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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest crystalblue


I think that bcz Yongseo couple had to go 1st, maybe that was a disadvantage to them bcz it was all unknown but then we got to see the excitement in full scale bcz they went 1st so I'm happy for that. I mean I would think if you were going last, you would have more confidence and less fear bcz they saw the other 2 couples came out okay.Plus! during the running race, I think bcz Seohyun is the youngest, she was respectful not to edge the unnies out - she was trying to be courteous and run around Victoria. Or.... kekeke maybe that's just my observation as a loyal Goguma couple supporter! Any how, they all displayed their strengths as husbands and wives in this episode. Yong Hwa is such a galant man and Seohyun IS a girly girl but a smart & sweet one!!! This episode REALLY solidify for me that these two are so great together. They both have good heads on their shoulders and equally driven people. Their chemistry is super natural too- it's just sooooo obvious! I love my Yongseo!!!


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Haha really funny ~~ this 'hand ' got no time to scare them.





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Seriously everyone, this was the most amazing episode! I was smiling from the very beginning to the very end!






























So many Goguma users today, when I first came in there were like 600+ users online, now we have a steady number of 400+! Wow! Keep on spazzing!






























One of the reasons I adore our couple is because they are so encouraging to each other. Our society is really good at putting each other down, especially in relationships. Yongseo are great role models to what a healthy relationship looks like. Encouraging, supporting, working as one team.






























From sit-ups to wrestling all the way to them taking that sweet photo, they show that they are indeed a team who work really well with each other.






























@J2dlee thanks so much for the translations! If I could request one little bit, there was a bit on the bus after Jungshin suggested they rest before they arrive where Hyun said something to Yong. What was she saying? Yong's eyes opened quite wide at her comment.






























Props to Jungshin chingoo for MCing, I think Yong uses tough love with his band members!









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Guest crystalblue




One more funny point is their relationship with other couples




Vic & HYun - HYun is senior




Khun& Yong - Khun is senior




Vic bowed lower to Hyun and Yong bowed lower to Khun




Kwon & Khun - Kwon is senior




Overall the rank is Ga-in senior follow by Hyun,Kwon,Khun,Vic and Yong...






Hi! I looked Seohyun and Victoria up on Wikipedia and it said Hyun was borned in 1991 and Victoria in 1987 so Vic would be her older unnie?


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Guest ilovesnowwhite
































































































just like everyone said. this EPISODE IS JUST TOOOOOOOOOOOOO DAEBAKKKKK!!!!the skinships i mean the holding hands! its just too awesome. now we can expect HUG in the future. haha:) after 7 months my beloved gogumas our dreams came true :) i loveit. and guys have you noticed yong;s fail hug again? after seo baby won, he went and picked seo up, i think he was trying toi hug her but seo turned in the opposite way. oh well. but stilll!!
































































and labelle! hi there pervert buddy! hahaa:) you you are so funny! i can remember all your pervert post towards our goguma. hahaahahah:) daebak!
































































thank you j2dlee for postingup the translations! you are such ablessing! and to every gogumawho spazzed here and are spazzing here. you guys are a blessing. wohooo.
































































thank you for those who cap the episode. it mademegiggle... weeeeee
































































AND PROPS TO THE FAIL HAND!! because of you we got the COUPLE-FEEL SHOT! haahhaa:)) the heart in their coupleshirts is just sooo ONE

















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Guest blueshoes

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































One more funny point is their relationship with other couples

































































































































































































































































































































































































Vic & HYun - HYun is senior
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Khun& Yong - Khun is senior
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Vic bowed lower to Hyun and Yong bowed lower to Khun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Kwon & Khun - Kwon is senior
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Overall the rank is Ga-in senior follow by Hyun,Kwon,Khun,Vic and Yong..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi! I looked Seohyun and Victoria up on Wikipedia and it said Hyun was borned in 1991 and Victoria in 1987 so Vic would be her older unnie?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































She answer already
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































haha ...what i meant is based on debut not age ...thanks to all for the caps and translation
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry i already spazz and wow so many people still in here..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit yongseofacts






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































best husband cut sweet scene































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Heart to Heart cut































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































another cut YongSeo greeting style cut
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ j2dlee Thanks a million

































































































































































































































































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Yong showed his manly side during the Horror mission, taking the lead and assessing everything before stepping in. Even if he did feel a wee bit scared, he didn't show it, but instead used a strategy; shouting "neo/deo" at whoever was making noises. Lol at him banging the cabinets and windows, dragging the tables making a fort and all. The WGM staff was probably flustered trying to arrange things back to their original spot after the couple left. Sorry, PD-nim, but when it is Hyun who needs to be protected, Yong will move mountains, it seems, just to see to it. :lol:








Loved this, almost made me cry, because since episode 1 this has basically been the case! It makes me want to trade in my boyfriend for Yonghwa. :wub::D Seriously....this man consistently thinks of Hyun *first* and what he can do to make her more comfortable. So caring. To me, that is the #1 trait a man should have towards his wife!




