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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest tripplemama
















































Hi All
































Another side/character of Hyun we all experience..I guessed Yong was suprised of this too..
































Bickering is another process of knowing each other...BUT DO NOT OVER DO IT...
































Yong monitor all Hyun activities secretly huh...wonder whether Hyun do it too..
































ok now.....2nd run with sub...ooh ya j2dlee thanks for the sub..love u for this
































BTW....I get the feeling the new song " I DON'Y KNOW WHY' inspiration comes from this outing...hehehehe thinking to much
































Aside...SG Goguma it was a pleasure meeting you guys & hope we can meet up again,...
































Lurker Mode...Tripplemama









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Guest hallyucraze




Goooooood Morning to all my Gogumas!!! Ahh... yes it's early morning here at the 'little RED dot' hehehehe! ah this week's epi! very daebak! Hyun is finally revealing all here feelings! The jealousy, the disappointment! That's a great improvement to me.. even the MC said this couple is very interesting to watch today! :D




First off.. To j2dlee our saviour as always... KAMSA HAMNIDA!!!! It makes watching the episode even more meaningful.. Ahhh my dear dear gogumas I won't worry about our Yong & Hyun in this episode.. hehehe.. actually I kind of like to see a different side of our Hyun... She's now able to express her feelings openly.. N not like her unnies always says.. if she's in front of the cams she will hide her true feelings... Well it just goes to show that Yong actually meant SOMETHING to her for her to flip out like that.. I think if it's just any other guy she wouldn't give a hoot in a way... :D Yong.. don't worry dear... U should cherish this.. It means Hyun treats u special.. U mean something to her.. I take her flipping out in a positive way... If she were to reply her usual reply.. "it's ok" then there wouldn't be any development in their relationship is there? So I think they've gone a step higher this time.




N remember at the chuseok special they've even held hands.. so in a way... All is well! :D






N I believe Yong is not the type of person who will forget something like Hyun's b'day.. I believe he already has something special prepared for her.. Thus his behaviour & reactions... Ahhh these 2 are just adorable..


Hope next week's episode will be even more lovely & meaningful for the both of them.. N hope they've some gifts for each other's b'day!




To redtulip... thanks for the translations of the list! And oh! To all the SG gogumas who went for the gathering.. I'm truly sorry I wasn't able to make it! Mianhe!! Hope to meet u all again next time! Till then enjoy the weekend my dear gogumas!!!




Sorry for the lonnggggggg post! blush.gif



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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































































Totally random comment here, but watching that picture of SH in Genie Japan recording, made me think of something... So YH said in this episode that he keep track of SH in the internet, so he must be aware of every thing related to SH including this type of photoshoop in wich SH is looking damm good.
















































































































What kind of though would go through his mind... Yes boy, you have a hot wife, that have a lot of fanboys and is a total goddess. Man, I bet he is happy about TRAX is comment about SH didnt want to do the kiss scene.
















































































































Heck, I am thinking that right now they are in a real relationship. Ok, I was one of the many defending SH that she really didnt have to do it (the kiss in Trax MV). But this just make me think, that issue plus YH saying in Taiwan that he is going to be scold if he not wear his ring, why do I feel that SH is marking her territory too. kekekekeke
















































































































This is just to much information for my goguma shipper heart in one day, I am so happy that I cant contain my Goguma mind.
















































































































Happy Spazzing my fellow gogumas!!!
















































































































P.D. Thanks to J2dlee for the translations of the second part, arghh I cant contain my happiness... they were bickering like a normal couple (I am crazy I know). I cant wait for next week!!!

















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CN Blue in Taiwan--these are really good fancams! And they did such a good job! And plus RINGDINGDONG~ too!
















































thanks to nagootv@youtube for such a great capture! and PART 2
















































































































































yong looks REALLY good as do the cn blue brothers :wub: i wish i would get to see them live here in the states too!









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Good morning, Sweet potatoes!

Jossa updated her blog with a new fic: I'm in Love

I think Yong has something in his sleeves. I'm excited for next Saturday! ♥

They were really cute while they were bickering. Hahaha. :P


How come I feel so giddy just reading this?

