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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest magicaL.chubi3
































































I like this gif. lolz. So nice.
































































































cr: rippergirl
















































anyway...thanks for the info guys.
















































Wee~ i want to watch wgm live but can't...oh well. :)









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Here is a tweet from MC Kim (Jake) about this weekends episode. Anyone can help translate?








From what I can tell he says "Just got back home from WGM...YongSeo couple's unexpected twist (thanks Junhee for the explanation!)..Jokwonnie cooking... Khuntoria in Busan...". But thats just me looking at a dictionary, so any translations would be much appreciated!





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Lame translation from internet
































































































































































































































































Go back home after grain. Forgive me couple of anti-war and the volumes of cooking. Kunder of Busan in Pretoria, outdoors. A week's headquarters on the floor! ㅜ regret security. Never or force.
































































































































































































































































???? haha... we need someone profesional haha :sweatingbullets:

































































































































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Guest SophiaPia





i guess we need to wait for the goguma translators here kekeke!



Can you help me with this? Now that Jessica got her solo album. But i it's say's in the article that she joined fellow SNSD member for having solo album. Like Taeyon, Tiffanny, Yoona and SEOHYUN. So SeoHyun got her solo album. DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS SEOHYUN SOLO album or SONG? Where can i find it pls. Thanks


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Guest one_shot






i guess we need to wait for the goguma translators here kekeke!




Can you help me with this? Now that Jessica got her solo album. But i it's say's in the article that she joined fellow SNSD member for having solo album. Like Taeyon, Tiffanny, Yoona and SEOHYUN. So SeoHyun got her solo album. DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS SEOHYUN SOLO album or SONG? Where can i find it pls. Thanks







I think the exactly mean is SONG, not ALBUM




And Seohyun's solo song is IT'S OKAY EVEN IF IT HURTS (Kim Soo Ro OST)




Sorry for my bad English ^^~



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i guess we need to wait for the goguma translators here kekeke!
































































































































































































































































Can you help me with this? Now that Jessica got her solo album. But i it's say's in the article that she joined fellow SNSD member for having solo album. Like Taeyon, Tiffanny, Yoona and SEOHYUN. So SeoHyun got her solo album. DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS SEOHYUN SOLO album or SONG? Where can i find it pls. Thanks































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think is the song one_shot told you ^^... here is a link































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Some kind soul to translate here?? Thank U in advance ^^

































































































































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Here is a tweet from MC Kim (Jake) about this weekends episode. Anyone can help translate?








From what I can tell he says "Just got back home from WGM...YongSeo couple reversal/war (? what does 반전과 mean in context?)..Jokwonnie cooking... Khuntoria in Busan...". But thats just me looking at a dictionary, so any translations would be much appreciated!




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Guest one_shot
















































I think is the song one_shot told you ^^... here is a link http://www.youtube.c...h?v=sOSi0I_3EAc
































Some kind soul to translate here?? Thank U in advance ^^































































Yeah that's the song what I mean, thanks dude ^^~.
































I was wondering what did MC Kim mean in his tweet: "YongSeo reversal"? What reversal? An important turning point again LOL???

















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Guest .:love_ya:.







ahhhh MC Kim tweeted!!! yay! ^^





War? are they arguing again? nahhh yongseo couple is known for their A blood type :D





i guess we'll wait for some pros to translate ^^





I have a question. Does anyone know which episode it was when yong and hyun gave a congrat message to DFBS?


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Guest one_shot






ahhhh MC Kim tweeted!!! yay! ^^




War? are they arguing again? nahhh yongseo couple is known for their A blood type :D




i guess we'll wait for some pros to translate ^^




I have a question. Does anyone know which episode it was when yong and hyun gave a congrat message to DFBS?







Latest episode, dude.




Just look at their clothes in DBFS, it were the same with the interview in the latest episode keke...



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ahhhh MC Kim tweeted!!! yay! ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































War? are they arguing again? nahhh yongseo couple is known for their A blood type :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i guess we'll wait for some pros to translate ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have a question. Does anyone know which episode it was when yong and hyun gave a congrat message to DFBS?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it actually doesn't mean war or fighting...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ban jun or 반전 means a twist or unexpected ending...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































basically saying that there is an unexpected/twist in the yongseo story
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































O.O my imagination just ran wild...

































































































































































































































































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Edit: thank you junhee for the explantion!! Oh, that sounds much better!! An unexpectd twist? Omo.... :vicx:




The awesome fans at dcgaller are really JJANG!




