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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest EriesBoyd
















Hi,first time here.But lurker for the longest time.Since February.Eventhough,i rarely post here,i've been following this thread religiously.About the dinner meeting,it happen during MBC Strike not in July.The news was out on July because the episode after mbc strike (driving episode) was air in july.








Apr 05 MBC Labor Union goes on strike








Apr 06 CNBlue performing in Thailand








Apr 07 [WGM Filming] Hyun surprises Yong at the airport & grocery shopping 


























May 01 [WGM Filming] morning exercise & visit from Hyoyeon








May 04 [WGM Filming] Seobu (Westside) driver's license center (Written exam)








May 12 [WGM Filming] Seobu (Westside) driver's license center (driving course test)








July 03  [Episode 13] The one where Hyun springs a welcome surprise at the airport








July 10  [Episode 14] The one where they cook together








July 17  [Episode 15] The one where they do morning exercise and start the driving license mission








July 24  [Episode 16] The one where they take the written exam for their license








July 31  [Episode 17] The one where they take the driving course exam and later go for a picnic with Hyoyeon and JungShin








July 31  Listen to the CNBlue concert in Korea















Another article said that the Adam and Yongseo couples haven't been shooting for almost a month














This is because of the earlier strike, currently MBC has enough footage to air till August.







However, the viewers are worried that the the couples may become awkward again if they don't see each other for a long time. The staff are not worried about the Adam Couple as they have known each other for long. However, they can't say the same for Yongseo couple cos they just got to know and become really comfortable with each other.







To avoid the awkwardness, the staff maintained contact with the couple by inviting them out for meals though they are not filming WGM.







The staff also commented that there is great progress in Yongseo's relationship, especially on Hyun as she has started to show the naughty side of her in the recent episodes of WGM.







             cre: sweetpotatodays blogspot








             date:july,24 ( the same day that this 'episode after mbc strike' air ,along with wgm  preview)








             as repost by:moonie919








*For hangul version:http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/2010/07/yong-and-hyun-had-meals-together.html    
















This article refer to mbc strike period(april, 7h  to may,1st).And no rumours on dinner/lunch on july ever come out so far .Some people misunderstood this news as it happen in july because it was out on july.Can we conclude now that they were no meeting for a month in july until cnblue concert (if the rumours of Seohyun attending the concert is true).So,we can rest assure the confusion about something so fishy about this episode because of the dinner/lunch meeting.For the cnblue concert,if it is true,i think it is out of wgm coverage so thats why they didnt show it.Regarding the charity event,it was never mention as part of wgm filming thats why they didnt air it too.People just speculate it is.If i'm not mistaken,it is translate from a fan account by silis7noy2.








Minsun is a 14 year old girl going through a difficult cancer treatment. One of her wishes was to meet her idol CNBlue and after some juggling her caretakers got in touch with WGM staff and CNBlue gladly agreed to come visit Minsun  [after the filming].















Minsun couldn’t hide her happy excitement when CNBlue appeared with cake. What was more surprising was that little later Seohyun also appeared. Everyone was surprised since no one expected her. YongHwa gave Minsun a necklace present and the party went on. Minsun asked Seohyun: “Unnie who would you like as WGM partner besides YongHwa oppa?” which made Seohyun panic a little and everyone was laughing up.















“It was really the greatest”, Minsun said at the end of the day 
















I'm sorry for this irrelevant post,its my nature that i cant help myself but to correct people when i know its wrongly believe because there's few time people keep mentioning there is something fishy about this episode because of this uncertainty.













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Guest YongxHyun
































































A Taiwan fan held this in the concert !!!!

















































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Guest Crystal392




I hope the ratings will keep improving :) If Im not wrong there are two companies who release the ratings, AB Nielsen and TMW or something like that xD


Awww so uri Yong~ didn't go to SNSD concert? :o


As Rouenna and Kerubechan had pointed out, I'm also glad we us Gogumas can share our different point of views but being respectful with each other and with Yong and Hyun.


Ohhh so the lunches/dinner was on April? I hope they will at least mentioned CNBLUE concert once to know for sure if Hyun went to it or not; as I said before I was hoping she had met Yong's parents.


I think someone posted an interview of CNBLUE before where they talked about their preparations for their first showcase (correct me if I'm wrong) and the boys said they weren't even allowed to see their parents because they practiced the whole day. Maybe the same could have happened now, FNC told them to just focus on their first Korean concert.


And about Hyun not contacting him, maybe it's because he doesn't have a cell phone? Maybe she was worried but because she wasn't sure he had the cellphone she didnt call him?


