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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I wonder if WGM will be ok if Yonghwa and Seohyun have interaction next week on Inkigayo?


I have yet to watch this week's to see if Jo Kwon and Gain have any. Inkigayo airing on SBS and We Got Married airing on MBC...


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Guest sun_sun



I already edited my post at last page for link part 2^^

and I use google for 주인님 that Yong call Hyun part 1 at 7.30 . It means "Master"... Hyun is Master for cooking for you,right??YONG........ I really love the scene that Hyun's doing MA for Yong...look at Yong's face when he see his wife's back....I remember MC Kim used to say about it that " man wanna hug his wife from the back when she's cooking"....Yong, you're thinking that thing??? ^^


Edit : someone please repost link for preview with eng sub for me...I didnt see it yet......thank you ^^


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Guest _hachimitsu
































I really like all the positive in-depth analysis after this episode. I am not good with expressing my feelings through words (hence what i usually do is expressing it through arts/music and then sharing the drawings & artworks here, lol!) and reading such posts with similar thoughts really makes me feel good. Cant name all of you, but i am grateful meeting you guys here! Since i am in the maknae category, so... *120 degrees bow*^^
















@heartbreak i see.... yeah yonghwa sure is one crafty person, especially after their first live duet, i'm very sure he will try his best to make one of the best surprised event for seohyun to make up to his push&pull game. the fact that we never hear in WGM filming about seohyun's wish wanting to walk around in school uniform at night really makes me wonder what other conversation yongseo had behind the scenes, and when did this happen?? guys surely have great memory when it comes to the girl's wish, wants, etc!
















@Wilhelm1066 haha thanks. i've actually noticed her eyes for my last drawing of chuseok (compared with seohyun in the 1st top) was kinda "sharp" eyes instead of "pure" while doing the colourings. it was really a random drawing during my french class so i wasnt paying attention on the details. Will pay attention next time. Don't know when i will draw again.. Hope you like it!^^
















@crystal_malfoy hello~ havent see you online much these days? haha. anyway i agree with your spoiler i know some of us like other pairings too, but since this is a Yongseo Thread, please dont over do it yeah. use different light font colour or spoiler. Some of us have fragile hearts hahhahah
















@genxv hi5!! LOL thanks. there's too many yongseo scenes in my head too! *cough* no pervy ones ofcourse *cough* ahh if IDKW is indeed seohyun-inspired, whether partially or the whole song... i'm gonna cry from happiness. If it is not, well, i still like the song anyway~ hey great job on the blog & goodluck on all the yongseo projects. i should've apply to help out...haha, we'll see^^ 
















@kerube ehhh i didnt realise the last part of translation, thanks!






















Question: How was your first duet?








H: We did it. I was really relying on him, I didn't know it too. In such a nerve-wrecking situation, we could only rely on one another.








Y: The earpiece malfunctioned. Even though such a situation happened on our 200thday anniversary performance, it was very meaningful despite it being a heavy responsibility. It was very meaningful.
















Question: What were your unnies reactions upon watching you and Yong Husband hold hands?








H: They went "wa!" Haha. All of them had the same reaction. I don't regret any bit of it (holding hands)








Y: We have already had our 200th day anniversary so they might be more accepting of us holding hands.
















Caption: The weather was terrible and they did not have sufficient practice. Despite all the difficulties, they safely put on their first performance together.
















cr:armedbattle@soompi, from chinese tranlation



























KYUPTAAAAAAAAAAA. Seohyun, you have no regrets holding hands with yonghwa, huh?
















darn, i knew something was wrong with that earpice. i remember taeyeaon's earpice problem during the dream band special which both yonghwa and seohyun was part of and was really glad yonghwa managed to performed well during their 200th day aniversary duet despite having problem with the earpiece.
















@baby_bo i know right? in my opinion, the "make love not war" t-shirt must be a message from the WGM production or something. They've been witnessing yongseo's progress from the beginning. I am really grateful for the chuseok special because it must've help yongseo to realize they have to trust each other and face all the challenges, together. (aish seohyun, your favourite phrase is a fan of yongseo too!) I dare not to over analyze the episodes without knowing the full story.. saturday PALIII!
















