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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I find this cute! :wub:
































































































































































































During the sit ups game, I find Hyun's position a bit interesting. Gain used her knees to support Kwon. Vic's knees are raised to grip Khun's legs.
































































































































































































































Hyun's forelegs are wrapped around Yong's?!
































































































































































































Or am I just imagining it? :w00t: And I can clearly hear Hyun's voice encouraging while counting at the same time. Aww...supportive wife through and through.

































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A few things to add before I go to my Goguma dreamland.



Yongseo went first because Nickkhun took second and JK wanted last. So they were left with first.



In the first room, when the snake dropped from the ceiling, Yonghwa asked whether it was snake or sausages. Jungshin also commented that it looked like sausages when it was his turn. (No worder they are CN Blue.)






At the bathroom, after the old lady walked out, Yonghwa said that the toy is Seohyun's favourite Keroro, must be for her? Seohyun smiled. (I love this part, still lovey dovey in a "horror" show!!!)



Seohyun was the one that suggested that they checked their appearance in the mirror before taking the photo. Actually the mission never stated that they need to hug each other to join the heart together. (Our couple just want to find an excuse???)








Nickkhun asken Yonghwa from a scale of 1 to 10, how scary it was? Yonghwa told him 12 and rated the ghosts 18. (Good job man, mental strategy???)



Jungshin shouted to the air that don't come out when he was reading the mission card. He also asked the ghosts sitting in the classroom whether anyone of them is his fan. While he was cooking, he told the thunder to be softer and not to come nearer. (I love you Jungshin, you are so funny.)








So much things for everyone to spazz and then we are going to be treated to another 2 more special on tuesday and thursday. Also saturday, I love Goguma!!!





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I love how Yong was so protective of Hyun's every move. When they were in the last room (the photo shooting), when Hyun was about to sit on the sofa (mind you, Hyun was holding out her hand to Yong :phew: ) Yong quickly stopped her, thinking that there will still be something that is going to pop out. He was right, but the "ghost's" timing was off. Lol. But this ep truly showed his alpha male side, his leadership skills, and him being strategical. If he wasn't a pop/rock star, I bet he'd have a more business-esque type of career, much like Hyuun.




I also <3 the part when they were about to leave the math room. Hyun was about to leave first when Yong, again, stopped her and told her that he should lead the way. I found it so sweet of him that he'd be willing to face anything and everything first so Hyun won't be as scared. Also, the part when the door opened in the math room, Yong instinctively shielded Hyun. Instant +++++. <3






On another note... Adams' LOL. I still <3 U but I think this ep has finally converted me to a YongSeo-er.






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Guest ryuni_cello
















































and Yong's hand position......love this episode...























































I saw it. wow u r really good n detail.
































but for the clear one of the photos its before they took the shoot again.
















u can see from the angle of the camera rite above of them, I can see hyun's hair different.
































Moment time on 04.57, its edited.
































Correct me if Iam wrong ^^

















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Guest SophiaPia
























jd2lee and redtulip thank u for translations more pls. OMG! i don't know if i can't sleep tonight thinking about this episode yahoooooo lovely lovely lovely real real real love love love :)
















yukilovesyou thanks also for the translations :)
















jnj : yeah! maybe they take another shot of the photo. It's just edited. Whether they take 2 o 3 times it doesn't matter eeeeeeeeeee SWEETNESS ALL THE WAY OUR YONGSEO COUPLE. I can't count on my fingers how many times i watched this episode eeeeeeeeeee
















cheers to all





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tks for those gifs shane. if u got time, could u do one more pls?

the part where yong banged the cabinet?



i think someone comment abt hyun getting the easiest math prob?

come now, with her calm nature, and hubby by her side,

give her anything 'cos she's a genious!!!








Dear jnj




Here is the gif,not sure is that the scene you require








Haha ~~ agreed that she's a genious, really calm & fast.



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this reminds me of the 'touch of love' :wub:


and these remind me of the time where hyun hurt her finger..

from kitchen to the living room? :lol:




shane!! yes! yes! thats the one~~ hugs!


poor cabinets got banged up, kicked at and dismantled!!


i think rouenna said abt yong will move mountain to protect hyun.

hi5 yongseo style gal!!


lenovo, since we lost the bet, i think we need to see yong's running man now..


hey dreamy..your last sentence doesn't sound right... :P:lol:




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ahahahah i'm having a goguma hangover right now!!! xD

i guess i don't hafta make much comment on this daebak WGM ep since most of u have said what i wanted to express....KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :wub:

A SPECIAL THANKS TO j2dlee & redtulip for the trans & also to eevryone else who contributed to make this thread ever lively! u guys are jjang! and thanks to shane, we can really see yongseo's skinship being brought to a much higher level! deng, i wonder when did they start to hold hands?! the way they held hands in this ep seems like they've been doing so for quite some time already! i'm guessing that they probably started during or after the time when hyun visited cnblue's dorm! muaahahahahahaha... if so, they're officially BF & GF for about 2 months! ahhh don't mind me blurting this random thought of mine :P

wokeh... i'm also going off to gogumaland with redtulip ahah! goonite~!

