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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest monie1909

baby_bo THANK YOU,thank you for confirming it..hehee.. i was squeling when i read the news before..both of them will be very very happy..one of their dreams comes true..ppl in dc said chiaki senpai will only arrived at korea today,if not he will join the meeting too..hehe..hyun will be super thrilled if she meet him..

haenna me too. patiently waiting for the mv..pali pali..cant wait to see hyun in weding dress..thos who want to join me stalk trax website,here the link...


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Guest Crystal392






Woah while reading the posts I realized there are a lot of new habitants of Gogumaland :o Welcome welcome! The more the merrier. Welcome Teen-a (thanks for sharing that link), ONLY13_MoN (I loved the fan art you made ^^), rica_vidya (I also think they bought new rings... maybe they used the money from their couple bank account? ), my_fluffy, Hikari1309 (I also love SoEulmates! hehehe), princessjulia, piriri--, FG_ET (I'm so glad it was Hyun too, she is such an amazing girl and Yong is such an awesome boy... they make an awesome couple)!!!


heartbreak: I loved the song you shared, the lyrics are <3 Hopefully someone will make an MV with that song soon ^^


cosmiclatte: OMG! Those pics are amazing, thanks for sharing them. Aww you were soo close to uri YongSeo. Woah the place seems really busy and there are more papers/notes on it than I remember, there are notes even on the walls and windows and I remember when YongSeo filmed there weren't notes on those places... maybe it is YongSeo effect? (like the news that sales increased a month after YongSeo visited the 'music market' on one of their first eps) (: You did YongSeo/Forgiveness tour! =D


rainie_chu: Jossa updated her fic? OMO thanks for sharing the link.


j2dlee: hehehehehehehe thanks for translating what Yuri and Tiffany said after YongSeo perf... hehehehehehehe I loved your 'conclusion', Yuri jjang! Aww Soshi unnies love our YongSeo too ^^ Also thanks for always sharing us info about Korean culture, I didn't know what a Jukbuin was and now thanks to you I do (: Thanks soo much!


waetoriya: Thanks for sharing those pics! Hyun~ and Yong~ have to work a lot so they can save lots of money because nowadays weddings are really expensive and buy lots of things :lol:


redtulip: Thanks for sharing all that info from Baidu. Awww so he was probably filming his cameo for MGIAG... but I am sure they will meet soon in Japan! :D Those toothbrush holders are soo cute :3 I want the pink pig, soo cute. Awww Hyun is so sweet, the gift she gave to Yong~ is extra special, I am sure she couldn't stop thinking if Yong will like it or not... Hyun~, Yong~ loves everything related to you :lol: hehehehe


lenovo: *hugs* Every time I look at those pics I feel soo happy! hehehe YongSeo jjang!


Purestupidity: You are back!! Yay! I am glad that you had soo much fun here! I am addicted too... I am infected with Goguma virus! hehehe Remember what Junshin said once on an interview about the changes on YongHwa after WGM? He said Yong~'s mood has improved and his face seems clear.. <3


miel: Thanks soo much for sharing those pics of Hyun~. She looks soo pretty ^^ Also thanks for sharing all that info abou Cancers, it really fits Hyun... and the 'pressing shoulders' part made me remember the ep where they teased/pushed each other after playing pool.


Rouenna: I also find it funny that when they asked him what would Hyun~ think about his photoshoot with the model he said 'Work is work.. she will understand'. Seems like for him WGM (the think that NEVER leaves his mind ;) ) is really special and means more than work. Remember the interview where they asked him if he had any girl's number and he said he didn't and then the MC asked him 'Not even Hyun~' and he said 'Of course I have hers' and in english it may not seem too special but our awesome j2dlee explained us he used a suffix/word (?) that meant to him Hyun~ wasn't just any girl (probably in his mind it's his girlfriend wife hehehe). I agree, he is a very friendly guy and I think it's easy for him to make friends; he also doesn't have problem with skinship but Hyun~ is an exception; I agree with you when you said he's probably never worked so hard on being close to a girl before, I think that's why he was a bit sad when he saw Hyun getting comfortable really fast with MinHyuk and Jungshin because he probably felt he had done something wrong because, as he said on the first ep, he had never met a girl like Hyun~ before so I think lots of things are new to him too. ^^


lovekin: I really love your posts, they are soo colorful *_* hehehehe


pangG: Thanks for sharing fancams of CNBLUE's latest perf. It also makes me think about CNBLUE+S :)


