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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Thank you for all the opinion, more and more gogumas come out from the lurking mode :D
















Back to spazz mode everyone! :wub:
















I have to post back our latest project since the thread move on so fast. :blink: If there's any question, applying for team members or anything else matter, do PM me. :D I really need 3-4 designers now to help me design on the 1st project.
















I hope everyone can participate in this project. We have to show YONGSEO our FOREVER LOVE.































































SeoHwa Soompi Thread and SeoHwa Couple International Forum
















(YongSeo International Fanbase)
















Proudly Present :
































For YongSeo 300th Anniversary on 7th December 2010















































































Finally, we will launch our own logo, which represents the YongSeo International Fanbase. We plan to use this logo around the world to highlight our love towards the YongSeo couple.
















Download the logo with high resolution here.
































18th September : Launching & Project Briefing
















20th November : Submission Deadline
















01st December : Sending the project to Korea
































1. It's A YongSeo World Afterall – Video Collection of Pictures and Videos from YongSeo fans around the world, holding our own logo (in any ways you guys like).
















2. I Love YongSeo – A booklet compiling 300 reason Why I Love YongSeo Couple. (write yours now since we target 300 reason for their 300th day anniversary).
































1. Using your own creativity, take pictures or videos include with our YongSeo International Fanbase Logo and YONGSEO word design (You can do it in whatever materials/design). We highly recommend including your country flag to show us where you are from. You can print the logo/flag, make it as banner or whatever ways you like but please make sure the logo/flag can be seen clearly in the picture or video.
















2. You can either capture your solo picture or together with your YongSeo country fans. We accept all the pictures and videos as long they are clearly visible.
















3. It’s okay if you don’t want to show your face (I know some of us are shy keke) So, please use your creativity imagination on how to take pictures or videos with showing some parts of you (eg. hand, fingers, head etc etc).
















4. Pictures – Must be in JPG format & in high resolution. Send to seohwa.project@gmail.com title as 3rd Project - Picture
















5. Videos – Must be in AVI format only. Please convert before sending to us. Upload to any uploader hosting and send us the link for download to seohwa.project@gmail.com title as 3rdProject – Video (Don’t upload them to Youtube or other video hosting yet since we want to do this as special project).
































1. Lots of you know already how this part of the project work. We will compile all the reason Why I Love YongSeo Couple in a booklet. Send yours now if you still didn’t do it. We target to compile 300 reason for their 300th anniversary.
















2. You can either write them here or send to the project email instead – seohwa.project@gmail.com titled as 3rd Project – I Love YongSeo.
















3. Excluding I Love YongSeo Couple because… , the sentences must not be more than 50 words since we have to compile lots of them and the most important thing to make the crew’s job easier.
















4. Please include a screen capture of the YongSeo couple that can be included in the booklet as well if possible.
































1. Submit all your pictures, videos & quotes together with your Name & Country
















2. Submission dateline will be on 20th November 2010, 11pm KST
















































Project 1 – YongSeo Memoirs (Main Project) – ON GOING
















Still on going. Crews will start to concentrate on this project after YongSeo leave WGM. In the mean time, you guys can help to contribute and give help to the crews. I will probably post some of the finish material after the 3rd project is finish or might be earlier than that.
















Project 2 – 200th Day YongSeo Anniversary - COMPLETED
















This project has been completed by nazweena, lovekim, hallyucraze & the team in Singapore last month when Listen to the CNBLUE in Singapore came to the country. We had given the box of the gifts to CNBLUE representative and hopefully they had received our YongSeo International Fanbase gifts by now. Along with this project we presented the first set of I LOVE YongSeo Because... messages compiled by redtulip, bezbezbez and genxv.
















Project 3 – 300th Day (It's A YongSeo World Afterall) – ON GOING
















Project duration : 18th September 2010 – 01st December 2010
































Finally, we have setup a PayPal account to collect donations. If you would like to contribute for purchasing gifts please send payment using PayPal to seohwa.project@gmail.com. Any amount at all would be hugely appreciated. We promise we will use these donations wisely and guard it safely. More details and a donation tracker will be posted on the SeoHwa Project blog. Any amount remaining after the project has ended will be given to a worthy cause.
































- YongSeo Fans Trip to Korea
















- YongSeo Merchandise / Couple Gifts
















- Project Collaboration with YongSeo Korean Fans (DC Gallery)
































I hope everything’s clear for now. Since the thread is moving so fast and if you think you have miss some of the posts regarding the project, you guys can see them in the project blog –http://seohwaproject.blogspot.com
















































Kindly ask if there’s anything you want to know. The 3rd project mainly will be handle by Indi (bezbezbez) and genxv. However, if anyone wants to give a help, you are most welcome. Don’t forget to PM us for any future ideas or suggestion.
















