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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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My personal opinion with this issue... I think the line between reel and real have become almost non existent, the two of them are really commited to this (carrying around their gifts) and maybe because they dont know if it is real or reel from the other person is POV they get insecure about their status.

Just my personal opinion.

I am so sorry to cut your post.

It's been mentioned by several participants of WGM that even they often get confused between what is "real" and what is "reel" while on WGM. So, what you are saying is probably true from certain point of view. Except that I don't think that line between "real" and "reel" will ever be "almost non existent" for those who are involved.

The following is just my opinion on over-stepping "reality" boundry by PD and writers in WGM, not a response to anybody in particular:

I know someone mentioned that WGM already crossed the line between "reality" and "reel" when they talked about "Love Light" in last episode. Well, there was a huge aftermath because of that. Yonghwa DID pay for that price, dearly, with a huge backlash from many of his fans. Just how huge that price is, it still remains to be seen.

The bigger problem with this week's episode is that not only did PD and writers use "reality" but they also skewed that reality with poor editing and warping the timeline to suit their envisioned storyline regardless of how that might hurt the images of "actors" involved. We all know that there was a news article reporting Seohyun going to CN Blue concert in July. There was even a staff of WGM reporting hiding backstage during CN Blue for WGM filming backstage on his twitter. Now, PD and writers of WGM are trying to tell us that Yonghwa and Seohyun didn't even talk to each other nor seen each other in July. Someone is not saying the truth. Who could it be?

Sure, Yonghwa probably didn't contact Seohyun for a while, but it probably wasn't a whole month like they are saying on the show. Even between friends, sometimes weeks go by without contacting if things get hectic with our personal lives. Does that make that person a "bad person"? No, things just got hectic and didn't get to call or contact. No need to make a huge deal out of it. "Not calling" issue is more delicate of an issue if two are in a "dating relationship" as we all know.

At this time, as Yonghwa said in Thailand interview, Yonghwa and Seohyun are not in "dating relationship" in reality.

As hot of an issue "Love Light" was with the fans, the PD didn't skew the facts nor did he warp the timeline. Yonghwa said he wrote the "rap" part while thinking about Seohyun. That is exactly how PD shown in last episode. He didn't add nor subtract from the truth that Yonghwa was telling.

This week, it is obvious that PD skewed the facts and warp the actual timeline to fit the storyline he envisioned with "Incheon Korean Wave Concert" episode to make it more dramatic without regards to what kind of effect it might have on people involved. That the problem some of us, including myself, are having with WGM over stepping boundry between "reality" and "reel".

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After I saw the heated atmosphere in chinese forums and some hateful comments on Yong in youtube comments, I do worry about how he feels when he watched this episode.








If I were him, I would be reminded about the past again and now it has been made public. Last week he was feeling down in the dumps, I hope he is not sad again when he watched this episode.








I believe that Yonghwa is not that stupid to place himself in a bad light to gain haters or angst from viewers, the show just blown up the matter by excluding his reasoning that he was busy preparing the concert. The poor editing seriously made him a bad person. He can't voice his opinions now because they have already been edited away, it is too late for him to explain himself, the show has successfully made him a bad person.








Yonghwa is a rather emotional person, he may start blaming himself when he saw how "bad" he was in the latest episode.








A few guguma fans who watch the youtube episode were flaming Yonghwa and supporting Seohyun. I assume they don't go soompi to discuss about this issue, because they were rather superficial and just watch at face value without empathising why is Yonghwa in this situation.








Viewers shouldn't just accept what they see on television easily, they should still go through the thought process and think deeper about their relationship. If viewers always expect to see gugumaland aka dreamland with perfect prince and princess, they should stick to fairytales.








EDIT: kay77 Thanks for the analysis, do you have any idea how is the situation in korea? Are Boices angry that Yonghwa has been placed in a bad light or are there any haters again?



