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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest miel_1301
































i found this from yongseofact tweet..
















then try translate it using google...
















dc page:
































from what i try to understand, looks like yongseo fan in Korea did make uri couple some token..
















not just token... gift box more like it...
















if not mistaken, this is what they prepared;
















for yong : shoes, banpalti (don't know what is it), photobooks, puzzle frame, special lunch box.
















for hyun : Flat shoes, cardigans, photo books, puzzles, photo frames, special lunch box
















gift cert
















even include for staff also : hot tea, LCD clenser... etc..
















from what i try to understand, they contact with the manager to passed it to uri couple...
















and from the confuse translate looks like the gift already success send to the respective receiver....
















i'm so happy for the couple...
















they really been love by so many fans...















































i think that so called rumors is true....
















based from dc page, the fans send their gift heading "to the fields"
















maybe tomorrow they will try to upload new picture of today event... :rolleyes:
















let's hope 4 new pic to rise.... :phew:














































Thanks zealous for bringing in these wonderful news. Looks like the Korean YongSeo fans are in full force of their support and love for the couple.






























































zealous, are the K-Yongseo fans prohibiting the uploading and posting of the photos of their gifts and goodies elsewhere?






























































I am posting them here. But if there is any specific instruction that they do not want the photos to be posted anywhere, then please anyone tell me and I will edit my post.































So in the meantime here are the pics of the goodies and lunch boxes...
















































































cr: DC

















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i would kill to see those BTS pics now!

i read somewhere that sweet potatoes can be harvested in abt 100days or so.

so, it makes sense that yongseo could be heading back to the village to

harvest their gogumas.

wow! miel, thats a lot of gifts they got there!

seeing these pics, AND kay's advice, we should be rest assured that yongseo

is indeed much loved and well taken care of by their fans there.

i just want to hug those fans for their love towards yongseo.


yes, heartbreak, i like what u wrote.

things like that always lightens up my mood, and brightens up my day ^_^

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Guest raindrops_919
































































































































































































































































OMO  :w00t: lanvin and vivienne westwood ! surely daebak  :wub: it's branded, thx to miel_1301 for sharing it !
































































































































































































































































totally random: i bought coach poppy grafitti glam tote last week, same one as hyun's, the bag she bring when YONGSEO bought guitar for hyun and when they celebrate 22days, it seems hyun's fave brand is COACH and JUICY COUTURE so far from what i see at WGM, and me too is a fan of coach brand *fashionista alert on*































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































with just hearing their news makes me feels so happy, i think i'm addicted to yongseo couple !  :wub:
































































































































































































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Guest CallMeDayDreamer


Credits: fyseohyun@tumblr & rippergirl

OMG! I'm seriously loling over this fan art... :lol:

Yong's face is just priceless lmao...

Is there a much a bigger size than this? i want to make this my wallpaper...lol

woollylamb, thank you for bringing this here ... ;)


OMO! YongSeo are shooting right now?

Waaahhhhh! they are going to harvest their gogumas :wub:

and Yong driving??? Awwww... :sweatingbullets:

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Guest SophiaPia





My God thanks to all YongSeo fans in Korea who love this couple. We can say they are safe. And not only the YongSeo couple got gifts, even the staff they give gifts as well Bravo to all YongSeo Korea. So i guess  we can count on our fingers who's is not happy w/ our couple :) SO NO NEED TO PANIC. YongSeo in Korea are HUGE yehey! FIGHTING!



I'm off to bed now, pls share more what's the latest w/ our couple. Kamsahamnida to all



If the episode this coming saturday is SeoHyun wearing a dress it could be that Charity event filmed 3rd August. Which i think fans went to the park where YongSeo filming then give their belated bday gifts to our couple and to wgm staff. Will see :)



Cheers to all night night


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saw this on tumblr and i find it so cuuute and worthy of sharing. :))
































































yong and hyun chibis, *giggles*
































































































































sorry coz prolly someone might have posted this, :sweatingbullets:

































































































































































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Guest CallMeDayDreamer

Thanks zealous for bringing in these wonderful news. Looks like the Korean YongSeo fans are in full force of support to our couple.

zealous, are the K-Yongseo fans prohibiting the uploading and posting of the photos of their gifts and goodies elsewhere?