_d3seohyun: Oh! :o Hyuun~ also made a cameo xD hehehehe :lol: Thanks for sharing that fanmade video.


nazweena: Sis! It's been a loong time since we've had a loong chat, I miss you soo much and my CNR girls :( OMO we are brainmates sis! hahahahaha I wrote as an answer the same thing you did, saving money for a real wedding. But I haven't read your post when I answered that comment xD I will try to join all of you on Saturday!


monie: Thanks for sharing those news!


Caliope: Thanks WGM PDs for making YongSeo duet real! I can't wait to see them backstage and their reactions before and after their perf <3


s0leil: Queen of gifs!! Thanks soo much!! In your second gif, maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me, or the lights... but I swear after Yong~ looked at Hyun~ it seemed as if he was going to cry.


baby_bo: Thanks for confirming that :) OMG They met Ueno Juri!! Yong's "i" girl, Hyun's fave actress. OMG OMG OMG I bet both were super excited!! Can't wait to watch that episode!


Juri Ueno guest stars on We Got Married



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Guest baby_bo



Hello! News of filming with Ueno Juri are in allkpop:





since you posted this.. let me just post the news article (even though chicha shiro akp hahah)

Juri Ueno made a surprise appearance on the upcoming episode of We Got Married.

This Japanese award-winning actress met CNBLUE’s Yonghwa and SNSD’s Seohyun and spent some time all together. She was in Korea recently to promote her new movie Nodame Cantabile: The Movie II and We Got Married set up the meeting because Yonghwa picked her as his ideal type and Seohyun was a fan of the movie Nodame Cantabile I.


The YongSeo couple was more than surprised to see Juri Ueno but that didn’t get in the way of them having a good time together.


Juri Ueno said,


“I was happy to meet both of them at once. I won’t forget this even after I return to Japan.”


Poor Seohyun, what girl wants to hang out with their husband and his ideal type?



I will post this and comment cause I know this will start something.


But let me just stand and make a point.


hahaha the last part is SUPER FUNNY! I'm guessing the person who commented is not a Seohyun fan and doesn't know Seohyun at all.


If yonghwa is happy to meet his ideal type, SEOHYUN IS HAPPIER! hahaha!


and I totally agree, i bet SEohyun wouldn't be jealous but would be very busy fangirling! hahaha


PDnim sure loves yongseo couple, a special stage for their 200th day aniv and a special guest too :) now we need to wait for the WEDDING PHOTOSHOOT! hahaha


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Guest hihi_hehe


















What the ... I'm laughing out loud with the comments "poor Seohyun" :lol:














People don't know, Seohyun is a BIG BIG fan of Juri Ueno .... and they say that "poor Seohyun" just becuz Yonghwa chose Juri Ueno as his "I" . OMG !! I'm laughing so hard, right now hahahahahah














I think the one who was the most excited is SEOHYUN, Yonghwa would be excited too, but Seohyun has been a big fan of Juri Ueno and Nodame Cantabile














Seriously .. I feel happy for both of them, met their idol :wub:














and I do pity people who wrote the comments "poor Seohyun" LMAO














I think I should write a comment " poor guys, you talk without knowing"



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monie1909 wow! thats pretty cool that they met juri ueno. she's a great actress, maybe she was doing promotions for nodame cantabile the movie. cause i remember seeing a preview for the release in korea. but its kind of funny because didnt yong say during an interview that juri ueno was his ideal type...? haha. can you say awkward (for yong)! haha.
































































































































































and that makes me think of ep9 where they are going to their trip and yong points out the fact that hyun chose johnny depp over him and he was mad and jealous. it'd be so funny to see hyun all like raised eyebrow at yong on purpose to make him "sweat" a little because they are meeting juri ueno. but from the weird translator i have, i think it might have said that tamaki hiroshi was there too... not sure on this thou. hopefully someone would be super awesome and translate it for us! ;)
































































































































































