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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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i'm going back to my old id it's getting to bothersome to have a new one







_d3seohyun Omo Hyun checking out Yonghwa's lips? :lol: can't blame her, she has a so good looking husband :)







I made the gif you wanted:














baby_bo thanks for the caps i didn't noticed that their fingers were intertwined blush.gif


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Guest Wilhelm1066
















When I watched this couple and later saw _d3seohyun's stillcaps of this situation:
















It struck me that she's concealing herself, this intelligent girl, but why?




She was leaning closer and closer towards Jong. He repelled and stumbled as struck by something, and I CAN'T UNDERSTAND this beautiful girl's shyness.








She's very two-faced in her appeareance. Look att this sequence from WinWin:




Observation of Seohyun








When she's performing the shyness just evaporates into thin air.




A thousand people watch her (whithout SNSD-unnies support) and she shows no FEAR and the shyness is just becoming her, HEED AND ADMIRE:












This creature is in complete control whether you believe it or not, in spite of all that (and what you could belive cramping and inhibiting) sympathetic shyness!





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Guest baby_bo
































































































































































































When I watched this couple and later saw _d3seohyun's stillcaps of this situation:
































































































































It struck me that she's concealing herself, this intelligent girl, but why?
































































She was leaning closer and closer towards Jong. He repelled and stumbled as struck by something, and I CAN'T UNDERSTAND this beautiful girl's shyness.
































































She's very two-faced in her appeareance. Look att this sequence from WinWin:
































































Observation of Seohyun
































































When she's performing the shyness just evaporates into thin air.
































































A thousand people watch her (whithout SNSD-unnies support) and she shows no FEAR and the shyness is just becoming her, HEED AND ADMIRE:
































































































































This creature is in complete control whether you believe it or not, in spite of all that (and what you could belive cramping and inhibiting) sympathetic shyness!































































































































Hmm.... kekeke If i understood this post right, this is a good thing right? (i choose to believe this is a good thing.)
































































Anyway, you are actually right in pointing that out. As a SNSD fan, I have observed Seohyun eversince.
































































She is a shy girl but turns into a different person when she performs. I even compare her to Beyonce. Beyonce is very fierce and hot on stage but when she's offstage she's very shy and reserved. So Seo Hyun :)
































































You've got a good observation, Seohyun is really shy around people (except for those people she's close with, but this has changed after WGM, she's now more open to people) but when she's performing you can never see any hint of shyness, she's fierce and performs really well.
































































Awesome girl :)
































































































































posted by: fudgee.@ggsoompi thread
































































G20 Seoul Summit Campaign Song "Let's Go!"st12868357219046729810.jpg































































































































































































cr: 스포츠투데이 박건욱 기자; asiae.co.kr
































































Will be available online on the 15th.































































































































































































Soshi Schedule~ [October -- All dates/time listed are set on KST]
































































10/13 07:00 PM Kiko Citizen Awareness Cultural Festival (Yeouido Park)
































































10/13 World Knowledge Forum Welcome Dinner Celebration (Sheraton Grand Walker Hill Hotel)
































































10/14 01:05 AM Fuji TV Sakigake Ongaku Banzuke!
































































10/16 05:15 PM We Got Married Season 2































































































































10/16 07:30 PM SNSD's The 1st Asia Tour Concert "Into the New World" Live in Taiwan
































































10/17 12:20 AM Tokyo TV Japan Countdown
































































10/17 09:00 AM MTV Korea Hits SNSD 4-hour Special
































































10/17 03:00 PM SNSD's The 1st Asia Tour Concert "Into the New World" Live in Taiwan
































































10/20 2nd Japanese Single -- Gee Release Date
































































10/22 08:00 PM Asahi TV - Music Station
































































10/23 05:15 PM We Got Married Season 2
































































10/23 08:00 PM Korean Pop Night Concert 2010 (Singapore Expo Hall 2)
































































10/24 06:10 PM NHK Music Japan
































































10/25 08:00 PM Fuji TV Hey! Hey! Hey! Music Champ [10/3 Footage]
































































10/30 05:15 PM We Got Married Season 2

































































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When I watched this couple and later saw _d3seohyun's stillcaps of this situation:
















































It struck me that she's concealing herself, this intelligent girl, but why?
























