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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest magicaL.chubi3
























@yukloveyou : haha! okie~ sorry 'bout that. :sweatingbullets:
















anyway~ being a goguma is really tough. lolz. i find it tough because i can't even get away from this thread, not checking it every second, and even when i am not in front of my computer it makes me feel that i want to know what's happening even if it's just the comment of our fellow goguma. *sweating* :sweatingbullets: i feel like a crazy person. hahahaha! w00t.gif sorry.





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more fave scenes


aigoo..these 2.

didn't they just talked abt lack of skinship, :rolleyes::lol:

even the senior MCs are amused...

ah! i forgot!

they're only into the 4th mnths of their marriage. :sweatingbullets:





well, i agree with yuki.

my imagination tells me, yong put hyun's right hand on his thigh... :phew:


magical, we are all in the same boat.

we are indeed a bunch of certified yongseo addict!! :lol:


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Guest j2dlee
















Hi, happy Goguma lovers!








Thank you sun_sun, prow 7, blueshoes, PanGG, sassysnsd, pen (..^^..), Phan2 , mrsjoker for the links; redtulip, Yukandjudy3 (for the subbed preview), Yukilovesyou for the translation; Hi, _d3seohyun, miel_1301, jnj, crystal_malfoy, heartbreak_warfare 22, PanGG, cailei23, baby_bo, magical.chubi3, nazweena, and thank you many others for pics, news, caps and all.








This is the first half of today’s episode (Part1-2 ½ from the link posted by blueshoes), there was lots of talking… will do the rest of it as fast as I can!








Ep20, From a girl to a lady








In a bad mood on the bus going to Daemyunghang…








JinWoon: Because of the texts…








Yong: What did you do during the vacation?








Hyun: I went to school.








Y: You didn’t go anywhere particular?








H: No, unfortunately.








H: Isn’t it (unfortunate)? Why didn’t I…








Y: This is combo, combo!








H: Combo…?








Y: Folding your arms, then turn your head.








H: Why?








Yong already catches on to his wife’s habit








Y: I just thought you speak with your arms folded, but,








Y: Like this (folding his arms, and turning his head), ‘unfortunately’!








H: Hahaha!








Y: I’m right, I’m right, I’m right, I’m right, ain’t I?








H: I don’t know.








Y: Arms should be diagonal.








MC Park: He’s trying to liven up the mood, to make her laugh.








H: Ah, really!








H: It’s not funny!








MC Park: But men think it’s okay once girls/women laugh.








Female MCs: Just because she laughs that doesn’t mean that she has forgotten about the troubles.








Seulong: Really?








JW: Has she not?








MC Park: Unless the fundamental part of the problem is solved, women don’t forget.








NaYoung: That’s true.








Yong, whether knowing women’s psyche or not…








Y: You have to do it this way…








H: So I’m like that…. (unintentionally folds her arms)








MC Park: Her arms!








Y: Told you, told you!








H: What’s this~!








Y: I’m the first person to tell you about this habit, right?








H: Yes.








Y: That’s the reason I’m special.








H: Hmm…








Y: That’s the reason why I’m different from other men, you know?








H: …








Y: I can catch on to even such a small thing.








Y: I’m the only one who tells you about this kind of thing, ain’t I?








H: Y-Yes…








Yong hubby tries to brainwash his wife…








Y: (I’m) different, different, different, different.








H: Is it a good thing?








Y: Of course it’s good, of course, why, why not?!








H: Is that so~?








MC Park: Is that so~?








Anyway, this is why Yong’s important.








H: Not long ago, there was a Music bank (?) performance….








Y: Yes.








H: It was fun, seeing you at the music programme after a while.








Y: Yes.








H: Come to think of it, that was the same programme where we did the ring performance after we got married.








Y: That’s right.








H: So it was-








Y: By the way, my ring…








H: The ring is totally…








Y: Do you want to know what happened to the ring?








