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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Wilhelm1066








I know that we ALL want to sweep it under the carpet, BUT
































Someone wrote a couple of hundred pages ago that Seohyun might turn up in the end to be a "BAD" girl!



Liberated I would say, and it is of course just one mans doing and responsibility:












Cred to due one. Could have done it by myself but was to lazy











Watch now the sequence of images from 2007 of the "School of Rock"-show:












She's on her guard















WHAT! What did he say!















She starts to cringe.















Further away!















Poor Seohyun. I suffer with you!















Is her embarrassment cute somehow?















No it isn't cute, it's just pathetic.














You can here clearly observe that her emotions is stronger than her ability to acting.



SHE CAN'T PRETEND. Why doesn't she just laugh as the other girls do?




























The transformation under her own development and the catalysizing of Yongs influence, awakens her libido, hence her journey to become a real Bad Girl.












She's afraid of her own sexuality!




There: I took it in my mouth and revealed the unmentionable.











And I find her so intriguing, exciting, mystic and unexplainable.












And if he do so; can he handle the outcome?








Summa, Summarum (conclusion) in this journey that Hyun just started and the progress under only half a year is astonishing, so all who says that she don't progress, haven't a clue of what's going on...






It's lucky that Yong can sense this wonderful power, and that is why he is frustrated at the same time.



When the time is ripe he will reap its loveliness, if he cultivates it and let it flourish.






Can't you all see what's going on:












I don't feel the slightest regret for this confused rambling in the realm of the unthinkable.




Please don't hate me...













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Guest _d3seohyun



She probably used to think her appa was the funniest man in the world....I guess not anymore huh? :wub:

Just some out of many scenes from that uniform date where Hyun kept falling and falling for her Yong choding <3








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Guest pseudonykkaii
































Giddddddy @_d3seohyun's caps~
































The first piccie just made me think--these two seem to have theworst timing at 'accidental' skinships~ if yong just leaned to the right a bit more.. Then the woulda have had a headbump2. AND the avatar tail scene too!![but what fun would that be right??heeeheee<3]
































Poof. time to go to bed--nightnight gogumas:)

















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And if he do so; can he handle the outcome?




Summa, Summarum (conclusion) in this journey that Hyun just started and the progress under only half a year is astonishing, so all who says that she don't progress, haven't a clue of what's going on...






I think if anything she's very curious and is ready to see what comes next... I would love to see her initiate something but, she is still learning...


She has changed a lot, anyone can see that even by just watching her intensely gaze at him, as if she is studying his every feature. I noticed that started since the birthday episode...


As for Yong being able to handle it when those walls come tumbling down, good question. I think the idea excites him, but I also think "pure and innocent and honest" flashes in his mind 24/7. If that is the case, then it may be up to her to bring them to the next level!




In response to some recent posts about analyzing this couple, for me it can't be helped b/c while they are on the show, I look at them as an unfolding story or drama. Granted this is a variety show, but to me, the YongSeo story is about as good as any K-romance/comedy story out there. So looking at it from that point of view, I can't help but analyze them.




and thanks for the caps _d3seohyun, more please! :)


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@ Wilhelm


I think she was cringing mostly because she was freezing. You can see how strong the wind was blowing because Yoona was tucking her hands under her legs to keep them warm. :) There are lots of examples of how Hyun was not even remotely interested in the male species. Take Jinwoon for example. They've known each other far longer than she and Yong have and I'm pretty sure he's done a bit of courting as well (ie giving flowers to her in one of the music programs long ago) plus her unnies thought he would be a good candidate for Hyun's hand. Yet they remain stuck in that colleague or friends category. I'd also like to add that Jinwoon's reactions to the first few episodes were blatantly obvious.


Regarding KhunToria issue I've opened up on my last post:


Firstly, thank you for those who replied (^-^)v


Second, I also think KhunToria are more bold when it comes to showing their feelings because they both have had experienced what it is like to be with someone (Vic umma had a two year relationship! O.o). I do admire them for displaying such sweetness on the show, especially Khun.


I guess I'm just not used to hearing mushy or cheesy things from someone. I like a more Busan type of man, who shows his love through his actions and eyes :wub: This is why I can relate more with YongSeo. I can find my ideal man and ideal romance from watching them. The guy always chasing that one girl even though her way of thinking is out of this world, even though that girl may lack in many areas, he still chases her. The most meaningful and beautiful part of the relationship is always the beginning, where the guy courts the girl as if his life's depended on it. I think this is why I find the two so intriguing. They are always trying to catch each other's heart now (exp. Hyun's come to her senses a bit :D).


