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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest SophiaPia



guys... be calm...


i know i'm not.. huhuhu


from yongseofacts tweet;


how come....


really wish the rumors are true...



It's ok,  maybe this is not the time. It's just that after last wekk episode we are all happy then after episode yesterday we are all have mix emotions :( and now the Taiwan rumor then it's not :( so i don't know what are wgm PD doing to us ohmy.gif


We need episode that YongSeo couple kiss and make up paliiiiiiii


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tks for the tweet, geumjandi

#update a fan threw a card with yonghwa's face on it and a flower and Seohyun picked it up

aww..how cute is that? its like they're asking her to forgive him.. ^_^

shane, hug u for these gifs. daebak!!

erm, can make one of hyun twirling on her chair?

i saw one in dc but can't save it..

yongseo look so pretty and handsome in this epi..

if only we could change the situation...oh well..

next week should be better

ah! it makes me think of yongseo's couple pillows


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Guest ninashelovely
















Hi to all the Gogumas~








This is my first time here but I always spazz at this forum and read your opinion about our Yongseo.








I have been following them since their first episode and I can said that they have become close to each other.








It's a great thing because they need that so they can filming comfortably with each other.








I have been SNSD fan for almost 2 years and I feeling proud with Seohyun unnie. I think she have open up to the world a little by little.I know Yonghwa when they started WGM.Before that I kind of ignore CN BLUE(sorry~) but now I have become their biggest fan thanks to WGM..
















Regarding this week episode, I know that we Gogumas have a lot of opinion about Yong action and Hyun reaction.I guess we all still being shocked from the last week episode.Even myself keep playing their last week episode.^^








I agree with some people who are said that Yong need a confimation from Hyun, thats why he did that.And we all could see that Hyun getting worried about Yong when he didn't contacted her for a month.I guess this just show how much Hyun did care for him. I just wish that Yong did not try to do the same thing again.A month really are too much. I think Yong already get his lesson now and he keep wearing and flashing his ring now.^^








I can't wait for the next episode. I think a week are too much for me to waiting.
















Btw, can I know whether the rumour about Yong attending SNSD concert is true? bcoz I watch this Inkigayo this evening and see that Yong is there..are Inkigayo are pre-recording or what? I really wish that Yong will attending the concert. Afterall, he have been promise Hyun to attending SNSD concert~
















Lastly, thanks to other Gogumas who have been update about the caps, translations, wallpaper, art and videos~








Love you all!!
























Oh, I forgot this.








I love Yongseo because they potray how a relationship should go with time, I love them because they make me want to have a realtionship and lastly I love Yongseo because I know that they love each other~
















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Yong didnt go to the concert...emm, let's wait for the next concert (although dont know when is it)
































































































































































































one reason i think yong didnt go is because F&C doesnt give him the plane ticket to go..since you need money.
































































































































































































and for the "push and pull" . this ep is "push", and i believe the next ep is "PULL!!"
































































































































































































and i'm kinda sure, is pull.
































































































































































































the preview just cut like hyun still mad at yong
































































































































































































but i believe , i believe hyun will forgive him and give him the thailand "present" to yong next week































































































































































































































































































































































































What did the japanese fans said about them?? I only saw their pictures in Japan, but didnt see any comments about them??































































































































































































































































































































































































can anyone show me??

































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















































































































Yong will be forgiven. otherwise Hyun wouldn't buy him a present from Thailand. the salon part was filmed Aug 2 or 3 then SNSD went to Thailand, then Yong and Hyun practiced at MBC. its just that Hyun was still upset with Yong. who can blame her. We don't know the full reason for Yong's actions. we still don't know all the details, I wish we would state all his reasons next episode. so far the CNBlue concert is the main reason in my mind why Yong's "silent treatment" was extended to 1 month. I think the way that Yong said that he purposely did not contact Hyun so she can miss him more aggravated her more. she was really worried why he was not contacting her. then Yong casually says his reason. then continues to tease her without apologizing. he was so thrilled that she missed him. and maybe when Hyun was in Thailand he realized his mistakes thats why when they were practicing at MBC, he was apologetic and says that everything was his fault. its just sad that it turned out that way. but that happens in a relationship.

















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Guest ichigo_kawai

Hi Everyone....^_^

Thanks for all daebak post....

I wanna share this wallpaper

I hope u like it

Seo Ju Hyun You are my Love Light


Yoong U're my love light


 I don't know why...I think love come to me



Repost : Fan mv lovely skinship 28 (Song: Fight the bad feeling -T MAX)

Fan mv lovely skinship 28

Thanks for all comments

Thanks for watching

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Guest Kerube-Chan













How I love this Thread!!!! I love you my felllow goguma villagers!!!











