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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest constantia11






Thanks to everyone for the info you've shared about what did Yong~ and Hyun~ brought. :)

I am really excited to see the next ep ^_^


Welcome to new Gogumas, just want to remember you it's against soompi rules to quote pictures and to post less than 20 words or one-lines. Also let's not forget this is a SeoHwa thread and we have to talk about YongSeo related things. If your post is only about SeoHyun, YongHwa, SNSD or CNBLUE please remember they have their own threads :) It's also against the rules to just post to thank someone or to ask for links. Let's all take care of our Goguma Planet ^_^




I second this.

I'm usually a passive/rare poster.I prefer reading all the posts and argue or agree with it by heart.

I only posted when there is a major discussion or major event related to uri Yongseo.

I saw so many new Gogumas since the last episode. Some got really good comments and even provide goodies.

But I have to say to all new Gogumas to read the rules.I'll just write the rules new Gogumas often breaks:


No one liners or post less than 20 words

No quoting images




and the recent violation: post something non Yongseo related




I'm sorry if some of new Gogumas get offended by my post. I'm usually not this fussy or care about people's business.


But I've seen some posts have been edited by the MOD/ADMIN. It scares me to death everytime the ADMIN edits a post coz I don't want this beautiful thread to be closed.




@arwenarya: I noticed you are not new in this thread, yet you seems to forget the rules in some of your post. I'm sorry for me being fussy dear, but I know you love this thread as much as I do, so lets take care of this thread together, OK?




edit: about Hyun being more beautiful and sexy nowadays, I agree with some of you.


I noticed that in her earlier performances, her outfits are the most "appropriate" one (not that the other girls dress inappropriately, but you know what I mean). Now she shows more skin and her dance moves become more sexy.



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lunasol i just watched the performance too! and can i say
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hyun is really showing off her sexiness in the "if you seek amy" performance. (although i have no idea what the song is really about... lol)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks for sharing those screen caps too. and i checked, super hard, and she's wearing the ring of course! :wub:

































































































































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they know something is happening...they can feel it..

lovelight confession


skinship iniate by buin


finally, u feeling what i'm feeling?

then buin's hand slid down slowly...



woah...luvtokki oppa, i love what u wrote.

u've hit the bull's eyes oppa! ^_^

sirinee....rmbr soompi rules?

the ratings looks good kubih. tks!

edit 2:

tks for editing your post sirinee

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I am so proud of our SeoLady, she has taken a giant step in assessing her feelings for Yong and then taking an appropriate action to actually show him how she feels!

I know before this episode aired I was hoping for more, a hug, a kiss maybe but this was so like Seohyun…..I’m happy!  It was perfect.  Just enough, not too much yet.

This wasn’t easy for her, I feel (my opinion) that she was planning something like this all day, that she was going to see how the day went, and then execute her ‘pull’ for Yong, to show him that things were good between them again.  All during the day there were little signs, pats with the hand, pulling Yong away from the passing truck, leaning in close to him, their bodies and shoulders and hands bumping and rubbing against each other as they walked or stood.  The releasing of her beautiful, long hair and her shaking it out – how voluptuous, how flirty – Yong was speechless, had to look down at the table before he started to drool!

And she was so happy, all giggly, smiling and laughing at her playful boy toy – Yong!

Yong springs the question about getting a drink.  A bold question, she doesn’t drink much, doesn’t really condone it.  She thinks for a sec and says, “Let's go!”

Why?  This is Yong asking her.  And she TRUSTS Yong.  He wouldn’t let any harm come to her.  Anything he suggests will be interesting and fun and safe.

Even so, I love how she begins questioning Yong’s choice of beverages, why is it so small?  Is it because it is stronger?   I love the statement, “It’s cute, but I can’t trust it!”  She still has some doubts about Yong being able to handle one small beer – so cute!

Notice the 2 deep sighs before she takes the plunge as they leave the convenience store, trying to build up her courage, even glancing up to the heavens for courage.  Good job, girl!  You planned it out and you let your heart lead you for once – that’s what love is all about – the heart has to overpower the mind.

But most of all, Kudos to Yong, who has masterfully taken this shy girl with no interest in boys or dating to this point, where she is feeling something in her heart that overpowers her logical mind.  He has persevered; he has stuck it out through the hard parts, hasn’t wavered from her side, always supported her and tried to understand her.  Yong, you deserve her!  You have put in the extra effort, gone the extra mile and suffered through the heartache to get to this point.   Your patience has paid off in diamonds – or gogumas.

