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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I love crystal's observation of the backroom interview."Hyun is his family.... Hyun is his lovelight...This episode is all about family, their interactions with each other , the care,most of all the love and trust of each member.For as they say....HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS...

































































































































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Guest lunasol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What was your favorite scene from the latest ep?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry to cut your post. I agree with everything you said!! smile.gif
































































































































































































































































I loved this episode. So funny and sweet but I am only going to mention the sweet moments: (Sorry for long post but need to express all my excitement that is bubbling inside!! wub.gif)
































































































































































































































































* They literally spend the whole day together!!! It was like a vacation for them without pressures!!!
































































































































































































































































* The fact that Seohyun feels so comfortable with them that she even jokingly with Yong~ persuaded Minhyuk to eat the Kimchi even though she knows it was not good. (Evidence of her comfortable family feelings towards her brother-in-laws that she is even playful)
































































































































































































































































* Seeing Yong~ kinda jealous and fidgety while Jung Shin was trying to teach her to play. But I loved even more the MC + MinHyuk conversation regarding this topic!! (Credits to the awesome j2dlee)
































































































































































































































































    MH: I think you will get annoyed if the other person tries to teach your girlfriend.































































































































    MC Park: Of course you don’t like it.































































































































    MH: I didn’t know it by then.































































































































    MC Kim: Yong is acting like he doesn’t mind. He is suppressing it (his jealousy) in front of his brothers. 































































































































    MH: Now I kind of understand how he must have felt during that time.






























































































































































































































































     Is Minhyuk confirming that Yong~ has real feelings towards Hyun~???? Because if you just see someone as a         friend you don't get jealous if they are playing with other people unless you are a child. Also he said the word girlfriend instead of wife?? I think it shows that it goes more than the WGM show.  
































































































































































































































































*Related to the prior point, Yong~ wanting to cover Seohyun even though I don't see anything wrong with her clothes that will show anything. I don't know, maybe it is because I am not a man. Maybe I need insight from a guys perspective.
































































































































































































































































*Yong~'s age difference nostalgia
































































































































































































































































    (Backroom interview)































































































































    Y: The most important thing for Seo Hyun was….the age (or the generation). If only I was born two years later…
































































































































    (Credits to the awesome j2dlee)
































































































































































































































































    He really is showing that he likes her and wants to be a lot closer to her and it is connected to their Banmal problem. This     is the 2nd time he expresses comments about his age. The first in front of Hyun at the restaurant trying to joke that he is 20 so she could drop the formalities. But here in the interview you see that he really wishes that he is younger (especially after seeing her with JS and MH) because he feels like it is a wall between them for her and feels sad about it. 
































































































































































































































































*Yong~ wanting to hug her. It can't be denied!!! He really wanted to hug her!!! But ended in that awkward partial hug-hand grabbing hi5 moment. Still, so cute!! 
































































































































































































































































*Yong~ and Hyun~ after saying goodbye walking together and running. They seemed so real walking like two "teenagers" who like each other leaving their friends and walking shyly together and then he wanting to run with her. Yes, cliche but such an adorable moment that every couple have played one time or another smile.gif One of my favorites sweet scenes!
































































































































































































































































*Yong~ joking that they were going home and feeling like home (last interview). He felt really happy spending the day with Hyun and felt that being with her is like going home (his family home). She has really gotten inside of him and he doesn't see her as work. This reminds me of the Happy Together show where they asked him if he had female celebrties numbers in his phone and he said no but then said that of course he had Hyun's number when he was asked specifically of her #. He doesn't see her as a celebritiy, she is more than that to him. 































































































































































































































































*Hyun seeing him with new eyes as she said two times in the episode. I don't know how to express it but it is like he is no longer an older figure that needs to be respected and have a certain distance with. She feels like he is approachable and in the end she felt like she was married.
































































































































(Again, sorry for my long post!!)    
































































































































































































































































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Guest aoi_enma

j2dlee thank you so much for your translation :wub: :wub: You`re our savior here *hug*

after i read your translation i realize how much their relationship grow ... how Yong very sad about the age thing and the blackroom interview that make me feel touched ... They are now indeed a married couple <3

If they really married they will make a really warm family :wub: i got the vibe on this ep

After this ep we will have much skip and watch the newest progress of their relationship ... really they give me the couple feeling ... how they`re talking to each other and their gesture ...

