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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I like when wife SeoHyun wished that Chaki was there too. And u really can see the face of Yong even the wgm PD knows Yong already when his jealous, he might not admit it but it's say's in his expressions hahaha! That's why Yong ask wife Hyun to carry her bag, maybe Yong trying to test if Wife Hyun  will get jealous. kekeke! oh! well a little jealous :)






























































































































Aigoo....thanks jd2lee and redtulip for the trans...i was reading the chinese trans too, plus i understand japanese so, this episode was slightly easier on my ears. ahahaha!








































urgh!! yes, SophiaPia!!! i was actually angry when i heard Yong tell Hyun to carry her own bag....then, i was trying to rationalise why he did that? For revenge? kekeke! Or was he really star struck to the extent of treating his wife like that?








































But again, i remember his interview, ideal is ideal, Hyun buin is different. Also, previously he mentioned in an interview that he was really nervous and star struck by having Ueno Juri in front of him. It rendered him speechless. LOL!








































Coz this is a recent recording, these two are much closer than we can phantom coz we've yet to watch the inbetween episodes. My feelings are, Yong is really showing his manly, husbandly side. E.g. when they were walking, telling Hyun not to carry the umbrella like that, (den take the chance to hold the brolly for her.LOL!), and "complaining" about her talking with guys in school. muahahaha! he's cute....








































Urgh...the editing of this episode is cincha....*speechless*








































I like Ueno's "This tree is Avatar???" muahahahaha! so funny!! Yong is quite ok in his japanese i think. However, previously posted by my dear Crystal, it seems that JongHyun is a better japanese language speaker among the boys. Plus the boys used more english when they were doing gigs and street lives in japan, i think. But Yong understands mostly of what Ueno spoke. I wonder what would have happened if Tamaki Hiroshi was there too...daebak!!!








































I shall fangirl with Hyun....lols!! I totally love Ueno Juri too!!! Sigh, Hyun ah....i finally see you jealous. kekekeke! Well, it's all natural coz you are in love with your Yong nampyeon!!! It's ok Hyun....Yong loves you too...muahahaha!








































Ok...can tell i'm going mad...

coz i just came back from seeing ZE:A. and they gave fantastic fanservice. so loving KwangHee now.








































shall catch up more later...oh ya, that cap of Yong and Hyun after they found out waitress was Ueno Juri, Yong didnt hold Hyun's hand. BUT!!! he did put his hand on Hyun's shoulder....lol!









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tks for the live coverage everyone.


haven't watch it yet, but from everyones write up, our couple took THAT long to recognise


Juri? really...when yongseo is together, the rest of the world can wait! haha


okay, off to watch it so i can spazz more with u guys later.


tks for the fast u/o keoconvo!!



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OK.... before you tell me to CHILL!!! Let me just get this out????!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































--- THAT'S IT???!!! haha! Our babies are holding hands... while the others are BACKHUGGING much!!!! Not that I'm mad at them... hehe. I was just so surprised with the others, u know.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway, miel - I love thee for pointing our REAL COUPLE's closeness. come here you.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Off to read the others' posts. muah!

































































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Hi, Goguma lovers! Thank you for waiting~




An evening in September…




Hyun: Where’re you going?




Hyun: Ah, really!




Yong: A karaoke room! A karaoke room!




H: The weather reminds me of our first meeting.




Y (sheepishly): No~




H: What? I just said it reminds me of our first meeting.




Y: I’m wearing clothes similar to what I wore that day.




H: I know.




H: By the way, where’re we going?




Y: Keep going straight.




H: Hmm….




Where is the husband taking her to?




Y: Your favourite colour, pink! Over there, look at the sign.




H: A sushi restaurant?!




MC Park: It’s expensive…




H: Cool!




Y: Why are you holding the umbrella that way?




Realised that his wife was holding an umbrella




H: Then how do you hold it?




Y: Like this.




Now the umbrella is in Yong’s hand




Y: It’s OK, a man should carry this.




Y: My father taught me that it’s the man who should carry an umbrella.




H: Thank you.




H: Here?




Y: Wow~




H: Wow~




(Entering the restaurant)




Chef: Irrashaimase (welcome)~




Y: Irrashaimase~




Y: Oh, yes! Sushi rolls~




MC Kim: That makes my mouth water.




Y: What should I eat first?




H: What do you like?




Y: Anything that looks appetising.




Y: I don’t know much (about sushi).




H: Me neither.




Chef: Everything is delicious.




Y: Really?




H: I don’t know what to choose.




(Yong picks his dish)




H: Hmm…salmon for me.




(showing Ueno Juri) A quiet sous-chef…?




H: I like salmon.




Y: You’re lying. Isn’t it because of your dark circles?




H: (Where?)




Y: There are no dark circles.




MC Park: Who is she?




MC Kim: Because of those glasses…




MC Park: Wait a minute.




Seulong: (I know who she is~)




Y & H: Itadakimasu (thank you for the food)~




Who is this pretty yet suspicious sous-chef?




MCs: OH~!!!!!




Ueno Juri: Hi, I’m Ueno Juri from Nodame Cantabile.




Yong’s ideal girl is here?




UJ: Having heard that CNBlue’s Jung Yong Hwa and SNSD’s Seo Hyun like Nodame Cantabile, I came here to surprise them.




Yong, Hyun, will they recognise her?




SO: She’s really pretty.




JW: Changmin really likes her.




MC Park: Is she employed in Korea now?




The middle aged Misun auntie has no idea who this foreign actress is.




MC Kim: ….in WGM?




MC Park: Ah, a special guest!




Y: Hm~




H: Is it good?




Y: It melts in your mouth.




H: Hm~




Y: This is our second time (to eat out) since pasta. A soybean stew~




NaYoung: She (UJ) is also a pop star in Japan.




