…Since he doesn’t express about that kind of thing and doesn’t call me often…












Since they’ve been apart….wanted to check his affection for her…












H: ‘Does he even know?’ I was thinking then. And even after he saw the MV, he didn’t say anything to me. It was a bit disappointing.












Does he know about her feeling….?












Y: I always monitor you.












H: Really?












But Yong was monitoring his wife all the time.












Y: Of course. Even when I’m flipping channels, when there’s your CF, I watch it till the end.












H: Really? Me too!












(suddenly happy)












NY: They like each other!












MC Park: Maybe they felt let down because they didn’t tell each other about those things.












H: When you google, it comes up anyway.












Y: What?












H: When I google my name, your’s next to mine (as a related topic or something).












Y: I’m not talking about that kind of thing.












H: So I happened to watch yours, too.












Y: That’s how you monitor me?!












Y: What do you mean, ‘happen to’?!












‘Happened to’ watch me, are you saying?












He’s finding fault with her remark…












Y: When I google you, it’s because I’m thinking of you. But you just ‘happened’ to see me?!












H: That’s not what I’m saying! That means I was thinking of you, too.












Y: (deep sigh)…












MC Kim: They’re arguing over nothing…!












H: Ah, really!












What happened to the heart-to-heart talk….












Y: Do you want to know how I feel?












H: What?












Yong’s signature pose, looking somewhere far away…












H: Why are you like this?












Y: Just for fun.












H: It’s funny.












SO: She knows how to control her husband…!












H: Since I told you one, it’s your turn.












(as soon as she finishes her sentence…)












Y: (counting on his fingers)












NY: What is he doing?












H: Woah, really! You must be joking!












Y: There’s something I want to tell you, but I don’t know how to start.












H: Take your time.












Y: Wait for me, like 30 secs.












H: Yes (what’s in his mind?).












Y: No, 45 secs.












H: Okay.












H: It’s been 10 secs.












Y: Oh, that’s too fast!












H: 5 points deducted (imitating the auto-tune voice of the test driving car)












Y: Woah, woah.












The painful memories of their driving tests























And finally…












H: What is it?












Y: No, I mean. Here’s what I think.












Y: Say, I didn’t call you first.












H: Yes.












Y: Then you could try… to call me first.












H: Hmm…












Y: I’m saying you could try.












H: Yes, you’re right. I understand.












Y: That’s it. You even don’t know how I feel~












H: Ah~












(backroom interview)












Y: I was curious…how much she… (wants to know)… about me…whether she monitors me as well….whether she knows what I’ve been doing…












Y: If she misses me, if she misses me, she can just call me.












It turned out, they both wanted a detention (?) in love…^^












H: It made me think…most of time, I’m not the type who calls first.












MC Kim: They’ve been waiting for each other to reach out first. Only thinking…(meaning no action)












Y: Why is that?












H: I-












Y: I’m just curious.












H: I’ll break it.












I’ll break it…(?)












H: I have to break my own wall.












I’ll break it…(?) I’ll break my own wall!












MC Kim: Woah~












NY: Yes, it’s necessary.












(is this…a wall???)












Y: Jjjjaeng~~!












H: I broke it!












Problem solved…??












Y: So is the wall broken?












H: Yes.












After they demolished the wall(?) between them…












Y: Talk to me (suddenly Busan accent), just as you do to your friends.












H: Talk to me… (imitating Yong)












Y: (Still in Busan accent) Hurry, already!












H: Ahahahah!












Y: No?












H: A friend?












Banmal since there’s no wall??












MC Park: In Banmal?












H: Hello?












Y: Kkkk…..it’s so sad!!












The wall of Banmal is still….It’s so sad












Y: I’m your husband who can be even closer than you friends.












H: Yes.












H: To me, it(husband)’s much closer than just a friend!












MC Park: Exactly! Think how much we’re amazed by how open she’s become!












To me…it’s closer than a friend!












Y: Ah, really? No~ it can’t be.












H: I’m different from other people.












H: (sigh) I don’t know.












Y: Then maybe.












He now understands his wife better even though she doesn’t speak Banmal with him…












H: I think everyone’s different (literally she said ‘every human being’)












Y: Why are you suddenly going all philosophical?












H: It’s impossible to understand all the differences in the beginning.












Y: Hang on, you’ve got dandruff on your hair.
























H: What?












Y: How did you manage to flip the biscuit crumbs to your head?












H: It’s not me. It must be you who did it, while laughing. How can I flip it to my hair?












That’s possible…^^












Y: It’s windy these days…












Y: ‘Oppaah~’












H: That’s not possible.












H: Anyway, it’s resolved…












(smiling brightly)












Y: I’m going to ask this question, since it’s been a while.












Y: How many sweet potatoes have I got?












