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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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wow! hyun, u making a statement with that blue dress eh?


missing someone much?


magnae sure looks royal in blue. husband and wifey are working soo hard,


saving for their upcoming wedding photoshoot in Jpn maybe?


tks miel and GeumJandi for pics.


dolphina, u're the first(i think) to share winamp skin here, so tks a bunch!


*saved saved saved*


this thread sure has lots of goodies from talented gogumas, to share everyday.


i'm going to need a new external drive soon. tks soo much everyone!


redtulip, did u say u want to take up hangul? there're lots of lang ctr here in SG.


i took up my basic korean like 2 yrs ago. aigoo..i should've continued then.


waniey, tks for sharing yong's pics. are they recent?


i read somewhere, *been jumping thread so much*, that yong, jungshin, minhyuk


and hyun belong to type A blood. if it is true, that is another reason why they get


along soo well


i think by now, the running into the night scene, is implanted on everyone's mind right?


my q is..


did anyone hear MC Miseon squeel at the ending of the clip?


and did i hear seulong commented something too?


any idea what?



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Guest YongSeo
































































































i find that the reason why they wear rings is more of reason 3 i.e. during filming for an episode of WGM, they could have made a promise to each other to always wear the ring, even outside the show. since both of them kept their promise to each other. this is evident in epi 2 when Yong suggests that to show off their rings in music core. Even after epi 2, you can see that both of them are still wearing their rings (the old ones) even outside WGM filming. So it is not surprising that they continue to wear their new rings outside WGM.
































We are reaching 1000 pgs soon!

































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Guest waniey_haha

jnj  yeah i juz found out at cnblue storm...

did he look awesome?? hot?? if someone can make the first pic ( yoong taking pic ) edit with seohyun front him...heheh..my imagination....

n i also think she made a statement wit that blue dress.... it's all about blue....".i'm married to the cn BLUE leader....of coz"heeeee

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redtulip, thanks for the extra info! i'm sooo happy to hear that... now i can sleep happily. :wub:

if anyone wanna learn korean online u guys can try www.livemocha.com

they have many languages to choose from. i learned korean quarterly thru' though... -.-" gonna restart from basic since i'd forgotten most of it! >.<

heartbreak, i agree with ur 2nd reasoning... they did it mutually!

ok... too sleepy already. nitez gogumaz!

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ring ding dong. seobaby saxy
































































Cr. As Taged









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Thanks for all the wonderful goodies. Wow photoshop is so wonderful! You guys are really full of talent.


Nothing much to add except that I just finished watching episode 22 with Chinese subs. One thing to highlight which I thought is meaningful and not in j2blee's translation.  Minhyuk made a comment at the last scene showing them running that it was the first time he saw Yonghwa behaving like this....





Edit: @jnj, ya me thinking since I am fustrate that I can only pick up some simple words so far. It is minkyuk that made the comment at the running scene.



redtulip I'm also keen to pick up Korean. I find it very frustrating to watch dramas/variety shows and not understand the actual conversation without subs.





If our time can fit each other, wanna take lessons together?





Can you share the link for the chinese subs?


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@wollylamb, here is the chinese translation from Mr CnBlue. I find that they have the most detailed subs for chinese and best art work too. I will PM you later regarding about the course. But need to go sleep first.




Episode 22 - Chinese Subs (Mr CNBlue)





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thanks crystal_malfoy, K1L1On1Mr4, dreamyboo, maybe07, lovekim, jnj, rivevol, miel_1301, and anyone else i happened to miss for the lovely comments about the magazine picture.












dreamyboo haha i could try and do another version, although i really did like yours already. haha. could you give me the links to where you got the pictures for the 2nd one (the standing up one)?












dolphina those winamp skins are so freaking cute! too bad i dont have winamp anymore.












maybe07 i really wonder if she reads his interviews and articles too. i could totally see yong and the cn boys flipping through a magazine about girls generation and yong's would be like "hey! stop looking at your sister in law's legs!" jealous yong :lol: haha












GeumJanDi seohyun and taeyeon unnie are so pretty in their dresses! wouldn't it have been so cute if yong came to the premiere with her because you know how usually doing movie premieres, husbands and wives bring their loved ones to the show :wub: and that little boy hugging hyun looks like he doesnt want to let her go! lol too cute.