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Guest dbskisluv2
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































they were sweet when they took the picture
































































































































































































































































 i just really hate the red eyes it ruins a good picture so i somewhat fixed it

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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i'm still spazzing after hours of the episode aired..
































































































































































































































































































































































































i haven't post anything for so long but i'm back again^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































love love this chuseok special..WGM PD, you are totally jjang,hug and kisses for you!! :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































i'm truly glad that Yong and Hyun are now totally comfortable with each other, their skinship comes off naturally.. :phew:
































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong was so manly protecting Hyun, always on the front prepared to shield Hyun from anything..
































































































































































































































































































































































































i love this side of him..totally sexy^^ :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































our Hyun buin relied and depends on her hubby, she didn't want to let his hand go,and Yong always holding her hands tightly..
































































































































































































































































































































































































i died a little when Hyun hug Yong's waist, that's a huge move from her..our girl has grown up..do that frequently okay.. :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong, your patience had greatly paid off..
































































































































































































































































































































































































i believe you have hyun's heart now make it whether it's like or love, i don't care..
































































































































































































































































































































































































most importantly, you are the one that able to make her giggle and laugh happily,take her out from her shells, released her inner mischievous self
































































































































































































































































































































































































and her eyes sparkled specially only when she looked at you..
































































































































































































































































































































































































you are her lovelight as she is for you..the one that able to open her heart bit by bit, guide and show her the path of relationship..
































































































































































































































































































































































































even after the marriage ends, you'll always remains as her first guy forever..
































































































































































































































































































































































































the marriage might be make believe but the feelings are so REAL..
































































































































































































































































































































































































i'm so happy for both of you..live ur married life to the fullest!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































create memories together, the one that you'll smile whenever you think about it..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i noticed that they seriously look alike now...people says as time passed by, couples will look similar in terms of looks and personalities.. :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































they have the couple look now^^

































































































































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Guest ilovesnowwhite
































































































@erxmeeza oh you beat me there i mean the posting of screen caps! hahaha :)) i wonder when did they took the second picture. was it after the wholething?imean after shooting they came back there and took the picture again? hahahaahah:)) and i think they have the sweetest couple shirt. hahaha:) and the cheesiest perhaps.at the back its LOVE and infront its HEART.  its soooo them,.
































































and have you guys notice? seohyun is the only girl among the three who mostly walked side by side with yong.. such a brave kid. maybe because she is still young and the two are unnies. ahha. random. brave seo joo hyun!

















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Guest sweetie1611

The episode this week is totally the best!!! Yongseo couple actually reminds me of Joongbo in WGM season1, they were shy and awkward at the beginning but toward the end, their virtual marriage just seemed so real.From the beginning till now, I didn't see them as a pretend-married couple. Throughout the show, we can all saw the progression of our Yongseo relationship, they look like real couple who went from awkward to lovey-dovey. I haven't really had a first love yet but while watching our Goguma couple, I actually can imagine how awkward my first date could be at the beginning, what we should do, where we should go, what things I wanna do to my bf,... :rolleyes:

The episode this week made me smile from ear to ear, they were so caring for each other, not to mentioned their skinship is so natural. I found it really cute when Yonghwa couldn't look straight into Seohyun's face during sits up game. I am also happy that the MCs were always take care of the Goguma couple, they made comment whenever our couple did something special lol. I hope they will continue the special episode next week, I want to see they play the pepero game :wub:

Anyway, while watching, I noticed there are some words on the back of their couple tees. At first when I saw it said "Make LOVE" :w00t: , I thought WOW this is daebak but when I watched it again, there are also some small words,so it actually said "Make LOVE not war" ^_^ . Well, we can totally ignore those small words if we want :lol:

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Guest waniey_haha
















dreamyboo while watching this episode..i also think the same....when did they start holding hand.... super curiosity !!!! 








