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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest anne0129
























j2dlee, you're back..... w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif
















Thank you for your detailed translation once again. The GOGUMA PLANET National Translator is back. We missed you in this thread, though in your absence a lot of gogumas gave us help in translating the past 2 episodes of the YongSeo couple. But now your back, the GOGUMA PLANET are celebrating now.
















I honestly can feel restless already thinking that there will be no WGM next Saturday and I really want to see the Japan date now. Thanks for all those who contributed to this thread from screen caps to links and translation. I just love this thread.





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Guest icegabrielle






j2dlee welcome back.. I was hoping you'll post the translations for today's episode that's why I stayed up waiting (its past 1AM here in my place.. Hehe..)  Thank you for the translations.. Also, thank you to all who posted earlier the translations form Baidu.. When I rewatched today's episode, I at least have an idea what they were saying to each other.. And thank you in advance to sun_sun for the subbed videos.. laugh.gif


Thank you Gogumas!!! Good night.. blush.gif



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so what i've gathered from everyone is that the episode was short, and not enough to hold us for the next who knows how long week(s). (sigh) makes me want to put off watching it so that i pretend its more.. lol. but i need to go watch it. (i didnt stream because i had a friend over last night. and i turned it on, but i fell asleep and woke up during adam couple :() but the translations are looking :wub: its a lot of talk. the pds do this alot, give us a lot of talking (no action) and keeps a hold of us. (sigh) why?! oh why?! lol.




dreamyboo hello! long time no see, yea? lol. but thanks, i'm glad you liked them. and i was hoping you'd catch the xpangg, lol.




CallMeDayDreamer i love that gif of laughing yong. makes me want to rofl with him. lol.




Rouenna haha. i loved your "things i love about yongseo" makes my day super happy to see old scenes.




dbskisluv2 awww i love that "conversation" super cute. thanks for sharing!




tinybeatingheart awww those selcas are so cute of them and their so CLOSE. love it.




kenjisam thanks for screen caps! and thats his arm around her shoulder?! omg. skinship :) and the japan screen caps makes me feel all warm. because its getting colder here each coming day. that fourth cap looks like yong is REALLY close to hyun ;) thanks again.




blueshoes thanks for sharing hyun and the necklace and the preview! it looks soooo freaking cute. walking around, maybe at a temple, and then it looks like they might be spending the night ;) at a japanese inn. how freaking OMG! and they must be since their members should have been back in south korea then, right? omg. hahahha.




_hachimitsu tigerbalm is like... a little rub ointment good for healing scars and or soreness. its very thai. thanks for sharing your caps. and oh! he gave her "i dont know why"?! spazz!




lunasol i love your rationalism. lol. makes me feel better about the housing. but heck, i love their little apartment, its super cozy looking for the two of them.




BBaGS_LOVER i was thinking the same too when i saw the preview :woot:




woollylamb thanks for the translations!!! awww. i dont want to wait for this :( i want it now.




kubih thanks for the translation!




erxmeeza thanks for pointing that out! i still havent figured that whole balmal thing out in the korean language, so thank you!




redtulip thanks thanks! for the translations it makes my heart so happy :wub:




_d3seohyun thanks for the caps! i know, i havent capped in so long but thanks because yours are always daebak! and all those pictures :) made me think, yong you HAVE to be a legs man. lol.




iryna thanks for the letter translation! :wub: yong and hyun are such... jashik! lol hahaha




jnj when i had read the translations for the preview i thought the same thing too! "i dont know why, i love you baby"




krissylia awww thanks for the translations! OMG makes me all giddy and it makes up for the lack of episode i guess. lol. but thanks so much.




cindyle OMG~! my favorite part was "connect the tail, connect the tail!" lmao!




j2dlee welcome back! awww you translated already. daebak, i tell you, daebak you are! and while reading your translations of hyun's letter to yong, "...and run towards your dream" it made me think of yong and hyun trying to find one another and when they did they ran towards each other and was all happy but got all shy bout it in the end. they were running towards each other, to their dream (each other!) :wub: (i seriously need to go watch it now!)




again thanks to everyone for everything! i love our goguma village and hopefully i'll get to spazz some this week. (runs off to watch the episode!)


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hyun giving yong the spray reminds me of that time she visited

their dorm and saw yong's shoes displayed in the living room. :lol:


her gifts are so random but with deep thoughts.


abt the self help books, its her special way to let him know that she manages to

overcome her difficulties with these books,

since there were/are certain things that she can't share with her parents.

and yong from what i read, too would not worry his parents on his hardship,

thus the books are the best gifts from hyun to hubby. :)


don't worry abt yong getting sleepy reading it, hyun will make sure

he writes a book review.. :lol:


sorry for not being the 1st one to give u a plus, j2.

but now that i know u're back,

be assured that the next 1st plus will come from me.. :P:lol:

ah..*wave to wolly, genxv & panGG*


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Guest icarus_fly








sally7, woollylamb,_hachimitsu and qwenli..



thanks for the clarification..



i too was confused with the dates since it is not chronological...









love your work...