H: What happened?








Where has the ring gone?








Y: I really wanted to tell you this.








H: (jokingly) Is it melted now?








Y: That’s right!








H: Really?!








Y: It’s melted!








H: That’s not possible!








Y: It started burning up slowly…








H: So, it’s gone, forever?!








Y: Yes, forever.








The ring is gone!








H: Huh~!








H: Then this becomes just my ring, then…








H: Ah……








Y: No, we have to replace them.








Y: By the way, I’m sorry.








H: What for?








Y: For not texting you yesterday.








H: It’s okay!








Y: No, I’m going to fill it up to 100.








H: Fine.








Now 98 left… and the bus is going to the countryside…








H: I just remembered something!








Y: What?








H: Haha!








Something so funny that makes her laugh just thinking about it?








H: Yonghwa oppa~!








Y: Huh?








H: Don't you know what this is?








H: Gag Concert!








Y: Ah! Did you see it?








JW: What’s that?








This shocking image!!








A Comedian: Yonghwa oppa~








A Comedian: Because you didn’t buy me a pink guitar, I bought it with my money!








A Comedian: You’re really stingy!








A Comedian: Give me a back hug~








And a provocative skinship!!








H: Really! You looked really scared.








Y: Did I look really scared?








H: Yes!








Y: I was really scared.








H: Hahaha!








H: Someone made gifs out of that clip. The title was ‘Provocative Seo Hyun’. And when I saw it, I was so surprised!








Seo Hyun senorita, very assertive in skinship.








Y: Hahaha!








Y: What if, Seo Hyun, you act like that?








Seo Hyun, what if you act like that?








H: Eurgh…. If I act like that…(imagining)...Eurgh!








MC Park: We’ll be happy if she’s like that!








Y: Seo Hyun, really…(imagining)








JW: Don’t imagine it!








MC Park: They’ve become awkward after imagining it.








H: That Seohyun (in the clip), and people around me keep talking about the skinship. Asking me why I’m so slow…








Y: Is that so?








H: Yes.








MC Park: They’re talking about the skinship!








H: (talking to herself) Should I do….








Y: Shall we hold hands, then?








H: Eh~








Y: Why ‘Eh~’?








Y: I shared the same waiting room with 2AM before the (Music Bank?) stage.








H: Really?








Y: Lim Seulong sunbanim (=senior) told me that ‘It’s…. irritatingly slow.’








H: Haha! Really?








NY & MC Park: Well done, well spoken!








H: Why is that?








Y: ‘irritatingly slow…’








H: Haha!








Anyway, with the help (?) of Ong, they start talking about the skinship.








What’s in their minds?








MC Park: Oh, the atmosphere…








SO: They wouldn’t restrain themselves even further because of me, would they?








(backroom interview)








H: In the beginning, there were many people telling me ‘You shouldn’t hold hands, never!’ But after a few episodes, they started ‘When are you going to hold hands?!’ I was like ‘What are you talking about?’








Then they told me ‘You should initiate holding hands!’ I really….really don’t know what to do…








Y: By the way, besides the birthday text…








H: Yes?








Y: No gift for me?








H: No gift for you?








Y: I prepared something already for you in Daemyunghang.








Yong anticipates a gift from his wife








H: It’s been a week, already.








Y: What about a week before, then?








H: You didn’t even reply to my text. If you had done, I might have prepared something.








H: No way.








Y: Is that so?








Y: Okay.








Y: I’m hoping for the future.








H: What future?








Y: You’re hiding it from me on purpose, right?








H: I wish I was.








Y: (timid skinships) Unfold your arms, this one, and that one.








JW & SO: Oh~








Y: I have a high hope~








Will Yong’s wish come true?








The bus keeps going…








Y: I can see the sea!








H: It’s a beach.








Y: Now can you feel that we’re going to the sea?








H: Yes!








Y: Can you see the crab field?