Caliope thanks for the info! that's so awesome that they're going to air the performance again during wgm with bts stuff. :) i cant wait. MBC sure is milking yongseo couple :) but its okay. i love them for it!
































































































































































s0leill123 thanks so much for those .gifs! hope you dont mind if i end up using one!
































































































































































and like haeanna i, too, am anticipating on TRAX's mv. i was thinking earlier during dinner that it would be a dream come true if the guy she holds hands with is yong. i'm sure everyone would agree that it would be the best thing ever and we would forever love sm and trax for giving them this opportunity. however it also came to my attention that its very unlikely that sm would cast yong in the music video because sm mostly just sticks with...well sm. for example, dbsk's mv "hug" starred lee yeonhee, who if you dont already know an actress under sm. then in shinee's mv "noona is pretty" the girl is victoria who is the chinese leader of f(x). then on to super junior's "super girl" jessica was the leading lady with other extras. even in "gee" by girls generation, had minho of shinee as the shop keeper. and i'm sure you get the idea and i'm pretty sure everyone already knows. however sometimes they throw a random person in the mvs, maybe a trainee or model (whoever!) like in girls generation's new "genie" video with that japanese boy and in dbsk's "wrong number". it's just a random face or from "wrong number" and super junior's "no other"--not even a face, a body, really. so my point is that if they cast yong as the hand holder, i'm going to die of happiness. if they dont, i'll be sad but its okay, i was warned. if they use a member of TRAX as the hand holder, then its a little funny because well... what about the other guy? haha (sorry i dont know their names). and yong would be super jealous! BUT... BUT!!! if they were to use a random guy, be it a trainee or model or whoever (like i said a 'body') i would be fully satisfied because it's not disappointing me, because--hey! she's doing her job, and two, yong wont get jealous haha. i would be very happy indeed if it was just a random guy. so lets hope and see how it'll come out.































































































































































































































































































































































patiently waiting for oh my goddess, music core, and wgm yongseo.
































































































































































what a long week!

































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Guest baby_bo



monie1909 wow! thats pretty cool that they met juri ueno. she's a great actress, maybe she was doing promotions for nodame cantabile the movie. cause i remember seeing a preview for the release in korea. but its kind of funny because didnt yong say during an interview that juri ueno was his ideal type...? haha. can you say awkward (for yong)! haha.


and that makes me think of ep9 where they are going to their trip and yong points out the fact that hyun chose johnny depp over him and he was mad and jealous. it'd be so funny to see hyun all like raised eyebrow and jealous because they are meeting juri ueno. but from the weird translator i have, i think it might have said that tamaki hiroshi was there too... not sure on this thou. hopefully someone would be super awesome and translate it for us! ;)


Caliope thanks for the info! that's so awesome that they're going to air the performance again during wgm with bts stuff. :) i cant wait. MBC sure is milking yongseo couple :) but its okay. i love them for it!


s0leill123 thanks so much for those .gifs! hope you dont mind if i end up using one!


and like haeanna i, too, am anticipating on TRAX's mv. i was thinking earlier during dinner that it would be a dream come true if the guy she holds hands with is yong. i'm sure everyone would agree that it would be the best thing ever and we would forever love sm and trax for giving them this opportunity. however it also came to my attention that its very unlikely that sm would cast yong in the music video because sm mostly just sticks with...well sm. for example, dbsk's mv "hug" starred lee yeonhee, who if you dont already know an actress under sm. then in shinee's mv "noona is pretty" the girl is victoria who is the chinese leader of f(x). then on to super junior's "super girl" jessica was the leading lady with other extras. even in "gee" by girls generation, had minho of shinee as the shop keeper. and i'm sure you get the idea and i'm pretty sure everyone already knows. however sometimes they throw a random person in the mvs, maybe a trainee or model (whoever!) like in girls generation's new "genie" video with that japanese boy and in dbsk's "wrong number". it's just a random face or from "wrong number" and super junior's "no other"--not even a face, a body, really. so my point is that if they cast yong as the hand holder, i'm going to die of happiness. if they dont, i'll be sad but its okay, i was warned. if they use a member of TRAX as the hand holder, then its a little funny because well... what about the other guy? haha (sorry i dont know their names). and yong would be super jealous! BUT... BUT!!! if they were to use a random guy, be it a trainee or model or whoever (like i said a 'body') i would be fully satisfied because it's not disappointing me, because--hey! she's doing her job, and two, yong wont get jealous haha. i would be very happy indeed if it was just a random guy. so lets hope and see how it'll come out.




patiently waiting for oh my goddess, music core, and wgm yongseo.


what a long week!



hahahah! funny just bec im anticipating so much on this vid, i actually dreamt of this..