H: Ah~!












Haw many?












MC Park: We already know that sweet potatoes are good and hamburgers are bad, right?












JW: Yes!












Yongseo couple’s affection-gauge = sweet potatoes












H: You can’t just ask that out of blue!












Y: Here, there’re five sweet potato biscuits.












H: What are you doing? No, no, no!












H: Check it later in the backroom interview.












Later…in the interview!












SO: It’s pull and push again.












Y: Don’t you think I’ve had enough with the backroom interview already?












H: What?












Y: Do you know how surprised I am whenever I see your interviews?












H: What? Why?












The result of monitoring her backroom interview…??












H: Why surprised?












Y: Because you always say something different in the interview!












H: Hahaha!!












Y: So, since we’ve had this serious talk..tell me how many.












So…let’s be honest












(Y:counting) (H:springs to the action)












How many…












Y: One, two, three!












Y: Six?












H: It appears to be.












She’s given every biscuits to him…!












H: You’ve regained my trust just now.












Y: Really? You sure?












H: Yes.












Y: Don’t you say something different later~












H: Ah, really!












Y: Okay, got it!












H: Ah, really you’re too much.












Y: I was just joking.












H: I don’t know anymore what is joke and what is not.












Y: I was just playing, since I’m so happy.












H: Fine.












(backroom interview)












H: Six! He should know it’s really a lot.












Yong hubby regained sweet potatoes after such a struggle












PD: Which one do you prefer, sweet potatoes or Yong hubby?












H: What is that?! How can you compare a person with something you eat?












Sweet potato girl…abandoned (?) sweet potatoes for her hubby












H: How many have I got?












How many have I got?












Y: Close your eyes. I’m going to tell you.












H: Okay.












Y: I’m going to tell this in the interview.
























Y: You don’t like that, do you?!












Yong never misses a chance to take revenge












H: Ah, well…












Y: Is it OK (if I tell this in the interview)?












JW: He’s so going to get even with her.












H: Try to think in my shoes!












Y: Since I know how many I’ve got, I’m going to tell yours later in the interview.












H: Ah….you are….












Y: Kkk…fine, I’m going to tell you now.












H: Fine.












How many sweet potatoes for Seo Hyun?












What? Just one??












MC Park: Just one?!












JW: Are they playing pull and push again?!












Y: Ready? One, two, three!












H: What? Just one?












Y: Everything, just except this one.












SO: (making a retching noise)












MCs: !!!!!












JW: Just give her everything!!!
























H: Ah, thank you.












Y: Don’t you think it was cool?
























MC Park: Did he just ask her whether his line’s cool?!












MC Kim: I mean, it’s just the same as ‘You can cry~’ (Nichkhun’s cheesiest line)!!! Just like that ‘YOU CAN CRY’!!!












H: Okay.












So they confirm (?) each other’s affection…












Y: How about arm wrestling?












H: Cool!












Y: I’m not going to go easy on you this time.












H: Got it.












Y: This time it’s different. Then it was the 22nd day.












H: We’re now well past the 222nd day.












Y: I’m going to start from here.












H: Really?












Y: I started from here, that time too. Didn’t I?












H: Did you?












MC Park: They did arm wrestling once in their 22nd day, and now again for their 222nd day.












The 222day-old Yongseo couple arm wrestling starts!












Y: Oh, you suddenly became serious~












H: I’m good, ain’t I?












H: No, no, no, no!












Y: Do you remember that day? Do you?












The 22nd arm wrestling












H: No, no, no!












H: Why are you shaking like this?












Y: What? Because I’m shaken.












(cf. ‘Ddulida’ means to tremble, to quiver, to shake and so on. But it also can be used when someone is emotionally charged, whether it’s excitement or agitation. So, Yong’s making a pun: Hyun asked why his ‘body/arm’ was shaking so badly, and Yong replied (I think) it’s because ‘his mind’ is full of excitement/happiness)












H: No! This is not happening!












Y: Hyun-a. Do you remember?












They’ve gotten so closer than before…












Y: Ah….!












But the mental age is still the same












NY: This is just too much!












That time as well…












Y: Aikoo!












H: Woah~












He let her win on purpose…












H: What are you doing?












Even the gesture’s the same…a total re-enactment












Y: You remember this, don’t you?












H: Yes, I do.












Y: You’ve changed.












H: Changed how?












Y: You’ve stopped bringing dried apples!












H: Ah!












Y: It just came to my mind.












H: The dehydrator has broken. Fruits come out all soggy.












Y: Why are you so serious?!












MC Kim: Oh! He held her hand! He held her hand!!!












NY: Yes~












(his hand) sliding~












H: I’m not lying. It’s true. It’s not as good as before.












Y: Okay.












MC Kim: (what…?)












MC Park: It was just a moment.