and it make me more n more impatience to wait for their birthday episode....n the rest episode....wacko.gifwacko.gif








redtulip the keroro doll part ...i love that part...yeah...they still got time to be lovey dovey....sweet to each other....heee
























erxmeeza i also noticed the diffference from the beginning ...tanx alot for posting the pic...hug..hugs....
































one of the sweetest moment....hyunnn ah.....where ur hand goes to??hehehe
















did u guyz noticed that uri couple got many love sign and flower sign at the bottom where the words written which have been edited by the pd-nim ( do u guyz get what i want to say) sorry for bad english... it really shows that YONGSEO are so SWEET ...LOVEY DOVEY couple.....................heheheh
















n also a big hug to redtulip..jd2lee yukilovesyou....n keoconvoineverdie.....muah 10000000x....and to all gogumas for the screencaps...and everything...it really make me feel better now...( i have to study for the test this monday ))...tanx for releasing my tension...heheheeh









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Guest missydhezz

owh,, it's too bad that i missed this episode. :(

reading all of your post which told that our couple did overload skinship made me feel regret but thanks a lot for redtulip j2dlee and another gogumas for the translation and all of goguma lovers who made screencaps and uploaded it. it is very helpful..

i love you all..


so, next week MBC will give us special gift on chuseok, WGM special which is we can see our couple again in 2 days..

ahh,,i'm so excited!!!


but, I'm wondering is those episode will continue today episode or will be another special wgm?

thank you

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I found it really cute when Yonghwa couldn't look straight into Seohyun's face during sits up game. I am also happy that the MCs were always take care of the Goguma couple, they made comment whenever our couple did something special lol. I hope they will continue the special episode next week, I want to see they play the pepero game :wub:

Anyway, while watching, I noticed there are some words on the back of their couple tees. At first when I saw it said "Make LOVE" :w00t: , I thought WOW this is daebak but when I watched it again, there are also some small words,so it actually said "Make LOVE not war" ^_^ . Well, we can totally ignore those small words if we want :lol:

sorry to cut your post, sweetie.

like we all here, the MCs are all waiting for more yongseo skinship,

and i believe MC Miseon is a yongseo shipper too.


hmmm...'Make Love Not War' hmm...

lenovo gal, did u send them these T shirts.

i rmbr reading your post with the same title..


okay, gogumas..i think its time for the nightshifters to take over now.

tks everyone for everything, i mean everything.

what a wonderful day!!


and to newcomers, Welcome to Goguma Planet.


ah! do keep this thread the way it always has been...Happy and fun!

rmbr gogumas...Make Love Not War...



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Guest crimsonredd5










hi to all! i'm lurker of this thread, a big fan of this couple. my most fave scene is where yonghwa pushed hyun's hair to the back. i think it's really one of the sweetest moments. if i may, i'd like to make a request to all the gif makers of this thread, may i request that part to be created as gif? <3 thanks in advance.



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Guest victoria1_1
















































Juz finished watching today's show...its really good! Really liked many parts of the show (holding wife's hand tightly in the classroom, change holding seohyun from left to right, tidying the t-shirt.....and many more parts).
















I really wish seohyun would hug Yong Hwa from the back (like the rest of the 2 couples)instead of Yong Hwa missing out so many times from wanting to hug the wife.
















"Hey....Wake up Seohyun...we want more skinship and intimacy between the two of you. Like that, all the netizen will have fun spazzing about the intimate moments and not let us wait till our hair turn white for juz a bit of closeness each week"
















Sigh....wish she gets a chance to read it..

















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Guest reeneesie




hi gogumasss in the goguma land.......


i've got the news that rdr will collaborate with another subbing team snjeung to sub this



special ep but another subbing team 2oneday still dont give their answer yet....-_-





hope they can work together since we will have two special ep next week & it might be full hand



4 rdr to sub alone....:sweatingbullets:





when i watch this episode it like we all backtracking since the euno juri ep



from the latest to the a few months ago and it make me really wonder when they had throw all the akwardness



they have before....





from the new style hi-5 to the hugging it really show that they really progressing and i totally want to see the progresion that they make....:wub:





so now,there no such word like boring or slow to our couple since they have show us what is real love and what you have to go through to feel it...:P






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Eugheeergheurh!!!! The tread is acting weird! I was writing my translation in this box (?) and the next minute it's gone!! I hate techonology!!! Why there are so many weird pop-ups?!




By the way NONONONONONONO ONELINERS PLEASE- We don't want to lose our thread, do we?




Sorry for keeping you wait, guys. Here's the Yongseo Part.




