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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hi all gogumas! I’ve been in this thread since September, but I’m a lurker before. Now I went out of lurker mode because I wanna participate on 300th day project of goguma couple. But first, nice to meet u all!  :D








To tell you this, I need explain about what happen to me 1 year lately (I’ll try not to write a long post :P)




For the last 1 year, I’ve been in depression. Yes, I’ve so many problems the last 1 year. And it made me go in depression for 1 year. Moreover, I start to think about suicide. And I almost do that (but thanks to god, I still remember Him, so I never do that stupid thing). Slowly, my problems solved one by one. I start to stop thinking about suicide. But don’t know why, I still feel depressed. And may be u know that someone who feel depressed will just spend his time alone in his room or another quite place. So do I. I just locked my self in my room and thought about how bad my days and my life. I try, really try hard, to do something and stop thinking about that bad thing. But I just can’t do it, I don’t know why. And things start to change after I found about yongseo (I’ve known yongseo since june or july) and this thread. In unpredictable way, I just really really happy and laugh ear to ear whenever I watch yongseo (even the last episode). And I feel really satisfied every time I go to this thread because I found so many interesting thing and opinions about my lovely couple. And without my knowing, I’ve spent my time with happiness and never think about depression anymore. Yeah, yongseo has gift me a happily way to spend my time. Not again think about bad thing, but just laugh, feel the loveliness, and feel happy. And it’s changed my mood so much. Now, I don’t feel depressed anymore. Yeah, sometimes I suddenly feel blue out of no where, but I just have to watch yongseo or read this thread, and TADA! I’ll feel happy again. Thanks so much for yongseo and this thread. I love all of you guys! :D




So, I LOVE YONGSEO COUPLE because they simply can make me aware that there are so many wonderful things in this world, and that God can always give happiness in unexpected ways (for example, God gave them to each other :wub:). And therefore, we (or may be I) should always appreciate life, no matter what.




Ah, I think I’ve ended up with a long post, I’m sorry. :sweatingbullets:


Thank you all gogumas villagers! (Oh, I’m sorry if my English isn’t very good, I’m not a native ^_^)




From: dm88, 22, Indonesia






Emm, may I ask something? Will yongseo read all of these reasons that all gogumas have written? Can someone make sure about that?



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Guest raindrops_919
















annyong GOGUMA   :wub:
















@ jnj, dreamyboo, genxv : komashimidaaa   :wub:
















@ dm88 : omo dear, no more tear okey..welcome to our family *hugs* let's be happy  :wub: btw i'm from indonesia too
































i've watched cn blue I don't know why (live at Namba Hatch Osaka), yong's got the feeling, he's even close his eyes..omo i think he really sorry..it's kind of sad at "don't tell me goodbye" part  :(
















since snsd makes a come back, i hope yong and hyun will meet a lot at inkigayo..we'll keep an eye on inkigayo right??   :lol:
















hyun looks so gorgeous in the teaser..omo yong must be very proud to have such a beautiful lady..   :wub:
















got nothing to share  -_- back later with some goguma goodie bag   ;) annyong *waves at everyone*









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I love YongSeo Couple because they make me feel REAL.......

Whenever i watched them every Saturday, even in real life we concerned that it was reality show and been filming and been editing, but i never felt any fake/acting movement...either they are good actor and actress  or vice versa.....I love to watch their progress in relationship....starting from awkwardness till both of them feel to take care about each other......from shyness the moved to very comfortable next to each other / walk with holding hands together....all this factors makes me feel more more and more real.......

They teach me alot about relationship, even we know Hyun has zero experienced, but watch her during the process, it's taught us something new about relationship....

YONGSEO FIGHTING.......Goguma Villager Fighting......

Peace...Make Love Not War


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Guest .:love_ya:.









LoveYa... I'm not 100% sure, but I think RDR subs are usually translated from Chinese subs. So sometimes things can be lost in translation. Once again I'm not sure if this info is accurate but I did remember reading it somewhere on here.
































































Oh I see. :D
































































hihi it feels different when the threat is full of love again ^^
































































Gogumas are busy giving their reasons of love for uri YongSeo couple,
































































it feels weird if I just change the topic :D
































































But I wanna point out that Hyun suddenly changed her way of addressing Yong in Ueno Juri episode
































































She went from calling him Yong oppa to Yong nampeon :D
































































I wonder what Yong did to pull her back from the frustration of that one month silent-treatment hehehe
































































oh one more thing, gogumas :D
































































why do you think Yong wanted to sing this line when they were practicing in the room?
































































"you're caught, you made me angry." :D
































































doesn't it suit Hyun more? -.-









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Guest sweetcake_
















YongSeo show me that love is true, and being in a relationship is good thing. I've always been a not-so-positive person when it comes to love. I did not believe in love, not at all. But then YongSeo came to my worlds, by watching them, I realized how beautiful is LOVE. Each and every moment Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun together, they bring the feeling of happiness into me. I love YongSeo, I love them love them so much, because they are my LOVE LIGHT.



