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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Kerube-Chan





It's my first time posting something on the thread. Just want to say hi to all the goguma fans all over the world.  I'm not sure if anyone else noticed, but when I watched the making of the "Let's Go" MV, I noticed that Hyun did the same three finger "ok" sign Yong has done during his "Love Light" performances.  I know there was a discussion previously whether Yong did the sign for his buin.  I dunno...maybe I'm getting too addicted to the YongSeo couple.  smile.gif  Just an observation.....












































Talking about this I remember someone posted the theory of some people on DC, during the OH! Promotions in one of the music programs SH was been really playful and I remember everyone was talking about it, because she did the avatar connection thing she did with YH when they first move in (She did the move during the performance).












































DC gallers found it funny and commented about it... A time later everyone get to see YH is Love Light performance in the CN BLUE concert... Guess what, the DC gallers made another finding the same movement he did with his fingers (The ok thing) she did it during that OH! performance, I think they said she changed the gestures she always do and make the OK sing!












































I know there were pictures making the comparison, this thread have to many pages, but I remember reading about it.












































Maybe this have become their personal sign. kekekeke












































Happy spazzing my fellow goguma villagers!!!!












































Edit: Found the performance I was talking about June 25, 2010 (Dont know if it was recorded the same day)












































Performance (You can see the Ok sign at 00:17)



























































































Fancams of SH that day:












































OH Performance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7TROc4e29c












































My life will suck without you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrzLc7nw2ww












































In this one, I dont know if I am crazy but I can swear she smiled when YH began to sing. Just my crazy imagination maybe but what the hey!!!












































Edit 2: Just to compare this was the first performance of OH and she didnt make the OK sign.




















































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My life will suck without you:  http://www.youtube.c...h?v=MrzLc7nw2ww
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In this one, I dont know if I am crazy but I can swear she smiled when YH began to sing.  Just my crazy imagination maybe but what the hey!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry to cut your post but, you are right! I did notice that too, and after her smile, she pays atention at his voice too  (I think because in the rehearsal, yong´s voice fail ^^

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































she is so cute ^^.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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dreamyboo i swear, the first thing i did when i turned on my computer was watch your video. it is so GOOOOOODDDDD! i loved it. i was honestly hoping someone would make a video with that song! because i just recently watched seohyun singing to it the other day and i love that song (and movie too) lol. thanks for sharing and i dled it and it will be on replay for a while! :) best video maker ever! :wub:







jnj lol yea, it was pretty funny. and it was great catchy up with you too! and i agree it felt like for a while there, it was just us! haha. but too bad i had to leave you guys earlier.







raindrops_919 never! lol i know exactly how you feel thou. hahaha. thats why its seems like forever since i last made something haha.







Rouenna hahaha i did so not notice that! i remember the fans and such, but i was so distracted with everything else that totally slipped my mind. haha thanks for sharing! and pointing it out!







magdal lol i had to take a second look there. haha. but i dont blame you, lol







crystal_malfoy lol thanks for those words!

hahaha. i honestly only put it in the spoiler because i dont really care for junsu, lol. hahaha. but i love my captions thou. hahaha.







gogumafan you are just being just goguma for yongseo (okay that was lame, hahaha) but i didnt notice it now i'm going to for the rest of the time i watch it. hahaha.







Kerube-Chan so thats pretty crazy! and sweet. haha. thanks for the videos and pointing them out. like i mentioned to gogumafan i'm going to notice it from now on! hahaha


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Guest luv1822






Hello Gogumas! (sorry for this long post)


I've been a silent lurker for sooooo long and a supporter and strong believer of our couple. I've been trying to keep up with the thread, unfortunately I'm still on page 1170 while writing this, but I just had to express my gratitude to everyone who posts here and keeps this thread alive. My heartfelt thanks to the translators, subbers, uploaders, gif makers, for the keepers of the thread, fanfic writers, fmv makers, bloggers, the silent lurkers like me, and to everyone who loves Yongseo. Thank you j2dlee, sun-sun, tazweena, panGG,  djhinata, crsytal_malfoy,redtulip,genxv, shane, trent, heartbreak-warfare, d3 seohyun, dreamyboo, lovekin, jossa, clumsy, princescharming, sophiapia, lovekin, tukki, kerube-chan, woollylamb, kay77, otty, patate-deuce, (goodness, I should have listed down your names guys - I'm writing this based on memory - sincere apologies to the ones I forgot to mention, i'll make a list next time).