My dream was before the MV was released pictures were released all over.. and it's YOngSeo being lovey dovey on the pictures! crazy me! hahah


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Guest _d3seohyun



OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! How lucky is our couple! Truly blessed and very deserving!


This more than confirms it that YONGHWA's answer to that "I" question on the radio interview

back in June had something to do with SEOBABY! kya!!!! choosing your wife's idol as your "I" girl

aigoo Yong seobang, you're getting too obvious!





I've been wanting to stare at our couple's duet's pics without scrolling up and down the thread

and jumping pages, so i made this little slide show for my own enjoyment but sharing the link here

just in case you guys want to spazz some more :D






I'm the one shaken here though it's our couple who was given a huge surprise. omg omg omg!

thank you for sharing the news guys!

@baby_bo. to be aired on 9/11? probably a special for wgm? to show the current "status" of

the couple since our episodes are behind?


Ueno Juri!! Yonghwa said that these days he's been watching nodame and recently his ideal girl changed to Ueno Juri! so that's a win for him.

PLUS, i have a feeling that seohyun was the one who introduced him to nodame, or had something to do with him watching the drama because when they moved in to their apt, seohyun brought the nodame dvd set. I think she either let him borrow the dvd set or suggested the drama to him since after that filming, he's been talking about nodame.


SHE PERSONALLY HAS THE NODAME BAG, and has even worn the nodame necklace on stage.

ahah, how fun :)

kekekke. it's definitely wifey who got Yong seobang into Nodame :D

baby_bo THANK YOU,thank you for confirming it..hehee.. i was squeling when i read the news before..both of them will be very very happy..one of their dreams comes true..ppl in dc said chiaki senpai will only arrived at korea today,if not he will join the meeting too..hehe..hyun will be super thrilled if she meet him..haenna me too. patiently waiting for the mv..pali pali..cant wait to see hyun in weding dress..thos who want to join me stalk trax website,here the link...


oh man! it would have been a double date. seobaby would have freaked out and her unnies too hahahha

tnx for the link btw :D

MY GAWD! I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo happy for them! :w00t:


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Guest monie1909

panGG haha..i think for those gogumas who think we know why Yong chose Juri Ueno as ideal type,it wont be akward at all..hehe..cause Hyun also choose Chiaki Senpai as ideal..Indeed, remember i used to post one article about about Chiaki and Juri Ueno will be coming to korea to promote their movie like two weeks ago,that article news actually mention that both Hyun and Yong choose Chiaki and Juri Ueno as their ideal.,Surprised that they know Hyun love Chiaki Senpai too..for Yong of course,it was all over the news about the ideal type.hehe..so,nope. not awkward at all..total bless for both of them.. :lol:

Is it me or allkpop always give pretty silly comment that invited argument.Whatever, dont read news at allkpop anymore,anyway.No offense to allkpop reader,ya.

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Guest aoi_enma

UWWWAAA ~~~ finally they meet Ueno she is one of my fav japanese actress hehehehe

They will be speaking in Japanese when chatting with Ueno right?? They are very talented couple and very blessed ...

Can`t wait for TRAX MV .... i keep refresh sment official account youtube ..

2 days to go for WGM and MuCore with their special stage *excited mode on* :w00t:


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@crystal: the song is nice right? I first heard it during our prom a few years ago. then I heard it again recently and immediately thought about Hyun and Yong. specially in Hyun's part. the lyrics fits perfectly. it talks about how a girl is affected by the appearance of a particular boy in her life and how she changed her. I particularly like the first line. "a thousand eyes looking at me, but yours is the look that goes right through me." I remembered instantly how Yong looks at Hyun. I think this song would represent how Seohyun probably feels for Yong. I hope the talented ones here in goguma planet can make an FMV out of this song, because I think it would be really great FMV. I tried to make one but clearly I have no talent in those kind of things. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































here is the song  Soraya- Suddenly
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hope the rest of you guys like it too. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: I also think that Hyun would be happy meeting ueno juri. She is a big fan of Nodame and I think she would not get jealous easily. and I also think that even if Yong said that ueno juri is his ideal girl, she would not get affected.  

































































































































































































































































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Wow, thank you for monie for posting the news and baby_bo for confirming it. It's like never-ending spazz-land here. I seriously hope it's true we get to see it soon. I'm so excited - I can't wait! Thank you too to kerube-chan and maryclaude for letting us know and posting the allkpop article.


