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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Ahh I don't know why I can't edit my typo post nor delete it. What I meant to say was:


hahaha for some reason I realise when I'm watching the latest episode for i-dont-know-how-many-gazillionth-time, yong really couldn't meet hyun's eyes when they were on the bus. Even tho it may be that he is guilty, I can't help but think that it looks like he is trying to hide a surprise really hard but he is afraid that ( under hyun's CHARISMATIC and (seductive) eyes HAHA><) his eyes would give it away! Lol and does anybody knows if they really like seriously got a new ring? As in the ring that they are wearing now is really different from the original 2000 won ring??


Ahh sorry I reposted again or if I asked a question that has been asked because this thread is seriously moving very fast! Thanks and with love(:



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prncsscharming Off to read ur fic on livejournal!!! hahahahahaha!



















Good thing I'm an adult! LOL.


















































Oh my.... i havent finished reading but.....i didn't realized, when u said adult... u meant adult!!! OK, im traumatized!!! seriously!!! :ph34r: huhuhuhuhu. ok back to the soompi version. Starting today.... i'L be an angel!









































KIDz... read the SOOMPI version ok???????? :D



















I have my eyes on you!!! I'm watching you kidz!!!!



















Listen to your unnie!



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sunbaennim daebak!! :D 




haha.. today is the day i join soompi and i join sompi because i want to be goguma lover. :D 


first of all i think i'm weird. i so in love with how these two people interact.


i love to watch the past episode over and over and over again. 


but i found the big family here. and i realize its not only me. all of people so in love in these two. :D 


hi all I'm andy from Indonesia. *where the adam couple visit to wedding photoshoot(Bali,Indonesia -- eventhough I'm not from Bali).




I admire seohyun. how pure she is. how cute when he have the affection toward yonghwa even though she did not shout it, 


it so clear what she want. pictured obviously in her body language or expression. --> (when she jealous in ep25, or when she demand yonghwa to come to thailand only


to see her sing at her best, the affection is so clear). and of course because she is a pretty, hardworker, honest, and care for other . great attitude of her. daebak!




I admire yonghwa too. the song he write i so cool. and i admire hardwork of cnblue is despite the limitation of facility and how dificult they life is. even at the start of the 


seohwa couple cnblue is still sleep in the living room. and one year struggle in japan.Their company gave them the housing money only, so their daily allowance was to be made by themselves. how they have no car and bring their  they were bringing heavy instruments on their hands everywhere. On their first street live, 3 kids were their only audience. now they are famous yet they are so innocent. I simply admire them. 




before I watch this two, I think the interesting point of the lover is on physical contact. after I watch, i happen to learn alot from this couple. what I learn is love is more than just kissing, hugging, love can be express at the way this couple are. how the argue but yet still smile. how the Emotional Yonghwa (code name of his band) can't be tamed by the member, but happen to accept when the wive is speak. all of interaction, all of expression is so cute. sweet cute goguma way.  love this couple.




greet for all of you guys goguma lover :)



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Guest alucard81
































































































































































































































omo a R21 fan fic....
































































































































































*runs away...

































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Guest princessjulia
































what was your fave part from the last ep??















































Can I still answer this? Hope I'm not too late as this thread is moving fast and changes topics quickly...but I don't mind...=)
















My fave part is while they were bickering in the bus about the text message responses that they did not get from each other...Yonghwa reminded Seohyun first of his birthday through text and apparently he did not get any response (aigoo, imagine waiting for that ONE special text response and not having gotten anything..."Did she not care that it's my birthday today? Was she so busy as to not respond at all?" Those thoughts might have run through his mind at that time. The monitoring part might have been intensified by this.) 
















And Seohyun apparently did text him back (according to Yonghwa, he did not get the text) and did not receive a reply from him (me wonders is there something wrong with the telecom company at that time? lol). Imagine the thoughts that might have run across Seohyun's mind then: "Was he too busy to reply?" "How could he ignore my text?" "Ahh maybe I am just one of those who texted him today." But Seohyun is not just "one of those" because in Yonghwa's words, "that's not possible" (for him not to reply).
















