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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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monie 1909: Hi! I wish I could come here more often T^T… Anyway, I saw the interview and unfortunately they were talking about the character of the movie, not Yong. I guess the character is called Minyong or Minong or something like that (which sounds similar to Yong) and girls were talking how and why they like that particular charater. Sorry sweetheart, your ears seem to have played a trick on you (but how did you pick up on '~ong'?!).




miel_1301! Hey~ it’s been a while, hasn’t it?




He (the male host) looks like it. But his hairtail-effect jacket is definitely no-no.




And yup, that’s pretty much what Jukbuin is for. I guess it will come in handy for Yong who sweats so much. I don’t think it’s perceived as a meaningful gift per se, and using Jukbuin is a really old custom in Korea. I was surprised to see it twice in WGM, once in Yong’s room and the other time in 2AM’s house. What’s wrong with these (supposed to be) hip boy bands?! Even my granddad didn’t use it... (and thanks for the pics of Hyun. It's strange that even though Hyun is so young, the title 'goddess' suits her really well).




waetoriya: It more looks like Yong is trying to choke her. Maybe he’s thinking ‘who is this girl?! Bring me my wife or I’ll choke this one to death!!’ So relax, lenovo. And clumsy, how sweet of you to explain an inevitable burden and responsibility of our two-career couple. Hahahahahahaha




Redtulip: Aww… so Hyun went the extra mile to get the gift for Yong? By the way, those tooth brush holders are so cute. I want them all!




Purestupidity: Welcome back! Had fun in Korea? I heard that it had been pouring down all week.





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Guest miel_1301

An enlarged version of the cover of TRAX New Album with the title track "Oh! My Goddess" featuring SeoHyun



cr: beztiz and nh0x_tete_89@snsd thread

@red tulip, Aw! "burst bubble"? false alarm? The WGM filming rumor didn't turn out as true. I had my hope doubly raised when I saw her other unnies [Jessica, Yuri, Hyoyeon, Sunny and Yoona] graced the 2010 F/W Seoul Fashion Show of Gucci some couple of hours ago. I really thought the "rumor" would be true since our Seohyunnie wasn't at the said event. Oh, well, her other unnies, Taeyeon, Tifanny and Sooyoung were not seen at the fashion event, too. They're probably making their last minute preps for their US trip.

I wonder when the girls will be leaving for the US? SM Town Concert in LA will be on the 04th of September.

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The interesting thing is according to a goguma fan (jinmeiyan) in baidu that spent some time seaching on the toothbrush holders given by Seohyun to CNblue, the 3 brother in law gifts are from a set of 6. Yonghwa's duck toothbrush holder is from a different brand. Hence, it really showed that Seohyun really spent a lot of effort choosing the gifts and that Yonghwa gift must be special.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi redtulip. sorry for cutting you post.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this is really interesting. so Seohyun bought a set which contains 6 toothbrush holders. but she needed 4. gave 3 of the 6 to the CNBlue brothers and bought a separate one just for Yonghwa?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wow. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So Yonghwa really is special to her. some were disappointed because of the frog being given to Jungshin coz FROG=KERORO=SEOHYUN. but now we know, she really treats her husband as a special person in her life.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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@waniey - hi waniey, malaysian too ^^ thanx for sharing the vid!

all is that i can say, WOW HYUN~AH her stretched legs! so gracefully spread!

the way she danced it, similarly like in the movie..i love that movie too!

her English is powerful, i am very impressed with her acting skills.

and the way she played the piano, wow a version of Nodame!

but wait! there's a photo shoot took place, whereby Yonghwa looks like Chiaki senpai (his hair styling)

no wonder Yong said it last time that he likes Ueno Juri in Nodame Cantabille, well...

Yong did u want to tell us actually it is Korean's Nodame = Seohyun *grinning*

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redtulip, that's one daebak info! thank u so much for sharing! :) i'm disappointed that they didn't film WGM though.... but let's hope that they will air the footages of our beloved goguma couple during their performance in Incheon! and hopefully lotsa BTS!








my_fluffy, i wonder if hyun's totally conversing comfortably in banmal with yong these days... i wanna see that one day! hopefully WGM will capture that. (hahaa ya memang best dapat berjumpa dgn org m'sia :) )








haha lenovo...CHILL, dudette~! those pics or footages should be before the incheon concert. and what we had witnessed during the concert was full of :wub: but jyeahhh i understand ya... i do get protective sometimes xD ahhh watch their performance in Incheon again... it should cheer ya up, girl~!