I never thought I'd still have the courage to post again, though I log in and visit the thread everyday to give plus signs, because I know I have nothing to share, no pics, no gifs, no fanfics, no fmvs; BUT right now I feel that I needed to post because I want to say that despite my shortcomings, the greatest contribution I can give our couple is my LOVE and TRUST, silently supporting them but proud to tell the world about my love for them and spreading this love to friends and acquaintances. Though I read everything, as in EVERYTHING (including spoilers), that is posted in this thread, and I sometimes feel disheartened, nothing stops me from feeling any lesser love for our couple, it just makes me love them even more because that's what makes them all the more TRUE. Their story and what they share each time they are together are not FANCY nor FRIVOLOUS, nothing EXTRAVAGANT yet UTTERLY HEARTFELT and HEARTWARMING. They try to please us, the audience and their fans, yes, but not to the point of doing what they don't want to do. Am I making sense? Anyway, this has gotten quite long. I'm a Filipino, by the way,who has never watched WGM before, never knew either Seo Joo Hyun, Yonghwa, SNSD or CNBlue before I stumbled upon our couple's first ever episode but has grown to LOVE them. I can truthfully say that the first episode was my all-time favorite because it was the epitome of RAW emotions slowly unfolding,waiting to be tapped and nurtured before fully blossoming, with the looks they gave each other during that first meeting, LOVE was definitely in the air, they both knew and felt it, which is why it transcended and made its way into our hearts. Which is exactly why Yonghwa had that burst of inspiration to start re-creating LOVELIGHT. For me, it doesn't matter where this journey leads them, as long as both of them are happy and content, I will definitely support them. That is how I love them, no strings attached, no conditions, no restrictions, no pressure ( let them take their own pace), no expectations (even if they became just friends or lovers after the show). Gosh, I feel as if I'm marrying into this couple (heheh). But seriously, they have proven their worth, each of them is unique and true and worthy of not just our LOVE but RESPECT. That is what I intend to give them, my complete LOVE and RESPECT, through and through.


Bye for now Gogumas! KEEP THE FAITH!  *** group hugs everyone *** :wub:




Baby_bo : Thank you for all your superb caps!!!:wub:


d_????? : Thank you too for your mv!!!:wub:



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YongSeo Couple (The Story of Lovelight)






























































































































another mv :wub:









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Guest fara_m7






seohyun "ok sign" 0:17, june 25




yonghwa "ok sign" 2:36, july 12











yonghwa "ok sign" 3:03, july 31


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Guest luckynew








Talking about this I remember someone posted the theory of some people on DC, during the OH! Promotions in one of the music programs SH was been really playful and I remember everyone was talking about it, because she did the avatar connection thing she did with YH when they first move in (She did the move during the performance).  




DC gallers found it funny and commented about it... A time later everyone get to see YH is Love Light performance in the CN BLUE concert... Guess what, the DC gallers made another finding the same movement he did with his fingers (The ok thing) she did it during that OH! performance, I think they said she changed the gestures she always do and make the OK sing!




I know there were pictures making the comparison, this thread have to many pages, but I remember reading about it.  




Maybe this have become their personal sign. kekekeke




Happy spazzing my fellow goguma villagers!!!!




Edit:  Found the performance I was talking about June 25, 2010 (Dont know if it was recorded the same day)




Performance (You can see the Ok sign at 00:17)








Fancams of SH that day:




OH Performance:  http://www.youtube.c...h?v=h7TROc4e29c




My life will suck without you:  http://www.youtube.c...h?v=MrzLc7nw2ww




In this one, I dont know if I am crazy but I can swear she smiled when YH began to sing.  Just my crazy imagination maybe but what the hey!!!




Edit 2:  Just to compare this was the first performance of OH and she didnt make the OK sign.