We would like to thank all YongSeo fans around the world for always giving the project team continuous support and love. We will try our best to represent our YongSeo International Fanbase especially to YongSeo couple themselves. Thank you very much! ^___^
















Thank you! Hwaiting everyone! Lets participate together! With Love and Regards, nazweena, genxv, bezbezbez



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Guest ob061978
































































first time poster here. thank you so much to all goguma lovers who share links, images and long post about this couple.
















































i don't get to read all of the comments since this thread moves quite fast. i have a question (i don't know if this has been answered already here), what does choding means? i'm not korean so i interpret just what i can grasp from the situation.
















































if choding means being funny...is it bad to be funny? i like funny guys. to add i admire Yong Hwa with the way he treat Hyun. their personality are not alike but they compliment each other.
















































thank you kay77. reading your post my admiration for Yong really levels up. he maybe a choding but he surely knows how to handle responsibility and he knows how to treat a lady especially a lady like Seo Hyun.









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Guest lovelyyongseo
































































































I love yongseo couple so much.The one word I can say I love yongseo.please don't fight anymore because this thread is a full of love.O.K. everybody. I love you everybody in this thread. :wub:

































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Guest rhowone
























hello guys!!!:lol:








my second time to post..waaa I read all your post!!!! hmmmm about your opinion with yonghwa!!








well for me just LOVE LOVE LOVE each other and I respect your opinions!!!








Please let's be Positive now!!!








weeeee I super like the episode 26,,especially while Hyun is reading Yong's letter..the best!!!and also while they are talking on the bus!!!hihi








Thanks for the translations and subs!!!!love yahh all YongSeo couple lovers!!!









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Guest ariel119




Hi everyone,


I'm always a silent reader, and a happy silent reader. But i don't know why, this is the first time I feel sad when come to this thread.


You can like Yong more or Seo more, but please don't compare them, who 's better than whom. because I believe everyone in this thread see they are perfect together.And with every episode, my belief's more stronger.


It make me sad when see Kay77 said: "fan want Yong quit WGM as quick as possible",why? because his partner is Seo? I already saw so many CNBlue's fans in my country bass Seo for no reason just because she's in WGM with Yong. And I feel hurt for Seo (or maybe hurt my love for this couple). If her partner is Jinwoon , maybe she won't be bass like that.But


I used to asked myself if in WGM Yong isn't not partner with Seo, I will love them like now, or watch them every week happily like now. My answer is 100% NO. They're match made from heaven (akak :sweatingbullets: )


I believe they are partner with each other is a miracle, it's a fate(with a forest of idols, why Yong and Seo?). So please don't against fate. Let's support and love them like always you're. I always want to be a happy silent reader.





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Guest sassysnsd

Can someone please post the link for running man ep 11? It hasn't been subbed yet right? I can't find it raw or subbed :(

& Goguma's I'm so proud.. Even though there is negativity, which is challenging you all backed up our couple well. I doubt our couple sometimes too and I am pretty open minded, always playing the devil's advocate. I have to say though, if YongSeo read this they would want to stay together because of you guys ^^ I don't think these two could have been paired with anyone more suitable.. That's just my opinion. In terms of for the show and for each other. I also believe in fate (in the non-cheesiest way.) So I think either way this couple was meant to be paired up. They are learning from each other. Which is important, especially for Hyun! & Yong is learning lessons he didn't necessarily know he needed to learn.

I look forward to seeing this couple's progress, I want to see them grow as individuals and together, as a couple. They are helping each other. All I know is I need more YongSeo :rolleyes:

nazweena that logo is gorgeous!! :) So cute! They will love it.. :wub:

ob061978 Choding means elementary school kid. It's like immature, funny and cute!

lovelyyyongseo spread the love! i love everyone in this thread to.. Thanks again! To everyone that posts.

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Kay77, thank you for posting your opinion as a korean Yonghwa fan. I hope, after reading your great views on the matter, people will start to understand Yonghwa better and see him as the strong, charismatic leader he is. If they don't, then it's their loss because they fail to recognise a genius-in -the-making. Yonghwa is younger than me by two years, yet i see him as a more mature being. I've been following CN Blue from the start and watched all the documentaries about them (unfortunately only the subbed and available to an international fan like me). I know how hard they worked to achieve where they are now. What they have experienced in Japan is no joke. I remembered Yonghwa said that eventhough he has not yet joined the army but he feels that 2 years being an indie band in Japan would feel exactly like that (please Boices, correct me if I'm wrong). Yonghwa in WGM made me love the boy even more because in the show, we get to see more of the 'real' side of him where he plays around and whatnot.

I'm sorry but i disagree with one of your points though. I would rather Yonghwa to commit on WGM rather than a variety show like Running Man regardless of how awesome he is in it. I heard you have to film RM every week and i don't think i can stand to see Yonghwa suffering in it (it's a tiring show). Goguma1207 expressed this point well.

One day, WGM will end. It will. And i will still support Yonghwa & CN Blue. I have already been a SNSD fan from the start (hence the nickname) so of course will also support Seohyun when WGM ends.