Oh my how agonizing it could be to wait for text responses from people that matter...if you have been in love, you would know what i mean (ahh, those agonizing moments of waiting for each other's texts and anticipating for responses!)
















And then came Seohyun's birthday and she did not get any greeting from him (Yong apparently has his own reasons which we know now what *surprise*)

















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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































in epi25 i guess what i like is the scene when Euno Juri left their haus, then the YongSeo conversation :) Hubby Yong knows that SeoHyun feel a bit jealous because He himself are jealous w/ Chiaki and Johnny Depp it's just that Euno Juri is the only surprised to both them. But if let's say Chiaki or Johnny Depp are there i think Yong will be the most the jealous one kekeke! I think both of them could be a jealous type but Yong will be the showy one SeoHyun will just deny it or keep to herself but u can see in her eyes when she say  No i'm not jealous to hubby it's mean Yes why not kekeke! Yong knows the answer already :) u can see in Yong eyes that he is worried, his sweating kekeke!  Hubby Yong the same when he is jealous he don't want to admit but more on he is the showy type :) LET'S WAIT FOR SATURDAY. Cheers

































































































































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This first time I post on Soompi and its because uri Yong and Hyun. Sorry for my bad English. I hope you guys understand what I'm talking about. :sweatingbullets:

sassysnsd - thanks for this info

"On that day that night in Japan.. You were jjang... You were like a different person"

I think something special has happened. "On that day that night in Japan.. You were jjang... You were like a different person" (in my opinion) means that Seohyun actually do something she had never done before and she is completely different from Seohyun known by her unnie. Maybe he did something more mature and not suspected by her unnie.

So far we know Seohyun as being shy and reserved, and her unnie commented that she has changed from what they know. Seohyun which originally was a focus on herself and more like a sweet potato than a man might have changed. She began to understand about like and love, and in this stage may Seohyun understanding between like and love.

Yonghwa was the first man dating with Seohyun. They were filming in Japan and far from her unnie. No one can monitor Seohyun. And "that day that night in Japan" is a day just for them. Could it be something special has happened? What I mean, is it possible for Yonghwa to propose (for real)?? or a kiss? aarghh, my imagination is too high. Sorry. :D:D

I made this graphic and I hope you guys like it


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lunasol, panGG, tks for the link and cap of trax perf. hugs u 2!







i can't spot the pic of hyun blowing kisses, can u?














watching from sideline, yong must be thinking..







"so..this is the guy who teach my wife playing the guitar eh.







must greet him backstage later"







i wish they'd show a bit of yong interact with jungmo oppa.





















trent, heartbreak, otty, alucard and K1, pls post more.







i find you guys views v interesting..







a guy who had planned something v special for a special girl, to the extend of







hurting her feelings, will then shower her with lots of love? :wub:














erm...so how do a guy make up with the girl?







hug her? kiss her?







i can't imagine yong kissing hyun







(unless the rumour of him giving her a peck comes true, it'll be daebak!)














or maybe hug her? yeah, i can see yong do this...





















ah ha! is that why even after hyun said "he's so mean'







she ended up smiling/laughing? ;)















i just got to know kubih is a guy too. awesome!!




tks for posting the ratings here. from what i see, its been quite consistent.




oh! and congrats for getting a new title, uncle kubih! hehe





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Guest sassysnsd

Here to spazz once again because I am still anticipating what happened in Japan. Regarding the message from Sica: "On that day that night in Japan.. You were jjang... You were like a different person." BTW unje your welcome :) I think that she was excited because she hadn't seen Yong in a long time and that night when she went home she was "rapper Hyun" that we all have heard about. when she was with her unnies. Because Hyun used to hate boys so much I think that's why Sica is saying she is like a different person. I can't wait!! Sorry for the random spazz. Thanks to everyone who has shared info and unje your graphic is really nice :D

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Guest DJHinata

Crystal_malfoy, magdal, lunasol and Caliope !!