And Juri Ueno precense :w00t: I want to see how they welcoming a guest who previously they hadn`t meet and their ability to speak Japanese (but i know they are indeed a genius couple hehehehe :))

Thank you so much for all who posting in here ... i have the family vibe too in this thread <3

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so tired...just finished epi 10....12 to go....:phew:

i wish all this will be real.... i wish, both of them can be together forever..:wub:..i love to see them take care about each other, tease, respect towards each other.....

btw...is it important for you to use Banmal towards your partner....until now i can't differentiate between formal and informal....i can understand little ( really little - korean drama freak...learn from the drama only)....but still cannot differentiate both.....:sweatingbullets:


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Guest Crystal392












About banmal, this article posted page ago by c1ockz explains more about it, it's quite long but really interesting. :D I bolded the parts that, imo, are the most important and related to YongSeo :P








*YongHwa uses banmal (informal) to speak to SeoHyun.




*SeoHyun uses jondae (formal) to speak to YongHwa.




*YongHwa asked SeoHyun to speak to him in banmal (informal) because they are now married/a couple and it will mean they are closer.




*SeoHyun is trying but it is very difficult for her because she is used to always use jondae (formal) with people older than her, she even speaks using jondae to her SNSD unnies.




While Eun-jo never called Ki-hoon “oppa,” she certainly used her share of banmal with him




One of the things I find endlessly fascinating about the Korean language is the magnitude of what people call each other, and how they address one another as relationships evolve. As javabeans noted, in romantic comedies, we often squee equally over kisses as we do over the first time characters use banmal with each other. So what is banmal, and what are the rules? How can banmal be rude in one moment, and romantic in the next? Who gets to use banmal, and why is it meaningful when characters switch from jondae to banmal?




Banmal is informal or familiar speech, and the literal word can be translated as: “half” and “word/speech.” It’s half-speak, or jondae cut in half. It’s not so much the volume of words that’s cut, although banmal does require fewer words to convey meaning. It’s the formality and the extraneous polite address that can be pared down when using banmal.




As a general rule, people who are: 1) of the same age or older than you, and 2) familiar with you can use banmal.




The clearest delineations are within families. Anyone who’s older than you in your family will use banmal with you. The reverse is a little trickier. If you’re the younger person, when can you use banmal?








Within immediate families, siblings use banmal with each other. Some people who are more distant with their parents use jondae, while most close families use banmal with parents. I speak to my parents in banmal and will continue to do so my whole life. There is also a generational difference, because while I use banmal with my parents, they use jondae with their parents.




But there’s no hard and fast rule, even with family members, because banmal is used only when you feel that level of comfort with someone. For example, in Cinderella’s Sister, Ki-hoon uses jondae with Ki-jung, although they are brothers. In Coffee Prince, Eun-chan uses banmal with her mom, since they are very close. (This is common in most mother-daughter relationships and is, for instance, far more common than the use of banmal between father and son.)




The family rules can be applied to any sort of external group as well. Think: crime families, groups of mixed-aged friends at a university, a team of co-workers. Naturally, anyone who is older or in a position of authority (the hyung-nim, the sunbae, the boss) will use banmal, while everyone else will speak in jondae.




In Pasta, Yoo-kyung uses banmal with Hyun-wook, thinking he’s the new kid, below her on the totem pole. This assumption, regardless of age, allows her the freedom to use banmal. That is, until the next day, when Hyun-wook is introduced as the new Head Chef, at which point the roles are reversed. Chef now uses banmal, while Yoo-kyung switches to jondae.




When you’re a kid, things are simple: you use jondae with adults, and banmal with other kids. As an adult, banmal is used only with people you are familiar with, having already established that you are on banmal terms. You would never start out an interaction using banmal. Not cool.




So how on earth do you establish banmal terms? Cutting down to banmal requires a tacit agreement to do so, by both parties. Usually there is a conversation, or one person does so experimentally, seeking approval to speak comfortably. The general rule is, you must get permission to do so. Once jondae is cut, there’s no need to go back.




For example, in Coffee Prince, Eun-chan has only met Han-seong a few times, so they still speak to each other in jondae. But when they get friendlier and she finds out that he’s 31 versus her 24, she tells him to “lower his words,” which he does immediately. This is an example of the most common way to get to banmal.




If you are identified as older, you have more freedom to cut your words. Han-kyul, in contrast, uses banmal right away with Eun-chan because a) he thinks she’s a dude, and B) he thinks she’s a punk kid on top of it all. Here again, gender relations come into play, because note that Han-seong starts out using jondae despite the age difference because Eun-chan is a girl. Whereas Han-kyul uses banmal comfortably, thinking that Eun-chan is a guy.