And H-E-L-L-O! What happened in the time since Hyun visited CNBlue's dorm up until they filmed this special?! how cute they both won at wrestling! LOVE. @ lenovo- have to say no doubt, Hyun on top!


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




























YongSeo's part in the horror special was longer compared to the other 2. after watching it again, I realized that there are more interesting moments in YongSeo's part than the others. right from the beginning, the MC's are discussing skinship, but already they are holding hands. the MC's also saw Yong in a different light. that this guy is willing to face or do anything just to protect Hyun. it left the MC's the impression that Yong is "the Man". I bet Yong wasn't thinking of the first time they went to the haunted house. the only thing in his mind is that he needed to protect Hyun. and Hyun completely gave her trust to Yong as she was letting Yong lead her inside the haunted house. as some of you already pointed out, they do compliment each other and know each other well. if Seohyun's unnies watched this episode, they can be rest assured that their maknae is in very capable hands. CNBlue already met and has spent some time with Hyun and saw how she takes care of their hyung, the boys have already entrusted their hyung to their sister-in-law. :)





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Saw this Twitter update from Allkpop about an interview with Jang Geun Suk... and in it he mentioned Yonghwa.. plus little bits about our couple. I've highlighted relevant parts that has to do with our couple.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Jang Geun Suk is jealous of Jung Yonghwa and watches porn?
































































































































































































































































Being good friends and the two main characters in the SBS drama You’re Beautiful, Jang Geun Suk recently revealed that he was jealous of CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa.
































































































































































































































































The most recent episode of MBC’s Section TV showed footage from Jang Geun Suk’s Asian Tour, which ended in Seoul on the 4th.
































































































































































































































































Section TV got a chance to interview him backstage. He revealed, “There was a time where I couldn’t eat due to a large group of people gathering around. The police told me to get out, so I left without finishing the dessert.”
































































































































































































































































He then revealed what he always carried around in vacations, stating, “I have a slightly perverted personality. I carry around four laptops, one for internet, one for watching movies, one for editing, and another as a backup.” A reporter than asked him, “Is the backup laptop for porn?”, which he answered, “I keep all my porn on a separate hard drive…”, bringing laughter among fans.
































































































































































































































































He was then brought to the topic of marriage, which mentioned Jung Yonghwa and SNSD Seohyun’s part in MBC’s We Got Married. Jang revealed, ” I am jealous, if I had someone that I loved at the moment, I would like to get married as soon as possible… Tomorrow.”
































































































































































































































































He revealed his ideal types as Jeon In Hwa (married), Han Hye Jin (attached) and Soo Ae.
































































































































































































































































Cr: Allkpop































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lol and I know he may have not have been talking directly about our couple when he said that BUT CAN'T HELP IT. CHUSEOK SPECIAL MADE ME GIDDY FROM HAPPINESS. So excuse me if I'm being delusional. HAHA. XD

































































































































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Hi! I looked Seohyun and Victoria up on Wikipedia and it said Hyun was borned in 1991 and Victoria in 1987 so Vic would be her older unnie?




Hi Crystalblue, I think erxmeeza was referring to seniority in terms of work on her comparison. 




Hyun started her career earlier than Victoria :)





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I swear that this thread have the most stalkers since the show finished..From more than 600 users online to more than 400 users online steady..Keep on spazzing..















If im not mistaken, there was one time when Hyun held Yong hand first..that was from the photo's scene...hope someone can caps that moment..That showed Hyun are really comfortable with Yong..











It is kinda funny that everyone in the studio spazzing like crazy whenever there is skinship ...they even call jungshin as "Jungshin chingoo" same as hyun...i bet jungshin just got nick name among mc & snsd sisters.











i love the way Yong touch her hair..i remember we used to spazz about the same scene moment back at their early episode when hyun learned play guitar at FNC academy right???..hope someone can caps that moment and put it together...