MC Park: If you’re going to make a comparison, she’s as famous as…who (in Korea)?




NY: Like me…?




MC Park: Is she REALLY famous?




MC Kim: Maybe like Moon Geun Young in Korea…?




Y (continuing the conversation): What did you in school? Which guys did you talk to?




H: What?




Y: So you had a good day?




H: Yes.




Y: And you gave them your autograph?




H: Ah, you really!




Y: No, no, I’m just curious.




UJ: (When will they recognise me?)




The couple are still engrossed in their conversation




Y: Should I go (to school) instead of you?




H: Do you want to?




Y: Your substitute!




H: Haha!




Y: (calling the register) Seo Hyun? Yes (Ne)~




H: I’m not like that.




Y: Then show me, Seo Hyun?




H: Yes (Ne)!




Y: Ne!




H: You really…




MC Park: They (Y &H) don’t seem to take notice of other people when they are together.




NY: They look like it!




MC Park: There is Ueno Juri in front of them! Ueno!




UJ: (Should I start approaching them…?)




Y: I went to this sushi roll restaurant in Japan, and it was so big and the dishes were coming from miles away~




No matter how many times UJ polishes the table, they (Y&H) keeps talking to themselves and don’t take any notice of her.




NY: How come they are so oblivious?




H: Hm~ delicious!




Y: Why did you hit me?




H: I didn’t.




Y: Eat a lot.




H: Yes~




UJ returns to her original post




H: Wait, I just saw…!




Saw what?!








H: The price of the dishes.




H: We already had 3 dishes that cost 3,300won each!




Y: We have a refined taste.




H: Maybe you’re right.




Y: Seo Hyun, from now on only eat dishes worth 1,000 won.




MC Park: The price board gets more attention than the actress!




Chef: (that’s not important right now)




Y: Try this.




UJ the next stage: reveals her bare face!




H: …?!




Y: What?




H: This dish alone costs 5,000 won.




Y: Do you think I can’t afford to buy you a 5,000 won sushi roll?




H: I didn’t mean…




Y: You don’t think so, right?




H: Of course not.




Y: Then eat. It’s good for you, too.




H: Okay.




Y: Eat as you used to do at home.




H: How do I eat at home?




Y: You eat like….




H: No, I don’t.




Y: I know. I installed a hidden camera in your house.




UJ (in Japanese): Here’s a cup of warm tea.




Y: Ah, she is Japanese.




UJ sits behind them, but Y&H still have no idea who she is




Invisible Nodame-chan!




H:….but you eat lots of delicious things in Korea, too.




H: Sushi?




Y: I didn’t get around to eating many delicacies in Japan.




UJ tries a bold approach




UJ (In Japanese): Are you a married couple?




Y (putting his hand on Hyun’s shoulder): (dryly) Wife.




MC Park: They wouldn’t even think of meeting Ueno Juri in a restaurant!




H: There is something (about her?)…..




UJ: Is there anything you need?




Y (still dryly): Everything is good, thank you.




H (in Japanese): Are you Japanese?




UJ: Yes.




H: What’s your name?




UJ: My name…. it’s changed…so it’s a secret.




H: Ah~




H (in Korean): She is pretty.




Y (trying to feed Hyun): You really don’t like it that much?




Yong showing his affection in front of his ideal type?




H: But I’m full…




UJ seems stuck…returns to her original post




(Hyun keeps following her with her eyes)




MC Park: You can’t help but notice her now.




H: Is she…..




Y (still oblivious): Hmm?




H: She looks similar to Ueno Juri.




Y: I thought so, too.




MC Park: They’re aware that she looks similar (to UJ)…




JW: It’s just that you wouldn’t have guessed that you’d meet her in that place.




Y&H: Surely not……?




Chef: Miss Juri, please come here.




Y&H: ?!!!!!




JW: What if Jung Juri (a female Korean comedian) comes out?




UJ (comes out, as if nothing’s happened)




(Y&H can’t take their eyes off her)




MC Kim: Now they’ve started paying attention to her.




MC Park: Yes.




NY: She’s keeping her poker face on purpose.




MC Park: Yes, she is acting.




Y: No~




H: You’re Ueno Juri, right?




UJ (in Korean): People used to say that to me.




H: Hmm?




UJ: That I look like her.




Y: Hm?




H: Hm?




UJ, a natural actor




Y: Chiaki!




H: Nodame-chan?!




H: I think she is Ueno Juri.




UJ: Ah… Nodame?




H (in Japanese): You’re an actress, right?




MC Park: Yong is so stunned that he spills his water.




H: I’m sure she is Ueno Juri unnie.




UJ (in Japanese): Thank you for telling me that I look like an actress.




H: Hmm!!




Y: I think she is Ueno Juri.




H: I know, right?




Y: How come I came across her in front of my wife?




H: I like her more, don’t worry.




Y: …!




UJ comes to them with a mission card.




Y: She’s smiling, smiling.




What’s in the card?




H: Kkyah!!




Y: She is, she is!




(Mission card: Today’s mission is from Ueno Juri)




UJ: Wait…




UJ: Nice to meet you, I’m Ueno Juri.




H: I’m so glad to meet you!




UJ: You are Seo Hyun, right?




H: Yes, I am.




(Backroom interview)




PD: Meeting with Ueno Juri?




H: My heart fluttered so much. I always liked her and have been a big fan of her for a long time. I had no idea that she’d be here…. When she turned up out of nowhere, I was really surprised!




Y: Even after I realised that she was Ueno Juri, I couldn’t b-b-b-believe my eyes. ‘Surely not, this person in front of me is Ueno Juri?’




MC Park: Yonghwa is so stunned.




UJ: You’re CNBlue’s Jung Yonghwa.