Now, in a romantic relationship, these differences take on more significant meanings. Whether or not a couple uses banmal with each other speaks volumes about where they are emotionally, and how comfortable they feel around each other. If one party is older, then the older one may drop the formalities as a sign of closeness. And very commonly, men will cut to banmal first.














In more traditional couples, men/husbands use banmal while women/wives use jondae. I know. Don’t hate mail me. I didn’t invent it. Personally, I think it should be all or nothing, and none of this in-between stuff, especially if you’re married. But this is still the dominant practice in traditional couples, as being the man or head of the household gives one an elevated status in a patriarchal society. It’s not so much that doing it one way or the other is right or wrong; here it’s a matter of choice, and it reveals what sort of dynamic is in play within the couple.




But the reverse is true too, in that a girl’s got some power in how she chooses to wield jondae/banmal. In Boys Before Flowers, Jandi uses jondae with Ji-hoo sunbae and the rest of F4, indicating respect (since they are older). But she refuses to give Gu Jun-pyo any respect, because she finds him hateful. She therefore strictly uses banmal with him, which is frustrating to Jun-pyo, who is used to the entire world kissing his feet and cowering in his presence.




Similarly, in Cinderella’s Sister, Eun-jo uses banmal with Ki-hoon in a deliberately disrespectful way. It’s different from Hyo-sun’s use of banmal, since she always calls him oppa. But we all know Eun-jo would rather die, so she speaks in banmal knowing that she’s overstepping her bounds.




Using banmal goes hand in hand with how people address each other. If a couple is roughly the same age, they will start out calling each other name-sshi and speaking in jondae. Once you get to banmal, name-sshi becomes name-ah or name-ya (which are both equivalent and based on consonant/vowel, just like “a tree,” “an apple”; eg. Eun-jo-ya, Ki-hoon-ah).




Here’s the main difference between jondae and banmal: there’s no way to say “YOU” in jondae. Only in banmal. Jondae is built structurally so that you cannot address an elder directly in the second person. So even when you are speaking to your teacher directly, you will be saying something like, “I will give the assignment to Teacher,” or to your mom: “Mom doesn’t get me.” It’s weird in English, (which is why this difference is lost in translation) but the distance is built into the language on purpose in jondae. Titles, like “Mom” will always keep that distance in speech, no matter if you use banmal.




But with friends, colleagues, significant others—anyone you call by name, once you cut to banmal, you can say the equivalent of “you,” so that you can speak to each other without the third-person address. So you could say to your friend: “You suck.” No titles, no frills, no referring to each other in the third person.




This may seem like a small change, but it’s a world of difference in personal interaction. Imagine if Ki-hoon continued to use jondae, as he does when he first returns after his eight-year absence: “Eun-jo-sshi is awful.” It’s a totally different feeling from the very direct: “You awful girl.”




Think of it this way too: “I love Ki-hoon-sshi,” vs. “I love you, you silent, noble idiot!” Okay, that last part was editorialized, but you catch my drift. There are middle ground ways around this, of course, like the use of endearments + jondae, or opting out of direct address, but this is the basic structure of jondae/banmal.




The colloquial words Koreans use in order to cut formality reveal a lot about their feelings towards jondae vs. banmal: “drop, lower, cut, peel, pare, strip, subtract, reduce, ease, relieve, release, let go, set free, liberate.”




The most common phrase used when suggesting banmal is to “speak comfortably” or “plainly.” There’s a reason—using banmal actually frees up your speech. There are just things that are impossibly difficult to express when speaking in jondae. It’s a cultural perspective, to be sure, that jondaemal feels restrictive and formal, and that it creates a distance between speakers.




Conversely, using banmal actually makes people feel comfortable—it puts speakers at ease, because by cutting formalities in speech, you’re actually agreeing to be more open, free, and say whatever you please. It’s like a social contract, that if we’re in a banmal-kind of relationship, we’re cool to say what we really think. Of course it also says to the world that we’re close.




Which is why it’s a significant milestone in the drama couple’s journey. Even if it forces you to endure someone dissing you for the first time ever. That’s right, Gu Jun-pyo. I’m talking to you.




