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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest _d3seohyun




Hyun patting Yong on the shoulder

arhhh!! naturaly skinship


I feel the way Seohyun touch Yonghwa shoulder is so hubby-wife touch it isn't only pat anymore kekeke

can't wait for the translation and sub episode

I cannot get over this scene. Not only did seobaby pat her husband three times

in the back, she also held onto his arm! kekkkeke

uri seobaby, did you feel yong oppa's biceps there? kekkeke

d3 - tks for caps. so hyun wears blue frm top to bottom.

didn't notice the shoes tho, i'm curious on why hyun took off her socks.

did she think of using slippers in the house? ^_^

she didn't take off her socks, she was putting them on. our girl came prepared to avoid

going barefoot inside the boys' dorm.

@geumjandi. @clumsy. thank you!!!!

omg i'm freaking out seeing seobaby in that wedding dress. kya so classy

and elegant. and of all people it's for her jumngmo oppa ROTFL.

we better get a YONGSEO wedding photoshoot soon! i demand one!

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Jung Yonghwa gets jealous seeing Seohyun with Jungshin















I love all your spazzings. Happy 888th page! :D






*goes off to watch Goguma cuts*






WELCOME welcome all new spazzers!! *throws a bag of confetti* :w00t:






Btw, my twitter account is Crystal_Malfoy ^_^











rewatching again and again...cant help to imagine how they will react to the kimchi..will they be honest to tell how it really taste or pretend ...hahaha cant help to laugh at myself...anyway what is imp..is that the awkwardness is diminishing.. CNBLUES fighting..



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Guest sufelman
























hi guys! just created an account in twitter,








i want to join trending #yongseo too,








here's my username (iluvyong) tweet me gugumas!!









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Guest haeanna
































































































































@ dreamyboo
































































































































here you go tweet me!
































































































































I ALSO noticed the looks on Seobaby..I guess she must feel sorry because she knows Yonghwa loves music so much and in need of all the musical instruments to be close to him but his room seems too crammed in with so much instruments..
































































OR she could be thinking 'hmmm.. how would i supposed to sleep here without much empty space left for me?' :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































lol..indeed..Goguma couple LOVE FTW~~
































































welcome again..we have plenty of time till their 200th anniversary..
































































































































let's spread #YongSeo LOVE..
































































































































































































































































sweet moment in this episode from my POV ;
































































































































1. when Hyun asked Yong to wait for her because she wanted to wear the socks. The tone of their voices was full with aegyo-ness
































































































































2. the bloody hand gift from bro in laws..Hyun's reaction was L.O.V.E.. The way she wanted to throw+hit Yonghwa is :wub: plus my Jonghyun's laugh there was pure LOVE ~~
































































































































3. when Hyun commented about the shoes.. Seriously, what the heck with the shoes in living hall ,Yong?? and the thumbs up by Jungshin is lol-worthy.
































































































































4. Hyun brought gift for all of them is pure :wub: ..SeoHyun really lives up to her kind hearted self..
































































































































5. Shopping time!! Yong fed Hyun :wub: AND the boys sampling the food was HILLARIOUS.. reminds me of Hyun's unnies..
































































































































6. Cooking Cooking..Pasta vs Ddubokki.. Hyun+Jungshin+Minhyuk vs Yong+Jonghyun.
































































































































7. Jonghyun+Yonghwa silly antique with the shabang-shabang spoon. :w00t::w00t:
































































































































8. Yong's jealousy..He is scary when he turned green..but any guy sure is scary when they're jealous, right?
































































































































9. Hyun cuts her finger. Jonghyun+Minhyuk to the rescue..How cool is that they have first aid kit box each in their room..They really concerned about Hyun and the worry look of Yong melts my heart to the max!! :wub:
































































































































10. Yong tend to Hyun's wound was :wub: He was sweating!! and Hyun knows that he is worried then comes the pat+grope on the shoulder..assurance to her hubby that she's okay. :wub:
































































































































































































11. Yummy food..how I wish I could join them.. :D
































































































































































































oh, Saturday! come faster please~~
































































































































































































edit: j2dlee
































































































































































































you are awesome..thank you very much our saviour..
































































































































































































awwww...poor Yong..don't feel downhearted.. sooner Hyun will let down her guard and speak banmal with you..just be patient as you always be

































































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Guest lenovo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































TRANS are out!!! thanks to j2dlee
































































































































































































































































































































































































This is so fast!!!!!!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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haha miel, *hi 5 yongseo style* xD

yahhh... it seemed frustrating at first but hmmm not sure if i've got the hang of it now?

still experimenting it LOL!

ohohohoh....thanks so much for the trans, j2dlee~!!!! luv luv ya~! :wub: and that was very quick of ya~! :w00t:

*off to read the trans*

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Guest oceanprince




jechod: thanks for posting the pictures of seohyun in that wedding dress.