That's right! I'm glad you brought that up!!!! Wow!!! So, that is probably their sign! I remember someone posted up one of his performances (Love Light, I think, maybe there were more too) and he did the "Ok" sign too! No wonder, I remember seeing her doing the "Ok" sign (honestly, I thought it was different from her other performances, now, I have come to realized that it is probably their MESSAGE to each other!). Wow.. I hope that maybe more fans will notice it and maybe they can talk about it in dc gallery; hopefully this will get Y&S's attention to explain (in WGM or somewhere) whether if it was just a coincident or they planned it out! It really seemed like they planned it out! We might need more voices on this topic so hopefully it'll get to them.. soon.. Lol. But, Thanks Kerube_Chan for pointing this out (bringing up VIDEO EVIDENCES)! But, haha.. keep in mind, these are speculations.  




Edit: @fara_m7, Thank you for the videos! I just now saw your post. Yay! OMG, I was thinking about the FIRST LIVE CONCERT too but I couldn't remember if I was mistaking it for another video clip that's why I put "maybe there were more too" just in case. Lol. Thanks!





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hello people can anyone give me the link for the latest epicode... eng sub if is out yet...?? is missed watched last week



































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest lunasol


Here are some Yonghwa pictures with his RING wub.gif (all credits to christleenana: http://i.mtime.com/christleenana/blog/5086742/). I am not sure but I think the photos were taken recently in Taiwan. If somebody can confirm it then I will be grateful.




Casual looking YongHwa with his guitar










RING again








RING again while doing an applause








RING again with food in hand








RING while holding a star-shaped food with his left hand on his brothers head






(again, all credits to christleenana smile.gif)






xkpoplovazx: You can find the links in the Sweet potato days blogspot in the video section or in rdrsubs.co. Also, I am sorry to say that people are giving you negative points in your post because it is against soompi rules to write one-liner posts. Since moderators are strict and may cause us trouble, can you please click edit in your post so it will not remain as a one-liner smile.gif


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Guest toomuchsmiling












it actually doesn't mean war or fighting...




ban jun or 반전 means a twist or unexpected ending...




basically saying that there is an unexpected/twist in the yongseo story













MC Kim tweeted that about Yongseo...ohh, i KNOW wat the word Banjun means..-__- maybe i'm just traumatized from some banjun dramas i saw with Dbsk...but banjun THEN seemed like it meant VERY UNEXPECTED. i'm freaking scared. MC KIM, WAS IT GOOD unexpected or BAD????




meh~ help. x____X




























The photobook is really cute. <3




Damn Yongseo fans went all out! I just googled for the price of Seohyun's flats/Yonghwa's shoes and it's freaking expensive! :o













hyuksu- thanks for links! ^^ WOW, that PHOTOBOOK. o___O :blink: Those gifts...



they have the same look to them as the gifts Cassies always give Dbsk


i'd like to bet there are now Cassies who were involved in THESE lovely gifts to Yongseo. :lol:












My life will suck without you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrzLc7nw2ww




In this one, I dont know if I am crazy but I can swear she smiled when YH began to sing. Just my crazy imagination maybe but what the hey!!!













Kerube-Chan- ur not crazy, she DID give a small smile when Yong started singing. =D ....now CALL ME CRAZY...but i could have SWORN as well...at between 1:11-1:16 a crazy fan (i think a guy :blink: ) yells "YONG SEOBANG!!" and Seohyun reacted to that smiling real big and laughed??!





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haha... gogumafan~! u're right!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :wub: i wonder what does the OK sign mean to them. issit some kinda greeting to each other? or some kinda mission they assigned to each other to do? i'm guessing that it's prolly some kinda mission for themselves kekekeke

Kerube-Chan, fara: thanks for the links to what gogumafan was talking about ^^

dreamyboo i swear, the first thing i did when i turned on my computer was watch your video. it is so GOOOOOODDDDD! i loved it. i was honestly hoping someone would make a video with that song! because i just recently watched seohyun singing to it the other day and i love that song (and movie too) lol. thanks for sharing and i dled it and it will be on replay for a while! best video maker ever! :wub:jnj lol yea, it was pretty funny. and it was great catchy up with you too! and i agree it felt like for a while there, it was just us! haha. but too bad i had to leave you guys earlier.raindrops_919 never! lol i know exactly how you feel thou. hahaha. thats why its seems like forever since i last made something haha.Rouenna hahaha i did so not notice that! i remember the fans and such, but i was so distracted with everything else that totally slipped my mind. haha thanks for sharing! and pointing it out!magdal lol i had to take a second look there. haha. but i dont blame you, lolcrystal_malfoy lol thanks for those words!

