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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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yahh jnj~! yes! i managed to watch hyun performing with her sisters with her Ring on. she looked stunning as ever! :w00t:owhh, yeah i understand how u feel... i feel bad giving out warning too -.-"

monie, crystal: haha same here! can't wait for tomorrow~! kyaaaaaaaaaaaa

faith_memory... those two really have POWER GAZE eh! :w00t: thanks for sharing~!

wilhelm, i totally ROFL @ ur PSed pic! waahahahaha xD that's really a good one btw!

i've been wanting to spazz on this scene... so here i go:

u can see yongseo are giving a hi-5 to each other here. then after the hi-5, hyun went towards the guy with cap. and if u notice, yong was looking at that cap guy while saying bye to hyun. after that, he was glancing towards where hyun was heading with that cap guy 3 times! gahh didn't manage to capture the 3rd glance -.-"


here u can see that the cap guy touched hyun lightly by her elbow. i dunno if that guy is an opportunist or he did it 'cause hyun didn't hear him <_<


just look at yong's tight facial expression there. he was looking towards that guy's direction. and being a protective hubby, he just couldn't help but to check his buin & so he's walking towards her leaving behind his "kids" kekekeek!


notice the looks in that guy's face... he looked a bit stunned & scared that yong is coming towards him & hyun. somehow he had that "guilty" look that he touched someone's wife xD while yong trying to intimidate the guy... u can see yong eyeing the guy. poor guy, he just had to avoid yong's "fury" gaze by shifting to the other side. LOL!


and so, yong finally decided to stick around buin while eyeing the guy with laser glare. ekekkeke xD yong is a very observant, protective & jealous hubby eh~!


wokeh...that's what i just noticed & thought of sharing it with u guys. ^^

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:lol: dreamy, u make me come out of my lurker mode!

didn't notice those things before but tks to u, now i did..

yong marking his territory!!! :sweatingbullets::rolleyes::lol:

wilhelm, nice one there! :)

panGG, i miss spazzing with u gal. tks for the gifs

faith, yongseo getting more and more couple like indeed

crystal, c u here tomorrow

in the Hoot MuBank clip, if u guys watch closely @0.38,

i thought hyun did a naughty pose and i thought if yong were to see this,

surely he'll tease her like mad!

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dreamyboo you are too funny! hahaha that made my day. seriously. now i might be able to survive for tomorrow.
































































jnj hello! hello! i miss spazzzing with you too! i feel like i've been so lurkerish that its making me miss my yongseo so much and you all.
































































cant wait for saturday! cant wait for yongseo!

















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Hi guys...
































































































































































































































































other picture of them in Japan shooting...
































































































































































































































































This is from DC..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credit goes to the author, and since i try to used google translate..
































































































































































































































































seems like the meaning.. confused..
































































































































































































































































hope someone can help to clarify it...

































































































































































































































































































































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" SEOHYUN is freaking P-H-A-T! "








































































According to the viewers that is... This was the Highest Rated comment in a video of SNSD's MuBank perf. (well, at that particular time i was viewing it, it was!) and I'm just so proud of Seobaby!!!








































































PHAT stands for - Pretty Hot And Tempting
























































































































































































































At times you may need to click on the X mark on the Ads portion of the PIC so that you can see "the PHAT COMMENT".









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jnj... LOL!!! goshhh u & ur eagle eyes! if i'm a guy...*droolz infinity* xD hyun's a grown up lady alright! i can't imagine how yong would be feeling looking at his buin's intoxicating moves! he must be on cloud infinity this sunday! :w00t:

panGG~!! how am i funny???? :unsure: haha oh there's one more thing i wanna spazz! when they were practicing RDR moves, if u notice... avatar was staring at hyun's moves! well, not only him but all the other bros too! ekkeke can't blame them though... their hyung's buin is too beautiful to behold! xD i guess yong could sense the stares directed at his buin & he was like staring back at them for a while, checking out on them xD kaakakakakakak... danggg i just love this POSSESSIVE YONG SEOBANG~! :wub:


uwahhh zealous, thanks for the pics~! those ice creams are tempting!!! >.<

lenovo~!! haha u fooled me with the word PHAT! i thought PHAT = FAT -.-" oho... yeahh, my heart's even beating fast just by looking at her! danggg what am i doing now?! :crazy:

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Guest Rouenna































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































panGG~!! how am i funny???? :unsure: haha oh there's one more thing i wanna spazz! when they were practicing RDR moves, if u notice... avatar was staring at hyun's moves! well, not only him but all the other bros too! ekkeke can't blame them though... their hyung's buin is too beautiful to behold! xD i guess yong could sense the stares directed at his buin & he was like staring back at them for a while, checking out on them xD kaakakakakakak... danggg i just love this POSSESSIVE YONG SEOBANG~! :wub:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hahaha! Yeah, saw it, too. They must really adore her (as their hyungsoo-nim, I hope, keke). Look at Minhyuk waving at her (waving more jolly than Yong seobang :P ) before she went to her place.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I find it really interesting that Hyun can just go to CNBLUE's waiting room and hang out, rehearsing on stage with the members, even without Yong. Speaks much that she's comfortable with them. It really helped that she met them a lot on previous filming.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm not sure if I can say the same with Yong, though. Can't imagine him yet going to SNSD's room with all the 8 unnies, alone without Hyun. He'd probably get grilled or get teased to the point of breaking. :lol:

































































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Guest ichigo_kawai

Night...? morning? ....waves to everyone in here... ^_^

Thanks everyone for like my wallpaper and thanks for all comments

Thanks for gifs, caps, news, link, fanvid, and fanart. :wub: :wub: :wub:

Here is I wanna share this wallpaper


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Guest miel_1301

To erase the cloud of doubt as to whether it was indeed THE COUPLE RING which YongHwa wore on his departure from Korea enroute to Japan for their [CN Blue's] Fan meeting last 28 October 2010, here are a few clearer captures of him with THE RING [which the majority of Gogumas are obsessed with. Hahaha!].




CR: on photos

Geez! Am I the only one feeling that spazzin in the thread now has somehow been restricted?

Waves to all Sweet Potatoes!

Goodness! It feels like ages since the last time I was in here.

My Obsession with THE RING: Justifiable or NOT?

The moment when YongHwa decided to wear THE RING outside of WGM in his appearances as the CN Blue Leader of his dongsaengs...

The moment when he was captured with THE RING on as he was departing from and arriving at airports with his CN Blue brothers...

The moment when YongHwa flaunted THE RING in all CN Blue’s Asian Tours and Showcases/Concerts--- from Singapore, to HongKong, to Thailand to Taiwan...

The moment when he showed his hand wearing THE RING to the media and photographers in Press Conferences during CN Blue’s Asian Tour...

The moment when he answered questions about THE RING in interviews and Fan meetings...

The moment when he shook hands of his fans with THE RING on his finger at Fan Signing Events...

The moment when he posed with his CN Blue bros in photoshoots for magazine covers, features and interviews with THE RING visible on his finger...

The moment when he chose to wear THE RING in that one specific photoshoot for the official promotional poster of their Japanese singles “IDKW” and “Lie”...

The moment when he waved at fans and paparazzizs with THE RING on his finger on his way to Inkigayo recordings...

The moment when he attended the VIP screening of his dongsaengs’, JongHyun and Minhyuk, film “The Acoustics” waving his hand with THE RING on...

The moment when he played the role of the supportive Hyung to Jungshin at the Fashion Show being photographed with THE RING...

The moment when he himself graced a Fashion Event as one of the VIP guests and was captured fiddling with THE RING on his finger...

The many moments when YongHwa was seen wearing THE RING in variety shows and TV appearances in Korea and even outside Korea in Thailand and Taiwan’s National TV...

