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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest miel_1301

Someone who understands Korean should really help me out, cause my ears are tricking me..

On this vid-> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOMcJVsPfRw

at around 2:41 to 2:43 , did i hear Seohyun call Yonghwa "YOBO" ???

please i need help cause that's what im hearing but i don't understand korean so i wouldn't know if im correct! kekeke

baby_bo sorry to cut your post...

"at around 2:41 to 2:43 , did i hear Seohyun call Yonghwa "YOBO" ???

please i need help cause that's what im hearing but i don't understand korean so i wouldn't know if im correct! kekeke"

I heard it too..repeat it like few times...

she did call YOBO rite....

Hahaha!!! I am loling right this very minute as I type.

I know at times my eyes seem to fail me. But don't tell me this time my ears are failing me as well?

Hahaha!!! Did I also hear it right? Did Seobaby say "YOBO" while she was inspecting the fridge?

And about the prank the boys pulled for Seobaby...

When Jungshin got the box from inside the refrigerator, YongHwa noticed it immediately so he stood up and attempted to intercept it (knowing of course what's inside the box). It was only when Jonghyun gave him a "cue" telling him, "It's a present!" that YongHwa got the message of what his bros were up to at that moment.

@redtulip, thanks for the indirect trans while we are all waiting for the complete trans from j2dlee.

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just watched today eps
























































































































my review
























































































































*seo hyun afraid of that red hand prank,actualy her onnies (yoona,tae yeon,soo young) have one
























































































































in their room,but thats back in 2007,so dunno why seo hyun look schoked and scared.
























































































































*yonghwa always watch seo hyun because her brothers always near her when she cooks
























































































































also yonghwa kinda jealous how seo hyun and jungshin speak freely aka no honorifics (because same aged)
























































































































so well and not stutered.seo hyun just speak easyly not like her banmal with yonghwa.
























































































































*when seo hyun cut her finger ,the boys like f4 help seo hyun :D









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Guest windstorm34
































































hi guys...is the trending for yongseo have started???? i want to participate....i truly love this couple....:)

































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Guest waniey_haha

  to all gogumaz.....i really love to read what u guyz were spazzing ....bcoz it can change my mood right away...hee... i juz feel dat all of u were my frenz.... since we share the same thing which is our luv for YONG SEO........juz want to share u something ..dis episode once again made me smile till my ears...............................yooong with his jealousy was very kyopta....hyunnn with his direct feeling....kikkiii..n to all the bro in law... i think they really feel comfortable with each other right now... OF COZ I LUV THE cUT finger scene.... becoz it shows how they really care about hyun...HYUN IS A VERY LUCKY GIRL.....

 really can't wait for tomorrow...my mind had just started to think about what yooong n hyuun will do on the stage.....holding hand???? yoong kiss hyun hand??? heeeheheh and i hope there is some fancam tomorrow.....

juz found this....p/S credit to oceanprince of coz.....i luv you la...



CNBlue was having a concert and a fanmeeting the day before yesterday. Yong Hwa’s appearance in ‘We got married’ has attracted great attention from the fans. When they were in the fan meeting, there were some people shouted ‘Seohyun’ and ‘SNSD’, he also showed us the ‘couple ring’ that he bought with Seohyun.


About 1700 people have gone to the concert and they sang 7 songs , including the very hit song ‘I’m a Loner’, ‘Love’ and ‘Love Light’ that was composed by Yong Hwa.


The sound system has once broken down. When they were waiting for it to be repaired, Jong Hyun played his guitar and sang ‘Sunday Morning’ of Maroon 5 instead and all of the fans screamed at them to show their support.


And in the talk show,they were asked if they are not artists, what would they be. At that time, there were someone shouting ‘Yong Hwa Oppa (Elder brother)’ to him, and he stretched out his left hand to show that he was ‘married’.


And when they were asked which girl bands they would want to work with, fans also shouted, ‘SNSD’ and ‘Seohyun’ but Yong Hwa replied with a smile, “No, no, no.”


