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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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i love Yongseo because their relationship develop beautifully.
































































































They complete each other..They are their own Lovelight..
































































































twinkystar, 21 Malaysia blush.gif

































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Guest Wilhelm1066








YONG! Hello! Where Are You?



On which planet are YOU stranded on?



If I myself is lying flat on my face in worship of this "mensch" why don't you court her like a Mad Man? Never let her forget you? Always texting and pestering her with your existence?












Because Yong isn't a FanBoy and probably doing just the right thing in handling her in spite of her rage to not been contacted for a month. He is simply telling her that: I'M NOT YOUR ORDINARY DROOLING FANBOY!






I thought at first it was really devastating when Hyun implicit said that it was all over; there's no more Sweet Potato points left, Yong was kicked out...






BUT how do a guy make a stamp of him self to be seen and not neglected? Yeah! You treat'em ladies on the end of your whip, and they come bouncing back passionately with sparks and fire and not boring, plain and uninteresting and so very Seohyunishly!






We all agree that SHE have become extraordinay beautiful this few last months and i am convinced we can accredit YongHwa this transformation.






Anyhow this how a male let his presumptuous thoughts wander. Shame on me.





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SHOOT!!!! that comeback teaser photo of her......I AM SO TEASED!!!!!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































love, love, love her! :wub::wub:

































































































































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i'm SOOO confused. so can someone clearify this rumor! so did Yong fly to Taiwan to visit her? omg! if he did... wow he truly is trying real hard to get more goguma points!!! hahaha Yonghwa FIGHTING!!! please let the rumor be true. hahahaha.... <3
































































































































































































































































































































the reason why i LOVE YongSeo couple is because their Love is realistic, and it's awesome that everyone will get to witness their love blossom. n.n <3

































































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Guest pseudonykkaii

Hi all,

im nykkaii, a lurker and yes, im a villager.:w00t:

i love yongseo because they bring me to this world where platonic love and utopia arent fantasy---its REAL. ;)

anyway, the ultimate reason i came out of my lurkiness---i wrote a short story. episode 27 was so daebak that the usually lazy,uninspired me actually finished a story!

id lovelovelove to share my goguma love to you, my fellow villagers, with this fanfic.<3 hope you like it:wub:

[ps, how do i put it on spoiler??]


Love Light

‘Because you’re amazing just the way you are~’

Her melodious voice filled the otherwise empty room. She hummed to herself as she walked towards the grand piano, her fingers grazing the keys, lightly gathering the dust that accumulated through time.

Feeling nostalgia struck her, she pulled out the piano chair and sat herself comfortably. Still humming the same tune in her head, she flexed her arms, stretching her fingers in the process. After feeling all warmed up, she began to play.


‘Her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they’re not shining.~’

Never was there a more perfect song, he thought, as he slowly approached the pianist he came to know well. Almost too well for his liking, in fact… From her littlest habits, to her likes…And who likes her. All these, he knows. But what he doesn’t know, and what keeps bothering him was her eyes; how could such innocent looking eyes manage to make him stop his breath and his heart beat twice as fast?

It was curious. The way they sparkle under the moonlight. And how whenever their eyes made contact, he felt his thoughts, his mind, his soul-- were on display for her to see. 

He felt bare.

It was almost as good as her getting ‘curious’ over his composition AND even more when they held hands for the very first time.

With eyes that showed nothing short of adoration, he approached her. Slowly striding as she played the intro.

Not noticing the lone figure, and engulfed with her music, she unknowingly let herself go. The raw innocent girl in her most vulnerable state-- made his heart fill with the need to protect her. Unbeknownst, he too became too absorbed with the music(and her) that he started singing.


[...i decided against posting the whole thing here since this isnt a fanfic forum:sweatingbullets: i dunno the soompi fanfic rules and my winglin dislikes me:unsure:]


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Hi, nykkai,

i'd love to know how your story ends - if you want to post it somewhere, you can either do so at Soompi's fanfiction section, or at Gogumafics over at livejournal. Villagers here don't bite (as you are probably aware of!), so please, post it! And everyone else, please comment on it!

