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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Good morning....
























I just read allkpop about SNSD will start full music show promotions through Music Bank on the 29th, which is just next week and i think they will make comeback stage at Inkigayo but maybe they will not take about WGM because Inkigayo from SBS and WGM from MBC








I still hope SNSD unnies will tease Seohyun about Yong seobang at Inkigayo :rolleyes:



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Guest duckduckduck















































duckduckduck: Just go to the sweetpotato site for episode 1-8 i think
































and after Run devil run subs are releasing subs for Yongseo cuts each weeks. Just go there : run devil run subs























































thank you for your help
















but i want 1080isweatingbullets.gif

















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GeumJanDi~! thanks so much for the info! yay!!! can't wait for this friday! and sunday!!! xD

i was browsing dcinside & i found these... didn't know yong had a photoshoot in japan! :w00t:

Yonghwa japanese Magazines Photoshoot

cr. dcinside

i'm slacking at work... again! >.<

yong's sooo handsome :wub:


i'm gonna have a heart attack! so cute!




cr. klaritia

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Guest digidigibob

MC Kim (jake82054) tweeted! I don't know what does this mean, but I see some 'YongSeo' there. Hmmm.

오늘 우결 녹화는 좀늦게 끝났어요..요즘 용서커플 밀당이잼나네요.아담네는 황당여행..쿤토리아..ㅋㅋ닥본사..토욜!

And according to the ever-reliable Google translator..

Jomneutge finished recording today .. We Got Married couples now mildangyijaemnaneyo forgiveness. Adam, who had traveled absurd ㅋdakbonsa .. .. .. Blah Sunday with kuntoriah!

HAHAHA! I still didn't understand anything.

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Guest toomuchsmiling












thanks for sharing!! ALREADY?? Looks like he says they finished filming for WGM today. and the Yongseo couple were STILL PUSHING & PULLING dunno wat "잼나네요" is tho?








(if there's anything i learned from this week's ep is that phrase. Mildang. push/pull) o_o;












Wednesday 27th October... New Mini Album SNSD




So... could be...




Sunday 31th October... SBS Inkigayo??












I love to see that scene to see how they react :wub::lol::P













didn't even THINK about this until u mentioned it!!! :w00t: and judging from the SUPER short teaser audio of the song, it sounds like a HOT song to me (i mean, if the PICS are anything to judge from too lol) I don't get a cute vibe from it.




















miel_1301- ohmygahhh. I got that SAME idea. here's what went thru my head at Yong's "johaseo?" moment.




omg, how rude he totally interrupted her.



omg, what's with that mad face? o_o



OMGEEE, it's jealous Yong again! bwahahaha








but yeahhh~that mad/jealous face i noticed INSTANTLY. i mean, u'd have to be dense to miss it. o_O





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Guest JaeBeth
















I Love YongSeo because watching them reminds me that I should never stop dreaming - be it about love, peace or fairy dust – because dreams fuel our souls & hearts for the journey through life.
















Elizabeth J., 23, United States.
































Hello everyone! ^^















My name is Beth. I’m a long-time lurker, first-time poster! (Procrastination is the thief of time, as they say! lol)
















I have wanted to contribute to this lovely community for a while and I figured the “I Love YongSeo because…” project would be a good excuse to finally introduce myself. So, here I am! I’m not exactly new to the K-pop scene, but I’m not an active participant in any forum/blog/etc so, this is definitely a first for me. Please treat me with love! Ha ha. :)









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:rolleyes: waah///... so hot!...
















































































singing y, why...

















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MC Kim (jake82054) tweeted! I don't know what does this mean, but I see some 'YongSeo' there. Hmmm.


오늘 우결 녹화는 좀늦게 끝났어요..요즘 용서커플 밀당이잼나네요.아담네는 황당여행..쿤토리아..ㅋㅋ닥본사..토욜!



I'll try and translate this... but looks like MCKim tweeted...


" I taped WGM today and felt as if it was late."(I'm guessing they filmed late today)


Yongseo couple with their parted state was funny (I'm guessing MCKim finds Seoyun being angry at Yong~ entertaining..)


"Adam couple went on their trip"


"Khuntoria couple kk," (I don't know what 닥본사 actually means...)


SORRY for my weird translations!! I'm Korean but it's not my first language! I tried!



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Guest Crystal392




I have to finish my homework and it's time for me to go to bed, if not I will be cranky tomorrow later on class x_x But I couldn't stop myself and check Goguma Planet.