And the many moments when YongHwa with his CN Blue bros performed on stage with THE RING on his finger as he strummed his guitar...

Those are the moments when YongHwa himself decided to go out of the “box of WGM”...

Those are the moments when YongHwa himself decided to assume the role of THE HUSBAND to SeoHyun even outside WGM...

Those are the moments when YongHwa himself decided to broaden his role of being THE HUSBAND to Seohyun not only within the filming sites and filming schedules of WGM but even to extend onto his own schedules and places of individual and group works as the leader of a band...

Those are the moments when YongHwa himself boldly announced and made known to the public that he is THE HUSBAND to Seohyun not only “inside of WGM” but also “outside of WGM”.

But this is not to categorically state nor to state with absolute certainty if those moments have indeed been the moments...

when YongHwa himself has crossed the line between what’s REEL from what’s REAL...

when YongHwa himself has crossed the line between what’s FAKE from what’s GENUINE...

when YongHwa himself has crossed the line between what’s PRETEND from what’s TRUE...

when YongHwa himself has crossed the line between what’s MAKE-BELIEVE from what’s REALITY...

when YongHwa himself has crossed the line between what’s professional from what’s personal.

Having seen and witnessed all these in the span of 8 months, as one of the many YongSeo supporters, how can skeptics say nor dictate to me—-- to clearly draw the line between what is within WGM and what is outside of WGM when the demarcation line itself has been “blurred” by Yong Hwa himself? Now, if these are all just a matter of being delusional, then, I shall plead guilty as charged.

For as long as I see THE RING on the left ring finger of YongHwa,

I will carry on spazzing without any restriction nor hesitation...

I will continue feeling giddy without any pre-caution...

I will go on with the wonderful feeling...

of having the butterflies in my stomach...

of hyperventilating out of excitement...

and of experiencing the near bursting of my heart from the sight of PURE BLISS simply watching the YongSeo couple in their “Journey...Together”.

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Guest toomuchsmiling


Okaaay, MuBank was awesome, Hyun looked SO gorgeous especially during her own line "where are you looking? i'm right here" O_O IF Yong saw the perf, which he probably did, ya he musta spazzed but I'm thinking more....




INKIGAYO!!! :w00t: he always wants to see his Hyun Buin dance in front of him, so this could be his CHANCE!!!! WOOOO! i'm happy for tomorrow but i also can't wait until Sunday too to see if there's any reaction!! :lol::rolleyes: he IS Mc-ing right? I'm pretty sure he is, he NEEDS to be, this is his opportunity!!!


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Remember the unseen videos in wgm website? the 3million views made the news yesterday, it looks like they didn't expected that :rolleyes:




















Maybe after that they will upload more videos?




















`우결` 미방영 영상 인기 ‘뜨거워’…조회수 3만건 넘어































































(사진=우결 홈페이지 미방영 동영상 캡처)




















MBC 홈페이지에 ‘우리 결혼했어요’(이하 우결)의 미방영분 영상을 보기 위한 네티즌들의 발길이 끊이질 않고 있다.




















`우결` 홈페이지 ‘미방분 영상’ 코너에 올라 있는 ‘정용화-서현’ 부부와 ‘닉쿤-빅토리아’ 부부의 조회수는 각각 3만건과 2만건 이상을 기록하는 등 인기몰이 중이다.




















1분 30초 가량의 두 동영상은 짧은 시간이지만 두 커플의 매력을 여과 없이 보여주고 있다.




















22일에 공개된 용서커플의 미공개 동영상에서는 `음악중심` 공동 MC를 맡았을 때의 모습이 담겨 있다. 린의 ‘자기야 여보야 사랑아’를 마주보며 부르거나 귓속말을 소곤소곤 나누는 등 둘의 알콩달콩 애정행각을 볼 수 있다.




