I have to agree with someone that say that we gogumas have grown too... It is a total different feeling when I read all your post and I am saying this in the good way, we are expressing our feelings, our POV and we are very calm and polite and respectful to the other is POV.











We really have grown as a family and that makes me love you a lot more... We are going through a learning experience too.











This is really exciting, I love this ride, I know is going to end at some point but the memories we have gained with all this will follow us a lot of time, and this may sound silly but some of your post have give me a new light as how I see things, not just Yongseo related but real life too, people sharing their personal experience give a new deep to this thread and my thanks to you for all that!!











About Yongseo, I know things are going to get better and this experience (last episode) is going to give them a new understanding of their characters... They are growing together too and it is beautiful to see their development.











About Mrs. PD, the edition is really bad, that is all I have to say. I do think SH went to CN BLUE is concert and about the dinner issue, it was mentioned in a Khuntoria interview to the PD, the interview was at the begining of July, so they went out for dinner during the MBC strike period.











About Yonghwa attending SNSD is concert, well maybe it is because I am on the other side of the world, but I was thinking he went to Taiwan for the Concert on Saturday. So he can fly back in sunday morning for Inkigayo... That is what he did for CNBLUE Showcase in Taiwan, he took an early flight to Korea to be able to be on Inkigayo in the afternoon.











Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas, I really really love you all!!!


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true heartbreak

if this is how they want yongseo love story to be, then be it.

we can only embraced them with open arms and open mind,

hoping for the best.

but it did turned out good isn't it?


i agree with the 'flashback' thing, gumma omma (mrsathena).

relationship is not all abt lovey dovey, its a learning process..

reposting shane caps, hundreds of pages ago.

this is after the incheon concert

the happier time is here again


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Guest shane09










jnj, the gif that u request......could u give me the video link for that scene, n will make for u as fast as I can ^^



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Guest ilovesnowwhite
















































heartbreak_warfare22 really. i always wonder why couples i mean like couples who feel and understands
































 each other have misunderstandings. and sometimes it can be as little as you're late or something, but this episode showed me why, because boys and girls are different. haha. i know its just common sense, but its good to see both sides.
































and ichigo_kawaii thanks for the vid dear. when i was on my way on this thread i saw that you're the last post so i was like O_O the skinship mv! thanks
































and someone knows if the preview i mean the date that it was filmed was the day that they're going to perform on incheon?yes? since seohyun said that she is in the process of moving away, then before that they already filmed the Horror special, i thought seohyun was okay with yong(i mean she doesn't feeel bad anymore)there since they were so lovey dovey on the school. (like kerrorro moments. ^^ and the helmet moments) or maybe yong did another mistake after the horror filming.
































haha., this couple is very entertaining.









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Guest maybelove

















Sorry people... I really just wonder for very long.. Is WGM scripted.. i always believe is not script and they are real... but now i really worry for Yong~ image.... he like being the bad boy... I really love this couple a lot.. but just wanna checking how this WGM is run... can anyone tell me :(
































i've been wondering about this for quite some time as well.. would be glad if anyone can explain about it.. because as the way i see it, the feelings that the couples expressed seems quite realistic to me, as in the way they express themselves as a couple.. but then again sometimes i think that the parts are scripted.. :unsure:

















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Ahh... I'm just wondering whether Yong could have made it to Taiwan Saturday and then come back in time for inkigayo recording Sunday. It's only a 2 hours flight from Taiwan to Seoul. It's not impossible right? ;)
































































































































































































































































































































I think SNSD had a show on both Saturday and Sunday. (please correct me if I'm wrong :vicx: )
































































































































































































































































































































goguma1207 and ichigo you MVs are DAEBAKKK!! Goguma1207 I think that song will now aways be a YongSeo couple song. It fits them so perfectly.
































































































































































































































































































































Also, sharing the latest ratings
































































































































































































































































































































credit: sayroo@ soompi ratings thread
































































































































































































































































































































*TNS has not yet updated their list of ratings for SATURDAY, AGB is currently the only available
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. Please Marry Me <결혼해주세요> (KBS2) episode 35 - 24.3%, 25.9%
































































































































































































































































































































