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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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quick request: can somebody please put the schedule of wgm especially the specials for next week's chuseok celebration?? Thank you sooo much!
























































































































































































Jossa's new one shot: Beautiful Rain
























































































































































































complete will be updated tonight... :)
























































































































































































thanks soooo much for all the goodies!
























































































































































































let's all keep on spreading the yongseo love!

































































































































































































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Guest procrastinator








Yo! Sweet Potato shippers I need some help!




What is the song that Jonghyun sings to Seohyun and Yonghwa waaaaaay back in like episode 6 in their practice room?




You know the one where they were snapping their fingers.







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@ Durianzi: Yong might wore on his ring on right hand (the pics that you posted were Presscon and Fansigning) ... I was wondering why he did that, may be too much exposure of ring on other broadcast in Thailand, that's why he wanted people to focus more on CNBlue's tour? Even if he didn't wear his ring during this presscon and fansigning, he sure did put the ring back on during their mini live and fanmeeting the next day .. here are 2 pics I found -
































































































































































































































































































Not sure if these have been shared, but doesn't hurt to enjoy Ring Ding Dong time of Yong's, right?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hope we can see some close up pics of Yong & Seo in Japan! WGM please film them in Japan!
































































































































































































































































































ps: Thanks all for the links, caps, and post. I really enjoy pic spam of _hachimitsu, I hope WGM PD will find an excuse to do a wedding photoshoot before their 300 day celebration! * can't wait any longer*

















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Yo! Sweet Potato shippers I need some help!























What is the song that Jonghyun sings to Seohyun and Yonghwa waaaaaay back in like episode 6 in their practice room?























You know the one where they were snapping their fingers.













































it's Can I love You by Yurisanga























you can check this fanmade vid by soeulmate1001














































edit: thanks monie1909 for answering :D do you also know the time? I wanna stream live just in case my sched permits :)


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Guest monie1909

bintangkalerbiru hey,hugs.. :)

d3seohyun i agree with you on hyun more open up start at ep 8.she start to show more of herself starting that episode.You see,i start to know Hyun only from WGM around april.All i know and my first impression of her is from wgm.when he unnies mention she could be a lil whiny,i was like..why did they said that?before ep 8,hyun appear to me as shy,reserved,but mature,smart and well behaved.basicly,she's like a perfect girl in the buble.Untouchable.After ep 8,i was lol like oohh,now i get why her unnies said that..the way she whine and argue with yong about wether to donate the blood or not,show diff side of her..feel more real.For newbie like me at that time,i can sense a bit change of her character from prev ep..of course,i love her more from that moment.i guess,from that ep she must already start feeling comfortable with Yong to show another side of her to Yong.

durianzi err,i try to help you out..but,,hehe..i cant come out with conclusion too..i guess sophiapia already said it all. :)

clumsy not sure if this is what u ask for..does it help?

18/9/2010 - wgm horror special (3 couple)

21/9/20210(tuesday)- wgm special behind scene three couple (rumours)

25/9/2010 - wgm ueno juri 2nd ep

Just sharing this lyrics of Yong latest single "i dont know why' that i found from dc



does anyone have the link to the song?

And,tmrw.Hyun superbad the movie will be release..Gee,i wish i'm in korea right now..but,still even if i'm in korea,i still need to understand korean.. :( : i really want to see how good she is.. ^_^

Edit: SALLee Few pages back you were asking about the wgm filming schedule,right?U can check the filming dates here..


cre:genxv at sweetpotatodays.

Edit: Clumsy..hmm,the two ep on saturday should be the same time 5.15pm korean time

the 21st sept ep is still in rumour stage,nobody confirm the time yet.

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Hi Y'all!








I love the YongSeo couple so much so I decided to write a fanfix about them. I had it on my soompi blog but I've been told to move it to the FANFIX FORUM. I'm not allowed to post the chapters on my blog and have been told to keep it PG-13. So, I'll be making two versions but I still have to figure out where to post it. Here's the thread link:
















Please let me know if I'm violating any rules and I'll edit the post.