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Guest littlebiebie

Hi, Gogumas.. :lol:

I have nothing to share about Yongseo here but just read dm88's post and I want to share Yongseo's love which affect us, Gogumas Villagers..

to dm88 :

I got my eyes teary reading on ur story. I have a same experience as u did but it's not me who depressed but my lil' sister. And u even have the same age as her 

;)  It happened 3 years ago. I don't know exactly what happened to her but she really make us worried and scared because everyday she locked herself in her room, played that hardcore music out loud. She pushed her family aside, don't want to talk or else. Every time I asked her something It will end up she screamed or scolded me. So I kept quiet. She started to write strange stuff in her book such as her intention to suicide or she hated someone, etc. I also found out that she sliced her wrist. Remembering that time everyday I was afraid that I might lose her. I cried and prayed everyday asking for God's way to help her. But I know one thing I love her very much so It's really hurt me if she thought no one love her. So everytime she berserked or screamed nothing I can do except hugged her and telling her I love her. Even if she refused I keep on hugged her. I watched her day by day and slowly she started to opened up to me, her family, her friends and to the outside world. I am really proud of her that she survived that day and live happily as she supposed to. Now she is a happy mother of 1 month baby boy, a wife who being loved and love her hubby very much. And you should be proud of yourself, dear.. :lol:

I remember there is a saying "true love affect others" And I know It's true because you believe Yongseo is true love then It affects you in one or other way :wub: So.. Can this unnie hugs you too?:D

Goguma family is DAEBAK!!! :lol:

So many things worth await for...

1. Waiting for SNSD's Hoot single to be performed at Inki (Hopefully SNSD win. I want to see Yong nampyeon reaction.. kekeke..)

2. MC Jake's twits tomorrow (Let's hope he will post something)

3. Of course awaiting for next epi this Saturday

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Hi villagers/gogumas!! …(LOL, I say hi as if im a regular poster.No Im not, I’ve been loyal lurker and stalker of this thread)
































































































































Thank god the thread has return to it normal mode..after posting why I love yongseo (I don’t think you guys have notice me since this thread is moving so fast :blink:  ),I just realized something…so,right now i just want to post random post of mine…haha… this is just random and not to mention my bad English…so,just ignore this if you are not interested and don’t want to scratch your head trying to understand what im trying to say … blush.gif …to those who  read this, please bear with me…phew.gif






























































































































































































































































































































































































































okay I’ve warned you…seriously,are you still reading my post??…okay..let me proceed….like I said before, I just love yongseo so so much and my love for them is unconditional. As much as I love them,I also love this thread so much. Why?
































































































































1.       This is my first time following an open thread like this. I accidentally found this thread upon searching for first episode of yongseo. The best part is, I get hooked. My day will not complete without checking and refreshing this thread every 5 minutes!. All the screencaps, translation, pictures, fanart, news , observation made and shared  by all of the awesome gogumas are just deabak! the thread has never once failed to make me smile and giggle all the way:) . Even my colleagues are teasing me of having an amazing new boyfriend ..oh!my wish.. :P !haha…
































































































































2.       I used to be very skeptical a.k.a pessimistic about every single thing in life. I keep questioning and doubting everything. Even when there are good things  happen to me, I simply couldn’t believe it and kept thinking that something bad will soon happen.(haha…I do sound like a pathetic person don’t I?) After following this thread and knowing all positive gogomas like baby_bo, dreamy_boo,crystal_malfroy d3_seohyun,miel (just to name a few) that try to keep positivity in this thread, I too have become one. I guess all of you have changed me,in a good way of course. All of your positive, constructive, inspiring, overwhelming and lovely posts have been influencing the way I see the world..:)..  . Seriously and I don’t even try to exaggerate. I’ve also learn that there is no way to please everyone and you always have the choice of being happy. I always kept in mind,one of our lovely poster,baby_bo post..she once said…’why would you dwelled so much on unhappy things when we have to right to be happy'..(something goes with the line) …it really struck my head ..:rolleyes: ..so,right now I declare myself as a happy gogumas!and will always be..haha….(sorry Seohyun,I think I dont need any self-improvement book..LOL)
































































































































































































































