And Hyun's jealous. It was a cute moment and I was laughing the whole time. Her eyes.. it was a giveaway. Aigooo.

Thank you so much for all the links, pics, news, translations, fics, fanaccounts. You guys are the best~ Daebak! ^^

Have a great day, sweet potatoes! :D


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hi guys i enjoyed reading all your comment today and i wanted to thank j2dlee for her hard effort (you're awesome !!!) w00t.gif 
































i really loved how hyun showed her jalousy  ,even thought she didn't admit it , it was obvious that she was  uncomfortable when yong was chatting with juri!!!! 
































i also liked their BICKERING on the bus it showed that hyun really cares about yong ,but i don't think yonghwa did it on purpose (not to send her a birthday message) because he looked very sorry it wasn't an act for me , maybe he just thought  it was too late and that he can do something more meaningful than texting her so that's why he organised this outing rolleyes.gif
































pffffffffffff i'm really curious, why it's only one episode every week it would be nice if it was 2 episodestongue.gif  so we don't have to wait impatiently for every saturday to come sad.gif
































sorry for my bad english!!! i'm going to bed now,  it's very late (5 AM) see you tommorrow, love youuuuuuuuuwub.gif

































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Hi another awesome story from Jossa.... check this out!!!!















































































































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I'm really thinking SOMEONE is their term of endearment. haha! hahaha! well, not really... it's more like an easily decoded CODE. (nice try YongSeo!!!)










SOMEONE is the new My Love, My Yeobo, My Darling, My Sweetheart, MY REAL-LIFE BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND, and many more!!! :wub:










having said that.... I WANT MY SOMEONE too!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:











Y: Hey~










H: Why?










Y: You’re not jealous, are you?










H: No~










Hyun: No, I'm not like SOMEONE



















Yeah and when she says it like this..... THOSE EYES! Ohhhh SeoBaby! You're really taking after your Yong-seobang already.... awwww..... :wub:




















RAINE - I'm so believing you're take on them!!! Let's have spazz over them over dinner one of these days! =)










j2dlee --- i love you for making us understand this episode more... and every episode for that matter! Our YongSeo angel! Muuuah!



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Quoting from j2dlee's translation (TQ for translating! *bow*)

Hyun’s fidgeting with her mobile phone


Y: I saw you at the autograph event.

H: The autograph event?

Y: I saw it in the news…

Y: I’m always monitoring you.

H: Oh~ is that so?

Y: Always.

okay i highlighted the two lines there, i am at lost somehow,

can someone pinpoint me which event did yong ask about?

since the episode is jumping one to another, i'm kinda lost to track back their wgm's life lol

the way he said 'always monitoring' wow~ seems like stalker but in distance lol

im happy to hear yong really interested to know his buin's activities..

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i find very funny how seo hyun fan girling tamaki hiroshi (chiaki senpai) in this scene
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































she just show her cute side with a gesture :D.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































also when mc park misun imitates seo hyun scream when she running to see yonghwa :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this eps just funny to watch (seohyun jealous,yonghwa defend himself )

































































































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22








don't worry. Yong has definitely something special planned. if he monitors Hyun even in his busy schedule, he can come up with something special for her. and during the back room interview, when Hyun was asked about her birthday, then she said that Yong was mean, she was all smiles and almost dropped to her right side. so I guess Yong made her very happy that day. Yong did not expect Hyun to get angry like that, actually no one ever expected her to be angry. I think even her unnies will be surprised if they see this episode. -->she was really trying to hold in her anger. just take a look at her face on part 3, around 0:35-0:38



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In this scene






Why ....I felt that she did not feel much better. As though she tried not to show that she was not satisfied. Or uncomfortable in some more. Seem like girls try to show that she is happy. But in her heart it did not laugh or smile.






Because after this,  she turned to ask that Yuri is the female ideal of yong  right? It shows that She always thought about this in mind. Make it so she does not feel good like she act.


