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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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LOL shml You bought the chinese version? Cool! :D I need to find that one also. keke~ Thanks for sharing and don't forget to tell us when you have the translation.
















glitterspark wow! Wedding on the plane concept? Cool~ With the bluesky as the background.. Or sunset.. Muehehe~
















raindrops I really love the planning! keke~ They could be the wedding of the year and most historic wedding photoshoot ever in WGM. Yeah, we can imagine them right? :D Royal Family also sound good. They will be like a prince and princess. :w00t:
















OMG Yukai! :w00t: It's so lovely for you to translate and paste on the page itself to make it realistic! *hugstightly* Thank you very much!! Can I give you kisses too? keke~ :wub:
















Good day everyone! I will start my crazy job back. :wacko: Have fun in the thread. *hugs everyone*



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Guest raindrops_919




@ nazweena : exactly ! sinnnchhaa..chuayoo, i've been googling for fairytale royal wedding  theme.. omo they are sooo BEAUTIFUL  :wub: today i'm all smiling, like this one: http://rubislaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/DSC_5184-w1024.jpg










dear my ROYAL GOGUMA family, i'm so happy that you all like my YONGSEO wedding invitation..




i really appreciate it, thank you so much  :wub: i'll work harder for our lovely thread =)




i'm off to bed.. gonna miss you all.. annyong :D



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Guest Catkat

i noticed something most of you may have already noticed.

hyun loves to fold her arms in front of her chest when she wants you to listen to her seriously. yong loves to play his rings when he talks. he will look far away when he has ideas in this mind. look at his eyes when he told hyun his ring was melted and a replacement ring would be needed. i think, at that time, he was thinking of buying a new couple ring. also he can't tell lies. normally he looks straight into someone's eyes when he talks. it's very seldom that he will not look at the other's eyes. but when he tells lies, he can't help himself. look at him... how many times he could not look at hyun straight in last saturday's ep. then you will know how many (white) lies he told that day.

i don't know why people would think that wgm will have bad impacts on yong's image. "choding" (the word always appears in this thread though i can't get the exact meaning), i think, does not mean foolish, stupd, naive but rather another way of showing "aigoo", i would say. in what show you could see yong acts "choding", i think, just on wgm in front of hyun, not in front of his bandmates, not in front of the snsd girls. that is the way he shows that he is comfortable with being with hyun. he knows he can put down his role as a band leader or as a hyung to his "dongseng". husband has the right to do "aigoo" to his wife. that's very sweet and lovely. like hyun, she is a playful girl in front of yong, but not in front of his unnies. why ? she is a girl with high disciplines, she knows unnies have expectation on this maknea, so i think she would behave good in front of her unnies. but she has a playful husband whom she is comfortable with. so she shows her playful side to yong. also sweet and lovely.

but when talking about their music, their performance on the stage, they are not kids anymore. they are so serious and mature in dealing with their work. very charming artists.

just want to say they are really a lovely couple. just love them.

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No problem, Naz.

this is the least i can do to help..

sorry for not putting in the suggestors name in my earlier list since i was

in a v hyper mood just now.

updated list.

Wedding Photoshoot Theme :

01. Fairytale Wedding (Trent, caliope, phan2, raindrop, magdal)

02. Rain Theme (Trent, glitterspark)

03. Korean Traditional Wedding (Yukai, phan2, nazweena)

04. Instruments Theme (lovekim)

05. Drift/Car Theme (dreamyboo, BlueFreak)

06. Beach Theme (mrsathena, prncsscharming, goguma1207, .:love_ya:., caliope)

07. Spring Bride (rxp , jnj)

08. Summer (jnj)

09. Farmer/Goguma Field/Nature (lovekim, magicaL.chubi3, goguma1207)

10. Cherry Blossom Theme (klare84, heartbreak, caliope)

11. Winter Wonderland (heartbreak_)

12. Garden Wedding (heartbreak_, nazweena)

13. Avatar (nazweena)

14. Angel vs Rock Star (kerube)

15. 60's Theme Wedding (mimayree)

16. Royal Family Theme (raindrop)

17. Ski/Snowboard Wedding (catkat)

ooh...raindrops! daebak! i love love love your idea, clap clap clap

aww..soleil, tks chingu! u r jjang!

aigoo...yong is holding back.

maybe hyun sensed it, that is why she opened up her arms for him? (first gif)

but yong didn't catch it this time...lost of mood maybe?

aaahh these two.. :rolleyes:

catkat, tks for sharing your views.

true, only in WGM, can we see his choding side

so, when we call yong choding, we meant it in a very affectionate and loveable manner


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I like the fairy tale concept too I found some pics ^^
































































































































































































































































































I like this one but with sleepy beauty concept (I don´t want Hyun poisoned by an apple) haha
































































































































































































Ahhh... it feels good dreaming about it ^^

































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Guest Catkat

how about a ski wedding for them ? yong is good at snowboard, not sure about hyun. but i am quite sure yong's skills are good enough to teach hyun. also winter is coming. ski/snowboard wedding on christmas eve ?