I have to beg to disagree with the allkpop writer though. I'm 100% sure Hyun doesn't mind at all. In fact I bet she is super excited too!!


dreamyboo darling can I tell you again how much I LOVE your video? I can't stop replaying it. Please do keep making more, I'm really looking forward to it. Hope you don't mind if I repost the video link again: [FMV] CN Blue - Y, Why feat. Seo Hyun


panGG oooh... I like the fanpic you made. SeoJanDi fits perfectly with the CNBLUE F4 ^^


_d3seohyun thank you for sharing so many goodies. I always love reading your posts. That video by soeulmate1001 YongSeo - I'm in love is so lovely. Goguma1207, isn't that you? I miss you girl! Where are you? *hugs* Thank you for making such a beautiful MV


miel, jnj *hugs tightly* I'm feeling really, really flattered that you would think of my MVs. I hope I can start work on something soon. I'm certainly feeling inspired by all the recent spazzworthy events and by all the goguma love on this thread.


naz *waveswavewaves*! Anyeong! Looking forward to more project adventures. Yeah, its too bad how work can get in the way of fun. I find myself lurking more and more too... TT .... can't wait when I can spazz freely again.


In the meantime, I'm really enjoying all the great posts, pics, fanmvs, fancams and amazing goodies shared here. Everytime I think I have finally caught up I find that there are another 10 pages to go and even more spazzworthy news. You guys are so awesome!! Ok, back to catching up on everything. big goguma hug to everyone.!!!


Edit: heartbreak_warfare - oh that song is reaaaallly nice. That's sad though to hear about Soraya..


Edit 2: crystal I see 9/11 is November 9th.. Hahaha. I thought it meant September 11 which meant next Saturday. November makes more sense though. Aigo~



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Guest Crystal392






hehehehe I also wonder who will be happier, YongHwa or SeoHyun? hehehehe I think Hyun is going to be more excited because she met her fave actress, but Yong will be happier because he met his "i" girl and also because his beautiful wife is happy! :lol: Although I wouldn't mind if Hyun gets a bit jealous ;) hehehehehe


_d3seohyun: Those stares *dies* It would have been awesome if they met with Chiaki too but our poor Yong would have died of jealousy :P


monie: Actually, I've always thought he chose Ueno Juri as his "i" girl because he found out Chiaki was Hyun's "i" guy.


heartbreak: OMG OMG OMG! How did I forget Soraya? I used to love her songs when I was in school, but I heard her songs in spanish... I didn't even know she sang in English too :lol: She was an amazing singer (sadly she passed aways because of cancer). That song fits Hyun~ soo well..



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another beautiful fan mv....




























































I'm in Love















c: soeulmate101






















Honestly, thankyou to everyone who keeps this thread alive. I've been on serious lurker mode, but I am on this thread every single day checking out new posts! You guys are absolutely amazing!






























Ahh someone beat me to it! I was going to share it after I finished it last night...but sleep was calling to me!






























I hope you guys all enjoy it! Its been a while since my last FMV but its just because nothing was coming to me and I was waiting for new material! Can't wait for Seohyun's MV release!






























Genxv AHHH! It has been a while but I am here every single day look at new posts! However the new yongseo performance and all the wonderful news surrounding this couple is slowly pulling me out of lurker mode...