Gogumas, i love the positivity in this thread. Keep it up! :wub:

:) In my heart, I do know that filming WGM is probably much better and easier for Yonghwa than Running Man. Also, he does truly seem to enjoy Seohyun's company and filming WGM may not be all work but also a time to relax and just let him be himself besides a girl who truly is equally amazing and beautiful person as he is.

The problem I am having is the editing of WGM sometimes, especially with those little remarks by the WGM editing crew they put on each scene. What do we call it? Those tends to lead viewers into thinking one way when the actions by Yonghwa and Seohyun say otherwise. I wish they would get rid of those and let the viewers make a decision themselves based on what is being shown on screen by Yonghwa and Seohyun themselves.

Also, reading completely different responses by Korean viewers to Running Man and WGM episodes of late made me think that may be Running Man will do more good to promote positive image of Yonghwa as someone who is smart and detail oriented as well as goofy and sponstaneously funny when occasion calls for it. The responses by the media and viewers of Running Man have been truly remarkable. People are still recommending those two episodes of Running Man that Yonghwa was in as the best episodes of Running Man. There is a Korea entertainment messageboard site that covers all the variety shows. There was a recent post by someone who said he/she was considering watching Running Man for the very first time and asked to for them to recommend the best episode. Would believe that almost every single person who responded stated Yonghwa's episodes as the "best"? Some fans of Running Man are even going as far as saying that Yonghwa could be the "savior" of the poor ratings Running Man has been getting. Sometimes, it is so great to see so much positives as with Running Man.

I also think Yonghwa does enjoy playing mind games as well as physical games in Running Man. From what his cousin revealed, Yonghwa is very atheletic and very good in almost all the sports. It just was great seeing Yonghwa enjoying himselve so much and being loved and appreiciated both by the staff of Running Man and by the media as well as viewers. I am aware how "exhauting" filming of Running Man can be. I was merely saying that I rather see him as a semi regular on Running Man because of all the positives results after hard work.

Having said all this, I know that I truly enjoy seeing Yonghwa and Seohyun's love story unfold on WGM, reel or real. They are beautiful individually, but they are even more gorgeous together. :)

I would probably cry on the inevitable day when we have to say goodbye to Yongseo on WGM. I do hope that will be later than sooner because there is just so much I want for them and there is so much still left for them to show us. They make each others' world beautiful with each other's presence and they make our world beautiful because they share their precious and beautiful moments and memories with us as they are making them.

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Guest ob061978









ob061978 Choding means elementary school kid. It's like immature, funny and cute!
















































thank you sassysnsd for replying to my question.
















































relating it to YongHwa, the term is not quite right to describe him. i don't find him immature...funny and cute, yes but not immature.
















































i'm also looking for a link on running man episode 11 with eng sub. please please do share it with us. thanks in advance.









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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































the 1st couple i luv in wgm is Lettuce couple which hwangbo and kim hyun joong (6 yrs age gap hwangbo is older than KHJ) when they ended i feel sad and cried esp. when they say their last good bye hwangbo she cried it's because Kim Hyun joong will be cast in Boys over flowers so he ended his wgm so sad. But now when i watch wgm2 again and saw this new couple YongSeo couple i'm beginning to luv them they are almost similar to Lettuce couple at 1st awkward w/ each other no skinships but later on they become close. Similar w/ YongSeo at 1st they feel awkward and later on they know each other and become close common they had skinships already :) If not w/ wgm i will not know SeoHyun from SNSD and Yonghwa from CNBlue so thanks to wgm.
































































































































and I DON'T WANT YONGSEO TO END :(:( so pls. don't wish it :( i know 1 of this day they might end this but NOT NOW I HOPE THEY STAY LONGER IN WGM :( pls enjoy YongSeo at the moment. And i guess both Yong and Hyun are good for each other. Both smart and talented. Even people say they not good for each other i think it's wrong. We can't judge like that, ok ur upset of something and u say hyun is not good for yong and viceversa but for me they CLICK. Proven already coz YongSeo is all over the world :) We seen from episode 1 until now epi 26 THEY LOOK GOOD TOGETHER. And they know their not perfect. Hyun know that they don't have much skinships but this is them what u see is what u get. At least they know what's missing in their relationship. I guess this is korea tradition coz in my country skinships is like normal it's like in Hollywood skinships is nothing. PDA (public display affection) is normal. But i guess Korean they not use to it. So we must understand YongSeo couple. We must support them. SONE & BOICE must support them whether they are together or not. I like SNSD and CNBlue and i will luv YongSeo. Kamsahamnida. Cheers

































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Guest sassysnsd

kay77 I am enjoying your thoughts :) as wells as everyone's thoughts here! He does really seems to enjoy filming WGM with Seohyun and seems to sincerely enjoy her company.