ricebol haha i watch the episode at least 5 times. haha. 1--RAWS on youtube, 2--when (hopefully) someone uses the translations and subbs a video, 3--when rdrsubs is fabulous and posts it on youtube, 4--when i download it from rdrsubs, and 5--because i cant get enough of them! haha. but that doesnt mean i dont watch it more! lol












miel_1301 thanks for sharing more pictures from the premiere! is it just me or is it rare for her to wear blue because i always seem to remember her wearing soft colors like pink, white, and other pastel colors. hm...! in that 4th picture, she should have used her left hand to fix her hair--then we would have gotten a ringdingdong moment :lol:












waniey_haha thanks so much for those pictures for yong's suitehouse shoot. he looks good in just about everything ;)












thanks for all the shares everyone!



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is this was shared ?
































































































































































































































































































































































































cre gogumasarang

















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Guest sirius1430266457
















































































































































































































































































































thanks for sharing the pic.
















































































































































i got something to ask,is that really the couple ring or snsd ring??
















































































































































coz i think she just wear one ring right?









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Guest ninyaah
















































































































































































sirius_feez: I'm pretty sure it's the couple ring. She wears her SNSD ring on her ring finger, right hand. You can actually see Taeyeon wearing her SNSD ring. It's peculiar how Seohyun is only wearing her couple ring, not the SNSD one. Most of the time she wears both or only her SNSD ring. I wonder why she was only wearing her couple ring this time. Not that I'm complaining. LOL.
















































































































































Seohyun looks more and more gorgeous everytime I see her. Her aura nowadays is different compared to before.

















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Hi! This is the first time I post here.





I found this vid  http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjA0NjQ1ODk2.html





According to the uploader, this was a performance of Yonghwa with 4 of his friends at high school.





They performed BigBang's Lalala and they sang and danced!





Yonghwa is the vocal with white scarf and glasses!










Conclusion: Yong can actually dance! He just needs practice! 





As we could see from WGM, he learnt quite fast when Seohyun taught the 4 boys how to dance and Yong actually out performed his bros! lol





I don't think Yong should be discouraged. He needs more confidence and encouragement from fans!





And Yong probably didn't feel so comfortable as he had to dance like a girl.





He might do better if he was to do a 'guy dance' :D





Do you guys agree?


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Guest miel_1301

Simply because this once a baby now turned into a lady is irresistibly beautiful...

Here are two more captures of SeoHyun from the "Despicable Me" Premiere held today, 07 September 2010.



cr: on pics+mat_hi@snsdthread

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as requested by dreamyboo
























it's not much different from dreamyboo's version
























just different size. it looks like hyun is laying on yong's lap. also i moved hyun's arm up a little so it looks like yong is holding onto her hand. and of course its black and white with a title.












hope you like it blush.gif
























miel_1310 you totally answered my wish!!! here on my previous post, i had mentioned:

miel_1301 thanks for sharing more pictures from the premiere! is it just me or is it rare for her to wear blue because i always seem to remember her wearing soft colors like pink, white, and other pastel colors. hm...! in that 4th picture, she should have used her left hand to fix her hair--then we would have gotten a ringdingdong moment :lol:












thanks so much for the pictures :wub:



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Jung Yonghwa and Seo Joo Hyun tied the knot in JAPAN!!!
































































































































































































































































CNBLUE's leader, Yonghwa and SNSD's maknae, Seohyun exchanged wedding vows this evening in a simple ocean front wedding at Aquagrace Chapel in Okinawa, Japan.
































































































































































































































































Seohyun looked ravishing in a Monique Lhuillier gown with light ivory silk satin bodice with beaded band just below the bustline; full tulle skirt; sweep train. The groom looked equally handsome in his Giorgio Armani suit.
































































































































































































































































VIP guests included members of their respective groups CNBLUE and SNSD, who also were the groomsmen and bridemaids for the said occasion. A-list K-pop and hallyu stars also graced the event as some coming from SM Ent - Suju, Shinee, Boa, Trax to name a few; FNC's FT Island , Nicole (KARA), Jang Geun Suk, Park Shin Ye, Simon D, Jinwoon (2AM), and a lot more. Japanese actress Ueno Juri also came to the event.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In a short interview from Yonghwa, he said "I was very nervous while waiting for her at the altar. But as soon as Seohyun walked down the aisle, everything seemed to have stopped, She was all that matters. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was LOVELY. BEAUTIFUL." He even joked, "I was trying my best to hold back my tears, I was telling myself I can't cry at my wedding!!!"
































































































































































































































