이어 26일 공개된 쿤토리아 부부의 영상은 최근 신혼집 근처에서 닉쿤이 직접 촬영한 것으로, 2PM의 신곡 `I’ll be back`에 맞춰 두 사람이 함께 춤을 추는 모습이 색다른 재미를 준다. 특히 쑥스러워 하면서도 닉쿤과 환상의 호흡을 보여주는 빅토리아의 모습은 ‘춤꾼’ 부부로 불리기에 손색이 없는 모습이다.




















`우결` 제작진은 미방분 영상의 반응이 뜨거워 앞으로도 꾸준히 업데이트 한다는 계획이다.




















[매일경제 스타투데이]







































edit: i find a translation of an other article in vickhun thread (cre: nonna_manis for the reupload)








































On October 22th 2010, the unreleased videos of WGM sweet potato couple and khuntoria couple on MBC official website received explosive responses.




















Especially khuntoria’s video uploaded on 26th got abt 3 million hits in only one day, increasing the visiting rate of MBC official website. Drama "The great man" got the highest audience rating in history, and its behind the scenes video got the clicking rate at 500. Although playful kiss is low at audience rating, it was a hot topic buzz when Korean star idol Kim Hyun Joong joined, and its behind the scenes video only had less than 50000 clicks.




















But WGM Khuntoria couple's unreleased videos really got explosive responses. WGM staff stated that the clicking rate is totally beyond their imagination. And other staffs, who are always busy with editing and not having time to take a look at the official website, start to surf on the website everyday and got shocked each time. Buzz of the explosive responses, they plan to upload more unreleased videos.




















Khuntoria couple video is about 2PM Nickhun’s self filming shuffle dance to 2PM new song”I’ll be back” with his fake-wife, f(x) Victoria. Viewers really enjoy their natural look, good coordination dance moves and communication with each other. After watching the video, netizens commented that please make sure Khuntoria will dance couple dance on award ceremony at the end of year.




















(( cr: chinese/辣@tianya




















Chinese-English translation: Joe@khuntorialurve




















Reblogged from: khuntorialurve tumblr blog))







































edit 2: anbi crystal_malfoy yeah there is a mistake 3million is for yongseo but i don't if it's a mistake from the translator or the author of the article, hope the rest is accurate





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Guest Crystal392




toomuchsmiling: I agree, she looked super pretty on MuBank perf. That makes me anticipate more their perf at Inki. Usually the MCs's outfits follow a theme (once they were hunters, also teenagers from school, etc). Maybe this time they will follow a Robin-hood theme because of SNSD choreography (arrows&bow). :P





s0leil: Thanks for sharing that! Hopefully the WGM PDs will upload more unseen cuts soon. They will probably upload Adam Couple cuts next and then YongSeo again (then Khuntoria, then Adam, then YongSeo, etc etc etc :) ).


A correction about the translation: YongSeo got 3 million views and Khuntoria 2 million views. This is google translation, the YongSeo part of the article you posted was just a summary

:) Thanks again for sharing it! :

(Photo: woogyeol Home mibangyoung video capture)

MBC website: 'We Got Married' (hereinafter woogyeol) mibangyoungbun the foot of netizens to view video has not has endless.


'We Got Married' homepage 'mibangbun video' up on the corner of the 'jeongyonghwa - Seo' couple 'NK - Victoria' views of the couple, each over 3 million and 2 million records and is popularity.


1 minute 30 seconds short of the two movies, but the charm of the couple is shown without any filtering.


Published on 22 unreleased video of forgiveness in couples' co-MC 's' Music Center and the way he is embedded. Lynn's 'Honey Honey Love,' and look at each other, such as call or two to share Alkong Dalkong sogonsogon whisper can be seen having an affair.


