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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest BluMistLaydee








omg, that's the one !!






that's so lovely~~ i guess hyun will put it in their house haha






hyun is holding on it , wowww






where did they take the pictures?? in the airport??











YongxHyun you're not supposed to quote images.






please take out the {img} tags in your quote



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Guest YongxHyun
















































emm,...i have a question































if it was, as you guys said, the managers took away their cell phone, so does it mean they wont let them go on internet too? if FNC wants them to focus on their music, then nothing should be allowed. if it was so, how can yong knows what Hyun is doing?






























































and next, if hyun contacted the manager of FNC, then she will know yong was focusing on making music, and no phone is allow. then why will she be mad this month?? right?






























































so...i dont think this matter is about the privileges of the phones..






























































if anyone has any comments, feel free to say it :)














































































































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Guest YongxHyun
































WHAT ?! He didn't wear the ring ... :tears: Whyyy ???
















Samsung Festival
















credit:CNblue thread































erggg....what is happening...
















confuse confuse..
















anyone come to explain.. :/
















but still cant expect to wear it everyday...
















but we want them to..

















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Guest Crystal392




YongxHyun: Actually, CNBLUE boys don't have cellphones. They said they will wait a year (if I'm not wrong it was the same with FTIsland, they are also from FnC company). Sometimes they use it to call their parents and friends. And I think they let Yong~ use the cellphone sometimes for WGM purposes (like probably to text Hyun~ when he was diagnosed vocal cord nodules). But those are just speculations. He probably knows about Hyun by watching TV and listening to the radio, when they go back to their dorms after a day practicing for the concert. Those are just my speculations. The official statement from FnC is that the boys don't have cellphones.





PariSita: Yong~ looks handsome :D Don't panic if he is not wearing the ring. ;) He probably has his own reasons. Although I find it a bit weird because he has been always wearing it lately. Hopefully he will be wearing it on another perf :D


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Guest PariSita






YongxHyun yes but he did wear it everyday .. everywhere .. till now :tears::tears:


Im sooo sad !! I want to know what is happening ..





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Guest YongxHyun

















YongxHyun: Actually, CNBLUE boys don't have cellphones. They said they will wait a year (if I'm not wrong it was the same with FTIsland, they are also from FnC company). Sometimes they use it to call their parents and friends. And I think they let Yong~ use the cellphone sometimes for WGM purposes (like probably to text Hyun~ when he was diagnosed vocal cord nodules). But those are just speculations. He probably knows about Hyun by watching TV and listening to the radio, when they go back to their dorms after a day practicing for the concert. Those are just my speculations. The official statement from FnC is that the boys don't have cellphones.
















ohhohh yeaa i forgot that..
















still a couple months to go before they can use their cell phones..
















many possiblities of what are happening in that "one month"
















but ..oh well..just as hyun said "at least the ending is good"

















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i find this news about the last episode, like us korean fans blame the poor editing:




















(not in eng):








































Same news using google translation




















edit: http://biz.heraldm.com/common/Detail.jsp?newsMLId=20101017000285





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Guest Kerube-Chan












WHAT ?! He didn't wear the ring ... :tears: Whyyy ???






















Samsung Festival











credit:CNblue thread





















Hi! Dont Panic... we dont have to worry to much, in today is Inkigayo he was wearing his ring... That concert was on October 14... He doesnt have the wear the ring everywhere, of course it makes us happy, but we have to keep this in mind.











See the interview in today is Inkigayo (October 17)






















I will be more worried if he take it off after this saturday is episode.


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Guest bonbon31




PariSita : The picture Yong did not wear the ring was taken on 14 October, not today! In this day, we also watched the clip about CNPINK, this clip was taken also in this day, i think! Hence, he did not wear the ring on 14. However, today Yong still wear the ring, right? So do not worry be happy,haha!:rolleyes:



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Guest seizmic

In case somebody interested in Yong's cell phone issue check this video out:


He doesn't carry his phone around. (and only have his parent & seohyun number in it). Also, he made a promise with other member that they'll use it again after 1 year of success. (interview link).

I don't know if this relate to "1 month without any contact" or not, because cell phone is not the only way that he can contact but then again other type of communication might be difficult to reach our very busy snsd girl.

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Guest Caliope

i find this news about the last episode, like us korean fans blame the poor editing:

Sorry cut your post, soleill...

After "reading" the article...

What?? This is an article or a personal item? O_O

This article talks about the poor editing of the episode ? I think so.

This article talks about:

1º. As they don't speak during July, and in the Internet has read that Seohyun was the concert"...

2º. The disaster of the program due to the strike.

3º. The edition of all the program is a disaster.

I think this website is not very objective...