Y: Haa…….y-y-yes.




Y: Nice to meet you.




Y (looking over the mission card): (What is she doing here?)




Y (reading the card): Hi, I’m Ueno Juri. I came to Korea to promote my new m-m-m-movie…. I’m going crazy, you read this (handing it to Hyun)!




H (reading the card): I’m going to meet Korean fans tomorrow at a premiere. Please teach me how to approach them in a friendly way.




Y: We need a whole night to teach her.




H: I can’t believe this!




(Y hands UJ a plate of food and UJ declines it)




Y: I’m sorry…




H: We should tell her to have a seat.




(Y is so nervous he can’t speak)




H: Please have a seat.




UJ: Can I visit your place?




To a Sangdo-dong newly married pad? The couple are going to have their first foreign guest over.




UJ (to Yong): Why are you laughing?




UJ: I wish you’d recognised me a bit earlier.




H: I know, sorry.




UJ: It took such a long time.




Y: What should we do, Seo Hyun.




Yong is nervous, with his ideal type standing in front of him?




MC Kim: He can’t even bring himself to look at her.




Y: How great would it be if she were really working here?




H: It’s not possible.




H: I wish Chiaki were here, too.




H: Tamaki Hiroshi…..








Y: Today we have Ueno Juri only~




Y: Shall we go?




UJ: Let’s go.








UJ (handing over Hyun’s bag)




Y: ARE YOU OKAY? (???)




H (reaches for her bag)




Y: Okay, you carry your bag, Seo Hyun.








NY: He’s mean!




Y: I’m joking~




(Backroom interview)




PD: (What do you think of) Yong hubby at that moment…?




H: He was over the moon! Yong once said on the radio that Juri unnie is his ideal type. I think everyone has someone (as an ideal type), but… I didn’t feel so good about it.




MC Park: Oh, she said that she didn’t feel good.




JW: Oh~




MC Park: That’s only natural.




(Heading to their house)




Y: Wow~




H: Wow~




SO: Who would’ve guessed that Ueno Juri was walking in the street in Seoul with her umbrella?




H (in Japanese): I’m a bit nervous, now.




UJ: Really? I’m perfectly fine.




(Yong, who is most nervous)




Y: It always rains whenever we meet.




H (in Japanese): I’m learning Japanese now, but it’s not easy.




MC Park: She’s good.




UJ: Yes, with Kanji and Hiragana…




H: Yes, there’re too many Kanji characters to learn.




H: This is us.




UJ: Oh, it’s cute.




H: Really? Thank you.




Y: What if she thinks both floors belong to us?




Y (in a such a good mood): (whistling)




MC Park: He’s whistling on a rainy night!




MC Park & Kim (simultaneously): A snake might come out!




Y: It’s (the house) so humble…




H: I should switch on the lights first.




H: It smells funny, too!




H: Welcome to our house!




UJ: Excuse me~




H: Please have a seat.




UJ: Elephant dolls….cute.




H: Elephant dolls…?




Y: Seo Hyun, sit next to her. I will sit here (bringing out a plastic chair).




H: Me too, me too.




Y: No, it’s okay.




UJ: Why are you sitting there?




Y: It’s good.




H (walks to the window): The air seems….stale.




UJ: Shall we open (the window)?




H: Yes!




MC Park: She (UJ) seems very down-to-earth and unpretentious.




H: Is there anything to eat…?




H: We have orange juice and milk.




UJ: Then, orange juice~




H: Okay.




Y: Orange juice~




MC Park: He keeps following her (Hyun).




NY: He can’t sit down!




MC Kim: Just sit next to her!




JW: He’s following Hyun all the time.




(Y manages to sit down, but instantly turns toward Hyun)




Y: It’s embarrassing to sit here alone.




H: Go and talk to her! Hurry!




UJ: You’ve got a cute house here.




H: Go already and talk to her!




Y kicked out from his shelter(=Hyun)




Y: Ah, really…




UJ: Is there anything I can help you with?




H: No, I’m fine.




Y: Avatar! Do you know the movie ‘Avatar’?




UJ: Yes.




Y (showing her the balcony): This is our Avatar world!




H: Here’s your juice.




NY: He finally managed to talk to her!




Y: Th-th-this is A-a-a-avatar w…orld.




UJ: Are you saying this is Avatar?




Y: ….




MC Kim: I’ve never seen him so nervous.




They’re showing her around the house




H: It’s a bit small….




UJ: Oh, a married couple’s bedroom!




UJ: It’s cute.




Y: This is my guitar.




UJ: Please play it for me.




UJ (singing): I’m a loner~




H: Oh, that’s right!




Y: Oh!




UJ: Woetoriya~ Woetoriya~




Y: This ‘Woetoriya’ is really… (continuing the song) Bwa bwa!




Y: Do you know (the song)?




UJ: Yes, I do.




Y (glancing at his wife, then): Why suddenly sing a song…




(from below they talk in Japanese most of time)




Y (shows the Seo Hyun mask): It’s Seo Hyun.




UJ: And what’s that (pointing to another mask)?




Y: That’s her friend.




Y: And this is her guitar.




UJ: That’s cute.




Y & H: Nodame Cantabile!




UJ: Really?




H: It’s a Korean version.




Y: Chiaki, wait~! Meeting, meeting!




UJ: (his) voice is not that thick…!




(Back in the living room)




H: We should make her something. Korean food, don’t you think?




MC Park: What’s good to serve?




H: Have you tasted Kimchi?




UJ: (nods)




MC Kim: Surely not….




H: It’s a bit spicy…




UJ: Can you make Kimchi?




Y: Wait, I’ll go and have a look what we’ve got in the refrigerator.




H: We can do Kimchi Jijimi (a pan-fried Kimchi, similar to fritters/pancakes).