H: Oh~








H: Can we catch crabs as well?








Y: Do you want me to?








H: Yes, I like crabs!








Y: Okay, no problem.








But against Hyun’s anticipation, the bus is passing the beach and going to the little village…?








Y: We’re getting off here~








H: Are we?








Y: Yes.








Finally, to the place as Yong has planned…?








H: Oh~








Y: How do you feel?








H: I feel good.








Crowds: Kkyaoh~~








(girls: It’s Jung Yong Hwa! Men: It’s Seo Hyun!)








MC Park: Oh, they are popular!








Y: We have to take a taxi from here.








Y: Just 2mins, 2mins!








Yong parts with his wife…








MC Park: He must have prepared something!








MC Park: He told her that they’re going fishing.








Y (handing a piece of paper to the taxi driver): I can’t say that we’re going to this place in front of her… I’ll bring her now.








Y: You first.








H: Thank you.








This way Yong hubby’s secret tour starts…








Y: We’re going to the beach.








H: How long does it take?








Y: (to the driver) how long does it take to get to the beach?








The driver: About 10mins.








H: Only 10mins?








MC Park: The driver is cooperating well.








But….this place….?








MC Park: There’re heading to some place…








MC Kim: But it’s definitely not a sea.








H: How come there’s a sea in this place?








Y: There’ll be…








Is this Daemyunghang….?








H: No way that there’s a sea…
















As they keep going….















Going to the mountain…?








Y: We’re there.








H: You’re lying, aren’t you?








Y: What lying? Let’s go!








Y &H (to the driver): Thank you~








Where are we…?








JW: I think he totally deceived Seo Hyun.








MC Kim: She’s abducted.








H: I can’t see a sea, it’s not possible!








Y: Why can’t you see?








H: How is there a sea in the middle of…








Y: You can see once we take a short cut.








H: Eh~








Y: Turn left, turn left!








H: But, but,








Y: I’m bringing you somewhere nice~








H: Hmm….








Y: Let’s walk slowly.








MC Park: He’s more nervous even though he knows what’s going to happen.








Y: Feeling good, right?








H: Yes.








Y: You have to close your eyes from here.








H: Why?








Y: Keep them closed!








H: Yes.








Y: Not even a peek!








H: Okay.








Y: Ddu Ddu Ddun~








He even sings the BGM by himself















Wants everything to be perfect, R-Romantic guy Yong.








H: How far?








Y: Just a few steps more.








Y: You’re not peeking, are you?








H: No.








Y: Dadadadan~








And finally…!








H: What’s it?








Y: Be careful, be careful.








Now, Yong’s secret gift is revealed!








Y: One, two, three, Ta-da!








H: W-what?








NY: Hahahaha!








Look over here, look over there… no matter how hard you look….








MC Park: What are we supposed to see?








H: …the field!








MC Park: Did he buy her some land?








Land owned by Seo Hyun?








NY: Huh!








JW: If it’s true, he’s daebak!








SO: Daebak!








Y: What kind of a field do you think?








H: Hmm…








Y: This is my gift for you.








H: What?!








Y: Sweet potato field!








MC Park: He bought the sweet potato field for her?!








JW & SO: Wow~








MC Park: How much did he pay for a square meter?








H: Huh~! Really?!!








He bought a field for Hyun since she likes sweet potatoes?!








The sign: Yong (heart) Hyun’s sweet potato field








Y: I have a letter as well.








NY: He’s really cool…








MC Park: I guess CNBlue is selling well these days.








MC Kim: They must be!








Y: I’m a man with f-f-f-field.








MC Park: Omo~








H: Really?








Y: I’m a land owner.








H: Wow~








Y: Am I a man of ability or not?








H: Yes, you are.








H: Woah~








H: Then we can eat all the sweet potatoes from this field?








Y: Huh?








Y: Actually, we have to plant it first, before harvesting.








H: That’s true.








