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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest SophiaPia

Annyoung to all

Thanks every one for sharing YongSeo couple here as always. I miss them already :(

SeoHyun in school wearing blue jacket and w/ the RING lovely biggrin.gif Tonight i'll wait for happy together and is the chocolate show is also today? But chocolate i don't know what channel and what time. Probably someone will share chocolate once it's air. Thanks.

So, it's confirm no wgm this sat.? :( i guess i just need to repeat Yongseo episodes then. Lovely couple indeed.

Cheers to all


I'll check my KBS world schedule today here in my astro cable. No Happy together in the list huhuhu.

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Guest Crystal392




All your top 10 Goguma spazzing moments make me squeal. Thanks for sharing them and screencaps :D Keep sharing them!



One more week and two days :D We can make it!





Stalking dcmarried I found this super cute fanmade video, so lovely with cute scenes ♥:






FMV YongSeo What I've Been Looking For


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Guest calculator

So basically there's not We're Married this weekend?

And why is that? What is making it next weekend?

Wow, so they're making people wait.

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Guest alucard81
























So basically there's not We're Married this weekend?




















And why is that? What is making it next weekend?




















Wow, so they're making people wait.







































Asia games.




















they are broadcasting the games instead of the weekend program








































wrong name for the games





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Guest moniertu

yslovelightys, ahn_annann, goguma1207, redrev, soshimunky: please accept my sincere thanks and admiration for producing and sharing such wonderful Yongseo videos.  Your videos actually capture everyone's "Yongseo's best moments".

hafunohane, Rouenna, magdal, panGG, DJHinata, qwenli, jnj, crystal_malfoy, toomuchsmiling : thanks for your time to post caps, gifs, pics, top 10 Yongseo moments etc.  Can't help smiling watching them!!

And to all other fellow gogumas whose names I have not mentioned, I love reading everything that anyone has to say about our Yongseo, thank you everyone!!

It's been fun reading about everyone's top ten moments, some funny, some romantic..To me, one of the funniest moments and biggest misses ever was in episode 27 after they planted the goguma plant and walked to rest under a tree.  That scene would have been so romantic if not for the dog-poo!!  Yong's expression was so funny when he asked, "What's that smell?", I couldn't stop laughing!!

Anyway, looking forward to reading more from you guys. Goguma love everyone!!

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Guest Crystal392




Yep, as alucard said there is no WGM this saturday :( Nor Inki :tears:



This week will feel so lonely without my YongSeo dose... luckily I have all of you to keep me company :D





Btw, in a few more hours will air 'Happy Together' right? I wonder if MC Miseon asked her something related to WGM? *fingers crossed*


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joshua27 -  I'm a 'he' not a 'she'....an oppa or appa (I think that's Korean for 'father') ...to you.  And I think you are a 'he' also?  I know, it's hard to believe!  It's not usual for guys to be into this stuff.  I've never been before.  Like I said, Yong and Hyun have a mystical power over me.  I don't understand all of it myself.   All I know is when I watch them I'm usually smiling like crazy, laughing at their dorky situations or going 'awwww, they're so cute!'  They make me HAPPY!  :lol: 

It took me awhile to confess into this this blog that I'm a dude watching 'chick dramas'! blush.gif  A dude with a wife, 2 kids, house, etc. who usually watches 'action/adventure' movies or football but who now ponders endlessly the relationship of 2 beautiful (inside and out) Korean idols - yong and Hyun!  

But, everybody here has been so understanding and lovely about my 'predicament', I don't feel self-conscious or uncomfortable about spazzing right along with all the other 'goguma crazies'!         

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Guest joshua27












Hi Luvtokki, sorry for getting your gender wrong.