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@s0leill123 thanks for the lovely caps.








you can't help but get the feeling that Yong is really trying to hold himself back not to touch his wifey, but he cannot succeed becoz Hyun is like a magnet to him :))









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Guest Caliope

I want to ask a question...


What do you think will be the Hyuuun's gift for Yooong?

Hyuuun's face at 0:19...

I once read here (in soompi), there was a rumor about a kiss on the cheek...

Could be...?

What do you think? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Guest archiehon
























































Hi! i'm a new poster here but i've been lurking around for such a looong time i couldnt remember when i started but i'm obsessed with this couple. Hope i'll be welcome here. About the wedding's concept, i <3 the korean traditional wedding. it's so colourful! Sorry if i can't contribute more but i really learned a lot from reading all of your posts here. you are an awesome bunch! keep up the positive vibe but negative vibe can also add up some spice as what happened recently. oh! somebody said something which i found really true that you can't measure love, you can't say that a person is not good enough for the other. that was soooo bull's eye. Thank you for saying that. I came to know this couple because i watched YAB and knew about cnblue. but i found this couple so adorable and started to lurk here. Sorry for my scattering thots, back to lurk.









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@Caliope: So far, all rumours considering the Sweet Potato Couple turned out to be true (driver's license, Hyoyeon visiting them, filming in Japan, etc.) I remember the kiss rumour from several months back, so it's maybe possible? Plus, what are the three things a woman gets when she turns into an adult?

A necklace

Something I forgot (please help out here).

and a kiss.

It would be sweet but I seriously doubt it, considering Seohyun was all "Eurgh" concerning hand holding in that episode. BTW, my offer still stands to break Yonghwa's kneecaps. But I guess he has redeemed himself. Lucky him! ;)

Best regards,


Spoiler as to ratings of actors and actresses and how they are choosen for what show. Just FYI - I found it pretty interesting. (My college thinks about doing something like that for European actors for a study. Americans have a similar system (and it's already in use), and I guess, so do the Koreans.)

They are doing the following: You have a list of say, 100 actors and actresses (just to pick a number that's even and easy to work with). They are rated by a suitable amount (like 15,000 people or more) of randomly choosen individuals (both genders, in our case ages 14 - 49, which is one of the many hailed key groups). They are rated for "Do I know him/her", "Do I like him", "Would I pay for his/her products" (albums & movies) and so on.

Then you get, for example,

John Smith  - 95% know him, 50% like him, 30% would pay to buy his album. There are a lot factors determining the rating of a person in the entertainment industry, for example how long they have been working, how many movies and so on. When you have been working for twenty years, the rating tends to stay more stable, while new actors with high ratings are considered a risk. It's still not determined if they stay that popular - and numbers can change really easily.

This system rates the bankability of the actor. You do that for anything: shows on TV, movies, TV channels and so on.

If we were to rate, for example, WGM, the rating of WGM could consist of:

* the amount of viewers

* what sort of advertisments are placed?

* when does it air?

* demographic of viewers?

* how long on air/well-known?

* rating of MCs

* rating of participants

* mentioned in print, other media?

and so on.

If WGM was to have, say, 60%, 40%, 20% and John Smith has a MUCH higher rating, they can use John Smith to attract new viewers, but they have to pay him a lot more than say to someone, whose rating is about the same as WGM. I imagine since Seohyun is part of SNSD and SNSD has a pretty huge fanbase which will be watching because of her, Yonghwa would benefit from her fanbase, just by considering her rating. This is why I guess that business-wise, (and I'm sorry that sounds harsh, but I'm really just talking about NUMBERS here, not about people and their personal feelings), Seohyun will be considered by Yonghwa's management a pretty good deal.