I am posting them here. But if there is any specific instruction that they do not want the photos to be posted anywhere, then please anyone tell me and I will edit my post.

So in the meantime here are the pics of the goodies and lunch boxes





cr: DC

Oh wow! Korean fans are just jjang! :o

Lanvin & Vivienne Westwood... Damn! they surely are rich... ;)

I seriously want to move to Korea right now... :lol:

Korean fans are just one of the most generous and dedicated fans i know.

I mean when they buy gifts for their idols, they go all out. They will just buy the most expensive ones... ;)

and by looking at these pics, there's no reason for us to worry or panic, right? ;)

Looks like they are well-loved in Korea...^_^

YongSeo fighting! :wub:

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Guest DJHinata

MC KIM we need you !! XD hahaha Please a preview of the next episode of YONGSEO COUPLE !!

Thanks to everyone who share screenshoots and news ! and .. YONGSEO love be with you !! !!!!   Driving heeeellsh Yeah ~~  *o* Hyun's Dream !! keke 

omo i'm joined to soompi 12 August 2010 !! \( ^ o ^)/ 

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Guest baby_bo



Hello everyone!

hahahha! see? let's all be happy!!!

Im so happy with the filming of WGM today :)

I don't care whether YOng or Hyun was on the driver's seat or they both had turns to drive the truck, it's still fun.

Maybe the reason why no one saw Yuri in that scene is because Yuri went directly to the farming area, if that's really where there going. Yuri is from Invincible YOuth and she's best to bring when it comes to farming keekke

Daebaaaaaak! I wanna here more news about this filming, or rather i want pictures. if it's not too much to ask kekekkekek

Im will be stalking Jake Oppa's twitter later today.. hahahha


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three days passed, but i still cannot recover. i slept only three hours last night and i should have went to bed now. but i still chose to rewatch the ep for my nth time. i just wonder how many days our little couple (especially yong) needed to recover from their birthday events. it may be good for them not meeting so often in july, otherwise they would become too excited with each other.

i keep on wondering why yong looked so serious when hyun still going roundabout about 'love light' ? yong's voice tone was rather soft the whole night, but from that point of time till hyun finally admitted her query (though that period of time is short), yong looked really serious. it's a very interesting part i always think of.

wednesday, thursday and then friday. time goes slow this week. can i ask if there is any preview for the coming ep ? what will yong and hyun do this week ? look forward very much to seeing another surprise.

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wollylamb: OMG that drawing is so funny. I can't stop laughing. I don't think the pasta was bad but Jungshin and MinHyuk may have been biased in their rating because they also prepared the pasta. On the other hand, Yonghwa's extremely high rating of 9.5 was obvious that he just wanted to praise her and make her feel good biggrin.gif.



lunasol: I loved the drawing the moment i laid eyes on it. Rippergirl is such a talented goguma. I just found out that she was the one who helped our nazweena with the fanart for the seohwa project. Naz has kindly agreed to help contact rippergirl on my behalf to check if she's okay with her fanart posted here. Otherwise I'll remove it asap.


I wonder how the creamy pasta topped with the entire pack of cheese tasted. :w00t: I'm an ultra cheese lover, so i think it'll definitely suit my taste, but somehow it reminds me of a pizza due to the abundance of stretchy mozzarella. :lol: Yep it's sweet of Yong to encourage Hyun on her cooking efforts. That gal is really generous in everything. Generous at heart & in terms of cooking ingredients too. *grin*


woolly, i love the fanart!



reminds me of the scene of yongseo running into the night! sweet!



your marriage proposal is a romantic one! envy u..





jnj: it's so sweet eh? :) Put an instant smile on my face.





awww... blush.gif I'm sure every proposal is special in its own way...but thank you for being so kind... :wub:


OMG! I'm seriously loling over this fan art... :lol:





Yong's face is just priceless lmao...