UJ: Wow~




Y (takes the Kimchi out of the refrigerator)




SO: Are you saying that you’re going to make Buchimgae (=jijimi) with that Kimchi?




MC Park: That one might be from her mom.




H: Please wait.




H: Let’s make Kimchi Buchimgae.




Y: Do you know how to make it?




H: We can try!




Y: Do we have flour?




H: M-m-maybe…?




Y: You sure you can cook (jijimi)?




H: Why not?




Y: Isn’t it your first time?




H: Yes.




Y: The first time…! What should we do?




H: Isn’t it easy?




Kimchijun made by our couple….what will be the fate of Ueno Juri?








Thank you everyone for awesome pics, links, posts and all. I'll come back later to spazz with you guys!





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miel_1301: YES!! I also notice the sitting while watching the preview.  They are sitting closer than the other couples although in the case of Khuntoria we can't  make a direct comparison because in their case I think their separation is due to the only available sitting left for recording all of them together. 
































But going back to Yongseo! They are sitting very close and I even think that it is closer than all their previous times sitting on a bus (maybe someone can do caps for comparison). I think YongHwa is 'squishing' SeoHyun wink.gif He definitely does not have an excuse for cold temperatures since he is fanning her. Maybe he wants to just be closer to her ( which is good!!) or maybe he is just being protective of her (which is also very good!!), especially since they are in a totally new situation with partially unknown people for SeoHyun except for Victoria and to a small degree Nickhun.















































































j2dlee!!!! U r fast today!!! Seriously, Thank U from the bottom of my heart for the translations!!!

















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jd2lee and redtulip thank u guys for translation... OMG! Hyun finally getting jealous <3 hahaha that is enough coming from herhaha.








































I love this ep, they are so into each other that can´t notice the actress hahaha. I will wait for Jd2lee for spazz all over the place!.








































Guys!! thank you so much for sharings the links to ep, raw, screen caps and PREVIEW!!! OMG!!! I´m so dying to watch this ep, I think I read few pages ago that this will be aired on wednesday???
























































































































I´m not sure about holding hands but this ep is going to be awsome anyway! haha








































and thanks JDHinata for that beautiful artwor.








































Edit: miel_1301








































 really love your post hahaha, they are so comfortable near to each other:wub:, and for me, they are the only one couple that gives me the REAL vibe ^^.








































Our angel j2dlee is already here for make us happy, thank you!!!









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Guest SophiaPia








Thanks j2dlee for the translations. YongSeo couple are really surprised, happy and nervous meeting Euno Juri. Yes! i think it will be more nice if Chaki is there also hahaha! so that they are complete :)






Next week could be more exciting also, it's just that we don't know what the set up next week. Continuation of all the couples episode, then they will put this horror episode. Hmmmm!  a bit confused. they should put extra time nxt week. we just wait and see :)






catch u all again later.








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Guest rainie_chu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The YongSeo Couple is seated so close, hence, are the ones giving out the "feel/vibe" of a "real" couple. Had there been no glass window/siding beside Seobaby, she would have easily fallen of the bus with how close YongHwa is seated beside her. And due probably to heat, Yong was continuously fanning her [or both of them] while engaged in a convo with the other couples.
































































































































































































































































































































































It may not mean anything to a number of YongSeo skeptics but it definitely is an impression one can clearly derive from mere visual observation.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And they just had to sit at the back of the bus, didn't they! That's such a Yongseo couple thing to do. HAHA~
































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you j2dlee for the translations!

































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j2dlee!!!! ----- LUV YAH MUCH!!! Thanks u so much for the trans! so quickie!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: Today we have Ueno Juri only~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: Shall we go?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































UJ: Let’s go.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































UJ (handing over Hyun’s bag)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: ARE YOU OKAY? (???)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































H (reaches for her bag)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: Okay, you carry your bag, Seo Hyun.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































NY: He’s mean!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: I’m joking~































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love how he can play so mushy towards his wife --- even in front of his ideal girl.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I can really tell he has a lot of love for SeoHyun!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































their MUSHINESS = Could they be bf/gf in real life already??? --- Why are they acting this way?! Oh, these two!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Never mind the stars in the sky































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Never mind the when and the why































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Got a feeling higher than high































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yongseo's the real thing!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the real thing by Lisa Loeb
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I second jnj ---- d3! please capture that "BAG JOKE" moment!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































TO SUM-UP this most recent shoot of theirs:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It seem like they are just playing to be so NOT-COUPLE-like in front of the cameras so that the truth about their REAL RELATIONSHIP will remain a mystery for us all. :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but babe --- HIPS don't lie!!! hahaha.

































































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Guest lilmssunshine


thanks j2dlee and red tulip for the translations..




im happy that yong and hyun are much closer now..




i love how bubbly seohyun is when she met her idol.. yong was totally starstrucked..


he was so funny..






thanks everyone for the links, screencaps and translations..




j2dlee translations are the best nightcaps for my saturday nights!!


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waaaaaaaaaaaaa @ the preview!





















but you guys...didn't he hold her hands on this episode too?!!! :wub:



































Yes, I noticed that too.... after offering UJ the dish he turned around to Hyun and they grabbed each others hands. :wub:
















This episode was pretty funny to watch by seeing how starstruck they were. It's funny to watch celebrities act as fanboys/fangirls too!
















Thanks for translations once again j2dlee! This was kind of a cute exchange:

















UJ (in Japanese): Thank you for telling me that I look like an actress.





H: Hmm!!








Y: I think she is Ueno Juri.








H: I know, right?








Y: How come I came across her in front of my wife?








H: I like her more, don’t worry.








Y: …!



