Fighter pilots call it ‘situational awareness’.  Knowing what is going on around you at all times and being able to react quickly and in the right manner to whatever situation you may find yourself in.  Yong has this capability in tons.  You can see him use it during his concerts, as a leader of CN Blue, during interviews, on ‘Running Man’ and at the Chuseok Special where he protected and guided Hyun away from all danger.  He is ‘street smart’ where Hyun is ‘book smart’.  It is this awareness that has helped him bring Hyun to this turning point in their relationship.  He LISTENS to her, WATCHES her body language, STUDIES her every gesture and mood and MONITORS her when she is away from him.  He indeed knows her better than any other boy in her life.  He is prepared to react appropriately to anything Hyun may throw at him.  Because he knows her.  Because she is special to him and she deserves this kind of attention. 

Watch him when they are leaving the convenience store.  She sighs out loud; he asks her if she is tired.  She says no.  She sighs again, he glances at her, he knows something is bothering her, he just can’t expect the awesomeness of her next move!

When they link arms his first stunned reaction is to pull away, almost like he was second guessing what she was trying to do, maybe even protecting her from herself, from her un-Hyun like action, hinting to her, “What are you doing?  Think about what you’re doing!  We’re still filming!   The world is going to explode when they see this – are you ready for this?!”

But she holds on, to the point where her whole body is jerked toward him, she hangs on with grim determination, she’s saying, “I mean this, I know what I’m doing, I want to do this, and I don’t care what the world thinks!”

And then Yong locks her hand in the crook of his arm, and smiles.  She can’t pull her hand away now, she’s committed herself and he’s not letting her back out. 

And then, they casually start talking about the moon and the stars, THEIR moon and stars, that are there just for the two of them, because this night belongs to them and them only and the world will just have to wait…………        

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the ratings of We Got Married Season 2 on November 20th 2010








source: TNmS























seohyun really surprised me with her random act by hugging yonghwa's left arm. i chuckle a lot because before that she made the 'hmm' sound twice before executing the skin-ship. that was awesome seohyun! that is the way to show him how much you miss him after a month of not seeing your hubby. if only yonghwa would grab her hand later on and slowly guide them inside of his pocket (i know it would be too scandalous to be executed and there would be a super-volcano-liked reaction all over the world).



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Guest YongSeoForever
































































































Hello all gogumas !! I can't refrain myself from reading all the posts here in our goguma cheonguk (heaven) :wub: despite all my schoolworks ...:wacko: I found a wonderful MV at DC...and it's so so so daebak...It's so touching and it makes me feel that it's YongSeo's fate to get together...I am pretty sure they make so much good memories together as Hyoon said and so do I!! because of them..saturday has a different meaning to me, it becomes such a special day to me. and because of YongSeo, I treasure every little thing and be positive all the time as I can! R=VD!!!!
































here is the link, http://gall.dcinside...6452&page=1= ENjoy!
































cre: DCmarried

































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This last episode was really SPAZZ WORTHY!! I wasn't really sure what to expect from the newest episode. I kind of thought it wouldn't be full of many spazz moments, but boy was I wrong! Even from the start when they were just walking and talking I was spazzing! Is it just me or does it seem like a month apart really did them good? I was a little worried after the 200th day episode. I was worried that their feelings seemed to have changed. But it seems like some time apart was just what the doctor ordered!














They seem to be much closer now :) like they were around the birthday episode. Yong seems really happy to be with his wife again, and Hyun definitely is giving off a much brighter and cheerful aura then in previous episodes! I was so happy to see our lovely couple so happy to be with eachother again! :D When they were sitting in the restaurant talking about how they like eachother's hair, that to me said sooo much! I don't know why but it seems like that's something you would really just talk about with someone you care about a lot. It shows that they care how they look when they're around one another. They want to look good for eachother! I loved that scene!














And of course when they went to that couple wall that was really sweet :) Yong didn't have to do that. He seemed like he really wanted to take Hyun there and make that a special place for them in Japan. And when they were eating and taking pictures! That was just adorable :D I don't really know how to explain it but it just proved to me that they are close again and that Yong does (or by now, SHOULD) have some of his goguma points back!