She was leaning closer and closer towards Jong. He repelled and stumbled as struck by something, and I CAN'T UNDERSTAND this beautiful girl's shyness.
























She's very two-faced in her appeareance. Look att this sequence from WinWin:
























Observation of Seohyun
























When she's performing the shyness just evaporates into thin air.
























A thousand people watch her (whithout SNSD-unnies support) and she shows no FEAR and the shyness is just becoming her, HEED AND ADMIRE:
















































This creature is in complete control whether you believe it or not, in spite of all that (and what you could belive cramping and inhibiting) sympathetic shyness!















































From what my understand is....
























Hyun is not shy when performing, and that's of cuz..because she's an artist..
























the duet is a performance, and i felt that she enjoyed it. But still u can see she;s a little bit shy after. When she smiles after the song ended.
























When filing WGM in that ep, the cameras should be very far away , so they act more "naturally".
























yong is more close to hyun now, so the embrassment of them is gone
























Hyun has changed a lot ..really...like rapping..





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A fan supports his idol...
































































































































































































































































Spanish Gogumas.... Do you have a PM??
































































































































































































































































Chicas!! Apoyen a nuestra parejita
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Please SATURDAY come on!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hecho!! (Done! ^^), I love so much JoongBo couple that it pains me a little hahaha, but YongSeo is Daebak!
































































































































































































































































Hey Guys, I've always wanted to get back to watching WGM after first season and then i saw this couple.... I've seen right up to epi 16 but i can't find the other episode Subbed in English.It's so hard to find it. And just thinking of going through 1171 pages to find the links  :blink: ...
































































































































































































































































IF anyone could just direct me to a site where all episode subbs are provided i will be so thankful..
































































































































































































































































Thanks in advance..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My linkhttp://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/ you can find the links to the ep here ^^, or here http://www.rdrsubs.co.cc/ or here http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/SNSDSeoHyunForever/.
































































































































































































































































Good luck! and thanks to all gogumas for the amazing pics!!, Baby_bo, d3, everyone!  thank U!
































































































































































































































































( and I also want to know about Hyun and Yong´s talk after she sang kissing you till her "aigooo" part):wub: If somebody knows, please tell us!! Thank U so much!

































































































































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Guest mrsjoker


wow...it's been 5 days since i last visited this thread (work is killing me :tears: ) and already i had to backtrack like almost 10 pages or so... kekekeke...:lol:

saturday episode is really DAEBAK!!! makes spazzers feeling insanely giddy and made lurkers come out from lurker mode...Yongseo is DAEBAK!! i'm still smiling from ear to ear when remembering last saturday episodes... it was so endearing and sugarly sweet i think i might burst my heart out because i LOVE it so much...

aren't Yonghwa and seohyun the cutest thing ever??! :wub:

and aside from all this happy happy things and spazzing moments we've shared in this thread, i also notice that after 1-2 days since the latest episode aired, there will be "something" to briefly put our spazzing moments in halt... -_-

I notice there have been talks about some K-BOICES who is upset and disgruntled about last week episodes and this fans are voicing their dissatisfaction in some portal, but as explain by kay77, i don't think we need to worry so much^_^... (like what kay77 said, yes there might be some k-boices who left the fandom, but again it is a very small numbers, and most likely it was the fans who will go away in the first signs of trouble anyway...so they're not representing the current majority of k-boices feelings towards yong and WGM). besides that Lovelight is back on charts again after last week episodes, how AWESOME is that... this shows that actually there is MORE people who are supportive towards yongseo then those who aren't. So again guys...let's take everything with a "grain of salt."

I've seen Yong's perf in Jump Guro and yes, just like most of you, i also notice that he's not the "cheerful" yonghwa that we see in performances, he looks extremely tired and that there's something in his mind. but let's not jump into a conclusion that it's WGM related, because first and foremost yong is a musician, a leader of CN Blue, his first priority is his musics and CN blue.

Being a leader (of anything) IS the most loneliest job in the world. and as a good leader i believe he is, yong most likely will handle "issues" himself and not to let his member worried and discourage. With the delay of CN Blue album release, the cancelled fan meeting in Korea and a slight concerns on jungshin recent comments, i t will most likely be the "issues/things" that yong is thinking about right now.

