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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Shane1430276559




Almost all of us said that YONGSEO couple really change..


the way they talked to each other, the way they greeted each other especially how they treated each other..


its just funny to think that we (FANS) also changed..


I was looking to this thread starting from page 1 to find some Fanfics


but what I saw is the comments from the very beginning..


many said that  SEOHYUN is not compatible with YONGHWA


some said that it must have been KYUHYUN rather than Yonghwa..


And some said that they don't like the pairing..


But look at the comments now...it all about LOVING..








  • Don't judge someone when you really don't know his/her personality..

  • Learn to accept everything







Maybe they were really destined for each other...WE ALL HOPE SO..wub.gif



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





























































































































It's dfferent without you.. #yongseo http://yfrog.com/5rhhj
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yongseo Couple - I'm Right Here Yong~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yongseo Couple - Then and Now
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cre dc married via@iloveyongseo

































































































































































































































































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Almost all of us said that YONGSEO couple really change..

the way they talked to each other, the way they greeted each other especially how they treated each other..

its just funny to think that we (FANS) also changed..

I was looking to this thread starting from page 1 to find some Fanfics

but what I saw is the comments from the very beginning..

many said that  SEOHYUN is not compatible with YONGHWA

some said that it must have been KYUHYUN rather than Yonghwa..

And some said that they don't like the pairing..

But look at the comments now...it all about LOVING..


  • Don't judge someone when you really don't know his/her personality..
  • Learn to accept everything

Maybe they were really destined for each other...WE ALL HOPE SO..wub.gif

the comments made earlier were from ppl that may not be here anymore. idk

but as the show progress, we grow to love them.

and now we have a big goguma family that will protect them.

your lessons...well, it happens in every thread..


geumjandi, short but meaningful vids. ;):wub: tks!

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Guest mrsjoker


Hi all... I see there's already a little spazzing frenzy going on with Hyun dazzling performance on the Hoot MV.:lol:

This girl is seriously beyond gorgeous! stunning!!



I sense "someone" is going to drool so much on sunday... :wub:




I am not an avid SNSD fan but i do enjoy most of their songs and so i've watched them ever since "Don't tease me because i'm young" days. Even back then i always notice how maknae Hyun is one young pretty girl, she looks gorgeous back then too, but somehow i find that these days...she looks even more gorgeous, she "glows" and so it makes her even more stunning (clearly seen in their latest Hoot mv). or maybe this is just me being biased cause of the YongSeo effect :phew:  well at least to me i think she IS glowing and the reason behind that glow is the equally stunning "mischeivious boy" we all come to loved.:wub:




@Sophiapia and @bee_ichigo : I also think the ring does look different at first. But i tried to look closely and i think it's actually the RING DING DONG, but he shifted it so that we can't see the stone in the middle plus the lighting also had some effect to the picture (gosh...i'm being OCD over the ring... LOL).


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  • Don't judge someone when you really don't know his/her personality..
  • Learn to accept everything

Maybe they were really destined for each other...WE ALL HOPE SO..:wub:

yup i agree with you. sometimes we always misjudges the other party without any observation.

i admit that i also been part of them before. eventhough i never think about hyun is suitable with kyuhyun. It just i feel that both of them are too different. maybe they have 1 or 2 similarity.

but after watching them on the 2nd episode, i feel different. i love the progress in their relationship. eventhough at the beginning i feel that they really slow, but i always been positive on that...it always happen in normal relationship right? we cant really like/admire/fall in love one person in a minute.

until today, i become one of their biggest supporter....:wub:

YONGSEO Fighting.....:D

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Guest wallpaperfood

Hey gogumazzzz

sorry if this has been pointed out before, but was rewatching ep 29 for the nth time and picked up on a couple of things that might not have been mentioend yet:

(1) Hyun hits Yong's leg with the umbrella - already mentioned (RDRsubs pt 1 5:00), and Yong returns it twice later - the first one is visible, but the second one was blocked by the PD's editing/caption.  Just thought it was a cute nudge that is a waste to overlook ..

(2) I'm a bit lost in translation, but I initially thought Seohyun and CN Blue boys made that Yong "fan"art. (B/c according to different subs, Minhyuk says "She/They (Seohyun/SNSD?) were just here, they did this"). However, lots of others seem to have thought that it was SNSD's artwork, and that they came to drop it off at CNBlue's waiting room. I was a bit confued as to what actually happened, but if you watch clearly (it's so obvious it's embarrassing I missed it the first 100 times I watched it) - in RDR pt 2 when CNBlue + Hyun - Yong are sitting around the table, on the bottom right of the table, there is a pair of scissors and a roll of black masking tape, which answers my question - Hyun and cheeky CNBlue brothers did it together ^^ (nice to know they get along so well now!!)