Finally...Hyun's skinship!! This was so surprising, but in such a great way :) I couldn't believe she was the one who initiated it! I think this proves that she really cares for him and that she has become really close with him. She's definitely the type of girl who takes a while to trust someone or become really close with them. The fact that our shy, innocent maknae took the intiative and locked arms with Yong was such a huge step for our couple! Although it might have been a bit awkward on both of their parts it was still really daebak. And afterall, they do awkward so well :) it's another way that we know how much they care about eachother! I absolutely cannot wait for next episode!!! Yongseo HWAITING!!




























And thanks to everyone who's posted so many great videos, links, and pictures on our beautiful couple! Really appreciate it! I wish I had something to offer to my fellow gogumas :( I'll find something eventually :D



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Guest blueshoes
















found this flash clip at DC married gall
















she's so gorgeous more than on air ver. ... hope yonghwa monitor hers








and watch the fancam but it's hard for him to do that sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif
















FANCAM Seohyun - If you seek amy @ KJE chocolate
















































LOVE luvtokki 's comment :wub::wub::wub: I agree with your comment .. You can explain what i think of them in this ep keke if they get married in the future , I will go to Korea









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do you all remember what jessica unnie (SNSD) told hyun when she went home after the filming? she said that hyun was jjang and hyun proved her loyalty to her SNSD unnies? hmm i think it was related to what hyun did in the latest episode. i think the 'arm linking' meant something phew.gif , i mean something significant and meaningful between hyun and her unnies. maybe it was a confirmation or sign, i don't really know. i'm just guessing/speculating here. and then when SNSD was asked what they meant, they just said that it was just between them and hyun. hmmm i don't know if i'm overthinking or just connecting unrelated things, but just humor me.sweatingbullets.gif  what do you think? i really love how yongseo couple makes me think outside the box. :rolleyes:




anyhow, i saw the chocolate video of SNSD's performance of 'if you seek amy'. and OMG! :o   hyun was sooooo.. daring, mature, sexy, hot and many other things.. and while doing the dance, she was wearing the RING..? i think..B)  a 'married' woman doing that sexaaay dance? hahaha yong~, what did you do to seoBABY? or rather seoLADY? ;)





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Gogumas!!! I´m so ignorant about this but I think it is a really good thing :rolleyes:. (the only thing I know is that I have seen that melon logo while watching Inkigayo :P)
















































2010 ‘Melon Music Awards’ Top 10 revealed!
















































and guess what? Yes! SNSD and CNBlue are in it ^^...































































































anj1207: Other goguma said something similar too, and you know, in goguma world everything can be possible!
















































                                Thanks a lot gogumas, all of you! ,the screencaps are daebak!, and I really loved what luvtokki wrote ^_^.
















































































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Guest sirinee
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks sun_sun for eng sub ep 32
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I've found that SeoHwa couple start their skin-ship.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and wish that their relationship will grown closer.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They are both really cute.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Crystal392










Thanks kubih for sharing the ratings :D I am glad the ratings are still consistent. WGM hwaiting!


















luvtokki: I loved your post.


















I am so happy that SNSD and CNBLUE made it into the top 10 groups at 'Melon awards' ^^

























~Hyun~: Yong~ you are mine! ^^~






























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Guest toomuchsmiling


lunasol- wahaha!!! i was HOPING someone would post screencaps of the perf, particularly HER. :w00t: (i also thought the same about that line "we'll do whatever you like") :ph34r: i was like 'omgeeee girl, i don't think u mean that!' :lol:




i know it would have been great if she'd performed that in Inki, but i've been thinking, since they both aren't going to be at the Mnet Awards, what about Golden Disk? i can be hopeful right? Cuz usually don't they do Special Stages? :rolleyes: maybe snsd will perform something like this and of course Yong would be present~~ :wub:






Hello all gogumas !! I can't refrain myself from reading all the posts here in our goguma cheonguk (heaven) :wub: despite all my schoolworks ...:wacko: I found a wonderful MV at DC...and it's so so so daebak...It's so touching and it makes me feel that it's YongSeo's fate to get together...I am pretty sure they make so much good memories together as Hyoon said and so do I!! because of them..saturday has a different meaning to me, it becomes such a special day to me. and because of YongSeo, I treasure every little thing and be positive all the time as I can! R=VD!!!!


here is the link, http://gall.dcinside...6452&page=1= ENjoy!