Thanks and Enjoy!









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CNblue Single ~ I don't know why


Music By Yong Hwa, RYO


Lyrics by Yong Hwa


Arranged by RYO, Yong Hwa








I think about you a lot take care I wanna do


and I wish, I think about you all the time my life


I think about you a lot take care, do you wanna do?


of course I know your situation backwards too




See my eyes, (in my eyes), see my lips ( in my lips), See my face


I would like to know what you really think I wanna




I don't know why I don't know why I love you baby


I don't know why I don't know how to put it baby, I don't know how to do




Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear this


She is not fussed about my news I don't care I'm undestrand


Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear this


She is not fussed about my news would you mind look at me boo




I think about you a lot take care I wanna do


and I wish, don't be silly she is popular


I think about you a lot take care, do you wanna do?


everday I want you in my life all about you




See my eyes, (in my eyes), see my lips ( in my lips), See my face


I would like to know what you really think I wanna




I don't know why I don't know why I love you baby


I don't know why I don't know how to put it baby, I don't know how to do




Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear this


She is not fussed about my news I don't care I'm undestrand


Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear this


She is not fussed about my news would you mind look at me boo




in my eys imn my lips. See my face


I would like to know wht you really think I wanna




you don't know why, you don't know why I bother with you


I don't know why I didn't know why you wanna do me wrong don't tell me goodbye




Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear this


She is not fussed about my news I don't care I'm undestrand


Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear this


She is not fussed about my news would you mind look








Let me know if you found any wrong words.



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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








Maybe i just half asleep when typing, does Yong's newest song seems contain sadness of one sided love? Forgive me if i couldn't understand the whole meaning of that song. I'm not fluent on english :P




I guess this is another song that reflects his feeling toward SeoHyun phew.gif



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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































thanks guys for the lyrics of CnBlue's new song. of course, Yong made it. I may be biased, but I think there is something in the lyrics, specially the following lines: *"Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear thisShe is not fussed about my newes I don't care I'm undestrandLong time no see anything new down your way can you hear thisShe is not fussed about my news would you mind look at me boo"; ***"See my eyes, see my lips, see my face."; *********"I think about you a lot take care I wanna doand I wish, don't be silly she is popularI think about you a lot take care I wanna doand I wish, don't be silly she is popular"*one random thought. I watched episode 3 again. when Hyun was giving Yong her number You could see the pain in Jinwoon's eyes and face. So I think he doesn't have Seohyun's number. :)

































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Guest monie1909

Maybe i just half asleep when typing, does Yong's newest song seems contain sadness of one sided love? Forgive me if i couldn't understand the whole meaning of that song. I'm not fluent on english :P

I guess this is another song that reflects his feeling toward SeoHyun

Hehe..actually i feel the same way too.thats another reason i post the lyrics here when i found it..but,i just waited if anybody else feel the same way too..cause i could be extra delusional when it come to this two some time..glad that i'm not alone in this haha.. :lol:

edit: i remember someone post the link for this song before.can anyone kind enough to post it back?

edit2:heartbreak_warfare22 you just point out part of the lyrics that also my reason for thinking that he might wrote this to her.. :phew:

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Guest butterfly07
















































About the ring, I read that they had a photoshoot that day or so, so he had to take it off for it. Same when he did the NII photoshoot awhile back (I remember they had a BTS interview with him during the shoot and he was fiddling with the ring feeling a bit uneasy and the host asks him about it. He disappointingly said that he can't wear the ring for the shoot, so he had to take it off). They do this to show fans that he's "still available" *cough** because some fans don't know the reason behind the ring and may assume otherwise. Which will not be good for his career as fans are overly possessive about their idols nowadays. So, I guess he switched it to the right to stay true to Hyun, but also to continue with the promotional activities without causing too much commotions amongst fans, reporters, etc... I find that extremely cute! :wub:

















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Guest SophiaPia
























OMG! who else on that LYRICS of I DON'T KNOW WHY kekeke! of course Buin Hyun-ah hahaha! hmmm! of course YongHwa will not admit it's Seohyun, same like in the lovelight rumor says it's about Seohyun some say not her. ok ok!
