I watched episode 7 of Running Man today and I was so enticed. Yong did so well!! I was commentating and everything.. He should be like a permanent guest or something, I don't want him becoming even more exhausted. He was so entertaining and it's not just us bias gogumas that enjoyed it. As kay77 told us Running Man viewers also loved the Yong episode!  I hope Yong hears the great receptions he is getting. That choding needs an ego boost some times. I have to agree with kay77 again about the way WGM is edited. Yong isn't represented in the most accurate way sometimes and I think that's because of heavy editing.. There's so many captions edited in and comments going on from the MC's. I wish it was replaced by black room interviews and more actual footage. Then us viewers could decide for ourselves. I understand that the MC's add structure to the show but so did the blackroom interviews in my opinion.

My point is, in Running Man I think Yong's character and personalty is represented more accurately. I saw a whole diffferent side to him watching it and I began to like him even more :) I'm not saying anything like he isn't himself in WGM!! I love Yong in WGM!

ob061978 Sorry, when I say immature I don't mean it in a bad way. I mean it as in acting younger, like childish and boyish or being playful. Like an elementry student! For example when he was hiding behind the door when Hyun was coming home from school the MC's called him a choding because it was cute and childish. I don't want you to misinterpret choding meaning immature in a negative way because it's really not :) hope I was somewhat helpful!!

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Guest Soshimunky
































































































































:)  In my heart, I do know that filming WGM is probably much better and easier for Yonghwa than Running Man.  Also, he does truly seem to enjoy Seohyun's company and filming WGM may not be all work but also a time to relax and just let him be himself besides a girl who truly is equally amazing and beautiful person as he is.
































































































































I would probably cry on the inevitable day when we have to say goodbye to Yongseo on WGM.  I do hope that will be later than sooner because there is just so much I want for them and there is so much still left for them to show us.  They make each others' world beautiful with each other's presence and they make our world beautiful because they share their precious and beautiful moments and memories with us as they are making them.































































































































Sorry to cut your post short. Also sorry if you take offence in my writings (I have no intention of that). And thank you for the lovely post:wub:
































































Having a korean posting stuff here is pure blessing. We now have greater insight to how koreans perceive Yonghwa's performances in Running Man and WGM. I didn't know that most people there took Yonghwa's episodes as the best ones of RM and also think he could be the saviour of the show? Wow that's amazing. Thank you for the information. Now i understand more what you tried to express before. I have watched the first episode of Yonghwa in RM and yes, he was amazing. I think i actually succeeded in turning 7 of my siblings into Yonghwa's fan after i show them that episode. I wish to see more of Yonghwa's creativity and intelligence in shows - hopefully when he's no longer as busy as now.
































































Please, do write more insights after this. I'm sure we want to hear more form you, Kay77.
































































P/S: When the day Yongseo ends comes in WGM, we'll cry together. It has been an epic journey for us gogumas :)

































































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The topic about Yonghwa having many anti-fans becaues of YAB and WGM has been discussed a few weeks back in cnblue thread. Some boices admitted that they didn't like to watch WGM after watching the first few episodes, they like to see Yonghwa with CNBLUE members. Because it seems a little unnatural due to the way the variety show is structured. Scripted anot, we have no idea but it seems like Yonghwa has suppressed his thoughts and feelings for the show. He has to complete the show whether he likes it or not, he has to entertain his company and his fans. He has to watch out for Seohyun's fans hence feeling the pressure.
















I am definitely supportive of whatever Yonghwa does, he is definitely a mature person in my opinion.
































[(Many Yong Hwas inside, crying Yonghwa, sweating Yonghwa, but only smiling Yong Hwa comes out.
















I love the detail, earing and cheekbone)
















Yong Hwa:
















Recently, my parents call and ask me often, "Do you have anything hard? Are you alright?"
















Then I always answer, "No, nothing is hard. Things are going well always, you don't need to worry about me."Although I have hard things, that's what I myself have to overcome. So I will keep saying so."]
















credit: saturn@cnblue soompi
















Yonghwa drew the picture of himself. All his sadness, tiredness and anger are all stuck inside his head. He felt it but he didn't display them. Whatever that was breathed out(pic) or shown from Yonghwa was his smiling face. He has decided to do that so as not to worry his fans, parents and cnblue members. Yonghwa has anti-fans, he was hospitalised, he often coughs, he dislikes it when he went off key, he has high expectations which leads to disappointments which aren't displayed physically from his appearance.
















It is only from this picture that BOICES found out how he really felt. Even his parents were kept in the dark about his sadness.
















Yonghwa is really trying hard in WGM, instead of criticising him, we should encourage the couple and support them. My boyfriend is not as academically inclined as me, he has so many flaws, but there are reasons why I still believe in his love and faithfulness for me for 4 years. If I really bother that my boyfriend is lousier than me and I dump him, that is not love at all.