3.       I hate to admit it but my English is really sucks. However after being a constant lurker, reading and enjoying every single post I notice that my English have improve.Even my boss also notices it. I remembered couple of weeks ago, he instruct me to prepare simple letter to our customer,  I turned out as long essay and very ‘flowery’. Haha…my boss even jokingly asked me to write a novel instead. A simple letter that should be direct to the point and strict has become very considerate and extremely long.. I know that my English doesn’t even close to being perfect. but nonetheless I improve(I guess) . Its the goguma effect I suppose.
































































































































































































































































I personally enjoy every single post regardless whether the post are positive or negative one. Im always glad that everytime sensitive issue arise,there are aIways kind hearted gogumas that came out of their lurker mode to point out their opinion and defending our yongseo. I even love posts that are against any soompi rules:lol:..  . I admire them as it took me forever to publish my 1st post.. :sweatingbullets:  (and here I am writing my 4th post I guess).I believe that they are yongseo lover that sometimes overexcited and accidently violating soompi rules. 
































































































































Wow!I don’t intent to write a long post. Sorry to bored all of you. Lol,after writing this I am confuse whether I love all of you more than I love yongseo..HAHA…kidding..and one more thing, thank you to all of our dedicated gogomas that have devoted all their time to yongseo 300th project.You guys are JJANG!
































































































































































































































































Okay..go back to lurker mode now. :ph34r: 

































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















































































































@love_yah: regarding your question about Hyun saying she couldn't contact Yong for 2 weeks. as Bluemistlady said, RDR team translates from chinese subs. but at the beginning of the episode, at the back room interview, she said she couldn't contact Yong for 1 month, then at MBC during their practice she then said 2 weeks. so its rather confusing. possible reasons I can think of are: 1) slight error in translations, 2) that the 1 month is not totally zero contact. they could have came across each other during music shows, etc and talked there. what Hyun could be saying is that Yong did not text or call her for 2 weeks. 3) in that 1 month, the first 2 weeks was the zero contact then the next 2 weeks he contacted her but not as frequent as before. or the reverse.

















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CN Blue - I Don't Know Why (Yongseo Version)
















































































Yongseo-N.O.Y (SNSD) & (Cnblue){FMV}
















































































credit:owner :wub:

















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DM88 - I am glad you got out of the dark part of your life yeah :) In future if you ever sank to pits again, do remember to talk to someone or get help. And dun ever give up on life, I always think it will be interesting to live our life out and see how it ends. Its like reading a storybook to the end whether it is good or bad and just to see the ending.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway just for your infor besides chocolate, fruits like kiwi and banana are so call happy fruits as in they generate happy hormones after eating them!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I would like to share a fantastic finding I came across today.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The many health benefits of Goguma!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































According to a chinese medical site, a research was done on the longlife old folks in Guangxi and it was found that many of them eat Goguma on a daily basis. Gogumas are rich in many vitamins and minerals and most importantly is a great diet item because it helps prevent the sugar we eat turning into fats!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway back to our Yongseo couple, I find that they are always very secretive with whether the communicate outside of WGM or not. Like sometimes you know they are talking to each other and sometimes they seems to be not. Maybe all these mystery just add to excitement of the show!

































































































































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Guest biancacoolio










I love Yongseo because this couple gives me an opportunity to self-correct. 






I admit I'm kinda like Seohyun. Boys are a waste of time to me, and I don't see much point in relationships because I see it as a huge distraction in accomplishing my main priorities, which is getting a PhD in Pharmacy so that I can earn more money to fully support my family .






 I remember one incident when my friend was squealing over crush.






She was like "OMYGAHHHHH!!!!!! we were grouped together. we talked!!!!!!!! can you believe it??!!!! w00t.gif






 and I just cut her off and said, "Don't you have homework to do? I'm sure HE won't like it if he knows you're such a slacker."






She was like dry.gif






Back then I was really puzzled in why she was so excited. I just didn't get it. But now, after watching some of yongseo's episodes, I realize I was so... stiff and awkward and weird... kinda like Seohyun. I meant that in the best possible way.sweatingbullets.gif 






So watching this couple is a learning experience for me. I love how Seohyun  also gradually opens up herself to Yonghwa... which so beautiful for me to watch, because I'm also very hard to get close to. 






biancacoolio, 16, USA



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Guest hallyucraze




MrsAthenaG (Guma Omma), 50, California, USA




I love the Gogumas because they come from all over the world from all ages and gender, respectful and united in their love and support for this young love each and every week.