Kuntoriah released 26 days after the couple's image was recently taken by Nichkhun near sinhonjip, 2PM `I'll be back` of the new songs fit like two people dancing together, giving this unusual fun. Particularly embarrassed to show the breath of fantasy, yet Nichkhun Victoria 'the dancers' appearance as a married couple can not look at this is called.


'We Got Married' the reactions of the crew mibangbun hot video update plans to continue in the future.


[Economic Daily Star News]




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Remember the unseen videos in wgm website? the 3million views made the news yesterday, it looks like they didn't expected that :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Maybe after that they will upload more videos?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































`우결` 미방영 영상 인기 ‘뜨거워’…조회수 3만건 넘어































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































edit: i find the translation of the second article that i've post earlier in vickhun thread (cre: nonna_manis for the reupload)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































On October 22th 2010, the unreleased videos of WGM sweet potato couple and khuntoria couple on MBC official website received explosive responses.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Especially khuntoria’s video uploaded on 26th got abt 3 million hits in only one day, increasing the visiting rate of MBC official website. Drama "The great man" got the highest audience rating in history, and its behind the scenes video got the clicking rate at 500. Although playful kiss is low at audience rating, it was a hot topic buzz when Korean star idol Kim Hyun Joong joined, and its behind the scenes video only had less than 50000 clicks.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But WGM Khuntoria couple's unreleased videos really got explosive responses. WGM staff stated that the clicking rate is totally beyond their imagination. And other staffs, who are always busy with editing and not having time to take a look at the official website, start to surf on the website everyday and got shocked each time. Buzz of the explosive responses, they plan to upload more unreleased videos.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Khuntoria couple video is about 2PM Nickhun’s self filming shuffle dance to 2PM new song”I’ll be back” with his fake-wife, f(x) Victoria. Viewers really enjoy their natural look, good coordination dance moves and communication with each other. After watching the video, netizens commented that please make sure Khuntoria will dance couple dance on award ceremony at the end of year.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(( cr: chinese/辣@tianya
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Chinese-English translation: Joe@khuntorialurve
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Reblogged from: khuntorialurve tumblr blog))





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think they mistaken. As you see Khuntoria = 2 078 902 And YongSeo = 3 101 510
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And i just check again so YongSeo = 3200588 > Khuntoria = 2121644
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What's wrong happend?

































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Guest _d3seohyun

I'm so happy for you YONGHWA! She is yours! Only yours! <3

Now I'm even more excited to see Inki. w00t!









tnx for sharing YONG's new pics. i'm very happy seeing him looking well rested and

my gawwwdd the new CN BLUE cf is to die for. the last part was so freaking cute! :wub:

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Guest Crystal392




As I said before, Inki this week is going to be amazing! I don't want to get my hopes too up but I am already spazzing by just thinking they will meet. :lol:





Hyun~ really looks super pretty. If you compare this pics to her 'Oh!' pics she now looks more mature. She has lost a bit of baby fat from her face and she doesn't look like a kid anymore... she now looks like a woman :w00t: Yong~ seobang is going to be super super happy! I hope some Gogumas will film Yong~ while he is watching SNSD perform! *fingers crossed*





Wilhelm1066: hehehe that made laugh :)





panGG: OMO that would be soo sweet! Imagine Yong~ singing and playing the piano ♥ that would be super sweet ^_^





dreamyboo: Wow sis I didn't notice that o_O Super Goguma FBI powers! That makes me think about all the things we miss about them, like they film for a long time (sometimes almost a day) but we only get to see 20 minutes of them :(





lenovo: Hey girl! *waves* hehehe our Hyun~ is looking prettier each day. She isn't Seobaby anymore, she is now SeoLady ;)





ichigo: Your artworks are always amazing, thanks a million!





miel: THE ring, I think most of us Gogumas are obsessed with it. I don't feel sad when they aren't wearing it but I can't stop thinking about possible reasons of why they didn't. And when I see them wearing it I feel super happy!! ^^ hehehehe











Imo the translation of that part is wrong, because using 'Google translate' you can see the wrote the correct numbers (YongSeo/other couple 3mill/2mill views respectively ^^





*Fanmade video by liker0909@YT:






FanMade SeoHyun YongHwa Sweet Holiday CNBLUE


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Finally I can write a comment, yay!