If the "news" about some k-boices who is not happy about last week episodes and are "attacking" yong is really bothering him, then i don't think he'll be wearing their couple rings in recent shows like the Jump Guro performance. if ever there are a majority of k-boices who voices their dissatisfaction (WGM related) to yong, then i think he will try to cool the anger by not "highlighting" anything WGM related to his current performances/shows. So it safe to say that it's not WGM related that's been bothering him.

The thread is a "happy" place, let's try to liven it up again with happy things and try to take every news/rumours with a grain of salt. ^_^

till the next episodes guys... i wish you all a happy goguma week ahead... :lol:


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Guest baby_bo
































































































































Hecho!! (Done! ^^), I love so much JoongBo couple that it pains me a little hahaha, but YongSeo is Daebak!
































































My linkhttp://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/ you can find the links to the ep here ^^, or here http://www.rdrsubs.co.cc/ or here http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/SNSDSeoHyunForever/.
































































Good luck! and thanks to all gogumas for the amazing pics!!, Baby_bo, d3, everyone!  thank U!
































































( and I also want to know about Hyun and Yong´s talk after she sang kissing you till her "aigooo" part):wub: If somebody knows, please tell us!! Thank U so much!































































































































You're welcome. Anything for this thread kekkeke
































































hmm.. about that convo after seo sang kissing you, i think some people pointed out that when seohyun sang, yonghwa said "joha" keeke
































































Im not sure though cause i have yet to LISTEN to that part again, cause i just WATCH and STARE cause those hands are not letting go! hahaha

































































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Guest Crystal392



Hi everyone! Today I had a long day but I can find peace and comfort on Goguma Planet :) Thanks to all of you for your amazing posts ^^ you have no idea how much this thread helps me :)

Thanks for all your screencaps gifs translations and everything.



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wow...it's been 5 days since i last visited this thread (work is killing me :tears: ) and already i had to backtrack like almost 10 pages or so... kekekeke...:lol:































































































































































































































































































































































































saturday episode is really DAEBAK!!! makes spazzers feeling insanely giddy and made lurkers come out from lurker mode...Yongseo is DAEBAK!! i'm still smiling from ear to ear when remembering last saturday episodes... it was so endearing and sugarly sweet i think i might burst my heart out because i LOVE it so much...































































































































































































































































































































































































aren't Yonghwa and seohyun the cutest thing ever??! :wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and aside from all this happy happy things and spazzing moments we've shared in this thread, i also notice that after 1-2 days since the latest episode aired, there will be "something" to briefly put our spazzing moments in halt... -_-































































































































































































































































































































































































I notice there have been talks about some K-BOICES who is upset and disgruntled about last week episodes and this fans are voicing their dissatisfaction in some portal, but as explain by kay77, i don't think we need to worry so much^_^... (like what kay77 said, yes there might be some k-boices who left the fandom, but again it is a very small numbers, and most likely it was the fans who will go away in the first signs of trouble anyway...so they're not representing the current majority of k-boices feelings towards yong and WGM). besides that Lovelight is back on charts again after last week episodes, how AWESOME is that... this shows that actually there is MORE people who are supportive towards yongseo then those who aren't. So again guys...let's take everything with a "grain of salt."






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I've seen Yong's perf in Jump Guro and yes, just like most of you, i also notice that he's not the "cheerful" yonghwa that we see in performances, he looks extremely tired and that there's something in his mind. but let's not jump into a conclusion that it's WGM related, because first and foremost yong is a musician, a leader of CN Blue, his first priority is his musics and CN blue.































































































































































































































































































































































































Being a leader (of anything) IS the most loneliest job in the world. and as a good leader i believe he is, yong most likely will handle "issues" himself and not to let his member worried and discourage. With the delay of CN Blue album release, the cancelled fan meeting in Korea and a slight concerns on jungshin recent comments, i t will most likely be the "issues/things" that yong is thinking about right now.































































































































































































































































































































































































If the "news" about some k-boices who is not happy about last week episodes and are "attacking" yong is really bothering him, then i don't think he'll be wearing their couple rings in recent shows like the Jump Guro performance. if ever there are a majority of k-boices who voices their dissatisfaction (WGM related) to yong, then i think he will try to cool the anger by not "highlighting" anything WGM related to his current performances/shows. So it safe to say that it's not WGM related that's been bothering him.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The thread is a "happy" place, let's try to liven it up again with happy things and try to take every news/rumours with a grain of salt. ^_^































































































































































































































































































































































































till the next episodes guys... i wish you all a happy goguma week ahead... :lol:































































































































































































































































































































































































oh yea, that is so correct
































































































































































































thanks for saying it
































































































































































































so happy now :) gonna watch this ep again !

