The season is not yet…








Y: But d-d-d-don’t assume that the whole field is mine.








Don’t assume that it’s my land!








H: Then what?








Y: Only two rows are mine.








Only two rows are mine!








NY: Only two rows?








MC Park: Ah, it’s a weekend farm!








Yong’s gift is a weekend farm?








H: Two rows? Where?








Y: Over there…








H: There…?








H: Haha! That’s fine.








Y: Isn’t it?








H: Then we have to plant it first, don’t we?








Y: Yes, we do.








H: (our) two-row-field!








Y: Haha.








H: Hihihi!








(backroom interview)








PD: What’s the story behind the lease of the two-row-field?








Y: I was worried in the beginning. Since it’s a birthday should we celebrate with fireworks, baking a cake together, and so on….?








Yong was thinking of every possible event…








Y: Since Seo Hyun likes sweet potatoes, I thought nothing would be better than giving her a sweet potato field as a present.








PD: What do you think of his gift?








H: Really, there are many people who give me sweet potatoes, but no one has given me the field itself where I can actually grow sweet potatoes. It was a special gift that no one has thought of before.








MC Park: It’s good that she likes it.








H: Will there be other people who will give me a field as a present? I don’t think so…








H: Oh~








Now she opens a birthday card…








H: Joo Hyun!








(Yong is suddenly embarrassed…)








H: (reading the card) Happy birthday to you! Sorry for the belated birthday message. Keuk keuk. During the short period of being with you, I’ve come to learn many things from you.








MC Park: Aigoo~








H: And our thoughtful Hy~un,








NY: Uhhooh~








H: I always feel sorry that I could give you only so much, but thank you for always taking care of me. From the bottom of my heart, happy birthday to you. From Yo~ng.








Y: Kkk…..








H: Oh… thank you.








Y: Be careful.








H: Yes.








MC Park: Wait, they’re holding hands!








MC Kim: Just a little bit further~








JW: Eh~








Impatient viewers…








Y: We have to put this ‘Yong, Hyun’s Sweet Potato Field’ sign.








H: Where?








H: Here?








Y: Yes, these two rows.








H: Oh~








MC Park: It’s really good fun when you dig them out later.








She is also an owner of three-row-field?








MC Park: When you dig one out there are so many underneath to follow.








Y: Like this?








H: Eee~








MC Park: Kanghwa sweet potatoes are the most delicious of all.








H: Haha, it’s cute.








Y: Good~








H: Yay~








Yong & Hyun’s sweet potato patch!








Y: We have to change our clothes, too.








H: Then we have to work, too?








Y: Huh? Yes.








H: Field labour!








H: My birthday gift is field labour?








Her birthday gift is field labour?!








Y: Don’t you want to do it? Then just sit over there and watch.








H: No, I’m okay.








Y: I’m going to do it on my own and eat them all on my own.








H: Hahaha!








Anyway we are a newbie weekend farm couple.








Y: Hahaha!








H: Woah~








Y & H: Guma~ Guma~








Making an instant sweet potato song…





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j2!!! hugs hugs!!

first one to give u a PLUS.

i wish i can also give u a small plot of land! :w00t:


am feeling bad blush.gif that u feel the rush to do the rest.

take your time dear, take your time.



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seohyun goguma farmer outfit
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cre yurui

































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Guest Nat-sshi

OHHHHH  WAAAAAAAWWW THANK YOU  j2dlee !!! You are really amazing, thank you so much I'm going to read immediatly your translation but first i wanted to say thank you!

All the gogumas love you :)

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Guest uolam21

thanks a lot j2dlee... we enjoy the episodes much more with your translation... keep up the good work, and we hope you won't get tired of doing it for us... although the episode was once again cut short and we have to wait for another week to see the surprises that each of our beloved couple prepared for one another, we have to make do with what MBC showed us this week.. can't wait for saturday to come once again.. today was very frustrating, what with TVU acting up and the streams either not working or super lag if it's working, but then again thanks to the fast uploaders... they really made our day... and j2dlee completed it or topped it, if i may say... 