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Guest blu3bird80




hi there kay77.. as non native of korea, trying hard to peer into their culture and societies.. your POV is really, really refreshing.. i for one got to know SNSD 1st.. than CNBlue after WGM.. maybe not being a korean is a real disadvantage for us international shipper this is where your POV is really, really important.. i guess in a way it does damage Yo~ng image being portrayed as he is in the show.. i feel for him, but he himself know this better right? why? why did he do what he did? i myself is really enjoying CN Blue music.. i have their album and jam to their song occasionally.. by my understanding band culture is not big in korea, so is a struggle for CN Blue to really be accepted there.. they are better of in japan or international market.. it is sad for me knowing that what the WGM PD are doing.. is really character killing Jung Yong Hwa of CN Blue and Seohyun of SNSD.. i pray that they stop doing it to raise popularity for the show.. but this again show how committed he is to his Seo Ju Hyun.. i find it heartbreaking.. if this journey is to end.. both are gonna be hurt in many more way than we might even see or feel.. kay77 thanks for the info.. so she did went to his 1st concert (still rumor).. but kay77 let wait a bit more okay.. there is that japan ep that everybody mentioning gonna be another turning point in their relationship..


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Guest chilipadi_22








































































omo omo~
























































please let the rumor of yong going to Taiwan be TRUEEEEEEE!!!
























































it will be DAEBAK to know that he went for her concert in taiwan and staying in the same hotel as her!!
























































*fingers crossed*
























































AND AND AND...not forgetting yesterday's episode.
























































yong's plan to make hyun think of him has backfired!! i can see that hyun is really angry. hope things would get better for them next week. or else, i think that yong is going to get it from the other SNSD members backstage of the korean music wave.
























































but on the whole, its still great to see that they really care for each other!
























































looking forward to next week's episode! (as usual)

































































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Hi Everyone!


I have to say..this past episode was definitely NOT the twist that I expected earlier this week when I first read MC Kim's tweet. As a guy, I can somewhat understand Yong's thinking..plus with what I just learned about the PD editing parts of the backroom interview out, then I dont feel as bad for Hyun as some other people do on youtube. As just a normal college student there are times when I cant keep in touch with my closest friends for weeks on end due to my studies...but Yong's like a million times more busy than I am so I can see why he wasn't able to keep in touch with her.


I'm just hoping to see Yong do something awesome to help him earn all his goguma points back.


Oh and I thought I'd share this awesome FMV I found to help cheer up everyone a little.


Yongseo FMV - If I have a lover


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Hi All,



As most of you are already aware, Yongseo international fan club is now collaborating with the fans in Korea, Baidu and many more to plan and support uri couple 300th days celebration on 7 Dec 2010.



We are collecting 300 reasons "I love Yongseo because..." and still need another 196 gogumas to share.



To make it easier for everyone, you can post it in this forum and I & baby_bo will help to collate the postings for bezbezbez to work on them. It will be good if you can just highlight "I love Yongseo because" so that we will not miss your post since the thread move very fast sometimes. Please include, your name, age, country






We hope to have all the reasons as soon as possible, will be great if we can have this part done by end oct so that there are enough times to do the artwork.Gogumas, please show us your support,



Here are some of the recent ones to share to start the ball rolling. Lets flood the thread with Yongseo Love.

I love the YONGSEO couple because the progress of their relationship is slow- yet so real. The way they changed each other, the way they stare at each other. Nothing can be as heart-warming as them, as their love story unfolds.

glitterspark, 18, Singapore



I love the YONGSEO couple because just like "Love Light" I have become the lyrics itself. Their love can be called "True love awaits" and they are each other's "Keeper".




i love yongseo because what they have is so natural and refreshing. they always have fun and light moments. they don't fake it just to please the crowd.  

andrelle, Philippines, 21




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hyun at itnw concert
































































































































































































































dunno if she wear the ring,but i hope yonghwa came today because its last concert
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cre coldnoodles

































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Guest SophiaPia




btw, also thanks to redtulip for translations. Again thanks to j2dlee and to all who always give us translations whether it's the episodes or the news.


I hope rumor is true that Yonghwa is in Taiwan, i hope he meet Hyun. Maybe promoting something or another wgm filming whatever it is. I hope rumor is true.


Thanks GeumJanDi for the Taiwan photo of SeoHyun i hope we can get some more photos of SNSD in Taiwan.


