Jump to content

Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts




























panGG: i'm not too sure too. Since i am not so good, i mean not really good...hehe~ sweatingbullets.gif after planting they went fishing, and i think yonghwa revealed what was he hiding. not really sure. sorry. :unsure:sweatingbullets.gif
























Yukilovesyou : haha! :lol: i think we both have the same thoughts. lolz. *hi5* wee~ :lol:















































thanks anyways! hopefully someone uploads soon! and so i can rewatch it haha. and wouldnt it be hilarious if yong threw the present in the water and pretend to reel it up? :lol:
























519 the power of goguma!
























okay well have a good day/night everyone. i'm going to bed. when i wake up i'm sure there will be 10+ pages waiting for me!





Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest magicaL.chubi3
























jnj: of course they were. blush.gif hehe~. *scratch head* *bows* really sorry, my memory is not so good~ keke~ i only remember the fishing part and then the continue of today's part. really sorry. vicx.gif





Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest magicaL.chubi3
























oh my Gee~ :w00t:sun_sun! thank you~ you save me~ hehe~ i was really worried no one have the preview. hehe~ totally forgot what i saw. keke~ *sign of being old*(mentally old) haha!





Link to comment
Share on other sites
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i absolutely loved her reaction when she found it was a plot for gogumas!ADORABLE!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































BTW my mom just made a batch of oven roasted gogumas... yuuummmm
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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



































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites



hugs sun_sun.


from the prev, does that mean hyun finally found the surprise gift?

was that why yong can laugh now? :w00t:

everything seems fine btwn them now..happy happy



its okay magical, your memory is not failing u.

i think its more the excitement that u want to absorb everything at one go!

yongseo does that to us too... ;)



aigoo...this waiting is surely killing me softly...




Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest magicaL.chubi3
























jnj: thanks. hehe~ i think so. lolz. i really think so. w00t.gif i guess i'm catching the goguma syndrome~ over excited that you all want it in one go, as what you have said. haha!lolz. i'm really crazy. :lol:w00t.gif





Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest bowzo12
















Finally I'm out of my lurker mode.








I was like a crazy person when their cut was done, can't wait for the next ep.
















In the preview, I'm curious that the present may be not the rings because yong didn't wear it when fishing.
















and sorry for my bad english ^^









Link to comment
Share on other sites
































































































































































































































































































































































































i just saw the PV. Next saturday they will also show the fishing part.
































































































































































































































































































































































hehe~ i only managed to have one screencap. keke~ sorry
































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks ahn and prow7. :Dw00t.gifw00t.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































here is the same,both of them have same gesture,and seohyun is really pretty and happy with yonghwa(look when seohyun smilling and laugh because of yonghwa,natural smile/laugh)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































same gesture

































































































































































































































































































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































for anyone who missed the live stream
































































































































here's the link for today episode
































































































































cr: yongseofacts































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks prow7, looks like yong oppa put something special in that goguma plot. I hope it's the lovely ring. We need to wait again for another week :( aigoo! also in early part of adam couple they should some clip in horror special when they having dinner. 

































































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest _d3seohyun

The way they were smiling and laughing during the bus ride was already heavenly to me. I think that's why if the pd had stopped their cut today after that scene I would have been perfectly fine with it. :D the magic of yongseo :wub:

thank you so much for the updates, caps and everything, also to lovekim for the translations *hugz*

because the preview just screams SDGFHJKL:"KJHGFDSGHJKL:"! to me :wub: gah!

here are some caps. tnx sun_sun for the link and uploader for the video.



Yonghwa has one of the cutest "kekekek" in the world <3



can't wait to know what she says on the backroom interview




Luv that giddy smile Yong seobang!!! <3


I keep staring at this one :wub:


Aigoo Seobaby, he could have given you just a picture of a sweet potato and you

would still be giving him that myyongoppaisSOamazing look :P





Such a beautiful shot :wub: Seobaby I wish I can wave a magic wand and grant your wish...

your yong seobang for real! <3


I bet 100 gogumas that if Seobaby had seen Yong during this moment, with that gesture,

she woudl blushed and gave one of her shy giddy smiles. :wub:

Boy was he oh so charming! the lips and the hand is just...!!!!!


and the eyes and that smile..and those cheekbones! :wub:

back off ladies, he's taken! hahahha


You two! Please tell me you spent the rest of that night together! GAH!!!!


btw, i was reading about some gogumas talking about the rumored kiss on the cheeks?

i think that rumour was way back in May though, when Seobaby gave Yong propolis :D


so vic saw khun's pic with yuri from the cabi mv?! hahahha i would pay to see Yonghwa's reaction after seeing a cabi pic of seobaby and chansung hahahha

@yukilovesyou. thank you!!!!

Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest sassysnsd
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebk1wE_odQ4 Just wanted to share this clip.. "Yong Oppa" :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest DJHinata

i'm watching the runing man show! thanks to pangg for that !!

and here this , is this the couple ring ?


yonghwa was the hero of this show !! the end is so epic ! and i screaming a lot haha i love to watch yonghwa so happy in this kind of shows


yonghwa looks so hot with a cap, and he has the most cute ears ever


Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest Yukilovesyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The way they were smiling and laughing during the bus ride was already heavenly to me.  I think that's why if the pd had stopped their cut today after that scene I would have been perfectly fine with it. :D the magic of yongseo :wub:





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thank you so much for the updates, caps and everything, also to lovekim for the translations *hugz*




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































because the preview just screams SDGFHJKL:"KJHGFDSGHJKL:"! to me :wub: gah!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































here are some caps.  tnx sun_sun for the link and uploader for the video.

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa has one of the cutest "kekekek" in the world <3



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































can't wait to know what she says on the backroom interview





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry for cutting your post _d3seohyun!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But Seobaby said that she didn't know if Yong would like her present for him, and she wondered if it was too shabby. (Probably as compared to his present to her LOL)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest mrsjoker


@prow7 : Thank you for the link... :lol: You're a heart saviour...




I saw the subbed preview WGM Yongseo ep 26 PV (credit to Gag concert cn blue)




oh hyun...i'm glad he's taken by you... if it's not you i might go on a jealousy rage... *joking*:P


The boy is just too cute, hot, gorgeous and adorable. He's a bundle of joy!!! ^_^




Yongseo is a bundle of joy aren't they... too cute and adorable... ah you two... :wub:


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Guest pen(..^^..)








































































waaaaaaaaaa.. why it has to be so quick :(
































































we have to wait another Saturday to come..
































































btw found this..
































































credit to YukyandJudy @ YT
































































next week prev w/ sub




































































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Guest Phan2~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yuki and judy subbed preview ep 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
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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btw,when did hyun change hairstyle? i saw she's not wearing braid before,did she bring her stylist when filming WGM?? ahh...i can't imagine they're followed by stylist everywhere vicx.gifvicx.gif

































































































































































































































































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Guest magicaL.chubi3
































































































































































































wah~ yukiandjudy3 is really fast~ thanks for sharing mrsjoker really appreciate it. wah~ :w00t:

































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Something to help everybody before our goguma saviour J2blee came to the rescue.



Brief translation based on Chinese from Baidu.






SH: huh, what is this?



What is the secret behind YH's birthday present?



SH: (Husband's birthday present) Will he like it?



SH: Is my present too cheap?



What is the present that SH prepared for YH?



A peaceful night, only the two of them on a fishing date.



YH: You also did well for fishing. (smile from the heart)



A unknowing and focus on fishing Yonghwa



Hesitant, Hesitant



Will Yonghwa like the birthday gift from Seohyun?



Edit: Yuki&Judy sub the preview already. Please refer to their video for the exact translation.








YH asked SH about what she did during the holiday which SH was disappointed that she did not do anything beside attending school. YH tried to make her laugh by imitating her but SH don't find it funny. When SH found out that she was behaving like that,



YH: I am the first person to say to you right?



SH: Ne



YH: Hence I am special, I am different from other men, understand, only I will talk to you about this





SH: Ne



YH: Not the same X3



They recalled the time they showed off the couple ring in the music show and YH said that his ring "melted" and "disappeared". Only SH's ring left and YH wanted to replace it. He said sorry to her again for not texting her on her birthday and he insisted that he needed to say it a 100 times today. SH called him Yonghwa oppa like the guy in the Gag show.  SH was surprised when she saw a fanmade vid of the show and the tittle was "Eager Seohyun"



YH: SH if you really behave like that, how will it be like?



SH: if i am like that (imagine)



SH: A lot of people are talking about skinship, saying that there are not many



YH: Is it? hold hand?



SH: sigh



YH: 2am and I was in the waiting room and Selong (not sure the spelling) talk to me about it, say he is anxious



Black room



SH: To hold hands right at the beginning is not possible. After a few filmings, when will the hand holding start, I ask why it suddenly became like that. After a while, a lot of people say you should go hold his hands. I really do not know what to do.



YH wanted to know whether SH was hiding his birthday gift. SH mentioned she would have prepared one if he returned her text. They talked about catching crabs when they noticed the ocean.



To be cont.


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