I think by her answer Seohyun displayed another little twinge of jealousy... ^_^









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thanks idlee for the translation..you re amazing..at the last partwere they are discussing to make pancakes kimchi to ueri..i can feel tha yong was abit doubt how it will taste as hyun admitted that it will be her first time to do it..but with hyun personality...it doesnt matter...though im a bit doubt as well..but im sure ueri will be nice to praise it no matter how it taste...oh i really luv this couple...their innocense and naturality impress me more...









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J2blee, thanks for the fast translation. I feel so warm after reading your translation about the episode.


They were talking about their first meeting and the rain!!! Yonghwa even said that he was wearing something similiar!!! That meeting really left a very very very deep impression.


They definitely had a few chances to become suspicious about the waitress being Juri Ueno especially the one when she passed them the tea. Yonghwa don't even notice anything and went back to talking. Seohyun definitly behaved more like the fangirl than Yonghwa.


I will think that Yonghwa purposely told Seohyun to carry her own bag after she mentioned about Chiaki. He even sound louder than usual and she was taken by surprised. Just a moment of sadness I think. But Yonghwa being Yonghwa couldn't pull it off for long. His body was behind her (definitly touching) before they walked out of the door. He may even pat her somewhere to give her a bit of assurance.


We been spazzing about Seohyun getting more comfortable with Yonghwa through all the episodes. Somehow, I felt that we forgot that Yonghwa is also shy and growing more comfortable with her. His behaviour is so consistent, he just can't face other girls (SNSD and Juri Ueno) twice. Looking back at some of the variety shows he attended, he is always very shy especially when he is alone and questions about Seohyun or other ladies came up. But if the other Cnblue boys are around, he is alot more cheeky and daring.


I believe actions speak louder than words. My experience, bosses who told you that they have open doors policy are never open. Bosses who observe you and ask questions about your feelings are the ones throughly open. Hence, the care and concern that the two of them show each other are better than a thousand "I love you". WGM is only 20 to 30 mins per episode, there are many things behind the scene that we will never see. For example, we only saw the train ride to the beach but we never saw any scene from the 6 hours train ride back. I will think that if they can talked through the night on the first ride, there will be a lot more to share on the way back. But those few mintues said a lot cos remember quite a lot of gogumas showed their clips to people who were watching it for the firt time. Without any bias, a lot of those people commented that they look like they are in love or attracted to each other. That is why a lot of us become shippers cos we (including me) happened to catch a few scenes of them together and it just touches us. 


So I never place any importance in any of their answers in all the variety or radio shows. They are mostly smokescreen. Of course, I will still be very happy if the answers sit well. I find pleasures in those unguarded moments and little things like fanning her in the preview.


Sorry for the long post, will spazz more in the coming days.


BTW, thanks to all those that tried out the quiz and shared your answers and scores. Sorry, can't name you all cos the thread move too fast, very difficult to find your posts to quote. 



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j2 is here with her trans already!! woah!! thank u soo much dear!!



(takes out my little note book for some more lang. lessons..hehe)



u too, dear redtulip.



i've yet to take your test, but i'll def do it






okay, when i watch this epi for the first time, i had 3 minor complains abt yong tonite.



1 - he should've been the one carrying the umbrealla in the first place.



2 - he told hyun to carry her own bag



3 - he is not confident of hyun's cooking






wait! before u guys shoot me, this is what my understanding of yong's action,



after watching it like 3 more times..






1 - erm ..i still don't get it...maybe i'm just a petty female goguma



2 - okay, this one i can understand.



since hyun keeps harping on tamaki, then she told him she likes juri more than him,



(this surely hurt his ego) its yong's way to 'punish' her.



BUT we know he is joking, and he acts so loving to hyun in the next instant.



see them walk so close whie he says he is joking



*waiting for d3 to cap this part*



3 - because hyun is not good at cooking, tho confident, the result doesn't always



turns out right. and since their guest is also his idol, yong surely wants to make sure everything is going smoothly.






ah, first time seeing hyun feeling jealous. but she hides it well.



hyun ah...rmbr the johnny debb incident?



do u understand now how yong felt at that time? :rolleyes:



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My goguma family, u cannot imagine how happy I am to have Internet access today...am away on holiday and thankfully this accommodation comes with complimentary wifi service...Am especially grateful to keconvoi for uploading episode 23, redtulip for the baidu translation, j2dlee for the whole episode translation and all u gogumas who shared screen caps and juicy nuggets of yongseo!





Most of all, I need to thank my hubby for bringing along the wireless router and iPad...his intention was 2 catch soccer on live stream but guess who got to it 1st? :lol:





Yes redtulip, that's how addicted I am without having to take your yongseo addiction gauge test! :P





Sorry if I made any mistakes with my post, quite hard to make a forum reply on this device, but hey I ain't complaining, I got to spazz along on the current episode with u! :D


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Thanks again J2dlee

H: The weather reminds me of our first meeting.

Y (sheepishly): No~




















H: What? I just said it reminds me of our first meeting.




















Y: I’m wearing clothes similar to what I wore that day.




















H: I know.




















OMG! I´m so loving them! aren´t they cute?,
Y: This is our second time (to eat out) since pasta. A soybean stew~
Then Yong, is he counting everytime he dates SeoHyun?? awww I love this guy :wub:
















No matter how many times UJ polishes the table, they (Y&H) keeps talking to themselves and don’t take any notice of her.
















NY: How come they are so oblivious?







































I think we, goguma shippers, know that answer so well <3

Y: How come I came across her in front of my wife?

H: I like her more, don’t worry.




















LoL hahahaha I love her too hahaha... how can I be loving a girl? hahaha :P
UJ: You’re CNBlue’s Jung Yonghwa.

Y: Haa…….y-y-yes.




