@tinybeatingheart haha dont worry, lots of people actually read ALL of the posts. they might not respond to it but they do read it because knowing the thoughts of yongseo fans is great~ someone will collect ur reason. ah u might wanna see the video version they did previously?? It was not sent to yongseo that time, i believe due to time constraint but they will do it for the upcoming 300th day anniversary (printed version)
















New posters might wanna check it out & post your reason too! I Love Yongseo Because... VIDEO-LINK 
















(Please give your reason, name/nickname, age & country. and you can check out the  sweetpotatodays blog too! genvx haha im promoting the project & blog, u must reward me if we meet one day ;P)
















I feel weird posting without sharing anything, so posting some caps from the preview since it is shorter.... Will add comments afterwards
































Yong seobang still in his performing clothes, savouring the moments??
























LOL. Aren't you too happy, yong??
























Wonder what were she searching? I like this scene because it shows us that they did use & keep their stuffs in the house
























Yong & his presents. Remember the double birthday gifts? First the field, second the neclace! Now what? THREE?? Too generous, must've learn that from seohyun haha
























Seohyun's school uniform!! (for those who dont know, it is really her school's uniform design) How did he get those??
























This cap should be after the below, heh sorry. What is his plan, really?? Banmal Project???
























He's wearing a school uniform too. Fishy, fishy....
























I seriously dont know how can she survive highschool & university life with those face& smile
























*Shoujo manga scenes running in my head*
























Do you think they will hold hands? Yong's sneaky smile.
























Feel like them a royal couple trying to secretly live a normal live in the public
























There goes yong's famous "Yong mideoh" again! I wonder what is that brown building? seems like a school to me
































Credit: SNJsubs
















P/S: MAJOR HEADDESK WITH ALL THE RULES-BREAKING. I dont know, dear faithful followers of the thread, should someone send them a PM instead? but will they read it??? because i know some people are really clueless these things. They might not even realize that they are breaking the rules despite us keep on posting it here. they might not even check their inbox. ahhh man i dont know, i love this thread....
















Sorry for the long post^^
































To sun_sun & others who havent watch next week's preview
































LINK -  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZovJiMSLaY
















cr:SNJ subs












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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































































































































































































I love YongSeo because they always put a smile on my face! They are 2 totally different people... one is known as the innocent, pure maknae of Korea's most popular girl group and the other is the leader of a rock band who has more of an outgoing personality. Though the 2 are so different, they match perfectly together. What one lacks, the other has. YongSeo couple refreshens the memory of older fans who can relive their first love by watching them and for the younger fans, they can show them what first love is like. The way they look at each other gives me goosebumps! I can see love written all over their sparkling eyes! :wub: Of all couples I've ever seen on WGM, YongSeo has the most relatable, realistic relationship. They quarrel, they get jealous, they laugh together, etc. but at the end of the day, they still depend on each other like any other couple. This YongSeo fan is a fan for life! :)































































































































































































































































-Ev, 16, United States































































































































































































































































































































Aigoo! Today on Inkigayo when Yong seobang was talking about SNSD comeback next week, I got so excited! He even did the gun blowing move like his wife! :wub:

































































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I wonder if WGM will be ok if Yonghwa and Seohyun have interaction next week on Inkigayo?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have yet to watch this week's to see if Jo Kwon and Gain have any. Inkigayo airing on SBS and We Got Married airing on MBC...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't think Gain was ever interviewed on Inkigayo for her solo debut, but having a SNSD comeback interview is a definite must. Honestly I doubt MBC would care - Music Bank did have Seohyun (and Jinwoon :lol:) introduce CN Blue once. It's not like they are going to blatantly used the "WGM brand" like the Adam couple did on Family Outing. Just don't have any expectations for Yongseo interactions because most likely she's going to be standing at the end or in the back of the other girls.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyways here's the clip of Yonghwa talking about their comeback next week. :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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New members of the thread, please abide some rules... we need to keep this thread safe, for us to spazz. so please edit your posts.. those posts that were rated RED.. You know who you are...keukeukeu... You are more than welcome here, but please listen to all your sunbaes here okay? blush.gif
















I have all episodes. if you are looking for the latest episodes, just go to rdrssubs.co.cc and click the streaming/download tab to get the download links.
















to the new members of the thread, kindly edit your posts. its against soompi rules to post one liners and quoting images. some threads have already been closed and we don't want that to happen to this thread.
















to Pinoy fans
















do we have a fan clubYongSeo fan club here in the Philippines? I am not a member of any club but I really would like to join a YongSeo fan club, if any.














































I notice many pinoy gogumas too, please click the spoiler

I don't know if there are Yongseo fan club here, I'm a senior member of Joongbo PH. we just created a fan site for all JBPH fan and we gather there.. do u want to make a site for Yongseo too? We'll name it YonSeo PH or YSPH... we'll just need some moderators and such to maintain our site.