MC Kim: Yes, it was. Just a moment. A MOMENT.












H: If I get to buy a new one, I’ll bring them again.












Y: And, there’s one thing I want to say.












H: Yes.












MC Kim: He’s trying another cool line of his.












Y: That bad thing I did to you…












H: Yes.












The memory of a long-term pull and push…












Y: Please don’t do that to me.












MC Park: Pull and push?












You’re the one who initiated it…












H: I don’t know yet.












Y: You don’t have to do it.












MC Park: What?












NY: Why?












SO: Only because he doesn’t want to be a victim.












Y: Because we’re so close now.












H: (you…)












Y: Let’s not do that kind of thing ever again.












Y & H: (nods)












Y: The last!












It’s already after midnight…












Y: Seo Hyun and Jung Yong hwa….












H: For us!












For Hyun & Yong!












Y: Bottoms up!












H: Huh?!!












Y: Bottoms up.












H: There’s still this much left!












The couple builds (?) their trust overseas…












Y: That’s how you drink beer.












H: What on earth?!












Y: Here, this earth.












Wish you grow more mature…












Yong prepares a bed for Hyun buin












Y: I’m going to sleep in other room.












H: Umm~












Y: Don’t cross into my room~












H: I won’t!












Y: I’m going to say this once again, don’t cross into my room.












H: Got it.












(making sure the door is shut)












Y: Where should I go, in these clothes?












H: You should go to your room in those clothes.












(doesn’t want to go, keep talking)












Y: I may go to the convenient shop.












H: Haha!












Y: I’m going.












H: Yes, good night.












Y: (whispering) ‘Good night’












MC Park: Oh~ whispering!












H: (whispering) …See you.












Y: You can speak normally!












H (loudly): Good night!












Y (whispering): You’re going to wake up people next door. Shh…












H (whispering): Good night.












Y (in a normal voice): Good night!












Y (whispering): Good night.












The night in Japan is coming to an end…












(backroom interview)












After the trip in Japan…












H: My hubby…thinks of me a lot…even monitors me all the time…












Compared to how much Yong hubby thinks of Hyun…












H: He might have felt that I don’t think of him as much as he does of me. Come to think of it, I don’t think I have been expressing my feelings that much. I’m going to try to do that, one by one.












Y: I really worried over whether I should tell her my inner thoughts or not. If I tell her how I feel, I may look like a less of a man.












Worried that telling her his disappointment would make him look less of a man












Y: But then…that day…I felt that…okay, I don’t need to worry over such a thing anymore. I think the relationship is a process of adjusting to each other, changing each other. So from now on, if there’s anything needs changing, we should do it together.












PD: You sound all grown-up.












Y: I’m a grown-up. I’m not Yong choding.












MCs: Yes, you are!












Our proud Yong choding^^












A day in Oct. 9:00am












MC Park: Ah, it’s after the Japan trip.












Yong hubby’s alone in the house












(searching for something, whistling)












Y: My wallet, MP3…












(taking something out)












JW: What are those bags doing there?












(shoving them into his bag)












Y: And…a mosquito spray!
























Yong hubby…why all the packing?












(backroom interview)












Y: Today is the day we go and look at sweet potatoes that we planted about 3 months ago.












Sweet potato harvest day












MC Park: Ah, it’s harvest day.












JW: Today even Yonghwa’s hair style looks like a sweet potato.












MC Park: Hahaha!












Yong in a sweet potato style?!












PD: How big do you think they are going to be?












Y: I heard that there is a sweet potato that is as big as a person.












PD: Really?












Y: It’s just my opinion.












(on his phone…)












Y: (why Hyun’s not coming?’)












MC Park: Is she is school?












Y: Hello~












H: Hello~












Y: Where are you?












JW: He must’ve been missing her.












H: Hello? Uh, something’s weird!












Y: You’re weird! Hello?!




































MC Park: What’s going on?












Y: Should I just…!!












MC Park (imitating Yong’s Busan accent): ‘Should I just…!’












Y: She’s not answering.












MC Kim: She maybe somewhere else.












H: Hello?












Y: Hello!












She answered it!!












But…this place is...?!












MC Park: Oh~












MC Kim: Did she get her driving license?!












H: Oh, hi, oppa!












Y: What are you doing?












H: Sorry, I’m on my way. Was in school(?) earlier on.












(already melted)












Y: How many minutes? How many?












H: Uh…About 5 mins!












Y: 5 mins?












H: Yes.












(setting an hourglass)












Y: Okay, see you in 5 mins!












(smiles brightly)












H: Yes~!












H: Ha-ah!












MC Park: Seo Hyun’s driving a truck?!












Hyun’s hiding (?) in front of their house!!












MC Kim: Is that a truck, not a car?!