@ j2dlee



thanks for the translation...












the ring ding dong!!!






the choding moments are funny...



yong playing with the "kids"



and even asking hyun why she didn't come home..



yong did not want to accept TRAX cd maybe because he can't take looking at the pics of hyun in a wedding dress with other guys..









i just hope that hyun's gift will be duly given to yong..



the banmal...



so that yong will not feel that there is a barrier between them...






was it in JAPAN where they ate icecream?????






sharing my piece of gif...








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Guest Stephanie_tran
















































CrystalMalfoy - You are right, they film the Chuseok thing before the 200 day. My mistake.
































According to the Sweet potato days calendar: http://sweetpotatoda...p/calendar.html
































This is the sequence:
















Aug 3 - filming at the salon (aug 6-13, snsd was in phuket)
















Aug 17 - filming of the chuseok horror ep
















Aug 29 - incheon duet concert. 200 day stuff
































Sep 1 - filming of Ueno suri meeting
















Sep 21 - filming in Japan























































sorry,but i get some confusing in the time YongSeo filming WGM.
































U know,if we follow the translate,we can saw that Sep 21 -filming in Japan but that day,they just got the mission card,they did not go to meet each other immediately. When they met together,it's been 1 week later.So i think the day that they were meeting together , was Sep 27 or 28. So i wonder if i were wrong or right.Anyone can make clear it to me??????????

















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Guest Crystal392



My time to spazz about the latest ep:


I really liked it, their 200th day celebration was ♥ the way they looked at each other, I've always loved the way he looks at her, but now the way she looks at him has changed, now she seems to be really LOOKING at him and she is full of aegyo. ^_^ and when she did the avatar thingie with her hair, OMG I was laughing soo much. She probably forgot what that meant (when two Avatars connect throught their hair they 'bond' ;) ), but one thing she remembered was that that made Avatar's be closer to the thing/person they connected, I think that was what she was trying to say to Yong~ 'I want to be closer to you' :D


Both were soo happy to know they will meet each other, Hyun~'s smile was contagious, I felt like squealing too! hehehe :lol: and when they met, the bg music made it all more dramatic but it was like the movies.. hehehe both began to run and I was hoping at least a hi5 but nothing xD well... always expect the unexpected from YongSeo, hehehe even the MCs were like 'where is the hug? o_O'. :D Yong~ so cute imitating all the faces he made for CNBLUE's CD pictures (thanks icarus_fly, and this part:



And photos taken in the last month!

H: Oh~

Y: Kyah~

SO: Keeps showing her pictures which he looks good in.

And Hyun buin…

H: And….

Y: Are you deleting images?

H: No, I’m not. I just pushed a wrong button.

Y: Show me pictures already! Why you keep hiding them from me? Did you take pictures with other men?

H: No.

Y: No?

*Translated by j2dlee


That part was like deja-vu for me and I am sure for many other Gogumas; it's how a boyfriend would act imo. Scenes like that make me fall in love even more with YongSeo... I can relate to them.


Can't wait to see the next ep. Let's keep spazzing my beloved Gogumas! We have gone through weeks and weeks without YongSeo (when the ship tragedy happened, and then the strike), 2 weeks of waiting is nothing for us ;) We are a tough bunch ^_^


miel: Thanks for sharing those pics. Woah she is wearing THE ring and also another big ring, Yong~ also loves to wear big rings ^^ and she is wearing star-shapped earrings! Yong~ was wearing star shaped earring too on their 200th day anniversary ♥


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*waves* jnj




so i just watched a video of cn blue performing in thailand at the PD Radio Concert. and just wanted to share it since it connects with our yongseo thailand gifts and also yong wore the ring here of course. great performance and i love the stage design. totally awesome!




CN BLUE Intro & Let's Go Crazy


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sorry,but i get some confusing in the time YongSeo filming WGM.
































U know,if we follow the translate,we can saw that Sep 21 -filming in Japan but that day,they just got the mission card,they did not go to meet each other immediately. When they met together,it's been 1 week later.So i think the day that they were meeting together , was Sep 27 or 28. So i wonder if i were wrong or right.Anyone can make clear it to me??????????































































from mission card it's list date 2010 09 21 at shiki station 8.30
































































I think it's date that they filming Japan trip.

