He is the sweetest thing of this world in that part, so cute, cute Yong :wub:
H: He was over the moon! Yong once said on the radio that Juri unnie is  his ideal type. I think everyone has someone (as an ideal type), but… I  didn’t feel so good about it.
Would she be starting to feel the sensation of property? like, He is mine? hahaha

Love this whole ep, YongSeo is pure love ^^





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Guest aoi_enma
































thank you j2dlee and redtulip for the translation :wub::wub:
























i`ve been away from internet connection because i have to go to my hometown .... and just comeback tonight ..
























and what the first thing i did when i reach home??
























Open Yongseo soompi thread and hurrily download today ep :)
























*off to watch while reading translation :D*





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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































thank you j2dlee for translating! you are amazing. YongSeo is so much fun to watch. they really seem real. I would like to share a few observations:
































































*Yong will always be Yong choding. he is full of jokes and is indeed "fun-maker" on the start of the episode, Hyun was chasing him coz we has going to a karaoke place and was leaving the shade of the umbrella. and in jealousy, he still played a prank but in the end, he still wants to be beside his wife. 
































































**Hyun's first time gave us a sign of jealousy. this means that she really likes him. she understands that people will always have their ideal (talking about the radio interview where Yong said that his ideal was Ueno Juri) but she did not feel good about it. also, that radio interview was in June or July.  this episode was filmed in September. this means Hyun remembers that interview. I guess she did not feel good also when she heard that interview, then those feelings resurfaced when she saw Yong happy about meeting Ueno. (hope Im making sense here).
































































*** Yong said he can't believe he met Ueno in front of his wife. this line make me think that he considers Hyun's feelings and maybe they discussed that radio interview. there was a hint of regret in his voice. then Hyun said that it was ok, I like her more than you do. this tells me that she is really a bit jealous of Ueno. or maybe Im over-analyzing things? 
































































****LOL when Yong said "Chiaki" then Hyun said "Nodame-cha~n" I really feel that both of them really likes the drama Nodame Cantabile.
































































--> one random thought. I really like the fact that we seldom see them receive a mission card. They are told what to do or where to go but they are not given details on what to do. they do what they want.
































































--> about the preview, I think Yong held her hand. If he was holding Hyun's wrist, we would see Hyun's hands dangling but based on the screen caps, I don't see a dangling hand.

















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Hi, Goguma lovers! Thank you for waiting~




An evening in September…




Hyun: Where’re you going?




Hyun: Ah, really!




Yong: A karaoke room! A karaoke room!




H: The weather reminds me of our first meeting.




Y (sheepishly): No~




H: What? I just said it reminds me of our first meeting.




Y: I’m wearing clothes similar to what I wore that day.




H: I know.




H: By the way, where’re we going?




Y: Keep going straight.




H: Hmm….




Where is the husband taking her to?




Y: Your favourite colour, pink! Over there, look at the sign.




H: A sushi restaurant?!




MC Park: It’s expensive…




H: Cool!




Y: Why are you holding the umbrella that way?




Realised that his wife was holding an umbrella




H: Then how do you hold it?




Y: Like this.




Now the umbrella is in Yong’s hand




Y: It’s OK, a man should carry this.




Y:  My father taught me that it’s the man who should carry an umbrella.




H: Thank you.




H: Here?




Y: Wow~




H: Wow~




(Entering the restaurant)




Chef: Irrashaimase (welcome)~




Y: Irrashaimase~




Y: Oh, yes! Sushi rolls~




MC Kim: That makes my mouth water.




Y: What should I eat first?




H: What do you like?




Y: Anything that looks appetising.




Y: I don’t know much (about sushi).




H: Me neither.




Chef: Everything is delicious.




Y: Really?




H: I don’t know what to choose.




(Yong picks his dish)




H: Hmm…salmon for me.




(showing Ueno Juri) A quiet sous-chef…?




H: I like salmon.




Y: You’re lying. Isn’t it because of your dark circles?




H: (Where?)




Y: There are no dark circles.




MC Park: Who is she?




MC Kim: Because of those glasses…




MC Park: Wait a minute.




Seulong: (I know who she is~)




Y & H: Itadakimasu (thank you for the food)~




Who is this pretty yet suspicious sous-chef?




MCs: OH~!!!!!




Ueno Juri: Hi, I’m Ueno Juri from Nodame Cantabile.




Yong’s ideal girl is here?




UJ: Having heard that CNBlue’s Jung Yong Hwa and SNSD’s Seo Hyun like Nodame Cantabile, I came here to surprise them.




Yong, Hyun, will they recognise her?




SO: She’s really pretty.




JW: Changmin really likes her.




MC Park: Is she employed in Korea now?




The middle aged Misun auntie has no idea who this foreign actress is.




MC Kim: ….in WGM?




MC Park: Ah, a special guest!




Y: Hm~




H: Is it good?




Y: It melts in your mouth.




H: Hm~




Y: This is our second time (to eat out) since pasta. A soybean stew~




NaYoung: She (UJ) is also a pop star in Japan.




MC Park: If you’re going to make a comparison, she’s as famous as…who (in Korea)?




NY: Like me…?




MC Park: Is she REALLY famous?




MC Kim: Maybe like Moon Geun Young in Korea…?




Y (continuing the conversation): What did you in school? Which guys did you talk to?




H: What?




Y: So you had a good day?




H: Yes.




Y: And you gave them your autograph?




H: Ah, you really!




Y: No, no, I’m just curious.




UJ: (When will they recognise me?)




The couple are still engrossed in their conversation




Y: Should I go (to school) instead of you?




H: Do you want to?




Y: Your substitute!




H: Haha!




Y: (calling the register) Seo Hyun? Yes (Ne)~




H: I’m not like that.




Y: Then show me, Seo Hyun?