Article: http://www.dramabeans.com/2010/07/glossary-banmal/








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Guest lovekin




About banmal, this article posted page ago by c1ockz explains more about it, it's quite long but really interesting. :D I bolded the parts that, imo, are the most important and related to YongSeo :P








*YongHwa uses banmal (informal) to speak to SeoHyun.


*SeoHyun uses jondae (formal) to speak to YongHwa.


*YongHwa asked SeoHyun to speak to him in banmal (informal) because they are now married/a couple and it will mean they are closer.


*SeoHyun is trying but it is very difficult for her because she is used to always use jondae (formal) with people older than her, she even speaks using jondae to her SNSD unnies.










wow!  that essay was extremely intriguing.  do you know the source of the essay?  i'd like to read more, if any, from the writer. laugh.gif




it does say something about yongseo, i think, but i wish the essay delved more into the significance of using colloquialisms.  anyway, it's kind of charming that yong desperately wants her to speak banmal with him. wink.gif  it's funny because before they made those punishments for each other, i saw yongseo as individuals put together to finish tasks (never mind that i thought they were cute together).  and then afterwards, even though the punishments were meant to last only a day, the process of getting seo to speak banmal is now ongoing, and i love that it's also something that makes the couple work harder together because they have a common goal: yong wants to hear her speak it, and seo wishes to work harder for yong because he wants to.




i won't lie, though. it's a bit sad how badly yong wants it, and seo can't speak freely with him so immediately.  then again, i like that she tries every so often and that it'll probably be super significant when she finally "severs" formal ties with him.




EDIT: buh, i can't read. you did link the source. oops!  sorry~


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hm... its been about 2 days since i was here and jumping 10 pages is a lot to process and read. thanks to everyone whose shared pictures and videos. its much appreciated!
































































































































































just wanted to tell everyone my favorite scenes!
































































































































































1. jonghyun feeding yonghwa--i know its not a yongseo moment i thought it was so freaking cute and funny because seohyun was sitting idly by watching. yong! you should of let your wifey feed you instead!
































































































































































2. yonghwa covering minhyuk's butt from seohyun's face--haha this was really funny. when i read the translation by j2dlee and something like yonghwa wanted to cover it because minhyuk is embarrassed, i personally think he just wanted to because its his wife whose face minhyuk's butt would be in. lol
































































































































































3. the goodbye scene--i know everyone probably loves it but i seriously LOVE it. how he is heading HOME with his wife and how they decided to race against each other. i think its really cute how he offers to hold her bag for her. i personally dont really like guys to hold my purse/bag but if he was yonghwa then i definitely would :) and another reason why i like this scene is because its like "playful love". does that make sense? haha. being playful is part of love and its kind of like their(yongseo) thing to do. for example the whole avatar thing. the episode where they move in together and they both bought avatar decorations and were playing with them. and when they went to the park after their failed driving text and they were like "oh its like avatar" with the white fluff flying everywhere and it was only the two of them who really were into it. its almost like a funny secret between the two of them or something.
































































































































































4. the back room interviews--today's episode i think showed yongseo couple's progression a lot as a couple. they both are starting to share a lot more feelings and it really makes us fans want them to be a real life couple.
































































































































































i really do adore yongseo... :)
































































































































































and i cant wait for next week's episode, it'll be super cute. and i agree with everyone who said that it looks like their relationship has gotten really close. mbc better not be lame thou, and NOT show anything before last weekend's recording. but about the preview, i kind of thought it was cool that juri ueno was asked to be in the episode instead of like randomly being there. at first when i read and heard about her being in the episode i thought maybe she came to eat there and they ran into each other or something. but the fact that she's pretending to be a waitress to catch them off guard is really cool. cant wait :)
































































































































































not sure if anyone has shared this fancam or not but this is by far the best fancam of yonghwa that has been uploaded ever. beats broadcast station videos too. super HD and yonghwa focus. (sigh) love it. watch here---> YONGHWA LOVE it has a lot of RINGdingdong moments :D

































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Guest Crystal392












CNBLUE had a perf today/yesterday (Sept 4) at Daejeon Hana Green Concert (I'm sure Hyun~ would be proud ;) It was to promote environmental protection) and seems like he is wearing THE ring ^_^ (But I'm not 100% sure) hehehe well... he is wearing a ring on his wedding ring finger, calling Gogumas FBI :P





[fancam, 2010.09.04] cnblue 외톨이야 + 사랑빛 : 대전 하나푸른음악회 (I'm a loner + Love Light)