(If there are subbers out there, feel free to use it- just don't mention my name, huhuhu)




(Part 4-5)




Yongseo enters the room




Yong hubby leading his wife!




Y: Come out.




MC Park: The camera can see them, but they can’t see anything in this darkness.




H (screams): I’m startled!




NY: It’s always the sound that’s scarier.




Yong answers the phone




Yong: Yes?




The voice: Pull one string from the four in front of you, and check your mission.




Yong: What string? Where?




H: Be careful, be careful.




H: Kyahh!




NY: Isn’t it a snake?




H: Ew…… what is it?




Y: A snake.




Y: Is it a sausage (sundae) or a snake?




MC Park: I thought it’s a sundae, too (*sundae: a type of sausage made of meet and bean curd stuffed in pig intestine)




Y &H: We’ve got it!




Mission Card: From now on, you have to go into every room to find a parcel or complete a test. Don’t lose your parcel and take a couple photo. Move to the next room. *Pay attention to where the light is.




Y: A couple photo? With what?




H: There’s a parcel to find.




Y: Pay attention to where the light is?




The second room, a shower room.




MC Park: A shower room!




Y: Will the parcel be inside the curtain?




H: Yes.




Y: You stay here.




NY: Don’t open it, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t!




H (screams): Kyaaaaah!!!!! I’m scared!!!




(Other couples: what’s happening out there?)




H (found the granny ghost): Kyaaah!!!!




Y: Grandmother, go back to your place.




Y: Well done, granny.




MC Park: Omo,omo,omo, Yong hwa is really brave.




But then all the male panelists start commenting that he’s hiding his fear that way, he’s actually scared too…..




H (to granny): Well done….




Y: She really startled me.




Y: Is that it? Be careful.




H: Yes, there’s a parcel.




Y: Haha, this is Seo Hyun’s favourite.




H: Uh? It’s Keroro!




Y: Do you want it?




H: Haha!




H: Let’s check the parcel first, since there’s a light.




A couple t-shirt for the photo shot.




H: Ah, we have to find another one.




Y: Yes, there should be two.




MC Park: When a man acts like that, as if it’s nothing, you really come to rely on him.




MC Park: Of course.




MC Kim: Every man wants to show that (strong) side. They WANT to. But…




Y: Be careful, walk slowly. Don’t be nervous.




The third room: a principal’s room.




Y: Is there a parcel inside this room?




H: Yes.




H: Ew…….




NY (totally into this)




SO: Aren’t they scared?




Y (to the girls): Where’s the parcel?




MC Park: Look at them!




Y: Where is it?




H: Eww……..




Y: Especially this one, really!




Y: Don’t touch, don’t touch.




H: It’s scar…..(screams)…y!!!!!!




Y: !




Y: What’s this?




H: Over there, we’ve found it.




Y (sigh)…..




MC Kim: He’s scared too, really trying not to show it.




NY: You know that it’s really scary when they all look at you that way.




Y: Oh? She’s (the ghost) gone.




H: Really?




The third room: the lecture room I




Y: Stay there.




H: Yes.




SO: He acts as if it’s nothing, but he opens the door like….




Y: Is there anything written on the mission card about this room?




H: No, I guess we just have to get it and out.




MC Kim: But they may end up getting scared witless.




H: Uh? There’s something in the middle.




Y barely touches the newspaper




MC Kim: He couldn’t lift it! He couldn’t!!




NY: What was that?!




MC Park: He’s scared, too.




MC Kim: Of course he is.




Mission Card: Make a selection of fritters. Make 3 Pollack fritters, 3 courgette fritters, and 3 bean curd fritters, and use them when you take a couple photo.




MC Park: Make fritters? Here?




Y: Wait, I’m sure there’s something.




H: I guess we really have to make fritters.




MC Kim: It’s because this is a special episode for Chuseok (making fritters is one of the customs in Chuseok).




NY: They immerse Chuseok into the horror!




H: Oh, 3 fritters each.




Y: How do you make it?




H: First heat the oil…




A Sudden explosion!




Y: Eugh!




H: Kyaaaah!!!




Y: It’s okay, it’s okay.




Jinwoon: They must’ve been so scared!




SO: Feel like I’m going to faint.




NY: I’m really scared. What should I do?




Y: Seo Hyun-a, you know how to make fritters, don’t you?




H: Yes.




Y: Then while you’re making them, I’ll go and watch out.




MC Park: He shouldn’t go out.




Y: Come out!




NY: Really you shouldn’t split. When you see horror movies…




MC Park: Yes.




MC Kim: The moment you divide the team, you die.




