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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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ok, How did Yongseo change my life:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1) Learn the korean word - Goguma






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2) Become CNBlue and SNSD fans






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3) Listen to all CNBlue songs and start liking rock






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4) Learn that a pop star like Hyun can be beautiful, bright & still read self-help books.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































5) Learn about all the current korean pop groups































































































































































































































































































































































































- 2am/2pm/Trax/f(x) etc since I also watch WGM






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































6) Make me remember how it was like to be 20 and fall in love again






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































7) Make my Saturday special now, previously I dun really look forward to Sat






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































8) Want to go korea again to all the places they have been






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































9) Stalking this thread everyday. hahahahha

































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Guest ilovesnowwhite
















































@luvtokki haha that's one of my fave songs today, but then as they lyrics goes like this "Let's go all the way tonight
































No regrets, just love"(plus how the mv interpreted it) i erase erase erase it a a song for them. but really, it fits them! :)) so maybe there's somethingwrong of how i interpreted it. seohyun will just shake her head side by side.
































AND THE INKI COMEBACK! i just can imagine that the couple will REALLY look forward to this date. and can we expect a special stage of them TWO? in SBS?
































although its unlikely since sbsd anf mbc are rivals. >>>__<<< but still i hope soo









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Guest Crystal392
































Reading all your answers make me smile (:































Thanks to everyone for sharing info, pics and links of uri YongSeo.































Right now I have nothing to share but I just wanted to thank all of you.






















































Can´t wait for Inki next week!! ^_^:wub:









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Guest rainie029


do you guys know where can i live stream inki??




kyaa..i want to watch the girls comeback live... :P and of course the interview lol... yongseo!!


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Guest pandasoori




hmm , does anybody know what yong and hyun doing now ? freakkingly miss them . mini cooperto -_______-


am watching the old video of yong and hyuun . aigoo . saturdayyy palli palli ! i cant wait anymore .







<== recommend you watch this vid , although this is old video , but yong english is sooo HOT pluss jokwon gags daebakk !


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its so much fun reading everyone's life has somewhat changed due to yongseo.






haeanna, tks for replying my PM.



i promised myself not to read fanfics for now, am saving the best for last..






panGG, i smile when i see your wallie...yong&hyun&panGG kekeke






hi blueswim chingu, love love those caps.



'sweet angel to little devil with an evil smile'...well, who can blame her right?






geumjandi, tks for snsd schedule.



wow!! hyun will be with hubby in Inki! how cool is that?






luvtokki oppa (i'm not eligible to call u appa hehehe),



i love your take. and if i may add..






this is why we love yongseo more for not showing their 'pain' side during the horror epi.



god knows what turmoil they were feeling at that time, and i also want to thank them



for making horror special into another sweet memory not only for them but for us fans too.






coolcoke, saving the wallies, thank u :)






karenliez, tks for the snsd bond girls poster! goddess hyun and spy girls






d_????, i like that pic of yong u shared. another secret message to buin? hehe



and tks for the MV link.






aigoo genxv, what a teaser!! are u using IDKW for the continuation?



'will they be able to kiss and make up?'..



i saw yong nod his head! :wub: so this is something to look out for!! yes!






sorry gogumas, but it always seems that by the time i come into this thread,



u guys are having a rest, so that leaves me with my long



'thank u' speech crazy.gifsweatingbullets.gif:lol:






dreamy must be in tweetville now... ^_^









and if i may add one more to my list of 'how yongseo changed my life'






11. 'aigoo', 'ottoke' and 'chincha' have become a part of my everyday vocab.





has this been shared here?



yong at acoustic premier..




cr ahn_annann (cnblue thread)



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Guest scatterbrain

how did yongseo change my life?

1. keep checking news about them

2. first thing to look out for when looking at their pictures- their rings

3. considering learning guitar

4. already like CNblue, but now like them more. and starting to like SNSD

5. thinking of them whenever i see sweet potato :wub:

2am is also having their comeback nxt week, so jinwoon vs yong?can't wait to see their interaction onstage....oh wait, there is also 2pm n shinee....so fanboys vs yong?

