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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


Recommended Posts
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cre coldnoodles tumblr & as tagged
































































































































































































































mhm im confused how mbc airing next eps
































































































































































































































are they gonna skip/cut the eps that they already shoot (like fishing ,or in parks also when before incheon concert)
































































































































































































































and replace them with horror special and ueno juri suprise visit ?

















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Guest Caliope
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































mhm im confused how mbc airing next eps
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































are they gonna skip/cut the eps that they already shoot (like fishing ,or in parks also when before incheon concert)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and replace them with horror special and ueno juri suprise visit ?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yes, I'm confused too.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If on September 11, we'll see Ueno Juri with Yongseo's couple...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Do not see what recorded in July and August?... :unsure:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun is soooooooooooooooooo beautiful in this MV ^^ and the song is really good.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am sooo grateful that they don't shown the boy....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So... let's go... we can fly our imagination...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's YongHwa!!! w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

































































































































































































































































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Guest DJHinata

OMG hyun looks like an angel doesn't she ? i'm so happy this week it's definitly a YONGSEO couple week !! MV, concert , WGM filming, Pictures, Wishes ~ and more but the most important thing goguma Love !! ♥ A lot goguma Love specialy here in SeoHwa Sweet Potato Couple Thread .... 

Y, Why... (English)

I know I’ve fallen in love when you’re coming down to my eyes 

Wanna make you,wanna feel the beauty as you are 

I wanna tell you some I’m not a man who say in lies

Wanna love you I wanna hold you can you be the part of my life 

You can have it your way girl it you mind 

I don’t wanna bend you girl, all the life all the life 

I’ll feel your love forever I wanna know your feeling 

This feeling is so true, girl

I’ll need your love forever I can feel your heart 

So please breathe with me forever 

(Rap) If you wanna one time, girl

I gotta give you more than 

Whenever wanna some thang 

I’m gonna with you somewhere 

I gotta show you what I’m gonna do when your eyes 

Contact to me 

It doesn’t work it out 

You know too hard to breathe it 

Baby I love you indeed Nothing is lie we need 

I can’t see it any teardropin’on your face, girl 

I just wanna say I love it 

You can have it your way girl it you mind 

I don’t wanna bend you girl, all the life, all the life 

I’ll feel your love forever I wanna know your feeling 

This feeling is so true, girl

I’ll need your love forever I can feel your heart 

So please breathe with me forever 

When you come in my life see my eyes 

My life is never the same 

My eyes tell you truth 

I wanna live In your life 

I’ll feel your love forever I wanna know your feeling 

This feeling is so true, girl

I’ll need your love forever I can feel your heart 

So please breathe with me forever

btw .. the lyrics from my signature is from CNBLUE Y,Why ~  ♥

i'm going to sleep now it's 3:30am 02/09 kekeke I'm a YongseoCouple FAN ~ \(^ o ^)/

(sorry for my bad english (; o ;)  )

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Guest my_fluffy
































as i love math equation, i'm going to do an equation abt our yongseo couple...
































seohyun loves duck...
















duck = yong hwa ---------------->1
















thus, seohyun loves yonghwa... :phew:
















seohyun + duck = loves------->2
















sub yong = duck in 2, we have...
















seohyun + yonghwa = love... :wub:

















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Guest ilovesnowwhite
































































































sorry if this has been sharedhttp://www.youtube.c...feature=related yong at starking where he hugged one member of that girl group.
































































well dont worry since he is just imitating that scene from YAB where he hugged go minam, then he said that "this is my girl"
































































im just imagining and dreaming one day yonghwa will hug seohyun or atleast i hope YONGSEO will imitate this scene someday then he will say
































































"this is my girl, my one and only girl" WEEE.
































































edit: again another vid complete list of seohyun's celebrity fanboys
































































i just read somewhere that ita a plus factor for a man if they are dating someone who is loved or liked by other man. so yong. lol. :) better protect your wife.
































































nowadays there are lots of men getting involved with her. ahhaah:)
































































and about the MV. the mv shows seo's gorgeousness, and we guys who are obly able to watch it on our computer screens can say that she is really gorgeous, then how much more yong who has seen i bet all of them face to face(well except the flying kiss, and kiss) i bet yong was like. THAT's MY WIFE!
































































@GeumJandi i dont think they're going to show ueno juri's appearance next week. :) i think they'll continue the part where hyun visited cnblue's dorm.

















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Guest mandyemily

think the ueno juri episode will air next week in line with the nodame promotion. but the WGM

team is really good to yongseo. i think they like them alot even the captions seems abit different. they will probably continue the previuosly filmed episode after the nodame and horror house episode. :wub:

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until when we need just to imagine???????
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i cant imagine anymore & i want to seeee thats all as a real thing.....real thing...real about kiss, hug, holding hands...always and so on...

































































































































































































































































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Guest 1sweetlove
















Juri Ueno guest stars on We Got Married




by heartfacee on September 1, 2010 at 8:30 pm












Juri Ueno made a surprise appearance on the UPCOMING :w00t: episode of We Got Married.
