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hello gogumas..






hurray our beloved j2dlee is back...welcome and thank you for your wonderfull translation..






thanks as well to wolly, restulip, cindylye, krissylia...






of course to sun sun, (sure busy right now subbing) take your time we are justr here waiting...






to all of you our angels..our hugs and kisses..






ill reread once more the trans of j2dlee...






gogumas fighting...



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Guest hallyucraze






j2dlee!! *waveswaveswaves* It's good to see you back! Hope your projects are going well. Thank you so much for your help translating the episodes.




And, I'm so happy to see so many people helping with translations! woollylamb, redtulip, iryana, betty, krissy (I hope I didn't miss anyone) thank you for your hard work!! 100 gogumas for all of you ^^




I was squeeing like mad seeing them run towards each other in Japan. And that preview is daebak! They seem like a real husband and wife wearing comfy clothes spending the night together. I felt Hyun looked extra womanly then ;)




Love to all goguma villagers. *runs off to rewatch*




edit hi sun_sun!!! Thank you for making the subs. Can't wait to see it either. Hwaiting ^^






j2dlee!!! annyeong! u are finally back! hope all is well at your end there! :D N thank you for translating today's episode! However I wanna say a BIG THANK YOU to those who filled your space while u are out on assignment. Without them we are unable to enjoy YongSeo at all! So a very BIG thank you!! :D All your hard work are greatly & deeply appreciated! remember that! :D




ahhh.. today's episode.. it may be short, but full of sweetness. Finally Yong's confession for the mildang period, & hyun's attempt to start to speak banmal to him! :D




And I think this couple is really Destiny. Imagine in a sea of people, Yong's mobile went dead.. but.. they still managed to find each other!! if that's not destiny/fate..I don't know what u call it! :D




ahh...we have to suffer a couple of weeks becoz we are unable to watch them!! I will try to cure my yearning hear by watching all the earlier episodes...




Ok gogumas.. I'm retiring to bed soon.. It's 2am here on the little red dot!




And once again welcome back J2dlee!!!!! U were dearly missed! :D



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I still have to read a few post but I want to say before... WELCOME BACK J2dlee!!! so happy to see you here again!!!... hope you did well with your job ^^... Hugs ^_^... and I feel so bad because I made a mistake and press the red button for her translation :tears:, please someone give her point back, please :(






































Anne0129 wow, I didn´t know about that... These guys are going to reach the top, because they deserve it. CNBLUE figthing!






































crystal_malfoy: Now with everybody translation I´m seriously wondering, was seohyun deleting pics for real??? hahaha... because if´s that so then she is acting like a girlfriend! :wub: Why on earth would she delete pictures that she took! Does she have a copy in her laptop? hahaha... I´m spazing too much about it !












And Yong dedicating love light again to her it was just :wub:... faints!!!












Well thanks to all of you guys!!! for all the translations, links, gif and everything and thanks sun_sun in advance ^^.





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Guest ichigo_kawai

Hi everyone....waves...oh... I'm very happy....coz a lot of my family in here..... "WAVES"

J2dlee... welcome... CLAP..CLAP...CLAP...

For all lovely and nice translator today.. BIG HUGSS :wub:  AND THANKS....

To all my yongseo shippers family...thanks for all about yongseo couple..... LOVE>>LOVE>>LOVE...

AND here is one of my favorite scene...sweet moments and funny MC..ke..ke..ke
















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okay just a quick bit because i'm still watching the episode. but this totally caught me off guard. when yong was reading the letter dj style, and sort of started laughing they posted up a caption and normally i sort of ignore them because i cant read hangul anyways, but this one made me go WAIT~! and so i went back to watch it and i was right. it was what i thought it was.












Hoot! lol. the only reason why i would remember it is because about allkpop's article about how its very similar to a cowboy hate stick figure and why snsd has a cowboy theme. lol.











random, right? lol. but so fated. hahaha.


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J2dlee thank u so much for translating this ep;
































































































































































































































































You have made many gogumas happy each week and we are so thankful that you took your precious time to translate it :)
































































































































































































































































I could actually felt this tingling feeling inside my heart when I saw the part where Yong explained his reason for the push pull thing.
































































































































































































































































I think through that push pull thing; he learned his lesson, I think his manly ego was hurt when he heard Hyun spoke banmal with his brothers.
































































































































































































































































He tried to forcefully speed up Hyun readiness to speak banmal to him; so that he also could feel their closeness, but as he admitted to Hyun,
































































































































































































































































it was wrong for him to judge closeness just by speaking banmal & coz he's by far, the closest guy, to Hyun, compared to any other guy.
































































































































































































































































Both of their gifts confirmed their putting effort in preparing it; as well as their heart & thought; such an inspirational couple to me :)
































































































































































































































