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haeanna: uh oh! not another click! NOOOOOOOOO!! gahhh u lured me to the lair, girl!!! i can't believe this is happening! :crazy: aishhh dang! so many of them in there! @_@ i don't really like one-shots. but um was jossa's latest a one-shot? she's seriously daebak! she's got a very good analytical mind! i'm impressed... when i read her story, it was so real that i forgot it's a story! haha look what u've got me into, girl! LOL anyways, are u going to attend the 23rd concert with woolly? if u guys are, make sure to take as many shots as could & post them here ASAP yah! send my regards to all the tweeties there xD am too lazy to fly there, just got back from an activity >.< dang i miss my yongseo already haha

nad06... omigoshhh what juicy scooop u've got there! yahhh that makes me wanna see hyun all the more! no wonder yong always look at hyun in all the episodes, it's like he's checking her out KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA xD

jnj~! yo!! ackkkk u're wrong, chingoo... i thought u were gonna go to tweetville last nite so i went in but u were MIA <_< haha u're also used to be an anti fanfic? dang! gimme a bump! *yongseo-style-bump* xD seriously, did u read jossa's? she's GOOD! ohya thanks for the pic... yong is such a good lookin guy! :wub:

luvtokki, that's a great song for them~! thanks for sharing :D

thanks gogumas for evrything~! :D i enjoy all the reasons!!

oh ya...here's the eng subbed CN PINK:


and here's the vid to the pic that jnj posted. yong is such a fashionista~!

GeumJandi!!! what did hyun say about the Hoot???????

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Message From Seohyun for Hoot new mini album
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































소녀들이 일본으로 완전히 떠난 줄 알았죠?? 훗.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































갑자기 컴백한다고 해서 많이 놀라셨죠?? 훗훗.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































깜짝 컴백! 훗~!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































소녀시대의 새로운 모습 많이 기대해주세요~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































무엇보다 중요한 건 건강!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































소녀들 응원해 주시려면 지금부터 건강관리 잘 하셔야 합니다~!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































조만간 무대에서 만나요~!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































훗훗훗 ^-^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cre yurui
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You all thought So Nyeos left for Japan for good, didn't you?? Hoot.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You all were really surprised when you heard of our sudden comeback, didn't you?? Hoot Hoot.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Surprise comeback! Hoot~!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Please look forward to SNSD's new appearance/image~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































More than anything, health!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If you want to cheer on So Nyeos, you have to start taking care of your health right now~!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We will see you all soon on stage~!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hoot Hoot Hoot ^-^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































translate by ch0sshi

































































































































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Guest SophiaPia




Message From Seohyun for Hoot new mini album



소녀들이 일본으로 완전히 떠난 줄 알았죠?? 훗.



갑자기 컴백한다고 해서 많이 놀라셨죠?? 훗훗.



깜짝 컴백! 훗~!



소녀시대의 새로운 모습 많이 기대해주세요~



무엇보다 중요한 건 건강!



소녀들 응원해 주시려면 지금부터 건강관리 잘 하셔야 합니다~!



조만간 무대에서 만나요~!



훗훗훗 ^-^






cre yurui





something like this (google translation) but pls. do translate more Thanks






thought the girls in Japan completely gone? Heh.



Were you surprised that a lot of sudden comeback? Huthut.



Surprise comeback! Heh!



Girls do look forward a lot of the new look



What is more important than your health!



To give the girls cheering well now Sign Health Care!



Sooner or later I'll see you on stage!



Huthuthut ^ - ^


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dreamy, just when i want to visit tweetsville and asked my fellow



sg gogumas for snsd arrival sched, i got this promt 'tweeter has reached its capacity...'



but i've pmed anna & wolly for help.









gosh! i still can't believe goddess hyun and her unnies will be in sg either tomorrow



or Sat. dugeun dugeun



thought i would wait to get the concert tics, but its sold out like hot fried bananas!









sophia, tks for trans.



am looking forward to snsd new dance steps!