There is a lot more to it than numbers - like, well, people, but in Europe and the US, those numbers play a significant role. Sadly, when we analyzed a query for American actors, there were also entries that detract from the rating, for example age and ethnicity. I'm not sure if those queries were actually used, but at least there was the sugestion to detract points when you are, say, female and over the age of 35. I think that's pretty sad.

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This is my fictional account of the conversation in the sweet potato field.   This is how I would have liked (loved!) this conversation to have gone.  I’m wondering why Hyun brought this up about marrying an owner of a sweet potato field – was she hinting at something?  Trying to get Yong to show some direction on that question (marriage)? 



H: I never imagined that I’ll get a sweet potato field for my birthday.



Y: It’s beyond your imagination, isn’t it?



H: Yes.



JW: Who would ever think of it?



MC Park: True.



H: People jokingly tell me that I should get married to the owner of a sweet potato farm/field.



Y (the owner of a two-row-sweet-potato-field): Haha…



H: Really.



Y: Really?



H: Yes.



Y: And now you’ve become an owner of a sweet potato field.



H: I know, even better!



Here on down is all my imagination…………!



Y: Seohyun, should we get married then?



H: what?!  No, not now…..it’s…..



Y: Have you thought about it, maybe in your imagination, or a dream?



H: Thought about what?!



Y: The two of us …..getting married!  I’m the owner of a sweet potato field now! 



H: hahahah!  We haven’t even held hands yet and now you want us to get married?!






H:  Have you thought about it?



Y: Yes



H: And what were your thoughts?



Y: That it would be difficult for us……with our schedules and our fans.



H: mmmmmm.  True.  And I’m still going to school.



Y: Yes, our time together would be limited.



Period of silence – both contemplating this new direction in their conversation.



Y: But I think it would still be good…..



H: What would be good?  Our getting married?



Y: Yes, I think we would be good together……



H: hmmmmmmmm



Y: Yes.  Even if we’re apart, as long as we had each other to come home to after our concerts, it would be good.



H: It’s kind of like we are doing now.



Y: Yes.  Have you thought about it, Seohyun-ah?



Another period of awkward silence…



H: I did have a dream once……



Y: Really?!



H: I don’t know if we were married, but we were together at a big,white house.   The house seemed to be …ours together……..



Y: ahhhh!



H: I kept looking at my hand and there was only our couple ring, but it seemed bigger and brighter…



H: The house had 2 stories and a big backyard where we had planted a garden with gogumas and other things…..



Y: kekekek!



H: All of my unnies were there in the backyard with the brothers from CN Blue…and we were cooking food in the house and bringing it out to them…it was fun!



Y: That’s the way it could be, Seohyun-ah……



H: Ah, really!  It could be good…………



Another silence



H: Would it have to be now?



Y: Whenever Hyun-ie feels comfortable with it….I’ll be waiting…….



H:  Seohyun nods, smiles, long eye contact - ah, I see………



H: How long?



Y: As long as it takes………


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Hey, luvtokki,

ever thought about writing fanfiction? (Or DID you write fanfiction - and I missed it! Post a link!). The way they speak is a lot how their Korean is usually translated into English. You almost instantly notice that the style is different when someone translates from Korean. Your short dialogue mirrors that really well. :)

Best regards,


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i'm gone for a few days and i cant remember where i left off! thanks for all the goodies everyone. i'm too lazy to go back and list everyone. just thanks to EVERYONE for everything. even all the quiet ones! :)

Wedding Photoshoot Theme :

01. Fairytale Wedding (Trent, caliope, phan2, raindrop, magdal)






02. Rain Theme (Trent, glitterspark)






03. Korean Traditional Wedding (Yukai, phan2, nazweena)






04. Instruments Theme (lovekim)






05. Drift/Car Theme (dreamyboo, BlueFreak)






06. Beach Theme (mrsathena, prncsscharming, goguma1207, .:love_ya:., caliope)






07. Spring Bride (rxp , jnj)






08. Summer (jnj)






09. Farmer/Goguma Field/Nature (lovekim, magicaL.chubi3, goguma1207)






10. Cherry Blossom Theme (klare84, heartbreak, caliope)






11. Winter Wonderland (heartbreak_)






12. Garden Wedding (heartbreak_, nazweena)






13. Avatar (nazweena)






14. Angel vs Rock Star (kerube)






15. 60's Theme Wedding (mimayree)






16. Royal Family Theme (raindrop)






17. Ski/Snowboard Wedding (catkat)











so looking at this list, there are some really cool themes in there. my few favorites are probably the "rain theme", "korean traditional wedding", and "beach theme". i wanted to also add "vintage theme". i think that would be so pretty!












i love the signs their holding the "&" and the "Mr." and "Mrs." super cute.






these few are some of my favorites because its kind of classy, vintage, and musical~! (its called wild seaside garden theme, but i consider it vintage too, lol)




















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luvtokki that was great and fun to read. I loved watching these past 2 episodes; whether intentionally or un-intentionally, so much was revealed.