(backroom interview)












H: I... have a manual driving license!
























SO: Did Yonghwa get his license, too?












MC Park: I don’t think he did.












JW: As far as I know, no.












(Since I’m so busy these days…)












As a proud acquisitor of a driving license…












(the last check before meeting her hubby)












Meanwhile! Oblivious Yong hubby is…












(never-ending love for his wife)












NY: Is he calling her again?












Y: Are you here yet? See you in 3 mins, okay?












H: Yes, see you soon.












Y: Okay~












Has to check on her every minute…












Y: Oh, one minute passed already!












(nervous nervous)












H: Why does he keep calling? I can’t answer the phone now!












Anyway, Hyun sets off with her truck
























MC Kim: She’s really driving a truck.












(the phone keeps vibrating)












MC Kim: You’re not allowed to answer the phone while driving.












(what? Why is she not answering?)












MC Kim: Ah, Yong hubby is really…












(Is she coming? Is she?)












(Seo driver only focuses on driving)












Finally in front of the house!












Y: Uh…?












MC Park: Did he see her?












Yong hubby, found out already…?












(I’m here)












H: Hello?












Y: Where are you?












H: Arrived! Haha!












(honk honk)












Celebration honking












(heard everything..!!)












Y: Hey, over there!












MC Park: ‘Over there!’












(taking a glance)












MCs: Hahaha!!!












Shyly….I’m here~












Y: Kkkk….she’s got her license!












(backroom interview)












Y: Something in my mind’s been telling me that she’s going to get a driving license before me.












He had a feeling that she’ll get her licence before him…!!












Y: I was a bit surprised in the beginning, but since it’s something to celebrate…












(but his expression’s so sad)












Y: I envy her, but I’m not disappointed or anything. Of course not.












(cool Yong returns)












Y: Park your car! Parallel parking!












MC Park: He failed his test because of that parallel parking.












Y: So, do you want me to come down?












MC Kim: It could hurt his man pride.












(throbbing throbbing)












Truck date is perfect for their meaningful sweet potato harvest…












MC Park: Since sweet potatoes are heavy, the truck will come in handy.












MC Kim: Ah, that’s the reason!












Y: Hey, there.












H: Hi!












Y: Hahaha!












Y: Hahaha!












Y: When did you pass?












H: It’s amazing, isn’t it? I can’t still believe it!












A fine day in Oct., wishing a good harvest…












H: I’m going to show you my skills.












We’re coming to harvest our sweet potatoes












MC Park: This date will be fun.












MC Kim: Yes.
























On an exciting trip, looking forward to seeing their sweet potatoes…












H: This is with my members…












Y: …my parents…












(Couldn't hear clearly what they're saying in the car, even though I've been replaying the part for about 10 times, sorry)












Y: Hey kids~ Let’s have some sweet potatoes~!!!












H: This is huge!












Arrived in their two-row field in Kanghwado!












Y: Is it a sweet potato or a tree?












Getting on with harvest!












H: It’s like ginseng!












Y: What is our field gonna be….(with Hyun) like?!












Can we expect a good harvest from our two-row field?





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Guest uolam21

thanks a lot j2dlee!!!

and please don't say that you're retiring...

we really appreciate all the hard work that you have put into doing this..

and for what? you don't even get compensated...

all we can do is thank you each and every time you do it!!!

our hats off to you...

keep on going.. we're so thankful for people like you, mountainmadman, and sun_sun...

and countless others who share whatever they can share about our beloved couple...

thanks again, and God bless!!!smile.gif

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Ah~ I feel like my retirement is getting nearer…so many good translators. huhuhu…
































oh! no!! you broken my heart with this phrase T_T (you just kidding right???????)
































thank you for episode translate
































you know we're waiting and appreciate your translate and every translate here
































big thank j2dlee
































(from goguma villager who don't know korean language but stubborn to addict Yongseo couple)

















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J2dlee and MountainMagman:Please do not retired, i really love you 2 do tranlation, and others as well. and i do beleive other gogumas also think so, because everybody has their own way of translation and to read the difference is what we really want. :wub:




And really thank to you two with your hard word. and every sarturday will be less meaning without all the translators. :wub:


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i don't know what spell the yongseo couple








































cast on me because each day that passes by








































i keep on loving them more and more..








































they are really a real couple or should i say








































they shows the real them..








































like in this episode even though








































they have a misunderstanding they talked about it








































like how married people should do..








































their actions speak louder than words that they like each other..








































i wouldn't be surprise if one day they both








































quit the show because they confess that they are in








































a relationship with each other...








































(knock on the wood... i hope they wouldn't leave








































the show but i also hope that they are in a
















































































(i remember the inquiry in night after night its obvious








































that he doesn't want to talk it openly i mean he used the riddle type








































cause he's protecting her.. )









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