No puedo creeerlo !! Todas hablamos español que delicioso !!! se siente tan extraño escribir en español !!! enserio que si !! Saludos desde colombia !! Ya las siento como hermanitas !!! no se como luce cada una pero lol aqui esto



Me encantaria conocerlas mas ~~  si se puede claro !! aqui http://www.facebook.com/DJHinata wub.gif

Have a nice Yongseo couple Day


i believe in yong innocense !!! I wait to next saturday for the surprise for my conclutions kekeke and it was nice to see Hyun showing her feelings ! i really love the last episode !!!

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ah ha! is that why even after hyun said "he's so mean'










she ended up smiling/laughing? ;)



















well, i think she was laughing because.... They have recorded/filmed the BDAY scene already. So she knows what happend. That Yong was just doing that for a GREATER CAUSE - his surprise. :wub: and it seemed like she liked it. hahaha! judging from her laugh-leaning over when she sed - "He's so mean..."



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YongSeo couple’s reunion in Japan
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































MBC’s “We Got Married(WGM)” will soon showcase YongSeo couple’s first trip abroad.
































































































































































































































































































On September 27th, staff of the program said, “Recently, Jung Yonghwa and Seohyun were reunited in Japan.”
































































































































































































































































































Seohyun was with her group SNSD who released their debut single “Genie” in September, followed by series of promotional activities in Japan. Yonghwa on the other hand, was busy with his schedule and thus, the couple have not seen each other in a month. In view of such situation, the production crews have planned and arranged for the couple to be reunited in Japan.
































































































































































































































































































The staff added, “The couple who have not met in a long time had a good time together. Except for traveling with their parents, those two have never gone on a trip abroad together.”
































































































































































































































































































The episode of WGM which showcases their trip abroad is expected to be aired either in November or December.
































































































































































































































































































Credit: tvdaily.co.kr
































































































































































































































































































translated by http://fanwonder.com/?p=3840
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cre pic as tagged & sweet potato days

































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Talking about favorite scenes, this is one that I haven't seen anyone mention yet.






























After putting the milk away, Hyun comes back to start cooking the Kimchi pancakes and she gives Yong a look and asks him to help her. I really loved this scene because it shows how much their relationship has evolved since they started the marraige. If you remember when they first cooked together, she was uncomfortable with Yong helping her in the kitchen. Now they are at a point where they know each other's weaknesses and she is able to ask him for help.






























I think though it was a really small moment, it shows a lot about their relationship. Especially the way he immediately stands up and walks over to her side to provide help. It didn't even look like he really helped that much, more just supporting her by being beside her!






























The bickering scene was also an awesome scene! Ah they are just too adorable! Her face reminded me of the face Sica made when she was imitating Hyun's angry face in Hello Baby.






























Also I wonder how the Unnies felt when Yong confidently said that he knew her better than anyone else? Is he saying he knows her better than them? That's a really BIG statement to make!!!











































































GeumJanDi - 'with' their parents or 'to' their parents?? Have they already gone to Busan????









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:lol:jnj your too funny. and yea, i dont think they put the picture of her blowing the kisses either. (i went back to watch it for the background to check) its just of hyun being super pretty :) and gosh can you imagine yong watching her kiss floating across the stage?! OMG~! >.<
































































































































































































i wonder how many times yong has watch the music video for the song? lol
































































































































































































i want saturday here already!@#$$%#@#$@#$%^&*^%$#@#$%^
































































































































































































lol. oh and here is the same article that GeumJanDi posted, but this one is from allkpop.com
































































































































































































































































































































































































i was too lazy to copy and paste. lol.

