--omg if MBC ever does release another bts, I want to see them in the proccess of making it ^! hehe ---

(3) typical Star-King editing..........When Seohyun says "I already rehearsed with Jonghyun Oppa" CUT to Jonghyun's grinning face......I thought 'woah Jonghyun is being pretty  non-discreet over there!', but I realised that this action was repeated again a little while later in the convo. Same angle of the head turn and same smile/grin, basically same reaction. THe second time is the original one because Hyun's voice can be heard in the background and there is no cutting.

(But nevertheless, I won't deny that Jonghyun doesn't 'like' her in some way or another. Actually, I think all CN Blue adores Hyung's wife)

ok got that off my chest :) a bit boring and trivial, but it's been on my mind XD

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Guest lovely_ocean
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CNBLUE didn't sing Love light at their first fan meeting in Japan but lots of fans mentioned they spotted the couple ring on Yonghwa's left ring finger. It was very visible when DJ Yonghwa played special arranged version of I don't know why.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I haven't found any photos though

































































































































































































































































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Guest lovelorngirl





Hello everyone! I'm a long time lurker in this thread. I come out because I'm very curious about something. :)



Does Yong use honorific to Hyun?



In EP 28 "A-ni-yo" after he made the puppy dog eyes to Seohyun.






In EP 29 "Ma-ja-yo" when they bicker about Hyun's massage.






Please correct me if I'm wrong. My korean is very limit I hope someone here can help me out. Thank you. ^-^


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Guest DJHinata

dreamyboo and panGG i miss you too ( ;  o  ;  )you didn't miss me ? aigoo ~~

aww yong look so cute in japan airport, and he have a lot of Presents, maybe one is for hyun

I keep thinking and saying that the song of HOOT has to do with YongSeo Couple, there are many parts that talk about what happened in the last two episode, i'm not saying that hyun wrote the song but the person who wrote the song hear Seohyun stories about everything that had happened during that month were not seeing eachother, and now with the dance, this dance is great she looks beautiful, and that of another song where the final theire bother to hyun with the merong issue ~~ haha so cute

i found this and its sound super good ~~ FAN-Acapella Version- HOOT

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I just watched Hoot MV and OH MY GOD Hyun is so gorgeous and cute! I can't wait for Inkigayo. I know they are not allowed to make any interaction like a couple but this is the first time Hyun dance in front of him! He asked her to do that several times already. Like his wish after they went to the amusement park, he said, "I really want to see you dance Gee" but that time Hyun denied it.
































































































































































In the Ueno Juri episode, he said, "If I'm you (Ueno Juri), I will ask her to dance for me". LOL. It seems that seeing Hyun dance up close is one of his biggest wish. Good Yong, you will finally see your wish comes true! I know he saw her dance during their special duet performance and she was only like ten inch from him. But it was so short comparing to Hoot. And and the arrow shooting moves! Waaaa!
































































































































































I'm sure Yong will be knocked out in Inkigayo.

















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Guest dbskisluv2
































































































































i hope we can catch just a little bit of yongseo on inkigayo this sunday.
































i want to share this to

































































































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Guest Crystal392






panGG: Will you stream WGM this Saturday? Hopefully we will spazz together then!! *hugs* hehehe their shoulder brush move! Yong~ looks so cute on the pics you shared ♥






chyme: hahahahahaha unnie! your backstage convo was awesome... ;)






raindrops: Amazing artwork! :D






wallpaperfood: Thanks for poiting out those things! :) I agree with you that JongHyun, MinHyuk and Jungshin adore their hyung-soo-nim (Joo Hyun) as much as Hyoyeon, Sooyoung, Tiffany and the SNSD girls adore their Yong Seobang (YongHwa). Their leader and maknae are now 'married' hehehe :)






lovely_ocean: Thanks for sharing that, if I am wrong he didn't wear his WGM ring on his ring finger on their first Korean concert but when we saw a backstage picture after the concert he was wearing it :wub:






lovelorngirl: Welcome! Hopefully someone will answer those questions, I don't know much about Korean either hehehehe.






dbskisluv2: That macro is awesome hehehehe






Yay finally I watched 'Hoot' MV and uri Hyun and her unnies are looking super pretty! I wonder what was Yong's reaction when he saw it ;) I am anticipating Inki sooo bad! Just knowing he will watch his buin dancing is making me spazz hehehehe






YongSeo cute!