This Japanese award-winning actress met CNBLUE’s Yonghwa and SNSD’s Seohyun and spent some time all together. She was in Korea recently to promote her new movie Nodame Cantabile: The Movie II and We Got Married set up the meeting because Yonghwa picked her as his ideal type and Seohyun was a fan of the movie Nodame Cantabile I.








The YongSeo couple was more than surprised to see Juri Ueno but that didn’t get in the way of them having a good time together.








Juri Ueno said,








“I was happy to meet both of them at once. I won’t forget this even after I return to Japan.”








Poor Seohyun, what girl wants to hang out with their husband and his ideal type?
















credit to allkpop












excl.gifHOWEVER I disagree with this point of view, Seohyun is soooo in love with her that she probably doesn't have time to be jealous over her! :lol:








A dream for them has been realised!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha :lol:





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Guest Caliope

CNBLUE member Jung Yonghwa met his ideal woman, Japanese actress Ueno Juri.

Ueno Juri who was recently in Korea to promote her movie 'Nodame Cantabille Vol.1" made a sudden appearance in WGM Season 2 recording and met Jung Yonghwa and Seohyun couple (Yongseo couple).

The pleasant encounter took place around the Yongseo couple's house in the Sangdo-Dong area that afternoon. Jung Yonghwa didn't say that his ideal woman 'Nodame Cantabile' Ueno Juri just to make it a great news topic and Seohyun was also a big fan of 'Nodame Cantabile' that she brought the comic books to their marriage house.

When the Yeongseo couple first saw Ueno Juri they could not believe their eyes but soon after they could not hide their happiness and welcome her happily.

The 3 people who shared the common interest of 'Nodame Cantabille' quickly became close and spent a wonderful time together.

Ueno Juri said, "I'm very delighted to be able to come and visit Korea and meet the famous couple at the same time. I won't forget this even after i go back to Japan."

The episode with Ueno Juri can be seen in the upcoming episode of WGM on the 11th of September.

source: Asia Today

Trans: blue_jus7 @ CodeAzzurro


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Guest lovekim
























































Hey everyone...








































Ok, i'm lazy...so i'll just post the link here:
















































































Wuri Hyun has flown off to LA....praying for their safety, and that she'll miss her hubby very much. hahaha!








































Me go pull my hair over the kpop nite concert first, I'll be back later...thanks everyone for the updates and posts!!








































love ya _d3, crystal, woollylamb!!









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Hey everyone...

Ok, i'm lazy...so i'll just post the link here:


Wuri Hyun has flown off to LA....praying for their safety, and that she'll miss her hubby very much. hahaha!

Me go pull my hair over the kpop nite concert first, I'll be back later...thanks everyone for the updates and posts!!

love ya _d3, crystal, woollylamb!!

Had mixed feelings when I saw the news of SM family at the airport, then in the plane. Happy for those in LA 'coz they will be there as scheduled, but at the same time really worried about the flight conditions. Hopefully there won't be any turbulence and SeoHyun & "family" will have a safe & fun flight there.


Luv ya back lovekim dear... blush.gif


Counting the minutes till I can get home to watch TRAX's full MV with Gorgeous Angel Seo. :)


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I had thought both leads of Nodame Cantabile (Ueno Juri and Tamaki Hiroshi) were supposed to be in Korea at the beginning of September to promote the the movie sequel(s) of the show in Korea. The article only mentions Ueno Juri though.

I would assume the reason why it would be shown so quickly after being filmed is that it was part of the agreement between the movies promotions and MBC. If the stars of Nodame Cantabile are there to promote a release of the movie (either in theaters or DVD) they probably want that segment to air around the time of the release and not a month or two later in October or November.


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Guest oceanprince




hey guys! i've been lurking these few days, and i apologise for that. i had exams for the past 2 weeks, and today marks the end of my paper. SO IM COMING OUT MY LURKING MODE AS PROMISED! :D


anyway, thanks for posting all the pictures, fancams, translations and links guys! there are a lot to thanks, and i dnt want to name you guys individually bcos i'm afraid i'll miss out anyway.




Seohyun in TRAX's mv: oh my gosh. she looks soooooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful here. she really looks like an angel, in white. an innocent girl, seohyun's image. and she's so cute at the same time! oh gosh, that kiss scene. Rouenna HAHAHA YES I BET MOST EXTREME SEOHYUN FANBOYS WILL START KISSING THE SCREEN. aigoooo~ will yong do tht too? WHO KNOWS! minhyuk, jonghyun and jungshin ah, we'll be waiting for your extra information! hehehehe!








i really love this picture of CNBLUE+S? can i have it? so that i can do some graphics with it :D


oh, i really wish there's another stage for them. this time round, seohyun on keyboards? tht would be a great idea! but my wish is, yong would still be lingering around her even when she's playing the keyboards.