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Guest anne0129
























I so love this past Saturday's episode. I love the fact that during the bus ride we saw something other than the sweet and lovey dovey couple. I now understand Hyoyeon's previous comment that Hyun is a rapper. The way she was voicing her opinion about the test was very fast. She was talking so fast that Yong was somehow left speechless on how to respond to his virtual wife. :w00t:
















Beware....I was not in the right frame of mind when I typed this so skip it if you don't want to get a headache....It's just some crazy babbling of a crazy goguma couple fan.
















AWWW!!! I just am so in love with this epi....If I am not mistaken the 2nd part of the episode when they were going to the bus was filmed a day after Hyun's birthday right? So if I am not mistaken...CN BLUE had a concert in Japan on the June 26, then on June 27 they had to go to Busan to perform in some event...I remember that when Yong Hwa was interviewed by the host he said that it was the first time he and Jong Hyun had come back since their debut so both their parents were among the audience. It was also in that event that when the host asked the other members what has changed since Yong got married and they said that he always seemed so happy after filming WGM and it was here that Yong commented that since he is married now he has to go back home immediately after the performance and that it takes 5 hours for them get back to Seoul.....but also after the performance some fan accounts said that they went out to have dinner with Yong and possibly Jong Hyun's parents too. I remember also that it was speculated that Yong did indeed come from a well off family since his parents were driving a Mercedez Benz car. So probably they did arrive home very late possibly in the early morning of June 28th so he was unable to text Seo Hyun at exactly 12am. I remember in some interview that he said that he usually leaves his cellphone at home and so he couldn't text her during the ride home since he did not have his phone with him......I also remember that CN BLUE really did not have any visual schedule during June 28th except for Min Hyuk who was a guess in some radio show. When I say visual....there was no schedule posted in their website and no fan accounts of any activity except for Min Hyuk....so what am I getting at this.....I was thinking may be just may be....in the morning of June 28th wouldn't it be nice if Yong and his other 2 brothers (Jung Shin and Jong Hyun) went and caste the location of Seo Hyun's surprise belated birthday celebration. I just have this vision in my head wherein these 3 went to the fishing place and goguma field to set up or probably arrange with "the boss" the surprise for Hyun. May be the reason why Yong was asking if it would be a problem if it was cloudy in the location is he is surprising Hyun with a romantic dinner in a goguma field just for his wife who is in love with gogumas. Hopefully there would be fireworks or if not they would go and watch the night sky while having dinner.....












:wub::wub: I also would love to see the giving of new rings in this episode. I am hoping for that...but wouldn't it be great if Hyun will be the one to give the ring instead of Yong....It would be her surprise birthday gift for Yong hence his comment during the Nii photoshoot that showed him putting on the ring right after the photoshoot. He said somewhere in the line of "see I am taking care of the ring" and also the recent comment in the Taiwan fan meeting "someone will get mad if I am not wearing it" (sorry can't remember the exact translation...hehehe!!!)



























Sorry for the long post just wanted to get it off my chest.....can't wait for Saturday and the story behind the fishing trip.....I hope we will all be in awe and surprised on Yong's surprise for his wife. I just love this couple more after this episode. :wub:





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my goshhh u guys! if u (lunasol & panGG) didn't post about yong being there during Trax's performance... i won't even know! eagle-eyes gogumas! ahah :lol: oh btw, don't u think yonghwa is sooooooooo handsome in inkigayo... that hairstyle really makes him much more handsome~! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :wub: hyun must be drooling all over haha!

LOL lenovo... u're deng funny! i dunno, if it's yongseo... i can't imagine them to be having some kinda "ADULT" thingy between them? it feels weird. and yea... if i were to read that i may be traumatized like u too LOL! :w00t: maybe it's just me.

