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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hello guys!!! finally i'm brave enough to come out from my lurking mode and join you guys here.. can't help myself..:D . This ep was sooo daebak!!Yesteday me & my sis decided to watch this ep at a cafe we always go whenever we r hungry B). We knew yesterday ep was going to be great as expected based on the preview BUT, we never expected it to be that GREAT!!! It was AWESOME!!!!I mean, we went totally crazy almost throughout the entire ep. Gosh!!  We were screaming, laughing, shrieking, squeling and doing all the other stuff u shouldn't do in the public places. Hehehe.. sorry for being dramatic..For all Yongseo shippers or at least for me & my sis, i believe yesterday ep was like wish come true in a sense that we get to see how close & comfortable yong & hyun get with each other rite now...the bumping style greeting(which is soo cute, so yongseo like thingy..), holding hand through the entire tour of horror school (yong being so protective toward his buin), i can't stop laughing when yong vandalised the rusty cabinet, he even punched it.. :w00t: for the sake of his lovely buin.  The trust they had towards each other and the support they gave each other was so sweet and so.... i can't put in word but it seem sincere, real to me.Forget to mention, the other couple was also wonderful.  It was great to see how supportive and fun they had with each other.. p/s  This is my first post.. i'm sorry if there is any mistakes in my comment.. So nervous writing this.. It feels like i'm taking my writing exam, and you guys r the one giving marks..hehehe.. sorry again for random babbling..



oh, dear..you r welcome to spazz here..i give u 100% for ur writing..LOL..you r screaming at the cafe?? :w00t: Wonder how people act when they saw u & ur sister behave :lol:

Can anyone tell me where can I watch Running Man (full ep) when Yong is their guest (with eng sub if possible)??? Please i want to watch it cant find it in Youtube...thxxx



So far his episode still under progress by iSubs -squad(ENG sub)http://isubs-squad.com but u can find raw at http://am-addiction.comjust register as a member then u can find the ep under korean entertainment..



He was a guest for ep 7&11 ..



@caliope - thanks for the info..



@sun-sun - thanks for the link



Thank you ,for all the gifs, caps and vids..those who im not mention the name also thank you so much for making this thread alive..



Again, welcome to this fandom and u guys are always welcome to spazz with all of us here..



Nite 2 everyone..2mrow i got flight to catch up at 8.00am ..OMG already past midnite..need to sleep..see u guys at goguma's dream


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hi gogumas....i need Gogumas FBI help in this matter....

as what everybody said in previous post, this episode had been film after their birthday, rite..? can anyone zoom at yonghwa ring? is it the new one? if yes, my imagination saying that maybe ( maybe) he got new ring as his birthday present? i saw ring at his finger, i tried to play and pause...but cant see clearly.....


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The youtube videos of Yonghwa in Running Man is here but they are unsubbed.
































































































































































































































































Yonghwa in Running Man Episode 11
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits to Credits: mamori@jyh dc gall + cnbyonghwa.tumblr.com Re-posted by: Euni@cnbluestorm
































































































































































































































































Yonghwa in Running Man Episode 7
































































































































































































































































Running Man 22/08
































































































































































































































































credits to axgirl01
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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@SophiaPia and crystal_malfoy: thank you for answering my question!rolleyes.gif
















@Cherryhana88: thank you for sharing a wonderful family picture!!! its wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif
















now we have to wait for the other episode...but waiting is really killing me!!!!
















let's go to MBC and steal wgm videos!!!ph34r.gifph34r.gifph34r.gif
































next stop: BACKHUG... but somehow, i wished they did that during the horror skinship episode...sweatingbullets.gif oh well, that's why there will be an uncut version i guess...phew.gifphew.gif









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excl.gif IMPORTANT!  well, no, i'm actually just anxious for an answer because i'm all worried and tears.gif.






coincidentally, someone posted the ratings for this last episode, saying that it had been this season's lowest yet.  this is funny because just last night i was wondering about ratings and the average length of time a couple stays on the show.  obviously, i'm mostly concerned for the yongseo couple.  i would hate having to leave this thread because there's nothing to spaz about, you know?




that said, i was wondering if it's guaranteed that couples must leave the show if they contribute to lower ratings?  i know that the article said it must be due to the fact that the episodes are becoming too repetitive in its tasks, but there would be a correlation, right?  i'd always been under the impression that the PDs would keep the current couples because they were idols.  if anything needed fixing, it's the content of the episodes.  because the adam couple is permanent, they should continue to reel in viewers.