OMG SHE IS SO BEAUTIFUL. like i said, JUNG YONG HWA! YOU ARE A LUCKY DUDE. someone has to go photoshop these two tgt. a picture of yonghwa with white suit? he wears them a lot. AH i really want them to have a wedding photoshoot! jungseobang's gonna drool after seeing those pics first, thn later get into jealous mode.




sally7:thanks for sharing seobaby's performance pictures. she's wearing the ring guys! RING DING DONG. i'm so happy she's performing with the ring.




and thank you guys for providing caps! I LOVE YOU GUYS. hahaa i really really really love the bond between cnblue and seobaby. especially cnblue a rookie this year, and it seems like seobaby is really supportive of them. now, im guessing seobaby is a cnblue fan girl too. according to yukilovesme dongsaeng's traslations, seobaby really enjoys listening to cnblue's music. seobaby's really supportive of cnblue and tht made me love her more! and knowing how down-to-earth is she, esp in this industry, she gains my respect. anyway, im sure she'll enjoy the performance tmr! her face would be smiling! AND JUNG YONG HWA, you have to hold her hand! hehehe choding yong likes to take revenge doesnt he?




seems like everybody's posting their twitter links so we're able to spazz abt yongseo tgt. alright, mine's http://www.twitter.com/jayne_wxy


follow me~ :)




j2dlee: WELCOME BACK! hello dear, i think you probably will not know me. i'm oceanprince from Singapore and had been coming out of my lurking mode during your hiatus. i really appreciate your efforts to provide us translations every sat night. and i know its worth staying up late just to read your translations! thank you very much. -virtual hugs-






oh btw! i made some banners and icons of our couple and will be doing more of them after my exams. just a question, can i share them it here on the thread? by doing so, am i breaking one of the forum rules. if you guys are curious abt the banners and icons i made, its there at my avatar and signatures :)



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Guest hallyucraze




Annyeong all potatoes! Did I top the page?? If I did... Mianhe! I'm not good with gifs or screencaps & all.. Only good as posting comments! hehehe! Coz I dun want it to be a one liner... Will spazz a bit!




Episode 21... DAEBAK!! From the failed attempts of the bro in laws who thot of giving hyun the surprise welcome to the successful revenge of the bloodied hand! hahahaha! I keep laughing at her reaction! she was ready to 'whack' Yong! :D




Oh and how blunt she was abt the shoes!! hahahahaha! even Jungshin "avatar" chingoo supported her! but feel sentimental for Yong when he felt that she is closer to her same age bro in laws than him.. Awwww. Yong.. she's trying her best dear.. Just give her time! :rolleyes:




And how protective & caring are they when she cut her finger? Its only a finger but it was so chaotic when I saw both Jonghyun & minhyuk scurrying around to find the first aid kit! hehehehhehehe! so adorable! And of course the SKINSHIP! Yong make that hand holding thing a norm already! it's about time boy!! :D




And most importantly.. to... J2dlee!!!! firstly welcome back dear! I hope u enjoyed your vacation.. ANd we missed u lots!!!!! :wub:


And of coz.. of coz.. your wonderful translation here.. was waiting & finally saw it! watching the episode with subtitles to match their conversation became even sweeter!! ;)


Take your time in translating.. I know that's hard work too! SO from all gogumas here.. KAMSA HAMNIDA!!!




btw dun forget the trending of the #yongseo at twitter! See u there! oh btw my nick on tweeter is the same as in soompi - hallyucraze! Enjoy the episode! N next week is goona be quite interesting as they will show the chuseok special. Hope to see major skinship there!




Ahhh... tmrw is the Incheon Concert.. U think Hyun buin & Yong seobang are having practice now??? :w00t: anticipating their duet tomorrow!




Ok gogumas... I'm retiring to bed now... soooo tired today! See u all tomorrow!!! Annyeong & goodnite!! ^_^



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Guest void07

the 21st episode is super duper fun to watch.. :D

C.N. Blue + Seohyun = L.O.V.E. :D

C.N. Blue F4:

Yong Hwa - Jun Pyo

Jung Shin - Ji Hoo

Min Hyuk - Yi Jung

Jong Hyun - Woo Bin


Yong should be jealous of Minhyuk not Jungshin..hehe



Minhyuk and Seohyun while cooking <they look good together ^_^ >


Seohyun is plating some pasta while Minhyuk is holding the plate..


Jonghyun looking adorable.. B) hehe

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J2blee, I love you nearly as much as I love #Yongseo. Sorry, #yongseo must always be number one. Thanks a lot.

Now I can go dreaming that I was in that living room watching live action of CNBLUES. Emotional & Sweet together. Even that is "planned".

Night Night, sweet potatoes.