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Guest magicaL.chubi3
































































THANKS J2DLEE for the translation~ awesomeness~ hihi~ ^_^;)
















































Also thanks kheenim rock!. :);)
















































It''s really true that Seohyun is scary when she's angry.
















































And i love the part when she said that

H: Just to let him have a taste of what it feels like being ‘pulled and pushed’. I think he’ll be really sorry.









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Guest bowzo12


In the first part hyun ask yong that "How have you been doing recently?"


and Yong answered that "After the concert,..."


Because of his answered,so I assume that they really met at the concert.




But they didn't have a chance to talk to each other personally because I think yong was kind of busy in that concert night (I mean too many of his relatives and friends went to his concert.)




So the problem still there at the time they met in the salon.


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at first I don't intend to express my POV here because my poor english, but can't help when someone point this ep. might ruin Yonghwa image.








































someone said Yong don't contact Hyun for month is too much and his reason is choding but since she said she really worry about him Why won't she call him then? (or she just said it but don't feel it).








































this not only ruin Yong's image but Hyun's image too.








































when you watch and interpret the show it's depend on how logic you are.








































what your standard used for judged other person.















































































for me this ep. is nothing to worry, the show just need some twist and dramatic storyline (1 month of no contact-->anger buin-->revenge-->make it up-->and perfect performance of RDR+Love Light)









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Guest butterfly07






Whether Yonghwa and seohyun are friends or whatever, Seohyun putting too much emphasis on the matter is is not helping his image at all. Fans or people in general get sensitive when watching the show that they don't realize many things come into play. Like Kay77 had mentioned and I have to agree with her that editing is really a big factor of why this episode's scenario is blown out of proportion. Many of you may disagree, but from past couple episodes I feel the reasons for Yonghwa being in the hot seat from fans of all corners was because of Seohyun. She targeted him for not texting on her birthday, she persisted to ask him about love light, and now not calling her for a month. I feel she should have found a way to communicate with him about those things privately and not in front of the cameras. I mean to mention the non birthday text is okay, but to repeatedly express her unhappiness towards almost everything that yonghwa is not obliged to do as they are not in a real relationship (for now that is) outside of WGM is just making yonghwa become the target of hateful comments from his fans, wgm fans, and people in general. Both Yonghwa and Seohyun have some great qualities and not so great ones, but Yonghwa doesn't seem to be too clingy on those subject matters as compared to seohyun. It's like she's sometimes oblivious of what she's doing to him because it results to people condemning Yonghwa for his misconstrued actions.


Also, I am confused as to why the pd and editing crew still lets yonghwa wait for seohyun at the bus stop during the birthday episode when they are supposedly a married couple living in a house together. This is either a bad editing error or just simply a bad approach to the whole meaning of wgm concept.



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Guest MrsAthenaG








Why do networks over-dramatise events? To bring reaction from the audience - mind-play and of course spark the interest of the public. This is a fine example of editing at its best, missing scenes that could give a simple explanation. Although we know that the unpleasant events happened, I do believe that the loss of communication between the couple did occur, the presentation to the public had to be dramatic as we were presented a "high" last week, and to diffuse further speculation about the relationship of these two, they had to present a different twist to the situation. Just think of this as "flashback scene" since we were shown events after this episode occurred and showed the more current situation of the two. That's why although I don't approve of the time-jump episodes that the PD showed us, it sort of calms down further angst from the audience. Of course there is a great percentage of the audience that will get confused, angered, saddened, or whatever else emotion that the producers wish to achieve because they might have just tuned in after hearing such a great episode last week, or for whatever reason they watched the show, for those like me who knew this happened prior to the Chuseok Special, no worries. So that's my technical point of view.