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Guest baby_bo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thank you so much j2dlee :)
































































































































































































































































your efforts are much appreciated.
































































































































































































































































kyah! this bday trip is love!!!
































































































































































































































































can't wait for next week (aigooooo mbc ismaking us suffer, but im liking it) haahah i have this feeling more moooooore big things will happen next week! kyah!

































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































thanks j2dlee :) i'll wait for continuations. i'm just glad that the skinships + the old ring is included in their conversations :) (Yong mentioned that the old ring they really want to replace it, so now confirm that the couple ring is NEW. Only its nice to know how it happen)  and not only us who wants skinships from them also other people who knows them kekeke! i'm gonna watch this latest epi again and wait for another saturday aigoo! :) 

































































































































































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Guest ilovesnowwhite
































































































huwaa. ALTHOUGH i haven't seen the english subs yet and ive read J2dlee's translation(thank you thank you really!!!!!!))) :DDD
































































its like the whole episode is just basically yong saying to hyun "HYUN , YOU'RE VERY IMPORTANT TO ME AND IM WILLING TO BUY LAND FOR YOU!, AND PLANT GOGUMAS FOR YOU! AND LOVE THE THINGS YOU LOVE (Gogumas)" hahah :D and i really find it very very very cute when they talked about their slow skinship, now i know why they held hands real tight during the horror special, aside from its scary partly maybe because they want to make gogumas happy. since hyun and it came from her own mouth that alot of people are asking her when are they going to hold hands!? haha. :D and some even said SHE should initiate it. ahhaha. :) i can imagine hyun's face its like @_@  then yong initiated some  'Ehhhh' skinships. haha.  i hope people around them until now will keep on bugging them on when are they going to hug bla bla. because that is one of our wishes. :)
































































and let us not forget that they're both GENIES. yh: IM GENIE FOR YOU GIRL snsd: IM GENIE FOR YOU BOY.
































































so most likely we will get the things that we wished. (haha. im just being optimistic)
































































and they showed the edited parts(when they ate some snacks during horror special good pdnim!)

















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*jumping happily - rushing to hugs j2dlee*
















Thank you very much dear! I really appreciate all the hardwork! :D
















Take your time and really, thank you thank you :wub:
















Omoo YongSeo~ Both of you now are singers, musician and goguma field owner! keke~
















By the way, is it just me or their small WGM avatar face at the corner of the episode change this week? :D



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Guest monie1909

Just finished watching this episode,and i'm squealllllling to the end...LOvE LoVe LoVe it!

Thanks everyone for the trans,caps,vids..

crystal yes yes..i said that,i mean it,.Gosh,that was probably the most romantic gift Seohyun will ever get in her life time.He must be doing it with a thot that he want to presenting Hyun with a gift,that something so special,unique and different that she wont ever forget for the rest of her life.For me,it just screaming "I want to be really really special in Hyun's heart.Different than what other guy could give/offer her".And I bet Hyun will never eat goguma the same again,without be reminded of Yong for the rest of her life.As she said "Will there anyone else who will give me this again?".I dont think so,Hyun.Unless there's another guy who like you as much as he did and as thotful. ;) Even there is,it wont be as unique and as original anymore..hehe.I think Yong just set the bar.

littlebiebie Hehe..i'm here.So where should i fly to now,Japan or Brunei?. :lol: .But,seeing her in backroom interview and how happy she was with the gift,i think she already did knock her head with some sense,herself.She might not tatooed Yong's name in her arm but even better,i bet she already carve his name in her heart :wub:

Gosh,i'm so loving this episode.It literally almost screaming "Yong:Hyun,i love you" and "Hyun:I'm falling for you".. :wub::wub:

Yuki Me too,i swear i'll love and support them forever too.