To add, I also love the fact that they live the simple life together as a couple. By what I meant be simple is that when they are together, they choose to do things that are practical and more realistic than living the superstar type of life. They do pool, fishing, learn to drive, farm... instead of having that celebrity feel (excluding the 200th day episode). If I were still in my home country and had my uniform with me, I'd love to take a stroll around town as well with my future mate <3



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let's kill the time while waiting for update news about yongseo by checking out this picture taken from happy together filming recently. seohyun definitely wears the ring.











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Guest yslovelightys



Hello Everyone! laugh.gif I'm really still hoping that there will be a broadcast of WGM this saturday. hehe.

 Anyways, does anyone have a copy or link of the part where yongseo watched the movie avatar? Can you please send me the link? I can't seem to find a video with that particular scene.


Thank you in advance. biggrin.gif

Edit: I already found one after I posted here. lol. 


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There's something that caught my eyes just now and I just want to share it with you guys. It's nothing really big and it goes way back and I'm not even sure if it had been discussed already. Just skip my post if it is lol




I just had a mini YongSeo marathon and came to the episode in which Seohyun meets the CNblue brother-in-laws for the first time. They were all in the practice room, playing instruments and singing and Jonghyun asked whether Seohyun had listened to their album (Their first Korean one, Bluetory). She mentioned Love Revolution first and CNblue actually played a little bit for her. I have loved Love Revolution from the start, but regained interest in it after that episode so I searched for it on Youtube with some translations of the lyrics.




These are the official lyrics translated by adilahFX, the chorus:




I want you in my life







You are like the air in my life







I want you in my life







I want to breathe with you everyday














You are fresh like a vitamin when I'm tired







You are like mom's embrace when I'm sick














You in my life







I love you




The thing is that they are totally different from what Yonghwa sang during that episode. He sang:




I want you in my life







I've been dreaming of this kind of love







I want you in my life







I want to walk with you everyday














You smile like an angel, that's who you are







I want to embrace you














You in my life







I only love you




Has this been noticed before or am I just late on this? :lol:




Anyhow, this might be something cute for those who didn't knew.







i also checked the version of love revolution on the Thank U album of CN Blue.. and.. the lyrics were different from what yong sang.. hhmmmm.. yong impromptu composing/changing the lyrics of love revolution????:o   what does that mean?? hahahaha




i already miss the yongseo couple.. i guess i'll just rewatch the episodes this weekend.. and also! there's no inkigayo.. huhuhu we really won't see them this coming weekend.. =(





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Guest Soshimunky
































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi Gogumas :)
































































































































It's such a busy week for me since exams is coming up. And a week without Yongseo is not making it any better. Hence I want to share this fanmade video I made for our couple HERE. My Youtube account is Serai409. My previous fanvid was erased by iMBC, i hope this one will stay. Thank you for those people who reuploaded the first fanvid (Yongseo fanvid with 2AM's You Wouldn't Answer My Call) on other site, I appreciate it:wub:
































































































































I love this performance of Y, Why by CN Blue. Yonghwa's emotion was near to perfection (haha that's my bias talking). This band is awesomely talented no matter how you look at it! Enjoy the week, Gogumas :D

































































































































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Guest bintangkalerbiru



no wgm this week? oh no.. i should keep myself busy for this two weeks then. maybe i should just do rerun on old episodes to keep me sane. :lol:

j2dlee, u are back???!! omg..really miss u..more than words can say..u r really precious for this thread u know. ^_^

tahnkyou everyone for all the translations,screencaps (d3_seohyun, i totally lovee ur screencaps. ur insight is daebak!!) and news and spazz and insight and everything that had been shared here. i love everyone in this thread!!! keep it going guys! :D

this week episode, as always is totally daebak!!! i really love it.

hyun's gift to hubby yong

isn't she's the sweetest for giving those little yet meaningful gift to yong? that gift shows how she thinks about yong from time to time even when she went oversea or going to bookstore. i bet she was like "wahh..i like this book/tiger balm/room spray's smell/soap. i think i should better get yong one of these. i wonder if he like it? can't wait to see his reaction."

and also about the banmal thing..it seems like she thinks about yong a lot on this. she's new to this r/ship thing and doesn't know much how to express her feeling. but then he doesn't want him to think that they're not close. that shows how she thinks of him.