Actually I am a mother to 3 kids(who I feel guilty towards on every Saturday night(watching the unsub videos, and on Sunday night(watching the sub videos)) and I have a husband who thinks I am crazy because I am always smiling and laughing at the computer. He cannot understand why I am so "concerned" about a couple married life whom I do not know personally. :D








Really loves your sharing and I think I am afterall quite normal after reading your post, :w00t:



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Seohyun is rumored to be filming Strong Heart today. Minhyuk is said to be one of the guests too. I really wish they could ask something regarding WGM since they did when Nichkhun and Gain were there.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Good FMVs:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You Would Not Answer My Calls-2AM
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: KhadMunky@twitvid; Soshimunky@soompi

































































































































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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I knew it... its coming and I am loving it!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































How I wish they asked a lot about WGM... So right now Seohyun was guest in:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Chocolate - Not so sure WGM will be mentioned.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Happy Together - I am sure the MC from WGM is going to say something!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Strong Hearth - This show tends to asks a lot, I hope they ask SH about WGM.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I knew it, I think what makes me more happy about SNSD is comeback is that they have to do the regular show guesting round... crazy me, I know... Bad Kerube... Well I still love "Hoot" and have it on repeat on my MP3 along with "Kissing You".
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Random thing - Everytime I listen to Kissing You an smile appears on my face, It makes me think of Yongseo and it just make me happy... crazy days at work are more bereable after I found a rapid connection with my happy pill (a.k.a. Yongseo Couple)... kekekeke
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas, I love you all, keep posting, is so interesting to read your comments... :w00t:

































































































































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi








It's really surprising that our yongseo couple actually draws ajummas, ajuhssi, appa, omma to come and spazz in this thread..... At first I thought only middle-schoolers or teenagers who would be interested in this couple........ Am I too late to realize about this? since I don't follow this thread from the beginning.








It's fun to see that ajummas, ajuhssi, appa, omma sharing their views and their views are very open-minded, since they have probably more experience about love, rather than people like me, high-schooler :lol: :lol:








Anyways this thread is a GLOBAL THREAD!!





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thanks guys for sharing... gogumas love love love...
































































































































































































































































@ SophiaPia: KBS World usually air Happy Together on Thursday night, but maybe since this week the schedule change too because of G20 thing, so I'm not sure.
































































































































































































































































but KBS World would air delayed episode of Happy Together (not recent one as the KBS in Korea), usually about 3 weeks delayed, since they need to sub it first,
































































































































































































































































I think only Music Bank usually will be broadcasted live simultaneously as KBS Korea.
































































































































































































































































Anyway, glad that I have you guys in this forum, eitherwise, waiting for next week ep seems so far away :)

































































































































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Guest SophiaPia

thanks guys for sharing... gogumas love love love...

@ SophiaPia: KBS World usually air Happy Together on Thursday night, but maybe since this week the schedule change too because of G20 thing, so I'm not sure.

but KBS World would air delayed episode of Happy Together (not recent one as the KBS in Korea), usually about 3 weeks delayed, since they need to sub it first,

I think only Music Bank usually will be broadcasted live simultaneously as KBS Korea.

Anyway, glad that I have you guys in this forum, eitherwise, waiting for next week ep seems so far away :)

Thanks bamz yeah! i think ur right coz of G20 :( i guess i just wait someone who loves SeoHyun and her unnies will upload happy together  and chocolate in YT. Thanks to them in advance :) (But i will still try to look in TVU tonight i hope i'll find it :) but it will be raw).

Thanks aneng for that news, i hope it's true that SeoHyun will tape strong heart. That's one of my wish that SeoHyun will guest in any shows. It's nice if YongSeo couple will guest together in any show, that will be nice wub.gif


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want to share something...




an old interview with snsd in the radio program- kiss..since seohyun graduated from highschool, she was asked what gift she would like to receive from leeteuk.
















snsd onni suggested it..




wonder what was their reaction at that time when they knew yong hwa gave her sweet potato field.








im genie for you GIRL





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wow... thanks everyone for the wonderful pics, gifs, links & infos. GOGUMAS are the best ya :D

btw, here's hyun in Happy Together @ DCinside


if u guys notice, she was virtually sitting "beside" yong... haha u guys still remember where was yong's seating placement??? ;)

btw, does anyone know what did jake tweet???? sorry if it has been shared....