Yong opens the door with his foot.




MC Kim: With his foot!




Y: I should check whether someone’s coming.




NY: Hahaha! That’s funny.




Y (anyone over there…?)




Y: Seo Hyun-a. You’re not scared, are you?




H: No, I’m fine.




Y: We may drop it on the way back, so let’s wrap them in here.




H: Okay.




(Someone’s footsteps)




H: Ew…..




NY: It’s always the sound that’s scarier.




NY: He is frozen, frozen. Ddang! Ddang!




MC Park: He is.




Y: Slowly…




The auto-tune voice: Are you dissing my text…?




The text message: Bring your fritters and the parcel to the next room.




H: Anything outside?




Y: No.




SO: Ah, they keep holding hands.




MC Park: I like it.




Y (kicking newspapers): Ah, why did they put these here?




H: We could’ve slipped on them.




The fourth room: the lecture room II




Y: Question?




Mission Card: You can’t get out of this room till you answer the question correctly. If you fail to answer the question in 1 min, something will happen. Pull out the paper, music will play for 1 min.




Y: This one?




H: Yes.




Suddenly the door slams shut.




H: Kyaaaahh!!!!




MC Kim: But Yonghwa’s becoming so reliable!




The couple shut inside the room!




JW: Seulong is biting his nails.




Y: Shall I pull it out?




H: Let’s do it together. We, together…




MC Park: How they can solve this?




H: Hul!




Y: Do it, quickly!




While Hyun is doing the calculation, Yong’s guiding her.




H: Like this, and…




NY: Yes!




MC Park: I forgot all of this (maths).




NY: Hurry, hurry!




Y making a barricade




H: O (zero)! I’m done!




Y: Really?




Y: O!!




The door opens.




H: Hurry, hurry!




Y: Wait, I’ll go outside first.




H (slips on something?): Kyah! Eughah-




Y: Careful.




Y: This way?




H: Yes, let’s go upstairs.




Yongseo couple to the second floor.




H: Luckily answered the question correctly.




Y: You’re the best.




Y: Hyun is a genius!




H: I’m scared! Euh~!




Y (to the female ghost): You were here, you!




MC Park: You were here, you!




Suddenly his acting voice comes out




SO: Act even braver.




NY: Braver.




H: Hello.




The last room: Finish your mission here.




NY: It’s a couple photo shot.




Y: Ah, it’s over there.




Y: I think we have to take a picture here with those fritters.




H: Yes.




A Sudden explosion!




H: Kyaahh!!!!!




Y: What’s this?!




JW: Still Yonghwa’s trying to protect Seo Hyun.




MC Park: Yes, yes.




MC Park: He’s really a man.




Yong breaks the cabinet




MC Park: If he breaks the cabinet, what about the other couples?




MC Kim: Because he’s scared too, his fists come first.




Mission Card: Unwrap the parcel and put on these clothes. Take the picture with your fritters, then the mission is completed!




Y: Where should we wear them?




H: Just here, on top of your clothes.




Y: You put it on first, I’ll watch out for you.




JW: How scary the situation will be for them!




Y: Does it fit?




H: Yes, it fits.




Y puts on a t-shirt at the speed of light




SO: That’s quick!




NY: Because something might happen while you close your eyes.




Y (taking out fritters): You did it well.




H: I don’t think it’ll be tasty.




H: Wait, look at the mirror.




Y: Hm?




H: Because there’s a heart on our t-shirts, like this…




MCs: Oh~~~




MC Kim: Because they’ve been relying on each other.




Y: I’ll set the timer.




Y: Wait! Wait!




Y: (pointing to the sofa) There will be something, for sure.




They set the timer and pose for the camera




JW: Ya~ they’re hugging!




NY: I like this part.




MC Park: Yes, yes~




NY: Uh? What’s that? (behind the sofa, a hand is coming out)




But just after they took the picture, the hand goes in timidly.




NY: What?




MC Kim: Hahahaha!!!




SO: What was that?!




NY: The hand was so slow!




MC Park: That ghost must have been waiting for at least 30mins just for that…




Yongseo is back in the room




JK: What? Did you have fun?




Y: Eugh!




Gain: You guys are holding hands!




JK: Really! They are holding hands!




Gain: Well done.




Gain: Is it really scary?




NK: How would you score it, out of 10?




Y: 12.




NK & Vic: …!




JK: How’s the quality of the ghosts?




Y: 18.




Yongseo part’s done!!




I’ll think about what to do with the rest of the episode=3 Do you still want it?







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