Yong's aegyo~

wow...he's a dear..very dear..who wouldn't love this guy..i was rolling and screaming and totally laughing watching him showing his aegyo and choding after receiving the gift and reading the letter from hyun. omg..isn't he's the cutest. i just can't help myself watching him djying hyun's letter. even hyun was falling many times to his aegyo. and also the spraying in the bakery. and the jaaaaashik~. and the dancing when going out from the restaurant. this shows how he's super duper happy! he's too cute for words. i've been replaying those scenes for more that 20 times already and never get enough of it. owh..be mine plz yong!!!!!! :lol:

Goguma spazzing = Yongseo spazzing

i remember most of the detailed of our gogumas here spazzing on that day of the performance and i'm with more that 1000++ gogumas were here spazzing and jumping the pages in this thread like crazy that time!! we were spazzing about why they chose RDR and their holding hands in the perf and also the hair colour!!! i rememb one of the gogumas spazz about their hair color and yes, even hyun were curious like us too!! when she compared the hair color i was like "i think i rememb gogumas spazzing about this thing.." k k k..this shows that we all at this goguma land is super daebak!!! i know you won't understand this because i can't make myself clear about this. sorry. (T T)..

Yonghwa's Dream date is visiting abroad with girlfrieand or simply sitting in a coffee shop..

did u remember his answer on one of interviews about his dream date? yes,if i rememb faintly, that is what he said. and thanks to WGM, both has been come true!!! maybe that's y he's so happy that he even dancing. lol.

about running man apisode17

i really love the first part of the game!! yonghwa become the mastermind of the 1st game

and that part is extremely hillarious. although i dont understand most of wat they say, the actions on that part say it all. he even succeeded against 9 ppl. wow..yonghwa..you are daebak!!! and i also love song jungki. he's super cute. here are few screen caps of yonghwa from the part.

rmtile.jpgrmtile2.jpgrmtile3.jpglove his reaction here. he looks cute+nervous+mischievous+cool rmtilecool.jpghe looks good even after the blowing part..*drool* rmtilecute.jpg


hyun buin is falling for yong hubby over and over again..


from the running man



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Guest Crystal392




Hi my beloved Gogumas *waves* I should be sleeping right now but I needed my Goguma daily dose :wub:


Thanks to everyone for the screencaps and info you've shared. Hopefully someone will translate the article posted by a beloved Goguma, I'm curious what is it about :P


_d3seohyun You are here!! :w00t:


Soo no news about them filming today/yesterday? Awww...


Btw did the episode of Hyun at happy together already aired? Did someone ask her about WGM? I wonder if filming at those baths made her remember when she went with her hubby and her brother in laws to a sauna :)


What was your fave scene from the latest ep??


I loved when they met at Japan... :wub:


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Guest hihi_hehe
















































































































































"Happy together" show will be aired on Nov.11
















































































































Kinda expected some news about YongSeo since Seohyun didn't participate in fan signing hum....
















































































































Push it aside
















































































































Latest ep's spazzing moments?
















































































































A lot ! But I say the "dramatic reunion" LOL
















































































































Funny moment ! Love the back ground music too
















































































































Now I have a question
















































































































What to do in order to survive this empty weekend with no YongSeo?

















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I MUST BE GOING CRAZY.   I’m obsessed about 2 Korean idols that I’ve never met.  I really don’t know anything about them other than what I’ve seen them do in 20 minute increments once a week in a Korean TV drama that has been running only since February of this year.

WHY AM I SO OBSESSED WITH THESE 2?  What happens to them really doesn’t affect my life at all.  I almost worry about them as much as I worry about my own 2 kids (just kidding – my kids will always come first!).  But I find that I’m constantly replaying each episode of WGM to listen to every word, watch every change on their faces, search for any little clue about where their relationship is going and how they really feel about each other.  Then I find myself pondering their situation over and over in my mind during the day.  And night.  Or searching the internet for news about them.  WHY?

My daughter and I have long, deep conversations about them and their relationship.  She is an SNSD fan and really didn’t like Seohyun that much before this.  Now she cares greatly about her and has also come to like Yong & CN Blue!

What causes this kind of ‘haunted’ obsession?