*my imagination*


what if there is a choreograph of hyun shooting the arrow?


and what if she 'playfully' shoot hubby with it at Inki...aaah.. :wub:


anna, keep those fanfics links for me k?


to tell u the truth, i always feel confused after reading fanfic.


only because i want the fic to turn into reality... :rolleyes::sweatingbullets:


and sadly, i'm not going to snsd kpop concert since i'm broke alreay! -_-


*am visiting Korea this Dec*



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Guest haeanna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































jnj: no sweat.. I'm glad I could help you ~ you and dreamyboo should try reading the fanfics..Seriously.. I've succeed in luring dreamyboo and I hope you will also.. :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































dreamyboo: LOL.. yes girl.. go click click click..Oh! so you don't really like one shot?
































































































































































































































































yup yup...jossa only write one shot..but the 'long' kinda one shot.. I agree that she's got such an analytical mind..That's why I got easily carried away after I read her story.. I've to ponder for a moment before coming back to reality.. :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































nope..I'm not attending the kpop night concert..I have some event here in uni.. as far as I know SG Gogumas such as yuki, redtulip,lovekim,woolly are attending and jnj too if I'm not mistaken..Lucky them! I've ask yuki to give live updates on twitter but that's IF she's not busyly spazzing... :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































trent: omygah!! I went out with my friend and I come back and I click the Gogumafics site and JAJANNN!!! THANK YOU FOR UPDATING! finally~~ and for the shout out.. omona!! I'm so touched you mentioned me there.. virtually head bumping to your shoulder a la Yongseo.. :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































about SNSD comeback, how I wish CN Blue's album did not got delayed.. Just imagine YongSeo promoting together like when they first met.. :huh:
































































































































































































































































but fret not as Yonghwa now is the Inkigayo's MC so I hope at least we get to see fancam whether there's interaction between them or not.. B)

































































































































































































































































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Goddess seo hyun. She was protected by her sister.SNSD Tiffany gave "Ring" to Yongseo Couple.Tiffany said singing "Ring" reminded her of yongseo couple,sometime ago seeing seohyun prepared couple rings for yongseobang, "Ring" really suits both of them.(then she talk more about the song)
































(fmv) yongseo story Ring









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yahhhh jnj!!! SERIOUSLY!!! u're going to korea in dec?!!?!?!?!?!? KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA how long!? make sure u visit all the yongseo-places! the cafes, their house... & oh, i heard cn blue is gonna have a concert in dec? it would be great if u represent us gogumas here ya know! xD hey hey why am i so worked up here??? it's not like i'm the one who's going <_< kekeke! oh so u're not gonna attend the 23rd concert huh... well, i guess i'm gonna hafta rely on yuki, redtulip, lovekim & woolly for feedbacks & goodies xD oh, when u're there in korea, make sure u try some of their gogumas. see if they taste the same as the local's LOL :P

haeanna, my bad! i thought jossa's was a "longshot" LOL! whoops! so i guess i like oneshots? :P haha to me, jossa's was pretty long (noob in fanfic world & haven't touched any novels in years!) sweatingbullets.gif oh, i think lenovo-cuz has already met jossa in person! i bet she must be enjoying her yongseo spazzing with jossa~ w00t.gif (kekeke was doing some spying in tweetville the other day :P) btw, what's the 23rd concert called? and how much are the tickets?

jechod, thanks for the wonderful fmv~! i like it~ :D

wokeh time for bed....goonite!

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Guest lovekim
























































































































thanks everyone!! eeck!! and the good news keep coming...hahaha!








































































































SNSD on Inki!!! so psyched!!muahahaha! *evil grin towards Yong~*








































































































Ok, quick promo! Gogumas in singapore or coming into singapore for the KPop Night Concert at Expo, if you wanna meet us, please come to Burger King Hall 5 Atrium, #01-13, at 6pm. I will try to get there early to find seats.








































































































You could look out for Oh Ha Ni (uri maknae aka Yukilovesyou) and a bunch of crazy women...haha! or look out for this: http://twitpic.com/2yhvku








































































































Erms, of course, we wont switch on the lightboards outside (conserve batteries!) but we should be easy to spot...(not hard at all, LOL)








































































































If possible, we'll try to do live broadcast....but think we'll be too crazy spazzing or you all will be too busy spazzing over the latest WGM episode. LOL!








































































































Few of our singapore gogumas' twitter igns are: jan92ice (lovekim), redtulip24, Yukilovesyou, DeeOmfg, jayne_wxy, lamb_bleats, andalasa, tripplemama, hallyucraze and mandyemily








































































































If all of the above don't apply to u but u still wanna meet us, give me or redtulip a PM okie!








































































































ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!! so excited!!!!!!!! SNSD coming!!!!! Muahahaha!









