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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Jillwithercraft

I agree with both of you jnj and dreamyboo. Not mentioning Hyun in his tweet doesn't mean anything. And for me it's best that he did not mention Seobaby. He's still being very careful knowing very well that there are still (unreasonable) fanboys and fangirls out there.

Where are the fancams? Darn! The waiting is killing us all!!!

If I am right, It is only Jonghyun, Jungshin and Minhyuk who tweeted... Yonghwa is missing.

Oh yeah Im waiting for fancams tooo... i don't want yet to sleep without watching any fancams of them :D

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Guest Kerube-Chan




























OMG, It is morning un my country and this is just AHHHHHHH!!!! I have to go out of my room and jump and scream in silence in the living room because my little sister is still sleeping.
























For the love of GOD I can feel the love in the air, the way YH is looking at her, OMG OMG OMG I cant breath.... I am smiling like a silly girl, and I am loving it, the goguma couple give me such a nice feeling.
























I cant wait for fancams, a few pages back (Have to read a lot to get here) someone posted the audio of their performance, first I want to thanks that person and second I was screaming with the audience when they began to sang, through the audio I can feel that the people there is loving it. I am loving it tooo I cant wait for fancam and the actual broadcast next sunday!!!!



























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just read it from cn blue thread
















































































































































































































actualy they only perform together like 1 minutes
















































































































































































































RDR rock ver :30 seconds
















































































































































































































Love Light :30 seconds
















































































































































































































but in short time they make a lot of pics,gesture,affection,and all goguma lover scream.

















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Guest sally7







tweet from CN Blue after concert are 2 tweet





first from Jonghyun and 2nd from Jongshin&Minhyuk





Yonghwa don't tweet





arghhh can't wait for the fancam


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Guest monie1909

OMG Yongseobang Twitter

Someone can trans?

오늘 한류콘서트 잘 끝내구 왔습니다!! 리허설때는 비가 많이 왔지만 다행이도 본 무대에서는 비가 안와서 다행이에요! 다음엔 저희만의 무대로 만날수 있었으면 좋겠어요! 잘자용

cr: https://twitter.com/CNBLUE_4

After see all pics,I'm really crazy.So happy now. :wub: :wub: :wub:

sory..this is random but i dont think this was tweeted by Yong..its either junshin and minhyuk right,cause they post their pic there..

edit:blueshoes that pic is :wub:

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Ya kill me too for the fancams. I can't sleep without seeing at least one, I think I also can't sleep after seeing them too.:lol::wacko:




Maybe those Korean fans are also still dreaming after all the goodies they saw at the concert.




Soompi seem to be acting a bit weird again, users overload?




Edit: blueshoes is that picture before or after the performance?



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Guest Caliope

Yes yes yes yes more pics... ^^

Don't forget fancams... Hohoho

OMG!! The last pics are sooooo SEXY. O_O

Hahahaha Yooong and Hyuun ... Backstage together ^^

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Guest aoi_enma

Ya kill me too for the fancams. I can't sleep without seeing at least one, I think I also can't sleep after seeing them too.:lol::wacko:

Maybe those Korean fans are also still dreaming after all the goodies they saw at the concert.

Soompi seem to be acting a bit weird again, users overload?

Edit: blueshoes is that picture before or after the performance?

this is killing me too ... i need fancam ...

it seem that soompi not acting weird but because many guest (i see about 400 guests) and few member watching this thread

edit : @blueshoes thanks for the fancam *off to watching* :D

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Guest blu3bird80




@s0leill123.. 1st pic cap.. PLEASE Hyunie no more of your sexiness it's KILLING MEE!!

how can u not love the girl.. i guess the face fortune was right..







thanks @blueshoes


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Guest anizet




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ppsf - http://twitther.com/PhilTataSF


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aaahhh... blueshoes. come here u,let me give u a big kiss!!!

finally!! lets see who grab whose hand first gogumas.


ah, its yong who put up his hand first, signaling buin to take it.

feels good to hear lots of cheers for yongseo couple

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Guest whimsicalchild
























OMG. omg, thank you for that fancam! i'll wait for more tomorrow though, and hopefully more pics!
















The duet is amazing. I've loved this song since I heard it, and now hearing it as a duet is just <3





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OMG!!! thank you so much for posting the LOVE LIGHT fancam!!! i am spazzzzzzing so much here. i think my brain just went kaput --- gone, gone, gone to Sweet Potato Heaven.







oh my, this is like falling in love in high school all over again. :lol::wub::wub:







P.S. if i saw it correctly, both of them spontaneously reached for each other's hand right? i don't think that part was rehearsed at all.....kyaaaaaaa. so in sync, these two :wub:







EDIT: ooooops, it was actually yo~ng who reached his hand out first. you're getting braver yo~ng, keep it up!


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Guest baby_bo



waaaaaaaaaaaah just saw this ottoke!!! i love iiiiiiiiitttttt!!! They're voices matches so well!! sweeeeeeeeeet.. kyaaaaaaaaaaah

Yonghwa was the first one to lend his hands then seohyun took it! waaaaaaaah kyaaaaah

oh and i like this pic too..

cr. as tagged



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Thanks blueshoes, you are my darling too.




Watching this want to watch more. You know. So that we can see everything 360 degree. Now I appreaciate wgm with their mutiple cameras and showing us the same actions numerous time from different angle so that we can analyse and spazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. 




edit: Top the page so here is the link again from blueshoes








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