The only thing I can think of is that they’ve touched my heart in some way.  I really, really like them as individuals.  They are both extremely talented, hard-working, honorable, honest and exceptionally GOOD kids.  They’re both easy on the eyes.   And they seem perfect for each other.  Who else could break through Hyun’s shy shell and make her so happy?  Who else could make Yong read books and become a better person inside and out than Hyun?   There is no one else who would understand each other’s challenges and accomplishments better then these two together.   When I watch their slow progress I get frustrated.  I say ‘come on, you two can’t see you are perfect for each other, this is a match made in heaven, formed by fate?!  Why are you wasting all this precious time?’ 

When they are going through a rough spot in their relationship, I’m sad.  When everything is lovey-dovey I’m on top of the world!

And most of all, I don’t want to see either of them hurt in any possible way.  Love and relationships are tough, there is no map or blueprint and hazards line the road all along the path to a successful relationship.  It’s even tougher with cameras rolling and an international audience hanging on your every word and stare.  I just hope they come out of their filming of WGM with their hearts and minds still healthy and unhindered by any bitterness or resentment.

But most of all I want them to END UP AS PARTNERS FOR LIFE!  THAT would be DAEBAK!  THAT would make the planets align, make me believe in the power of LOVE, warm my weary bones, make my heart melt and provide rest for my soul.

I’m going to watch some ‘old’ episodes this week, since MBC won’t even give us a BTS to spazz over.  BUT, next week will be amazing.  Whenever Yong and Hyun spend the entire day together it’s magical, mystical and monumental.  I feel it in my bones, something’s going to happen and it’s going to be really good!  Something we’ve been waiting for - for a long time……  

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hello everyone!




new tweet by mc kim

이번주 우결 결방이랍니다..오늘녹화는 다음주 방송이랍니다^^




something along the lines of recording but broadcast next week. i think people were tweeting to him about if it was being aired or not. but not too sure.


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hello everyone!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































new tweet by mc kim
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































something along the lines of recording but broadcast next week. i think people were tweeting to him about if it was being aired or not. but not too sure.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































이번주 우결 결방이랍니다..오늘녹화는 다음주 방송이랍니다^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































WGM is cancelled this week. Today's (studio) recording is for next week's broadcast^^

































































































































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Guest Crystal392




Luvtokki I loved your post. I've also became so attached to this two. I really really want them to be happy, I just want good things for them and as you I don't want to see them sad or hurt.


Thanks for sharing that panGG... So one week and a couple of days until WGM!!! :)


I forgot to add, I love how Hyun's expression changed when she saw Yong, it was only a second but her expression changed, she seemed really happy and then it changed to surprise :P


And when at the black room the PD asked her how she felt when she saw Yong she was spazzing about his appareance!! And Yong used an analogy and then smiled shyly ^_^ I found that part super cute <3


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이번주 우결 결방이랍니다..오늘녹화는 다음주 방송이랍니다^^




WGM is cancelled this week. Today's (studio) recording is for next week's broadcast^^







thanks for translating! :wub:




Luvtokki I loved your post. I've also became so attached to this two. I really really want them to be happy, I just want good things for them and as you I don't want to see them sad or hurt.




Thanks for sharing that panGG... So one week and a couple of days until WGM!!! :)




I forgot to add, I love how Hyun's expression changed when she saw Yong, it was only a second but her expression changed, she seemed really happy and then it changed to surprise :P




And when at the black room the PD asked her how she felt when she saw Yong she was spazzing about his appareance!! And Yong used an analogy and then smiled shyly ^_^ I found that part super cute <3







no problem crystal_malfoy and hello! i've been pretty lurker.








ah man! i dont havent anything... (runs off to find something FAST)








so nothing really to share and i wasn't going to do this until later but since i topped i did a quickie. here is a screen cap of yong on running man.












caps credit to Faith_memory@ the cn blue thread




when i saw those caps i thought 1 vs 9?!?! 9=snsd! lol. so...












lol i had to. and please dont hate me because i put hyun and her snsd unnies on guy bodies. i had to! hahaha. but its still funny. to me at least. and please dont misinterpret the picture as yong vs snsd its more that he, alone, is sort of intimidated by the power of 9! which is funny and sweet! because if yong wasnt, he should be scared. very scared, lol.


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I MUST BE GOING CRAZY.   I’m obsessed about 2 Korean idols that I’ve never met.  I really don’t know anything about them other than what I’ve seen them do in 20 minute increments once a week in a Korean TV drama that has been running only since February of this year.










What causes this kind of ‘haunted’ obsession?