I want to share my love for my favorite goguma couple which always makes me smile and just because they hold hands :wub: maybe I'm crazy ... :P




First I watch WGM due to Yonghwa and although at first I thought that Hyun was too quiet for him, now I can say they match really well together. I discover new side of Hyun and as Yong I'm surprised by her in a good way.




They don't have much skinship but their eyes say more than skinship. Their eyes sparkle when they look at each other, so cute. Yong wants Hyun to think about him and only him, but he is so clumsy with her like when he didn't call her for 1-2 months, so childish. :rolleyes:




They're too cute together and they made so much progress in their relationship.




I look forward to their interaction at Inkigayo. I'm sure Hyun's Unnies will teased their maknae with pleasure :lol:, I feel like it's going to be fun.





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Guest Crystal392
































MK22: Hiii!! Welcome to Goguma Planet! *throws confetti* :D






















































Uri Yong~ (and his brothers) came back from their Japan fanmeet and had a perf on Korea @ Pohang ScienceCity Festival. I am sure he is feeling a bit tired but super excited to record Inkigayo because he will see his Hyun~! I wonder if they called each other this week... maybe Yong~ called her to wish her good luck on their comeback perf at MuBank and she called him to ask him how he was feeling (remember he was diagnosed with vocal cord nodules a few months ago) and they will probably call each other or text just to say they will meet at Inki! hehehehehe :lol:






















































Some fancams from CNBLUE perf at Pohang Festival, all RING obsessed Gogumas will be super happy because he is wearing it! ;):D:):w00t: :





































































20101029 Pohang ScienceCity Festival 외톨이야 -CNBLUE- (I'm a Loner)








20101029 Pohang ScienceCity Festival "LOVE" -CNBLUE-
























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Guest k.rivera19
































































































Running man episode 11 subbed by ISUB team.. if anyone is interested ... sorry dont know how to put anything on spoiler ... but Yong is wearing the ring on this episode
































































Running man episode 11
































































I wonder if Hyun watches running man ... Hyun is lucky Yong is really smart =)
































































Im so excited for saturday ... 9 more hours here till WGM ... woohooo :lol:
































































thanks for everyone for the translation, pics, artworks... goguma's are jjang!! :wub:

















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Please allow me to !spazzzz! about Hy~un on KBS Music Bank......   Isn't she stunningly beautiful!?!  blush.gif

She doesn't have a big part in 'Hoot', but the cameraman was set up and ready for her part - the unnies spread apart to allow her to 'strut' up from the back, the cameraman panned from her feet, up her long legs to her face, and then there was the STARE:blush:!    Right into the camera, her hair was beeyootiful, too, shiny and in long curls.   Yong is going to be drooling on Sunday on Inkigayo......:wub: 

I hope Yo~ng, does say something  directly to Hy~un - something discreet that only the two of them understand - something to make her blush!   And I'm sure the unnies aren't going to pass up a chance to tease Yong seobang!    

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Guest SophiaPia





Happy 200th day YongSeo wub.gifwub.gif



Today is the day YEAH BABY! i hope tvu will not confused me again later what channel is wgm :(






miel i must admit i'm obsessed w/ that RING :) and i'm happy if YongSeo couple wear it and i'm sad if they don't wear it esp. if it's Yong (kekeke! i'm like wife Hyun upset w/ hubby Yong not wearing the banji kekeke! )



YES! SeoHyun is PHAT (Pretty Hot and Tempting). She is freaking hot w00t.gif gorgeous lady. Will see sunday @ inkigayo someone will open his mouth watching his wife kekeke!



Happy YongSeo day every 1.



Cheers to all


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