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Guest ninyaah
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wasn't supposed to come out of my lurker mode, but I couldn't keep quiet reading some of the posts. I know I'll be damned later when I fall asleep while typing my research papers. LOL.

in these past couple of episodes, he's starting to annoy me, and I sometimes wish that Hyun would be partnered with someone whose personality is as equally strong as hers. Or a much better version of Yong...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think it would've been better if you cited specific examples on why you became annoyed at him. I believe that we don't have any right to judge who is good for Seohyun -- only Seohyun has the right to choose who and who's not good for her because she is the one who knows the real him, on and off-cam. Besides, Seohyun isn't perfect. She may be smarter and more talented than all of us combined, but she has a lot of weaknesses, too. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What's annoying is that Seohyun is always placed on a pedestal just because she's the innocent maknae of SNSD. Don't get me wrong, she is innocent and she is an angel -- that's quite obvious, isn't it. What I don't like here is that hardcore fans think they have a right to their idols, as if celebrites are their properties. Don't you guys think that maybe Seohyun doesn't want to be put on a pedestal? That she just wants to be treated as a simple, ordinary girl? 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now this is where Yonghwa comes in. He treats her as his equal, not someone he has to impress just because she's a member of the hottest girl group. And you know what, Seohyun appreciates that. She may be quiet, but the way she stares at him gives her feelings away -- the girl is happy. In fact, I've never seen Seohyun this beautiful before. Fans may disagree with me, but ever since she started WGM, she started giving off a different aura. Is she in like with him? No one knows for sure. But judging from her pictures and tv appearances nowadays, she looks very happy and more beautiful. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What I like about this couple is that they complement each other. Seohyun's quiet nature and naivety is complemented by Yonghwa's outgoing and laidback personality. I don't get what you mean when you said she should've been partnered with someone who has a stronger personality. I don't know what your definition of a 'strong personality' is. The only thing I know is that a strong personality is the respect and consideration Yonghwa gives Seohyun. I'm not a hardcore CN Blue fan but I am aware of the issues and hardships the band went through. Actually even at present, they're still undergoing criticism. Watching WGM made me respect Yonghwa a lot -- as an individual and as a celebrity. I can sometimes see his frustration with Seohyun's naivety. He certainly is a sweet and touchy-feely guy, but he has to restrain himself because of Seohyun's inexperience.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































On the topic of skinship: the reason why I skipped watching the other couples is because of the skinship. I don't know how someone can hold hands or hug someone in an intimate way after meeting for just a month or so. This is where YongSeo is different. Their skinship isn't just for fanservice. For them, especially Seohyun, they have to be comfortable being with their partner first before doing it. It's very frustrating especially for someone who's impatient like me, but seeing them hold hands in the Dream Concert and at the Horror Special made me scream like a madman. Then, I am reminded that indeed, patience is a virtue.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Everytime I watch their episodes on WGM, I am reminded of the fact that there is no other person I imagine getting paired with either of them. They are imperfect individually, but they are perfect together. Some people may not see what fans see in them, but they are missing a lot, right? <3 And that isn't our problem anymore.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lovekin: I really enjoy reading your posts. Like you, I'm a realistic person as well, so your insights are very much similar to mine.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































j2dlee: Thank you so much for the translations. My Saturdays wouldn't be complete without watching the show and reading your translations <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































kay77: I love your post; I hope you post more often. Watching WGM has made me a fan of CN Blue. In fact, my other boy band biases have now paled in comparison to them. LOL. I'm thankful to WGM for introducing me to the band. The boys are amazing.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































goguma1207: Your posts are always so well-written. I'm jealous! Haha. I am always looking forward to reading your comments.

































































































































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first time poster here. thank you so much to all goguma lovers who share links, images and long post about this couple.

i don't get to read all of the comments since this thread moves quite fast. i have a question (i don't know if this has been answered already here), what does choding means? i'm not korean so i interpret just what i can grasp from the situation.

if choding means being funny...is it bad to be funny? i like funny guys. to add i admire Yong Hwa with the way he treat Hyun. their personality are not alike but they compliment each other.

thank you kay77. reading your post my admiration for Yong really levels up. he maybe a choding but he surely knows how to handle responsibility and he knows how to treat a lady especially a lady like Seo Hyun.

To answer your questiong about choding... choding can mean "an elementary schooler". Chodeunghakgyo is means an elementary school and choding is "someone who goes to elementary school." Joonghakgyo means middle school and joongding means "someone who goes to middle school. Godeunghakgyo means high school and goding means "someone who goes to high school."

Although "choding" in WGM in referring to Yonghwa sometimes is used as an endearing adjective to describe some of his actions in a very positive way, it can mean somewhat of a negative way if used too much. Most of us use "choding" in a very positive way to describe something that is done in a very cute and funny way by someone who is older than actual choding age. However, can you imagine how it will be if this is used too much to describe most of things someone does? Just enough right amount of "choding" to describe someone is a good, sweet, and endearing thing, but too much use of "choding" is not.