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Guest YongxHyun
















































                                PariSita : The picture Yong did not wear the ring was taken on 14 October, not today! In this day, we also watched the clip about CNPINK, this clip was taken also in this day, i think! Hence, he did not wear the ring on 14. However, today Yong still wear the ring, right? So do not worry be happy,haha!:rolleyes:






























































yea! that's so true! maybe he has his own reasons for not wearing the ring
















and i like your display picture :) that's the picture the Chinese fans gave to yong right haha
















i'm wondering if we will see this pic and the flower in WGM soon

















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Guest PariSita






Thank you guys so much for being positive


i hope he wont take it off anymore ..  ^_^


YongxHyun what ?? Chinese fans gave to yong that picture ?? How do you know ?


Aw this would be awesome if he has that cuuute picture kk


sorry 4 my bad english^_^



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Guest Crystal392




Caliope: I don't know Korean so I can't be 100% sure of this but I think the article mentioned that it was reported on the news that Hyun~ went to CNBLUE concert. If that's true they must have talked somehow because (and this is my personal opinion: I'm sure Hyun~ would have wanted to congratulate Yong~ and his brothers, also because it was the perfect opportunity to meet his parents and I'm sure FnC manager wouldn't deny her 'wish' to talk to Yong~). And they also talk about how the timeline is all disorganized and how 'netizens' or fans are bothered by this (like us). Because they seemed 'normal' when they filmed the ep with the other two WGM couples and that was on Aug 17, and then when they practiced it seems Hyun was still mad and their duet was on Aug 29. The ep on the hair salon was on Aug 3 and if you notice on the latest ep they wore two different sets of clothes so they recorded on two different days. I think the article is focusing on how some fans feel/felt/think. :)





*Some screencaps of the preview: :wub:















YongxHyun: OMO I didn't know that! :o Chinese Gogumas are jjang! :)


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Guest YongxHyun
































Thank you guys so much for being positive
















i hope he wont take it off anymore ..  ^_^
















YongxHyun what ?? Chinese fans gave to yong that picture ?? How do you know ?
















Aw this would be awesome if he has that cuuute picture kk
















sorry 4 my bad english^_^































oh, you dont know that? the chinese PSed this picture and gave it to yong when he went to Shanghai
















and yong smiled and even showed it to his teamates ^^

















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Guest YongxHyun
















































From the preview, I am guessing the umbrellas they are holding is the gift from Thailand































since it always rain when they film WGM.































Any one had seen this umbrellas before? if not, then it might really be the present from thailand































So if it is really the present, so that means their conflict has been solved in the next ep :)

















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I loved Episode 28. It shows a different side of Hyun, less controlled and more emotional. If Yong's goal was to get Hyun to be less reserved, he's reached it. And even though he needs to earn all his goguma points back, I think he's happy to do so. I also love the fact that Hyun is really going to make him earn it. I can't wait to see what happens next.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And before I forget:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love YongSeo because...they are two completely different people who would have never thought of being together but were DESTINED to be...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































~prncsscharming, 35, California, USA

































































































































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Guest archiehon
























































    Just want to add my personal favorite of the latest ep. I loooove the bickering process! When they 1st went into the small room, did u noticed that yoong sat as far as possible from Hyuun - he knew a storm was coming (try to find some protection there?) . When hyuun heard the reason for not contacting her, her expression was pure disbelieve- I feel for her but i laughed anyway coz she's too cute. I bet she was expecting a more sensible reason like the practice for their concert or the phones were banned by the company but she did not expect THAT! She was prepared to be a sensible and understanding but THAT reason totally burst her bubble.....ha..ha..haa  can't help it but don't all of us experienced this? It was so real and make me reflected on my own experiences.








































     About Yoong situation being labelled, I really don't get some ppl who claimed tht this couple were just in a show, they are just 'acting' on a script, but when things are not going their way , they will start shooting bullets. Please. ...just enjoy the show. I'm glad that ppl in this thread have a more balanced view about this recent ep. it's a pleasure to read ALL of your POV. It' a learning process not only for the couple we love but to us too as their fans. I enjoyed the ep very much and thankful that Yoong an Hyuun are willing to share a piece of themselves with us the viewer. Let's not judge them based on this ep alone. I'm sure each of us has our own "I'm going to test my gf/bf" moment and "i'm going to get you for this" moment. I hope i did not offend anyone just a tiny thought that i have. Love u guys. Bye for now.









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Guest mashamishmash




hi gogumas..




to the ones who worried too much about yongseo bickering in the latest episode, : PLEASE DON'T.




it was just a plot in yongseo story written by the producers/script writers/directors of WGM.


just think about it. Hyun said that it was a coincidence that she chose to change salon/hairstylist, but come on...


if it was just a coincidence, why the cameramen & crew members of WGM have to be there?




so chill. enjoy the story of yongseo and their journey in their 'married life' just like you enjoy any other Kdrama.



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