The only thing I can think of is that they’ve touched my heart in some way.  I really, really like them as individuals.  They are both extremely talented, hard-working, honorable, honest and exceptionally GOOD kids.  They’re both easy on the eyes.   And they seem perfect for each other. 



















Luvtokki - Agree to those stuff that they say. Especially the part about them being exceptionally good and talented kids. I think they carry themselves very well. I usually dun bother with young korean idols, but these two I think even till middle age will have an exceptional career. Hyun will probably join UN or managed her own company and Yong will be the multi-dimension entertainer, I think he would be one of the few could actually choose whether he wants to focus on music/acting or variety shows.










Wilhelm - with regards to sexuality, I think given korean tv's standards, I dun think we will ever get to explore that. Anyway one of your pix got me thinking again.










See picture below, I thought this is a really friendly,warm arm around shoulder hold because Yong's entire palm is on Hyun'shoulder. And it show that they are really familiar with each other. You only do that to a girl you really know.




















compared to the following specimen A, which is more like a general holding for a nicer photo:




















But OF course, Yong has done the ULTIMATE shoulder grab - total wrap!! : :w00t:




















picture credits to respective owners.










ok, just my small contribution on pix spazzing! :P


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credit to baidu and Betty at Sweet potato day. Please ignore any grammatical mistake. I only copy and paste ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In mbc's popular variety programme WGM, the goguma couple are undergoing some changes.recently the goguma couple's 200-day has caught much attention. They used to be a lovely "model" couple who always give in to each other, however, they have recently started push-pull (in order to catch the other's attention), even when they travel overseas, they quarrelled. Audiences are finding their changes interesting. The used-to-be-lovely couple's small changes are attracting audiences' nterests.So we've met pdnim, he is the first one to see the couple's changes starting from their first impression until their recent changes.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Pdnim's first impression of Seohyun: She appeared in the taeyeon-hery couple before. Although it was only a very short appearance, the impression was deep. Despite being the maknae of 8 sisters, she has very clear and subjective opinions, she is also very honest, showing maturity which doesnot match with her young age, she is a person with strong faith.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































First impression of Yonghwa: for yongwha, even though he was being interviewed with many female authors, he was not afraid. Most people in that situation would be scared and threatened to say things they didnot intended to. However, for yong, he was able to make jokes, he looks like he's a experienced guy.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa is like this, he looks like he has many expeirences with love, but actually he's a very pure guy. He does not have much close female friends. All the fotos in his mobile are taken with his male friends. Once when the snsd members went to the couple's new home, he was so nervous that he even asked the author "what should i do" when the camera was not filming him. This pureness match very well with seohyun.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Of coz, espcially the recent mildang (push-pull) is a very good example. Since yonghwa felt that there's a wall between him and Seohyun, in order to get closer to her, he started doing mildang without contacting her for a whole month. Seohyun, without knowing any reason, would of coz felt interwined. In this moment when they both are uncomfortable at heart, they have to perform a duet stage on their 200 day. Being a director, I hope that maybe doing something together will make the couple closer. Actually, they get alot closer when they quarrel. actually, at first when they will too giving in to each other, it makes us worry (with a smile^^). So as a result, these two people's changes bring out much richer emotions. Although this is a fake love, for somone like seohyun who has no experiences at all and someone as playful and cheerful as yonghwa, this is definitely a good experience.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In the process of trying to be close to each other, the two have spent some happy times which pull them much closer and now their little arguments and misunderstandings are being sorted. For Seohyun, she learns about love through reading, she believes love is something like a standard forumula, how will it change when she's met yongwha? this is much anticipated. Audiences feel that these two people's relationships make people relate it to the feeling of first-love. Having pass their 200 day, they would become another long-lasting couple.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: ts an interview of cnblue, credit to baidu and Betty as well.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Title: autum is....? please pay attention to the tree i drew. there's no leaf there but full of books! autum is the season for reading books! My link You can see what he drew here. Hehehe, inspired by your lovely Hyun much?

































































































































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Guest .:love_ya:.








































































But OF course, Yong has done the ULTIMATE shoulder grab - total wrap!! : :w00t:
































































































































picture credits to respective owners.
































































ok, just my small contribution on pix spazzing! :P































































































































Thanks for the caps repost ^^
































































you know I was thinking if while they were taking pictures and there's suddenly a BANG! lol SeoHyun was so gonna be hubby arms aw~~~ lolz man, they should have done something like that hehe









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