And after that, there were somebody shouted, ‘We got married,’ Yong Hwa smiled at that.


CNBlue members were giving hugs to lucky fans I those 75 minutes, they were even giving out their own things. Yong Hwa and Jong Hyun gave out the guitar picks, Min Hyuk gave out his drum sticks while Jing Shin gave his T-shirt.


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woollylamb , crystal - i think i'm not the only one who do not have

any tweeter account.

u guys mind showing us how to sign up?

lets show the world our yongseo love, gogumas!!!

chinese subs are up. that's fast, redtulip.

tks for translation. so thats why jungshin chingu gave the thump up,

yong getting his first nag by buin...hehe

*heh heh*...don't worry...i think many of us here doesn't have a twitter account but it's never too late to join jnj and dreamyboo... ;)


1. Go to http://twitter.com/

2. Click the yellow "Sign Up" button on the right

3. Enter the name you want others to see on your twitter page

4. Choose a username (twitter will check for availability)

5. Type in your password then your email add

6. Click on the "Create My Account" button after reading the terms & conditions

7. Check your email account to verify/activate your twitter account

and you're done! ^_^

*haa haa*...1st nag by wifey in front of his brothers yes? he gets nagged at, or rather reminded, to protect his voice... :P

thank you for translated subs redtulip :) the chinese subbers are really fast! :w00t:


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Guest crinkle_twinkle
























i so love the episode today...








I was cracking up when "almost paradise" started playing :lol:








Anyways, i found the preview for the next episode.



























it's on the last part though.









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I like to join in the fun too. New to this twitter thingy, have heard a lot about it but have never thought about joining. So to show my goguma love and I just created an acount TODAY. Here is my user name redtulip24

Miel_1301, Yonghwa can't resist joining his brother to get his revenge. Their are so close that he was able to immediately understand their action. But I still take comfort that he originally wanted to prevent it from happening. Cos I like to see Seohyun jumped too. Her action at the end when she wanted to hit or throw the box back to Yonghwa is so "girlfriend" reaction.

Edit: The link to my twitter account My link

Wollylamb, can't find you in twitter using the user ID, can give the link again?

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Guest bezbezbez






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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aside from that, me and my partner in crime sei created a twitter account to support the trending thing.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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btw. here it is http://twitter.com/SeIndi_jjang
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm off to watch the raw vids :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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awww woollylamb, it's very kind of u~!! xD

yesss, i did accordingly, i'm at #yongseo already but hmm...nothing much is going on yet????

issit something like a chatroom??? @_@ haahaha pls forgimme for being dumb in this! :ph34r:

ohya....my nick is taken so i've to make do with dream_boo :phew:

edit: thanks crinkle_twinkle for the preview~!!! ^_^

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from PeteSamchon@twitter
































































































she will definitely be a beautiful-beyond-words bride
































click for the link to the site











































will spazz when I have more time... too sleepy and tired now orz


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Guest cindysk




@clumsy Thank u for sharing!!!!


Hyun looks so gorgeous!!!! Lucky Yong to have such a beautiful wife!!!


I'm going to buy Trax's single just for Hyun.


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Guest Caliope

My twitter account: Hesperide7


Wawww this episode is daebak

The moment F4 is very sweet.

Cristal_malfoy: yes, I'm spanish ^^)

I don't like the preview :(

A few hours for C.N. Blues :D

Fancams ... Many fancam moments ^^

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woollylamb, i did it!! tks a million!

but whats this 'follow me' thingy? *sweat sweat* :crazy:

so whats the next step woolly? where do i start? i'm stuck!

should i just type #yongseo?

btw mine is @jairida

dreamy_boo, , redtulip..congratulation to us!

nothing motivates us to tweet er i mean twit before, not until yongseo

comes into our lives eh? ^_^

waniey, tks for the article.

ah.. clumsy. tks for that pic.

hyun in a wedding dress? i've a good feeling we'll see her in one with yong

real soon

back to spazzing

so they are divided into 2 teams, the ddukboggi team and the pasta team.

is it a coincidence that the pasta team is of the same age?

i think minhyuk has the same generous personality as hyun when it comes to food.

see how he pours such a big heap of cheese? on the pasta

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Guest eran_31






this episode is so cute!CN BLUE members are really nice to Seohyun.