hahaha. i honestly only put it in the spoiler because i dont really care for junsu, lol. hahaha. but i love my captions thou. hahaha.

gogumafan you are just being just goguma for yongseo (okay that was lame, hahaha) but i didnt notice it now i'm going to for the rest of the time i watch it. hahaha.Kerube-Chan so thats pretty crazy! and sweet. haha. thanks for the videos and pointing them out. like i mentioned to gogumafan i'm going to notice it from now on! hahaha

jnj & panGG... glad that u like my MV :D too bad YT disabled the audio T.T btw, what're u guys talking about in the SPOILER? it seems soooo juicy that i'm becoming more & more curious? >.< issit something u guys posted in hyun's thread? i haven't stepped into that thread though. gahhhh i'm curious pls tell meeee :P

edit: uuhhh sorry, i just saw ur SPOILER, panGG. it was right in front of my eyes!!! @_@ i must be lacking a lot of sleep! ROFL!!!!!!!! xD hahaahahahaha good one there!!! didn't know junsu used to like her. but i can see that hyun didn't dare to really see him face-to-face? scared to face the jealous seobang? kekeekek xD

hi luv1822~! i luv ur post & i agree with everything u said. although we don't have much to share or offer, but just to spazz with our goguma love is enough :D u're one of the loveliest gogumas in this thread ya know ;)

shane09, again... thanks for the gif. luv ur captures! :D

lunasol, thanks for the pics~ :) when i saw them holding fruits, i recall in the cnblue thread that the boys all got disgusted with the looks of those fruits except for MH though. but once they tasted them, they ate them all LOL! boys will always be boys huh :wub:

oh, here's a gif of one similar scene... i wonder if u guys remember that scene or not ;)

i guess that's prolly where they got that kinda new style of hi-5? xD

10372211948752.gifcr. yenhong90@cnblue soompi

edit: shawie, i'm glad u like my MV too ^^

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My life will suck without you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrzLc7nw2ww

In this one, I dont know if I am crazy but I can swear she smiled when YH began to sing. Just my crazy imagination maybe but what the hey!!!

LOL, cute link ... I like how at :32 mark she sings his part "anyone but me" before she joins in the chorus. She was like, "Unnie Taeyeon you're just singing today, remember shorty, his life would suck without me!"

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Guest Crystal392



Thanks to everyone for sharing your observations.

Hehehehe maybe the 'ok' sign is a secret code between them? Like saying everything will be ok ;) who knows? Only them... But I want to believe it is ^^ hehehehe :lol:

Welcome welcome new spazzers!!! The more the merrier in Goguma land :)

Don't forget it's against soompi rules to quote pictures (just delete the img tags) and to post onelines (less than 20 words). Let's all take care of this amazing thread ^_^


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Guest victoria1_1
















seohyun "ok sign" 0:17, june 25














yonghwa "ok sign" 2:36, july 12










































yonghwa "ok sign" 3:03, july 31



























Hi...I watched the 2 performances and my findings as follows:














1)July 12 performance: U could hear see the hear and see the "special" smile when he made the "Ok" sign;














2) July 31 performance: U could see he was looking upwards when he made the "Ok" sign. I remembered reading in this post previously that Seohyun was spotted in this concert and she was seated on the 2nd floor too!














So could all this mean that the "ok" sign is the special code too...hmm...off to dream land again! Hehe...