Some more pictures of the lunchboxes they prepared for YongSeo and WGM Staffs




Source: http://gall.dcinside.com/married/512205




Credit: YEAH ~ A! @dcgallery












Also, here is the menu list but, don't read if you're hungry! :lol:




Staff lunch:




문어볶음밥 Fried octopus




소고기표고버섯완자찜 a beef/mushroom dish?




왕새우 갈릭버터구이 Butter-garlic prawns




겨자소스의 훈제오리 숙주&파프리카볶음 Smoked paprika, mustard & roasted duck




게살샐러드 Crabmeat Salad




과일 Fruit




음료 Beverages








YongSeo special lunch:




후레쉬연어스테이크 Fresh salmon steaks




한우등심스테이크 Beef sirloin steak




왕새우갈릭버터구이 Butter-garlic prawns




훈제연어 파인애플샐러드 Pineapple Smoked Salmon Salad




군고구마 Baked potato




단호박&고구마 스위트볼 Pumpkin & Sweet Potato sweet rolls




토마토&바질의 후레쉬치즈 마리네이드 Fresh cheese, tomato & basil marinade




소고기표고버섯완자 덮밥 Mushroom beef rice balls




검은콩 두유 미숫가루 Roast grain soy beans




흑미죽 Heukmijuk(?)




한우안심 핑거 랩샌드위치 beef tenderloin finger sandwich




단호박라떼와 딸기 바나나 스무디 Pumpkin latte and strawberry banana smoothie




아이스소다 Ice Soda




키위에이드 Kiwi Aid




이탈리아생수 750ml Italian mineral water 750ml




스타벅스모카커피 Starbucks Mocha Coffee




스페셜과일 Special Fruit




쵸콜렛타르트 Chocolate tart




D*mn... I want that lunch





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Guest .:love_ya:.






Latest episode, dude.





Just look at their clothes in DBFS, it were the same with the interview in the latest episode keke...









lol oh so the message for DBFS wasn't in any previous episode? lol I thought I saw it somewhere in one of their episodes hehe guess not, maybe I watched the messages on youtube instead :D





Thanks juhee ^^ omg is PD-nim cutting it off at a cliff hanger again? >.<





wait....unexpected/twisted ending...?


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Guest SophiaPia





Kamsahamnida one_shot and magdal ok now i know. I've seen that SeoHyun song in YT. i'm just wondering i thought she got another new solo :) That song of her is been featured in drama i forgot the title of that drama. 



I wonder what is the ending twist again for our YongSeo :) aigoooo saturday pali pali. 



My goodness, i guess YongSeo couple and the staff will not get hungry on the way to harvest their sweet potato look at that food that YongSeo fans gave them wow! YongSeo fans korea BRAVO! and thanks for full support of our loving couple.



Saturdayyyyyyyy PALIIIIIIII


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Guest _d3seohyun
















































thank you for the pics/news/artworks/etc.






































































































accccccckkkkk! so they went on a little road trip ALONE?!!! gah! another wish of mine granted :w00t:































































imagining Seobaby feeding Yonghwa some dried apples while he's driving...and more *breathe in..breathe out* :lol:






































































































and Yuri is joining the fun?! :D what's up with the pds bringing in the in-laws on every other episode...afraid something will happen between these two when left ALONE?!!! accccccccccccck! i'm spazzing as i'm typing this hahahah :lol:













































































































































And I'm kinda liking how we don't know what to expect on this coming weekend's episode. Will it be the park filming or another one we didn't hear about? Some bts from CN Blue's concert perhaprs? kyaaaa! I'm excited!









































































































































































































































































































Sharing some caps of the RINGs scene...the other day I was so sure that my favorite scene was when Seobaby surprised Yonghwa with Love light, I just love Yonghwa's reaction there. But the more I watch the episode (as in almost every time I open my pc hahaha) my favorite scene changes. I'm currently in love with this one. :wub:




















































































































































































Take this ring as a sign of my love... and as a symbol of ...
































acccccccccck! hahahha I've gone GOGUMA mad!
































