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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest ilovesnowwhite
















































oh while backtracking some topicson Sweetpotatodays blog  i came across this pictures.
































this was posted by lovekim. i just want to repost this.








































yong wearing a pin with "200" on it. Did yong bought it? or hyun gave it? ^^
































saturday. come fast!
































and this i never realized this until you pointed out

I agree with people here, I hope SNSD will perform in Inkigayo. it would be interesting to see how he interviews ALL his sister-in-laws, plus how would Seohyun react with all of that.
































wohoo. i can imagine how her unnies will tease them. its gonna be love love love









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ichigo-chan~! i LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE them all!!! am greedy so i'm taking them all yah! :D hugs u for all these lovely wallies! :wub:

erxmeeza... no worries~! i always park myself in cnblue thread & they're no more fuming about WGM. even if they do... it's not very serious. just some kinda dissatisfaction. they'll get over it with time. besides, we do that in here sometimes. so it's pretty normal. ;)btw, u're the same age as me & same country too! *hi 5 yongseo style* xD

heartbreak: me too... i'd luv to see their reactions in inki :w00t:

this is an MV showing hyun's wrath...

FMV Yongseo - The Wrath


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Guest baby_bo
































































Hello everyone :)
































I love YongSeo because
































They bring me so much joy just by watching them being together. They are my bonus after a long hectic work….and just by watching them go through this relationship (yes! Even if this is a virtual union, it still is!) they let me see that being with or loving someone need not grand things. YongSeo to me is love at its simple best!!!
































Amore, 40, Cebu Philippines
































(currently residing in Abu Dhabi, UAE)
































To all YongSeo lovers…”love begets love” , love YongSeo UNCONDITIONALLY..till the end…let us embrace our couple in complete package…and thank you so much for all your posts, shared vids, images, POV’s…reading all of it is a delight for this ajumma LOL…
































Take care of each other Gogumas.
































Baby_bo….hehehe look I posted already!!! Miss yah..hope to bump you in FB..hugz..































































yey!!! hello there ate :)
































finally you're here .. no lurker mode hehe
































good morning everyone!!!
































thank you so much for participating in the project.. continue on posting your reasons pls for those who haven't posted yet :)
































Oh and that Tiffany interview, is that true?? that's pretty cool!

































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I Love Yongseo Couple because








* their eyes so sparkling when they meet each other...















* they always make me happy every time i see them...















* their story became one of the beautiful fairy tale...
























I do not know what else I have to say about them...my heart has been hypnotized by them















the last thing I can say is they are the reason why every Saturday I do not want to be disturbed...








sorry for my bad english blush.gif








Rica 27, Indonesia



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Guest sohwl90

hi all goguma villagers,

this will be my first post cuz i want to be a part in the 300 days project.

 I LOVE YONGSEO BECAUSE they have taught me to appreciate my girlfriend more. it's fate that bring two strangers together but it's the two that will write thier own love story. 

weiliang, 20, Singapore

i came across WGM through my girlfriend and instantly i am hook on them and become a yongseo shipper. i have never ship an idol before so even myself is amaze how i love this couple so much w00t.gif

YONGSEO reminds me of my relationship now becuase its my first love. just like them, we are in our early stage of relationship experiencing and slowly discovering new things (jealousy, skinship, lover quarrels, sweetness...). we are getting our license together and even decided to learn korean together kekeke biggrin.gif

regarding the issue on ep 28, i think we need to consider the many factors behind the reason why yong has not contact hyun for 1 month. from a guy pov, in general we do do that sometimes to get reassurance from the girl like, "do i mean something to her" or "will she miss me and contact me". but in this case, yong is an idol who has a lot to take into consideration for what he say so i would think that he had say what guys would say normally to be safe but we all know he backfired HAHAHA. (hyun expression after hearing that is daebak!) :o

sry for all the blabbing and lets make love not war because aug 3 happens to be my birthday biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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Guest AsianKateBella















































I Love YongSeo because....They Belong Together >..<















































































Since First EP untill now, I can see how Yong and Hyun fallin in love slowly deeply and make me believe that is REAL LOVE....I'm happy so much when i see Yong & Hyun together ......Honestly before i'm Yong Hwa Fans and when i know he will come to this show (WGM) i'm Jealous Yong tongue.gif    because I don't know how about SeoHyun ....















































but now i want to tell YONG Don't Let's she gooooo from you....She The best girl for you......I LOVE SeoHyun too much kekekeke...















































Yong Let's me know about korean word more...Like...DAEBAK ...&..Jashik....ㅋㅋㅋ































































"Love Light" have the meaning more & more when i 'm listening this song...















































Hyun make me want to be same her style ,kekeke....















































and now i can say me from  Boice  to Gogumas and Sowon NOW!!!














































































KateBella 32,Thailand















































sorry for my poor Eng.














































































I just want to show some pix i did it from myself..DSC08747.jpg bDSC08758.jpgut it not good much sorry...

























































































































































































































































































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Guest teoki61
















































































































































































































































































I love Yongseo because every time I watch them or think of them they put a smile on my face














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Derya, 19, Turkey















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest lovely_ocean








I love Yongseo because they warm up my heart. I love them individually but when they are together, their charm becomes double, triple and more and more. They are sincere and I can see they genuinely care for each other. That's why I cannot stop loving them.