H: Yes (Ne)!




Y: Ne!




H: You really…




MC Park: They (Y &H) don’t seem to take notice of other people when they are together.




NY: They look like it!




MC Park: There is Ueno Juri in front of them! Ueno!




UJ: (Should I start approaching them…?)




Y: I went to this sushi roll restaurant in Japan, and it was so big and the dishes were coming from miles away~




No matter how many times UJ polishes the table, they (Y&H) keeps talking to themselves and don’t take any notice of her.




NY: How come they are so oblivious?




H: Hm~ delicious!




Y: Why did you hit me?




H: I didn’t.




Y: Eat a lot.




H: Yes~




UJ returns to her original post




H: Wait, I just saw…!




Saw what?!








H: The price of the dishes.




H: We already had 3 dishes that cost 3,300won each!




Y: We have a refined taste.




H: Maybe you’re right.




Y: Seo Hyun, from now on only eat dishes worth 1,000 won.




MC Park: The price board gets more attention than the actress!




Chef: (that’s not important right now)




Y: Try this.




UJ the next stage: reveals her bare face!




H: …?!




Y: What?




H: This dish alone costs 5,000 won.




Y: Do you think I can’t afford to buy you a 5,000 won sushi roll?




H: I didn’t mean…




Y: You don’t think so, right?




H: Of course not.




Y: Then eat. It’s good for you, too.




H: Okay.




Y: Eat as you used to do at home.




H: How do I eat at home?




Y: You eat like….




H: No, I don’t.




Y: I know. I installed a hidden camera in your house.




UJ (in Japanese): Here’s a cup of warm tea.




Y: Ah, she is Japanese.




UJ sits behind them, but Y&H still have no idea who she is




Invisible Nodame-chan!




H:….but you eat lots of delicious things in Korea, too.




H: Sushi?




Y: I didn’t get around to eating many delicacies in Japan.




UJ tries a bold approach




UJ (In Japanese): Are you a married couple?




Y (putting his hand on Hyun’s shoulder): (dryly) Wife.




MC Park: They wouldn’t even think of meeting Ueno Juri in a restaurant!




H: There is something (about her?)…..




UJ: Is there anything you need?




Y (still dryly): Everything is good, thank you.




H (in Japanese): Are you Japanese?




UJ: Yes.




H: What’s your name?




UJ: My name…. it’s changed…so it’s a secret.




H: Ah~




H (in Korean): She is pretty.




Y (trying to feed Hyun): You really don’t like it that much?




Yong showing his affection in front of his ideal type?




H: But I’m full…




UJ seems stuck…returns to her original post




(Hyun keeps following her with her eyes)




MC Park: You can’t help but notice her now.




H: Is she…..




Y (still oblivious): Hmm?




H: She looks similar to Ueno Juri.




Y: I thought so, too.




MC Park: They’re aware that she looks similar (to UJ)…




JW: It’s just that you wouldn’t have guessed that you’d meet her in that place.




Y&H: Surely not……?




Chef: Miss Juri, please come here.




Y&H: ?!!!!!




JW: What if Jung Juri (a female Korean comedian) comes out?




UJ (comes out, as if nothing’s happened)




(Y&H can’t take their eyes off her)




MC Kim: Now they’ve started paying attention to her.




MC Park: Yes.




NY: She’s keeping her poker face on purpose.




MC Park: Yes, she is acting.




Y: No~




H: You’re Ueno Juri, right?




UJ (in Korean): People used to say that to me.




H: Hmm?




UJ: That I look like her.




Y: Hm?




H: Hm?




UJ, a natural actor




Y: Chiaki!




H: Nodame-chan?!




H: I think she is Ueno Juri.




UJ: Ah… Nodame?




H (in Japanese): You’re an actress, right?




MC Park: Yong is so stunned that he spills his water.




H: I’m sure she is Ueno Juri unnie.




UJ (in Japanese): Thank you for telling me that I look like an actress.




H: Hmm!!




Y: I think she is Ueno Juri.




H: I know, right?




Y: How come I came across her in front of my wife?




H: I like her more, don’t worry.




Y: …!




UJ comes to them with a mission card.




Y: She’s smiling, smiling.




What’s in the card?




H: Kkyah!!




Y: She is, she is!




(Mission card: Today’s mission is from Ueno Juri)




UJ: Wait…




UJ: Nice to meet you, I’m Ueno Juri.




H: I’m so glad to meet you!




UJ: You are Seo Hyun, right?




H: Yes, I am.




(Backroom interview)




PD: Meeting with Ueno Juri?




H: My heart fluttered so much. I always liked her and have been a big fan of her for a long time. I had no idea that she’d be here…. When she turned up out of nowhere, I was really surprised!




Y: Even after I realised that she was Ueno Juri, I couldn’t b-b-b-believe my eyes. ‘Surely not, this person in front of me is Ueno Juri?’




MC Park: Yonghwa is so stunned.




UJ: You’re CNBlue’s Jung Yonghwa.




Y: Haa…….y-y-yes.




Y: Nice to meet you.




Y (looking over the mission card): (What is she doing here?)




Y (reading the card): Hi, I’m Ueno Juri. I came to Korea to promote my new m-m-m-movie…. I’m going crazy, you read this (handing it to Hyun)!




H (reading the card):  I’m going to meet Korean fans tomorrow at a premiere. Please teach me how to approach them in a friendly way.




Y: We need a whole night to teach her.




H: I can’t believe this!




(Y hands UJ a plate of food and UJ declines it)




Y: I’m sorry…




H: We should tell her to have a seat.




(Y is so nervous he can’t speak)




H: Please have a seat.




UJ: Can I visit your place?




To a Sangdo-dong newly married pad? The couple are going to have their first foreign guest over.