Best regards,


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i love yongseo couple because they are  so cute and i believe that they're meant to be together :)))




honestly, i don't know the real reason but i just can't stop my self from loving them and following their news tongue.gif they 're so adorablewub.gif




souhir, 23, Tunisia





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Guest dbskisluv2
































































































I Love YongSeo Because,
































Every time i watch them i doesn't feel as if I'm watching a fake set up couple
































it feels like I'm watching two people falling in love right in front  of me

































































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Guest who_art_thou






I love yongseo because...






it's real.


no, it doesn't just seem real, IT'S REAL.


Even though they're arguing, they are still the cutest couple.


They are soulmates, and I can feel it.


-laser, 21, Canada




haha, am I being too delusional?



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i love yongseo couple because...




they make my weekends legen-wait for it!-dary! i expect the unexpected from this couple because i cannot anticipate what they will do or what they will say to each other. every single word they say to each other is new. they show what a 'real' progress in a relationship should be. yong waits for hyun to adjust to everything. he waits for her patiently. and hyun reciprocates gratefully..., with love!! i BELIEVE they are REAL. i will continue to BELIEVE.




yongseo is L-O-V-E!




prinsesanj, 20, philippines








*i went out of lurker mode because i need to share what i feel for this couple. they made me believe again that there's still LOVE despite the things that are happening in the world. annyeong!




*my sister aneng (you know her really well ^_^) laughs at me because i BELIEVE that they're real and i BELIEVE in yong's powers to pursue hyun. =))





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Guest baby_bo
































































































My gosh i wanna cry kekekke
































Thank you so much everyone for participating on our 300th day project.. We really appreciate.. ♥♥♥♥
































Please continue on posting your reasons..
































Just complete the phrase






























































































































Name, Age, Location
































































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Guest zero_one




everytime i watch them it made me think about my relationship with my girlfriend,

it feels like i was watching my own story from the monitor

and i think that now i could say that i have a new family here...all of you that that loved yongseo, im proud to call you my fellow GOGUMA, fellow VILLAGERS....

zero_one, 24 , Indonesia


back to lurker mode


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Hiya! Thank you everyone who has shared why you love the couple. I'm sighing so happily reading your posts. It's so amazing lots of lurkers delurking to share the love. It really feels great reading beautiful message after beautiful message :wub:
















































































Thank you too to all who are sharing news and pictures about SNSD's comeback. Man, I really really miss them! I'm so looking forward to seeing them at music shows again. (And INKIGAYO! :w00t: )
















































































While lurking on the CNBLUE thread to get news of my other favorite group I saw these links for the Eng Subbed cuts of Super King that was taped in Taiwan: (sorry if they have been posted already)
















































































Credits: Mk678jUik@vimeo
















































































Super King Part 1/3
















































































Super King Part 2/3
















































































Super King Part 3/3
















































































(Again sorry if this has been posted)
















































































This is an excerpt form saturn@CNBLUE soompi thread's post:
















































































This morning I read Jung Shin's post at Japan blog. I laughed so hard.
















































































He wrote 'I am Masanobu.' Masanobu is the sound when you read his name Jung Shin in Japanese.
















































































Hw wrote that the sky in Korea these days are so great, makes him feel melancholy.
















































































That's true, the autumn sky is so high and clear and blue...
















































































But It is impressive he has time to look up the sky. They have schedule everyday, 7 days per week for many monthes.
















































































Before the album release or concert, they're just stuck in the practice room. No window, no clock (no cell phone of course) is in their practice room. So they don't know whether sun rise or sun set, day or night.
















































































They make do delivered food for three meals. Parents who bring homemade food sometimes are their only visitors.
















































































I guess... Jung Shin is taller than others, closer to the sky, he is easier to see the sky. Anyway it's good for him.
















































































Hope he has time to take picture of sky in the future, maybe next year or the year after next year or after after...































































































































































Wow, I can see now how easy it is for a month to go by without contacting anyone. :blink:
















































































Edit: Hi crystal! *waves* hope classes are going well for you dear. .
















































































Yes isn't it amazing how many people are sharign there YongSeo message? DAEBAK!!
















































































And yes, the 300-day celebration will be done in collaboration with DCGallery, Baidu and possibly Japanese fans as well. YongSeo Love is truly global! Full details at the SeoHwa Project blog

















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Guest Crystal392




I really love all the reasons why you love YongSeo, please keep sharing them ^_^ I've already shared mine but I also want to say I love YongSeo because thanks to them I've got to meet amazing people who have helped me through tough times. To all the Gogumas who contribute on the thread: you really have no idea how much you've helped me, how many times you've cheered me up. Thanks a lot for that!!