I just wish CNBLUE would have cellphones, then maybe things like this wouldn't happen :P


Hopefully when they stop filming WGM (which as a Goguma I hope it won't be soon) Yong would already have a cellphone so they would probably text more often ^_^


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Constantia - about the head nudging, it is now immortalise in pix and gifs but when I see it in the ep, it was very fast, barely 2 seconds each time I think, so probably the MCs didnt have time to react...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I just went to hear the new CNBLue song - Dont know why and saw their lyrics. Well, it certainly make sense to me. Very nice song, catchy tune. Yong seoban is such a talented boy. :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now Hyun - arent you a lucky girl to have 2 songs written inpired by you? I really think Dont know why is inspired by her too. :D

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















































































































@crystal: the only thing thats bugging me is that 1 month of no contact. If its true that FNC made them practice all day without outside contact with other people including their parents, I have a gut feeling that the reason behind it was really because of Yonghwa's preparation for the concert. it could be that he planned not to contact her for 1 week but because of this preparation, Yonghwa was unable to contact her for a whole month. and Seohyun was kept in the dark about the reason to make a story about it. that maybe the reason for Yonghwa apologizing and saying "I didn't mean it, I really didn't. please accept my apology." this is just my opinion.

















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First of all, I will say: I trust the love between Yong and Hyun heehee :wub:


Secondly, read this link below- especially the part 'Signs of Deception'- body language


Body language when lying


After reading the article, watch the episode again and tell me what u see- when Yong was explaining why he didn't contact Hyun for the whole month.


if u read up most articles on body language, when lying, people touch their own face area. I personally think Yong has his reasons for not contacting Hyun, like maybe what most of you said, he may had to step back and review/reflect his own feelings and insecurities.


For me, most importantly, his eyes when looking at Hyun- as accordingly to timeline:


1) from this episode at the studio


2) from next's week preview when singing and at Incheon Korean Wave performance


3) the Chuseok Horror special's bus ride, when he was going to do sit-ups and Hyun shouted her support, in front of the mirror matching the heart shape


4) Ueno Juri episode's walking under the umbrella with Hyun and in sushi resturant


If there was any doubts or insecurities during that 1 month of no contact, they must have been dealt with cos his eyes say only one thing- I love her.... Hahahahahah :wub::wub::wub:



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Guest Crystal392




EriesBoyd, YongxHyun: Thanks soo much for sharing that. ^^





qwenli: I believe that too! To be honest when 'I don't know why' was released I didn't think Hyun~ had much influence on it because it was more like a sad/melancholic song and both seemed to be so happy. I just thought he probably wrote it based on past things he had gone through. But after the latest ep I firmly believe it was written for her. It just is as if he is describing this period of time... specially the part where he says he hasn't seeing that person for a long time and that she seemed not to be 'moved' by his news, maybe like Hyun~ thought he didn't think of her, he probably thought she didn't think and didn't care about him either. The "problem" here I think is Hyun~ expresses how she feels but Yong~ bottles up everything and doesn't say much, just keeps apologizing. Yong~ you also have to speak up! Make Hyun~ understand she wasn't the only one sad because I'm sure you were sad about not talking to her for a long time too. :)





heartbreak: If I'm not wrong someone posted a translation of a post in Baidu about a scene that was edited out where Yong~ said it was actually because the concert (this thread moves super fast... can someone repost it please? (: ). But I don't know how true that info is. But if FnC already made them practice (and probably the guys wanted to have no distractions either so they would give their best to Korean Boices) without outside contact (not even their parents) once for their showcase, they would probably do the same thing again for their first concert. And I don't know if you noted this but I think he actually lost weight during those times (actually I think right now he is thinner than how he was on June when they filmed the Bday episode).





As you all know, a relationship is build by two people. I've seen lots of friends have chaotic relationships during my past years and most of us who have been on a relationship know most of the times teenager relationships are filled with lots of drama. As someone already said (was it Ilovesnowwhite?) this last episode is proof of how different boys are from girls. I want to thank all of the ones who have shared their life experience and it seems many guys have made the same mistake as Yong~. I guess that's part of our life journey... Love, live, laugh and learn ;)






This is a bit offtopic. But the last week a friend who has been in a relationship for 3 years was mad at his boyfriend (she is 24 and he is the same age I think) because he forgot to tell her he was going to travel!