and then i read somewhere else - like in a yongseo related article, actually - that the couples on WGM were chosen because they proved to be dedicated, and that this is why celebrities are interviewed more than once - to see whether they're still interested because it's something you must commit to.




so now i'm conflicted.  i hope that none of the non-permanent couples - yongseo and khuntoria - are kicked off because WGM S2 isn't as popular as it once was when it was just the adam couple.  i think i might actually be less worried for khuntoria because their ratings have been consistently high with the adam couple being the highest.  the adam couple has the early advantage in that the audience were exposed to them so early and had enough time to fall in love with their respective charms just when WGM was picking up after its real-couple format; the khuntoria couple has the advantage of having the thai prince paired with another non-native, which lends to its boost in ratings; and then you have the yongseo couple, who i think has proven themselves over their episodes to be reflective of a real relationship, growing together and learning more about each other.  but that's the thing - no one wants to see "realism" even though this is a reality show.




i'm not trying to bag on khuntoria or the adam couple either because i love them fairly equally.  it's mostly just an observation, something i think is necessary to add to the comparison to show you guys why i'm so unnerved and the potential of one or all being "expelled" from the show prematurely.





i know you guys don't like downer posts, which is why i put it behind a spoiler.  i think i got more analytical towards the end but oh well.  i considered asking a different forum, but i'm too comfortable with this one and feel like some of you might have an answer for me.  unsure.gif


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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lovekin: so you read the article from Allkpop, or kpoplive???
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I won't say anything, but the article stated that the ratings was 10.7%
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but here is the actual ratings

TNS Media Korea ratings for WGM episode 50

nationwide: 13.2% (#6), Seoul: 13.9% (#7)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Last week
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































nationwide: 15.8% (#6) Seoul: 16.6% (#6).































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































someone said that Korean people are not into horror stuffs

































































































































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Uhm ... first of all, thanks for posting that, Hihi_hehe. I found YOUR ratings, too, but not the ones Allkpop posted. What went wrong there?

Second, Allkpop tends to exagerate a bit ... <_<

And third, it's Chuseok. It's a big thing; maybe people have something better to do than watch telly, plus we don't know if there was something super special on another channel. I wouldn't wonder so much, plus we don't know the ratings for the reruns.

Best regards,


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Guest MrsAthenaG




Hello Citizens of Gogumaland! It's a wonderful feeling in our Planet...lots of Love, Love, Love flowing all over. Let's keep it up, up , up always!




Well, what else can be said that haven't been said before...I knew something was up, from looking at their comfort level during the Ueno Juri episode, it was just a different atmosphere from the past and the "holding hands" portion during the concert. So this was how it was, full of hand-holding, touching, the usual stares...I'm really speechless.


Now, what's left is "Hugs and Kisses", soon...patience, my fellow gogumas. But, we still need to see HOW they got to this level, we're left with a BIG HOLE since we jumped episodes and skipped some major events. Soon, we shall see!




Some things I've noticed in this episode, I love their "sit-ups position", it's quite unique. Sitting "Indian-style" (it's what we call the position when we tell all kids to sit this way and it's more like the American Indian style, sorry no offense meant and it's the only word I know to describe this sitting position) underneath bended legs is not really an easy, ordinary position, is it? It looks like their legs are "Locked" together and not only that, it looked like they were double-locked with Hyun's hands are holding Yong's legs, and vice-versa. They both held the same position for each other's sit-up segment. Hmmm...they must have done this before because they were quite comfortable with it.




This couple just keeps surprising everyone. When we asked for a little skinship, we got little pats then we got the "Piggyhug" and now, we asked for some hand-holding and what do we get...buckets full. It seems when we ask for a cup, we're given a pitcher, maybe next time we ask for a pitcher, we'll get a barrel-full? (In short, we ask for a little, we get a lot).




And thanks to all for watching this episode with all couples and not a peep of negativity for the other couples...that's what I'm very proud of, my YongSeo-loving children, your open and mature levels. Continue on with the positive and always enjoy what's given to us and patiently wait for more they have in store for us.




Well, I will be off busy preparing for my son's wedding and will try to catch up with you all. Happiness to all YongSeo Lovers and Gogumas!!!