oh about the ueno juri from allkpop! i really doubt the last line of their article. yes, i totally agree that seohyun would fangirl nodame most of the time! i think yong would probably be jealous that hyun is paying her fullest attention to ueno juri thn him! you know how yong gets jealous abt such little little things. he really loves being in the lime light. esp in front of hyun. HAHAHAH i sense that yong would be jealous, and it's a first for him to be jealous over a girl! it'll be so awesome if he's jealous over ueno juri. oh, i saw someone mentioning that hyun recommended yong to watch the show, and brought nodame dvds over to cnblue's dorm? is this comfirm? hmm.. but i strongly believe that yong was influenced by hyun. since nodame is not really a new drama in japan. as our yongseo couple are music-lovers, no doubt they would love the drama. im looking forward to this episode with ueno juri! wonder whts her reaction, and how are they gonna communicate? im anticipating jealous yong again! lol.




i love the gifs posted by s0leill123 and i'll be reposting them






omg, yonghwa i swear you look sexy and hot! BUT, IS YOUR WIFE IS TOO SEXY FOR YOU? look at your pervy face! LOL.








i love this part of the fancam! after reading jossa's fic, it really seems so true. hyun being all so nervous, and yong giving her the assurance look.






she's so cute here!!!! but if only she looked into his eyes at this part of the song. it'll prolly give the goosebumps!




oh man, i cant wait for 4th sept. MBC will be airing this concert! they better take good shots of our yongseo couple. they better ZOOOOOOOOOOM into their faces when they're singing and the epic 'holding hands' moment! of cos 4th sept would be WGM too! can't wait :D




lovekim: unnie, im also pulling my hair bcos of the kpopnight too! I WANNA SEE HYUN BUIN! TEASING YONGHWA WAS SO FUN.




oh, to sg gogumas, any idea where to get a yonghwa uchiwa in singapore? i dnt wanna make. LOL. i love jpn gogumas! they were so cute holding yonghwa's uchiwa!




edit: i promise you guys last week, i'll make graphics! but im super tired today! tmr alright :D hehehe. love the new hand holding pics! so photoshoppable.



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Guest Crystal392






Thanks to wveryone for the pics, links and everything.


^ I think someone mentioned that they would have met Tamaki/Chiaki too but he was going to arrive the next day; and Hyun had to travel to US :o I think it was mentioned a couple of pages ago? :o


It would have been awesome if YongSeo met Chiaki and Nodame... Hmmm maybe when they go to Japan? XD



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Guest digidigibob
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't know if this was posted already, so I just want to share this.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is from a Hong Kong magazine.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Q1 The Shinwoo character in You’re Beautiful is the perfect lover for many fan girls. Do you think you’re like the character?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YH: Actually my personality is completely different from that of Shin Woo. I like to joke around with my band mates. I think the only common point is that, like Shin Woo, I’m very sensitive and pleasingly affectionate to girls. (He couldn’t help laughing after saying that and the other members smiled secretly too.)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Cr: klaritia@CN Blue thread

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest mimayree

she must've loved duck eversince. hahaha.

When they were at the train her eye mask is a duck right.


How many days will hyun stay in the US???

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Guest Yukilovesyou


Has anyone posted this yet?


Hyun buin on the way to LA~ All the best to her and her unnies!

Also, Jung seobang's photo from yesterday:


Do you see bling bling? :)

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dreamy_boo, u know, i used to dislike Y, WHY since its written for someone

that yong likes,(me jealous much) BUT tks to your fanmade MV,

Y, WHY has become my fave song. i keep repeating it, and i find the lyrics soo

meaningful now, full of emotions. nicely done, gal! me want some more pls.. :P

tks for explaining abt the juk-buin, j2. the name alone suggesting a PG13 blush.gif

aaah, so its more of a practical use for the summer eh.

am glad that yong's using the froggy plush toy to cuddle instead.

hello there kay77. welcome to goguma world. as u've noticed, most of us

don't really understand hangul, so after every episode,

there will always be lots of whys.

then j2 comes along and now we have u.

not forgetting yuki, redtulip and sweettaeng.

oh, and i think genxv understands hangul too right, gen?

we gogumas are really blessed.

purestupidity, can see that u had a wonderful time in Korea.

we, gogumas had a great time tweeting that day, tks to u.

since our wishes are being granted one by one, i want to make a new one too.

my wish is to see yongseo couple meet both side of parents.

yes, yong's cheerful parents meeting hyun's funny parents will be daebak!!

after seeing hyun making the kimchi, i wonder if her mom told her how many

spoonfuls of salt or ginger to add in.

she got the recipe from her mom, so i'm sure her mom can't be telling

her to put in those items just be feel... :rolleyes::lol:

ah, there's soo much to spazz abt, i'll come back later.

every gogumas, matters, even if i don't mention your names in this post.

tk u EVERYONE for making this a happy home, sharing views, pics, gifs and links.

gogumas are jjang!!!

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Guest unnieria




Hurray for pink subs!




Rest at their channel



Hi guys! Did anyone download the soshified videos? Can you please send re-uploaded links? Thanks!



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