Now for the content, as a woman with more than 30 years of experience in relationships, not hearing from a first meeting, first date or a blind date is very nerve-wracking and brings forth the insecurity. Anxiety turns into doubt, then sadness and then into anger and this is what Hyun experienced for the first time. After such a romantic effort on her part preparing the special gifts for his birthday, not hearing from Yong brought about these emotions in her. Some of you said that it was because of insecurity that Yong did what he did, I say, both experienced insecurity, even though that particular emotion wasn't presented to us. But for any woman to meet a man and shows interest in him, you want to hear from him after the first meeting to see if he's interested, right? Same with Hyun except after showing her "event" to Yong, she was hoping to hear from him. When she didn't hear from him, she started to wait and worry (anxiety) and if I were her, I would think if I went overboard in my presents, did I show too much of my feelings, did I so something wrong, is he interested (doubt). After thinking back at the events, knowing that you did it special for him hoping he'll accept your heart, you're sad that it didn't affect him as much as it affected you. And then, after feeling the sadness comes the anger of "How dare him not acknowledge me, How could he ignore me, Why isn't he calling, who does he think he is, what did I do wrong for him to treat me like this", all these thoughts and more will be running in your head. And if Hyun is angered, she felt all these emotions, she's interested in him. If she was just in it for experience and show, I don't think it would have bothered her if she didn't hear from him. And if she was instructed to do what she did, then she's a damn good actress and need to be in a drama soon.




Now I'll speculate on the man's feelings, he got scared. He also showed a lot of emotion during their Birthday episode and with what Hyun presented him as her gifts, he was overwhelmed with emotion, just by his calling her name with nothing else following, not knowing what to say - overwhelmed and confused. Why did I tell her that I wrote the song thinking of her, did I show too much emotion, did she like what I told her, what is she feeling? These are probably some of the questions in Yong's head...he needed to back off a little to evaluate what's happening. And he probably really intended to not contact her so she will miss him, but as we all know, when you're the leader of a new band trying to promote your group to rise to the top and having your first concert in your homeland, this boy was in so much pressure to make their concert a huge success, especially trying to fulfill the high expectations of the audience with ticket sales sold out in a few hours. It meant that they needed to present an extra-ordinary successful concert and with work, something else suffered, he then became so busy with preparations that days not calling turned into weeks and before you know it, it was already a month. Is it acceptable? To a woman, of course not, but do I understand that it happened, yup, he's type A perfectionist. I also remember that during BlueLove album preparations, it was said that cellphones were prohibited by FNC and even during a recent interview with FT Island, they were asked about the difference when they debuted and CN Blue's debut and they stated that now, they can have cellphones. I'm pretty sure that some Boices will recall this statement from past interviews.




We are presented with different emotions that couples go through in a relationship each week from this couple, I'd say that if this was arranged by the PDs, pretty good script, but I don't think so. What I see, and this is my personal opinion, are raw emotions from this couple. From experience, I have done what Yong did to a boyfriend in my teens and I refused any communication so that he can miss me and think of me more. And in this instance, it worked for me but it may also could have backfired. Making me look back because of this episode, I laugh at myself for being so childish, so insecure. And please, these two are still kids who are exploring their emotions and they will still find out more about feelings in the next episodes to come.




I'm glad that these episodes were aired after the Incheon Concert, Horror Special and the Birthday episodes. I cannot imagine how crazy this thread would have been in if the last three were not aired until after...poor Yong will be hanging from his you know what after this episode. But, they were aired so think of it as "Flashback" and continue the love and support for Yong and Hyun.




My apologies for such a lengthy post and over analysis. Sometimes, it's very difficult being an adult, let alone an older adult. Have a nice week, my Goguma children, from your Guma Omma. (love that name, thank you, lovekim) Keep showing your love for them and each other.



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Guest bowzo12
























at first I don't intend to express my POV here because my poor english, but can't help when someone point this ep. might ruin Yonghwa image.
















someone said Yong don't contact Hyun for month is too much but since she said she really worry about him Why won't she call him then? (or she just said it but don't feel it).








this not only ruin Yong's image but Hyun's image too.
























when you watch and interpret the show it's depend on how logic you are.








what your standard used for judged other person.


























for me this ep. is nothing to worry, the show just need some twist and dramatic storyline (1 month of no contact-->anger buin-->revenge-->make it up-->and perfect performance of RDR+Love Light)
























About why Hyun didn't contact him first ?