:lol: it made me remember uri YongSeo, when Yong~ didn't tell Hyun~ he was going to Thailand. What was his answer? (my friend's bf), because it hadn't been planned and when he found out he had many things to do so he just forgot to tell her. I swear when my friend told me that I immediately thought of my YongSeo :wub:






sorry for my long post blush.gif


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I think all of us Yongseo fans should probably quit speculating as much as possible about this episode. Yesterday before watching the episode I guessed Yong probably had his cell phone privileges taken away. Reading about how CNBlue management confiscated them before and locked them in a room to prepare for their first album, CNBlue's management would do something similar to get ready for their concerts.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Yong says he didn't do it on purpose when they were doing Run Devil Run.

I believe him and I think his cover story for his agency was to play cute about the situation. Korean entertainment agencies this year have been embarrassed about details about contracts and the way they treat their talent getting out, so I think Yong said what he said was so he wouldn't create any drama for his management.

SNSD for SM Entertainment is a money making cash cow and they don't play too much games with the girls. They've got contractual advantages on the girls no doubt but SNSD's success is too great for SM Entertainment to risk taking cell phones away on the girls anymore. The power of nine is just too powerful now for SM to risk getting the girls mad. SM has felt the wrath of upset talent in the past and they aren't messing with SNSD.

Once Yong gets this message through to Hyun she'll understand and remember her trainee and early days and that's why we see the lovey dovey couple we'll see in the future and in the special episode that we've already seen but comes later in the timeline.

But it's still all pretty funny to me ... I can so see Hyun at the SNSD dorms with a chalkboard teaching her unnies how to drag a man when they play push and pull on a woman... The inexperienced Hyun has become her unnie's teacher these days!! LOL

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Not contacting SeoHyun for a whole month, I think YongHwa must have known that his work he put into this relationship could be badly damaged.




So the reason is why he did what he did:




maybe he really doesn't have a cellphone of his own and there is really this kinda bet they made for not using cellphones for at least one year




maybe he wanted to contact her but he simply couldn't(pressure from FNC and the upcoming concert), as he was saying in the second part of episode 28 "I didn't do it purposely"




maybe he really wanted to test the waters and see how SeoHyun will react, will she react?!




From the facts we know until now there are no hints that she tried to contact him.




so seeing her "outburst" when meeting her gave him more certainty, so that maybe he won't be the only one affected by all this realness or reelness and this kind of reminds me of the bickering they had because of the bday textes.




Yongs face when he heard how sad Hyun was bcoz she didn't get any answer was priceless. it was like "she actually cares" :)




I know SeoHyun is hard to read and sometimes seems indifferent and Yonghwa is the mainly one putting so much effort in this relationship that it is again very contradictory to put this all at risk.




Sorry for my ranting




and here I am hoping for a proper solution :)





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Guest k.rivera19












I love yongseo couple because: they make me smile and happy involuntarily whenever i watch them and they make me feel that love isn't such a bad thing.

















k.rivera19, 23, CA








Though they might have had disagreements in the recent episode, I still felt that they're eyes were still soft and full of care towards each other. This is filmed a couple of months ago and the recent filmings that they had showed that they are closer. I mean the past makes you stronger and you learn from it right??








I really want to see how they made up though .... Hope this week will pass on by and go straight to Saturday =)








I love this thread!! this is my stress reliever every week and makes me happy coming here and reading all the spazzes ... uni life is no joke people :P ...Gogumas fighting!! :D








thank you everyone :wub:



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hi eries! *wave*

finally i see u here, chingu!

tks for the timeline.

hope it will put all the confusion abt their lunch/dinner date to a rest.

lots of unaswered Qs left in this epi, that is why MC Kim referred it as 'banjun'.

so lets hope we'll find the ans soon..erm, i.e 5 more days?

as for me, i think for the last 2 days, i have enough thinking of maybes..

quite tiring trying to find the answers :sweatingbullets:

am really looking forward to their duet and

how they made it to be so successful that night! :wub:

in the meantime...lets spazz more on their aegyoness..hehe is there such a word? ^_^

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Guest Crystal392




I love reading all your posts. I swear this is like my dream come true: all the Gogumas united. We can see things from Yong~'s perspective and from Hyun~'s perspective and to me we've reached Nirvana on Goguma Planet (I remember how people at 'Coffee House' thread kept mentioning reaching Nirvana.. I miss Eunsoo).


Sooo this is a case for Goguma's FBI:



Who is that on Hyun's cellphone?

:lol: it looks like Yong~. And why does she have a pic of him on his cellphone? :o;)






Btw uri Goguma thread will soon reach 8mill views :)


To all the ones who haven't seen ichigo's latest FMV, you have to see it. Soo cute ♥


Fan MV (Yongseo Couple Lovely Skinship 28)


EDIT: Some screencaps from the latest ep (actually from ichigo's FMV ^_^:



Yong~ you practiced a lot for your first Korean concert right? You and the boys did a very good job, I'm sure Korean Boices were super happy. We can see the bags under your eyes and dark circles...