Is there a much a bigger size than this? i want to make this my wallpaper...lol





woollylamb, thank you for bringing this here ... ;)



CallMeDayDreamer: i'm glad you enjoyed it too, but no credits to me. it's entirely rippergirl's wonderful creation. u might want to contact nazweena to help ask for a bigger resolution image? I hope rippergirl will come up with more fanart to share. I wish i had a quarter of her talent so i could contribute more. ^_^


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I found this cute DADDY YONG gif on the CNBLUE thread. Credits to them on this.
















































































































































































































































But honestly, they are kinda tough on us there. Not too WGM-Yongseo welcoming. So if u think u can't handle that... esp the new ones... please just stay here guyz...
































































































































































































































:lol: Let's guard our hearts from all the negativity.... :D:P














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is HOME... So, let's ENJOY where We and our YONGSEO COUPLE are very much celebrated --- right here!!!! :wub: :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































HE'D MAKE A HOT DADDY!!!! Sizzle me jischel!!! lols
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Im so enjoying the cartoon pics!!!!! hehe. CUTE!!!!! thanks for posting guys!

















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Guest bintangkalerbiru



i've been absent from this thread for a few days, and it jumps for 30 pages!!! how am i going to catch up???

there's so many news here and i really wish that i can reply to all post but it's not possible. sorry. :lol: anyway,the news about filming is super daebak!!! i hope it's true that Yong~ is the one at the driver's seat. ^_^

anyway,i want to spazz about this week's episode.

why do i think that this recent episode is an EPIC!!!

1. Yonghwa's Love Light = Seohyun

from the first time i listen to the song,i've totally hook up with it. unrevocably in love woht no turning back. the melody is so sweet with jonghyun's soft voice and yonghwa's soothing romantic voice, i totally in love with it even though i don't even understand the meaning. except for some of the english lyric and sarang bit. :lol: Then i try to search for the english sub of the song and when i saw the first part,my first thinking is, "why do i feel that this song is related to seohyun?". i started to rewatched all the old episodes and keep replaying the part where they are in the cafe especially in episode 4 and episode 8 where yonghwa always laughing with everything that she said which suited the song. and after reatching those episode over and over again, i'm confirming myself that this song is totally related to seohyun. even though he always said that it's about his first love but i always keep faith in our couple. and now after yonghwa himself confirming it, wow..i was squeeling with so much delight and wish that i can order my own yong~ too if available. :lol: he's too adorable and sweet and romantic in his not-so-subtle way. ^_^

2. Sparkling-New Couple Ring!

i love the goguma FBI whose always devotedly searching and posting our couple's individual pic with their couple ring and after a few pic, i agree with them that it is a new one. there's someone posted a while back wishing hat we'll get to see about the couple ring, whether it is new or not, then our wosh is finally granted!! wow..so romantic.. our yongseo couple are super romantic!!!! <3

3. the Beginning of Holding hand/skinship!!

i'm not that fond of a skinship. i just think of it as a bonus although sometimes i was rolling and squealing and screaming with delight when i saw their subtle skinship which sometimes can only be observed after replaying some of the scene after a few time. :lol:

but this time, wow..daebak!! the holding hands..they look so natural. especially the part where yonghwa let seohyun take the stairs first. i was like..wuaaahhh...how can our yongseo who are so hard to do any kind of couple's skinship can do it naturally? even seulong comments it to yonghwa himself that they are irritatingly slow on this skinshippy thing. hahaha..no wonder they can do the holding hands naturally in the horror episode and the love light duet perf. ^_^ and seohyun even sing a song at that moment. that's totally a bonus!!! :lol:

4. Happy Birthday to you Yong~ & Hyun~

i would never imagine that their gift for each other will be this sweet and romantic. omg.. how thoughtful of them with each other. yonghwa is so thoughtful for giving hyun with her in his mind. everyine knows that seohyun really love goguma and she really are a family girl. she thinks about her parents all the time. and to think that yong~ gave mother-daughter couple necklace is such a beautiful gift. even the mcs think that too. oh how wonderful person yonghwa is... and seohyun is also thoughtful for showing other side of her that he never seems to know by singing love light with some funny gesture (the mask and the pink guitar and also the senorita slang) and giving him the photobook that she made it herself (that we can see it touch yonghwa's heart deeply by his "seo juhyun..hyun~..aauuhhh.." for several times after receiving it) and couple ring that i think she made it after the pool/piggyback filming because her hair seems similar there. i think she really feels touch with yonghwa who searching for the ring while perfoeming and also use glue gun to put that poor ring together. yonghwa might think that seohyun doesn't care deeply about this WGM thing but she is. she really care about him and this husband-wife(virtual) r/ship. i might over-analyze things as SOME people always said, but i think some gogumas will agree with me on this one.

5. Each seconds of the scene in this episode is Super-Romantic!!!

don't you agree with me with this one? won't you? i was replaying this episodes from the first to the last for more that 10 times now even though i'm quite busy this weeks cause i just can't get all the scenes out of my mind. they are cute,playful, romantic, thoughtful, and certainly sweet with each other. if one does not know better, will think that they are a real couple!!! i knw ppl will say that this is a vrtual thing but i want to keep faith. that has become my yongseo's motto these days. and also i want to fall in love yongseo's way, slowly and surely...wahh...

6. Finally, Our Goguma Couple has provide us Gogumas a Two-rows Goguma land!!!

as you know, two rows of goguma field can produce more than hundreds of gogumas!! so there's plenty of room for everyone. thanks a lot yonghwa for the gift. that is not just for hyun,it's for us gogumas too..keep rooted here goguma, and we spread love not war. :lol:

i'm finish spazzing. back to watch the episode again. happy spazzing goguma!! i love u all for all of ur post. just keep faith. :wub:



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Guest baby_bo



SOME anti's from cnblue fans? i dont care! :P hahaha.. my heart is happy.. i sleep well at night.. hahaha! Im sure though YONG'S HEART IS HAPPY kekeke :wub:

anyway, keke Just an observation.

From spazzing and spazzing.. hahah yeah im rewatching the episode again,and yes i am repeating the holding hands part again..

The chairs they were sitting were like apart from each other.. but after Seohyun's gifts, YOnghwa moved his chair close to Seobaby's kekeke. Intimate huh? hhahaha




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Thanks raindrops_919 again ^^.
































































































































































































































































I just want to share something since I don´t have someone to spazz with haha.
































































































































































































































































I was rewatching the ep again:wub: (seems like I will not getting over it soon), and when Hyun was asking Yong about Sarang bit, she said "I like that song very much" or "it is a song I really like"(rdr) and I thought, if she thinks the song could be for her and said that, Wouldn´t this be an unconscious way of accepting his feelings?.
































































































































































































































































And she was really curious about, but it was like she wasn´t sure of wanted to hear the answer:wub:. I don´t think she was worried about what Yong could have said  after in the black room, but  she was worried about his answer, I think  that is why she was kind of "that song is for your first love right?" ok, lets change the subject... ^^
































































































































































































































































I think  Hyun was showing us that she really REALLY has feelings for Yong, I think this is not a game for her anymore :rolleyes:.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































topped page
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Before this ep he used to guide her by her elbow... and now ♥
































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest lunasol




SOME anti's from cnblue fans? i dont care! :P hahaha.. my heart is happy.. i sleep well at night.. hahaha! Im sure though YONG'S HEART IS HAPPY kekeke  :wub:




anyway, keke Just an observation.




From spazzing and spazzing.. hahah yeah im rewatching the episode again,and yes i am repeating the holding hands part again..