haha yeah i agree with ya jnj... yong could have eyed jungmo most of the time & thought to himself "so this is the guy who taught my buin how to play guitar eh..." *envious* kekekeke! gee, this makes me wonder who was hyun supposed to kiss in their MV? the lead singer doesn't seem like a candidate to me. so, could it be jungmo oppa? ohhoho if it is, it must be a great relief for yong that hyun declined that scene. xD

yo unje~! u caught my eyes~!!!! haha thanks for the artwork! ^_^ i'm the fanart-fanatic-goguma! muahahahaha :P

i find this clip of yong very funny. just realized that he's extremely good at imitating ppl LOL~! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0SVGqDYMYc cr. jayparkluv4eva

and here're something interesting to watch... yooonggg oppa~



cr. klaritia

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Guest piru1804




sassysnsd - thanks for this info




"On that day that night in Japan.. You were jjang... You were like a different person"




I think something special has happened. "On that day that night in Japan.. You were jjang... You were like a different person" (in my opinion) means that Seohyun actually do something she had never done before and she is completely different from Seohyun known by her unnie. Maybe he did something more mature and not suspected by her unnie.


So far we know Seohyun as being shy and reserved, and her unnie commented that she has changed from what they know. Seohyun which originally was a focus on herself and more like a sweet potato than a man might have changed. She began to understand about like and love, and in this stage may Seohyun understanding between like and love.


Yonghwa was the first man dating with Seohyun. They were filming in Japan and far from her unnie. No one can monitor Seohyun. And "that day that night in Japan" is a day just for them. Could it be something special has happened? What I mean, is it possible for Yonghwa to propose (for real)?? or a kiss? aarghh, my imagination is too high. Sorry. :D:D








Sorry for cutting your post.



/take it as that day that night in Japan, seobb was massaging sica's leg or something.




"On that day that night in Japan.. You were jjang... You were like a different person" (this is a rolling paper from Sica to Seobaby)


At that day, that night in Japan, Seobaby did some massage for Sica. So that's why Sica wrote it down.


I'm a little upset because that message was not have the meaning we all guessed. T.T


Thanks for the pic of YongSeo in Japan. I'm silent reader of this thread most of the time. Really enjoy this thread. Since I am a Sone, I support maknae. I'm glad that I can see her new side through this program.


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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ye! i read that article in kpop :) OMG! 1 month they didn't see each other no wonder looking that BTS photos they look happy together. They missed each other for sure. That's why that RING symbolized that they are together. Wearing that reminds both of them that "we got married" who knows maybe they call or txt each other when they not together, i hope so :) Something DAEBAK happen in that Japan filming ON/OFF camera wub.gifwub.gif aigoo! i want saturday always :) and i want November already :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest K1L1On1Mr4






trent, heartbreak, otty, alucard and K1, pls post more.







i find you guys views v interesting..







a guy who had planned something v special for a special girl, to the extend of







hurting her feelings, will then shower her with lots of love?












I heard my name was called out :D




Sorry to cut your post jnj









I actually agree with other males here that sometimes we're teasing our girls until her limit. We'd found that it's very cute to see her turn from anger into happiness. Sometimes just to make sure that the event will carved into her mind and heart forever. That is a guy ladies :D









My favorite scenes on latest episode is when Ueno Juri left YongSeo house. About 'I' conversation initiated by SeoHyun, they talked in very soft voice, and their eyes are really reflecting love, care, and worry about other's feeling. Just look at SeoHyun's eyes you'll find some love, curiousity,and worry there. She really feels something inside her heart upon Ueno Juri's presence :D









Sorry for my long post, hope you all won't get bore :)









Thank you for all your posts, shares,pics, and gogumas :wub:



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gosh! dreamy, when i saw your making of love MV link, it made me sit up straight,



and think of lenovo hehehe (sorry lenovo gal) blush.gif



*was abt to fall asleep here after a heavy dinner*






so, there's no hyun blowing kisses pic among those panGG?



good...we don't want yong to get distracted and messed up again right? ;)






and tks for sharing the Jpn filming news here. u too geumjandi.



woah! do we HAVE to wait that long?



since this is their first overseas trip w/out their parents, i hope



its not their last either.. :sweatingbullets:









am glad u heard my shout out, K1 :)






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