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thank you, hi_hehe and trent!  could one of you clarify some other things for me then?






i don't know if one of you would know, but have the ratings overall been consistent?  one of the earlier posts in this thread – like several hundred back – noted that the ratings have gotten lower.  do you know if the PDs of WGM go by individual couple ratings to make their decision or overall?  i don't know how they make their decisions, so now i'm just asking out of curiosity than just pure worry.




i don't actually follow allkpop either, just whatever's posted here and even then i don't pay much attention to the news source, but why would they exaggerate something factual like tv ratings?  i can understand why they would bend the truth for a particular group of fans since it's all about perception, but numbers definitely aren't.





thanks, you guys are amazing~ wub.gif


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@ Trent The 10.7% ratings are probably from AGB Nielsen Media. There are two forms of ratings - TNS & AGB. Ratings are never the same, but usually very similar. Anyways, WGM wasn't the only variety show that showed a slight dip in ratings (besides Star King). *Note I'm comparing 9/11 AGB ratings & 9/18 TNS ratings so it's not going to be that accurate, but there shouldn't be a huge difference.


















9/4 TNS ratings


















4. World Changing Quiz <세상을바꾸는퀴즈세바퀴> (MBC) - 20.4%, 21.9%


















5. Infinity Challenge <무한도전> (MBC) - 20.1%, 21.2%


















6. We Got Married Season 2 <우리결혼했어요시즌2> (MBC) - 14.5%, 14.8%


















8. Star King <스타킹> (SBS) - 12.0%, 11.8% (#9)


















9/11 AGB ratings


















4. World Changing Quiz <세상을바꾸는퀴즈세바퀴> (MBC) - 18.2%, 20.5%


















5. Infinity Challenge <무한도전> (MBC) - 17.5%, 19.0%


















7. Star King <스타킹> (SBS) - 12.7%, 13.8%


















8. We Got Married Season 2 <우리결혼했어요시즌2> (MBC) - 12.3%, 12.3% (#9)


















9/18 TNS ratings


















4. World Changing Quiz <세상을바꾸는퀴즈세바퀴> (MBC) - 17.8%, 18.3%


















5. Infinity Challenge <무한도전> (MBC) - 15.7%, 16.0%


















6. We Got Married Season 2 <우리결혼했어요시즌2> (MBC) - 13.2%, 13.9% (#7)


















7. Star King <스타킹> (SBS) - 13.0%, 13.0% (#8)


















credit: http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=198078&st=1000


















Don't worry too much about ratings until it starts going down to single digits. :) And a big LOL at most of the comments at allkpop regarding the WGM's ratings declining. Most people have no idea what they're talking about and it's not like any of them affect the ratings unless they're watching it in Korea. The way international fans think ≠ the Korean fans think.



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I don't know why Allkpop would exagerate factual TV ratings, but I remember that they are not always very precise. Sometimes, there are translation error from Korean or Chinese and sometimes they quote Korean gossip articles that aren't exactly truthful either. I treat them more like a gossip magazine.

As for the ratings ... seriously no idea. However whatever they write (and I'm totally with Hyuksu here) doesn't influence Korean popculture at all.

Here are the ratings for the last weeks (please correct me if I confused a week):


6. We Got Married Season 2 <우리결혼했어요시즌2> (MBC) - 13.6%, 14.3%


6. We Got Married Season 2 <우리결혼했어요시즌2> (MBC) - 14.9%, 16.4%


6. We Got Married Season 2 <우리결혼했어요시즌2> (MBC) - 15.7%, 16.6%


6. We Got Married Season 2 <우리결혼했어요시즌2> (MBC) - 15.7%, 16.0%


6. We Got Married Season 2 <우리결혼했어요시즌2> (MBC) - 16.1%, 17.4%


6. We Got Married Season 2 <우리결혼했어요시즌2> (MBC) - 14.5%, 14.8%


8. We Got Married Season 2 <우리결혼했어요시즌2> (MBC) - 12.3%, 12.3% (#9)


6. We Got Married Season 2 <우리결혼했어요시즌2> (MBC) - 13.2%, 13.9% (#7)

For me, that doesn't look like consistently going down. Last week was a downer (maybe nobody was interested in Ueno Juri - not even Yonghwa from the looks of it :P - no offense, I'm just joking hereB)), but this week improved. If I'm not mistaken and confused something.

Source: http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=198078&st=1000

Thanks, Hyuksu.



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i think the writer at allkpop is either someone who is a fangirl of one of the guys on the show and wants the show to end because they don't like seeing him paired up with a girl that's not them or the writer is just relaying the story second-hand from a fangirl. (since allkpop does take submissions and then put them into stories)

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i found an interview of Trax they speak about Seohyun and Yonghwa, i hope someone can translated. It's not the complete interview just the part where they are mentioned

스타인터뷰] 트랙스 "서현, 키스 거절 진땀"

록밴드 트랙스가 '여신'을 맞이했다. 이들은 최근 발표한 미니앨범 <오 나의 여신님>에 실제 '여신'을 등장시켰다. 바로 소녀시대 서현. 제이(보컬)와 정모(기타), 두 멤버가 티저 영상부터 서현의 등장으로 관심을 끌었던 뮤직비디오 촬영 후일담을 공개했다.