Lisa(a.k.a. lovely-ocean) 27 from London



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Guest 08trip08
































































































Annyong! i want to join with 300th Day Anniversary Project too.
































































i love YongSeo because i love seeing this lovely couple together, when they're eyes meet each other it looks like full of love. not just from the sparkling eyes, but from the gesture too. i really love this couple. it feels like i'm in love too when i see them :wub:. I wish all the best for both Yonghwa and Seohyun.














































































































































































































08trip08, 21, Indonesia














































































































































































































thank you :)
































































































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Guest gogumafan






I was listening to Hyun's song "It's ok even if it hurts" and I thought of the previous discussion on how's CNBlue's song "I don't know why" was Yong's way of expressing how he felt during the "silent" period.  I just thought that Hyun's song matches how she could have felt and thought during the time she couldn't get a hold of Yong.  I'm posting the English lyrics below.  :wub:






**Alrighty....back to work.






Seohyun - It's ok even if it hurts Lyrics (English)



It's okay even if I can't see



It's okay even if I can't breath



If I could meet you only once



If I could give you all my heart






How much more do I have to miss you



So that maybe you could know my heart?



How much more do I to cry and cry



So that tears could be dry?






Does it hurt because of loving you?



Is it the punishment for loving you so much?



Even though you say that I can lose everything



It's okay if I just have you to be with me






Even if my heart is broken when loving you



Even if my heart is separated when waiting for you



It's okay because I love you



It's okay even if I get hurt






The farther I turn away so as to forget you



The more I miss you, What can I do



Even when you keep telling me it's not right just






to keep me away from you



You are the only one to me, What can I do






Does it hurt because of loving you?



Is it the punishment for loving you so much?



Even though you say that I can lose everything



It's okay if I just have you to be with me






Even if my heart is broken when loving you



Even if my heart is separated when waiting for you



It's okay because I love you



It's okay even if I get hurt






Even if I get poisoned and pricked



My love for you can't stop



I will wait for you until forever



I will endure even if it hurts and hurts






Because of loving you more



It's okay even if tears fall down



It's okay even if it hurts...









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Guest DJHinata

Hey Hello goguma lovers!!! how loooong!! >o< omg how many post!!! i have to read a lot D_D !! But thankyou for all the LOVE *o*

Here something for Yongseo Lovers en español 


Hola chicos y Chicas que Hablan en español pero nos comunicamos en Ingles aqui en soompi! un maravilloso lugar pero hey porque no tener nosotros nuestro lugarcito tambien y asi atraer a mas gogumitas que no puedan o no saben leer en ingles muy bien ?! Bueno junto con otras chicas se nos ocurrio traducir el Blog Oficial de Sweet potato Days Obviamente con el permiso de Su creadora lo hemos hecho y aqui esta 

Sweet Potato Days in Spanish ♥

YonSeo Couple in Spanish

Tambien hemos creado el FanPage de Facebook ~~ 

Espero se sientan comodos aqui en soompi como en las paginas que hemos creado para su comodidad ^^ 

Thankyou for all the pictures and walls and artworks ! i'm been busy lately D_D ! so i miss you guys T__T dreamyboo, crystal_malfoy caliope, baby_bo !! T_T and obviously the other girls too !! *3* ! 


i love YongSeo couple because...

 they make me feel to want to be a better better in  all ways possible, They make me believe in love one again in pure an naturaly love ! 

They make me happy, they make me a little bit more curious about everything , because thank to them i know you Soompi Thread (all the person who love yongseo too)

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Guest YongSeoForever












I love YongSeo because they make me smile and feel life is so wonderful. They just make a difference to my life. I am grateful to get to know these two wonderful people in my life. My life would suck without YongSeo.














Cindy 21, Toronto





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Guest YongxHyun
















































I just read a post saying seohyun had the same clothes in the salon and also visit the cancer kids































so does it mean hyun and yong go together after the salon filming?































so arent hyun suppose to be mad....but she still went to visit the cancer kids with yong???































or is it...hyun is not really "that" mad from what we saw in that ep...

