I have been enjoying all the posts in this thread recently and have been actively following each post.  I am the opposite of @luvtokki, he saw SeoHyun first and I was a YongHwa fan because of his drama, You're Beautiful.  I researched about him and got to know CN Blue when the original member, Kwang Jin,  was their bass player.  I have been listening to their music since October of last year because they offered a different kind of K-Pop and have followed YongHwa's career.  I have seen WGM before, I was a follower of the Lettuce Couple to the point that I have a collection of their stint in WGM until they ended their series because of Hyun Joong's role in Boys Over Flowers.  Like @luvtokki, I got tired of the music I heard on American airwaves (including my sons' music) that I ended up following K-Pop, and I'm not ashamed that I do have a collection of ALL of Super Junior music and CN Blue and now SNSD.  I just got tired listening to the modern music because of inappropriate language being used.




My mother who is 77 years old is an even bigger fan of YongHwa and also a YongSeo shipper.  I showed her the episodes that I have and she commented that they match each other.  Indeed, the Gogumas come from all walks of life from every corner of the world.  At an interview, YongHwa mentioned he would like CN Blue to be known throughout the universe...well that may be close to fulfillment, as we, the aliens of Goguma Planet follow YongSeo, and with that CN BLue and SNSD, in their journeys.




Saturday mornings at 1:00 am, I am glued to my laptop lying in bed awaiting the next episode of our couple.  I am off to Las Vegas this weekend for a "date" with my youngest son who is currently directing his play for his university and acting in another so no time for mom.  Good thing our tickets to Phantom are for the earlier show so I get to rush back to our suite to get on my computer to stream the show.  I shall see you in Gogumaland this weekend...have a great week.





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Hi guys,



umm this is my first post so sorry if there are some mistakes and sorry if its been discussed before. But i just noticed, if the chuseok special was the only event that fell in between the current episode and the duet on august 29, that means we still dont know how they came up with their new handshake :huh:





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Guest omgirly




























i love yongseo because...




















they remind me that young love is awkward, but true;  




















intoxicating, yet sobering; 




















exciting, yet patient, 




















and that the sweetness of a new love and all the beautiful feelings it invokes in us, is universal. 







































omgirly, 37, hawaii




















edit: oops! i topped the page, but have nothing spazzworthy to share, fellow gogumas! sorry!





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Guest constantia11

I found a clearer vid of their duet in IKWF.

It started from CN Blue performing Love.

Pay attention on how Yong looks really happy and all smiley while singing Love.

I think he was thinking of his next perf with Hyun in the back of his mind.

I can't stop smiling either... hehehe...


cr: JosephC108 @youtube.

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Guest Stephanie_tran
































Hello YongSeo's Gogumas.I'm a newbie here.So please help me if i have anything wrong at here.
































Just re-watch Horror Special ep. So i just notice that the couple t-shirt which YongSeo wore,been taken a picture with the sentence " make love dont make war" (am i right?) (if i was wrong please help me fix it cos' i can see it clearly)
































































and now i just understand the deep meaning of that sentence.Maybe,WGM PDnim knew about the war between Yong~ and Huyn~ , so by the chance,she wanted they noticed that they should stop their fighting together.Haha....i dont know that i think right or wrong but it just inside my head when i watched the last ep and the horror special ep.
































Anyway,hope to see new ep soon.So nervous haha...^__^

















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Guest wallpaperfood

I LOVE YONGSEO BECAUSE... their interactions actually make my heart skip a beat (or several) and I can't wait for the unexpectedness each week, in comparison to the other couples on the show. I've learnt so much from watching their relationship grow. It's wonderful to see two total opposites (who you'd never ever think twice about pairing) come together and blossom so beautifully, whole-heartedly and purely. Make love not war, because "yongseo" reigns <3

wallpaperfood, 18, Melbourne (Australia)

sorry it's a bit short, buti'm going out for some family dinner soon, and i didn't want to leave before i got to post my reply (wgile it's still in my head) to the 300 gift!! peace guys :)

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Gosh! this thread goes like a speed of light! :sweatingbullets:
















I LOVE YONGSEO couple because of their lovely personalities and the way they handle their relationship is really ideal. they remind me of the dugeun duguen moments of first love. :wub:
















chyme31, 28, Philippines









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Guest ansa---




 Hello goguma villagers 




this is my first time posting. i have a question relating to whether Seohyun use bahamal (i dont know if it is the word :sweatingbullets: ) or polite form while talking to Yong now. since it was huge problem for her at first right?




sorry for my bad english




and last but not least thnx everyone for posting news photos related to our couple. i spent almost all my day reading this thread and you guys make my day.



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