cre: DCmarried




YongSeoForever- this was really really touching. one of my fave vids ever made for sure.




k this is my last post for the day...




srsly with each passing episode i get more impatient to go onto see the next. their progression is so contagious, what i WOULDN'T GIVE to me a fly on a wall with the MCs who get to see everything before we do!!!! some Gogumas kept saying they expect this coming week's ep to be even better than this week's. i wonder why? is it b/c of the preview where Yong pulls his hand towards her, and now there's this feeling that something more will happen before they say goodnight? usually ppl post what they HOPE they get to see, and usually i refrain from doing so but enjoy reading others' posts about it instead, this week i seemed to have entered a goguma deliriousness where i can't seem to stop imagining what will happen (though in most cases probably won't) in the upcoming ep!!




like for instance, i'd like to think that Hyun would reach across the table and ask to see his hands, and then just hold them for no reason and he's like 'wat are u looking at?' and she'd just be like 'i just wanted to hold ur hands' and then they would stay like that kinda like wen they did during their 200th day. (lol, i know crazy) or before they say goodnight Hyun would give him an awkward hug, or maybe just a hand squeeze. idk, i don't like getting delusional about wat would happen, chances are what we WILL see is just him hand-grabbing and them arm-wrestling and then they'll go to bed soon after. but like we KNOW, with Yongseo it's always a surprise. it's also up to the PD too, whether he will show what happened all the night (maybe our yongseo talked about juicy things) or maybe it will end soon after the goguma point talk/arm wrestling fun and then we'll jump to the next time they met day! (i have no complaints there) but anyway, that's just my rambling for the night)



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Guest SophiaPia














yes! luvtokki i also love what u wrote w00t.gif wub.gif yeah! baby 





















watching it over and over again, looking all the screen caps, YongSeo couple is like, CAN THIS BE LOVE I'M FEELING RIGHT NOW kekeke! Yeah! we're not the only one says YongSeo couple look good together even our (volcanic reaction's) MC's says YongSeo look good together and wife seoHyun looking lovely love it love it.





















I guess this marriage gives our beautiful wifey Hyun so much confidence kekeke! even the way she dance now BRAVI wifey SeoHyun for sure hubby Yong is monitoring his wife again. That's why wifey Hyun facial expressions is "where are u looking at, i'm right here waiting for u hubby Yong" kekeke! Like i said i'm also surprised w/ wifey Hyun, she initiates sweetness then show belly button kekeke! for sure hubby Yong is looking and says WOW! THAT'S MY WIFE kekeke!





















Cheers to all cheers to our lovely YongSeo couple. The best



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Hi Fellow Gogumas





















I've been restraining my self from switching on my laptop & visit this thread (my final is tomorrow sweatingbullets.gif) Need to do as much studying as I can.





















After hours of buried in the books I'm taking a YongSeo break. I don't know where I got the will to resist uri YongSeo especially after the DAEBAK episode.










Looks like everyone is still spazzing over the latest episode. Love reading all your posts. They really give this goguma such tremendous joy laugh.gif





















j2dlee, mountainmadman & sun_sun, Thank U soo much for the  translations & subs. We're lucky to have such angels here wub.gifwub.gif










mrsjoker, your posts always make me feel good after reading them. Thank you for sharing your thoughts & also the pics of the  RING DING DONG. 










luvtokki, love reading your comments & I agree with you 100% biggrin.gif










ichigo_kawai & caliope, the photos make my day sweeter.










To the other GOGUMAS, thank you for sharing. 





















       Seeing them walk close next to each other always make me smile...





























But... this moment is just awesome! SMILE a happy smile




















I would love Yong to sing BonJovi’s ‘Thank You For Loving Me’ to Hyun. A beautiful  song & one of my favorite. Yong voicewould match the song well and on top of that Bon Jovi is Yong’s idol. A song tosing at a wedding.



















My wild imagination is at work now. Yong and Hyun inside a white themed wedding hall. Hyun standing near the altar in her weddingg dress holding white lilies/roses. Yong is a couple ofsteps away singing “Thank You For Loving Me” with his heart and seoul (just like he sings Y, Why). Both their eyes sparkles and teary as Yong’s amazing voice and the beautiful melody filled the hall and their heart. 


































Here's something to share but it might be blocked in Germany because of the song. Sorry 














































































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Guest reiran18




just random facts...i don't know if it is posted..