"전 굴욕 아닌 굴욕을 당했어요. 저와 키스 장면이 있었는데 끝내 거절하더라고요. 워낙 바른 친구고 어려서부터 봤던 사이라 어색했나 봐요. 제가 억지로 하자고 할 수도 없는 노릇이잖아요. 하하. 저희끼리는 '용서방'(정용화) 때문이 아니냐는 농담을 주고 받기도 했죠. 하하."




몽환적인 느낌마저 드는 영상에서 서현의 매력은 발군이다. 순수를 상징하는 화이트 드레스를 입은 서현이 수줍게 그리고 싱그럽게 화면을 가득 채운다. 무엇보다 노래의 분위기와 잘 맞아떨어진다. 데뷔 이례 밝은 느낌의 노래를 불러 본 적이 없는 트랙스지만 어색하지 않다.







cre: news.hankooki.


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Guest calculator

i found an interview of Trax they speak about Seohyun and Yonghwa, i hope someone can translated. It's not the complete interview just the part where they are mentioned

cre: news.hankooki.

Wow, the funniest interview ever. That just raised YongSeo couple's image. This is so awesome, hahaha!
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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































i found an interview of Trax they speak about Seohyun and Yonghwa, i hope someone can translated. It's not the complete interview just the part where they are mentioned
















































































































스타인터뷰] 트랙스 "서현, 키스 거절 진땀"
















































































































록밴드 트랙스가 '여신'을 맞이했다. 이들은 최근 발표한 미니앨범 <오 나의 여신님>에 실제 '여신'을 등장시켰다. 바로 소녀시대 서현. 제이(보컬)와 정모(기타), 두 멤버가 티저 영상부터 서현의 등장으로 관심을 끌었던 뮤직비디오 촬영 후일담을 공개했다.
















































































































"전 굴욕 아닌 굴욕을 당했어요. 저와 키스 장면이 있었는데 끝내 거절하더라고요. 워낙 바른 친구고 어려서부터 봤던 사이라 어색했나 봐요. 제가 억지로 하자고 할 수도 없는 노릇이잖아요. 하하. 저희끼리는 '용서방'(정용화) 때문이 아니냐는 농담을 주고 받기도 했죠. 하하."
















































































































몽환적인 느낌마저 드는 영상에서 서현의 매력은 발군이다. 순수를 상징하는 화이트 드레스를 입은 서현이 수줍게 그리고 싱그럽게 화면을 가득 채운다. 무엇보다 노래의 분위기와 잘 맞아떨어진다. 데뷔 이례 밝은 느낌의 노래를 불러 본 적이 없는 트랙스지만 어색하지 않다.
















































































































cre: news.hankooki.































































































































































































































Thanks for sharing... need translation fast, google translation said something about SH refusing to kiss someone and something about Yongseobang...
















































































































I need translations, by the way thanks to all for posting news, pics, translations and everything else, really appreciated.
















































































































Hope someone can translate this!!!

















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mimayree thank you for the posting those cut scenes. That lunchbox scene sounds so funny!
































Oh thank you for those caps _d3!! ROFL at the captions in your last cap. And is it me, but does Yong seem to find any excuse to touch his buin?
































dreamyboo I love your upbeat MV!! It's really psychedelic.. haha
































hi jnj yes, the tweeting is going to be like for the 200-day ^^. Actually I don't know what the cultural significance of 222-day is. But, I see that our friends at DCGall are celebrating it so let's all go along for the ride! hehehe. This is one thing I love about fanning Korean shows, I would never have kept track of a 22- or a 222-day before. It's fun to learn about these quirky things.
































For anyone who wants to join in on the trending mission (please do!) just tweet YONGSEO on twitter starting 9PM KST on Monday, September 20. miel yes, we can totally be the TWIT BRIGADE. :lol:. Come out of your lurking status.
































often ok? *hugs*
































sun_sun thank you again for putting up the subs!! I really appreciate your efforts
































viktorialouis aww.. the drawings are so cute. Ah, I envy your talent. Thank you for sharing it here.
































Cherryhanna SQUEEEE! That photomanip is so cute and awesome! They look like a perfect family. Kyopta!
































Soleill thank you for posting the article! I'm digging the joke/reference, but my hangul is not great. Hope someone can help us with the translations!
































Thank you to the kind comments on my video. You guys are my energy pill. Kamsahamnida.

































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