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Guest Crystal392
















































haeanna: Those are my fave moments from the ep too!
















oceanprince: I will never get tired of thanking you for screming SNSD @ CNBLUE Singapore showcase because thanks to you Yong~ showed proudly his couple ring <3 It's ok if you want to share banners and icons here, I think you aren't breaking any rule. Before kaptenkeirin used to share lots of graphics and I never saw a moderator saying something about it so I think you won't break a rule :) Can't wait to see your banners and icons.
















hayllucraze: I hope they are rehearsing right now... hehehe maybe they are talking about WGM latest ep ^^
















j2dlee: Thanks soo much for your translations. You are awesome!! :D

















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Guest bAngs_zatie












lol...this is the funniest ep of them..hahaha




man,i laugh hard when minhyuk trick jungshin to feed him the sample food...hahaha :lol:




i'm really happy to see our couple bcome more closer n comfortable....hehehe...since when hyun pat yong with two hands??hahaha.. :w00t:




n thank u j2dlee for the advanced translation...TQ..i appreciate ur effort for spend the time to write the long translation...must be tired,huh??thanks again....




now,i'm waiting for the caps....hehehe..sorry,i don't have nothing to contribute in this thread:sweatingbullets:..





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Guest isdupt15











hey potatoes.. :))









another daebak episode!!!









thanks for the trans j2dlee and to all of you for the goodies..









tommorow will be another daebak day ryt??









i heard ur trending #yongseo.. soo as everyone is sharing their tweeter account i'll also share mine :))









my twitter









^does the link work??









anyways... keep spazzing.. :))









off to lalaland :))


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Guest Crystal392






Twitter will become part of Goguma world too! hehehehe




I am eating tangerines right now and remembered of this:



cr:nazweena photobucket



Btw, I soleilavery just tweeted this:

soleilavery so they're gonna sing Run Devil Run + Love Light... why I ain't excited at all.

3 minutes ago via web



I think she is talking about CNBLUES perf... Yay 'Love Light'! :w00t: But why 'RDR'? :mellow:


EDIT: Posted at dcinside/jyh http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=jyh&no=231190 and shared on twitter by soleilavery. ^_^


EDIT2: OMG I just thought about this... what if Yong sings RDR to Hyun, hehehehe we all know how jealous he gets when he sees Hyun with other guys. Of course Hyun would never cheat on Yong but it's like a 'warning' he is giving to her xD hehehehe Are you happy with the songs they chose? Always expected the unexpected from YongSeo :lol:



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hahahahhahaa....they are going to sing Run devil run...perhaps Yong will change it into, run table table run run...hahahah...yohuuuuu exicted!! btw, it will be air 4 september...on what time? does anyone know about that???





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Guest Crystal392
















































I think it will be aired on Sept 4th instead of MuCore @ MBC.
















Found this on dcmarried ( http://gall.dcinside.com/married/456218 ). There are many posts about YongSeo 200th day anniversary ([용♥서200일]) but I've no idea what they are talking about hehehehe ^_^






























































YongSeo latest ep:
















100828 WGM - Yong Hwa ♥ Seohyun [ Sweet Potato Couple ] Part 1/2
















100828 WGM - Yong Hwa ♥ Seohyun [ Sweet Potato Couple ] Part 2/2

















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Twitter will become part of Goguma world too! hehehehe








I am eating tangerines right now and remembered of this:









cr:nazweena photobucket







Btw, I soleilavery just tweeted this:




I think she is talking about CNBLUES perf... Yay 'Love Light'! :w00t: But why 'RDR'? :mellow:




EDIT: Posted at dcinside/jyh http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=jyh&no=231190 and shared on twitter by soleilavery. ^_^




EDIT2: OMG I just thought about this... what if Yong sings RDR to Hyun, hehehehe we all know how jealous he gets when he sees Hyun with other guys. Of course Hyun would never cheat on Yong but it's like a 'warning' he is giving to her xD hehehehe Are you happy with the songs they chose? Always expected the unexpected from YongSeo :lol:







i really never used of my twitter since all my friend are in facebook thing




but it'll be fun to spazz about yongseo via twitter




thank you for the news, rdr? didn't expected that :)




tomorrow come faster plz...


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Guest kimchi.hyun
































































































































hi gogumas~ i just watched today's episode~ it's total love <3 thank you j2dlee for fast translations ~! <3
































































































































oceanprince i like your ava and especially the siggies! <3 share share! :D
































































































































YAYYYY they're performing Love Light!!! xD i'm anticipating for Yonghwa's stares to Hyun <3
































































and...RDR? well, i don't really mind but they could've choose a more romantic song :sweatingbullets: xD
































































































































i'm still totally essited for tomorrow tho'! <3333
































































































































































































oww i topped the page?
































































































































































































Hyun from SM Town Live' 10 pictorial book scan :)
































































sorry if it's been shared ><

































































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