Choen Interviews SNSD: SEOHYUN 02/21/09




Seohyun - When I look in the mirror, I’m not that pretty so I’m sad”SNSD’s maknae Seohyun (16)’s nickname is “Kiddie Seohyun”. If you mention the cartoon character “Keroro”, her eyes brighten up, and her round and chubby cheeks still seem like a child’s. However, the members have some different opinions of her.




“Seohyun looks like a child, doesn’t she? But if you get to know her, she’s a complete grandma! She doesn’t eat any fast food because she’s afraid it’s bad for her health and she purposely eats things like chunggook jang (fermented soybean soup).” (Hyoyeon)




“Seohyun is the one who received the most love from all of us. If you look down on her just because she’s young, you’re making a huge mistake. Her personality is one that has definite conviction and strength of character, so she also has a strong sense of self-assertion. When the rest of us get all worked up and distracted and loud, she’s the one who quietly organizes us and calms us down.” (Sooyoung)




The grandma-like maknae Seohyun was born in 1991. She grew up as an only child. The other members testify of Seohyun that she “never eats anything that is bad or harmful fo your body, and if she does, she always regrets it later and she always works hard so she doesn’t cause people any stress.” She also packs vitamins and fruits for the other members in her bag and passes them out to them later, like a mother. Seohyun explains, “I’ve always been a healthy and strong girl. So of course, I want to take care of the other unnies who are weaker than me.”Thanks to her mother, who is the chairman of a piano school, she grew up playing around on the piano. Even now, she boasts the strongest piano skills amongst all th emembers.




 “As I watched the Japanese drama ‘Nodame Cantabile’, my heart would tremble. If I get the opportunity, I would love to go abroad and receive more organized training,” Seohyun aspires. “After I grow up a bit more, I really want to try composing vocal or classic music together and creating a song.”Although she’s just as pretty as anyone else, she considers herself to be ‘unattractive’. “All the other unnies are so pretty, you know? I want to hurry up and become pretty. Right now, I just look like some little kid so I don’t really like it,” says Seohyun, opening her eyes wide as she talks. Seohyun, you just hurt hundreds of unnies with those words, did you know that?




credit to tumblr (welovesnsdfam:)



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i just thought of something....




since its the end of the year, the broadcast stations have awards ceremonies




so hopefully WGM couples can attend the show together (past couples have done it before so why not this years couples?!)




at least if both Yong & Hyun are available...




that's one guaranteed stage together and I'd love to see them do another duet on stage!




i hope they can go together to the MBC awards! I'd love to see them walk a red carpet!




it'd be a glamorous night out for them!




(keeping my fingers crossed!)





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According to this news, more fans are complaining about how the PDs divide the length of each couples. I just used Google so it would mean a thing if somebody can read and give us an accurate translation.


















But Gogumas, are we complaining about the twenty minutes dose we got from Yongseo every week? After the epic birthday episode, the PDs haven't given us any more thirty minutes length of the couple however they can already satisfied us with their eyeships and sincere talks on the first few minutes of the show. On the last episode, I was already happy with the first eight minutes. I guess I'm not just after the most-awaited skinship but how they carelessly spent the day together. I bet there were times they nearly forgot the cameras.


















I was happy that Seohyun decided to give a shot on being touchy and flirty on that day. Yong was too overwhelmed.


















I'm more than content with the 21-minutes episode because I got this.




















credits: dc married



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Guest SophiaPia














Thanks reiran18 for sharing that article. 1st time i read that article. I read somewhere i think here as well about wifey SeoHyun dad is intellectual adviser Lawyer. Then only today i was thinking what is SeoHyun mum's do, and i thought her mum might be a teacher, and reading ur post now my question been answered :)  Seohyun mother is Chairman in Piano school. wow!  no wonder SeoHyun is very good in piano. For sure SeoHyun mum's is very good in piano as well. Then hubby Yong dad is a chinese Doctor, i'm not sure what his mum do. 





















That's what i thought about wifey SeoHyun as well, even though she is young and maknae but she is matured in many ways. Like the mother in the group. Even hubby Yong says that. His wife thinks different :) aigoo! i'm still in cloud 9 of latest epi. And can't wait for next Saturday episode.





















Ok here i go again... Saturday paliiiiiiiii :)





















cheers to all



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