About the math 's prob..yup it is easier for Goguma compare to other couples calculation BUT...none of them use the right way to solve the problem except for Hyun











If there is a math question that consist [+-*/] in one question u need to put the equation into bracket like 23x4-7+65= ?











(23x4)-(7+65) --guess what hyun did the right things..indeed she is a good student..











Enough of math tutor...sorry u guys ^^ let's spazz until morning...










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One extra spazz!






























When they were in the maths room and Hyun screamed when the door slammed, afterwards you can see Yong put his free hand over their hands like an extra comfort to her! It was such an 'awwwww' moment!






























Hopefully someone can capture it!









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Guest Soshimunky
































































































































































































After watching the full episode after the umpteenth time (hehe) now I can spazz with other gogumas :w00t:
































































It's a wonderful episode. Yongseo is definitely so much closer. It's a delightful surprise to see another side of Hyun here. For a person, who 6 months ago prefer gogumas over guys, she lent her complete trust on Yong in this episode - even went as far as putting her arm on his waist :wub:
































































I think Yonghwa is the happiest person during the filming. I assume he must've been tired (boy is very busy nowadays) but we can see how hyper he was even during the 'fake' tournaments. Happiness due to Hyunnie, perhaps? He worked hard to be the first guy who reach Seohyun's heart, I can see now that his effort is fruitful.  
































































To WGM PDs, I love you all! Now I cannot wait for the birthday and 200th day episodes. I know it's gonna be daebak because it's our Yongseo couple anyway. Watching them always make my day and they get better every week.
































































And for J2dlee, thank you very much for the awesome translations. I cannot thank you enough blush.gif

































































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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































































Hello!!! Been watching the last past (Photo taking), people did you notice that if you see the video you can see SH is hair is in the front, but in the photo that was revelead at the end, she has her hair to one said.















































































































































































































































































































































Soooo, they take that photo twice, even the Position of YH is hand is different, woah YH you where graving your chance with her, that was very good of you. kekekeke
































































































































































































































Yongseo is Love, PD hope you put in the special the second photo... XD

































































































































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Did everyone see this!!!! Where is Yong's hand??? keke
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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@j2dlee Thank you so much!!!

































































































































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Guest Yukilovesyou

Hi potatoes :) I don't know if this article has been posted, but I'll roughly translate it. I saw it on baidu and it didn't state the source so credits to them!

공포 상황에서 정용화의 반응은 잘 알려져 있다.

How Jung Yong Hwa reacts under scary circumstances.

서현과 찾은 귀신의 집에서 보인 그의 모습은 용감하지 않았으나 '공포특집'에서 이를 불식시키려는 듯 용감했다. 허세인 듯.

In the past, he was timid in the haunted house. However in this time's horror special, he showed his courageous side.

폐교를 배경으로 주어진 미션을 수행하는 게임이었다. 겁에 질린 서현의 손을 움켜 쥔 정용화는 발로 벽을 차고 소리를 지르는 등 용감한 모습이었다. 특히 갑자기 열린 철제 캐비넷의 경우 정용화의 손에 박살나야 했다.

The Yongseo couple was in an abandoned school for WGM. Hyun was very scared, and Yong held her hand while kicking furniture down and shouting to comfort her. This shows his courage, especially when he ruined the metal cupboard.

겁에 질린 서현과 그 손을 잡고 허세를 부리는 정용화의 모습이 인상적. 정용화는 미션을 마친후 "공포가 10점 만점에 12점"이라고 말했다

Yong, who held Hyun's hand and shouted around, left us a deep impression. After their mission, Yong said that if he had to rate the fear upon 10, he would give it 12 marks.

I apologise as my translations may not be very accurate. Feel free to correct me. Thank you!

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Here is the proof :-






























Let's play spot the different from both photos..






























Smiling Yonghwa and Hyun






























We knew u are happy ..both of you






























[img]a%20href=  <img%20src=" />






























Answer: Hyun's hair..



























































and Yong's hand position......love this episode...



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kerube, tks for pointing that out.


after the 1st photo taking, hyun didn't immediately get up from the couch.

could be the pic doesn't turned as nice,

and since they finish solving the math prob soo fast, time is on their side.

yeah, this is just my thinking..




funny couple = adam

strong couple = khuntoria

lovey dovey couple = yongseo


tks for those gifs shane. if u got time, could u do one more pls?

the part where yong banged the cabinet?



i think someone comment abt hyun getting the easiest math prob?

come now, with her calm nature, and hubby by her side,

give her anything 'cos she's a genious!!!


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