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goomorning gogumas~! :D

crystal, i'm sure yong could have drooled much while watching! LOVESTRUCK! hyun has shot many arrows at him! kekeke

DJHinata~! of course i miss spazzing with u too~ :D *hugs* but i guess we're also in the different timezone eh -.-"

d_?????, i wanted to comment about ur post last night but soompi acted weird so yahhh u're one of the best goguma FBI in this thread kekekeekk! xD

just got this from dcinside!!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :w00t: the trans a bit weird but whateverrr... i'm sooo excited! DUGEUN DUGEUN!!!!!!! so is yong's 3rd surprise a high school date?! danggg yong's soooo shweeeettt!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :wub:


* Forgive the couple, celebrated 200 days uniforms dating!

정용화와 서현이 200일을 맞아 교복 데이트를 했다. Seo Yong hwawa 200 uniforms dating was done right. 부부 첫 듀엣 무대를 성공리에 마치고, 200일 축하 파티만을 남긴 용서부부. After a successful first stage duet couples, celebrate 200 days left only a couple forgiveness. 남편 정용화가 '특별한 날'을 기념해야 한다며 '교복 데이트'를 마련한 것이다. My husband Yong Painters 'Special Day' to commemorate presuming 'uniforms dating' to be established.

늦은 밤, 고교생 커플 마냥 소박한 데이트를 만끽하던 용서부부, 데이트 중, 정용화는 드디어 '200일 선물 3종 세트' 중 마지막 선물을 서현에게 내놓았는데.. Late at night, like some high school couples who enjoyed modest dating couples forgiveness, of a date, three kinds of gifts Yong anger finally a set of '200 'was put out of the last gifts to Seo .. 그것은 당시 곧 일본에서 활동 할 아내를 위해 심혈을 기울여 준비한 것이라고. It is soon time to work in Japan for his wife would Painstakingly prepared.

한편, 용 남편의 '장기 밀당 사건' 이후로 200일 기념일에 대해 모르는 척 해왔던 서현은 비로소 모든 진실을 털어 놓았다는데. Meanwhile, for the husband's' long-term mildang incident on the anniversary of 200 days since done Seo pretend that was finally confessed the whole truth.

과연, 용서부부의 한밤 교복 데이트는 어땠을지, 밀당과 역밀당을 둘러싼 그간의 오해는 다 풀릴 수 있을 것인지, '용서부부의 아주 특별한 200일'은 30일 오후 5시 15분 <우결>에서 공개될 예정이다. Indeed, what you must forgive the couple's date night uniforms, mildanggwa yeokmildangeul misunderstandings surrounding it can be solved in the meantime, you want to be, forgive the couple's very special 200 days' 30 days, 17:15 "We Got Married> in the public is expected to be.

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Guest SophiaPia





Good morning sunshine, good afternoon, good evening where ever you are YongSeo family :)



OMGGGGGGGGGGG! dreamyboo indeed they had their high school date. Hubby really want wife to experience high school date KYAAAAAA SWEETNESS (high school life oh! my high school life i remember it so beautiful) w00t.gif



Thanks to all of u telling me that it's actually the lovely ring when hubby went to Japan and also wear it in fan meeting i'm obsessed on that ring laugh.gif that's the 1st thing i'm looking at in our YongSeo couple laugh.gif



Today is Friday aigooooooo saturday paliiiiiiiiiiiii also today Music bank Hoot comeback.



I miss our lovely couple so saturday paliiiiiiii smile.gif



Cheers to all


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this is my first post, even though I've been following this thread for months. I've been a fan of YongSeo since ever, so I finally felt compelled to join! Actually, I was a bit excited to share my observations about the Hoot MV.








check out 1:57! I think Seohyun is doing a Love Love Love shout out for Yonghwa:








I love how they're always sending secret signs to each other (the ring, the Namee Island thing, and even the OK signs)! I'm so excited for the new episode. AND SO CURIOUS as to the next suprise!!!!




EDIT: I guess she could be doing the whole gun thing, IDK if I'm delusional but I choose to believe that it's a shout out!