edit: 2010.09.01 CN Blue Love








wow...hi waniey & aslina~! same here...malaysian :D





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Guest Hikari1309




My 1st post here :D,,




Hi..! Goguma lovers,,




Kyaaa... Yong~ and Hyun~ are my favorite couples beside SoEulmate ,,


I started watching WGM,, become a SONE and BOICE because of them.. blush.gif


I really want to see them wearing a wedding dress:wub:




wetoriya :


the pic,,


err... Yong~ what are u doing???:crazy:,,




redtulip :


cute toothbrush holders:),, I want it... where I can buy them? hehe^_^



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Guest Rouenna
















































































Thanks guys for all those interesting infos and translations!! :wub: These little things somehow perk us all up over the agonizing wait for a new episode this saturday.
































































@redtulip. I agree with you. It seems Hyun wanted her gift to Yong as something special and different from everyone. It could have been easier for her to just use one of those on set of 6 but, well, we kinda know Hyun in some way and we know she'd pick something unique for her hubby.
































































@lenovo. Aww...don't be heartbroken. Like what Yong said before "It's just work". Somehow I find it funny that he'll reason out that way. Isn't being in WGM with Hyun technically under the context of work, right? But it seems he treats it differently. Hmm...that's really interesting. :phew:
































































It seems Yong is the kind of guy who easily gets along with everybody he works with, whether girls or boys. I mean, he doesn't seem to have problems with skinship, say on girls he worked with, at all (except for Hyun). Maybe he really is a touchy-feely guy (except on Hyun). He's probably never worked so hard on being close to a girl before(except for Hyun, like he mentioned in the last episode :w00t: ) Now even my statements got me thinking too. It seems there are a lot of things that Hyun is an exception for him. :phew:
































































Could it be...? *off to Goguma land...* ^_^
































































































































@miel_1301 Thanks for sharing the pics. Is she wearing white sneakers in there? Cause I can see shoelaces. Haha! If so, that is so punk rock! :w00t:
































































Seems Hyun, despite her innocent and demure image, has been engulfing herself with anything related to "rock" these days. Being married to a rocker husband, collaborating with RDR/Love light rock version, appearing in a rock band's music video. Next thing I'll probably hear, she'd be jamming with rock artists. Oh wait, she did that already with Trax's Cold-hearted Man and CNBLUE at their practice room. :lol:
































































Speaking of Goddess, I'm watching that WGM episode where they were practicing for their driver test and, what did Yong called her? Oh, right, he said, "You're like a GODDESS of driving." :lol::w00t::wub:









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Guest my_fluffy








dreamyboo: UHM... i don't really anticipating the banmal thing... because seohyun case is really similar to me, i have a fiancee, he call me something like "sayang..." (to non-malay it same like honey etc...) but i never address myself as "sayang" when i talk to him... its really funny because he goes like lovey dovey and i just a straight forward saying something like I want.... bla bla bla.... huhuhu. and we already engaged... he said a long time ago that he really feel frustrated when he never hear me saying something lovey dovey.. but, i tried to explain it, so he accepted it... :) thus, i hope yong really can accept this communication problem.... hmmm...




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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































redtulip, that's one daebak info! thank u so much for sharing! :) i'm disappointed that they didn't film WGM though.... but let's hope that they will air the footages of our beloved goguma couple during their performance in Incheon! and hopefully lotsa BTS!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































my_fluffy, i wonder if hyun's totally conversing comfortably in banmal with yong these days... i wanna see that one day! hopefully WGM will capture that. (hahaa ya memang best dapat berjumpa dgn org m'sia :) )
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































haha lenovo...CHILL, dudette~! those pics or footages should be before the incheon concert. and what we had witnessed during the concert was full of  :wub: but jyeahhh i understand ya... i do get protective sometimes xD ahhh watch their performance in Incheon again... it should cheer ya up, girl~!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































edit: 2010.09.01 CN Blue Love
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wow...hi waniey & aslina~! same here...malaysian :D































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks for the link. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I was watching this then I saw it!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong was wearing his couple ring. :)

































































































































































































































































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Hi. I'm Malaysian too...




About film WGM (rumour)..




From Saturn : Today Yong Hwa filmed something at a sushi restaurant. Don't know what it was.











I'm curious to know...




Edit : as Redtulip said.. hmmm may be most likely should be cameo for "My girlfriend is a Gumiho"





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Hi redtulip. sorry for cutting you post.




this is really interesting. so Seohyun bought a set which contains 6 toothbrush holders. but she needed 4. gave 3 of the 6 to the CNBlue brothers and bought a separate one just for Yonghwa?




wow. :)




So Yonghwa really is special to her. some were disappointed because of the frog being given to Jungshin coz FROG=KERORO=SEOHYUN. but now we know, she really treats her husband as a special person in her life.