Y: Have you thought about it, maybe in your imagination, or a dream?




So revealing that he said something like this to her after she mentioned the gag concert footage... as if he imagines such things with her...and while it looked like it kind of threw her for a loop, I'm hoping that she did pick up on that...


As I've mentioned, watching and listening to them during this particular conversation was rather interesting. Her outburst seriously gave him the impetus to speak to her about some things that were also on *his* mind...yet they were both throwing things out there and "testing the waters" in their own way.




It was funny to hear their bickering once they got out of the car (and Yonghwa's "turn left! turn left!).... and then really touching to watch him lead her to the sweet potato field with his hand covering her eyes and humming/singing a tune to her. (does anyone know what it was?)




It is a real pleasure to watch these two and witness their developing relationship.


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Guest Crystal392



Thanks to everyone for the links, pics gifs and everything ! :)

I had so much fun reading all your posts ^_^ thanks to the one who translated uri YongSeo article!! Skerry I can't remember your name :( But thanks a million!

All the wedding pics you've posted are :wub: I hope uri YongSeo will have their wedding photoshoot soon. It would be soo lovely <3

It's only Monday but I want it to be Saturday already hehehe

Btw, happy 7 million views Goguma Planet ^_^


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Guest monie1909

I really couldnt care less if this post will offend anyone cause i just need to get it out of my chest.Since in my world,nobody care to follow kpop world or know anything about Yongseo or wgm ,so i have to said it here.

This will be about Yong Hwa's fans want him to quit wgm cause they think wgm didnt do good to his image and think he could do better if he been pair with more experience,more responsive and a girl with more personality,some said.I said this fans are just ungrateful and greedy.Its not that wgm make his image worse than it is,cause his image and reputation before wgm were far worse.I'm a living example who start knowing him and cnblue in a wrong foot.By watching anti vid by some english guy living in korea about the famous "I'm loner issue".Not enough to hate or become anti but dislike enough not to bother knowing about them despite their dashingly good looking,charismatic performance and they actually can play instrument(cause other kpop bands with guy dancing in tight pants and shirtless are just too gay for my taste-not that i'm against gay,my bestfriend is gay.so no).They have the right package to be drooling over but those scandal just a turn off.Doesnt help when first variety show that i watched of him was SGB where he bickering with Joon and mocking Hyeyeon.It was around April when i stumbled into Yongseo wgm,while looking for alex and shinae wgm vids.I had watched quite a few first season couple vids but not really become a big fan of wgm yet.Just watched them leisurely.Watching the first ep,I recognized Yong Hwa instantly cause well,he's good looking.But,I didnt even know Seohyun name by that time.I know snsd but couldnt care less about them.Nothing personal just i'm normal hormonal girl who prefer to oogle on bunch of good looking boys band than girls band.My first thot was,is she for real?Seem too goody two shoes.Cause in my country,celebrity are not well associate as educated bunch(no offend).But,it was that shy,akward girl who said she read self improvement book and her mentor is Ban Kin Moon that hooked me up that night.I found myself digging around for next episode to next episode to watch this how this relationship turn out for this shy,awkward,naive,yet smart girl.I was lucky to watch around 4,5 episode in one shot by that time.By the 5th ep i know that i'm already attached to her cause i started googling around for her background,her old vids,her bands,news and everything related to her just to find more and more admiration for Seohyun and she is as real as she is in wgm.Found this thread later on,and officially start my life as gogumas here.waiting week after week for their latest episode.It was in Train trip episode, i started to pay attention to Yong Hwa after the book review part.I saw the sensitive,passionate side of him.I saw the "Emotional' CNblue leader in that episode when he talked about his dream.That was what hooked me up on him.I started to digging out info about him,to found out the truth behind the scandal,started to listen to his song,found myself ordering CNBLUE album online.Something that i never thot i'll ever do,not even in my younger years i ever go to that extent to listen to a music.Tho,not to the extent to call myself a boice.Too old to be in a fanclub.Ok,go back to my main point.Those who think,he would do better with other girl or seohyun joepardize his success in this show.Deng!You are DELUSIONAL!i'm a living proof one of people that been converted to watch this show because of that some called 'no personality',non responsive,awkward,naive girl.She is the reason i watch this show long enough that i become to love Yong Hwa too.Second,if you think this show didnt do him any good for his image.Deng!You are wrong too!The imperfect,the choding,the short Yong hwa are what make me see him as humane,closer to heart than when i know him just as CNBLUE lead singer who sang other people song or JYH in SGB who good looking,talented and charismatic but immature.Rather just think of him as Jung Yong Hwa,the talented singer,i feel him as Yong,the younger brother who should be loved and supported.The Yong Hwa that push his sensitive,patience,considerate side of him to the utmost because of this inexperience,naive girl in wgm is what make me feel connected to his music,to feel his sincerity and passion while singing because i know who he is.