UJ (to Yong): Why are you laughing?  




UJ: I wish you’d recognised me a bit earlier.




H: I know, sorry.




UJ: It took such a long time.




Y: What should we do, Seo Hyun.




Yong is nervous, with his ideal type standing in front of him?




MC Kim: He can’t even bring himself to look at her.




Y: How great would it be if she were really working here?




H: It’s not possible.




H: I wish Chiaki were here, too.




H: Tamaki Hiroshi…..








Y: Today we have Ueno Juri only~




Y: Shall we go?




UJ: Let’s go.








UJ (handing over Hyun’s bag)




Y: ARE YOU OKAY? (???)




H (reaches for her bag)




Y: Okay, you carry your bag, Seo Hyun.








NY: He’s mean!




Y: I’m joking~




(Backroom interview)




PD: (What do you think of) Yong hubby at that moment…?




H: He was over the moon! Yong once said on the radio that Juri unnie is his ideal type. I think everyone has someone (as an ideal type), but… I didn’t feel so good about it.




MC Park: Oh, she said that she didn’t feel good.




JW: Oh~




MC Park: That’s only natural.




(Heading to their house)




Y: Wow~




H: Wow~




SO: Who would’ve guessed that Ueno Juri was walking in the street in Seoul with her umbrella?




H (in Japanese): I’m a bit nervous, now.




UJ: Really? I’m perfectly fine.




(Yong, who is most nervous)




Y: It always rains whenever we meet.




H (in Japanese): I’m learning Japanese now, but it’s not easy.




MC Park: She’s good.




UJ: Yes, with Kanji and Hiragana…




H: Yes, there’re too many Kanji characters to learn.




H: This is us.




UJ: Oh, it’s cute.




H: Really? Thank you.




Y: What if she thinks both floors belong to us?




Y (in a such a good mood): (whistling)




MC Park: He’s whistling on a rainy night!




MC Park & Kim (simultaneously): A snake might come out!




Y: It’s (the house) so humble…




H: I should switch on the lights first.




H: It smells funny, too!




H: Welcome to our house!




UJ: Excuse me~




H: Please have a seat.




UJ: Elephant dolls….cute.




H: Elephant dolls…?




Y: Seo Hyun, sit next to her. I will sit here (bringing out a plastic chair).




H: Me too, me too.




Y: No, it’s okay.




UJ: Why are you sitting there?




Y: It’s good.




H (walks to the window): The air seems….stale.




UJ: Shall we open (the window)?




H: Yes!




MC Park: She (UJ) seems very down-to-earth and unpretentious.




H: Is there anything to eat…?




H: We have orange juice and milk.




UJ: Then, orange juice~




H: Okay.




Y: Orange juice~




MC Park: He keeps following her (Hyun).




NY: He can’t sit down!




MC Kim: Just sit next to her!




JW: He’s following Hyun all the time.




(Y manages to sit down, but instantly turns toward Hyun)




Y: It’s embarrassing to sit here alone.




H: Go and talk to her! Hurry!




UJ: You’ve got a cute house here.




H: Go already and talk to her!




Y kicked out from his shelter(=Hyun)




Y: Ah, really…




UJ: Is there anything I can help you with?




H: No, I’m fine.




Y: Avatar! Do you know the movie ‘Avatar’?




UJ: Yes.




Y (showing her the balcony): This is our Avatar world!




H: Here’s your juice.




NY: He finally managed to talk to her!




Y: Th-th-this is A-a-a-avatar w…orld.




UJ: Are you saying this is Avatar?




Y: ….




MC Kim: I’ve never seen him so nervous.




They’re showing her around the house




H: It’s a bit small….




UJ: Oh, a married couple’s bedroom!




UJ: It’s cute.




Y: This is my guitar.




UJ: Please play it for me.




UJ (singing): I’m a loner~




H: Oh, that’s right!




Y: Oh!




UJ: Woetoriya~ Woetoriya~




Y: This ‘Woetoriya’ is really… (continuing the song) Bwa bwa!




Y: Do you know (the song)?




UJ: Yes, I do.




Y (glancing at his wife, then): Why suddenly sing a song…




(from below they talk in Japanese most of time)




Y (shows the Seo Hyun mask): It’s Seo Hyun.




UJ: And what’s that (pointing to another mask)?




Y: That’s her friend.




Y: And this is her guitar.




UJ: That’s cute.




Y & H: Nodame Cantabile!




UJ: Really?




H: It’s a Korean version.




Y: Chiaki, wait~! Meeting, meeting!




UJ: (his) voice is not that thick…!




(Back in the living room)




H: We should make her something. Korean food, don’t you think?




MC Park: What’s good to serve?




H: Have you tasted Kimchi?




UJ: (nods)




MC Kim: Surely not….




H: It’s a bit spicy…




UJ: Can you make Kimchi?




Y: Wait, I’ll go and have a look what we’ve got in the refrigerator.




H: We can do Kimchi Jijimi (a pan-fried Kimchi, similar to fritters/pancakes).




UJ: Wow~




Y (takes the Kimchi out of the refrigerator)




SO: Are you saying that you’re going to make Buchimgae (=jijimi) with that Kimchi?




MC Park: That one might be from her mom.




H: Please wait.




H: Let’s make Kimchi Buchimgae.




Y: Do you know how to make it?




H: We can try!




Y: Do we have flour?




H: M-m-maybe…?




Y: You sure you can cook (jijimi)?




H: Why not?




Y: Isn’t it your first time?




H: Yes.




Y: The first time…! What should we do?




H: Isn’t it easy?




Kimchijun made by our couple….what will be the fate of Ueno Juri?








Thank you everyone for awesome pics, links, posts and all. I'll come back later to spazz with you guys!







Thank you very much for your quick translations :)





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