OOOh MC Kim tweeted :) Yay! Soo seems like YongSeo is still pushing and pulling... hmmm ^_^ Thanks so much digidigobob, toomuchsmiling and Dduk for sharing it and translating it here :D


I can't wait to see uri Hyun~ and her beautiful unnies on Inki with Yong~!! hehehehe I don't want to get my hopes too up but I'm super excited for that! :w00t:


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Guest digidigibob
































































Hello Goguma villagers!
































































I have nothing important to share, just this picture of Yong and his PINK guitar pick.
































And what reminds you of PINK? Pink reminds me of Seo Hyun!
































And look, the PINK pick is on Yong's lips. HAHAHA!
































































































































I told you it's nothing important, I'm just so bored today. HAHAHA.

































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I'll try and translate this... but looks like MCKim tweeted...
















































































SORRY for my weird translations!! I'm Korean but it's not my first language! I tried!















































































you're awesome!








































i quoted you in the khuntoria thread so their fans can get the spoiler as well. I hope you don't mind!! if you do I'll delete my entry! 








































anyhow thank you for the quick translation! you're a goguma angel for helping us satisfy our curiosity so fast!!!








































thank you thank you thank you!









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Guest Crystal392




Because I decided I will take a 5 minute break from studies and chill at Goguma Planet with my lovely Gogumas. I was stalking dcmarried and found this:







Hyun~ taking care of her Yong~






cr:dcmarried ( http://gall.dcinside.com/married/521396 )







{Fancam}CNBLUE shooting at Incheon airport Oct 19 2010


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Guest SophiaPia




yes! me too excited about the new mini album of the girls YEAH BABY! and excited to see them promoting it in all music show including inkigayo which YONGSEO couple might bump to each other :)


So, probably this coming saturday YongSeo epi, during practice they still pushing and pulling each other but maybe after their special stage performance both will settle their CUTE lovers quarrel and celebrate their 200 days wub.gif 


We need to love YongSeo couple whether they are lovely dovey or having lovers quarrel. 






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i've been DEAD because of all this crap in my life and so i just now finally got to watch this last episode with subs. thanks to everyone for EVERYTHING! i always say this because i seriously mean it! from goodies, to rumors, to translations, to just being a goguma spazzer! hahaha. i've come and gone through the thread the past few days but i havent had a chance to watch the episode so i never commented, but i read everyones and saved a bunch of goodies. now my computer may explode gogumas because its so full of yongseo love!






so i streamed the episode this past saturday, and i was like "what?!" because i did not understand a single thing that was going on. hahaha. i seriously needed some translations. so now after 4 days and downloading RDRsubs video, the episode was 10 times better then it was the first time i watched it!






so i seriously loved the intro part to this episode. the song was so sweet showing their double birthday recap. and hyun seriously did look like a goddess when she was getting makeup put on her. she's so pretty. and when yong walked in, i was like OMG how hott in that hoodie! when he went to go wash her hair, this was one of my favorite scenes. especially because hyun's expression when she realizes its him. she's got that surprised and happy look and its so geniune and you can so totally tell that that month away from each other, she really did miss him. even if she is mad at him. the good feelings always come out first ;)


















when they were getting their hair fixed and hyun was being super cold to yong, i think he was starting to sweat, but was trying to keep the mood up because thats what he does, his the mood maker, but hyun always kills it with her honesty. i love it! hahaha.






when they move to the sofa, yong automaticly cringes in the corner because he knows whats coming. hahaha. this is hilarious to me for some reason. his scared of her wrath, yet he knows his the one that caused it.












and she's all like "fuss up what's been going on with you?!" and his like... "well i didnt contact you because i thought if i didnt, you'd think of me more and miss me more." well duh, yong! hahaha. and he goes on to say that he had to controll himself so bad from contacting her. and of course hyun is just like "WHAT?!?!?!?!" my exact reaction as well. i would have honestly killed him if i was her. even if i love him to death, i would have killed him just for that, lol. but his so cute and childish when his like "you missed me didnt you?" and she's like "i was worried!" and when i thought about it, i think she must have been worried about his vocal nodule. awww. but i think yong got what he wanted, yet he didnt, because his about to find out what it feels like to be in her shoes. and how adorable was the head to the shoulder thing. i know everyone has talked about it already, but i have to spazz too! i have stared and stared at the cap and if you look at their expressions, it looks like hyun's thinking "your such an richard simmons but i'm glad to see you" and yong's thinking "i'm sorry and god i've missed you" like how his eyes close when he leans in. goddd its killing me! hahaha.


