Seohyun gave Yonghwa a wedding gift of a Cartier watch engraved with 'I Love You' on it. It said she bought the gift in her recent trip Los Angeles last week.
































































































































































































































































The couple first met on the set of WGM which they both played the role of Husband and Wife.
































































































































































































































































They are known as the YongSeo couple.
































































































































































































































































Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jung Yong Hwa!
































































































































































































































































The two will head off to Europe on the 20th to celebrate their extended honeymoon, just right after each of their group's respective series of concerts/shows in Japan.
































































































































































































































































credits to kjpop (katsy_jung_pop)
































































































































































































































































Note: this is fictitious.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































-- the sun is up. I better go to sleep--

































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^I read the big bold red letters,...I have to say I sort of freaked out... T^T I wished it was real!!!


thing is I can picture them going to a more simpler place than Europe for their honeymoon.~ like Jejudo


Also it's nice to see the ring on Seohyun more, I dunno is it just me who thought that before she didn't wear the ring as often..? I guess it just shows how close the couple has gotten.... *SQUEE*



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Guest Crystal392






OMG LaBelle :o *hugs* can you believe that today I thought about you? XD Someone was talking about Twilight and the girl's name is Bella and I remembered you: LaBelle. How have you been?? I was going to PM you later actually xD


There are lots of talented Gogumas here! Hahahaha lenovo that 'news' made me smile, hahahaha


I love you all amazing Gogumas :) thanks for all those links


*goes off to read posts from previous page*



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crystal hahahaha hey *hugs* ^^ it's been so long since we spazz together huh keke


well im just wandering round between yongseo and khuntoria thread as lurkers nowadays >.<


lmao twilight kekeke


anyway yeah i saw lots of many new shipper now, this thread grow so fast lol


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Guest Crystal392






Phew! Finally I finished to read all your amazing posts... =P


lovekim: Aww I love you too dear! ^^


gettawa: Welcome to Gogumaland!! *throws confetti* =D I also love that scene <3


ricevol: hahahahaha I also watch their episodes a million times I think xD


waniey_haha: Yong~ looks so handsome on those pics *_* Thanks for sharing them ^^


DDuk: It also makes me happy to see Hyun~ wearing THE ring :) And what makes it more special is that that's the only ring she is wearing <3


lenovo: hahahaha I loved those news!


panGG: I love your version and dreamyboo's version. Both are soo talented. I hope you will keep sharing your amazing photoshopped pics (:


miel, GeumJanDi & jechod: Thanks for sharing those pics! :D She looks so pretty... but also a bit tired. I hope she will be able to rest more. Hyun~ fighting!


cycnb: Thanks soo much for sharing that video! (: hahahaha aww is that uri Yong~? He did a good job... I wonder how much time did he practice those dance moves xD


ninyaah: I agree with you, I also feel something about her has changed; as you said, it's like her aura nowadays is different... maybe more pink? ;) (pink aura=love)


redtulip: Thanks so much for pointing that out. Aww MinHyuk said that? hehehe maybe because it was the first time he saw YongHwa all that playful with his girlfriend wife :lol:


heartbreak: I also don't think is for reason 1. I think it's a combination between reason 2 and 3, like they made a promise to each other to always wear the ring outside the show and now they also wear it as a proof of their commitment to each other and to their marriage (even if it's fake) ^_^ also to show everybody that they have a special relationship ;) (More than friends? only they know it...)


LaBelle: I hope you will become a spazzer again and join Goguma World :lol: I missed spazzing with you *hugs again* sometimes it gets lonely here... like right now... I think I'm the only spazzer =( where are all my lovely Gogumas? I am a lurker at Khuntoria and Adam thread but a spazzer on Gogumaland xD hehehehe Yeah there are a lot of new shippers now and lurkers who became spazzers, it makes me so happy... this thread is so full of love :wub: it almost always manages to cheer me up (specially after a looong day at university) and for that I am thankful to YongSeo and all my amazing Gogumas!! :D


As YongSeo said, soon we will reach page 1000 =O


**Staying faithful to each other:



~Handsome husband and beautiful wife~




cr: tvdaum




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