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Guest _d3seohyun






















































































































Yonghwa, was it really that funny?! was she really that adorable?!































































GAH!!! <3













































































































































The mosquito and the fish by Yong's Hyun :D












































































































































































































It would have been sweeter if their seats were closer <3































































but as i've said before i wouldn't change a thing about this episode :w00t:

























































































































































































































































































































































And why do I find this scene so beautiful?!!! :wub:































































I'm seeing everything in pink because of these two! <3












































































































































































































Yes Yong, we are well aware that you have the cutest creature next to you :D

























































































































































































































































































































































I hope at times when Yong is feeling down he can just call Seobaby and ask her to do































































some voice imitations to cheer him up.






































































































Gah! Can you imagine Seobaby with that "It's so pluffy, I think I'm going to die" line from































































Despicable Me? Yong will faint from cuteness overload <3













































































































































I hope he had at least heard/watched this one by now...































































SeoHyun, 슈퍼배드(Despicable Me
































c: aslotuss17
































@s0leil123. *hugz* :D
































































Seobaby's beauty stands out on that Let's Go poster :wub: she's wearing blue...denim...but yeah it's still BLUE hahaha









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Guest baby_bo
































































































































































































Yey!! We are back to spazzing right??? NO MORE TALKS ABOUT NONSENSE ISSUES RIGHT??
































































































































Okay back to spazzing..
































































Sorry if i keep reposting this .. it's just that it's full of ♥♥♥






























































































































































































































































Oh and by the way, I would like to thank the mosquitoes, because during this trip they didn't bring out dengue but brought out LOVE! Like what Seo said in the backroom interview, bec of the mosquitoes she found the right timing to present her gifts! lol

































































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Guest Crystal392



Your screencaps are love love love, really thanks so much for sharing them :)

I wanted to thank kay77, thanks for sharing that info ^^ I'm a big YongHwa fan and I will always support him. YongSeo hwaiting!!!

I laughed with the mosqito joke, kekekke they didnt catch dengue but love xD it made me remember when one of the MCs said 'they weren't catching fish, they were busy catching each other hearts' :wub:


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Thanks everyone for keeping this thread uber positive!






























































































































Kay77 thanks for reassuring us and for sharing your story with us! I was quite worried when I read some of the stuff written about Love Light and fans, but now I am completely reassured. Hopefully Yonghwa can get a day or two to himself just to recuperate...he looked extremely tired the last few performances.






























































































































I just wanted to drop in and say that many of us have thanked the mosquitoes for showing up but I would like to thank the fishes for not taking the bait! It gave them the ENTIRE night just focused on each other! :D

































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correct me if i'm wrong...
































































































































they are not just HOLDING HANDS....































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks to all posting here with clear, bigger pix....
































































































































i'm so in cloud 9....
































































































































include latest RDR sub..
































































































































i already watch this ep for 6X...
































































































































































































































































for today post onwards let's just focus on our couples...
































































































































like kay77 said..
































































































































there's so many supporters for the couple than haters.
































































































































for their own group or for Yongseo...

































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Guest baby_bo



Do you guys remember this videos??

NOW we know why these 2 were so Happy recording this vid. This was obviously recorded during their backroom interview about the bday trip :)

Yonghwa saying Seohyun didn't permit him to attend the event.. aigooooo! these 2!! :wub::wub:



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I don't begin to presume what Yonghwa is feeling and what he is going through since no one can know that except Yonghwa himself. I've never seen he like that before, looking so tired and completely worn out, but there has to be a lot on his mind right now with the delay of CN Blue's album release and cancellation of CN Blue Korean fan meeting. We all know that music is probably one of the most important things to him, so that has to weigh heavy on his mind. Also, we have to remember that he has just completed a killer of a schedule, dating way back to last year when he started filming "You're Beautiful". I don't think he has had any time off in over a year.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