when they recieve their mission card for their special stage, i was so happy! i went to go rewatch all the fancams and performance! hahaha. i'm kind of sad they didnt air what they did after this. i wonder if they will show the rest of the day later on... we'll see!






when they are finally in the studio to practice i thought they looked so cute together here! she's so girly and his kind of hott in his open collar shirt. i love his wanna be "guitar riff" sounds and i seriously thought the remix was cool!












then when they started spliting up the lyrics. gosh, i know the mcees were saying that they fit, but it was just so hilarious because its like hyun really planned for the lyrics to go like that! yong is like :( the whole time. i love it! hahaha. yong feeling low. but i still love him. she was so happy and satisfied it worked out how she wanted it! hahaha. and i guess when i watched the performance back then the lyrics didnt really register because i thought they were just going to perform the song since snsd performed Oh! cause i wanted them to, but i liked rdr too. haha funny how all these things are coming together now! i cant wait until we actually catch up with the actual present recordings. and when they ended with love light and she said they should end together for a "happy ending" she wants one, and is planning one, i think, thats why she said it the way she did.


















this is the cutest part of the whole episode, where they are playing around trying to "reherease" how they are going to perform. this must be really different for hyun since yong, the rookie, is trying to give pointers to her. but i love how she's so silly about it and yong is trying to not laugh so much at her so she does it right and as always incouraging her! i love all the laughs and stares and indirect touching and the guitar! gosh, what a lucky guitar! first yong then hyun then yong! lol.




























































one thing i really want from yong is for him to sing love light to her. ONLY. how freaking sweet would that be?






my favorite line in this next part is "i dont need the details!" lol hyun is telling yong about her photoshoot with TRAX, espeically jungmo oppa, who we know yong is super jealous of. and i think hyun brings this up just SOOO she can rub it in his face that this is what he MISSED while he was doing the "pull and push". lol i love her retribution. you go girl! (i just totally broke out into song just then--hyori's u-go-girl, :lol: ) yong is trying so hard to keep his jealous on the dl but you can see it in his eyes and his smile and his body language and... and... well its YONG! his "did you like it?" was a dead give away! hahaha. and yong totally changed the subject when hyun mentions that "everyone said they looked good together" by saying "was it heavy?" because of course he only wants people to think that THEY look good together. and which we goguma lovers know that YONGSEO always and forever will look great together! and i remember reading someone's post about that gif of yong doing the "but we became closer" with the sound and everything and i have watched that scene like !23456434245325342 times. lol i love it! childish yong who we love and adore! hahaha.










































and one thing I DO NOT UNDERSTAND is the part where he says that the 29th is his "lunar birthday" what is that? lol confused much? yes i am! hahaha. and of course i never doubted that hyun didnt know it was their 200th day. i love how she's not giving into yong at all. girl power! i'm such a girl. but i still love yong. i remember someone had mentioned a jerry mcquire quote about "we live in a cynical, cynical world, you complete me, i miss my wife" well i just thought of one by dorthy, the wife of jerry mcguire "i've listened to a thousand sob stories (yada yada yada) and i agree, men are the enemy! men are the enemy, but, but... i still love them." okay thats not it in its entirety but close enough, lol. and it fits so much into this i think, although its not like they are really estanged here like they were in jerry mcguire. but for those of you who havent watched that movie, GREAT MOVIE! one of my favorite tom cruise movies of all time!


















when hyun mentions thailand yong immediately askes if she got him anything? and of course she said NO! Shoo boy?! lol okay not ghetto like that but you guys get what i'm saying. and of course this dissappoints him, uh duh! but then she of course reveals she did. which is sweet because we know she's really thinking about her husband while his still unsure. geezz these two just need to hurry up and confess their undening love for each other already! hahaha. impatient? yes i am! haha. (i'm talking to myself a lot in this, sorry!) and has anyone pointed out that hyun's excuse about not buying yong a present is exactly like his "excuse" for not texting hyun on her birthday?! omg, i just found something that i never even thought about! hahaha. love it! hyun really knows how to keep HER MAN in check. haha. i bet this is the first time yong has been in THIS kind of a relationship! hahaha.