Woolylamb, I also had my Yoshinoya set A for dinner :P
































































































































































































































































Also, seeing the footage of their asian fanmeeting & mini live concerts, I can't help thinking about my experience watching CNBLUE in Singapore;
































































































































































































































































in fact, I was among those screaming fans & it felt great :)
































































































































































































































































and the pic of Yong hugging a fan that he put in guide book for Hyun; I think that's from Singapore mini live right? but couldn't remember if she's the one serenaded by CNBLUE or the one who received Yong's signed guitar pick; whoever she is; she's a lucky fan & a famous one now that she's on WGM :)

































































































































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Guest slylychee

Rewatched. The part where Hyun asks him if he really wants her to use banmal and Yong says no, Hyun looks TOTALLY surprised and Yong looked smug. It was SOOOOOOO cute. A little reverse psychology on Yong's part maybe? But regardless, both their expressions were DAEBAK!

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Ah, I'm FINALLY getting on to soompi!  This thread has been acting weird for almost a week, unable to load the website, then when I finally get into the thread, can't even jump to another page, but right now - OK.

This past episode - ehh, i was expecting more.  I was hoping Hyun would give Yong a sweet present and then execute a good, hard 'pull' and show him his goguma points are back, but no!   I WAS HOPING for some lovey-dovey romance, but just got another sweet, cute and funny date.  These 2 drive me a little crazy with their slow progress - but I still love them and love to watch them TOGETHER! 

I feel Yong's pain.  If you go back to my original entry into this thread I explained what it was that attracted me to this couple - memories of my 'first love' many years ago.  And it was with a girl who was very much like Hyun - innocent in love, but smart and talented.   I pursued her endlessly and it was also slow going to win her heart.  there were many times when I thought I was wasting my time, that maybe I end that relationship and try another.  But I didn't, I persevered and in the long run it was all worth the temporary pain.

That is where Yong is now.  But he obviously thinks that Hyun is well worth his time and effort!   And she is,   She is a unique and wonderful girl, so hang in there, Yong!  The pain you FEEL now will soon be replaced by the love you'll FEEL in the future.

And Hyun - just tell the boy he's special!  Please.  That's all he wants, just to be a special person, above all the other fanboys.  

There were a lot of negative comments popping up on Sweet Potato Days against Hyun and her lack of a response to Yong's attempts at reconciliation for his 1 month long 'push - pull action.   They were mad at Hyun for not forgiving him.

I answered on Sweet potato Days with this - 

'Peace everyone, please! I know we have all invested some of our own emotions into this couple, and the progression of Hyun from loving gogumas to loving Yong has been frustrating! But please realize this is TOUGH for both of them - they are feeling something for each other, but aren't sure what it is - Is it all hype or true feelings? And they have to have the progression of their relationship evolve in front of the cameras for the whole world to see! Which one of you could do something like this - let your feelings for someone you really like and care about (maybe love) be shown to everyone who watches W*G*M? It's tough, matbe even a little bit cruel to have your emotions exposed this way. We (the fans) also don't really know these 2, we only get small pieces of their life together, edited by W*G*M. We don't know what has been edited out and what happens 'off camera'. let's just wish the best for these 2 wonderful young people, and hope that they BOTH grow and enjoy their time together - wherever it may lead them.'


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Guest Caliope

[News] Jung Yonghwa feels there’s a gap between him and Seohyun?

On MBC’S “We Got Married” aired on November 6th, the Yongseo couple celebrated their 200th day anniversary as a ‘married couple’.

Seohyun who went to Phuket placed soap, room spray, etc and placed them inside a box. Rather happy with the unexpected gift, Yonghwa reached for it and started playing with the gift.

On their special day, which is the 200th day for the Yongseo couple, Yonghwa hoped that his ‘wife’ would use ‘banmal’ with him (more polite way of talking) as a gift. Yonghwa felt that there is a gap between them as Seohyun does not seem comfortable in using ‘banmal’ with him.

Yonghwa who wished for Seohyun’s ‘banmal’ was shy to let his ‘wife’ know of his intention. He said, “Now, it’s (banmal) not important. It’s fine even if you don’t use it”. Seohyun, who was not discouraged by Yonghwa’s reaction replied in ‘banmal’, “I know”. Upon hearing that, Yonghwa said, “Don’t use it”, making Seohyun’s gift (banmal) seemed rather incomplete.

Credit: hankyung.com

Taken from FANWONDER

Reposted by ohgelie@cnbluestorm

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Guest nafa_yongseo




annyong for all goguma shippers (sorry if its wrong)...



i'm the new member...



please guide me...







i really love when she call yong "hubby" (message in the book)... seems she really want to show her true feeling for yong...



and in japan... when they looking for each other and finally meet... it's so romantic... even they didn't do skinsip, but it's still romantic...



i think this is what real couple usually do...




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