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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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miel_1301 LOVED :wub: your long post haha. i really want to see the story behind their rings too! and thanks. i totally agreed with you about your speculation about the rings being perhaps custom-made!












NilyxYongSeo and rouenna and miel_1301 and pollykpy thanks for those picture/caps of the rings.












the rings look very similar but MUCH stronger. haha. maybe what they did was got new rings that were EXACTLY like their old ones (personalized)!












dreamyboo hahaha. you are too funny. i will indulge however it might not be until tomorrow sometime. work has me for the rest of the night here and tomorrow morning!












crystal i know exactly what you mean! i was trying to put that into words too. its like he flipped it so its the opposite of seohyun's ring.












ichigo_kawai happy birthday!












mimayree holy moly! are you seirous?? that would be awesome! two wgm eps in a week?! it better not just be a rumor. :D












aigoo... two more days until the "jur ueno" special episode. yongseo i miss you! lol.



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Guest heartbreak_warfare22












thanks miel and pollykpy for sharing the pics. Seohyun and her unnies are really gorgeous. seeing that they wear the rings make me really happy. and the picture of the rings made me realize that the rings are identical. I always thought that the rings similar with little differences. ** I have this gut feeling that they will film in Japan. since CNBlue would be releasing their album there plus SNSD successfully entered Japanese music scene, they would need to promote their single. I feel that they would eventually find time in their schedule to meet and film. I like it when there are fan accounts that says Yong and Hyun filmed for WGM. as it gives them a little break from their schedules and the idol life, plus we can anticipate another episode, :)



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Guest pen(..^^..)








































































genxv, panGG, dreamybo: thanks for your comments <3 glad u like it :) i'm using photoshop cs4, for the twilight feel background, i'm adding some grunge textures or dirty textures, you can find it at deviantart :) thanks again <33
































































WHOA!! i hope the rumour is true <33333
































































90 minutes of couple's special episode DAEBAKK!!!
































































and also HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! ichigo_kawai





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compare old rings (top row) and new(?) rings (bottom row-credit : pic owner)










Seems to be a new rings, better material but old shape.





may be interpreted in many way





if the couple made the new rings by themself





-old rings meaningful for them and they are faithful to rings as they're faithful to each other (so dramatic huh!)





if WGM program made new rings for them





-PD intention, the rings is big issue for them since the beginning when it broke (YH case) no choice PD made the new rings for them, old shape because of the continuation of filming (but why the couple still wear it outside WGM huh!!)


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Guest desirenhope



Hi all, I just read this from cnbluestorm.

Location in Toyohashi City between March to June next year.

Located in Toyohashi between March to June, the famous “All In” actress, Song Hye Kyo, will play a major role in Korean drama, “Cinderella”. Hereafter, the exact location will be determined.

To improve the promotion activity that is focused in Hamamatsu Mikkabichou Hotel’s “Hamana Lakeside Plaza”, it has been decided to set the film around Hamana Lake and Toyohashi.

The casting has not been finalised yet, but it is predicted that ex-DBSK member Kim Jae Joong, Jung Yong Hwa, and Kim Hyun Joong will cast in this drama.

The story is about a 30-year-old money-oriented woman who “attacks” the son of a conglomerate that is visiting South Korea.

The location will take place in South Korea from December 2010 to February 2011, then in Japan from March to June 2011. The exact location in Toyohashi has not been determined yet, but it is predicted that they will choose trams and other locations. The broadcast will start on May 2011 in Korea, then in Japan and Asia.

Source: kawa-lily2@blog.oricon

Translated by AzureAoi@CodeAzzurro

Thanks to 2kiko@twitter for the tips

Re-posted by omonOona@cnbluestorm

I feel happy for him! But at the same time, I can't help but feel restless.


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































has anyone shared this yet? I find it so cute. I'm having troubles with soompi. I can't post the picture so I will just paste the URL here: http://artavias.deviantart.com/art/Happy-Birthday-Seohyun-169771132?q=favby:squeegool/7054859&qo=19 :)

















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Guest sweettaeng
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Another Yongseo fancam for RDR + Love Light performance.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We get a better view after the performance ended :wub:
































































































































































































































































Just look at her 'all smiley' face while running back to the backstage xD

































































































































































































































































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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! ichigo_kawai, I love your skinship video cos I did not notice a lot of those that were so brief that disappear in a blink of eye.




Sally7, I agreed with you if they are faithful to the ring, they are faithful to each other. Can I say that we don't need to guess anymore that it is definitly new rings based on the old design which is what I believed for the longest time.




prncsscharming, that is a wonderful fanfic, I like the storyline. Please update soon.




ishtargoddess, I read all your fanfic!!! a lot of times I can't determine which is reel and what is real especially the one about our gifts to them.