Hmmm..........am I correct that Yonghwa is not wearing their couple ring in this episode?


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OMG seoooo hyun in wedding dressss :w00t:








































































































































































































































































































































































cre bestiz via pete samchon
























































































































seems like reposted,its for trax promotional album
























































































































well thats makes yonghwa imagine how beautiful seo hyun when they have photoshoot together









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Guest jesc09
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Jung Yonghwa gets jealous seeing Seohyun with Jungshin
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The make-believe couple, Jung Yong Hwa and Seohyun, decided to visit CNBLUE’s dorm on the August 28th’s episode of We Got Married as a little gift for the three boys in the band.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Jungshin, the bass player in CNBLUE, asked Seohyun to make a meal for the hungry members. Already prepared, Seohyun gladly accepted the favor and began to cook her signature cream spaghetti and everyone went shopping together for the ingredients. After shopping, Jungshin then volunteered to help out with her cooking.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The atmosphere between Jungshin and Seohyun began to get slightly romantic, releasing the inner jealousy inside Yonghwa. Annoyed at their “romance,” Yonghwa shouted to Seohyun, “Watch what Jungshin’s saying and tell me everything that he tells you.”
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The relationship of the two is definitely going strong in my opinion, and I personally think it’s only a matter of time before they become the next Jo Kwon and Ga-in.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cred: allkpop

































































































































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Guest waetoriya




Seeing how Minhyuk and Seohyun are very much alike, and even sharing the same birthday on the same year, maybe they are twins separated at birth? Hahaha.


Hilarious how the 3 brothers sat away from Seohyun, giving way to Yonghwa. And I like how Seohyun asked Yonghwa to wait while she took her shoes off. And Yonghwa replying with a sweet tone, along with the HUGE smiles on their faces. :)


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Guest miel_1301

Yonghwa sent Minhyuk to keep an eye on Jungshin but in the end Minhyuk became part of their spaghetti team.

This scenario really cracked me up.

At first YongHwa sent Minhyuk to guard, to barricade Jungshin from getting too near to Seobaby but in the end he himself can be seen either standing behind or beside SeoHyun. hahaha! Sneaky, Minhyuk! And yeah, he did ultimately become part of the pasta team of SeoHyun and Jungshin.

There was even a scene when all 3 boys--- Jungshin, Jonghyun & Minhyuk--- surrounded SeoHyun while Minhyuk did the tasting and while SeoHyun was making her final touch on her cream spaghetti. YongHwa was left all by himself cooking the dubokki. hahaha!!!

I noticed too that Minhyuk share the same trait as SeoHyun (having the same zodiac sign) in being "extravagant" with the ingredients. I think it was cheese that he poured all at once into the pan.

This episode really validates CN Blue's sincerity of their "liking" of SeoHyun not because they are "compelled" or "obliged" because their Hyung is into this make-believe marriage set-up but because they themselves know that it is such a rare chance to be even just acquainted with the Maknae of SNSD, much more given the opportunity to possibly establish a bond or a special friendship with her, outside of WGM and even after WGM.


from PeteSamchon@twitter



she will definitely be a beautiful-beyond-words bride

click for the link to the site

Thanks clumsy! These wedding photos of Seobaby are for the promotional poster of TRAX's new single? TRAX? and that means JungMo Oppa of TRAX?

Aigoo!!! Aigoo!!! Another added reason that is bound to heighten up Yong's jealousy.

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Guest jechod
















































Seohyun for the promotional poster of Trax's new single! http://bit.ly/cYF55x
































































































Source: woogyeolgael
































TRAX(่jung mo) promotional posters in LA's blah blah blah









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