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Guest bizzie_b


OMO! dreamyboo! Thanks for the preview. smile.gif




So finally he's going to confess the reason behind the 'one month no contact'! Wonder what that is? Errrrr, possible that he needed an inspiration in writing a song so he did that on purpose. I mean,of course you'll definitely miss your someone if you won't contact each other for a month so ideas and emotions were easier to express through writing and that made him write 'I Don't Know Why'. Haha wub.gif




It also 'mentioned' that he prepared something for wifey's intro in Japan. Oh well, I'll just wait for the translations! Can't wait for tom! Yahoo Yahoo! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


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Guest Goguma06








Aww seriously i can't wait for the next episode!


Thanks for the teaser and all the pictures of Yong and Hyun~~


I didn't quite understand the translation of the Teaser but it seemed as if they settled down the Mildang issue!


I guess that they will be all lovey dovey! kekeke~~

What i want to say have a link with Yongseo couple but it's more about my personnal life so i just decided to put it in a spoiler XD....I have physics classes and we are seeing things related to light...and today my teacher said that we would see the theory of "Young" ( a physician I suppose) and her pronunciation of his name really sounded like "Yong~"...I think that it was the only time where i listened in class XD At least it made me think of Yongseo couple during my boring physics class!



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just got this from dcinside!!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :w00t: the trans a bit weird but whateverrr... i'm sooo excited! DUGEUN DUGEUN!!!!!!! so is yong's 3rd surprise a high school date?! danggg yong's soooo shweeeettt!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :wub:




* Forgive the couple, celebrated 200 days uniforms dating!



^OMFG Spazzing to the max about this photo!!!


I'll translate this... hold on a sec.


정용화와 서현이 200일을 맞아 교복 데이트를 했다.


Jung Yonghwa and Seohyun go on their uniformed 200day date.


부부 첫 듀엣 무대를 성공리에 마치고,


After the couple finished their successful duet


200일 축하 파티만을 남긴 용서부부.


All that is left is the 200day celebration party.


남편 정용화가 '특별한 날'을 기념해야 한다며 '교복 데이트'를 마련한 것이다.


Husband Jung Yonghwa celebrates their special day by preparing a uniform date to celebrate.


늦은 밤, 고교생 커플 마냥 소박한 데이트를 만끽하던 용서부부, 데이트 중, 정용화는 드디어 '200일


선물 3종 세트' 중 마지막 선물을 서현에게 내놓았는데. 그것은 당시 곧 일본에서 활동 할 아내를 위해 심혈을 기울여 준비한 것이라고.



During the late night date, husband Yong finally reveals his 200day 3set presents. He gave Seohyun a precious gift gift that he prepared a for his wife who is going to perform in Japan.







한편, 용 남편의 '장기 밀당 사건' 이후로 200일 기념일에 대해 모르는 척 해왔던 서현은 비로소 모든 진실을 털어 놓았다는데.


Seohyun keeps on pretending that she doesn’t realize that it’s their 200th day until Yong husband gives her his gift. She tells her husband that she knew about their 200th day all along.


과연, 용서부부의 한밤 교복 데이트는 어땠을지, 밀당과 역밀당을 둘러싼 그간의 오해는 다 풀릴 수 있을 것인지, '용서부부의 아주 특별한 200일'은 30일 오후 5시 15분 <우결>에서 공개될 예정이다.


We wonder if the misunderstanding will be resolved on their uniform date in this special 200th day of Yongseo couple. Keep watching WMG to find out!



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Guest SophiaPia





DDuk kamsahamnida i can't wait what will happen tomorrow episode but looks like it is another SWEET MOMENTS FOR OUR YONGSEO couple YEAH BABY! 



I guess the mildang thingy will be finish tomorrow 200day episode. YongSeo couple always makes us happy and inlove and YongSeo couple always makes us guess what will happen to them go to the next level of their relationship. That's why YongSeo couple's the best. Lovely indeed



Cheers to all


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Guest CallMeDayDreamer

WGM’s Yonghwa and Seohyun Go On their 200th-Day Date


The ‘YongSeo Couple’ of MBC’s “We  Got Married” went on a ’school uniform date’ in celebration of  their 200th day as a couple.

In the episode, CNBlue’s Jung Yonghwa  and SNSD’s Seohyun successfully  complete their first couple-duet stage and hold a 200th day celebration  party. Hilariously, husband Jung Yonghwa insists on making it a  memorable one by wearing school uniforms for their date.

According to the producers, the two enjoyed a simple outing until  Jung Yonghwa brought out a three-set present for Seohyun. The presents  were said to have been specially prepared for his wife, who will soon be  leaving to promote with SNSD in Japan.

The heartwarming episode will be revealed in full on October 30th.

Source + Photo: Star News

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