Edit:J2dLEE with translation.THANK YOU!!Off to read..

Edit2 Since they talking about skinship in this episode,just sharing another cap from hawk eye goguma in dc.Tho it is not so obvious skinship but still,.. :wub: Hyun's hand on Yong's back


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j2dlee  thank you again for doing the subs.We are always so grateful.However the subs today are so funny.....really really ROFLMAO funny...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I keep imagiing you typing dadadadun and the Dhu dhu...love this week's sound effects :D  that was a lot of conversation to translate.Thank you for all your hard work.Much appreciated.

































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Guest lenovo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































j2dlee You are daebak!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm so glad I logged in tonight. =) mmmuah!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG! after reading the trans... I love this episode! I love this episode! I love this episode!!!! :wub:

































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j2dlee, as usual you are DAEBAK!!!!! thank you sooooo much! you are the reason why this fuzziness im feeling is intensifying :wub:
























































































































































































and this episode really left me breathless... the wait was all worth it! blush.gif
























































































































































































yongseo is now one sweet potato field richer, yonghwa is seriously indulging her whims :lol:
























































































































































































Hi, happy Goguma lovers!
























































































































































































(backroom interview)
























































































































































































H: In the beginning, there were many people telling me ‘You shouldn’t hold hands, never!’ But after a few episodes, they started ‘When are you going to hold hands?!’ I was like ‘What are you talking about?’















































































































































































































































































































































































Then they told me ‘You should initiate holding hands!’ I really….really don’t know what to do…















































































































































































































































































































































































'the people' she was talking about... were they the unnies????
















































































































































































































































































































































































taken from this vid around the ending part:
























































































































































































[ENG SUB] 100222 - 1010Clüb SeoHyun About YongHwa
















































































































































































































































































































































































and now they are asking, requesting, insisting a skinship? :rolleyes:









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j2dlee a lot thanks, sarangheyo :wub::wub:

hmm after watching this episode,

when they change clothes, they wear the same bracelet

such as bracelets on a horror episode?

when they were fishing, hyun is still wearing the bracelet, but in a different hand

I'm curious :unsure::unsure:


sorry for my bad english :tears::tears:

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j2dlee, redtulip, yukiandjudy, sun_sun and to all who have translated and uploaded the latest YongSeo video, thank you so much. You make our YongSeo experience truly complete.


As a reward to your contributions, I'll share with you my goguma patch in our backyard!


Regarding the skinship, yes, maybe four months is still a short while for them to hold hands but for us, it has been seven months since we started watching these two, and honestly, for me it has been tortuously slow! I want a casual-holding-hands-type, not the one caused by fear or directed by someone. And so, I guess I have to wait if ever that happens. I don't want Hyun to get pressured but, I hope Yong would not be frustrated as well.




I applaud Yong's effort, as heartbreak_warfare and kerube-chan said, he's one smart, crafty boy. All his actions are worthy to be rewarded of affections.


With that note, I have to say, Goguma fighting!


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Guest scatterbrain

i think the necklace that hyun was wearing in the blackroom interview is the same as the one she wore in the preview during fishing. what you guys think? butterfly pendant...maybe not... <_<

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another fave scenes of mine...



no matter where they are, or how they look,

yongseo is in their own world when they are together..





left speechless with the failed surprised...but isn't he so cute?!!

love that smile, yong



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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















j2dlee thank you for the translations! will wait patiently for the next part of your translations. kamsahamnida








their icon/avatar on the upper left side of the screen was changed today. its good since they have been using Seohyun's old picture (when she still had bangs). 








next weeks episode would surely be awesome. we would see Yong's 2nd gift to Hyun, and Hyun's gift to Yong. based from the preview, she was contemplating on when to reveal her gift, especially when Yong was so immersed in fishing. she is looking for the perfect timing to give the gift. nevertheless, I bet Yong would be so touched to receive the gift.





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