The chairs they were sitting were like apart from each other.. but after Seohyun's gifts, YOnghwa moved his chair close to Seobaby's kekeke. Intimate huh? hhahaha









Yes! I noticed that while watching the episode the first time and I couldn't understand how the chair could have been moved since they seemed to be deeply set or screw to some block in the ground. Then I noticed that after Hyun sang to him and he lowered himself to turn on the mosquito coil, I think it is in that moment that he did something to his chair so he could move it. Even when the camera change to the distant view you see him doing something back there because he moved from one side to the other while still being lowered to the ground. 




I am still not sure if he alone is the one that finally move it or if he got help, but from his movement back there I think he definitely was the one who took the initiative because he really wanted to be CLOSE to her after her marvelous surprise wub.gif


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Guest .:love_ya:.







omo! it's true! I didn't notice it, but their chairs were closer lol





Yong~! I got evidence, u can't argue this lol





Look at how he put his feet on the blue thing :D




















If they didn't get closer, he wouldn't be able to elbow her that easily :D look at this :D







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ohhh i noticed that too
























but i just dont understand he moved it..
























i watched the video again...still dont understand how yong moved his chair closer to hyun





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Guest luckynew
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@masamii, Oh Dear, I'm sorry if I confused you. I brought up the hair thing because he just performed at the Jump Guro (10/10/10? correct me if I'm wrong) and his hair wasn't black. That's why I said that I highly doubted that it was him (the guy standing next to the lady). Unless, his hairstylist dyed his hair again? Did I confuse you more? Haha.. Yes, I know what you mean - this is very exciting!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Baby_bo's gif, the one where Yong and Hyun unlinked their arms and ended up holding each other's hand. From my perspective, it looks like yong felt that Hyun was uneasy so he dropped his forearm (at the same time, Hyun's arm stayed almost 90 degree angled) and grabbed Hyun's hand.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@Durianzi, Thanks for sharing "Wonderful Night" by Eric Clapton. That song is very lovely.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Whether if the whole song was written for Hyun or just the rap part got me really confused. I THOUGHT I knew that, but then everytime someone brings up the topic... It confuses me AGAIN. FROM MY UNDERSTANDING (I'm watching the scene where he's telling Hyun the story behind the song, right now), the melody (song) was composed (is it the right word to use?) but not the lyrics. So, when he started to film WGM (spending days with Hyun) and especially on the day that both of them showed their rings, he was inspired (writing a song thinking of Hyun - "LET'S WRITE A SONG, THINKING OF YOU") to write the lyrics (especially on the day both of them showed the rings - this is where Hyun stuttered). The rap part, "Tell Me Your Wish" came to his mind (later on he had to dance to that song) so he ended up using that phrase. Did I miss anything? Well, that was the gist that I got from watching this scene.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































After Hyun sang "Kissing You", Yong said "Johahae" (don't know how to spell it but does it mean "Do you like it?" or "I like it"?) at 8:16 (part 3 vid not by rdrs) (the MCs were loud so you will have to concentrate on Yong and Hyun more to hear what Yong said). Hmm.. So, I am wondering, when he said that.. If it does mean "I like it" then that means he liked it when Hyun sang "Kissing You". Lol. Aww.. So sweet.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@miel_1301, Thanks for posting the photos of the fans sending the gifts "to the fields".
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@magdal, Thanks for the slowmo gifs. I love it! I remember someone said in the past posts that why aren't both of them carrying their bags (they left the bags at the chairs). Well, I think it's probably just because they went up to the store to get something only. Why would Yong only be carrying one fishing pole? There's probably more things going on that night that we didn't see only. Notice I used the word "only" so many times. Lol. I don't know if it (term "only") should be used, but I personally think that it should. Lol.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh yes! Definitely, Yong's chair has been moved. Remember when he said Hy~un! and Hyun replied Yo~ng!. The chairs were about a foot or two away. I'm sure the video got cut here. Then it showed Hyun going through her bag for the storybook; their chairs were side by side. Best result, watch from at 5:00 (part 2 vid not by rdrs) all the way.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am looking forward to some fans' photos of Yong and Hyun from yesterday filming. Or if there's any videos, that's even better. Lol. Still excited! I'm looking forward to this weekend's episode!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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