but this time, I don't know why also, after reading the lyrics straight away came to my mind it's the lovely SeoHyun kekeke! I DON'T KNOW WHY I DON'T KNOW WHY I LOVE U BABY. 
















most of the singers who can't express their feelings they express it by way of writing a song :):):)
















that cnblue photos in Thailand looks like Yong Nampeon wearing his ring :) yes! sorry that's the 1st thing i'm looking at w/ this couple hahaha! and they love to wear white now :) why is that? bcoz buin Hyun-ah likes white hahaha! 

















About the ring, I read that they had a photoshoot that day or so, so he had to take it off for it. Same when he did the NII photoshoot awhile back (I remember they had a BTS interview with him during the shoot and he was fiddling with the ring feeling a bit uneasy and the host asks him about it. He disappointingly said that he can't wear the ring for the shoot, so he had to take it off). They do this to show fans that he's "still available" *cough** because some fans don't know the reason behind the ring and may assume otherwise. Which will not be good for his career as fans are overly possessive about their idols nowadays.  So, I guess he switched it to the right to stay true to Hyun, but also to continue with the promotional activities without causing too much commotions amongst fans, reporters, etc... I find that extremely cute! :wub:
















yes! i guess that too coz i saw they had photo shoot for OK mag Thailand. I think it's fair enough re: work it's ok to remove it no worries Yong Nampeon. Then after photo shoot i'm sure he wear it again. Whether in right hand or left hand it's doesn't matter as long as where ever they go (re: work) they are together bcoz of that lovely ring. I'm not sure i think in wgm couple only YongSeo got couple ring. Even in season 1 my lettuce couple don't have couple ring don't know the other couples not sure about that. Ye! love love love this YongSeo couple. Cheers :)





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Thanks shane09 for the lyrics, don't mind if I cut your quote, I would like to edit his lyrics to what I think he might be thinking but wasn't able to portray his feelings well in English.
















































P.S: This is my interpretation on what yonghwa feels about a girl(his ex or seohyun), this song may not be for seohyun and it may not be what Yonghwa was feeling. So my interpretation is just for fun ya =))
































































































I think about you a lot take care I wanna do (I think about you a lot, I do wanna take care of you and I wish you will allow me to)
















































and I wish, I think about you all the time my life (I will think about you all the time in my life)
















































I think about you a lot take care, do you wanna do? (I think about you a lot, do you think about me too?)
















































of course I know your situation backwards too (of course, I know how you feel about me too)
















































See my eyes, (in my eyes), see my lips ( in my lips), See my face (Look into my eyes, look at my lips, see my face)
















































I would like to know what you really think I wanna (I would like to know what you really think about me)
















































I don't know why I don't know why I love you baby (I don't know why I love you baby)
















































I don't know why I don't know how to put it baby, I don't know how to do (I don't know how to express my feelings and I don't how to confess to you)
















































Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear this (I have not seen you for a long time, how have you been, I wonder if you can hear my thoughts)
















































She is not fussed about my newes I don't care I'm undestrand (She is not aware/concern about my news, it is ok, I understand)
















































Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear this
















































She is not fussed about my news would you mind look at me boo (Could you give your attention to me?)
















































I think about you a lot take care I wanna do
















































and I wish, don't be silly she is popular (I wish she can be in my life, but I told myself not to be silly as she is popular among the guys)
















































I think about you a lot take care, do you wanna do?
















































everday I want you in my life all about you (Everyday I think about having you in my life as my life is all about you)
















































you don't know why, you don't know why I bother with you (You won't know why I bother about you)
















































I don't know why I didn't know why you wanna do me wrong don't tell me goodbye (I don't know why you don't reciprocate my feelings but please just don't leave me)
















































From the lyrics, IMO, he is feeling dejected, emotional and confused. He has alot of unanswered questions, he would love to know how the other party feels about him but has no courage to ask her hence the confusion and the repetition of "I don't know why". Like what some of you said, it is definitly a confession of a one-sided love. To who, we don't know. It may or may not be Seohyun.
















































We have to hear the song to understand the gist and the emotions of the song.

