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Thanks to all the lovely gogumas for sharing your love for our couple on " I Love Yongseo Couple because"
































































































































































































































































































































We have nearly 90 postings from the last few pages, from Clumsy's fanfic thread and direct emails, we still need another about 100 reasons to go. I am sure that we can hit the number within the week.
































































































































































































































































































































A gentle reminder to put your name, age, country at the end of your post so that we can show our couple that we are from different ages and countries.
































































































































































































































































































































So for the following gogumas from the first batch and the current batch, most of you missed out  your age and country. Please post here or PM me the information.





































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Trent, MrsAthenaG, Crystal (Peru) you posted during the first batch too. I assume you want to update your answer to the latest one?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Emily 26 OC USA <3

































































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Guest missmoomin101

I love Yongseo....

                ....  Because they make me smile after a hard day!  It's rare to come across two individuals as caring, sincere and polite as the Yongseo couple.  They make me believe in finding true love again, and because of that, I'm no longer afraid to wait for 'the one'.   Their on-screen boy-meets-girl story has captured the imagination of hundreds of people across the world and that's why I love Yongseo, and always will!

Jani, 24, London (UK)

Edit:  Topped the page!  A first for me w00t.gif I don't have much to share, but I just wanted to say that episode 28 was not terrible at all.  In fact, it showed the growth of the two as a couple.  Hyu~n has really transformed into the pretty butterfly she is, and Yonghwa is doing what men do best; acting like a child to get the attention of the girl he likes! 

It has to be love.wub.gif  

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Guest Goguma06



I love Yongseo because... J'aime Yongseo parce que...

I can easily identify myself to them. They are both down to earth and real. They make me believe that, pure and genuine love, still exits in this world of corrumption, war, violence and sadness. I just love them for those simple and honest reasons :)

Yongseo couple hwaiting!!

Joanie, 19 , Québec, Canada


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Wow.. this is so amazing. Almost 100 posts about I Love YongSeo in just a few days. You guys are JJANG! Thank you, tahnk you, thank you everyone. Thank you also bezbezbez, baby_bo and redtulip for compiling and spreading the word. Wow, I'm really amazed by you awesome fans.
















































































Just so my post isn't full of me gushing forever. Here is a funny video of maknae (awww.. poor her but I can't help laughing!)
















































































SeooHyun appearing and dissapearing
















































































And also a really cute fanart posted on the SNSD thread
















































































credit: sosiz

































































































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Guest kaklongshah






I have confident to come out from my silent lurker because i want to share my opinion about this couple. I started watching WGM since season 1. However since my favorite couple left the show, then i stopped watch WGM. One day my friend told me that yonghwa would join WGM season 2 and he would be paired with seohyun.This seems interesting because i wanted to know what are the real character of yonghwa since he became an actor in ' you're beautiful' and lead a new band at that time(in jan CNBLUE started their journey). In the case of seohyun, i knew SNSD earlier but i did not know well about seohyun because she was seldomly appeared in other reality shows compared to her unnies (e.g: yuri and sunny -->invisible youth, taecyon--> win win, yoona, teacyon, tiffany -->guest in 'family outing'). i had also watch their own show likes 'hello baby', but what i could conclude about seohyun is that she talks lesser than her unnies, not a cheerful person like her unnies, s0metimes she might be a serious person and not express her feeling in front of camera.


why do i love yongseo couple?


I start watching yongseo couple since ep 1. Then i become addicted to this couple as i found something 'different and new' about this couple. Even though their progression are slower, but this makes them to understand each other very well. They are like 'an arrange married couple' which their parents paired them without they knew each other first. From then, they start to explore and journey their life together and learn new things. Yonghwa become more responsible, analytical, and optimistic person. Meanwhile Seohyun become more cheerful, able to express her feeling, open to opposite sex relationship and become more beautiful each day (she is not 'seobaby' anymore as she is now becoming 'seolady').


kaklongshah, 24, Malaysia



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Guest Cherryhana88








I Love Yongseo Couple because...




Their love is pure and ‘G’enuine




'O’blivious when they’re together (sorry can’t think of better words for O)




Their love is as precious as ‘G’em/They're 'G'rateful to one another despite their love quarrel,bickering




U’nique & special in their own way




They make WGM ‘M’emorable and Meaningful




Most ‘A’dorable and Affectionate couple I've ever seen..




Hana, 21, Malaysia



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Why i love YongSeo couple?








































i love yongseo couple because








































they remind me of first love.. pure,innocent,young and beautiful..








































and like the a blooming flower in spring..








































their relationship is close to reality..








































or should i say more of the normal couple...








































starting as stranger but as day pass by








































became more closer with each other.








































though their not like the other couple








































who have much skin ship with








































each other that aspect alone makes them unique..








































they complement each other..








































really i can't i put the right words to








































described why i love them.








































kjoyce 19 philippines..









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