I think it's kind of cultural things, I'm Asian,too .








So I kind of understand that.
















It's like in relationship, girls shouldn't initiate things first, it's a guy job.








Girls shouldn't too expose about their feeling in the "not so sure about the other feeling" State. (I hope you know what I mean)
















Now, not all of the Asian girls think like that but there's still this kind of believe (Myself,too)









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Sorry people... I really just wonder for very long.. Is WGM scripted.. i always believe is not script and they are real... but now i really worry for Yong~ image.... he like being the bad boy... I really love this couple a lot.. but just wanna checking how this WGM is run... can anyone tell me :(



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Guest sweet_spy










I am so sorry to cut your post.








This week, it is obvious that PD skewed the facts and warp the actual timeline to fit the storyline he envisioned with "Incheon Korean Wave Concert" episode to make it more dramatic without regards to what kind of effect it might have on people involved. That the problem some of us, including myself, are having with WGM over stepping boundry between "reality" and "reel".















I could not agree with you more on this








Watching this episode, although i do love how they seem closer and more lovey-dovey, i could not help but think that the PDs have manipulated some of the scenes and edited them in ways that would possibly yield in higher ratings. Of course thats just what i see from my point of view but theres that possibility which if true would make me feel so bad for Yong~ T__________T








I sympathize with Huyn because i myself would get upset if someone i care about would stop contacting for a some time to test my feelings. But on the other hand, i dont blame Yong for that. He's young and with his hectic schedule during July, it is understandable that things might have get out of hands and he might not have been able to take good care of both work and relationships equally as he wanted to. And by relationships here i mean not just with Huyn~ but also with other important people in his life such as his family and friends. I remembered him saying that he was so busy following his debut that for a long long time he could not call, let alone meet up with his close co-actors from YAB. 1 month is not a short period that can be easily ignored; but seriously when you have too much to think about, too much to work on, and huge responsibility fulfilment expected from you, 1 month is a slip of time that is going to pass by in a blink of an eye without you noticing. Although, i would bet that this 1 month issue is really just an intended exaggeration. I refuse to believe that all the rumors we've been counting on about their arranged dinners and Huyn's appearance at CNBlue concert are all fluff and do not hold any truth in them.








Also, looking at the situation from CNBlue recent Asia tour, i think Yong~ has earned back a lot of his goguma points. Wasnt he always wearing the ring everywhere he went to and proudly flaunting it to the fans during performances?








P.S: Can you give my the link to the Thailand interview you mentioned in your post? Thank you ^_^
















With all that said, i was not trying to defend Yong~ or anything. Im just stating what i truly felt after watching this week episode :sweatingbullets:








And i was so amazed that Huyn~ could be such a pro at playing "pull & push" :lol: . Really if i didnt know Huyn any better i would think she has had quite some experience dealing with boys before joining WGM :P She can be so playful, yet adorable at the same time :wub: . Huyn~ is always full of surprises.



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Guest bowzo12


In my opinion, this kind of situation if people don't overreact, it's nothing about their image.


It's not make you to be a good or bad person in this situation, it just two people think and action in different way and it makes the conflict, that's all.




This is a kind of conflict that can happen to any relationship in the world (I have this kind of situation with my friends too).


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In my opinion, the line between reel and real has been blurred for this couple a long time ago.  I believe that it started with the outside of filming event of Yong being diagnosed with vocal cord nodule.  I think that situation and Hyun's response to it led him to see her in a different way and vice versa.  I think though that WGM took a chance by recruiting such young idols and a girl who was inexperienced in love.  By doing so, I think they fully knew (or should have known) that it may be more like a "dating" rather than "marriage" relationship.  What does a 21 and 19 yr old boy and girl know about marriage especially when they were strangers to begin with?