About some of Korean Boices repsonse to "Love Light"... I had to say that there were some very intense responses from some of the fans. There were some who were very upset. Some of them might even have left. However, I assure you that the fans who really care for Yonghwa and CN Blue are still very much there for him and still supporting him. Sure, they've vented their displeasure about the truth behind the lyrics of the song, but they've moved on past that and they are back to supporting Yonghwa and CN Blue like they've always have.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































These "long time fans" are now also taking and think of ways to cheer up Yonghwa. They've discussed the reasons Yonghwa is looking so tired, but they are also talking about the ways or things they could do to cheer him up and show him that they are still very much there for him
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yes, there are some fans who spoke very loudly of their displeasure this weekend, but they are only smaller number of fans like that.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ETA: The Korean netizens' responses to the Kanghwado (Birthday) episode of Yonghwa is hot and very postiven. I don't think I've seen reponses like this to any other episode of WGM this year. All the WGM related posts are the most online sites are talking about Yongseo couple this week. The episode was DAEBAK! Even with the nonfans of Yongseo. ;)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry to cut up your post, but I am happy to read what you are saying. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Wilhelm: with regards to Seohyun being two face, I just want to say that alot of performers are like that. That doesnt mean that they are insincere.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I mean you cant be that animated and dramatic in your daily life, that may border on being rude to people you meet. I read about a comedien once and reports actually say that he is very quiet in real life. On stage, everyone has to be confident and deliver whatever the performance require him/her to do. A few of the SNSD girls have said that some of the sweety songs are not quite inline with their characters too. But what can they do?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In anycase, most people has several sides to themselves. Its just being pretty normal to me. :)

































































































































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Guest baby_bo




YongSeo is the best! kekeke


Also got this from dcgall, not sure when this was taken.. but you can see Seohyun with her rings..

Right hand - SNSD Friendship ring

Left hand - couple ring.



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Guest masamii









what to do?



im really inlove with the couple...



and they are really inlove now!!!









thank you for all the updates, gifs, pictures, snapshots..












btw, i need help TT



where can i download all the YONGSEO CUTS with ENGLISH SUBS and the format is AVI?






thank you all in advance ^^






GO GO GOGUMA!!!! <33






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So, please don't be upset by reponses by a few selected number of fans who mistakenly thinks that they have a personal right to everything that Yonghwa does. There are more fans who truly cares for Yonghwa as a person and the musician they've come to know since last year. I hope that my post reassured some people who might have been concerned...
















ETA: The Korean netizens' responses to the Kanghwado (Birthday) episode of Yonghwa is hot and very postiven. I don't think I've seen reponses like this to any other episode of WGM this year. All the WGM related posts are the most online sites are talking about Yongseo couple this week. The episode was DAEBAK! Even with the nonfans of Yongseo. ;)








ETA: I do have to mention that I don't usually go to the official CN Blue messageboard at their homesite. I go there to get CN Blue informations, schedules, and official notice from FNC, but I don't go to messageboard. That place scares me. One thing to note is that those who are most vocal at official messageboards are not necessarily the most dedicated supporters or the most supportive fans. They might just be the vocal ones. Don't let them get you upset or sway you. ;)















dearest kay77: thanks a million for taking some time answering and clarifying things. i am so glad to know that YH/CNBLUE have fans like you. and i believe you are a real fan, you really like YH/CNBLUE and not just like any ther that jumps in the bandwagon and in the first sight of trouble or disklike runs away. CNBLUE should be admired beyond their good looks and personal lives. their music comes first. for me, it's the music that counts. just like back in my home country, we have this band that is so popular that even though they do not look that good their music is so much loved. even though they have disbanded, their music is still being played and loved across generations.








kay77, i also admire you for being able to balance loyalty and objectivity. i think FNC should hire you as their publicist or PR. kekeke. :D








by the way:








1) hugs to you regarding your mom








2) i wrote in p. 1160 that the scene i like most was the YongSeo couple blowing dandelions. high 5! next is, YH giving the couple necklace to Hyun and her mom. such a thoughtful guy. but Seohyun was really surprising. ok, i love them both. kekeke.








to goguma fans: keep the faith!





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