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Guest pretty_92868












I've watched this two running man with Yonghwa already even though I can understand it all through actions, but the thing is maybe Koreans watched this two episodes all the more because Yonghwa is there? And it's because he's more popular now than when he started WGM?( Am I right? or am I right? )I hope that I am right with this.




But I think also that he became more popular because of WGM with Seohyun.( this I am very optimistic that I am right)




About this thread, I'm happy about all the positive vibe I'm getting after reading and watching all your post, so let us look on the positive after effect of what happen. If not for xiam9 post,maybe we don't get to know kay and his personal knowledge about Yong and the boys.Now we know Yonghwa much better,isn't it great?




ps heartbreakwarfare,I didn't know that you're a guy, I'm happy to know about a male point of view over this crazyness of mine(ours).shout out to all kababayan,I'm a mom from QC





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Guest Crystal392






There are so many things I want to say but I feel a lot of you Gogumas have already said what I wanted to say.


I became a YongHwa fan since I saw him in YAB and then CNBLUE debuted in Korea and I really liked them. That's why I began watching his and Hyun's cuts from WGM. I already loved him but I fell more for him, he has gone through a lot and Im sure it wasn't easy. He had money in Busan and probably always lived a very comfortable life with a stable and loving family, and suddenly going to Japan and live by himself with three other boys he was just getting to know must have been pretty difficult. I really admire him.


I also really admire Hyun, SNSD went through a lot of hardships went they debuted too and she was soo young. But thankfully she had her unnies who were like older sisters to her and now SNSD is one of the best Kpop groups!


They captured my heart since day one and have made me remember so many things I thought I had forgotten.


I guess this showed the difference I mentioned before about being critical and being critical in a bad way. Like th. (hope it doesn't bother you I mentioned you here) said what she thought in a respectful way, and actually it wasn't much about the couple but more about the thread and fans in general; but the other person, I don't think it was even a critical comment...


Anyways, I know there will always be fans like that. Boices who say YongHwa deserved someone better, Sones who say Seohyun deserved someone better. But they can't go back in time, and if they could they probably wouldn't be able to change it anyways. And there are also gogumas who are happy with the decision :)


*hugs to all Gogumas* :lol: I didn't want to write much but I git carried away, as usual xD


Let's spazz about the episode!!!


Let's flood the thread with lots of screencaps and gifs! :D


Yong~ looked so handsome on Inki ^_^



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Guest miel_1301


Now, another reason has been uncovered why Yong has been paired with Hyun. Yong is someone who has been through a lot of pain and challenges but has remained cheerful and strong while Hyun who is known to be matured and serious but inexperienced when it comes to romantic relationships. The matured Hyun will understand the career challenges that Yong has experienced (and experiencing) while Yong will help her discover the wonders of romantic love. Hyun may be Yong's senior in the entertainment industry but Yong is senior when it comes to the matters of the heart. They will be able to help each other out. And that's what marriage is all about, helping each other to lighten each other's burden. Outside marriage, their WGM experiences will add character to their already great personalities.

With that, WGM, FNC, SM Town, I understand your wisdom.

I've been just lurking for the past couple of hours-- silently reading all the exchanges of views, impressions even sentiments in defense of one or both of the couple.

And I find this relatively short and concise post of yours hacker8 a "good" read for it gives a balanced opinion and impression--- not defending one while neglecting the other, not highlighting the efforts of one while missing out on the other.

I and many of us here need not always and constantly be reminded that WGM is a Reality Program of make-believe, fake, pretend, reel couples in a husband and wife context or set-up. I knew that... we all knew that since the day of this program's conception and birth. But while the context of WGM is fake, unreal for pure entertainment and whether it be partially or wholly scripted, I still hold on firmly to my belief that not every and single emotion manifested by the couple would have been rehearsed, not every and single feeling invested would have been calculated. I just strongly feel that sincere, honest albeit raw emotions will never ever be feigned.

As early as May I have been encountering sentiments from YongHwa's fans [who are non-YongSeo fans] wanting him to quit WGM for whatever reasons they may have which I respect but which I don't necessarily agree with and which I can say I do not totally comprehend---- one reason being put forth as a justification was his health at that time having to suffer from vocal chord nodules. But can one really categorically say that WGM has been and is becoming a stumbling block to YongHwa's growth individually or as being a leader of his group? Can one really say with certainty if he would have been better-off, shining more brightly, if he was paired with anyone else other than SeoHyun?

If anything or everything about WGM is indeed becoming a burden to anyone of them--- be it YongHwa or SeoHyun, if they feel that it is no longer a healthy avenue for one to continue with his or her own growth, reasons would dictate that either one or both of them would easily quit the program. I remember the interview of the WGM PD about reasons why couples end their stint at WGM and one of those mentioned is, "Either one or both have become popular" hence offers for other projects, like dramas, movies and other shows just came pouring in. If WGM production wouldn't mind the fact that couples leave their show on the basis of having gotten popular, I don't think that they will restrict or prohibit any couple from leaving the show on the basis of WGM getting to be a "liability" on the part of either one or both couple.