The way Seobaby nodded as she said "Yes" when Yonghwa asked her if she got it customed made...<3
































and I can't get over how blinding her sparkling eyes are on this episode..just shows how happy she was <3
































































My gawd at Yonghwa's look when he handed the ring back to Seobaby to put on his finger...so gentle...so full of love <3
































































O M G..I'm totally spazzing staring at these caps hahha
































































Yonghwa's laugh when Seobaby was asking if it hurts...<3
































It probably did..but he could care less (:
































The stares..the stares!!!!
































































His smile...Her eyes...L O V E
































































And I just love how he kept sighing, shaking his head and looking at her with disbelief (:
































































And this scene is what killed me! Seobaby, marry him! For REAL!
































He's the only one deserving of you :D
































I love how he looked into Seobaby's eyes as if asking for permission to put that ring on her finger. GAH!
































And he only held her hand after she nodded...my gah! YONGHWA , thank you!
































Oh and this reminds me of the time he asked Seobaby if she wanted to hold hands during the Chuseok Special <3
































Isn't he amazing?!!! He already held her hand a couple months before but he still asked her...Seobaby tie him down! hahhaha He's for keeps!
































And he's so gentle with her as he was putting that ring on...<3
































































Love the second cap. I feel at peace and so happy just looking at it.
































Seobaby's laugh..so dorky and cute. She was so happy!
































































I wonder what they were talking about here.
































Yonghwa already put the ring on but they were still playing around with it for a few seconds...
































hmmm..i bet they just wanted to keep holding each other's hands kkekeke
































































Seobaby definitely tagged Yonghwa as hers with that new ring. smart girl! :D
































Anyone dare to come close to Yong seobang...Run Devil Run Run :lol:
































































ok off to watch it again.... :D









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Guest one_shot






lol oh so the message for DBFS wasn't in any previous episode? lol I thought I saw it somewhere in one of their episodes hehe guess not, maybe I watched the messages on youtube instead :D




Thanks juhee ^^ omg is PD-nim cutting it off at a cliff hanger again? >.<




wait....unexpected/twisted ending...?







You were right, the message wasn't in any previous episode ^^~




Wow, what a MENU LIST!!! I was wondering how on earth the staff and YongSeo couple can eat a lot of things like that menu LOL???



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Links to other pictures that fans bought for them and the staff (the thermos, different teas, and Yongseo keychains?).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The photobook is really cute. <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Damn Yongseo fans went all out! I just googled for the price of Seohyun's flats/Yonghwa's shoes and it's freaking expensive! :o

































































































































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:D annyeonggg gogumas~
























kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh at ur caps d3!!!! again it reminds me how daebak the previous ep is!
























it seems like yong had lotsa 1st times with hyun also.
























his 1st time filming a reality show with a girl.
























his 1st time knowing a girl who's very different from others.
























his 1st time learning driving with a girl.
























his 1st time having a girl in his dorm.
























his 1st time talking about Love Light.
























his 1st time buying a land.
























his 1st time putting necklace on a girl.
























his 1st time seeing a girl serenading him with a mask.
























his 1st time hearing a girl singing Love Light to him.
























his 1st time receiving a ring from a girl.
























omo... i think there're actually manyyyy 1ST TIMES for yong that he just didn't mention or the PD edited it out? <_<
























genxv~!! thanks for the pics & the tweety from MC Kim~! he's really a goguma i must say LOL xD





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Guest baby_bo



kyah! Jake oppa never fails to excite all the yongseo villagers kekke

btw, saw this at DCGALL.. you must see this.. i think another gift from Korean YongSeo villagers.

Their gifts are just plane awesome.. gosh! i can't help but smile. Also, the vivienne westwood gift for seobaby, if i remember it right yonghwa wore a shirt with the same brand, i thnk that was in taiwan, not sure though if it was from dcgall haha

YongSeo Collage from dcgall

Will just post one picture. See the rest on their website. It's a collage of YongSeo pictures, combined. Daebak!



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