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Guest baby_bo
































































































































































































hello Pinoy gogumas..
































































Im not sure if there's a YongSeo fan club here. but i know there are a lot of yongseo fans here in the PHilippines :)
































































clumsy, jossa and I are Filipinos :) kekekek
































































It would be cool if there's a fanclub here so that we could join forces and coordinate with everyone hehehe
































































Oh and i was rewatching the episode with subs and im still loling.. :)
































































The episode is full of LOVE despite the bickering kekkeke
































































































































I like what Seohyun said at the backroom interview after the duet. And i quote:
































Seohyun: I was really relying on him. In suck nerve-wrecking situation, we could only rely on one another :) (referring to Yonghwa)































































































































I think the same thing happened during the chuseok festival. They relyed on each other :)
































































OH and Seohyun wearing that blue school uniform is the cutest. She is so pretty. They really look like a highschool couple!! They could totally pull off that Student look :)
































































I wonder what those things that seohyun wants to do, and she actually told yonghwa about it. Sweet :)

































































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Guest SophiaPia





1st, Thanks to all of u who shared raw videos, translations, fanvideos, screencaps, news, updates, imaginations, what ever it is THANKS FOR SHARING our YongSeo couple. The REAL couple wub.gifwub.gif



Cheers for sharing SNSD in Singapore.



I must admit i'm a lil bit speechless :) coz of happiness. Lots of happenings with our YongSeo whether wgm or individual work. Loads and loads of YongSeo i love it, w00t.gifwe love it right? Even the "melong/merong" scenes of hubby Yong makes us happy, the pushing and pulling scenes makes us happy biggrin.gif i guess that's my favorite scene kekeke! lovely isn't it?






Now, next week, what is the 200day surprise gift? yeah maybe using banamal/informal speech is included. MAYBE hubby Yong will really ask wife Hyun to speak to him informally. And whatever the 3 things surprise gift of hubby Yong to wifey Hyun, will wait again next saturday aigooooo! (I hope tvunetworks will inform us which channel they will show wgm)fury.gif 






HOOT next week. Music bank, then inkigayo yeah baby! and other tv guesting of the girls HOOT for sure YongSeo lovers will share here wherever they guested :)






Wgm of course we don't want to miss it, although i miss it yesterday bcoz of changing of the channel sad.gif hoping it will be all fine next week. 











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Guest rainie029


the episode today is so DAEBAKK!! haha...i love yongseo's LOVE QUARREL... it only shows that they are really really close to bicker like that..can't wait for the next episode... :)








some pinoy gogumas and i are planning to open a forum for yongseo here in the PH.. we already have text clan.. in order for us to open the forum we need some help from our fellow pinoy gogumas.. :)if you want to help us guys just pm me here.. :) thanks





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yong is a perfectionist.



all the events that he does for hyun are so heart warming. :wub:






aigoo...both type A playing the pull & push game,



its interesting to see who will eventually give up.






one of my fave scenes is their phone convo,



hyun: "it was diff w/out u"



aww.. :wub:






another one is when hyun with the boys..



is jh hyun's new fanboy? he seems pleased that hyun called him oppa. kekeke



looking at both same-day-born minhyuk and hyun sitting next to each other



makes me want to ship them too.. :sweatingbullets:






sun_sun, tks for fast sub!






i've so much backreading to do, and am slowly absorbing all gogumas analysing.



u guys are really jjang!!!






oh! and if someone doesn't quote or reply u, dont take it to heart.



one day, someone will just mention something like "i rmbr someone posted.."



and then u'll know that it is your post that they are quoting..






and to those who still post one-liner, pls edit and pls don't get defensive.



it is all for the good of this thread.



this is really a happy thread which is much loved and v precious to us all...









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Guest Maggie-Seohwa

I Love YongSeo Couple b’coz

They are so REEEAAAAL and I love the motto Yongseo Couple is SLOWLY BUT SURELY….