Heartbreak_warefare, I don't think they are sold as a set but individually. More likely, Seohyun bought the 3 from that brand and chose the duck for Yonghwa from another brand.




Kikari1309, j2blee, I also want to know where to buy!!! Maybe i am biased but the duck is really cute. Just did not show up well in the episode.




Purestupidity, Welcome back. Thanks to you and lovekim for the live update of the concert. Same as you i am addicted to the couple and this soompi thread. That makes the 2 of us chingoo.




BTW, I more interested to know how they got Seohyun up the tree especially in that wedding gown. It must had been tough for her. Although, we will not see her in wedding gown for the first time in WGM with Yonghwa, it will still be different. Cos, there is no wedding glow on her face. Where can we find the glow? I have seem it during the Incheon concert. Calling all married gogumas, am i right?




Will miss all the spazzing for the next few days cos I will not have internet connection. But i downloaded some episode to keep me company for the time being.




Edit: prncsscharming, how can I miss this???? Could it be that Seohyun gave "herself" to yonghwa??? I did something like that before for my husband, a look a like doll. *shy shy hide*





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Guest miel_1301

@lenovo. Aww...don't be heartbroken. Like what Yong said before "It's just work". Somehow I find it funny that he'll reason out that way. Isn't being in WGM with Hyun technically under the context of work, right? But it seems he treats it differently. Hmm...that's really interesting. :phew:

It seems Yong is the kind of guy who easily gets along with everybody he works with, whether girls or boys. I mean, he doesn't seem to have problems with skinship, say on girls he worked with, at all (except for Hyun). Maybe he really is a touchy-feely guy (except on Hyun). He's probably never worked so hard on being close to a girl before(except for Hyun, like he mentioned in the last episode w00t.gif ) Now even my statements got me thinking too. It seems there are a lot of things that Hyun is an exception for him. :phew:

Could it be...? *off to Goguma land...* ^_^

Ooh! La..la! Rouenna, that's one nice frame of thought or should I say a logical frame of thought you just spilled.

Even during the first Holika photoshoot when he was interrogated by the interviewer about those skinships with the Japanese model and he made, as his line of defense, such statement as "This is just work.", already I thought how sound is his reasoning defense when in fact in all intents and purposes WGM is technically speaking a kind of work too.

Indeed, interesting rouenna! We have seen him, heard him make statements/pronouncements that seem to reflect a "frame of mind" that goes beyond the context of WGM.

And yes, I somehow concur with your observation that YongHwa is a "touch person". And having such innate nature, I just wonder the kind of ordeal he had to go through just to restrain himself from manifesting such nature towards SeoHyun. hahaha! For him, it must have been real torture during those "intial stages". And I would like to stress the time frame "initial stages" because who would really know, 200 days after their meeting, the level of physical contact that these two are engaged in now, outside the context of WGM.

edit: 2010.09.01 CN Blue Love

dreamyboo, thanks for the link to this vid clip. This was just broadcasted today 01 September 2010---

MBC Incheon Branch Opening 6:50 PM (CNBLUE).

If my eyes are not failing me, I think I saw YongHwa wearing the "BLING BLING" on his left ring finger.

Although he had two more bling blings on his other fingers.

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I just had my BP taken --- I'm on a high!!!! Maybe that's why I was super affected and overly sensitive with the issue Aigoo!!! I literally need to CHILL!


































































































hihi_hehe, waetoriya, dreamyboo, Rouenna - yeah, calming down. Chillin'! **hugz**































































clumsy - Explanation much ei? Gotta keep in mind - It's all work no play for Kpop's Workaholic Power Couple. lols































































j2dlee - choke u say???! ahahahahah. Totally cracked me up girl! TOTALLY!!!!


































































































Oh i love that enlarged pic miel. The wedding attire with SNEAKERS reminded of the movies Father of the Bride and RUNAWAY Bride. haha. Running back to Yonghwa Hubby, Hyun buin??? :wub:
































to help de-stress myself let me repost this pic from @d3 - to help me calm down some more.
































Aaaahhhh, two different shots. Yet their eyes never left each other.
































































































Why does it seem like they are exchanging I LOVE YOUs with these shots???!!!!
































It's just so intense!!!!
































And the goddess MV - cuzin dreamyboo. Simply Amazing. I really really love it. Thank you! **hugz**
































































joining ur convo Miel and Rouenna.
