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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































I remember someone asking about Seohyun's mask that Yong showed UJ. that mask was already there when they moved in their house (episode 11) and when the unnies arrive (episode 12) Taeyeon was playing with it. I don't know the story behind that mask. but other people say that it could be from a fan. remember Seohyun's story of an ahjusshi fan that was wearing Yonghwa's mask? people speculate that a similar thing happened to Yonghwa that's why there was Seohyun's mask.
























the "OK" gesture by Yong. some may argue that he did that because he is holding a guitar pick. but he could have closed his fist when he raised his hand. but instead, he did that "OK" gesture. and when he did that gesture, he was looking at the second floor. and I don't think those things are coincidental.
























now this might upset some people because I'm going back to Ueno Juri and ideal type issues. I remember someone mentioning this. after june 29 filming for the Birthday episode, in the radio show PowerFM (I think it) when he was asked about his ideal. then he answered that he likes Seohyun but lately he is into the drama Nodame Cantabile, so Ueno was his ideal. it was a big topic here a few hundred pages back. but after watching last episode, I can understand why he said that and it all makes sense now. he said before that he is the type of guy that would hide his relationship if he has one. so he wouldn't go around telling people that he had the sweetest time of his life with Seohyun. sure he likes Nodame but it was Seohyun who introduced that drama to him. and it is still Seohyun related. also if he can put the lines "I'm a genie for you girl" in Love Light which was taken from SNSD's song Genie, he can say he likes Nodame which is Seohyun's all time favorite drama. and if he likes Ueno so much, why would he write the rap lyrics of Love Light with Seohyun in his mind? this just further proves that IDEAL IS JUST AN IDEAL. this is the nail in the coffin on the Ueno Juri and the Ideal type issues.
























and besides, Yong has been wearing the ring everywhere. Seohyun wears hers too as well. I think its their prerogative to wear the rings. If WGM PD's are forcing couples to wear the rings, then Jokwon should be wearing his ring with GaIn everywhere (Don't get me wrong, I also like Jokwon and GaIn couple). but I seldom see Jokwon wearing his ring. therefore the couples are free to wear the rings whenever and wherever the want. and for Yong and Hyun's case, they want to wear it wherever and whenever they want. and always wearing the ring just because they want to says a lot.





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Guest sassysnsd

I don't know if it has been done before but I think it would be interesting to share YongSeo's compatibility based on astrology. Although I'm no expert. I read a lot of books about astrology and if anyone would be interested I am happy to share some things based on Yong and Hyun's Star/Sun signs. Yong's birthday is on the 22nd of June and Hyun's is on the 28th right? Which means they are both Cancerians :) Anyway if anyone is interested let me know :)

I went away for 4 days and had no access to the internet, I swear this thread jumped about 100 pages!! I can't backtrack it completely.. I'm worried I have missed something. This is what I have got so far-

My favorite MC tweeted again! & once again I have no idea what to think about it, actually even more so this time.

The "Let's Go" MV was released, did Hyun wear her couple ring or butterfly necklace? The video I watched was so blurry I couldn't really see :(

It is also rumored that YongSeo filmed on the 12th & maybe Yuri filmed with them too!! That's so exciting!! I hope she did film with them. Not necessarily on that particular day but I think it will be good to see Yuri participate in WGM eventually. She is a fellow Goguma.

Hyun wore her couple ring at the KIKO concert yesterday, she was probably all lovey dovey because she filmed the day before haha :)  Here are fancams of Hyun performing Gee and Run Devil Run.. Cr: to the uploaders.

Anything I missed everyone?

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Guest luckynew












@toomuchsmiling You're right! It does sounded like a fan guy shouted "YONG SEOBANG!". Lol. Good hearing. Now that you mentioned 'very unexpected', I wonder what kind of unexpected episode will this be. And whether if it's GOOD or BAD.




@otty You're right. She did sing that part with Yong. Lol. That's cute!




I wish and hope Yong and Hyun will have more duets in the future!!! I look forward to it!





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Guest luv_sp_couple


Hello to all Gogumas,


First time poster here, but have been lurking for quite sometime now.  Have to say my thanks to all posters here for keeping this goguma planet a fun and lovely place. I am insanely in-love with this adorable couple, but i feel normal reading all your post expressing how this couple affects each one of you.

Since "ok sign" is the hot topic, i want to share this picture. Please excuse me if I make a mistake in posting the picture. I am not familiar yet how this works.



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Guest luckynew
































































































@luv_sp_couple WOW! I didn't realize that Hyun did the "OK" sign during the "Let's Go MV"! That is great! Haha.. Seriously, there has to be something behind that symbol.. They both have been using it ALOT. Lol. Thanks for sharing it! That photo of Yong is from what show again? I forgot.

































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