I never bought the premise that they didn't contact each other for the whole month of July.  It just didn't make sense by what we knew of news events.  I believe it may have been 2 weeks in the middle of July.  The fact that they kept tabs on each others activities showed that they care for one another.  You don't just go out of your way in finding out what another person has been/is doing without caring for one another (BTW, next time just ask each other).  I wish that "fans" would calm down before flaming anyone with their writing.  I do not blame Yong in this episode.  I can fully understand the insecurities he must have felt and the same with Hyun.  Emotions make us do what seems like illogical and irrational things.  I understand that he had a lot on his plate at the time too.  Being from FNC and not a major company like SME, he probably had to do more things on his own to prepare for the concert.  No matter what, I hope that Yong and Hyun are truthful with each other outside of filming so that they know what each expect and feel for one another.  Maybe we will see that in the Japan episode.  I was so impressed that Yong knew straight away the date of their 200 days anniversary.

About how Yong is being portrayed this week as being a "bad boy".  I didn't see it that way just because I think that Hyun was talking with her emotions when she asked him to sing that part of rdr.  I think this will be this week's worry, but next week I think everyone will be sweet on Yong again because I'm sure that he will be redeemed.  I think that stars/idols develop an image problem that sticks only if they are consistently portrayed as such.  I don't think that will be the case with Yong.

This is just my speculation, but I think that they may discuss seokyu next week when Yong mentioned being shocked at Hyun's text.  SMtown Seoul was in aug 21 after Cheseouk special and before their stage performance.  I remember she did not wear the ring at SMtown Seoul but wore it in LA Sept 4.  So they must have resolved their angst before Hyun left for LA.   I could totally be way off re seokyu though.  YONG HWAITING!  HYUN HWAITING!  LOVE U BOTH.

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Guest sun_sun



In my opinion, Yong didnt contact Hyun for one month that is a cute thing because he had a good reason to do it...Maybe someone look it seem too long but I think Yong knew Hyun show her feeling so hard...one week or two weeks may not enough...and Yong have to control himself also that not send her a message. And that make us know how Hyun worried about Yong ^^ ...and she's cute when angry like Seulong said but scaring me in same time. She really grown up. I think we dont care about script or not. Just believe in our Couple....and I believed Yong and Hyun knew each other well. (in real time)


Thank you j2dlee's Translation...you translated for us even some sentenses so hard to hear...Thank you^^

Sub this week already done ...

Part 1

Part 2


We cannot change other thinking, someone love Yong more...someone love Hyun more..but we 're here because we love both of them.


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I don't think its fair to blame Yong as he hadn't contacted hyun for a month. He was branded as bad boy and became the wrong person  in the ep just becoz hyun was the first one to throw him a wrath due to him losing the contact with her. 
























In vice versa, would hyun become the wrong person instead if yong happened to initiate blaming her for not contacting him for a month when they met at salon? Would viewers get mad that  hyun did wrong to her hubby?   
























We don't know if hyun tried to contact him sometimes in that period becoz the show didn't show us. If she did and yong ignored her text or else, its understandable to blame him in that case. 
























From the preview, it seems hyun still was mad at him and showed her pushing away from him but they also acted lovely dovey while they were practising their duet perf. How weird ? Hyun is really different from other gals. I think yong played the push and pulling game becoz he wanted to know how she really felt toward him after the last b-day epi. Did she really has special feeling for him as he did for her?
























So, he wanted her to speak it out to comfirm him that its not one sided love. Although ppl say actions speak louder than words , don't everyone who is in love at least wants to hear their loving ones  telling them once 'I love u' , 'I miss u' ? Yong isn't different from us . He'd like to hear that 'I miss u ' words from hyun to confirm that he didn't misunderstand / misinterpret / delude what she truely felt to him from the b-day event.
























As far as I've seen, The wgm PD tries to keep the image of innocent and inexperienced hyun who will be forgiven if she ever did something wrong and  experienced yong who would be at risk  of getting blamed from viewers if he did any wrong move in their relationship. Hyun seems to highly expect yong as her ideal/perfect guy she likes. She expected him to keep contacting her outside WGM. She expected him to wear the new ring all da time.   Differently, yong hardly expected something on her. He just accepted what she was and always encourages her no matter what she did.
























 I might blame yong for indulging her in almost everything at earlier episodes so she was used to it and became  a spoilt gal in love as we see now. haha Too late to change her, yon~g tongue.gif 





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