I'm not promoting WGM here,just annoy with fans who think they know better for their idols and judge thing in very narrow views.I may not be korean but i have enough help from my korean collegues to help me get a grasp around this couple news.I also know that there were some Seohyun's fans (i found it in seohyun dc gall,not dcmarried)who said that want her to quit wgm too cause think wgm didnt do good for her image and she just gaining some anti fans after wgm.While Yong Hwa still manage to get some sympathy for handle a naive girl,Seohyun get most of the hate bullet from anti Yongseo.That wonder why on earth,among all her many other talent she choose a show that show her most weaknesses and vulnerablity.Dealing with a guy!They said she should just start focus on musical,instead.I said,screw those so called fans!There are reason why they still stay in this show.They are not blind or deaf not to be aware of this situation.They already choose this path!Instead of asking them to back off just because things get harder why dont you guys so called fans,just give your ultimate support until the day they decide they want to stop not asking them to stop.I'm not just saying this because i'm Yongseo bias,cause my life still will be the same when its over.I might be missing them but i know i still can support and follow Seohyun in whatever she will do in the future.But,until then,if she decided to stay here,i'll support her even it mean i have to be on the front row fighting antis and haters.Ok.Bye.And sorry for not putting my words in nicer way.Have fun spazzing everyone.

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trent - thanks, but no, I've never done fan fiction.  That was my first attempt at anything like that!   But after watching so many yongseo episodes multiple times in both Korean and English, I'm beginning to pick up Yong's and Hyun's speech patterns - weird, huh?  I'm also getting a pretty good instruction in Korean vocabulary and Korean culture and customs.  It's been a real learning experience for me, besides being able to enjoy this amazing couple's journey together!


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Guest _d3seohyun

@glitterspark. you had me smiling with your hyun is angry because yong ate a hamburger post :D

hello to all!


I'm a little late on spazzing about this but it's just too good to pass. :D

LMAO and still can't believe Seobaby has a cf where she's being giddy and spazzing about a certain boy!!!!! surreal! :D

That little touch she gave her ring...aigoo! I'm sure that wasn't part of the script :wub:






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Guest Kerube-Chan








































































Updated with the votes of everyone in this page.
























































Updating the list and sharing some pics to represent them. Lets vote!!!
























































Wedding Photoshoot Theme: (Cr. to the respective uploader an owner of the Photo)
























































01. Fairytale Wedding (Trent's Sister, caliope, phan2, raindrop, magdal, Blackflower52, Andalasa)
















































































































02. Rain Theme (Trent, glitterspark)
















































































































03. Korean Traditional Wedding (Yukai, phan2, nazweena, Kay77, Winnieho, Crystal Malfoy)
















































































































04. Instruments Theme (lovekim, zealous)
























































Cant find any... Follow this post:
























































hehe... love all wedding picture...
























































just my idea....
























































how bout this wed pic
















































































































need to yong in this pic...







































































































































































05. Drift/Car Theme (dreamyboo, BlueFreak)
















































































































06. Beach Theme (mrsathena, prncsscharming, goguma1207, .:love_ya:., caliope, Blackflower52)
















































































































07. Spring Bride (rxp , jnj)
















































































































08. Summer (jnj)
















































































































09. Farmer/Goguma Field/Nature (lovekim, magicaL.chubi3, goguma1207)
















































































































10. Cherry Blossom Theme (klare84, heartbreak, caliope)
















































































































Please someone post something, to post the rest!!! Not allowed to post to much pictures...









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