also after watching this episode, i wonder how much influence hyun recieved from her unnies, because (like i always do, i'm going to now do some DORM ROOM imagination) i can totally imagine her mooping about and her unnies are probably all like "go ahead and call him already!" T.T annoyed of course but hyun will refused because she's a girl and his the guy! and then her unnies will be like "well its the 21st century! its okay if the girl calls the guy first!" and then hyun considers it... but then she says "NO! i bought him the ring, we held hands, he needs to call me, his the GUY!" and the unnies finally start agreeing and thinking about it some more and then say "your right! forget about calling him! if he wants to be worthy of you he needs to work at it!" and they all are shouting at each other about why yong isnt this, isnt that (best unnies ever!) and hyun will just sit and stare at her phone with revenge lurking in the corner of her brain! hahaha. at the CN BLUE dorm during the whole month of NO communication what so ever: "HYUNG AH!!!!!!!!!! call her already man! your making this place too freakind depressing!" this is coming from minhyuk and jungshin, i can totally see them nagging with jonghyun looking on from the sofa. yong looks at his phone and pouts his puppy pout and when his about to reach for it, the cn blue brothers lean in with him, and then yong jerks back and hugs the sofa pillow tighter and they all make a huge AIGOO!! lol. "i cant do it! i need to do this. i need to know she feels just the same way! hell i feel almost closer to her now because i feel like a mad stalker checking everything she's doing!" yong confesses and his brothers just stare on with big eyes "i need this for the song...(i dont know why)" and at that the brothers AIGOO again and with their heads down, minhyuk and jungshin go off to sulk in their rooms because they miss their sister in law's cheerfulness (in a totally brother to sister way) and how she always makes their hyung happier and NICER. lol and jonghyun is still sitting out in the livingroom with a fidgetty yong, "hyung." yong grunts. "hyung." grunt. "hyung." GRUNT! "hyung." GRUNT?! "hyung." yong throws the pillow at jonghyun, "what?! i said 'GRUNT?!'" (lol) "i want pork soup!" lol (this is in tribute to the pork soup couple! lol refer to cn blue thread and chiari's blog lol).











gosh, this was so much... sorry for it being so boring. i think i'm going to put it in a spoiler again...






i miss everyone! and cant wait for this weekend!






edit i topped on my day back?! but have no fear! i might have something to share in a bit. be patient! :w00t:






edit 2 hope you guys like this! i did it super fast! hahaha.












i call it CNBLUES WINTER FUN! lol i miss yongseo interaction with the cn blue brothers!






here are the originals if you were curious how i made them! do you see them holding hands? :wub: hahahaha. my favorite part of the whole picture! OH!! MAKE SURE YOU [X] OUT OF THE gumgum advertising thing (why does that show up now?!) to see the hands! and i'm always cutting out that one guy with cn blue. his always in the perfect spot to cut! hahaha.














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Guest monie1909

오늘 우결 녹화는 좀늦게 끝났어요..요즘 용서커플 밀당이잼나네요.아담네는 황당여행..쿤토리아..ㅋㅋ닥본사..토욜!

Mc jake tweet something about "Forgiveness couple exciting mildang".Translator..

Edit:Err,sorry..you guys already post it. :sweatingbullets: Thanks Dduk

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Guest glitterspark
















































am back with some great news..
















checked out snsd's soompi thread, and found out that OH! album is #2 on hanteo!!
















their gee single is also #2 in oricon!!!
















OMG the power of buin and her unnies!~~~

















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seohyun and tiffany- sometimes -radio-
















































































the song really fits for seo hyun..hehe...

















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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks for MC Kim's tweet. I used google translator. from what I can decipher, it seems that Yong and Hyun is still pushing and pulling (milddang). and I think Seohyun is still mad. but MC Kim can't reveal too much info about WGM. so we'll have to wait for Saturday to see if Yong would be forgiven and if the matter would be resolved. :)

































































































































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Guest graxhaie
























































I'll try and translate this... but looks like MCKim tweeted...
















































" I taped WGM today and felt as if it was late."(I'm guessing they filmed late today)
















































Yongseo couple with their parted state was funny (I'm guessing MCKim finds Seoyun being angry at Yong~ entertaining..)
















































"Adam couple went on their trip"
















































"Khuntoria couple kk," (I don't know what 닥본사 actually means...)
















































SORRY for my weird translations!! I'm Korean but it's not my first language! I tried!































































































thanx for the translation, quote this in pinoyexchange thread, hope you won't mind...thnx!









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Guest Crystal392




hahaha suppossedly I only took a 5 minute break from my studies but it somehow turned into 30 minutes xD :lol:





But I'm glad I checked the thread again, panGG I was laughing, giggling and squealing while reading your post (specially the spoiler ;) )! I missed youu!! *hugs*





glitterspark: Thanks for sharing that! :w00t: SNSD jjang! ^___^


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