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hi, i'm newbie here. been silent lurker for a while but decided to post cause i saw few people have a trouble to donwnload rdssubs from twitvid. hope i can help.

first, go to the page of video you wanna download. see the URL at the top for example http://www.twitvid.com/HPSI5. just add 'player' after twitvid.com so it will become like http://www.twitvid.com/player/HPSI5 and then hit enter.

second, you will be seen full screen of some media player. check the url, it will be like a long and weird words and number. search for the http://www.twitvid.com/playVideo_HPSI5/token_d6310ce7f18e15a37ec6d82c9bbda584 and then copy and paste into new window or tab 

lastly, it will be another full screen of some media player.just right click the page and save as, its in mp4 format. i try in chrome and opera. in opera after u copy paste http://www.twitvid.com/playVideo_HPSI5/token_d6310ce7f18e15a37ec6d82c9bbda584 in new window or tab it will automatically pop up small window ask you to save or not. i'm not try in mozilla and IE. because my comp. always slow when i using this two web browser.  enjoy donload guys. hope its working for u alllblush.gif

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Guest blackflower52




Hi everyone =)


This is my first time posting but I've being a lurker for a while. We Got Married is the first korean tv show that I have followed. I originally started watching because of Yonghwa (I love CN Blue), but now I really love the YongSeo couple and have also become a fan of SNSD.


It's so nice to see YongSeo becoming closer to each other. They were so awkard in the beginning and now they are a really sweet couple. There's this chinese song I really like called 戀人未滿 (lian ren wei man/Not Yet Lovers) by S.H.E, which I think kinda describes their relationship (from Seohyun's POV).


This is the English Translation of the lyrics:


How is it that I can only talk to you the whole night?


You just left why do I miss you already


Among friends you are the most special


You always make me feel special


Why do you care who hang out with me


Why do you care who flirts with me


You say you treat me different than other people


But you don't tell me in what way


We're more than friends


yet not a couple


the sweetness is upsetting


the happiness is chaotic


what will happen to us in the future?


I cannot wait to know the answer


If you come a little closer I will let you hold my hand


If you're a little more brave I will go with you


What are you waiting for


Time is running out


If this continues then let's just be friends


If you walk a little further I will say yes


Be a little more impulsive and I will not hide


It is only three words


Do you even need to think about it?


All you have to do is say it and...I am yours


why do you want me with you when you are lonely


why are you the only one that can cheer me up when I am sad?


We both have feeling towards each other


why aren't you brave enough to face that fact?


I don't believe that even if the feelings there...there cannot be love


that even if we are close I cannot be in your heart


Can you hurry up and tell me "I LOVE YOU"


Edit: Link to the song on Youtube "Not Yet Lovers" by S.H.E


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




























**to me, the song doesn't necessarily mean a one-sided love. this is just my opinion, but I think that it talks about a love that cannot move forward because of different situations and variables. I feel like it talks about a romantic boy, in love with a high profile girl, a star. and this romantic boy can't decipher what is on the girl's mind. and because of their situation, the girl being a superstar and is very popular, they can't always be together. this is just my interpretation. I wish he wrote this for Seohyun, but only Yonghwa knows.





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Guest blueswim_boo




























hi,everyone.:D .i've been away from this thread for few weeks..miss this thread so much..




