I also do not think that the demands of WGM in terms of filming schedules have ever since been demanding on the part of their couples. I, in fact, get the impression that they have always been accommodating to the schedules of these couples knowing very well that they are idols hence their schedules tend to be very crazily hectic most of the time. I believe WGM has been exercising tolerance and flexibility. This set up of WGM could be one of the reasons why SeoHyun's management, SM Entertainment, didn't pull her out from the program when all her other Unnies ended up their respective individual activities with SM's goal of making SNSD focus more their attention on their Japan debut. How many times have our couple been meeting in terms of filming every month? At the most I would say 3 filming days a month, on the average. And there was even a month that had passed without them having any WGM schedule, if I may recall.

So that to say or even think that WGM is becoming a burden most specially for YongHwa would be rather presumptuous.

His company would have easily dragged him out of the kitchen if YongHwa himself couldn't stand the "heat" if any.

Likewise, as early as May, news about YongHwa being a strong contender for dramas and movies have popped out not once but several times. He and his management company would have grabbed such chances and would have ended YongHwa's appearance in WGM but they chose for him to stay and probably honor his contract with the program for reasons only known to them and with the official statement that he will be considering such offers early next year.

I would like to give credit where credit is rightfully due. I believe that WGM has been a very good venue in terms of introducing and promoting YongHwa and his relatively newbie band, CN Blue, not only to Korean audience but in other parts of the world as well, most specially in Asian countries. WGM likewise has served as a convenient tool in presenting to the general public the kind of character and personality the CN Blue boys are made of. How many times have we seen the CN Blue dongsaengs appearing in the episodes of the YongSeo couple? And how many times have we seen them as special MCs/hosts? Lee Jungshin who has earned his nickname "Avatar" and "Jungshin Chingu" making him known even outside of Korea has proven to be a favorite of the program.

Likewise, for all we know, WGM could have been, afterall, a means of rest and respite where YongHwa has been finding solace and comfort after his very hectic schedule. We have seen the episode when the CN Blue boys arrived from Thailand in April and right after they landed YongHwa proceeded to filming. That episode was hailed as one of the best episodes amongst us seeing a very upbeat YongHwa despite just having arrived from an overseas activity. We spazzed at so many scenes from that episode--- from the time he waited for Seohyun to finish her school, up to the time he gave her his presents from Bangkok, to their grocery shopping, to SeoHyun's first attempt at cooking and finally to their intimate "couch convo"--- not even a single sign of physical exhaustion was seen from his end, despite the filming hours having reached until midnight. When the Ueno Juri episode was filmed in September 1st, CN Blue had a prior appearance at the Incheon Opening which I believe YongHwa had to rush to the filming site of WGM after their show. We have all been witnesses to the beautiful scenes that transpired at the Sushi restaurant that finally led us back to the couple's house for them to entertain their foreign guest. Apart from his eyes that weren't able to hide the feeling of tiredness, YongHwa had been practically in his usual upbeat mood around SeoHyun.

The Japan Filming at Kawagoe is yet another episode of many wonderful scenes of the YongSeo couple that probably await us. Still, keeping in mind that such Sight Seeing Tour down the streets of Kawagoe was filmed on the 21st of September, just a day after the very hectic schedule of CN Blue's Japan promotions and Showcases.

Now, another question that has kept bugging many minds would be---

Is Yonghwa really burdened by the "inexperience" of SeoHyun in so far as male-female relationships are concerned?

This is a rather delicate matter of discussion that I wouldn't dare give any two cents worth of thought since I wouldn't be in any position to determine with accuracy and certainty YongHwa's "personal preferences". But I only have this to say after having watched him quite extensively in WGM and even outside WGM and after having had a good impression of him--- I am not inclined to underestimate his standards for I believe he has set them higher than par.

To end this post that may have been boring many gogumas here----

I will always go back and hold on firmly to YongHwa's consistent words of "Trust Yong!" and to SeoHyun's constant approach every time she says, "Together... Let's do it together!". What I have been witnessing unfolding before my very eyes is a "PARTNERSHIP in a JOURNEY...TOGETHER", just how YongHwa puts it in simple words. Two individuals who met by some kind of DESTINY/FATE made to fit in a make-believe world but who are sincerely building and creating precious memories together, learning from each other's strengths and weaknesses and who undeniably will come out as better persons or individuals at the end of the day.

More than what others would think of the essentials of skinships and public display of affection, I like this couple... NO! I think that's an understatement! I love this couple simply because of WHAT they are and WHO they are.

Similarly, if at the end of the day when the stint of YongSeo couple in WGM finally ends, I would find myself languishing in pain, then so be it. I handle my own misery responsibly.