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hi jnj...






























































not sure if it'll be a good idea for you to go to the airport because these 2 tweets just came in a while ago and the source is supposedly the local chinese evening paper (lianhe wanbao).






































































scanationsg Kpop Scanation























ZE:A, Infinite, DN-A & FT Island should be arriving tomorrow noon. Big Bang, SHINee & Girls Generation on Saturday. Credit: wanbao





















































































scanationsg Kpop Scanation























All artists will be going out by the VIP terminal. Credit: wanbao































Do PM me if u need anything okie? Soompi's flying so fast these days. I can't catch up. :sweatingbullets:

















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Guest haeanna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































LOL jnj..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sure sure.. BUT if you want the complete lists just head down to sweet potato days managed by genxv..
































































































































































































































































there you could find complete compilations of the links to Yongseo fanfics. Just in case one day you want to try reading some..keukeu~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































dreamyboo: yes. jossa's one is a long one shot.. yup yup, katsy aka lenovo has alraedy met jossa the other days.. Lucky her! the event is called Korean Pop Night Concert 2010..
































































































































































































































































and the tickets ranging from S$ 118 to S$ 258...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































they've held the same kind of concert in 2008..with Wonder Girls, 2PM, V.O.S and U-KISS.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































okay..now I've to go sleep. Tired already and still been recovering from the awesomeness of Trent's last installment of Potato Crisis.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*off to Gogumaland*

































































































































































































































































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@jnj from what I read in soompi snsd thread that snsd will fly from japan to Singapore on Saturday morning. Reach Singapore around 4 or 6pm (cant remember the





Exact time need to backtrack lots of pages lol) then i think They will go directly to expo for the concert. They will fly back to Korea right after the concert by midnight flight. So will be difficult To catch them in airport.I don't know whether they will have time to do rehearsal with that





Crazy schedule.





@lovekim I will be going to the concert too. What do you plan to do before the concert? I may still be looking for pink lightstick though before the concert. Any recommendation where to get cheap and good pink lightstick? I feel kind of weird that I am only excited to see snsd despite the fact that there are 6 other boyband performing and I am not even a guy haha


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Guest miel_1301
















































So all SG Gogumas are all set for Saturday, 23 October 2010, for the KPop Night Concert.
















Darn it! How come Singapore is so lucky this year?--- 2 in a row... with CN Blue in August and now SNSD in October.
















To All SG Gogumas attending the concert--- lovekim, redtulip24, Yukilovesyou, DeeOmfg, jayne_wxy, lamb_bleats, andalasa, tripplemama, hallyucraze and mandyemily... and party--- Good Luck to you, ladies! I know you'll be making "history" again. Is oceanprince joining you, too? Extend all our love to Seobaby and her Unnies. And I personally will look forward again to your blow by blow accounts, tons of photos and vids.































lovekim, the lightboards are DAEBAK! I'm pretty sure you'll be able to capture Hyun's attention with those.
















Aigoo! The thread will be very busy this coming Saturday--- airing of Episode 29, the Kpop Night Concert with SeoHyun and her Unnies and YongHwa attending the Seoul Fashion Show.































Oh! Do you ladies know of SNSD's arrival in Singapore? I gathered that the girls are still in Japan. And last 20 October, there was a fan account sighting the girls having a good time in Tokyo Disneyland.



























































































































































Nothing much to share from my end except these...






























































Hope these ain't posted yet...
















YongHwa at SBS Inkigayo Recording last 17th October 2010
































I had to ensure, before posting these photos, that he's wearing THE RING. Hahaha!
















And he was... as seen on the second capture while he was going out of the car. Geez, why is everyone [including myself..hehehe!] being obsessed with THE RING?
































































cr: on pics as tagged































genxv, Goodness! Even FMV's have previews. I shall wait patiently for the complete "reveal" of your story.






























































dreamyboo, you surprised and impressed me with your FMV "The Wrath". Aigoo! How can all of you be so talented?































And to all Gogumas who have been passionately sharing just about anything of our YongSeo Couple [Mianhe if I can't name you all as we have been growing in number day by day]--- from fan arts, vid links, FMVs, photos, juicy news, updates, gifs, screen caps etc... name it and I think this is the only thread that has almost everything--- "Thank You"... Your every post is like a stress pill that invigorates me.






























































This thread just never sleeps. And it only dawned on me now the current stats of the YongSeo Thread--- with # 24,764 Replies and # 8,210,209 Views--- as I finished this post. Simply amazing!

















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