I have to read almost 30 pages++..gogumas here do spazz a lot..proud of you guys for reaching 1000+++.





















what happened to this happy goguma land?i notice few duels pages back...but still seem like this thread havent gone back to original course,yet..Is it just me?why do i feel like i'm getting a different vibe login here this days.Remember gogumas?this is once a happy goguma land.Where gogumas here can dream anything the want?Only happy,positive thing?Where everyone at least trying to agree with each other.I guess with more popularity this couple get,invite more new people. to this thread,which is good but unfortunately they didnt share the same principle that older,original spazzers here apply..POSITIVITY?DREAM?ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE?..Gogumas here used to dream and wishing that Yongseo is real,right?Where it doesnt matter if people call us delusional,bcoz we,gogumas can dream?Dream is free..It seem like some people trying hard to make everyone realize of the reality,according to what they believe.They are not wrong,of course but Gogumas have the right to dream,right?Where are all the goguma's spirits gone>PLEASE COME BACK ALL THE POSITIVE HAPPY GOGUMAS..WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?WHERE ARE GOGUMAS THAT ALWAYS ENSURE THIS THREAD"S SPIRIT IS IN THE RIGHT COURSE?HAPPY,POSTIVE,DREAMLAND OF GOGUMAS,REMEMBER THAT GUYS?U GUYS NEED TO COME BACK SOON BEFORE this thread change its course..I mean,i'm aware of the reality.We have the reality ourselves in real life,boss who keep on pestering on deadlines,boyfriend who's too immature for commitment, husband who are too busy to spend time with,trouble girlfriends,bills to pay..i can list lot more of reality that we have to deal with in our real life.At least,i used to come here to escape the reality..To dream..where i can act like 19 years old spoil fangirl...but,lately it seem some people still try to shake us with the reality so bad..i dont understand why they bother to come here?Sound harsh.?I'm sorry..But,i guess some of u older,happy gogumas here should come out shows what this thread original course,if not i'm not sure if we could reach 2000 pages.I myself get discouraged to visit this thread lately.Everday there are some kind of battle..Crystal,baby_bo,d3seohyun,genxv,lenovo.miel,dreamyboo and many more u guys supposed to be the root of this thread,remember?I wish to see more of you guys here....actively,strongly like before..OR AM I IMAGINING THINGS HERE?AM I THE ONLY ONE THAT FEEL LIKE SOME KIND OF WAR GOING ON HERE?IF I DO,LET ME KNOW...SIGH..I DESPERATELY NEED THIS THREAD GOING BACK TO ITS ORIGINAL COURSE..HAPPY,POSITIVE DREAMLAND OF GOGUMAS.Where BOICES AND SONEs and YONGSEO SHIPPER have one common goal..to make this thread as happy as possible for everyone here.Where gogumas offered comfort for those who are confused rather than bashing and angry towards each other?I MISS HAPPY LAND that invite more new gogumas who need comfort and reassurance like me..I need to stop now..i wish that the next time i log in here,this thread will be happy,positive dreamland again.





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thanks Shane09 ang Monie1909 for the lyrics


"I don't know why I don't know why I love you baby (you dont know Yong?? you are charmed by her beauty)

I don't know why I don't know how to put it baby, I don't know how to do ( Dude its simple... youre IN LOVE.. all you have to do is TELL HER..make a confession...)


Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear this (becoz they are both busy it been weeks before they see   each other)

She is not fussed about my newes I don't care I'm undestrand (Yong talks a lot and telling stories to Hyun or asking questions about Hyun fanboys in school (Yong Jelousy), but sometimes Hyun is so cluless, no reaction

Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear this

She is not fussed about my news would you mind look at me boo (Hyun, look at yout jelous husband lol)


I think about you a lot take care I wanna do

and I wish, don't be silly she is popular (yah, your Buin is really popular)

I think about you a lot take care, do you wanna do?

everday I want you in my life all about you"


If this song was compose by Yong when he already met Seohyun I would say Yong is so transparent about his feelings and he made the song with Hyun in his mind, he made her as his inspiration but if this was made way back before... (sad :( ) it means he was inspired by different person.... Sorry about my selfish imagination.. Haayyy Im really addicted I cant deny that. Its already 3:15 AM in my place and I am still awake and spazzing...


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Guest _d3seohyun

thank you for sharing all those pics.

Yong seobang looks handsome in that tux :wub: I'm glad he looks a little rested than before (:

the new album cover and the spreads is pure win! <3


[Y STAR] BTS at the filming of Trax's OH MY (SEO) GODDESS mv

Seobaby sticking her tongue out haha


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