Now that we have some many talented gogumas writers (trent, clumsy, prncsscharming, ishtargoddess, lovekin etc), can you all help grant my little wish that each one of you take turns to update a fanfic one day a week eg trent (mon), prncsscharming (tue), clumsy (wed), lovekin (thurs), ishtargoddess (fri), WGM for sat, someone volunteer for sunday please! Then we all can bath in goguma love everyday!!! :wub::wub::wub:




Just read some postings at baidu that touched me a lot. It never failed to amaze me over and over again that we all come from different backgrounds but share a common love for the couple. I noticed the similarities between the 2 thread (one in english and one in chinese) that there are a lot of talented goguma sharing their videos, pictures and fanfic etc. There are many people with different views but we do not get ugly or angry with each other unlike some other internet forums. The two threads are always positive, encouraging, full of Please & Thanks and of course love. I totally agreed with one Baidu fan that precisely because we all love Yongseo couple it reflected a lot about our character. So Goguma fans Hwaiting!!! Thanks once again for providing me a place to unwind and relax and be happy.





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Guest gettawa

@ ichigo_kawai : Happy birth day i wish you have a great life  have a great time

with yongseo ang goguma lover ..... forever ^^


@ redtulip .... I feel like you,

We share clip ,picture ,News  everything about yongseo

because of our love that we have for couple

Its make me feel so good Thanks you everyone here ,thankyou YongSeo from my heart ^^

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Hi all, I just read this from cnbluestorm.


I feel happy for him! But at the same time, I can't help but feel restless.



If this is true, I'm happy for Yonghwa. It sounds like this drama is going to be a major one.


I know a lot of Yongseo shippers will be sad, including me, but Yonghwa did say that he is going to take up an acting role at some point end of this year/beginning of the year when there were rumours abt him taking up 'Playful Kiss' role. It will be a great opportunity for him! Let's take it positively.


Let's enjoy WGM with our beloved Yongseo couple now and I know....., cos I just do, they will definitely keep in touch (cos they are inseparable now heeheehee!) and also this will give them breathing space to let them properly develop their relationship off-screen :wub::wub::wub:





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sally7, oh the new rings are really clear in your screencaps. If they did choose it because the shape was similar to their 2000 wons ring well, awwww..... that is just so sweet.. (I have a feeling they did too redtulip)


Thank you to all Goguma FBIs for solving that case. Hi-Five YongSeo style!!


redtulip I just want to hug you for that sweet post. You have said so well what I feel about this thread. I don; really followed many other threads/idols so I don't know if most threads are like this but coming here gives me such a happy, positive feeling.


miel thank you for those SNSD pictures. Hyun and her unnies are truly goddesses. So Gorgeous


ANd sweettaeng thank YOU for the new fancam link!


Saw this really cool fanmade posted on naver that someone recreated based on the Playful Kiss poster.


As originally seen here: http://blog.naver.com/hee7882?Redirect=Log&logNo=60109995920


It has all YongSeo related items in the background.Even the text has been changed to be WGM/YongSeo related. So cool




The original Playful Kiss poster:





Edit: Oh, YongHwa in a drama? I'm happy for him if this is true. I wonder why he and Kim Hyun Joong's name always come up together? hehehe.... they must be hot commodities. I guess we shall see which way this rumor goes, but I think many of us knew this would be coming. For some reason, I really don't feel sad. I think because even as friends (or something more) I know that Hyun and Yong have really changed each other's lives for the better and I believe they will keep on supporting each other. YongHwa fighting!


bonbon the links to download episode 1-6 are listed here http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/p/video.html Big thanks and credits to kubih for uploading the files. Make sure to scroll to the Downloads section and not the Watch Section becasue some of those YT links are broken. Cheers and have fun!


Edit: hey there my little sister dreamyboo ^^ *wavesewaveswaves*



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ichigo... pls click on the spoiler... it's for u~! ;)


sweettaeng, thanks for the vid! it's really very clear! and hyun's smile is forever lovely~! :wub:

desirenhope, thanks for the scoop~! i dunno why, but i feel quite concern about yong being casted in a drama or movie. i wonder what kinda drama is that cinderella? romance genre? if he's to star as the main cast in a romance movie/drama... i'll be concerned! haha guess i fear that he might fall for other lady! >.< ahhh my childish insecurity....

hi genxv~! *waves* :D the fan who recreated that pic in seohwa version is jjang! thanks for sharing~! and like u, i've also never followed any idol for this long! well, actually i NEVER followed any idol before. and once i immersed myself into it... haha who knew i went ahead with 2 idols (seohwa) in one go LOL! xD

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Guest waniey_haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ichigo kawai_...heppy bedday to u....segil chuka hamnida... wow,,,,njoy ur birthday!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































pollykpy _tanx for that pic...yes!! so my istinct was true...n i'm really adore them to stick with the old design ...i guessed the old ring must be so precious n meaningful for them !!!! I LOVE YOngSEo.....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































huhu..i'm off to my village till sunday ...huhu....sad..sad..sad tonight...miss u guyz....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and for all muslim  n to (MaLAYSIANS )...selamat hari raye..aidil fitri.......ati2 ek d jln raye....