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Guest i.said.hi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Quoting from j2dlee's translation (TQ for translating! *bow*)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun’s fidgeting with her mobile phone
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: I saw you at the autograph event.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: The autograph event?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: I saw it in the news…
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: I’m always monitoring you.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H: Oh~ is that so?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: Always.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































okay i highlighted the two lines there, i am at lost somehow,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































can someone pinpoint me which event did yong ask about?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































since the episode is jumping one to another, i'm kinda lost to track back their wgm's life lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the way he said 'always monitoring' wow~ seems like stalker but in distance lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































im happy to hear yong really interested to know his buin's activities..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I believe he's talking about the lg cooky phone "cooky day" event :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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don't worry. Yong has definitely something special planned. if he monitors Hyun even in his busy schedule, he can come up with something special for her. and during the back room interview, when Hyun was asked about her birthday, then she said that Yong was mean, she was all smiles and almost dropped to her right side. so I guess Yong made her very happy that day. Yong did not expect Hyun to get angry like that, actually no one ever expected her to be angry. I think even her unnies will be surprised if they see this episode. -->she was really trying to hold in her anger. just take a look at her face on part 3, around 0:35-0:38
























I noticed shes holding in her anger. She kept flaring her nostrils when argueing with yong.  
























All SNSD members know well about that habit  haha so cute.  Like a smoking bull before running to hit the target.





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tks for sharing the fan acct, pollykyp.


















Y: I’m always monitoring you.


are we safe to say that both yong & hyun monitor each other now?


they must've promised each other to always wear the ring


since hyun wears the ring w/out fail too. aah... :wub:


not only we, the fans, but i think the ring is also the first thing hyun wants to


see on hubby...


so yong has been flashing it everywhere he goes, not only for fans but for wifey too.


simple gesture but if it makes your girl happy...do it man!


and for hyun to refuse Trax kissing scene, hmmm...


i am soo glad she didn't do it...



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i just saw this and made me think of yongseo
































































































222 people on at the same time. :)
















































thanks shane09 for the lovely gifs as always and of course always thankful to j2dlee for translations. cant wait for next weekend already.









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don't worry. Yong has definitely something special planned. if he monitors Hyun even in his busy schedule, he can come up with something special for her. and during the back room interview, when Hyun was asked about her birthday, then she said that Yong was mean, she was all smiles and almost dropped to her right side. so I guess Yong made her very happy that day. Yong did not expect Hyun to get angry like that, actually no one ever expected her to be angry.






When I first saw this without knowing what was actually said, I thought she said something like, "he's awesome!"


I was pretty shocked that she said something completely the opposite.


This episode was so fun and intriguing! Yong looked so lost on the bus- I wanted to give him a hug- but I also liked seeing Hyun so angry. Poor girl. Yet I can also see that he may have just thought since it was so late and he was seeing her the next day, he could wait until then. (big mistake! which I'm sure he will *never* make again! :lol: )


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Guest magicaL.chubi3
























wah~ Yukai that's pretty awesome siggy you have~ :w00t: very cute~
















j2dlee thanks for the part 2 of your trans. :)
















wah~ i love the part where yong said "If i i'm not wearing it, i'll be scolded by someone."
















woot~ their relationship is on the highest level~ wooot~~ :w00t:
















baby_bo thanks for sharing that pic. Seohyun so cute~ :lol:
















panGGthanks for sharing. Lovely vids. CNBLUE really rocks. :)
















oh~ by the way~ i used and was given permission, so i just want to share sub part 1. :)
































keep rocking~ B)





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Hi there,


as you can see im the newgbie !this is the 1st time ever that I register for a forum. I have been silent reader for too long. But now I cant hold my words anymore. I wanna scream out loud. they- Yong Hwa and his Hyu~n- are amazing.  Now I feel so sorry that I chose 2 learn Japan intead of Korean ( dont get me wrong, Japanese is amazing too but I want to understand everything they say, waiting for the sub is really killing me sometime)


Thanks  j2dlee and everyone doing the sub for this thread and for everything you do for YongSeo. Im also A blood type- not good at expressing but I want u to know how I appreciate ur works. Thanx again.


I do wanna write something about our lovely couple- but i thinks its too much for my 1st time. :sweatingbullets:.


Ur guys' comments here are very interesting. I even check the thread every single hour cuz I dont wanna miss anything.












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