The way you look at your pretty pretty buin... :wub:





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Guest YongxHyun
















































I think this ep is actually a very lovely very lovely ep
















this is the 2nd best ep for now
















but i'm sure this ranking will change after next week's ep ~ keke
















and i love the SS video, watching it again now~~~

















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tks for putting up the link again, crystal.

i missed that due to speed of this thread. :sweatingbullets:

so, tks ichigo!

the song really fits yongseo and us!

fight the bad feeling!

i wish yong could finish what he was saying in the small room,

before they were interrupted.

"soon they'll be..." be what yong?

a photo of u and hyun together on the board? ;)

i think i said this countless times, but i will say it again.

yongseo looks yummy in this episode

waiting for d3 and her awesome caps... ;)

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Guest Crystal392




lampard7: OMG thanks soo much for sharing that!! Awww Hyun~ is holding Yong's face inside something that looks like a yellow flower! How cute? This two make me go crazy with happiness!! ♥





While we wait for our queen of screencaps _d3seohyun. Here are more awesome screencaps by our Korean Gogumas from dcinside/married:




















cr:장수용서 @ http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=518909&page=1&bbs=








I can't get over the way they look at each other






cr: 장수용서 @ http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=518920&page=1&bbs= & http://gall.dcinside.com/married/518922








'Yong~: Hyun~ mianhae...'






cr: http://gall.dcinside.com/married/518924



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Guest BluMistLaydee








I think all of us Yongseo fans should probably quit speculating as much as possible about this episode. Yesterday before watching the episode I guessed Yong probably had his cell phone privileges taken away. Reading about how CNBlue management confiscated them before and locked them in a room to prepare for their first album, CNBlue's management would do something similar to get ready for their concerts.


















IMPORTANT NOTE: Yong says he didn't do it on purpose when they were doing Run Devil Run.












But it's still all pretty funny to me ... I can so see Hyun at the SNSD dorms with a chalkboard teaching her unnies how to drag a man when they play push and pull on a woman... The inexperienced Hyun has become her unnie's teacher these days!! LOL











I really agree with the point your raised here. We don't know why he didn't contact her for a month and there's really no use in trying to figure it out and putting blame on him. While I doubt it and I'm still of the opinion that WGM played this up for the 200th episode, I think what you stated about he didn't do it on purpose in the possibility of FNC taking away their phone privileges is most likely true too seeing as they've done it before in the past.






and omg that image of Seohyun teaching her unnies is too funny.



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Guest Caliope

There are several things to discuss.

1º. In the cut scene, Hyuuun says:

She enquired about Yong from people around him.

What people??

She was not with any of the other CNBLUE members.

So... the answer could be...

A. She called to CNBLUE manager.

B. Her manager spoke with his manager.

C. She went directly to FNC.

No one else around him, she knows (Discarded Inkigayo, because Yooong was joined Inkigayo late in July)

In the cut scene, he said...

it wasnt his intention not to contact her from the beginning, just that during that period, he has to prepare for concert and was busy with other thngs and hence many a times he miss the opportunity to call, and hence the period of not contacting becomes longer but during this time he knows what Hyun is doing.

Ok, Yoooong!!

You are smart, too... You have been seeing her on TV.

But it's a dangerous game. Although personally I like their as well. Not everything is pink in a relationship... but I think he miscalculated the consequences.

About the concert...

Seohyun: How have you being doing recently?

YonHgwa: After the concert, been slepping all day.

No one has said that she didn't go to the CNBLUE concert.

Do you not remember what she had arrived 10 minutes late at the concert?

We can confirm that they saw each other at the concert.

How?? Easy...

While Yooong was singing, he looked for the 2nd floor. Already he had seen, but could not talk to her.

Could be...

The recordings in the park, MC Music Core and the concert, this records will remain the jewelry (but we know did happen.)

I will edit later...

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woah lampard!!

is that yong's face on the sunflower?!!

i actually tilted my head, and yes! its him alrite!!

hugs to the fan who made and gave this to her!!

a bright yellow sunflower...yeah, that is soo yong! :w00t:

wee...another item to add to their fans gifts collections!


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Guest YongxHyun
















































Chichinhu twit
















yonghwa's face  :w00t:































omg, that's the one !!
















that's so lovely~~ i guess hyun will put it in their house haha
















hyun is holding on it , wowww
















where did they take the pictures?? in the airport??

















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