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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prncsscharming wow.... DESTINED TO LOVE YOU... has got to be one of the best fanfics I've read. We certainly have many talented fan fiction writers here and I am so glad you are sharing your writings with us


I think the premise and how you have setup the plot is genius! I really like your writing style - I loved the imagery, the way you describe the scenes/sounds, the wet waves; I think your use of inner thoughts was excellent. I love your sense of humor and that there is a funny bumbling character in Kyul. And I most especially love how you have portrayed Yong and Hyun in this stage of their love story because, love stories don't really end when people fall in love right? I feel so excited reading this knowing that there are many funny, romantic and heartwarming moments to look forward to. Ok, I'll stop gushing now. ;)



@genxv:Thank you for the compliments. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I hope the next chapter will be as good.


@redtulip:LOL! It is my first time writing a fan fic but I've had years and years of reading HARLEQUINs and am a die-hard romantic at heart. Everyone should have their "happily ever after" even though they have to go through some difficulties to get there.


@everyone who left a comment on my soompi page: Thank you all for the positivity. I'll try not to disappoint with the upcoming chapters. :D



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ichigo kawai: Happy Bday!! hope you to enjoy it very much...























































































Thank you guys for all the goddies, that playful kiss´s poster with goguma in it is just looove haha, even  Yong Jr got in it hahaha.








































I really love the new fancam, it seems like I wil never get over their duet... I like it because I was able to watch from a good angle the part when Yong puls SeoHyun´s hand haha :wub:.








































I´m so loving the ring too, is the first material thing that I love love love in my whole life hahaha... new ring, better ring, love´s ring hahaha.








































And that fanart for Seolady´s bday is cute... I loved yong haha...








































Another Drama Rumor...
































-_- but, all I want is the best for them... (It would be cool if he keeps in WGM, the show that NEVER leaves his mind ^^)














































































































Thank u so much guys!!! 2 days to go ^^
























































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Guest lovekin




Now that we have some many talented gogumas writers (trent, clumsy, prncsscharming, ishtargoddess, lovekin etc), can you all help grant my little wish that each one of you take turns to update a fanfic one day a week eg trent (mon), prncsscharming (tue), clumsy (wed), lovekin (thurs), ishtargoddess (fri), WGM for sat, someone volunteer for sunday please! Then we all can bath in goguma love everyday!!! :wub::wub::wub:








haha, that is a cute idea. 




i don't know about the others, but it sounds like it'd take a lot of self-control to focus on something by meeting a deadline.  for me, i know that it's really difficult to meet them.  but who knows!  i think if i get a solid storyline going, i could post it on a regular basis, but i'm still trying to find my footing.  as i said, RPFs unnerve me a little, so i'm breaking myself into it. smile.gif




uwah, it's so close to the weekend!  i'm excited!  although, unlike most everyone else, i have to wait until sunday or monday when the english subs come out.  tears.gif tongue.gif


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Guest DJHinata

♥IchigoKawai♥ HappyBirthday♥

♥Ichigo ♥ HappyBirthday♥

♥IchigoKawai♥ HappyBirthday♥


♥IchigoKawai♥ HappyBirthday♥

♥IchigoKawai♥ HappyBirthday♥

soompi unnies are the best !! thanks for all the things that you girls share with us !! we are here for one reason " Yongseo couple Love" and i'm happy for that !! I'm so proud of my detectives unnies ♥ we are gonna be crazy this saturday with that special episode of wgm goguma love , we can see a Yongseo couple more "real" fighting~

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Guest Crystal392












A collection of all the pats Hyun~ has given to Yong~: http://gall.dcinside.com/married/468952




:wub: They are so cute ^^




*goes off to read all your comments*








Rouenna: Hahahaha I loved your imagination ^^ Maybe it's true? :P




Sophia: Here you can watch the interview: 2010.09.09 NineEntertain - CNBLUE Interview Part 1 ~~ Part 2




pollykpy & sally7: Thanks soo much for sharing those pics :D I don't see any indication that the ring has rusted or glue on it ^^ Soo it seems that those are new rings (:




desirenhope: Thanks for sharing those news. So far nothing has been confirmed so let's just enjoy our YongSeo <3




sweettaeng: Thanks for sharing that fancam. Awww they looked so happy ^_^




redtulip: I agree with that Baidu fan, that we all love YongSeo couple because somehow it reflects our character. At least that's my case... Once I read a comment on allkpop written by someone who didn't like YongSeo and saying that he/she didn't see what was the fun in donating blood, that comment really surprised me because, even though I know not everyone likes the same things, it made me feel like my way of thinking was really really different from that person. To me watching YongSeo cuts is not about if what they do is fun or not, is about if it's meaningful or not. The "fun" thing about donating blood is knowing that you were able to help someone in need, maybe even save a life. I also love this thread so much because it's so full with love. <3 Thanks to all the Gogumas that help to make it possible and keep the thread a happy place ^_^




genxv: Thanks for sharing that poster. I love it!




lovekin: I will never get tired of saying this: I love your posts because they are so colorful ^______^ hehehe :lol:





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