I think that Skinshippy one is Seohyun. Remember the test result she got during the Quiz on the train. How she is comfortable with Skinships and all??? She won;t initiate it yes, but once you touch her. She responds to it even more. then you also get to be comfortable doing skinship with her since she's won't resist at all as well. hahaha! SAW that on their After Performance moment, she held Yong's hand. I was like. Oh, she really is!
































Though you two had a point with Yonghwa's ordeal having to restrain himself from having to look like he's taking advantage of Seohyun's unique skinshippy gift. (skinshippy??? haha! What a word!) LOLz.





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Guest waniey_haha

 wow !!!!!!!!!!! a few more hours for the full mv of TRAX....... full of anticipation.....

who is the guy????? that held seobaby hand....heeeee,,,,,, ( alwayz thinking it should be yooong)........no no it must be yooong.....akekekek.e,,,, positive like seohyun..................well the pictures where she was on the tree...well it so goddess....


to dreamy_boo, aslina, shml n also my_fluffy..... SERONOKNYE dpt JUMPE ORG MALAYSIA kat sni.....NAnty ade konsert CNBLUE KE SNSd ke jom pg same2.......:wub: :wub: :wub:

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Guest Rouenna
















































































@miel_1301 I know, right? :D It really is interesting! It seems to me that he got more than he bargained for, not by being in the show itself but by being paired up with Hyun. I guess, he genuinely cares for her and regards her fondly. Just how much, that's up to him, cause we don't really know what goes on his mind. :P
































































@lenovo. Haha! Skinshippy...somehow the word just got cuter the way you make it sound. :lol:









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Guest hallyucraze






Hello, I've come back from Korea this early morning and I mean early (reached home 2.30am!).


Incheon Korean Music Wave Festival was great!!! Well-impressed with the fancams and pics uploaded in the forum. I was sitting at the ground level and security was TIGHT, they wouldn't allow anyone to stand up which is not great, cos COME ON! u need to stand up and dance in a festival! Anyway, it was great seeing our Yongseo couple in the flesh though I wasn't up close and personal, had to relie on the screens. But personally, I thought most people in the stadium was cheering on the couple as they performed, it was nice.... The only thing was CN Blue + Seohyun was the only group that didn't give any speech after performing, but maybe cos they have to keep evrything under wraps for WGM?


Thank you LOVEKIM for everything. I'm flying bk on Fri, so that I will be in front of my computer for live-streaming of next episode hahahaha! My friend that I travelled with to Korea said I'm addicted to the couple/forum and I replied her YES I AM ADDICTED!!!




EDIT: J2dlee thanks I had a great time in Korea, ate so much and bought loads too. Yes, it was raining just before the concert started, but luckily it stopped :) I guessed someone up there was smiling upon us in time for the 1st collaboration of Yonghwa and Seohyun :)




dreamyboo-Thanks for the link to CN Blue's performance today. Is it just me, but does anyone else think that Yonghwa seems very perked up, u know he has that glow abt him, mmmm...m what is it? IN LOVE? HAPPILY MARRIED? SEEING HIS LITTLE WIFEY LATER ON? :)








Ahhh... annyeong Purestupidity! How was your trip to Korea? Hope u had an enjoyable trip & enjoyed the concert immensely! :D How we envy U! :P N thanks to lovekim we get to see the atmosphere that was building up at the concert from U! Thank you!




To j2dlee... thanks for your translation of Yuri & Tiffany & all your other translation that u've done for us goguma lovers... from the bottom of my heart... kamsa hamnida! *hugs*! :D




To all the fanfic writers : jossa(soju heaven), clumsy(lyra), trent and many others! I'm loving each N everyone's story! More goguma love to u! :wub:






ahhh.. can't wait for TRAX mv.. N WGM tis saturday & also MuCore where they'll show our couple performance!! I think we are gonna faint again!!! kekekekekekeke!! :lol:




ok... nite nite all... Oyasumi.. I'm retiring to bed now... gotta work tomorrow... *sigh*






Hugs & kisses to all potatoes!! :wub:



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Guest miel_1301

@miel_1301 I know, right? :D It really is interesting! It seems to me that he got more than he bargained for, not by being in the show itself but by being paired up with Hyun. I guess, he genuinely cares for her and regards her fondly. Just how much, that's up to him, cause we don't really know what goes on his mind. :P

@lenovo. Haha! Skinshippy...somehow the word just got cuter the way you make it sound. :lol:

And to follow through with your statement...

And whether he wants to set a demarcation line between what is for "public consumption" and what he reserves for his "personal satisfaction" in manifesting his sincere and genuine fondness, care, adoration of SeoHyun, again that is clearly also up to him.