Welcome to new spazzers :)


Let's make their 300 day anniversary amazing!! This time it's really going to be international because, if I'm not wrong, we will also be collaborating with Gogumas from Baidu and DCInside/married right?


Gogumas jjang!! :D


EDIT: genxv: Sis! *waves* I would really love to help all of you with the project (we are CNR! Kekekeke) but I'm super busy with uni, Indigo Siren is still on the sea and can't come to land! :lol: I'm super proud of you and all the Gogumas for organizing such an amazing project. Classes are fine but some days I end up super tired :) Thanks so much for asking. *hugs*


Uri Hyun~ looks soo pretty on the SNSD teaser pic, can't wait for their comeback and specially when they will perform on Inki!! ^_____^


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Guest bezbezbez












































































































I would like to thank each and everyone of you for helping in the "I LOVE YONGSEO BOOKLET"


















































All the reasons you've posted really shows how much the couple have affected and influenced our lives in a matter of 8 months.


















































I promise that all the efforts that you've put into thinking and typing your own reasons would be worthy.


















































This booklet will be the best one you'll ever see...


















































I think once it's done and you'll get a chance to read it on your own, you can't avoid but shed tears...































Once that happen, please don't blame us...kekeke


















































For now, let me share the cover page...


































































































































REMINDER: To those who have already posted their replies before, particularly the first batch we did, please don't double post anymore because we would like to avoid duplication in the booklet itself. 300 is a lot and the last thing we want is having 2 or 3 different reasons from the same person. Just please help us by encouraging your friends to share their reasons. Thanks a lot gogumas!!!





































































Since it's been a while since I last posted something here at soompi, let me take some space...kekeke...


















































First of all, welcome to all the new spazzers here and of course hi to the old ones!!!































I'm really glad that the thread have reached the top views already. We pawned the others with 8 million views...That must be something huh? For me it's the goguma effect...kekeke


















































The YongSeo couple is definitely a couple where you get a feeling of being excited whenever you see them, together or not. Some may say that they are boring, but come on they are the most unpredictable couple ever. They always surprise us in every episode. At some point we think that we already know how things will happen since we've seen it already on some k-dramas or better in real life, but the couple always amaze us with their own execution of those things. I think, it's because we can feel their sincerity whenever they pull something off for each other.


















































Second, guys please avoid judging Seo Joo Hyun and Jung Yong Hwa as if we know them first hand. I believe that you, yourself, wouldn't want to be judged by people whom you really don't know. Let's just say, they are both old enough to have reasons for their own actions, regardless of whether it's good or not. Please remember that when you're saying something not that nice towards one them just to protect the other doesn't make things any better at all. Let's just support them in the best way we could without hurting any parties involved.


















































Let's all pledge this lines.
















I will ship for YONGSEO forever!!!
















I will support SEO JOO HYUN forever!!!
















I will support JUNG YONG HWA forever!!!
















see yah everyone on my next post! :)




















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snsd new concept is that of bond girls,(i think)



and hyun kills us with her cupid's arrow. i love that pic!









so here's another one for the kill...




cr dc



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Guest Norabella
































I can't help to say but I think we just need to forever remember our sacred Goguma pledge...(sincere thanks to Redtulip -I know you are here) everytime anyone of us here has doubts on our beloved couple. There are no bed of roses in life......so many thorns ready to prick on us!
















I also just want to say that I cannot wait to see Hyun and her unnies LIVE this Saturday!! Kajaaa..SG Gogumas...









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Guest .:love_ya:.







Hello gogumas ^^





so i was rewatching RDR sub version of the episode





and it says Hyun wasn't able to get in touch with Yong for 2 weeks





I thought it was a month, no?





I'm confused -.-


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Guest pretty_92868












I wish that my son and daughter will find a love like them.


pretty_92868,42,QC Philippines



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Guest who_art_thou






"gihigugma nako ang pares na YONGSEO tungod kay.."


oooohhh, it's in my native language!!! :D


So happy! LOL


I love the cover, nicely done! :)


jnj: that gif.. wow! she's sooo pretty! *_ * no wonder yonghwa can't stop staring at her.. <3


I've always wondered how she managed to perform those cutesy and seductive dances knowing that she's a bit reserved.


Great professionalism I guess, which is something I really admire. :)



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