2. Definitely Neighbors <이웃집웬수> (SBS) episode 60 - 21.9%, 22.8%
































































































































































































































































































































3. Life is Beautiful <인생은아름다워> (SBS) episode 56 - 19.7%, 21.3%
































































































































































































































































































































4. Flames of Desire <욕망의불꽃> (MBC) episode 5 - 16.7%, 18.0%
































































































































































































































































































































5. World Changing Quiz <세상을바꾸는퀴즈세바퀴> (MBC) - 16.1%, 17.7%
































































































































































































































































































































6. Infinity Challenge <무한도전> (MBC) - 15.4%, 17.5%
































































































































































































































































































































7. Star King <스타킹> (SBS) - 14.4%, 14.4%
































































































































































































































































































































8. KBS News 9 <KBS뉴스9> (KBS1) - 10.4%, 10.4% (#10)
































































































































































































































































































































9. That I Want to Know <그것이알고싶다> (SBS) - 10.3%, 11.7% (#8)
































































































































































































































































































































10. We Got Married Season 2 <우리결혼했어요시즌2> (MBC) - 10.2%, 10.7% (#9)
































































































































































































































































































































11. Entertainment Weekly <연예가중계> (KBS2) - 9.5%, 9.8% (#12)
































































































































































































































































































































12. SBS 8 o'clock news <SBS8시뉴스> (SBS) - 9.5%, 10.4% (#11)
































































































































































































































































































































13. Mom's Pretty Too <엄마도예쁘다> (KBS2) - 8.9%, 8.8% (#15)
































































































































































































































































































































14. North Windows <남북의창> (KBS1) - 8.6%, 7.7% (#20)
































































































































































































































































































































15. GLORIA <글로리아> (MBC) episode 23 - 8.9%, 9.0% (#14)
































































































































































































































































































































16. Every Morning <아침마당> (KBS1) - 8.2%, Below Top 20
































































































































































































































































































































17. Professional Basketball <프로야구> (SBS) - 8.1%, 9.1% (#13)
































































































































































































































































































































18. Star Golden Bell <스타골든벨> (KBS2) - 7.6%, 8.5% (#17)
































































































































































































































































































































19. MBC News Desk <MBC뉴스데스크> (MBC) - 7.4%, 8.8% (#16)
































































































































































































































































































































20. Featured Stories, Morning Wide Part 3 <토요특집 모닝와이드3부> (SBS) - 7.2%, Below Top 20
































































































































































































































































































































*GIANT Re-run <자이언트 (재)> (SBS) - Below Top 20, 7.9% (#18)
































































































































































































































































































































*SBS Sports News <SBS스포츠뉴스> (SBS) - Below Top 20, 7.9% (#19)
































































































































































































































































































































































































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@maybelove: I think it started out as a non-scripted show, got heavily scripted during the latter part of the first season, when ratings started to drop (I remember some strange things going on while the Kangji couple was on) - and finally went back to non-scripted during the second season. I remember some interview and some press releases from last year (or even earlier), where the non-scriptedness of WGM was emphasized.

The only stuff coming from the PDs is the missions (for season II), I think, and I think I remember reading somewhere that sometimes they tell participants to ask their partner about "this and that". But I believe, otherwise WGM is pretty much unscripted. I mean, if it were, there would have been much more dramatic things going on in the Yongseo Couple's married life when first cries were heard as to the couple being "boring". But the behaviour of both is pretty much consistent - so I don't believe there is any interfering going on.

Just my two cents.

Best regards,


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pardon me for posting pics that we've seen before.

but i'm soo looking forward to these

yongseo is forgiveness


date in Jpn



cr sweet potatoblog



its @6.16

but no rush pls... hug u

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Guest ahn_annann
























here the scene that I expected for this singer couple ..
















to talk about a music, sing a song together ..
















for me , this episode is so sweet and impression..
































made by me





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Guest ichigo_kawai

@ Ilovesnowwhite Thanks for watching my video :wub:

@Genxv: Unnie thanks for your support... :wub:

And here is I wanna share this pict..ke..ke..ke  "Just for fun"

"Yong Letter"

To All YongSeo shippers

Please Watching Yongseo Couple Next week

It will be DAEBAK

Trust oppa

Look at me..I'm very bright

"Special Days"

Thanks for all support gogumas



"Yong Letter"


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Guest constantia11

I know that it seems like this week's episode is not as lovey dovey as the one before.

But I think it is just how a relationship can be.

One can not expect to have sweet and lovey dovey moments throughout a relationship.

This way the PD is trying to capture the honest moments between our couple.

The highlight of this episode for me is the head nudging.

FOr me, a couple has to be close and comfortable enough around each other to be able to do that.

I think it's an intimate way to convey your affection towards your lover or spouse.

Of course there are other ways more intimate than just a simple head nudging, but we are talking about Yongseo couple here, whose relationship is flowing relatively slow (which I don't mind by the way)

What annoys me is that, why didn't the MCs make any comment on the head nudging?

Is head nudging is a normal thing to do in Korea (pardon my lack of knowledge is that is so)?

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hands down the best Yong aegyo was on this week's episode








































see the following evidence:

























































































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Guest YongxHyun
















































the ratings i saw is 12.6....last ep had went up 0.7% and this ep again went up 0.7%..so is good!

















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