~Watching this 'I'm a loner' fancam I can't help but remember the days when YongSeo began to film and we would analyze every CNBLUE perf just to see if the ring Yong was wearing matched the ring Hyun was wearing while promoting 'Oh!'. hehehe We were so sure that they were wearing couple rings, and we were right ;) ~







More fancams from that perf:




[fancam, 2010.09.04] cnblue "interview" : 대전 하나푸른음악회

















[fancam, 2010.09.04] cnblue "black flower" : 대전 하나푸른음악회














[fancam, 2010.09.04] cnblue "love" : 대전 하나푸른음악회














Found this on dcmarried, I think it's the rating:

tnms 기준임 3개월치 박에 안나와서 ㅋ

6/5 12.5




6/12 13.8




6/19 12.2




6/26 15.5 (쿤톨 등장)




7/3 15.4




7/10 13.2 (요날은 무도도 13.5 무슨일잇엇남 ㅋ)




7/17 15.6




7/24 15.1




7/31 13.6 (휴가철시작)




8/7 14.9 (휴가 종료인듯)




8/14 15.7




8/21 15.7




8/28 16.1 (아담쿤톨 합동)




9/4 14.5 (참고로 동시간대 붕어빵은 +1.2% 골든벨은 -0.5%)




cr: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=465001&page=1&bbs=







It decreased a bit but I'm glad the ratings have been a bit consistent lately (14-15%) :DWhile using Google translator it said 'Golden Bell', I think they are also talking about the variety show 'Star Golden Bell', maybe that's WGM competition? xD





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Guest aoi_enma
























[HD] [Perf] [100904] Run Devil Run (rock ver) and Love Light (Seohyun + CN Blue).001































[HD] [Perf] [100904] Run Devil Run (rock ver) and Love Light (Seohyun + CN Blue).002


















































i love sweet Hyun in this gif























































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my fave parts not much but one is when they walk together in last part of the show
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































im also love the BGM songs :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































my fave song
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Peppertones - Parks

































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Guest K1L1On1Mr4






It seems that i always like every BGM of YongSeo couple w00t.gif


That's my fave part too, hearing Hyun's cute scream while running laugh.gif


Other fave scenes are from pool scenes, just like how Yonghwa consolated Hyun after she failed to kill the 8 ball laugh.gif



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Guest Crystal392












aoi_enma: Hyun~ was such a cute child, now she is all grown up ^_^ Seobabylady :D




GeumJanDi: I love the BGM songs too hehehe ^^




K1L1On1Mr4: That part was soo sweet :wub: Hyun~ was pouting/a bit sad because she failed and he said 'It'ok.. you did a good job'. Yong~ takes good care of Hyun~. Maknae is in good hands :D







~Yong choding imitating Jungshin's laugh


:lol: ~










~Pretty Hyun~















Btw, in a few more hours Inki will air. Do you think Yong will interview TRAX and they will mention goddess Hyun~? :o





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i totally forgot about inki..do you guy know where to watch it??

Have u guys realize Hyun never wear somthing sexy when he met Yonghwa, she always with cutety -dress up. I really hope someday she wear "hot pant" or at least like the recent airport's pic. It is just i want to see his reaction .. :w00t:

edit: by da way i like when our couple segment appear they play BOF song..hahahaa..

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Guest mimayree

I think the episode is really meaningful. both of them realized about family.

It was fun and memorable. It's like a picture of a girlfriend hanging out with friends. that normal people do.(not celebrities)

I love how yong takes good care of her wife and his brothers as well. It's a big turn on for Hyun.... hihihi...

They look perfect and at the last part when they're running i feel like watching a drama, that has a happy ending.

Can't wait for the next epi.

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j2 dear, huggies, thank u once again. i'll nvr get tired of saying it to u.

like everyone else, we really appreciate it A LOT!!!

earlier on, i didn't understand why out of nowhere, the atmosphere change from lively to a bit

tense. minhyuk not wanting to continue with his magic (sulky)

and yong looking a bit down, being gently chided by wifey

hyun is a mommy being the peacemaker, when something is not right btwn dad and sons. haha

but i also understand yong's situation. gee, he is only 22 and the youngest in his family.

he wants to be a charismatic leader to his bros and at the same time, be a loving hubby to hyun

he is making it clear cut that he draws the line btwn them.

but its tiring for u, yong.

but boys will always be boys! they just want to have some fun!

see how playful they are at the pool game. all's forgotten!

ah...the pool game! this is my most fave part!

yong choding!! another side of him which i like!

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