And my feeling its like same with all of you goguma friend…. :phew:

Why I think they are so real,,,WGM it’s only variety/reality show right,,why Yong Hwa decide they need turning point in their relationship and why seohyun upset coz Yong Hwa not keep in touch with her….I KNOW ITS LOVE AND THEY FALL IN LOVE EACH OTHER ;)

the best ep ever is Birthday celebrate :phew: until now I can’t believe it, The ring couple from seohyun. She’s change a lot… :wub:

fror j2lee thank u for translate and for sun_sun thank u for subbing the video ^^

for unnie jen (genvx) sooo proud of you…I love ur blog :P

for nazweena, redtulip24, lovekim, fengz_ , yuky and many other which is bringing news captures anything about uri couple in here SOO PROUD OF YOU :lol:

good luck with 300th project hopefully I can help u all

have a fun spazzing on twitter recently WITH GOGUMA TWEETVILLAGE…pleased join in there too  so much fun


with Love from Maggie 17 Indonesia :wub:

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Guest CallMeDayDreamer



some pinoy gogumas and i are planning to open a forum for yongseo here in the PH.. we already have text clan.. in order for us to open the forum we need some help from our fellow pinoy gogumas.. :)if you want to help us guys just pm me here.. :) thanks

Omo! i'm so excited for next week's Inkigayo...

Although, i don't want to expect something major interaction from the both of them since Inki is in SBS.

I hope there will be fancams though.

I hope we can see Yong's reaction during SNSD's performance...^_^

To rainie029

Actually, there is already an active YongSeo thread in pinoyexchange.com... i sometimes lurk there too...


PEX YongSeo Thread




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Hello Goguma lovers!
































































































































































Ah recently I'm always happy because of Yongseo couple. I got longer and longer to recover from their new episode every Saturday. Does that happen to you all too? Though I can't write here often, but I read this thread everyday.
































































































































































Like everybody else, I'm excited to see Yongseo interact on Inkigayo. I'm not hoping much. A stare between them once will send me to the moon. And I think Seo Hyun looks very sexy in the MV teaser. I kind of like the idea that she's the only one holding a bow. Watch out Yong! She's out to shoot your heart! But, maybe she got his heart all along anyway.
































































































































































I don't know if I have said this here before or not. I'm an English teacher. I found one of my student wearing a ring that is EXACTLY like Yongseo couple are wearing. I mean it. She has no clue about them, and I'm sure her mom is not too. It's just that it's really the same. Every time I teach her, I stare at her ring. I asked her where did she buy it. She said her Mom buy it in a gold shop a long time ago.
































































































































































I haven't even recover from last week's super adorable episode. And now this episode.
































































































































































My favorite scenes :
































































































































































1. I love their bickering. Really. How come they fight so sweetly like that? They were fighting but kept on smiling at each other. I like it. They looked real like that.
































































































































































2. Yong's aegyo is just WOW. I think it's the side that he only shows in front of Seo Hyun.
































































































































































3. Yong trying to put his hand on her shoulder. Failed. But kept on trying and succeeded. It was sooo cute! And she started to sing Love Light when he's near her hahaha.
































































































































































4. Seo Hyun practicing on stage with CN Blue! That was cool. She's beautiful in white! And Jong Hyun looked so awkward yet happy. I'm sure he admires his Hyunsoonim.
































































































































































5. Seo Hyun dancing with unnies with raincoats. Amazing. I know that they are not the only one practicing under the rain, but because I only see them, I think their commitment to provide a good show is amazing.
































































































































































6. I love how comfortable she was with CN Blue.
































































































































































7. Yong Hwa's phone calls and Seo Hyun saying "But it's not the same without you". Awww!
































































































































































8. Yong Hwa fetching her from the SNSD dressing room and Soo Young and Yoona got hysterical. "You look so good together!". So true unnie, so true!
































































































































































9. When they practiced together and Seo Hyun suggested Yong to touch her shoulder and then she waved him off. His look was priceless. He held his hand in the air like saying, "But I still want to touch you!".
































































































































































10. Their hip hop high five before the performance. They look so cool! And Seo Hyun looked like she's one of the CN Blue members when they all walked together in black. Rocker wife indeed!
































































































































































11. Seo Hyun enjoying CN Blue's performance and even sing to the song.
































































































































































12. The performance! I watched it like 30 times before this, but I never thought there was something wrong with the earphone! Yong Hwa looked fine and they sounded good. They are really professionals. I love to see the process since they first rehearsed in episode 28. I appreciate it more now.
































































































































































My brother watched a bit of the episode and said they have changed a lot since the first episodes. They really looked like BF-GF now. I love to see how they develop to be more comfortable. They stares, the smiles, the undeniable chemistry.....they melt me with each episode.
































































































































































And I updated my ABC series. I'm the mood for comedy and tried to write it. Whether I succeed or not, you be the judge.

















































































































































































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come out from lurker mode








Im not mad :) i am a fan of SNSD and CNB too..But i think this thread already mess up ..some of people just come here and post one liner like OMG, next week is SNSD comeback or CNB bla bla etc..Posting CNB schedules and SNSD schedules is ok i think ..since we need to know both of their schedules and pic too like Seohyun in blue clothes, Yonghwa mag pic..but stuff like unrelated to SEOHWA i think it is not necessary to be posted in here. I think i need to flip a few pages back just because i already read that news on SNSD and CND 's thread..kinda annoying sometimes..but that just me..same as like if we went to CNB thread and talk about WGM right??Seem like this is snsd thread and cnb thread...i like that idea..but sometimes, we just need to read about gogumas but then , 4 pages about unrelated thingy..








once again im not mad,sorry if what i wrote bring negative aura to these thread..but that is just my opinion ..