And what exactly will become of this couple after they end their contracts with WGM? Would they continue being friends or would they treat each other as mere colleagues? Or would they even have the earnest desires to make use of whatever means and capacity that would be available to them to further deepen any relationship they've started through the program? Again I wouldn't dare speculate, nor make guesses nor second-guesses. Nor would I be bold enough to make any inferences or deductions, for I am in no position to say with absolute certainty what will become of them. The only thing I am aware of is the infinity of possibilities and the knowledge brought forth by experience that "destiny" is something that is difficult to go against.

Having said the above I feel I want to continue NOW spazing about our YongSeo Couple.

I am reposting these two caps originally posted by jnj. Even before the episode has been translated by j2dlee already I had an inkling of what seemed to be running on his mind based on his expression.



Thanks jnj for these caps.

YongHwa was probably thinking, "Even in the country side I have a competition." Hahaha!


Aigoo! Right after I managed to put up my post, the discussions in the thread seemed to have gone further. Now, I even see discussions about "Running Man". Is there really a need to go to such an extent?


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hello gogumas....i said to myself to enjoy this thread that theres no need to post...coz you are all so intelligent and mature that you showed such tremendous luv and support to our yongseo...but i want you to know that it makes me cried after reading all this post showing support to our couple specially to yong ( i admit im yonghwa avid supporter, but i do luv hyun now as i knew her thru this wgm)








really im so grateful to you all for giving this solid defense to our yongseo everytime theres someone who critisize them sp yong , and im sorry not to help in that way coz im not good in giving anlytical point of view ( oh ya my friends find me good enough to be an adviser coz of my age and experience, but with you guys gosh im nothing youre such amazingly smart and intelligent)








really im so touch and proud with this gruop,not only because everyone are talented but i can feel luv and camaraderie to each and everyone, i do pray we keep it this way, a happy and solid yongseo lovers...








i want to take this chance to thank you all again..i may not be of any help ( and want to have an excuse that at my age of 46,my computer skills are so so out of date ..)in technical aspect but in my prayers you guys and our cuople are always included ...all the best gogumas..luv you...









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Guest _d3seohyun

Party crashers/poopers. A couple of them always pop up after one awesome episode. I guess they're inevitable. It just shows that Gogumas sure know how to spazz and have fun. woot woot party! :lol:

I'm somewhat thankful to them though, because they always bring out some awesome insights from some of our fellow gogumas (:


spazzing about a certain scene that i just find too adorable :wub:

LOL. Seobaby I knew you couldn't stay mad at him for that long.

How long did it take before you went gaga over his charm again? a couple of minutes? five? nine?


From last week's episode, earlier that day...

"You're mean." "You're lying!"

She wouldn't believe any of his excuses/explanations.

Her eyes remained sparkling with a tad of disappointment even after he apologized.


From this week's episode, probably just a few minutes after their little spat....

Y: By the way, I’m sorry.

H: What for?

Y: For not texting you yesterday.

H: It’s okay!

Y: No, I’m going to fill it up to 100.

H: Fine.


LOL. Did she just say "What for?" hahaha and did you guys notice how she said It's okay? Even had a little bit of aegyo eh?

And the difference between the sparkles in her eyes :wub:

+ Yonghwa's smile <3333333!


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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































I have been a very very very long time lurker in this thread, but now I will be posting my first ever post!!!!
















Reading all your supportive comments made me really touched and make me love yongseo even more!! I just  don't get it why there are people who express their unsatisfaction with our lovely couple. Yes, they may be a bit boring from some people's point of view, but can't we just let them progress with their affection for each other, or if I may say....LOVE
















I literally cried because of happiness after reading some of the posts here. I realized that there are so many people that support our couple, regardless of the slow progress. All the fanfics and fan mvs about yongseo have me realize that relationship is not an easy thing to do, and this is clearly shown by yongseo. When it comes to love, seohyun is totally a newbie and that's why the fact that she was partnered with yo~ng was actually a really good decision. why?? Because she will learn from yonghwa himself and also the way that yong expresses his love through cnblue's songs (LOVE, Love Light, Love Revolution, etc).
















On the other hand, yong gets to learn about maturity and perhaps the self-improvements from uri hyun. We can see that hyun is very mature person and therefore it will definitely shape yonghwa's personality as he meets with her often and often...... Those two probably wii go on separate ways after WGM filming has ended, or maybe will continue in a REAL RELATIONSHIP ( I HOPE SO>>>), and the fact that each person has left a big impact on each other's life will definitely make both of them a better person in the future.
















sorry for the long post........ anyways ANOTHER LONG WAIT FOR THE NEXT EPISODE! looks like I'm gonna die from waiting, and also with exam is just around the corner, I must really be like our seobaby. very discipline, mature person.
















LAST BUT NOT LEAST.................................YONGSEO IS LOVE!!!









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