Let your creativity flow! I can't wait to see a new mv from you!






























dreamyboo LOVE your new MV! Yong looks so hot singing.....haha lucky Hyun!







































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Guest my.yonghwa.baby
































































































































































































crystal: I agree. There seems to be a lot of new gogumas lately smile.gif Welcome welcome. Let's spread the goguma loveee laugh.gif
































































panGG: A long week indeed. I can't wait for Saturday! This week definitely has to be the most YongSeo-filled week ever. 
































































Hmm, somebody pitch in and please correct me if I'm wrong, but if the episode with Juri Ueno is airing on the 11th (which is just next Saturday, by the way), does that mean they didn't film for that long? Wasn't there a couple horror special? And a trip to an island? CNBLUE's concert on July 31st? And the episode at the BLUE house hasn't even ended yet. I don't quite know how that works. Hm. 

































































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Guest Crystal392






my.yonghwa.baby: I think it meant November 9th (9/11) :P Soo seems like we will have to wait 2 loong months to watch that episode x_x


goguma1207: I loved your fanmade video!! :)




my.yonghwa.baby: Or you can watch it with eng subs here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7qiWCFChcA. The other links to CNBLUETORY Engsubbed are here (Under 'Projects'): http://cnbluestorm.com/f-b-i/



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Guest my.yonghwa.baby
































































































































































































crystal: THAT makes so much more sense tongue.gif Thanks! Two months...danggg. Well, at least we know for sure that YongSeo will be around until November laugh.gif This is stupid, but I have this fear(?) that YongSeo will start dating for real and WGM will end. sweatingbullets.gif Oh well. 
































































Also, just in case any of you want to take a look at Yonghwa wearing those pretty boots we saw in CNBLUE's living room last week in real life: Making the Artist-Ep.5. Starting at 0:35happy.gif

































































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Thank you haeanna and baby_bo for confirming! I thought so, nothing like that happened. Not that I don't like it though. XD
















































































































































Does the couple met with Ueno Juri recently? Wow. I'm excited for a more recent scenes from them!

















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Guest lovekim
























































sigh...i don't know where to start seriously...hahaha! so many things and info!! Thanks ya all for all the news, info, pics, MVs and fics!!! Love ya!








































And like genxv and naz, i've turned lurker too, due to workload....sigh....i'll just spazz on the latest. LOL!








































PureStupidity!!! you are back!!! enjoy the rest of your trip in singapore and have a safe journey home oki!! Thanks soooo much for your onsite reporting during the epic & historic YongSeo performance!! haha!








































Wah...i don't know whether to be happy or envious...I wanna meet Ueno Juri too!!! I love love love Nodame Cantabile!! If only Chiaki senpai was around too. It'll be perfect!! Japan's best onscreen couple meeting Korea's onscreen sweetheart couple!!! argh!!!!








































Yesh, some comments targeted with "poor SeoHyun" don't know Hyun that well, do they? hahah! She will be more ecstatic than jealous!! hahaha! How often do you get to see your fave actress? and with the level of love she has for Nodame Cantabile, Hyun will be in cloud nine!








































And of course, with Yong who recently got into Nodame (winks to Hyun), i think it'll be like hobae meeting sunbae~~ he has lots of respect for artistes, especially his wifey's favourite. LOL! gosh, imagine what will happen if Tamaki was there too!! Chaos!!!








































Good thing it wasn't Johnny Depp or Jessica Alba. Hahaha!








































Sigh...i guess, my happy thought will be at least Yong & Hyun met up before they both go overseas/get busy with their group activities....Hwaiting for SMT Live in LA!!!!








































SG potatoes, you all wanna PM or sms me regarding your attendance to the kpop night concert? Ticketing and Venue details are out on prooflabel's FB page. Seat plan will be out this noon. Naz, if you are coming down, let me know okie....let's see how we could get you a ticket.








































Edit: I told ya all i'm sloooooww....here are my latest uploads. Still have lots more. Sigh....Mian everyone!








































CNBlue at City Square Mall - 200810





















































































































































































Yong giving me a Hi-5! Of course, you wont be able to see my hand...lols!
























































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Guest monie1909


err,i'm not so sure too but i think they really meant 11 september, cause 9/11 will be on tuesday..it will be pretty weird if they air it on tuesday.but,with prev filming havent on air yet,so,hmm not sure,though.well,we better wait for the confirm source,right. :P

Ohh,topped the page again



The more i see this pic,the more they look like brothers and sister..hehe,even if she held one of this guy hand,i wont be jealous at all..look at them..pure sibling photo

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