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Guest Soshimunky
































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi fellow Gogumas :) I just need to vent out my spazziness (if there is such a word) on the recent episode.
































































































































I love love love our couple bickering. And Yonghwa needs to let out more of his aegyo because they are mad cute!
































































































































My mouth was wide open in amazement when i read the translation for their black room interview. Yonghwa saying that he's not hiding his feeling to his buin; he was also feeling frustrated with how she is not understanding on how he's feeling. Seohyun saying that she was confused on whether or not he was being sincere with her. When i read this, I can't help but relate it to how we feel in real relationship! When I was still young and naive in my first relationship, I had the same exact feeling like them. That's why I was very surprised to see this real emotion being shown in this 'supposed' show.
































































































































Conclusion: Yongseo is real, people. Or at least, I believe they are :)
































































































































Now, just a little bit off topic but still related. My wishful thinking - to see SNSD win a mutizen for inkigayo and dorky sis-in-laws dragging Jung Seobang to dance encore with them. I'm being delusional again. Ah~ let me be. Ke ke.

































































































































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*waves to all the gogumas... NEW & OLD* :wub:

welcome new to all new posters~! :D

wow WOW WOW!!! was backtracking just now & so many interesting posts coming from u guys! to name a few... luvtokki, mrsjoker, ninyaah, blumistlaydee, coolcoke, goguma1207, heartbreak, kerube-chan, caliope, monie & goshhhh many more! LUV ur posts :)

and thanks so much to DJHinata for the awesome wally~ LOVE ITTTTT!! ekekeke

also thanks to another goguma (pls forgimme i forgot ur nickname! -.-") for that daebak cowboy yong & bond girl hyun's fanart! whoa!!! our gogumas here are pretty professional eh! kekekeek so proud to have u guys in this goguma thread! xD

jnj chingooo~!!!!!!!!! did u get to see hyun up close???! i'm sorry, can't really spazz much now. am helping bezbezbez with the project. catchup with u later yah! *hugs*

panGG dearie... i thought i could spazz with u today but i was wrong! >.< missed ya dearly! oh! any more yongseo fanarts from u??? *puppy eyes* :phew:

:ph34r: turned ON

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Guest cosmochiq
































































































































I just watched the episode with subs... thanks sun_sun for hardsubbing it. and thanks to armedbattle as well. :D last Saturday's preview made me want to pull the days so it'll be Saturday again. :D






























































































































































































































Btw, to all the Filipino/Pinoy Goguma Lovers! it's so nice to see you guys here.. if you need help putting up a fanclub for our dear YongSeo couple, I am more than willing to help. :D just send me a PM. :D hope to hear from you guys soon! :D

































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Guest desirenhope



Saw this link at twitter.


And as usual google translator is not much of a help. Base on google translator, there's aquarium and our Yongseo Couple. If it's up to my own imagination, then I'd assume they were on a date together at the aquarium?

I wish everyday is a Saturday. :D


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shane, tks for the gifs! daebak!

ah! tks also for that gif that i requested previously.

besides j2's translation, i'm also not the only one who awaits for your gifs

as well as soleil's.. sweatingbullets.gifblush.gif

we are being pampered by u guys, just like yong who likes to spoil/pamper hyun

but its all for the sake of love... :phew::lol:

yes dreamy chingu, i saw hyun goddess. she is indeed lovely!

waving and smiling anrd..

(if u got time, go over to hyun's thread, i've shared something there)

now that i've seen both yong and hyun, they DO look good together!

like redtulip said before, they're Korea's Sweetheart indeed!

in the darkroom interview, when yong said that playing the pull n push game exhaust him,

i feel like shouting to him " yeah yong, it tires me too!"

but then, one could see hyun the clueless lamb has learn something positive out of

this game. and it looks like she knows he meant well and has already forgiven him.

no worries, yong.

with all the events that he has up on his sleeve,

i'm v sure, he will earn back all his gogumas and gain even more :wub:

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