Like how you put it, rouenna! It really looks like SeoHyun is an "exception" for him. And if I may add another qualifying term,--- "a very special exception".

@lenovo, "skinshippy" will be the official term to use now? hahaha!

Okay! Since you shared your own observation and thoughts about SeoHyun's "skinshippy" you had me googled some info on personality traits. I think Koreans give much weight on blood types rather than zodiac signs. But nonetheless I got some interesting details about cancerians in order to give us a backgrounder.

I just randomly chose this site.


I just got these specific parts which are interesting:

Another thing liked by a cancer personality is physical contact. They don’t like those people who stand very far from them; rather they like to touch others while talking.

Holding hands, pressing shoulders and other types of slight physical contact is something which is very natural for a Cancerian.

A cancer personality likes the demonstration of affection through gifts and presents. Flowers are also an ideal gift for them and they feel very happy to receive a birthday card on time.

Another interesting detail:

It is also interesting to note that a female Cancerian does not like those who refuse her cooking. She always expects and believes that whatever she has prepared is the best in taste and sight.

Hahaha! Is this very much like Seo Hyun?

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@miel, lenovo, and rouenna: I feel like yong is a touchy guy and hyun is like that too, she is open to skinship. but as a guy, I can understand yong. he needs to restrain himself from being touchy because he is afraid of what hyun's reaction would be. since both of them are type A, they would not ask directly. instead they would kinda test the waters first. like Yong, he tests the waters by touching Hyun's shoulder, putting his hand on her bag that rests on her lap,asking for a massage, etc. he also considers the fact that Hyun is inexperienced in relationships so he has to be very careful with things like skinship. but I think this is a very good trait that Yong possess. he is very considerate. Hyun will always be shy, he understands that. but Hyun will slowly open up to Yong, just give it time. Plus isn't waiting for skinship really special? I mean a lot of people criticizes Yong and Hyun for skinship, some craves for it. but when it actually happened, a lot of people all over the world smiled in anticipation-->screamed-->jumping while screaming--> died--> rewatched the fancams--> then died again!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@miel: the link that you posted is spot on! really fits both their personalities. specially the part that cancerians like physical contact, since we are talking about skinshippy. slight physical contact like touching shoulders (both Hyun and Yong do this in recent episodes)

































































































































































































































































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Guest lovekin




Soompi gogumas are really amazing, I took a few days to catch up on this thread ^^;;




I was there at the Incheon Korean Wave, witnessing our yongseo couple in real life T___T


I was seated in the area of Sone and ELF and my camera was all ready but I was so busy spazzing and screaming my head off that I didn't take any fancams at all LOL.




Anyways, I stayed just 3 mins walk away from the cafe "별다방미스리" where our goguma couple went.


Here are some pictures:










No, I did not order our hyun's strongly recommended jujube latte, do not want medicine+milk kthnx LOL.


I ordered omija latte (our yo~ng ordered it for hy~un) but the lady got my order wrong and gave me danhobak latte T__T


But it tasted so good I was all happy.


This cafe is really crowded, I wonder if it's because of our couple. The spot where our couple sat at was always occupied. I sat just behind their seat <3 There were news cuttings of our couple on the walls as well as outside but I didn't get to capture any pictures of that.




This post is late but I'm still spazzing with all of you soompi gogumas on our couple's performance *dies off*






ya!  this is so cool!  the food is making me hungry, though.  i wish i could eat there.  the notes idea is very intriguing, and i wish cafés here in the states implemented that idea.  except i think the whole concept goes over our heads since it's more of a cultural thing.  hm!




- -




haha, oh wow, this is terrible.  i saw the better quality TRAX photos, and this inspiration bug is attacking me like no tomorrow.  phew.gif oh well, may as well embrace it! laugh.gif




heartbreak_warfare22: thank you for reading!  and yes, sometimes when i watch the later episodes, i get the feeling that seohyun is harboring a legitimate crush on him, however minor or major.  tongue.gif




yukilovesyou: thank you!  ㅋㅋㅋ  i'm glad the response is good.  RPFs is a new thing for me, and i think the only exception i'll make for it is yongseo.




redtulip: getting someone out of lurk mode?  *___* haha, thank you!  yeah, i mean, i still hold steadfast to my beliefs, but it's nice to lift up the blinders a little if i'm writing something.  the potato virus is definitely catching up to me, but i like to address it in the subtle way.  no offense taken, no worries! smile.gif




crystal_malfoy:  tee hee, thank you!


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