Jake's tweet


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btw, does anyone know what did jake tweet???? sorry if it has been shared....


Jake's tweet




I'm not 100% sure cause my Korean's quite rusty, but I think it's something along the lines of they recorded the studio MC parts of WGM today but it's for next week's show. Which means that WGM is cancelled this week and will be aired next week.



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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































rough translation of MC Kim's tweet (from sweetpotatodays): This weeks WGM is cancelled. Today's recording will be broadcast next week ^^ **so no WGM this week. and their recording yesterday is for next week. so definitely there would be WGM next week. hope all of us can bare to wait another week for the continuation of the Japan episode, which is said to be a turning point episode for the couple. I'm visiting this thread regularly because I'm dying to see any new news and updates about YongSeo.





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Guest constantia11




I don't know what to do without Yongseo couple this weekend.

Just rumaging Youtube for Yongseo related vid.

Found this CN Blue concert fancam.

Is this the concert that Seohyun attended?

Coz he looked so happy and all smiley while singing Love Light.

We can also see him stealing glances to the fans on the second row.

He even did an OK sign at the end of the song to that certain part of the audience.

Can someone please make a cap of it?

Love light



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Guest Caliope

Today is Pepero's day... :wub:

I don't want to alarm anyone or create false rumors... so I will put in spoiler...

Please!! We need someone who can read Korean... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Important: This is NOT confirmed!!

I just read Seohyun + MAKEUP WEDDING on twitter. (translated by Google ¬¬)



웨딩 메이크업샵에서 신부님 메이크업체크하도있는데 어디서 많



빡빡한 일정때문인지 메이크업 받을때 잠깐 잠을 청하는 소녀시대

I hope the translator is not playing with us.


wallpaperfood, I hope the translator isn't playing with me... :blink: ^^

For all...

If you want to answer my spoiler, please put your answer in another spoiler as did wallpaperfood ^^. So we aren't creating rumors and false illusions. Thanks ^^

SophiaPia, I sent you a PM ^^ :P


Confirmed in TWITTER?? .... OMO! OMO!


According to http://yfrog.com/03cqyej Seohyun is getting her wedding make up done! Aww is she gonna take wedding pics with Yonghwa?

When can I remove the spoiler?

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Guest wallpaperfood

OMG OMG OMG CALIOPE you better not be pulling my leg

This is simply daebak if it is true....and I <3 you if that's the case.

I've been imagining so many wedding photoshoot scenes in my mind for yongseo ^^

(could it be that she is just getting her makeup done like normal? Translator better be nice to me ><)

it'd be nice if in one pic, Hyun could serenade Yong with her pink guitar, while looking like she is sending him off to war, and he's wearing the hyun's genie sailor hat.


in the second pic, it is clearly a bride to the left of Seohyun, right? You can see she got her hair permed, and her white shoulder strap is like a wedding dress I think...so it must be a place for wedding beauty and fashion? Maybe they did it on the 9th! that's why there were no fan accounts of them filming outside, perhaps?

Okay don't want to create false hope so i'll stop. ehehe.


caliope, i hope so too :P.

Actually, the place doesn't have bridal photos up - they look like group photos...and there's no white...but still.. ^^

sophiapia unnie annyeong :) , yes long time no see - have exams ongoing >=( . btw seohyun looks so pretty in the happy together vid you shared! thanks! 

actually you might be right - it could be a relative of her's that's getting married, and she could just be attending the wedding to support, hence she was away from the fansigning. And I think a wedding photoshoot with Yong might take place not just indoors but outdoors...e.g. run around in the garden or sth,..

ur welcome sophiapia :) hehe


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